The Alpha's Rejected Heir

Chapter Chapter Fourteen

Rosalyn's pov

After the rogue attack was over I went to the guest bathroom and took a shower seeing as Alessandro was using our bathroom. After bathing I got dressed in a white sundress with multicolored floral designs and white flip flops. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat and bumped into Genevieve, we made our way to the kitchen and I made some chicken Alfredo for her and myself.

We were eating and talking when I felt Alessandro’s anger spike, his feelings ran through me like an electric current I turned towards the window to see Alessandro with his foot on a boy's throat. I sighed getting up to go outside when I saw Alessandro say something to the boy then walked away, I was relieved that it didn't turn into a fight as I sat back down on my chair. Alessandro walked into the kitchen not long after

"Hey momma" he said placing a kiss on my cheek

"hey aunt Gen" he waved to Genevieve

"hey Alessandro” we both replied as I smiled at him proudly.

"what's got you happy and smiling all of a sudden?" He questions skeptically

"Nothing really I'm Just proud of you for handling that situation without any extreme violence" I told him.

"Wait you saw that!!?" He asked surprised.

"we both did Genevieve answered

"and we're glad you didn't crush Mike's trachea” she said smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah well that's what he gets for calling mom a heifer" he told us angrily

"don't worry about anything they say mi bambino I could care less, remember that we're only here for the wedding and we'll be gone soon" I told him.

"I know mom but alpha dumbass didn't hold up his end of the bargain so if I kill someone he can't have any issues with it"

I chuckled at the nickname he gave Ke'shaun

"now now Alessandro just let them be, they're not worth our time"

"ok fine I promise I won't harm anyone else.”

"Good" I replied getting up to go to the sink

"unless it's necessary" he continues"

I stopped in my tracks and turned around glaring at him and Genevieve who was trying and failing miserably to hide her chuckles. Ignoring them I made my way to the sink to wash my dish out. Jermaine walked into the kitchen and I felt my heart picked up a couple paces, what is he doing here. I know Alessandro could feel my emotions based on the way he was looking at me and if that wasn't bad enough Genevieve kept laughing and taunting me through the mind link like a little child while I kept glaring at her. From the corner of my eyes I could see Jermaine looking at me and my face would turn into a tomato every time our eyes meet.

"Ok guys this weirdness is really starting to creep me out. First of all mom stop acting like a blushing teenager every time uncle Jermaine looks at you it's weird, aunt Genevieve quit holding in your laugh your lungs might explode and uncle Jermaine if you wanna ask mom on a date just do it already I'm tired of hearing mom and aunt Genevieve "whisper" about how much you guys like each other. Oh and when you guys are gonna do the dirty please don't do it in our room and I also don't ever wanna walk in on you guys kissing that's gross.” Alessandro suddenly blurted out while walking out the kitchen leaving us all with our mouths wide open.

"Close your mouths before you catch flies” Genevieve says her face red from laughter.

I really didn't know that Alessandro had realized what was going on between Jermaine and me. I mean there isn't anything going on because I still haven't told him how I felt but I should have known Alessandro would realise something was up, i swear that boy See's everything.

By now the awkwardness in the kitchen was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Jermaine and I just stood there staring at each other not saying a word and from our expressions I could tell we both were still dealing with the shock of Alessandro’s little rant earlier.

"Uhh am gonna give you guys some space to umm.. talk so... Yeah" Genevieve muttered before running out the kitchen

I swear she's a kid trapped in a woman's body. The room was still awkward so I decided to break the silence

"ugh sorry about what Alessandro said he's just messing around with us so don't listen to him because I don't want whoever it is your dating to hear about this and think we're involved in anything everyone here already hates me for whatever reason I don't wanna give them another one to add to their list" I told him as I turned and walked away.

I felt someone grabbed my hand, I turned to see Jermaine holding unto me as his emerald green eyes drew me in

"Well I don't know about you but am not dating anyone and Alessandro's right I do like you" he replied

I had to bite down on my lips to restrict the gasp that almost left my mouth, I mean I know he was single based on Genevieve's stalking and now he just confirmed it.

