The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 67

“And as we remember their sacrifice, we ourselves will continue to breathe. As we remember their spilled blood, we will work the very land which their bodies have returned to.” Malachi took a deep breath and felt his heart ache in his chest. It was like a heavy stone had encased it and contracted, suffocating it as it tried to thump with life. Why was he alive when so many of his pack members weren’t? Why couldn’t he have suffered a sacrificial death instead of his loyal wolves and his even more loyal mate?

He would never understand it, and all he could do was continue being grateful for the lives spared and the hope they now had for a brighter future. He felt Ariella slip her hand in his and he squeezed it tightly, embracing her support like he never had before. He nodded at her as she stood beside him, then turned back to his pack who all looked to him as Alpha. “Not a single day will pass that we won’t live in gratitude and remembrance of the pain suffered to make this territory ours. We will go on, walking on the path of peace our selfless warriors have helped forge. Their names will pave the stones for generations to look upon and never forget. We will never forget.”

The gathered wolves repeated their Alpha’s sentiment. “We will never forget!”

Alpha Malachi raised his hands, and his Beta handed him the flaming torch. He then approached the massive pyre, stacked logs and chopped wood that would feed the flames of finality. His Luna stood by his side, her face set stiffly as she watched those surrounding the pyre. Each wolf was family to those who lay dead upon the pile of wood. Every connection was more than just familial. Brother and sister extended beyond blood. She saw the pain and grief that lined every face, the tears falling silently from heavy eyes, the shaking of shoulders as sobs were kept in. Though her bond to the pack as Luna wasn’t complete, she still felt the familiar emptiness that echoed through them all, reverberating in their souls as they mourned the lost connections with their loved ones.

They all stood in the town centre where ceremonies and memorials were held. The sun was high in the sky, the injured mostly recovered, the broken clutching each other for comfort and support. Flowers, found amongst the wild brambles that grew on the surrounding hills, were placed in hair, on clothing, around wrists and even tucked in the cracks of brickwork on the buildings around. With Ariella’s inspiration, the memorial became alive and vibrant with colour to honour the lives of those lost.

Malachi placed the flaming torch in the kindling under the larger logs, then stepped back as the flames took hold and grew stronger. A gentle breeze blew over them, fanning them, spreading them until a raging fire consumed the wood and bodies like a jealous lover, never letting go until the heat of passion ravaged the lifeless forms. Their souls were gone, their lives lived, their sacrifices etched in the memories and histories of DoubleEdge Pack.

“The fight isn’t over yet,” Ariella murmured as Malachi clutched her to himself. His arms wrapped around her waist, his chin resting on top of her head. “There are more demons out there, I can feel them.”

“I know,” Hamilton agreed grimly as he stood beside them. “I’ve just sent the strongest guards and warriors on patrol. They’re running the perimeter but haven’t come across any more rogues or demons yet.”

“Thankfully. I don’t think anyone here would be able to fight again so soon,” Harlow said as she looked around at the lingering wolves sadly. A fresh scar ran down her left cheek, and she held her arm close against her chest as the broken bones knitted back together. Not one of the warriors had been left unscathed. She stayed by her brother’s side, shaken with how close she had come to losing him.

Ariella sent her an understanding look, sensing the new solemnity that had taken hold of the female Beta. She was a strong warrior before, but now, having been tested with the fire of real enemies, her outlook and perspective on life had drastically shifted. Death had that effect on everyone it touched. “We have to be prepared though,” Ariella said seriously, unable to hide the gloomy tone in her voice.

They all nodded. “Alpha, we need to appoint a new Head Guard. They need leadership, especially now.” Hamilton’s eyes wandered to a tightly huddled group who still wept by the glowing coals of the fire.

Ariella followed his gaze until it landed on Devanshi and her family. The sisters and brothers held tightly to their mother as they mourned their father. Rahul was their rock, and Ariella remembered all over again the pain of losing so big a part of her heart when her own parents died. She walked over to them and embraced them each, whispering words of comfort in their ears.

