The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Chapter 80


After the girls left Colby, Jax, dad, Dimitri, and I relaxed for a bit before getting ready for the evening. I never understood what took females so long to get ready for things. Dad tried to explain it, but it went right over my head. It seemed like too much work for me. Around 3:00 showers were taken, and we dressed.

I put on a black suit with a white shirt, and a silver tie. Chastity had told me that her dress was silver, and black so I took it upon myself to try to match her as much as possible. I did take the time to gel my hair off to the side a bit. I had considered getting it cut shorter, and spiking it, but decided against it. Especially since Chastity once told me she liked the length of my hair.

As soon as I finished getting ready I grabbed the bracelet I bought Chastity then Colby, Jax, and I went down to the Gamma apartment to get Lexi, Molly, and Chastity. I had to chuckle at the three of us because it was clear we were struggling not to run to get our mates. When I pointed that out to Jax, and Colby we all started laughing, and slowed down. There was no need to rush. We still had time. When we arrived Darren answered the door, and let us in. The three of us stood in the Gamma living room bouncing, much to Darren’s amusement.

When the girls came out, my breath caught in my throat, and I smiled. Chastity looked beautiful! The top of her dress was molding to her chest, and stomach perfectly. The bodice had been cut into a V that gave just a peak of cleavage. It was cut to show her tiny waist then flared out a bit, down to mid- calf. The dress was black with some kind of muted silver design all over it, and a black ribbon tied, and bowed right near her right hip. Her hair was pulled back in some design, but she had small curls around her face which was make up free except a light gloss on her lips. I smiled even more at the sight of the

necklace I gave her falling just short of the V of her dress. She was also smiling shyly at me. She looked beautiful. Innocent, but beautiful.

It took me a second to remember how to walk, or speak. When I finally did, I moved toward her slowly, smiling at her. Her big green eyes were bright, and happy. As I reached her I put my hand on her waist, and lightly kissed her check.

“You look beautiful.” I said quietly, as I looked into her eyes.

“I do?” She asked, looking down at her dress.


“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I have something for you.”

“You do?”


I handed her the box with the charm bracelet in it, and waited. She opened it with trembling hands, and gasped when she saw it. It wasn’t big or clunky. It was small white gold links put together, and the three flower blossom charms were also small, and perfect for her small wrists. She looked up with me with wide eyes, and huge smile.

“Do you like it?” I asked.

“Yes. Very much. It’s beautiful. Thank you.” She answered still smiling.

“Would you like me to put it on for you?”

“Oh yes please.”

She handed me the box, and I carefully removed in from the box. As I went to put it on her, I couldn’t

helped running my finger along the pulse point of her wrist, causing her to gasp quietly. I smirked at her reaction.

“What’s nice about this bracelet is that you can add other charms to it. If you want of course.” I said as I arranged it so the charms sat nicely on the top of her hand, and admired it, before kissing the back of her hand, causing another smirk inducing gasp.

“I can?” She asked breathlessly.

“You can. Anytime you see one you like it can be added onto the links.” I responded, as a I threaded her arm through the crook of mine.

“Oh. I like that idea. Maybe….maybe when we go out to do things together we can pick one to add to commemorate the day. If that’s not too stupid of an idea.” She suggested, looking up at me shyly.

“I think that is a great idea.” I smiled at her.

“So it is my Rowen memory bracelet.” She giggled.

“So it is.”

“We better get back upstairs. We need to line up, and make our way to the ballroom.” Jax stated.

We said our goodbye to Lexi’s family, and went back to our apartment. Dad, and Dimitri were waiting for us. I smiled at the look on Dimitri’s face when he saw Chastity. His eyes misted up, and smiled like a proud father. He walked to her slowly, and took her in.

“You look so much like your mother. She would be so proud of you.” He whispered.

“You think so?” Chastity responded, and blushed.

“I know so.”

He kissed her cheek, and stepped back. After he greeted the other two girls we lined up as we had the night before. We moved quietly through the halls. I smiled, and puffed up with pride anytime any one looked to Chastity. Her innocent beauty caught the eye of many. When we arrived at the ballroom I mind linked her.

“I know your nervous, but keep your head held high, look straight ahead, and smile. You are beneath no one here. You are strong, courageous, intelligent, brave, and beautiful. You have nothing to be ashamed off. Only things to be proud of. You have survived, and can still smile. You have reached your dream, and are attending one of the best programs in the world for your field. You deserve to be here for all of that, and more.” I mind linked Chastity, letting my pride in her bleed through my words.