"Plus he continued "I've always liked you Rosalyn ever since we were in highschool but you never noticed me you were always busy in the library or doing some type of school work so I never got the chance to tell you how I felt and then that night at ke'shaun’s party i spent the entire night looking for you but I never saw you and the next morning I went to new York to take over one of my dad's businesses and then I found my mate but if am being honest even then I still thought of you I always wished you were my mate. Don't get me wrong I loved my mate and when she died it was like she took my soul with her but then you came back and it was like life was thrown into my body again but then I found out you were my brother's mate and once again my heart was broken, and with everything that happened over the couple days I wasn't planning on telling you how I felt and yet here I am" he confessed looking in my eyes.

I could feel my heart beats increase as shock washed over me, my mouth quivered as I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. My whole body was shaking as I stood there completely speechless not knowing what to say

"you don't have to say anything right now Rosalyn and I understand if you dont feel the same way but I just wanted you to know how I feel" he said walking away.

I don't know what took over me as I said


This time it was my turn to stop him from leaving. I held onto his arms as I said

"I always liked you but you were the kid that had everything, the brother of the soon to be alpha you were basically at the top of the social triangle and i was the future betas nerdy sister so I never had the courage to tell you how I felt, then I met my mate and we all know how that turned out but the other day when we were talking in the woods and you hugged me I guess it brought back old memories and feelings but we can't be together seeing as my ex-mate is your brother and your parents hate me. I told him honestly

"Rosalyn if I cared about what my parents or my brother thought do you think I would be here telling you how I felt? I know it's probably wrong to feel this way but I can't help it it's how I feel and even if you don't wanna be with me now I won't stop until I have you" he said stepping closer. Soon enough he was directly in front of me our faces only mere inches apart, I could feel his breath on my lips as I stared into his eyes, they held so much emotions I couldn't identify them all. My stomach erupted in butterflies as he brushed his thumb over my cheek, he moved closer cupping my cheeks in his soft hands and as he was about to put his lips on mine I felt a surge of pain jolt through my body I fell to the ground clutching my heart. I knew the pain wasn't coming from me it was Alessandro and yet it felt as if it wasn't his pain either.

"Rosalyn what's wrong?" Jermaine asked as he knelt down beside me.

"Alessandro" was all I said before I got up and ran to where I sensed my baby boy.

He was in garden I'm the front yard so I ran with all my speed to find out what was wrong, I saw some people gathered around him but i quickly pushed them aside to get to my baby, I almost fainted at the sight before me.

Alessandro had his claws stuck in Jermaine's little sister's neck.

"Alessandro what the hell are you doing I told you never to use that technique” I yelled.

He was doing the forbidden technique I thought him for taking away someone's pain. It was something I learnt from an old elder in the pack before she passed away and I thought it to Alessandro for emergencies only. One look at the situation and I knew what was going on and even though i was proud that he was helping her by the second surge of pain that erupted through my body I knew he was taking way too much of her pain at once and this could kill him, but I couldn't interfere just like that or it could kill them both I would have to tap into their bond and get Alessandro to release himself.

Just as I was about to tap into the bond I saw someone's hand rip Alessandro’s claws out of Isabelle’s neck as they both fell limp unto the ground. I looked up to see ke'shaun's asshole of a father and all I could feel at that moment was pure rage.


"yes I know exactly what I did I just saved my daughter from you psychopathic son" he replied

"you idiot!!! For someone who was once an alpha I thought you would have more sense than this but I can see idiocy runs in your family. My son was helping your daughter you ungrateful son of a bitch she was shifting and he was taking away her pain” I told the idiot standing in front of me

"you think I would believe your lies the doctors told us that she won't be able to shift because of the injections she was taking to prevent it because her body wouldn't be able to handle it. He yelled. As i was about to reply I heard izzy scream out as the final parts of her transformation took place, everyone gasped as a brown wolf stood where Isabelle laid only a few moments ago. People started to whisper and murmur about what was happening I however had no interest in that because Alessandro wasn't waking up,

"Shift" I shouted at izzy.

Everyone looked at me as the little wolf whimpered from my command

"just picture yourself in human form" I told her realizing she wouldn't be able to shift on her own. When she shifted someone wrapped a blanket around her and her father picked her up in his arms. "What the hell do you think your doing?" he asked me.