Malachi joined her after a few moments. “My sincerest condolences. I will never forget what Rahul gave to protect our pack,” he told them respectfully. “Devanshi, I know it’s soon, and I respect your time to grieve, but…. But we need you to take over as Head Guard. Your father would have been proud of you, despite what happened.”

“Alpha, I’m sorry—” she choked and took a deep breath before continuing. “I’m not ready to be Head Guard. I’m not strong enough...” Her face crumpled in rejection of his proposal.

“You’re one of our strongest warriors. Rahul knew that. He would want you to take on the position he held. It’s only fair,” the young Alpha continued, hoping to persuade her.

Devanshi continued shaking her head, her black tresses fraying around her shoulders. “I can’t. I’m not.. I don’t think I could be a good enough leader…”

“Devanshi, you’re ready to hold the rank of Head Guard, I know that,” Ariella affirmed her friend. “But..” she looked at her Alpha mate. “But I think her brother should fill the position instead.” Ariella motioned to Devanshi’s younger brother Vihaan to come closer. A head taller than his sister, he was broad shouldered and well-muscled, having already reached male maturity. Though still before his prime, he was strong enough to take on five rogues single-handedly. Ariella had watched him train and lead younger wolves in training also. He was smart, cunning, and astute at protecting the borders.

“But, you said yourself Devanshi is ready for the position.” Malachi scratched his chin, considering the idea. “Ariella, it makes more sense that she...”

“I know. But I just have a feeling that she’s needed in another capacity. Vihaan should be Head Guard.” Ariella couldn’t explain it, but though she knew Devanshi could capably fill the role, there was something else that nudged her to disagree on her becoming Head Guard.

“He’s only seventeen,” Malachi argued, not meaning it as an insult, just assessing all facts before making a decision.

“So were you when you became Alpha,” Ariella countered, sharing a conspiratorial smile with Vihaan. Though saddened and slightly vacant with grief, his black eyes shone with purpose and determination.

“You’re right. Well, if it’s okay with you Vihaan?” Malachi studied the younger male carefully, raising an eyebrow in question.

“Absolutely, Alpha. I will serve as Head Guard with every fibre of my body. My father gave his life protecting us. The least I can do is follow his footsteps and continue his legacy.”

They shook hands, formally settling the appointment. His family smiled at Vihaan proudly; his mother, Harleen, rising on her toes to place a kiss on his cheek.

Devanshi clutched Ariella’s arm and pulled her to the side of the happy group. “What did you mean by me being needed for another job?”

“Who knows?” Ariella smiled, wiping away the fresh tear that slipped down her friend’s face. “But time will tell. I have a strong feeling about this. Just be ready for whatever door opens before you. I don’t think it will be an easy road for you, but you’re more than strong enough for anything.”

“I don’t feel very strong. I couldn’t reach my dad in time. I felt so helpless as I held him when he died. It was...” she bit her trembling lip. “Ariella, I don’t ever want to see that happen again. I couldn’t bear to lose anyone else.”

“I know exactly how you feel,” Ariella pulled her in for a tight hug, letting her body warmth and closeness comfort Devanshi when words weren’t enough.


Ariella felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Devanshi’s older sister Sharniya. She was smiling through her tears, and holding a newborn baby against her chest protectively. “I’d like to thank you.”

“For what?” Ariella was confused. Last time she’d seen Sharniya, she’d offended her with her concerns about her healthy pregnancy.

She pulled back the blanket that ensconced her pup so Ariella could see him. Shrarniya smiled at her new baby, pride mingled with sadness on her pretty face. Ariella lightly touched the top of his head, feeling the softness of his thick black hair that was so representative of newborn babes. Sharniya spoke, “I gave birth to Ryan yesterday, and my dad was able to meet his first grandchild. He was so happy for us, and I… I have you to thank for that.” Her eyes glistened with tears as she tried to smile bravely.

Ariella tried not to cry, still not understanding but feeling touched by the story. “How…?”

