The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 68

“Are you ready?”

I hum, shrugging a shoulder non-committedly. “Not yet. I just want to feel more relaxed before we go back.” I brush my fingers over the last remaining heath that grows on the hillside behind my parents’ house, the feathery petals so soft under my touch. Gabby walks with me, patiently letting me inhale the fresh scents of the county air, feeling the early morning sunlight tingle on my skin and infuse me with warmth.

After having stayed with my parents last night, I’m eager to get back to my mate and begin our ceremony. I feel so distant and empty without him by my side, but my mom and dad needed the comfort of my presence after losing me. It shook them more than they admitted, but I could sense the hollow look in their eyes and the heaviness of their spirits even though our bond had been forged again. Lexi especially couldn’t seem to hug me tightly enough after losing her second child, then experiencing the shock, joy, and relief of finding me alive again. I couldn’t bear to let them go back to their quiet house. Malachi and I will have forever together, so I knew being with them for one last night was important.

Malachi was reluctant to let me go, but eventually reminded himself he had work to do on his log cabin, and that he wanted it to be all ready to take me home to after our ceremony. I pray he got some sleep and didn’t work on it all night just to distract himself from my absence.

As it was, I lay in my old bed and replayed in my mind every look, every word, every touch I’d shared with my mate since when we first met. All those weeks ago when we’d glimpsed each other through the trees and across the border; when I’d seen him on the cliff overlooking our territory; when I’d caught his scent drifting outside my window on dark moon-hidden nights.

Every memory I now view in a new light, every dark look he gave me and silent contemplative expressions he’d have when I tried looking into his heart. Every dismissive gesture; every time he turned his back on me. Every tender gesture as he tucked my hair behind my ears; every soft smile that brightened his eyes when he thought I hadn’t noticed him staring at me. They all whisper something new to my soul, and though so many days were lonely and painful, I cherish each one for where it led us today. Our journey truly is precious and I wouldn’t change it even if God gave me the choice.

Every painful moment has turned us into the compassionate and loving Alpha and Luna that this pack needs.

My heart beats nervously just thinking of the very real responsibilities I will now face the moment I step back across the border.

“You miss her, don’t you?” I suddenly ask, catching a quietly distant look in Gabby’s sapphire eyes.

“Are you changing the subject?” she whips her head towards me.

“Are you?”

She sighs, “I suppose. We spent so much time together, and I kind of thought we’d have forever. She was a devil, but we had our similarities despite the obvious differences.”

I nod, both of us reminiscing about our friend.

Gabby continues with a frown and melancholy voice, “She deserved finally being dragged to hell, and I knew nothing could change her fate. She made her decision a long time ago, and even if she ever regretted it, it was too late.”

“So she never really cared for me? I really thought she was a friend.”

Gabby shakes her head regretfully. “They’re good at acting. Lies were her second language. I guess some days she was nicer than others, but she’d sworn her allegiance to Lucius and the deceit he loved to dance with. Demons will never change their ways, no matter how much I wish they might.”

I wrap my arm around Gabby, and we share one last prayer for Luci before wiping our eyes and smiling at the azure blue sky and the blazing star of light that is quickly racing away from the horizon.

I take breath before broaching a new subject, one I’ve been itching to ask but never had the time. “Now Gabby, I want you to be honest with me.”

“When am I ever not?” she raises her eyebrows in surprise.

“True,” I shrug, wondering at my figure of speech. I guess I’m so used to people hiding things from me, I expected the same subterfuge from my truest friend. “You wouldn’t tell a lie even if your life depended on it.”

Gabby laughs, a pure sound that sings to my soul. “That’s because no life ever depends on a lie. The King always provides a way when we are truthful, even in the hardest situations,” she tells me frankly.

“I’m glad to hear it. So tell me, what’s with you and Beta Hamilton?”

Her mouth drops open in surprise and I hurry on to explain before she denies anything. “I’ve wondered for a while now why you keep acting strange whenever you’re near him, and even he seemed a bit odd after you healed him. I know he can’t see you, yet you still avoid him as if he… as if he might sense your presence. And that scares you.” I give her a serious look, letting her know I’m not going to settle for a brush off. She may not lie, but she’s good at honestly evading the truth when she wants to.

