The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Chapter 81


I woke the next morning wrapped around Chastity, and a smile on my face. Waking up with her in my arms was one of my favorite things. I always slept better with her next to me. My day always started better. when I spent the night with her. She truly was my happy place. I pulled her close to me for a moment, and breathed in her lilac, and honeysuckle scent. I could breath her in all day, and never get tired of her scent. I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt something lick my finger.

I peered over Chastity’s shoulder, and saw Lilac staring at me. I moved finger away from Chastity’s waist, and rubbed her under the chin. For the first time ever I actually felt her purring. The vibration in her throat felt weird, but I knew she was purring. Eventually she started moving her cheek along my finger then nipped it.

“Ouch. Lilac, what was that for?” I whispered.

“She’s probably hungry. It’s past her breakfast time.” Chastity muttered.

“I’m not food Lilac.”

“She knows. That’s how she wakes me up to feed her. She either nips my finger or the tip of my nose.”


“Yeah. Not hard, just enough to get my attention.”

“Why don’t you just leave food out for her all of the time?”

“She’ll get fat.”



“How much to you feed her?”

“A quarter of a cup of dry food. I’ll get it though.”

“No, sweet girl. You stay there. I’ll get it. I want to snuggle you more, and I know as soon as you get out of this bed you won’t be get back in.”


I chuckled quietly as I got out of bed, and fed Lilac. I snorted when the kitten fell into her bowl like she hadn’t eaten in a month. After doing my business in the bathroom, I came out to find Chastity had rolled over to her other side, and had her head partially on my pillow. I smiled, and crawled back into bed with her. I pulled her close to me, and put my chin on top of her head. I smiled at her contented sigh as she snuggled in closer to me, and buried her head into my chest.

“I like waking up next to you.” Chastity whispered.

“I like waking up next to you too.” I whispered, and kissed the top of her head.

She moved her head back, and looked at me. Her green eyes were a bit cloudy with sleep, but she was smiling. I moved, and kissed her gently. I smiled against her lips as she moved her hand up my chest, and placed it against my neck, kissing me back. I pulled her even closer to me as I continued to kiss her.

chest When she opened her mouth to let my tongue to explore, I rolled her onto her back, and settled my against hers. I tried hard to ignore the feel of her nipples hardening under her shirt. I wanted to run my hand up under her shirt, and feel them in my fingers, but I knew that would not be wise if I wanted

to keep kissing her. I knew it was time to pull back when Duke started trying to push me to take things further.

I pulled back, and kissed the tip of her nose. Stopping was hard, but I knew I had to. When she finally! opened her eyes they are darkened with lust which made me smile a bit. It let me know that she definitely did want me. I took in her beautiful features, and kiss swollen lips before kissing her on the forehead again.

“I’m going to shower real quick. Ok?” I whispered, and she nodded at me with a small smile.

I got out of bed, grabbed clean clothes, and went into the bathroom. As soon as the door was shut behind me, I leaned against, and sighed. I wanted to take Ifer so badly, but I just couldn’t do that to her. I couldn’t push her. It would be wrong of me right now, and I would feel like I was taking advantage of her. With another sigh I started the shower. I needed a cold one.

After brushing my teeth, and hoping the hard on I had would go down on it’s own, I get in the shower. The cold spray hit me, and I almost yelped. As I washed, I found the cold water was not helping. Another sigh later, and I gave up. There was only one way to deal with this right now. I adjusted the water temperature, wrapped my hand around my cock, and slowly started to stroke it.

I had to bite my lip to keep quiet. I leaned my head against the shower wall, and closed my eyes as I picked up speed. With my eyes closed I started to imagine what Chastity would look like naked. Her nipples hard, and ready for my lips to suck, and tease with my tongue. I wondered if she was bare or if she had the same color hair on her pussy as her head. I hoped she wasn’t bare. The idea of my Chastity bare was almost sad to me.

As I stroked myself faster I thought of running my hands down her soft skin, along her thighs as I spread them just for me. I wondered if she was a sigher, moaner, or a screamer. I hoped she was a

screamer. The thought of her screaming my name as she came on my cock was all I needed to finally exploded. After of few more strokes of my softening cock I sighed, and slumped against the wall.

Once I caught my breath I washed, and got out of the shower. After drying off I threw on my jeans, and t- shirt. I finally emerged to find Chastity back to sleep, wrapped around my pillow, and Lilac pressed against her back, fast asleep. The kitten opened on eye to look at me, then went right back to sleep. With a quiet chuckle, I grabbed my laptop bag, and made myself comfortable on the bed behind Chastity.

I worked quietly for awhile as I ran my fingers through Chastity’s hair. It was so soft, and every time I did it, her scent would float through the air more. I smiled at the sighs I would hear from her as well. My sweet girl was content, and that made me incredibly happy. I was reading through an email I had received for a supply request on one of our trade agreements when I felt Chastity shift next me.

I looked over at her to see she was rolling over to face me. I moved my hand away from her hair, and smiled down at her. She blinked at me a few times then smiled at me.

“Good morning.” I said smiling.

“Good morning. How long have you been up?” She asked quietly.

“About an hour.”

“Why didn’t you wake me?”

“You were tired, and needed some more sleep.”

“You could have woken me up.”

“It’s ok. I kind of liked sitting next to you while you slept. I wasn’t bored or anything. I’ve been doing some work.”

“Oh. What are you working on?”