“Remember earlier this week, you told me your concerns for my baby? If you hadn’t, he might not be here today,” Sharniya paused and laid a soft kiss on her pup’s head, then went on when Ariella nodded. “I was so sure he was fine. That there was nothing wrong just like the doctor had assured us. My mate and I planned to travel to his pack, but we didn’t end up going through with our plans. Though I was upset with you, I couldn’t get what you said out of my mind. It ate at me like an acid to my heart. Then yesterday morning, I began having contractions earlier than expected. They grew terrible, so painful, but the doctor couldn’t diagnose exactly what was wrong. During birth, we had complications. Ryan’s shoulders wouldn’t come out normally. If it hadn’t been for the doctor and his team, Ryan might have died during birth. He suffered nerve injuries in his shoulder and neck, but they should heal quickly. He’s so precious, and I don’t want to imagine what might have happened if we were anywhere else for his birth. We came so close to losing him. And I’m so sorry, Ariella, for being upset with you,” Sharniya explained, the words catching in her throat as she nestled her baby closer to her chest.

“You warned us, and we will forever be grateful,” Sharniya’s mate, Adam, said as he wrapped his arms protectively around her and their pup.

Ariella smiled through her own tears, her lips wobbling as she tried to form words. “I’m so happy for you both. It’s never easy giving birth, and you should have all the support you need during the difficult time. I’m truly sorry that what I said upset you, but I’m glad it worked out in the end. I honestly wanted the best for you.”

Sammy rushed up between them and slid his little arms around Ariella’s waist. “Luna Ariella, are you and Alpha going to have your own pups now?”

“Oh my dear child!” Harleen exclaimed, tugging him away by the ear. “That is not something you should talk about!”

“It’s okay,” Ariella felt herself blush as she looked down at Sammy’s eager face, but couldn’t stop the smile that teased at her lips. “It is only natural he should ask.”

“And as a matter of fact….” Malachi said with a smirk as he pulled Ariella close to his side once again. “We are planning on formally accepting each other tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Ariella turned to him quickly, surprise creasing her brows together, her entire body growing warm from his possessive touch.

“What, is that too soon? If you need more time to decide, I’m happy—”

“No, no. That’s not it,” Ariella hurried to explain. “Of course I’ve decided to be your mate, and you have promised to be mine. Don’t you dare try weaseling your way out of it now,” she poked him in the ribs and laughed as he grunted. Then she sobered again, “I just don’t think it is enough time to prepare for the ceremony and get everything ready for the celebration afterwards. Everyone is still mourning their losses and it might not be appropriate to celebrate so soon.”

“Ariella, my Luna, don’t you worry about a thing!” Harleen said, an excited smile overtaking her sad features and she clasped her hands around Ariella’s. “We still have lots of food and decorations from Malachi’s party that never really happened, so it won’t take long to organise everything for tomorrow. You just leave it to me and my friends, and we’ll have the most beautiful acceptance ceremony prepared for you two in no time.” Pulling them both in for a hug, Ariella smiled timidly at Malachi over Harleen’s shoulder and felt her heart warm to life inside her chest.

“But are you sure you’ll be okay with that? You just lost your mate…”

Harleen waved aside her objections. “It gives me something to think about and work for my hands to do. I may feel like crawling into bed and crying a river of tears, but that is no way to live. I promised my dear Rahul that I would go on if ever anything should happen to him. You and my children and our pack are my reasons for living, and nothing will stop me from showing my love and care for you,” she grasped their hands in hers and gave them each a kiss on the cheek, trails of tears glistening on her own.

Sammy, who had been intently watching and listening, whooped and cheered before running off with Jarrell to tell the other pups the exciting news of the upcoming celebration. The two boys were now even more bonded in the loss of their fathers, and Ariella was glad of their close friendship.

“So, that’s settled then,” Malachi remarked as he led Ariella across the town square, greeting and comforting the lingering wolves before heading towards their home.

She nodded her head then rested it against his shoulder. “After waiting so long for this, it all seems to be happening so fast.”

“I know, but it should’ve happened a lot sooner. You know I am sorry for how I kept pushing you away? It was the only way I knew how to protect you, but I failed at even that.”

Ariella nodded, and threaded her fingers through his. “I understand now why you did what you did. At the time I hated it, and got so frustrated. Sometimes I just wanted to scream and tear my hair out. But it’s okay now. I forgive you.” She said the words in a rush.

