The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Chapter 79


When I woke up the next morning I was startled at first to feel someone holding me, but I quickly remembered it was Rowen although I don’t remember coming back to my room. The last thing I remember was getting into Marcus’s car. I hadn’t realized I was that tired.

I snuggled close to Rowen, and sighed quietly. It felt good being held in his arms, and not having to jump out of bed early. I had no where to be until 10:00. My hair had finally grown out to just below the middle of my back, but Lexi said it was time to get it evened out, and shaped properly. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with it. I had never had a proper hair cut before. I was laying there thinking about that when Rowen groaned, and tightened his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

“Morning sweet girl.” He said with a scratchy voice then kissed my shoulder.

“Good morning.” I whispered as I melted into him.

“I like this.”


“Waking up with you in my arms.”

“Oh. It is nice, but I always wake up in your arms when we’re together.”

“I know, but you always get up before I do.”


I felt Rowen nuzzle my neck, and I smiled. It seemed he was cuddly when he first woke up. I found I liked. that. My eye drifted back closed as I enjoyed the feeling of being his arms. It didn’t last long because I noticed something poking at my butt. I tried to wiggle a way from it as I knew what it was. What I didn’t know was why it happened since nothing was going on between us at the moment.

“Sorry.” Rowen groaned, released me, and rolled to his back.

“Wh…..why did that happen?” I whispered nervously.

“It’s normal. It happens every morning, no matter what.”

“Oh. Why?”

“I don’t know. It just does.”


“I’m going to go shower.”


“What time is Lexi picking you up?”

“Around 9:30.”

“So we have time to go get breakfast?”


“Is Lexi taking you to the pack house after or bringing you back here?”

“We’ll probably go straight to the pack house. Marcus said he’ll drive you over there when Lexi picks me


“Will you spend all day getting ready?”

“Goddess I hope not. I wanted some time with everyone before the excitement starts.”

“Ok. I’ll be out in a bit then you can shower.”

“Oh. No. I’m going to shower this afternoon before I get dressed for tonight.”


I watched as he grabbed clothes, and toiletries than went into the bathroom. With a sigh I got out of bed, and threw on some clothes. I was sitting on my bed reading some notes for class when Rowen emerged freshly showered. I smiled at him then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and hair. Once I was done he took my hand, and we made our way to the cafeteria for breakfast. It didn’t take long to get food, and find a table.

“Are you excited for tonight?” I asked once we were seated.

“I’m more happy for, and proud of my cousin. He worked hard for this.” Rowen responded between bites of food.

“Does how they decided who became Alpha bother you since they’re both you’re cousins?”

“No, Not really. While twins are rare in our world, it does happen. What they had to do was fair. They were given equal opportunity to prove themselves. Robert proved to be the better choice in every aspect.”

“Has there ever been a time when twins were equally matched?”

“If I remember correctly, yes. Once.”

“Do you know what happened in that situation?”

“If I remember correctly the pack ended up splitting in two. The people choose the Alpha they preferred, and followed him. Unfortunately it didn’t last for more than a few years. One of the brothers was killed in a rogue attack so the pack was brought back into one.”

“That’s sad. How did they manage to have two separate packs in the same territory?”

“They didn’t one of the brothers moved his pack off the pack lands, and started to build his own.”


“Yeah. They were just finally getting settled when they were attacked.”



“Has there ever been a case where the younger of an Alpha’s pups is the Alpha, not the older?”

“No. As in all families, the strength of the blood weakens with each pup.”

“What if the first born is a female?”

“Females tend to have a blood line closer in strength to their mother than their father. For Alphas, since the majority of their mates are Omegas the girls tend be stronger low rank wolves, or warriors.”

“So a females can never be Alphas?”

“I guess they could, but they would need someone strong as their Beta because they would need someone who can give orders, and if absolutely needed someone to make others submit. She wouldn’t have the abilities or aura to do that.”

“Oh. So how do Lunas have that ability when they are Omegas?”

“They actually don’t. They depend on their Alpha, and the respect they have earned from their pack.”

“And if the Alpha died?”

“His Beta becomes her Beta until the next Alpha is ready to take his place, or she finds another Alpha in a second chance mate.”

“She wouldn’t take a chosen mate?”