“I…” she begins, her eyes dropping, her feet shuffling as she takes a nervous breath. “I’m not sure. I feel something when I’m close to him. Something I didn’t think angels could feel.”

“Mates?” I hesitantly guess.

Her eyes slice to mine, her peach coloured lips opening in a gasp. “That’s not the word I was going to use….”

“Then what?” I prod.

“Spirits like us don’t…we don’t have the privilege of loving another like you do,” she crosses her arms against the cold breeze, rubbing her hands up and down in a perplexed way. I lay my hand on her forearm, stilling her agitated motion. She bites her lip before continuing. “Mate bonds and marriage were a special gift that our King gave to you, the greatest of His creations. You can mate and multiply, and love each other in ways I can only imagine. We are just the King’s messengers and warriors. Spiritual beings without real bodies or souls. I can’t begin to dream for anything more,” she swallows hard, her eyes flaring for a moment before she shutters the emotion away and gives me a contented smile. “Hamilton is nice, but he doesn’t mean anything to me. I’m all good. But you, however are going to be late--”

“I’m not going anywhere until we make a deal.”

She raises an eyebrow in curiosity. “A deal?”

“Talk to the King. Ask him why you feel the way you do. It can’t be coincidence. Hamilton feels something too, though he can’t see you. Maybe he can sense you when most others can’t. He told me himself that he believes in angels. That counts for something. And he’s unmated,” I nudge her elbow.

“I told you, we’re not built to love like that,” she protests.

“Sure, and I’m not built to magically survive a knife to the heart. The King brought me back to life. And He can give you a miracle too,” I shrug, revelling in the horrified look Gabby gives me. “You’ll thank me later,” I wink at her, suddenly loving the prospect of her being mated with my Alpha’s Beta. We’d practically be sisters if she moved to our pack as Beta female.

“You are crazy,” Gabby glares at me, but I can see the hint of a smile on her face.

“I’ve been called worse things,” I flick my hair over my shoulder and smirk. “So, you talk to the King, or I’ll keep pestering you until we’re old and grey,” I say, grinning because I know she will never become old or grey.

She rolls her eyes but shakes my hand on the deal. “Right. Well...” Taking a shuddering breath and smoothing down her dress, her fingers tarry on the soft fabric. She takes another breath then flashes me a confident smile. “We really need to get you ready, or else Malachi is going to storm over here and demand we hand over his runaway bride,” she grabs my arm and tugs me to my old house.

I shake my head and laugh at her dramatic postulation. “Very funny. He’s probably just pacing in the forest, just as nervous as I am about this upcoming ceremony,” I grumble and let myself be dragged to the house before we all pile in the car and drive together to DoubleEdge Pack. My heart surges as we cross the border, and I feel like leaping out and running the rest of the way.

This is my home. This is where I poured out my heart and all my love to save my Alpha mate. No matter how scared I am for my future, I know I will have the strength to face whatever comes.

“Finally, you’re here!” Harlow waves her arms, flagging us down outside the Alpha’s mansion. “I thought you’d never show up, and I’d get my shot at the Alpha afterall,” she winks at me saucily, and I playfully punch her in the arm.

“Don’t even joke about it,” I growl.”

“Okay, okay,” she concedes with a petulant look, and we both laugh. “Come on, let’s get your hair and makeup done before the boys come back from the forest. Harleen and the older shewolves nearly have the town hall all set up again, and Meris and Cally are dying to show you the flower arrangements they’ve put together. The children, organised by Sammy, have prepared something special that’s supposed to be a surprise, but they were practicing out by the training field so everybody knows what’s going on. Those pups are so cute, I swear you’re going to have a fit watching them later on,” she babbles as she drags me upstairs to my room where she’s laid out all the essentials. My parents and Gabby follow behind before Harlow dismisses the former Beta. “You can go taste-test the food, and make sure my brother gets himself cleaned up before the ceremony,” she hustles him towards the door.

“What are you going to do to my baby girl?” Charles crosses his arms and refuses to budge from the room, not wanting to let me out of his sight for even a moment. I don’t blame him. It seems all the men in my life have been extra attentive and watchful since my death.

“Charles, darling, we’ll be fine. Just hurry along and tell the others we’ll be down in no time at all,” Lexi grabs him by the collar and pulls him in for a passionate kiss before pushing him out the door.