Malachi picked up on how she felt back then. “Really? You never seemed like you were angry or mad. You are always the most calm and poised person I know. I never would have guessed how much it… how much I hurt you,” he swallowed thickly, his fingers tracing circles on the back of her hand. “Looking back now, I guess you were pretty cut up inside, especially when I kept hiding things from you. The truth should be something we never keep from each other. I will hate myself for years to come for the way I treated you.”

“No, don’t hate yourself. There’s been enough hate going on. Just…” Ariella bit her lip, trying to stop the stubborn tear from sliding down her cheek at the kind words her mate was finally saying to her. “Just don’t do it again,” she whispered as they lingered at the front door to the Alpha’s mansion. The last time Ariella was here, her heart was cracking in two from the rejection of her mate. She had never wanted to be here again, while at the same time never wanting to leave Malachi’s side. She had known all along there was a reason behind his coldness and why he had kept pushing her away, and now she was glad she hadn’t given up on him despite everything telling her otherwise. The quiet prodding in her heart had guided her to where she was now—in the gentle arms of her mate as he whispered promises in her ear.

“I won’t ever do it again, I promise. I will always love you, Ariella. You are the other half of my heart and the light to my soul,” he said as he looked into her eyes sincerely. His arms slid up from around her waist to rest on either side of her face. His touch lingered, sparks of electricity jumping between them and curling in the deepest fibres of Ariella’s being. The young Alpha searched her eyes, ensuring she was giving him all her attention before continuing, “For so long, I was lost in darkness. I didn’t know what my future would be like. I felt so angry and horrible all the time at what was going on with me and around me. I realise now the grip that my demon heritage had on me. It was dragging me down to an abyss of blackness, to a deadly soul that I never wanted to become. You saved me from that. I don’t know how, but you did, and I will always cherish you. The light of my soul, the life of my heart, the love I never thought I would receive.” He pressed a warm kiss on her forehead, then he tucked her hair behind her ears, his fingers sending shocks of electricity over her sensitive skin.

She didn’t bother to stop the tears from falling now. They slid from her eyes as fast as Malachi brushed away each one. “I’m not the only love you feel, Malachi. The King saved you. He just used me to do it. I think… I think He wanted us to experience the love only two mates can have, and especially the love he gives us to give each other. I never could have done what I did without his strength. God led me all the way. He led me to you.”

“Then all my thanks to him,” Malachi murmured, a grin tugging on his lips. “I can’t believe he’d care about me so much though, to give me such a beautiful mate. You are so kind and patient, caring and generous. You will be the greatest Luna this pack has ever had.”

“I won’t be able to do it without you, though,” Ariella countered, blushing from his compliments. “You better be the best Alpha this pack has had, or else we’ll continue to be a mess.”

He couldn’t seem to stop looking at her dreamily with a boyish smile on his face. It was beautiful to see him so happy and at peace after so much torment. “As long as it’s a good mess. I can work with messy,” he laughed, brushing back a rebellious strand of Ariella’s hair that persisted in flying about her face.

She immediately reached up and smoothed her hair down, realising how tangled and dirty it was. She couldn’t wait to get cleaned up and look respectable again. She’d forgotten about her appearance, but honestly, after the night they’d been through, no one else had seemed to care how disheveled or grimy they all were.

“I just remembered something,” Ariella said when they’d entered the house and came to their room. Reaching into the front of her dress, she pulled out a roll of parchment and handed it to Malachi.

“What’s this?” he accepted it, turning it over carefully and inspecting it curiously.

One more thing,” the King said before letting her go.

Ariella stepped back and looked up expectantly. “Anything,” she promised.

“Can you pass this on to my son Malachi? He will need it in the days to come. He is to read it and take it to heart. It will help him as leader of his tribe. He will learn to hear my voice, but until then, I leave him these written words.” He pulled a scroll from a pocket in His coat and handed it to Ariella.

She took it reverently, her fingers brushing His and feeling the restrained lightning spark between them. The parchment was so soft under her touch, the paper so delicate yet sturdy. Her curious mind itched to unravel it and read every precious word. “What does it say?”