Ignoring him I turned to Isabelle, anger written all over my face as I laid Alessandro's head on my lap. "What the hell happened?" I asked Isabelle

"I was in my room when i felt a excruciating pain in my spine and I screamed, Alessandro popped up at my door and asked me what was wrong. He then brought me outside and told me I was Shifting but I told him I couldn't because the doctors took precautions to prevent it but that is what was happening and then he told me to tell him when I couldn't bare the pain anymore and he would take it away but I almost fainted before I could tell him, I then felt him stick his claws in my neck and suddenly all the pain I felt vanished and I was becoming conscious again. I felt my self starting to transform and then the pain came back when his claws were suddenly gone but I had finished my transformation by then” She told us.

"By the way what happened to Alessandro why is he unconscious?" She asked worriedly

"Ask you're father" I spit with venom as I took my son in my arms and walked back to the pack house.

I sat in the reception area of the pack hospital. Two hours, It's been two hours since Alessandro fainted, two hours since the doctor told me he was in a coma with no idea when he would wake up, two hours since I haven't spoken a word to anyone other than calling alpha xander to tell him what happened, and two hours since my heart started aching. Micheal was sitting in a chair across from me along with Genevieve while Jermaine sat in the chair next to me. No one said a word as we sat there in silence

"Rosalyn" a small voice called out.

I looked in the direction of the voice to see Isabelle looking at me

"I'm so sorry Rosalyn I didn't mea-" she started but I quickly stopped her with

"if your gonna come here and tell me how sorry you are and talk about how this is all your fault trying to make this situation all about you then dont because I don't wanna hear it" I told her not in the mood to talk to her or anyone in her family at this point I hate them all.

"What is wrong with you my daughter is trying to apologize and that's all you have to say to her"

I then turned to look at the person am gonna kill first if my baby doesn't wake up. As i was about to answer him I heard noise coming from Alessandro's room then three nurses rushed pass me, I ran to the room to see the doctor trying to rececitate my baby and his heart monitor was spiking, then suddenly he flat lined. I screamed when I heard the monitor stop beeping the doctor order someone to remove me from the room but I was having none of it. I ran to his bed side and shook him trying to get him to wake up

"Alessandro please wake up dont leave me my sweet sweet boy I can't endure this life without you please come back to me”

I cried but he still wouldn't wake up I shook him some more but he still wouldn't move then the next thing I did shock everyone in the room, I slapped him. I slapped him across his right cheek and yelled wake up!! But nothing happened, the nurses pulled me towards the door and as i was about to step out his monitor started beeping again. I ripped my arms from the nurses and made my way to his bed once again his eyes were still closed but his heart was beating strong

"Please miss Parker you have to give us space to work so we can help your son” the doctor pleaded. I nodded at him as I walked out of the room so they could work. Genevieve and micheal quickly bombarded me with questions the second they saw me.

"What happened in there?"

"Is Alessandro ok?" They asked at the same time.

"He flat lined" I told them blankly

I could hear gasps from everyone

"he isn't-?" Genevieve started

"he's not dead he's stable now but the doctor's still don't know when he'll be awake" I told them walking back to my chair.

"I'm so sorry Rosalyn and I'll make sure the doctors do everything possible to help him" Ke'shaun told me as he places his hand on my shoulder.

I slapped his hand away from me and yelled "this is all your father's damned fault!!!"

They all looked at me confused then he shouted

"how the hell is it my fault I was trying to save my daughter, your son had his claws in her neck.”

At this everyone gasped

"your such an idiot I already told you his was taking away Isabelle’s pain and you interrupted the process causing him to fall into a coma. It was bad enough he already took so much of her pain but you had to interrupt them and now even his wolf is unresponsive” I yelled

He scoffed saying Alessandro should have minded his own business, at this my anger was through the roof; I grabbed him by his neck and slammed him into the wall I then yanked on his arm dislocating his shoulder then snapped his wrist and elbow. Picking him up again I threw him across the room, smiling when I heard the breaking of his bones. I quickly walked up to him and stepped into his windpipe locking off his air supply I then sat on his stomach as I punched him repeatedly as rage consumed me. I got up again and held him by his throat when I was about to snap his neck I was quickly pulled away from him and I found myself in Micheal's arms

"Rosalyn what the hell do you think your doing?" Ke'shaun yelled

I balance myself and walked up to him menacingly " listen to me alpha and listen well if my son dies I will kill everyone in this pack starting with your father”

I told him as I pushed him away and walked out of the pack hospital. I knew Genevieve was following me but I didn't care at that point I didn't care about anything else in this world and if my baby boy dies I will raise hell up on this land that is a promise.

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