Harlow and I laugh at the dazed look on his face, and the blush that steals up Lexi’s when she notices us staring. “Go on, it’s okay to say you’re jealous of my love story,” she smiles like a teenage girl as she adjusts her dress that Charles’ strong hands rumpled.

“Not jealous. Hopeful. It’s not often you find love like what’s between you two,” Harlow replies, giving me a wink as she gets to work on my hair.

I don’t want anything too fancy, almost hating the fact I’m back here getting ready for a special occasion when memories of the last time are too fresh. Just yesterday I was here, and everything turned out to be the worst and best night of my life.

When she’s done, I slip on my dress and admire my reflection in the full-length mirror. My eyes rake over the delicate lace that wraps around the soft material, enhancing the fitted waist and flared skirt. Minute beading glitters on the bodice and neckline, and the capped sleeves fit snugly over my shoulders.

I feel like royalty.

Yet my heart thuds in my chest. I try to forget what lies hidden beneath the beautiful material of the dress, what ugliness is covered by attire too beautiful for me. Tonight, Malachi might look at me with love shining in his eyes, enraptured by my beauty, but what will he say when he sees the awful scar that refuses to fade from my skin? His blue eyes will cloud with disgust, though I know he would never say anything about it. He will be polite and comment on my slim form, my soft lips, and my gentle touch. But inside, he will wish his mate wasn’t tarnished by such a horrible mark on her skin. He will avert his eyes every time we come together, every time I slip off my shirt, every time he holds me in his arms as we whisper our love to each other.

A tear slides down my cheek.

Mom wraps her arm around my waist and rests her head on my shoulder as we look at each other in the mirror. “Do I need to ask what this is for?” She wipes the tear off my face.

Shaking my head, I turn into her embrace. “Just a lot of stress. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me,” I try and reassure her, doing my best not to cry. I have no good reason to be feeling like this. I know Malachi loves me, and always will, no matter how I look on the outside. Our mate bond will go beyond the physical, and he will be there for me emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We will always care for each other even if sickness or disease wracks our bodies and destroys our youth. “I’m fine,” I repeat, meaning it this time. “Let’s go find my mate and start the ceremony.”

Stepping into my low heels, I lead the way downstairs and into the foyer. I fold my hands together as I sit on the settee and wait for Malachi. Harlow and Lexi chat about mundane things, and I try and stay tuned in but my mind keeps wandering off. I catch snatches of conversation about Samson and the other children who lost one or both parents, what will happen with the continual risk of rogues or demons, how the elders will now respond to the fact Luna Seneca was a demon and how that affected Malachi… But I try and fill my thoughts with positive things. I’ve dwelt too much on the darkness in our lives, and it’s time to embrace the light.

“We’re so sorry we got held up! Hamilton nearly chopped his arm off with the axe. I told him he shouldn’t be--”

I stand as my mate and his Beta enter the front door suddenly, my gaze colliding with Malachi’s as he apologises in a rush of words. He comes to an abrupt stop when he sees me, all thought seemingly fleeing from his mind. “Wow…” He exhales, his chest falling before he sucks in air quickly and steps towards. “Is it possible you’re even more beautiful than when we said goodbye last night?”

I’m gently pulled into his arms, and he guides my head to lean against his chest. Breathing in his scent of chestnuts, I feel myself relax and the nervousness escape my body. His hands seem to pull me closer, holding me in such a way that I know this is the place I was always meant to be. The quiet sound of his breath stirs against my ears, and his heart beats increasingly fast, matching mine as it slows before we sync in a compromise of nerves and fluttering emotions.

I look up into his shining eyes, caught again by the sparkle and vibrant colour of the irises I love so much. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I’ve heard them say.”

“No more absence. You are staying by my side from here on, and no one is going to change that,” he growls possessively, the sound a startling rumble in his chest as he tugs me closer again.

I laugh, for a moment forgetting the insecurities that never seem to stop dogging my steps. If he really knew what lay under my dress, would he call me beautiful?

“Are you ready, Ariella? My Luna?” he asks, the feel of his warm breath sending shivers over my skin.

“I didn’t dress up like this for nothing,” I reply with a saucy smile, eliciting a snicker from Harlow. She knows how reluctant I really am when it comes to dressing up for occasions.