“I…..I….Thank you.” Chastity whispered through mind link.

“I only speak the truth sweet girl.”

“How did you know I needed to hear that?”

“As your mate I could feel it. I could feel that you were becoming scared, and nervous.” “Oh.”

“Yeah. Don’t you worry sweet girl. I got you.”

She smiled up at me, and nodded. I could sense her tension lessening as we prepared, to enter the ballroom. I placed my hand over hers, and followed my dad, and Dimitri. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her take a deep breath, smile, and lift her chin. My pride in her rose even more at those actions. She may

lack in confidence, but she was going to do the best she could not to show it. I couldn’t ask for more than that. When we were announced as Future Alpha, and Future Luna, I got a little concerned about her reaction, but she didn’t falter once.

We were directed where to stand, and took our places to the right of the stage. Many of the members of Dark Moon were here, and in the center of the room. Family of the Alpha, from other packs would be the right, closest to the stage. Allies would be behind us, and also to the left. Jeremy, Clair, Anthony, Heather, Lexi’s parents, the Beta, and his mate were standing the stage behind a covered table. Sitting on the table was the ceremonial cup, and dagger.

I looked at Jeremy, and Clair first. They looked incredibly proud that this moment had arrived. As did Lexi’s parents, as well as the Beta, and his mate. I looked to Anthony to see he looked bored, and almost annoyed. Heather was different story. Her face was pinched, and I could tell she kept huffing. Her dress. made my cringle. It was too short, too low cut, too tight, and she almost look like a disco ball with all the sequins on it.

“Who in their right mind would think that dress is appropriate for this kind of thing?” I heard Molly whisper, causing me to snicker.

“I guess someone forgot to tell her she needed a formal dress, not something for going to a club.” Lexi said under her breath.

“It’s possible no one thought to help her find the right outfit for today. If she’s never had to attend a formal event before she may not realize why that dress may be considered inappropriate. We don’t know, and it’s not fair for us to judge.” Chastity hissed.

I saw Molly’s eyes widen, and her face flush in embarrassment. She instantly looked down in deference to Chastity. I had to bite back my smile of pride in Chastity. I glanced over at Lexi to see she was

behaving in the same manner as Molly. I noticed the pride in Dimitri’s eyes as he looked at Chastity and nodded. “Did I do something wrong?” Chastity asked quietly through mind link.

“Not at all sweet girl. You did exactly as you should. It does not look good on a pack to speak as they did. At least out loud. Please understand I do not say this to make you uncomfortable, but you just did what a Luna should, and would do when those of her pack speak as they did. While many would agree that Heather is dressed inappropriately, it is disrespectful to say such. Especially in this setting.” I explained through mind link as I gently squeezed her had.


….I didn’t want to upset Molly, and Lexi, but we don’t know why Heather is wearing that dress. It’s not fair to judge her for it.”

“They are not upset. They are contrite for their behavior. You made them realize they were wrong.”


“Yes. You did the right thing.”

“If I did, why is Heather glaring at me?”

My brows lowered in confusion as I glanced to Heather. Chastity was right to a point. Heather was glaring in our direction. I couldn’t say that Heather was glaring at Chastity definitely, but she was not pleased to say the least. There was nothing we could do about it though.

“She seems to be glaring at a lot of people. I wouldn’t take it personally.” I mind linked Chastity.

“Oh.” Chastity mind linked me back.

We were drawn from our conversation when Jeremy called the crowd to attention.

“Dark Moon pack, and honored guests please join me in welcoming Future Alpha Robert Walls, Future Luna Beth Walls, Future Beta Biake Cole, and Future Gamma Darren Ensor to the dais!” Alpha Jeremy

called out.

The entire room broke out in applause, and cheers as Robert, Beth, Blake, and Darren entered, and began to walk proudly down the aisle to the dais. All held their heads high, and Beth smiled kindly, as well as nodded to many. As each stepped onto the dais they bowed low to their parents. Jeremy smiled, as Clair wiped a tear from her eye.