“No. She wouldn’t be able to maintain her role as Luna as well if she did that because a chosen mate is only that until he found his fated mate or own second chance mate. It weakens them both.”

“Huh? Ok. I guess that all makes sense. You didn’t seem to be very close Anthony, last night.”

“We’re not. We never have been. I tried when we were pups, but he never had any interest.” “That’s kind of sad.”

“It is, but it really was his choice in the long run. He always seemed to act like he was better than everyone all because his dad was Alpha.”

“Your dad is an Alpha too.”

“I know, but that didn’t matter to him.”

“That’s sad.”

“It is, but there is nothing we can do about it now. Robert tried for a long time to get Anthony to see that he wasn’t better than others, as well as to work hard at learning to be a good Alpha. I think he gave up trying by the time they went to Alpha school.”

“That’s kind of sad that he gave up on his own brother.”

“If I remember correctly, they got into a fight within the first few weeks of school. Robert was trying to help Anthony. Instead of accepting the help, Anthony turned around, and punched Robert. Robert didn’t fight back, but Anthony cussed him out, and told Robert he didn’t need or want his help. That he would become Alpha his own way, and to leave him the hell alone. Robert didn’t have much choice after that really.”

“I guess he didn’t.”


“I hope things go well for him in his new pack.”

“I do as well. He needs to realize that he can’t just rely on his family’s status to take care of him though. He’s done that all of his life.”

“I’ve never understood people like that.”

“Neither do I. So Lexi is your newest sister in law. How do you feel about that?”

“Pretty excited. She’s one of my best friends who deserves some one who will treat her with respect. I know Colby will.”

“You knew didn’t you?”

“I…what? No…..Ok. Yeah I did.”

“How did you know when she didn’t?”

“Lexi never reacts to males the way she did Colby. She also has not been as comfortable around a male

since I’ve known her as she is with Colby. I could also see it in the way she watched, and looked at him.”

“But you never said anything?”

“No. They needed to figure things out on their own.”

“I agree.”

“We better go out front to meet Lexi, and Marcus.”

“I need to grab my suit, and shoes first. Do you need to get your dress?”

“No. I sent that with Lexi last night. I do need to get my shower stuff though.”

I’m glad he mentioned going back to my room though. I had almost forgotten that I needed my shower stuff, hair brush, and clean panties and bra. Once we returned to the room I gathered my things from the bathroom then moved to my dresser for my personals. Before I even opened the drawer I found myself blushing. I didn’t want to pull out these items in front of Rowen. I guess he knew something was up because I heard the bathroom door shut. Breathing a sigh of relief I grabbed the new set Lexi talked me into buying, and stuffed them into my little overnight bag. It was a black silk set with lace on the front of the panties, and the cups of the bra. It was for me to make me feel pretty. Rowen didn’t ever need to see it.

Once he came out of the bathroom he grabbed both of our bags, took my hand, and we left the room. Lexi, and Marcus were already waiting for us. Before handing me bag, Rowen pulled me to him, and

gave me a hard kiss on the lips, leaving me a bit dazed. It took me a moment to shake it off before I dropped into Lexi’s car, and sighed.

“You ok, small fry?” Lexi asked with a giggle.

“Huh? Oh yeah.” I responded with a smile.

“Are you sure? You seemed a bit out of it for a minute there.”

“I’m fine really.”

“If you say so.”

“I do. How was your night with Colby?”

“It was good. We spent the whole night talking. I learned a lot about him.”

“Good. I’m glad.”

“You’re not going to ask about anything else?”

“What? Oh no. Absolutely not. That’s none of my business.”

“Thank goddess for that. Molly would not leave me alone about it this morning.”

“Oh no.”

“Yeah. Did you, and Rowen have a nice night?”

“We slept so yes.”

“Nothing else?”

“LEXI! No!! fell asleep in Marcus’s car on the way back anyway.”

“I’m just teasing you small fry. You know Molly is going to ask the same thing.”

“I know.”

“Do you know how you want your cut done?”

“No. I’ve never had a real hair cut before.”

“You haven’t?”

“No. I would just cut the ends off when it was needed. What do you think I should do?”

“I think you should layer it, and have it framing your face.”

“I thought about getting bangs.”

“I wouldn’t.”


“They would make you look more like a little girl than an adult.”

“Huh? I didn’t consider that. I like the layers, and framing idea though.”