Malachi smiles and places a kiss on my forehead before leading me out of the house and across the town square to the hall, my hand tucked securely in his arm. He is dressed in a black suit with a white button up shirt underneath, his hair neatly combed and styled, his skin smelling fresh like the coconut soap I like so much. Hamilton is dressed much the same, yet his appearance is eclipsed by the handsome visage of my mate. No one can compare to the young Alpha in my eyes, not even the vague impressions of the King that linger in my mind. I was made to desire one man only, and this love I feel for him is almost too strong to bear. It seems to grow the more I learn about Malachi, the more time I spend with him by his side.

Many wolves have already gathered, and the mood in the air is festive and excited--so unlike the solemnity and grief of yesterday. However I can sense, like an undercurrent of an outgoing tide, that there is still sadness beneath the smiles and happy expressions. I know from my own pain and loss that this feeling never really goes away. We just become better at coping with it.

Everyone is dressed nicely, the perfume of flowers and scented herbs infusing the air with sweetness. We make our way through the crowd, excitement growing in my chest. I see Alphas Kaiden and Chesca, their newest bundle of joy wrapped and held tightly in Chesca’s arms. The female Alpha looks thinner, but otherwise she seems recovered from her ordeal. She smiles at me warmly and I feel tears prick my eyes. Next is Devanshi, handing me a beautiful bouquet of flowers that I know she gathered herself. I saw her walking with a restless determination around the hills this morning on the drive over here. She gives me an encouraging smile as I accept her gift. Her mother Harleen embraces us both, her sons and other young daughter nodding respectfully as we pass. Other pack members, including Gammy Hendrik and his warrior buddies, gives us nods, smiles, thumbs up, and bowed heads of respect.

A number of faces are missing, and I know that Malachi, as Alpha, feels the loss more keenly than I can. His fingers weave through mine in a stronger grip than before. Through our partial bond, I feel his agitation so I look up at him with a supportive smile.

I even miss Knight’s face. Despite his betrayal, I can’t forget his kindness to me over the last few weeks. I’d always envisioned his friendship and goofy remarks brightening my day, especially on happy occasions such as this.

But currently he is locked in the deepest dungeon on DoubleEdge territory. We don’t know how much we can trust him, despite his change of heart. After speaking with him for an hour yesterday, we are no closer to determining his true state of mind. He was subdued and quiet, his face pinched and his body stooped in a contrite posture. It led me to wonder how much he was possessed by Seneca and her demon brethren. Had they been controlling his will and desires all these years? Was he finally free of their influence, or would he take the next chance to hurt us for his own gain? I shudder at the possibilities, wishing to believe the best of him but knowing that kind of naivety could prove dangerous. He will soon be transferred to ForgedHearts pack, where his previous girlfriend Miranda will have a say in his final punishment. Will they banish him? Exile him? Turn him rogue, which will definitely result in an insanity that drives him to hurt others...

I shake off these disturbing thoughts as we stand up on the stage at the front of the hall. The entire pack is gathered and standing, with a few elderly seated at the front. I see the room decorated with sheer drapes of material festooned from the ceiling and strings of lights beneath them, illuminating them like fireflies dancing in mist. Floral arrangements mark each corner and down the aisle, and small touches of gold and silver finish the scene. My heart fills with appreciation of what these lovely people have done for me and Malachi. It seems we have truly been accepted as leaders of this pack.

Gabby stands on the edge of the crowd, her eyes drawn to Hamilton as he stands proudly beside his Alpha. I see her brows furrowed, evidence of deep thinking, and a slight pursing of her lips. Glancing back at Hamilton, I notice his chin lifted, his eyes roaming the gathered wolves as if he senses something more beyond the layer of this reality. I smile to myself, hoping my instinct about them is not wrong.

Squeezing my hand to get my attention, Malachi smiles at me and motions towards Harleen and another gentleman on the stage before us. I remember his face from previous pack events, and notice the almost revered way everyone treats him. Truett is a well-respected elder in the pack, and Malachi gives him a respectful nod.

“Alpha Malachi, it is an honour to witness your acceptance of Ariella as your mate and Luna of our pack. I speak on behalf of everyone when I bestow upon you our highest honour.” Truett smiles at me, his face dimpling beneath his neatly trimmed beard. His brown eyes twinkle, creasing with years of love and labour. “We welcome you to our pack, as Malachi formally declares his intentions on this bright and wondrous morning.” He nods his head for the Alpha to speak.