“I’ve been reading emails from some of the packs we have trade agreements with, discussing shipments.”

“Requesting, and providing?”

“Both actually. It’s a lot of supply, and demand. I have to review them regularly to make sure our needs, and their needs are being met.”

“Are they?”

“Most of them yes. One smaller pack we have an agreement with just had a baby boom recently, and they’re running low on vitamins for newborns.”

“Are we providing those?”

“We’re not because we get them from Dark Moon. I forwarded the email on to Robert so he can help them out.”

“What do we provide them with?”

“Books actually. It’s one of the things we supply the most. We do a lot of the printing. We purchase the supplies, print them, and ship them out.”

“Oh. I always thought we got those from humans.”

“No actually. Our cover in the human world is a printing press of sorts. They send us what needs to be printed, how many to print, we print them, and ship them out.”

“How did I not know this?”

“Well the printing facility is pretty loud so the buildings are several miles outside the main pack town.”

“How many do we have?”


“How many books to we print a year?”

“Several million.”

“Where do we get the supplies?”

“Several places actually. We’ve switched over the in last 15 years to mostly recycled paper. Humans don’t really like dealing with recycling so we’ve taken it over. A lot of their businesses, and schools use a lot of paper. Well they dispose of it in recycle bins, and shred boxes. Several packs collect it, take it to the pack, recycle it, and send it out. Humans have a few places that do the same so they provide a lot of their own. paper products, but the packs that do it, provide it to us, and the other packs for their needs.”

“Huh. That’s interesting.”

“I thought so too.”

“What else do we typically supply?”

“We do a lot of wood based building supplies, and furniture. That only goes to us, and packs that we have agreements with.”

“How do we maintain the amount of forests we have then?”

“We only use small sections at a time, and only take the hardiest of trees. We then leave that area alone to regrow, after replanting, and move on to another section. We also use every part of any tree

we take for something.”

“Huh? Is that why all of the buildings, and housing look more like log cabins then anything else?”

“That’s exactly why.”

“I like that.”

“I do too.”

“Anything else?”

“Some times our shops will ship things to other packs to sell. Other than that, not really.”

“Could we provide anything else?”

“Not really. That’s why I’m trying to work on the pack member trading program.”

“What is that exactly?”

“One of the things our pack is most known for is our warrior training. I’m looking to building a school where warriors can come to our pack for training in our program. Kind of like what Dark Moon does with their schools. It would bring in revenue for us so we could rely less on using our resources for income. Yes we have hundreds of acres, but I’d rather preserve that as much as we can.”

“That doesn’t exactly sound like a trading program though.”

“I have to start it out that way. That’s why I went to Robert, and Jeremy about it. Dark Moon is the largest pack after Royal pack. They also have the most higher education programs on the East Coast. I need to show that our training is superior, and worth what we will eventually ask packs to pay for it. I

also want to have a trading program option for the smaller packs that may not be able to pay for their warriors to attend.”

“That makes sense. Will you have expectations, and testing for those interested?”

“I’ll have to.”

“Why is that?”

“It’s a lot of work to train someone properly, and if they aren’t serious or as hard working as someone else might be my trainers will have wasted a lot of time, and effort on someone who just doesn’t have it in them to be the full strength warriors others might.”

“That makes sense. It sucks, but it makes sense.

“Sadly, it does. The other area I’m looking into was actually something Molly requested.”

“What was that?”

“An early education program. She really likes how we teach our pups. It’s not as regimented, and she thinks it’s better for pups in the long run. A lot of packs teach their pups the same way humans do, with a lot of sitting, listening, paper completing, and testing. The problem with that is pups have a lot of energy, and making them sit for so long everyday can be hard for them, and not all pups learn from sitting, and listening then filling out papers all day.”

“But isn’t that how the teaching school here has teachers learning?”

“Unfortunately yes. Molly is meeting with Robert, and Beth today about their program. She is kind of hoping to have it eventually split for the middle and high teachers to be taught here, and elementary teachers to be taught at our pack.”

“Well I hope it works out because it sounds like a great idea to me.”

“Me as well.”

“Are you almost done?”


“Ok. I’m going to go take a shower while you finish up.”

“Ok. What do we have planned for today?”

“Um….if you don’t want to do it, we don’t have to, but…um….there is an art studio in town that is doing at couples painting class today, and I signed us up. It’s stupid, but I thought we might have some fun.”

“It’s not stupid. It could be fun. Do you know what we’ll be painting?”

“Oh. Yeah. Here.”

Chastity reached across me for her laptop, and pulled up the website for the studio. The picture was of a the moon over the woods. It looked a bit complicated, but if she wanted to do it, I would.

“I thought it reminded me of our pack. The moon over the woods.” Chastity whispered.

“I don’t disagree. Go shower. We’ll get something to eat then head over there.” I said looking more at the picture.

“You mean it? You really want to do this?”

“Sure. Why not?”

“Well….I mean…….it’s painting, and guys don’t really get into art.”

“Chastity, I want to do this with you. I’m sure it will be fun.”


I chuckled as she jumped out of bed, grabbed clothes, and ran into the bathroom. No painting wasn’t really my thing, but if it made my sweet girl happy I was wiling to do it. In the end that was all that really mattered to me. I had just put my laptop away when she came out of the bathroom, braiding her hair. She had such a big smile her face, my heart skipped a beat. That was what I liked to see.

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