“Good because we’re here. Just do me one favor.”

“What’s that?”

“Leaving the waves.”

“OH I plan to.”


I smiled, and followed Lexi into the little shop. The floor had black, and white tiles. The chairs were dark red, and there were really neat paintings on the walls. It was a cute place. A tall, slender, older woman walked out from the back with a big smile.

“Lexi! What a pleasure to see you.” The woman said.

“Hi Sharon. How are you?” Lexi askes.

“Wonderful. Georgia will be out in a moment.”

“Great. This is my friend Chastity that I told you about.”

“Oh Chastity. Let me take a look.”

I smiled, and stood still as Sharon walked around me, looking at my hair. I felt her run her fingers through

it a few times, and tsk. Finally she came around to my front, and pick up a small section to look at the ends.

“OH honey. What did you do to this beautiful hair?” Sharon asked as she released. my hair.

“It….it was all shaved off back in November. Before that I trimmed the ends myself when it needed it.” I explained quietly.

“Why would anyone shave of such beautiful hair?”


“They should have their head shaved for such a sin. Do you still do your own trimming?”

“Umm. Only if the ends look bad.”

“Tsk. No more of that young lady.”

“Ye…yes ma’am.”

“Good. Now let’s get you washed, and we’ll talk about what you want done. Ok?”


I followed her to the sinks, sat, and she washed my hair.

“What shampoo, and conditioner do you use?” Sharon asked as she shampooed my hair, and I told her.

“That cheap stuff? No dear. No of more of that either. I will set you up with the right stuff today. You do not need all of those chemicals. It weighs your hair down. We have a gentler shampoo for you to use.”

“Does it have a scent?” I questioned.

“It doesn’t, but we add the scent ourselves. I can smell that you use a rose scent. The works nicely with you natural scent so we will keep that for you.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. All done. Lets go get you set up for your cut.”

I nodded, and followed her to the chair next to Lexi: There was a dark skinned woman working quickly, and chatting with Lexi. Once I sat Sharon put a drape over me then turned me to face the mirror.

“So dear, what do you want to do with beautiful hair?” Sharon asked with a smile.

“Well…um…I don’t really know. Lexi suggested layers, and cutting it to frame my face, but making sure to keep my curls.”

“Oh absolutely. Woman spends hundreds to have what you have naturally.”


“Oh you have no idea. Now let me see. Do you have a specific part you do?”

“No. I just brush it back, and let it fall where it wants.”

“Hmm. Ok.”

Sharon brushed out my hair, pulled at some ends, and tested framing my face. She seemed to spend a lot of time at this. Finally she nodded to me in the mirror.

“Layers are a must. There are just too many random ends that need to be evened out. You have a beautiful heart shaped face that should definitely be show cased.” Sharon stated, and I nodded.

“I heard a rumor this morning.” Sharon stated as she began to cut my hair.

“What rumor?” The woman doing Lexi’s hair asked.

“I heard that a certain Gamma’s daughter found her mate last night.” Sharon giggled.

“Who told you that?” Lexi squeaked, and I side eyed her.

She was mated to my brother. I hoped she didn’t try to hide it or hurt him. She might be my best friend, but he was my brother.

“That loud mouth Heather was in here this morning going on and on about how you got stuck with a lowly warrior while she gets the Alpha you wanted.” Sharon explained as she rolled her eyes.

“That lazy twit is no Alpha. Colby is also the second son of the Beta of Moonlight pack. He is also starting at Denu in two weeks. He’s hard working, and smart. We all know Anthony is a lazy, egotistical, jerk. Heather can have the good for nothing. I’ll take Colby any day. I’m glad he’s my mate.” Lexi growled.

“So it is true? You found your mate?”

“Ye’s I did. I’ve actually known him for a few months, but Anthony had me so messed up that I didn’t even realize it at first.”

“How did you meet him?”

“He’s my brother.” I answered.

“Really? That’s wonderful!” Sharon gushed.

“Yeah. He’s a pain, but a good guy. He knew, but didn’t push. He waited for me to figure it out.” Lexi admitted.

“Now you just have to meet your mate, little miss.” Sharon said tugging my hair gently.

“I….um….I already did.” I stated with a blush.

“What? Who? Is he a member here?” Sharon asked excitedly.