“Ariella…” Malachi begins, taking both my hands in his and looking straight into my eyes. I feel my heart flutter and my cheeks grow warm from his unwavering attention to me. “From the day I first saw you in the forest by your home, I recognised your significance to me, and your radiant beauty. Not just on the outside, but inside as well. You are truly the most special, selfless person I know. I was drawn to you in ways I cannot explain,” he says softly, yet his voice is strong and can be heard throughout the hall. “Your light illuminated the darkness in my soul, showing me that you are truly the other half of my fragmented heart. You’ve pieced it back together by your love and undying loyalty. Despite the dangers, you stood by me. You stood in front of me to save me, when I deserved it least.

"Ariella, I accept you as my mate. I vow to stand by you for the rest of our days, and I will never again reject you,” his voice wavers, his throat convulsing as he admits his actions that broke my heart. I nod my head in understanding, letting him know with a firm squeeze of his hands that he is forgiven. “I will not hide the truth from you, or hold back anything I am feeling. I will be honest with you, I will cherish you as more than my own soul, and never take for granted the time with you. From today forward, and every moment of this second chance our King has given us, I will choose to love you and honour you. I, Alpha Malachi of DoubleEdge pack, will abide by the sacred mate bond law that was gifted to us at the beginning of time.”

A tear slips down my cheek, and Malachi leans forward to kiss it away. His gentle actions and steady grip on my hands helps to ease the nervous butterflies in my stomach. His bright shining eyes radiate his feelings for me, and I bask in the purity of such a love.

“From before the moment I ever saw you, I knew who you were to me. In dreams, God showed me just how precious the mate bond was, and how much love I could feel for such a man as He would give me. I wanted you with my whole heart before ever hearing a word from your lips. I knew, deep down, we were made for each other despite the very forces of hell trying to keep us apart. You were made for me, Malachi. Mind, body, and heart. Yet I will never take our bond for granted. Life is precious and fragile, and I will cherish you every day we have together. I will respect you, honour you, love you, and fall in love with you more each moment I am bonded to you.

"I, Ariella of ForgedHearts Pack, will abide by the sacred mate bond law gifted to us at the beginning of time by our great King, the God of the universe.”

Malachi cups my face with his hands and kisses me, my tears mingling with his own as we relish in this unforgettable feeling of unfettered joy and love. Applause erupts around us, cheers of celebration and blessings echoing from our pack members.

But our bond isn’t sealed yet, nor is it official.

“Can I…” I swallow hard, my mouth drier than the rumoured deserts beyond the mountains as I look deeply into his eyes, my own wide open and hiding nothing from him. “Can I mark you now?”

His face broadens in a wide smile, his teeth a flash of white as he bites his lower lip briefly. I hear his heart rate increase, the steady thumping becoming erratic and loud in my ears. “Yes.”

This one word breaks the final dam of uncertainty within me, the doubtful feelings rushing away like a tidal wave retreating to the dark sea. I reach up and lace my hands around his neck. Kissing his lips first, I trail my mouth along his jaw, then down his throat. I feel his pulse point fluttering, racing, throbbing. So many times I have teased him, tasting exactly where I want to place my claim. Now the time has come, and my own heart is thundering in my chest, drowning out the sounds and presence of everyone except my mate.

His body is pressed against mine, his hands on my hips holding me close. I feel his breath warm on my neck, causing shivers to race down my body. His own skin reacts to my touch, and I watch goosebumps rise as I lick and nip on the perfect spot above his collarbone.

Then my teeth extend, and with a rush of possessiveness, I sink them into his skin. This strong Alpha male is mine, and no one will take him from me.

Malachi grunts, his fingers digging into my waist, and I hear his heart stop for a second. When it starts again, a loud throb of blood racing through his veins, I feel electricity sparking between us. He lowers his head, nuzzling my own neck as I kiss my mark on his skin. It heals quickly, leaving a white scar I’m proud of. I’m lost in the closeness of him, of this new hyper-awareness as his thoughts and feelings come rushing into my mind and body.