“It is proud day when a new Alpha takes up his mantle. When he has proven his worth in all ways to those that proceed him, as well as to his pack. When he has gained the respect, and trust of all in his ability to lead his pack into the future. When he has earned the love, and loyalty of his pack. Robert Walls has worked very hard to accomplish these things, and will continue doing so moving forward. He has done so with patience, respect, hard work, intelligence, strength, caring, love, and loyalty. As an Alpha I respect him as my equal in all ways. I know he will fulfill the role I turn over to him today with all that is expected of him as an Alpha. May he lead as I did, and continue grow this pack in ways I never dreamed of.

“As a father I am proud of all he has accomplished. Watching him grow into the man he has become has been one of the greatest joys of my life. Watching both of my sons grow, learn, and find happiness is a gift I will always be grateful for. I know they will both accomplish many things in the next phases of their lives. “Future Alpha Robert Walls please kneel and state your vows.” Jeremy said loudly, as Robert kneeled in front of him.

“I, Future Alpha Robert Walls vow to lead Dark Moon pack with intelligence, and fairness.”

“I vow to protect Dark Moon pack with all of my strength, and courage to my last breath.”

“I vow to judge with fairness, and fact.”

“I vow to care for the members of Dark Moon pack as I would my own family.”

“I vow to work hard for the advancement of Dark Moon pack in all ways.”

“These are my vows as Alpha of Dark Moon pack from this day forward.” Robert spoke loudly, and clearly.

“Do the members of Dark Moon pack accept Robert Walls, and his vows to you?” Jeremey roared.

The entire assembly of pack members roared back yes. Jeremy nodded.

“So it shall be. Future Alpha Robert please step forward, and slice the palm of your left hand over the goblet.” Jeremy instructed.

Robert rose to his feet, moved to the table in front of Jeremy, took up the dagger, and sliced his palm. When several drops of his blood dripped into the cup, Clair handed him a cloth. Jeremy repeated the action, then swirled the cup several times. He handed it to Robert, and nodded. Robert tipped the cup to his lips, and drank.

“It is my honor to pass the title of Alpha of Dark Moon pack to you Robert Walls. May you lead with honor, respect, intelligence, fairness, strength, courage, and love.” Jeremy said with a smile, and tears in his eyes.

“Thank you Alpha Jeremy.” Robert said loudly, and turned to the crowed.

“I PRESENT TO YOU YOUR NEW ALPHA! ALPHA ROBERT WALLS!” Jeremy roared, and the entire crowd cheered.

Robert moved to the other side of the table, taking his place next to his father. Beth moved to the center of the dais. Jeremy, and Clair smiled at her.

“Beth Walls, you have proven yourself to be wise, kind, caring, patient, understanding, supportive, and loving to all the members of Dark Moon pack from the day you arrived here. You have worked diligently to learn the expectations of a Luna. You are the embodiment of what a Luna is. We are proud to have you fill the role of Dark Moon pack’s Luna. You have earned the respect, and love of Dark Moon pack’s members.

Will you accept your place at Alpha Robert Walls side as his Luna, and equal?” Jeremey asked.

“I will.” Beth answered with a smile.

“Please kneel, and state your vows.”

Beth kneeled and took a deep breath.

“I, Future Luna Beth Walls vow to lead Dark Moon pack with honor, and intelligence.”

“I vow to use compassion, and care in all things for Dark Moon pack’s members.”

“I vow to care for, and support all of Dark Moon packs members as I would my own family.”

“I vow to treat all Dark Moon pack members with respect, and kindness.”

“I vow to help, and encourage all of Dark Moon pack’s members in times of need, and in times of plenty.”

“I vow to love Dark Moon’s pack members to my last breath.”

“These are my vows as Luna of Dark Moon pack from this day forward.” Beth said with strength, and pride.

“Do the members of Dark Moon pack accept Beth Wall, and her vows to you?” Jeremy called out, to which he received a resounding yes.

“So it shall be. Beth Walls please step forward, and slice the palm of your left hand.” Jeremy instructed.

Beth followed the same action as Robert had. She was smiling, but I did see a single tear trail down her check. Clair stepped forward, with a smile, and tears on her cheeks.

“It is my honor to pass the title of Luna of Dark Moon pack to you Beth Walls. May you lead this pack with intelligence, compassion, understanding, support, love, kindness, respect, and care. May you serve this pack well, and expand it in all ways.” Clair said kindly.

“Thank you Luna Clair.” Beth responded gently.

“I PRESENT TO YOU YOUR NEW LUNA! LUNA BETH WALLS!” Jeremy roared, and the crowed again. erupted with cheers.