“His name is Rowen. He’s from my pack. Moonlight Pack.” I answer quietly.

“Chastity. Aren’t you forgetting something?” Lexi chides.

“Noo.” I whined.

“What’s she’s not telling you is that he is the future Alpha of Moonlight.” Lexi stated, and I blushed again.

“Say what now?” The woman doing Lexi’s hair gasps.

“Her mate is Future Alpha Rowen Druid of Moonlight pack.” Lexi said smugly.

“Lexi.” I hissed.

What? Are you embarrassed?”

“No…I just…”

“Don’t trust it still. I get it, and so does he.”

“Why don’t you trust your mate?” Sharon asked.

“Chastity has been through a lot.” Lexi answered for me, making it clear not to ask any more questions.

The other three turned the conversation to pack gossip so I zoned out for a bit, just thinking about how my life has changed over the last few months. I’m no longer an abused slave, I’m wanted, and loved. I am. attending the school I have dreamed of going to most of my life. I have friends. Good friends. I have a mate who says he loves me, and treats me well. I should be more confident in him, in us, but I’m not sure why I’m not. I’ll have to talk to Dee-Dee about that this week. I’m pulled from my thoughts when Sharon calls my name.

“Chastity, as you going to the swearing in this evening?” Sharon asks.

“OH. Yes I am.” I responded.

“Do you have a stylist coming to do your hair?”

“Um. No. I don’t think so.”

“We don’t.” Lexi responds.

“Georgia will be at the Gamma’s apartment to do Gamma Donna, and Luna Clair’s hair. Why don’t you come down, and we’ll do your hair as well?” Sharon offers.

“We’ll need to bring Molly.” Lexi states.

“That’s no trouble.”

“We’ll be there. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now Miss. Chastity, we’ll get you dried. What kind of brush do you use?”

“Um. A brush. I don’t know. Is there a difference?” I responded.

“Yes dear. Here, which one looks like the one you use?”

Sharon opened a drawer that had tons of brushes in it. I found the one I use, and handed it to her. She just shook her head at me. She showed me the brush I should be using. As she dried my hair she showed me the best ways to use, but understood my desire to keep things simple since I keep it pulled into a pony tail most of the time. She told me it was better for my hair to braid it instead of a pony tail.

Once my hair was dry she let me look at myself. I was in shock. My hair looked healthy, and neat. She emphasized my curls nicely with pretty layers. She also had my face framed nicely. It looked fantastic, and huge smile spread across my face.

“I love it! Thank you!” I gasped as I turned my head this way and that to look.

“I’m so glad. Lets you get you set up with shampoo, conditioner, and proper brushes then you can be on your way.” Sharon said with a smile.

“Chastity! It looks great!” Lexi smiled.

“Thank you.” I responded.

Sharon quickly loaded me up with everything I needed, and we were on our way. When we reached the pack house I had expected us to go to the Gamma apartment. We ended up going to what appeared to be the Alpha floor. When I questioned Lexi she explained that due to the Alpha’s being family through their mates, Moonlight pack was on the Alpha floor. I only nodded in response because that did make sense. When we entered the apartment everyone was sitting around, just relaxing. Joe, and Dimitri were reading. Jax, and Colby were playing cards, while Molly, and Rowen were reviewing some file on the coffee table. Everyone looked up at us, and smiled. Rowen, Colby, and Jax rose to greet us.

“Hi sweet girl.” Rowen said when he reached me, and gave me a quick kiss.

“Hi.” I smiled at him.

“You’re hair looks great.”

“You like it?”

“I do.”

“I’m glad. What were you, and Molly working on?”

“We were going over the plans for the Craft Shows. She liked your street fair ideas, and has been working. all week to set one up. Do you want to take a look.?”

“Yes please.”

We sat on the couch with Molly, and spent the next several hours going over everything Molly had come up with. I was impressed with how quickly it was all coming together. Rowen also told me about the updates being done to the community center.

We had decided that Molly, Lexi, and I would get ready in the Gamma family apartment since Sharon, and Georgia would be there doing hair. At 1:00 the three of us gathered our stuff, and headed down there. While Lexi visited with her family a bit, Molly, and I went to take our showers. By the time we were done Sharon, and Georgia had arrived. We spent the next several hours having hair done, and getting ready for the ceremony.

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