I can feel him, feel every emotion he has towards me; the doubts, fears, excitement, love, raw energy of dominance yet respect, and tenderness. I have no doubt of his care and gentleness towards me. He would never hurt me, whether physically or emotionally, and I trust him with every cell in my body.

We cling to each other, wrapped in one another’s arms, our faces nestled together as we revel in this bliss. Everyone around us begins cheering and we look up to smile at them. When they finally quieten down, Truett steps forward again with a folded piece of paper in his hands.

“It is time for the declarations and blessing,” he tells us, and I recall Malachi telling me of the tradition in his pack. Not only is this our formal acceptance ceremony of each other as mates, but the pack’s acknowledgement and pledging to us as Alpha and Luna.

Truett begins reading the statement written by the elders, having consulted with the Beta, Gamma, Head Guard, and other ranked leaders of the pack. “Alpha Malachi, we vow to serve you and remain loyal to your leadership as long as we live. For a while, we had our doubts, and we apologise for that. It was hard knowing how to trust after being subject to your father for so long. We should have seen how different you were from his arrogant and cruel ways. We doubted you, and that only drove you into an abyss of darkness even more.

"Though we mourn your mother Seneca, we felt the heaviness in this pack shift when her spirit departed. None of us knew her true nature as a demon, and we can’t imagine the torment you went through of carrying her demonic blood in your veins,” he pauses and takes a deep breath, clearly hesitant at what he has to say next.

“It’s alright. I won’t be offended,” Malachi tells him softly.

Truett looks at the other elders and they nod in encouragement, their faces a mixture of remorse, pity, yet relief at what today signifies—a new beginning. “What you’ve done, how you killed our pack brethren in your dark rages, is terrible and unforgivable. As Alpha, you’re meant to protect us, punishing those who deserve it yet only after a fair trial and judgement.”

Malachi bows his head under the condemning truth of the words. “I understand. You should hold me accountable for what I did. I don’t deserve to be your Alpha.”

“That is not where I’m going with this,” Truett quickly says, an amused gleam entering his eyes. However, he remains solemn as he responds, “Yes, we will keep you in line and let you know if we believe you aren’t doing things in the best interest of the pack. But we too understand the curse you were under, through no fault of your own. We all concur that you are strong and wise enough to lead us, and humble and kind enough to treat us fairly. The darkness is gone from your life. It is clear the sacrifice of your mate changed you so profoundly, that we would be foolish to punish you now. The battles we’ve fought together have led us here. They have strengthened us all, and the path now leads us to a bright future with you as our Alpha.

"Your courage and humility have earned you the title. We will always look to you as Alpha of DoubleEdge pack,” Truett sinks to one knee and places his forearm across his chest. The other elders follow, a slight rustle echoing softly around us as everyone kneels and places their arm over their chest in the salute of respect and submission.

Malachi blinks back the emotion that I see glistening in his eyes. His arm tightens around my waist, and I rest my head on his shoulder while twining my fingers through his. I don’t need words to understand how he is feeling. Every emotion and thought flows through our strengthened bond, and I impress upon him my own gratitude and amazement at the pack’s forgiveness and loyalty towards him.

Truett rises, everyone following shortly after. “Ariella,” he turns his smile to me. “We have seen your kindness and dedication to this pack the moment you stepped foot on our territory. Before we even knew of your relationship to our Alpha, you carried yourself with dignity and courtesy. Treating everyone equally and fairly, you reminded us what a true Luna is like. We are forever in your debt for how you saved our Alpha from a threat we weren’t even fully aware of. Your strength and courage signifies your inherent goodness, and we could never doubt your true position as Luna of this pack. We pray you will be blessed with many children, and with gentleness and kindness you will be like a mother to us all.” He again bows and, taking my hand, he places it on his head. The gesture signifies his commitment under my guidance and care.

His proclamation of absolute trust and allegiance touch me, and I try not to cry but the tears have already started. I tug on his hand, then pull him in for an embrace.

“We can’t do this without your words of wisdom. Will you guide us as we serve the pack?” I look up at his kind eyes that crinkle in a happy smile.

“It will be an honour, my Luna.”

I move back to Malachi’s side, and together we face the pack. Our pack.