Beth turned, and bowed to the crowd then moved to stand beside Robert. He took her hand in his then

kissed her. We watched as Beta Blake was sworn in by his father. Followed by Darren. Finally Jeremy stepped down from the dais, Clair, his Beta, and his Gamma with their mates, stood beside them. All looking proud. Robert, Beth, Blake, and Darren stepped to the edge of the dais.





WHEN YOU NEED IT!” Jeremy roared.

Robert threw his head back, and howled. Everyone assembled howled with him. The sound echoed throughout the room, and could be heard outside surrounding the building, and for miles around. I was happy for my cousin, and very proud of him. He worked hard for this. Once the howls died of Robert smiled.





Beth took his arm, and they lead Blake and Darren out of the ballroom. We waited patiently for the precession of families, and pack members before we lined up as we had to enter. I looked down at Chastity to see she was in awe.

“So what do you think?” I mind linked her.

“That… that was a amazing. I never expected a swearing in to be like that. I’m glad I got to see it. Will yours be like that?” Chastity responded.

“Pretty much, yes.”

“Wow! Jeremy, and Clair looked so proud.”

“They are.”

When we finally reached the dining room Robert, Beth, Blake, and Darren were in the receiving line to greet everyone. When Robert reached out to shake my dad’s hand, my dad smiled at him, and pulled him into a back slapping hug. I couldn’t hear what my father was saying, but I had no doubt he was expressing his pride in my cousin. When Chastity, and I reached Robert, he was smiling.

“Well cousin, you did it. You’re Alpha now. You think you can handle it?’ I asked as I hugged him, just as dad did.

“Psh. I’ve got this in the bag.” Robert joked.

“I know you can handle it.”

“Of course I can. Chastity, it’s lovely to see you. I’m so glad you could make it.” Robert turned, and smiled at my sweet girl.

“Thank you, and congratulations Alpha Robert.” Chastity said as she bowed to him.

“Tsk tsk. None of that. We’re family since you’re stuck with this pup. Just call me Robert or Rob.” Robert said as he smiled at Chastity.

“Oh…I…….Ok.” Chastity stammered.

“Don’t mind him. His ego is getting to him right now.” Beth joked as she elbowed Robert.

“Aren’t they all like that?’ Chastity asked with a giggle.

“Hey.” I said with mock offense, and Chastity just shrugged.

“They are, aren’t they.” Beth giggled, “Chastity, I really look forward to getting to know you better. Now that I’m Luna, I’ll be joining you, and Clair for you meetings. I know we’ll become great friends.”

“I look forward to it.” Chastity responded with a smile.

Eventually we moved on to let others greet Robert. We found our reserved table which was not far from Robert’s table. Tonight it would only be him, Beth, Blake, and Darren sitting at the head table. We were seated with their families. My dad, and Jeremy quickly jumped into a conversation about what Jeremy planned to do now that he was retired.

Once I made sure Chastity was seated with Molly beside her, I went to get us food. I was hungry, and I was sure Chastity was as well. I wasn’t surprised to see Jax, and Colby following right behind me. We were chatting as we loaded our plates, when I felt a hand run down my back to my ass. I lowered my brow, and turned to see Heather standing there, smirking at me.

“Why hello there handsome. How are you this evening?” Heather purred.

“I’d be a whole lot better if you took your hands off of me, and go back to your mate.” I growled.

“I would reject him for you in a second.” She smirked.

“No thank you. I happen to love my mate, and I have no interest in cheaters.” I snapped.

“I never said anything about cheating.”

“As I said, I am not interested. Now go back to my COUSIN, and keep your hands to yourself.”

I removed her hand from my body, and pushed her back a few steps. I glared at her as she looked at me. in shock. Jax, and Colby stepped between us. I knew they would keep her away from me. I was

disgusted with her behavior. I also knew it wouldn’t be long before Chastity heard about it. I wasn’t wrong either.

“Did….did Heather just touch you?” Chastity asked me quietly through mind link, making me sigh.

“She did.” I responded.

“She has a mate. She needs to leave mine alone.” Chastity growled causing my eyebrows to raise in surprise.

“I agree with your sweet girl. I got her away from me as quick as I could.”

“I know. I saw.”

“I’m sorry that happened. I didn’t know she would do that.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I know, but still.”

“Never apologize for someone else’s actions Rowen.”