Beta Hamilton approaches us with a long object in his hands, hidden by thick black material. “My Alpha,” he says, his voice deep and thick with emotion, “as rightful leader of our pack, you now wield the double-edged sword, our ancestors’ artefact for which our pack is named.” He unwraps the cloth and reveals a long sword, each side sharp and deadly, the handle inscribed with swirls and patterns of ancient origin.

My eyes widen. “You didn’t tell me about this!” I exclaim under my breath.

“Well…” Malachi bites his lip. “I wasn’t sure you’d like the idea of such a deadly weapon,” he explains while taking it in his hands and examining it solemnly. “But after seeing you wield that knife,” his eyes slice to mine, full of pride and affection. “I’m sure you can handle anything.”

I beam, my heart stuttering under the heated look my mate is giving me. I am trapped in his gaze, ensnared by the strengthening connection that hums between us, the electricity pulsing and flaring as our bodies and hearts reach for each other. I am both excited and terrified of these raw and powerful feelings, but I embrace them and place my hand over his. “Yes, I think I can. Especially if I’m with you.”

His azure blue eyes continue to keep mine locked in a daydream until he looks down at the sword in his hand.

“What’s its story?” I whisper, the atmosphere around us hushed and reverent.

Hamilton speaks, “It was forged by the first Alpha of our pack, Elek. He was a fierce warrior, yet since the time he was a young boy, his people were dominated by a tyrannical king from a neighboring land who’d conquered them and ruled them unfairly. One year, Elek was chosen to present their tribute to the king, and he took the opportunity to free his people. He made this double-edge sword and strapped it to his thigh, hidden under his tunic. When in the presence of the king alone, he ran the sword through the king’s fat belly and escaped before anyone realised what he’d done. Then he returned to the city with all the warriors from his pack and they took the enemy by surprise, overcoming them and ending the cruel reign. Elek became the leader of his pack, and ever since then, the names of our Alphas and Lunas have been engraved on the blade as reminders of what we stand for.”

I lean closer, inspecting the blade and noticing details I didn’t see before. Halfway down one sharpened edge is my name, and Malachi’s beside it on the other edge. Above their names are Dennison and Krystal. Above that, a couple more names before Darius and Maylene. The list continues back to the hilt of the sword, where Alpha Elek and his Luna Nelda are forever etched into the memory of this pack.

“Strength and humility. Protection and love. Valour and courage,” Hamilton lists the qualities needed in the Alpha and Luna, and I feel the weight of responsibility grow with each word he speaks. “Unity and individuality. Truth and integrity. Fortitude and faithfulness. Fierceness and kindness. Respect and understanding.” He looks at Malachi, “Justice.” Then he turns to me for the final word, “And mercy.”

I understand now. We both should embody the different qualities that make up the perfect balance required for leadership of a pack. Our traits are sometimes opposite--upholding justice yet showing mercy--like the double-edge of a sword.

Malachi grips my hand as he holds the sword up high. “We vow to serve this pack to the best of our ability, and we swear our lives to protect and lead you no matter what the future holds. The principles we base our actions on are different to my father’s. We will be fair and gentle; firm against cruelty yet merciful towards you. Under the instruction of our King, we will care for the vulnerable and weak, orphans and widows. We will punish those who stand against us, protecting our land from those within and without who seek to harm us.”

As I listen to my mate, I recall Joaquina and her alliance with the demons. There might still be those among us who have fallen for the deceit and dark promises of the demonic realm and are working against us. How will we guard ourselves against them? It will be a long road ahead, but we will fight for peace and goodness every step of the way.

“We want everyone to embrace honesty, love, and kindness, so our pack will remain strong and true. Thank you for pledging to serve under our lead,” Malachi looks everyone in the eye, and I feel the intensity of his dominance spread through the room. “Thank you for welcoming a new era in our pack’s journey together. May we continue to be unified, helping each other in our time of need, and fighting together for a bright future. Thank you.”

The crowd claps again, the sound reverberating through the room and echoing in my ears. My eyes wander over the happy smiles and excited hugs that everyone shares, but are arrested by the back door when it suddenly opens.

Gasps replace cheers; shocked silence replaces the happy chatter.

Dressed in a classy suit and an amused smirk, Alpha Zander walks boldly in, flanked by a small army of well-muscled men. His dark eyes meet mine from across the roomful of people and he flashes a roguish smile. “Did you begin the ceremony without me?”

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