“I know. You’re right. I just don’t want you upset.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. Are you almost done getting our food?”

“Yes. I’ll be there in a second.”


I chuckled quietly as she closed the mind link. I took our loaded plates to the table. I noticed Heather sitting there, staring at me with an expression I didn’t like. To make my point to her I leaned over, and

kissed Chastity’s temple, and nuzzled her neck, causing her to giggle as I sat down.

“What was that for?” Chastity asked.

“Because you’re beautiful, and I’m lucky to have you as my mate.” I answered with a smile.

I heard Heather scoff, and I had to bite back a smirk.

“Oh. Well thank you.” Chastity smiled then kissed my jaw.

“You’re welcome. I hope I got everything you like sweet girl.” I responded.


“You’re an Omega, right?” Heather sneered at Chastity.

“That’s one of the things I am, yes. I’m also a Beta’s daughter, a nursing student at Cloverland, a friend to many, and a future Alpha’s mate.” Chastity responded gently then took a bite of her food.

“So being a Beta’s daughter bought you a spot at Cloverland. That’s nothing to be proud of. There is nothing special about being a nurse. Besides an Omega could never be anything more than just that. A lowly Omega. Omega’s aren’t good enough for Alpha’s or anything more than a servant.” Heather snapped.

“I worked hard for my spot at Cloverland. My intelligence, and dedication got me that spot, not my

father’s money. If you think money gets one into a place like that than you were misinformed. As for the rest, you are free to believe as you wish, but I do believe you owe your mate’s mother, and your sister in law an apology as they are both Omegas, mated to Alphas, and both Lunas.” Chastity said calmly.

“Whatever. Trash.”

“That is enough! One more word out of you Heather, and you will be removed.” Jeremy growled.

“You cannot remove me as you are no longer Alpha.” Heather snapped.

“He may not be, but I am. You will NOT speak of my mother, my mate, and my cousin in law in such a manner, and think it is acceptable. In this pack we respect all members, and treat them all equally no matter their rank. At this time you represent Dark Moon pack. I expect you to do so with respect, and honor. Anthony, I will say this once, control your mate, or you may both leave for the night. I will not have either of you causing discord. Especially not in front of so many of our allies.” Robert stated firmly from behind Heather, causing her to jump.

“You don’t tell me what to do. You are not my Alpha.” Heather sneered.

“You are a current member of Dark Moon pack?” Robert questioned.


“Then I am your Alpha. Now apologize to those you offended, and keep your negativity to yourself.”

“I will do no such thing. I am a warrior’s daughter.”

“I don’t care who you are. You want respect, give it. Now apologize.”

“I said no.”

“Oh shut up Heather. You’re embarrassing me.” Anthony grumbled, and I could only shake my head.

“Anthony.” Heather gasped.

“You’re causing a scene. Just do what the fancy new Alpha said, and shut up.”

Heather pouted, and said nothing. I just shook my head, and returned to

my meal.

“Rowen, I would like to talk to you more about the member exchange program. Will you have time this. weekend?” Robert asked me, after sighing at Heather’ behavior.

“This weekend I don’t. I’m sorry. Maybe I can come back next weekend so we can meet, and discuss it more.” I responded.

“Perfect. How about Saturday around lunch time then we can have dinner with our mates.” He suggested.

“I will make that work.”

“I look forward to it. Chastity, when you’re finished eating, Beth would like to talk to you about doing lunch sometime soon. Well you, and Lexi of course.”

“Oh absolutely. If I can’t catch up with her tonight, please have her get my number for Luna Clair.” Chastity said with a smile.

“I will. And thank you again for joining us.”

“Thank you for having me.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

Robert bowed to us, and walked away. Chastity beamed at me. I could tell she was excited about making a new friend.

“I hear Beth will be joining us for our meetings now Chastity.” Clair said with a smile.

“Yes she will be.” Chastity agreed.

“Good. I’m very glad.”

Other than Anthony’s scowl, and Heather’s constant pout, the rest of dinner went well. Many of our allies stopped by our table to say their hellos, and to chat for a bit. Chastity handled every moment of it with grace, and kindness. She didn’t let references to her future role effect her outwardly. She smiled, made conversation, and was genuinely interested in what every person had to say. She made me even prouder to call her mine with each passing moment. Eventually dinner broke up, and we were invited to dance, and mingle more if we wanted. I had been surprised to not see Marcus, or Norm, but as soon as dinner ended they showed up.

“Oh Chastity! The dress came out better than I thought! I’m so glad you let Susan modify the neck line a bit. It’s perfect.” Norm gushed.

“Thank you Norm. You look very dashing in your suit. You both do.” Chastity said as she straightened Norm’s rainbow stripped tie.

“My man here is definitely handsome, isn’t he?” Norm gushed, and as he cuddle up to Marcus.

“Of course he is. You both are.” Chastity agreed with a giggle.

“Thank you Chastity. Are you both enjoying yourselves?” Marcus asked.

“Oh yes. Very much so. It’s been nothing like I expected. So many have been warm, and welcoming.” Chastity responded.

“We’re going to get out on the dance floor, right?” Norm questioned.

“Yes of course, Norm Just don’t complain to me if I step on your feet.” Chastity giggled.

“Wait. Before we all get sweaty, we need pictures.” Molly called out as she pulled her camera out, “Joe will you take some pictures for me please?”

“Of course Molly.” Dad responded with a chuckle.

Molly instantly jumped into putting all of us mated pairs together. Jax, Colby, Marcus, and I behind the her, Lexi, Chastity, and Norm. Before my dad could snap the pictures I wrapped my arms tight around Chastity’s waist, and pulled her tight to my chest.

“Come on Anthony. I’m bored with this group. I want to go find people actually worth talking to.” Heather huffed, and drug Anthony away.

“Well that was rude.” Molly mumbled under her breath.

“Maybe she was just feeling left out?” Chastity suggested.

“Chastity, I love you girl, but some times you are too sweet for your own good.” Lexi said.

“What makes you say that?” Chastity questioned.

“Unfortunately, as much as you want to give Heather the benefit of the doubt, what you saw here is her typical behavior. Many have tried to befriend her, but she just looks down on them. From the day Beth joined Robert a few months into his Alpha trip, she did all she could to befriend Heather, but Heather was rude, snarky, and disrespectful. Heather will only associate with those that will worship her, and those she feels are at her level, or above her in rank.” Lexi explained.

“Oh. That’s sad if you think about it.”

“I don’t disagree, but some people are just that way.”

“Sounds like how Aurora was.” Colby said quietly.

“Yeah. That’s true.” Chastity agreed quietly.

“Alright. Enough of this. Lets get our dance on.” Norm bounced, and we all laughed.

We followed him out onto the dance floor, and we all started to dancing around, and just have fun. Chastity was laughing at Norm’s many failed attempts at fancy dance moves. Seeing her so happy, and carefree warmed my heart. I had worried she would struggle with this crowd, and all of the high rank members here, but she wasn’t. She was calm, relaxed, and seemed to be truly enjoying herself. Eventually Robert, Beth, Blake, and Darren joined us.

I chuckled at the looks Darren kept shooting Colby every time Colby would touch Lexi in a way he didn’t like. I did laugh when Lexi stood in the middle of us, and lectured her brother about backing off. The look. on Darren’s face as she told him he had to shake Colby’s hand, and accept him as his new brother, was priceless.

When a slow song finally came on I pulled Chastity close to me, wrapped both of my arms around her waist, and stared into her eyes. The happiness, and joy in her eyes took my breath away. She was truly enjoying herself, and not just claiming to be. I was thankful for that. I couldn’t help, but kiss her. She melted right into the kiss which I loved. It took all I had not to force my tongue into her mouth, and explore, but I knew now was not the time or place. When I pulled back she looked up at me with her bright green eyes, and beautiful smile. I swore I fell even more in love with her than I already was. Something about this girl pulled me deeper, and deeper every day, and I knew it wasn’t the mate bond. It was all her. At 9:00 all of the Dark Moon pack members made their way out of the building for their pack run. Chastity, and I decided to call it a night. After saying good night to everyone, Lexi handed me her car keys, and we left to go back to Chastity’s room at Cloverland. I could tell she was tired, but determined to stay awake. Once we reached her room she was definitely drooping. She wanted to shower before going to sleep though. While she showered, I took off my suit, and pulled out my pajama pants, as I wanted to shower too.

I kissed her quickly before going to take my own shower. I wasn’t surprised to find her asleep by the time. I finished. It had been a busy day, and I knew she was tired. I crawled into bed with her, wrapped myself around her, kissed her shoulder, and fell into a blissful sleep myself.

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