The King chuckled, amused. “The message is for Malachi’s eyes only. He will share what he needs to. But now, you must keep it safe. I trust you, Ariella.”

She had glowed upon hearing those affirming words, and now she felt it again—the small tingle of delight as she passed on the King’s important message. “It is from the King. He said it will help you until you learn to hear His voice.”

Malachi looked from the scroll in his hands to her, his eyebrows knitting together in a combination of awe and wonder. “I can’t believe you actually met the King. I wasn’t even sure he was more than legend, or that he, as our God, would bother to help us with our problems. I guess all the stories of his power are true, if he can bring you back to life, and back to me,” Malachi whispered with a choked voice, his eyes meeting hers with a look of intense wonder. He still grappled with the grief of her death. His world had come to an end the moment she took her last shuddery breath in his arms; yet now, she was alive, smiling, breathing. Her heart was beating. They had life and a future they could share together.

“They’re more than true,” Ariella replied wistfully, thinking back to the immensity of the King’s power as he held her gently in His embrace. “I doubt whatever stories you’ve heard do him justice. He is like nothing you can prepare yourself for. So much light and goodness, and raw power. He could just as easily crush demons in his hands as mend my broken heart. He healed me, and not just my body.”

Malachi swallowed hard, blinking his eyes against the emotion of what they were both feeling. “Thank you. I’ll…I’ll read this later,” he said slowly, then placed the scroll in his bedside drawer and locked it. He wanted to wait until he was clean and felt worthy of reading such a significant letter.

He drew in a slow breath then released it in a heavy sigh. “So how are you feeling?” he asked his mate, studying her intently for a moment as he rubbed a hand down his chest. Then he stretched his arms and looked around absently for fresh clothes to put on.

Ariella shrugged, taking her own fortifying breath. “Like I’ve been trampled by a herd of elk. I feel weary down to my bones, but there’s a thrill of excitement bubbling all through me. Such a strange feeling. I’m sure a good night’s sleep will help reset my body after being…. after being dead.” Ariella thought about flopping down onto the bed, but stopped herself when she saw the dried mud and twigs stuck all over her legs.

Malachi quickly took her hands in his when he noticed them trembling. “I understand. You’ll feel better tomorrow. We all will,” he said softly while rubbing her palms soothingly.

“I know, it’s just…” she took another deep breath and rested her forehead against his shoulder. His warm breath tickled the fine hairs on her neck, and she shivered despite his proximity. In fact, the closer he held her to himself, the more she trembled.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper against her ear.

“Nothing really, but… I don’t know how to let myself feel happy at finally having you accept me like this,” She struggled to put her strange feelings into words. “Not when so many things had to go wrong for us to reach this place. You holding me like this…” she leaned back to meet his eyes, and almost looked away from the strength of the love and feelings that swirled in them. “I have wanted this for so long. I have wanted you, but at what cost? So many people had to die. Even your mother--” she choked on the words, unable to express her feelings. Seneca was finally gone, the woman who had tormented her for so long, yet it left Malachi motherless. How could Ariella rejoice in her newfound love and security when so much loss still grieved them all?

“Don’t even think about it. I can sense that you’re feeling guilty about her death. But it’s not your fault in any way.”

Ariella looked up sharply at his words, confusion on her face.

“I can sense your emotions,” he explained while tapping the mark on her neck with his finger. Tingles of pleasure spiraled down from his touch, reminding her of their incomplete bond.

“You can? For how long...”

“All this time. That’s why it was so hard to stay away from you. I knew how much you wanted this to work out between us. You blocked most of your emotions—mostly the pain and frustration, I guess. But other times… other times I would look into your gold-flecked brown eyes and see how loving you were towards me. And now…” Malachi let his lips trail down her cheek, his voice breathy between them. “Now I don’t have to hold back anything.” Then he kissed her, so deeply and passionately that all the air escaped her lungs and had no chance of returning.

She didn’t care. His words and now his touch had calmed the storm inside her, taming the rebellious grey clouds that gloomed her horizon. She clung to him and kissed him back with so much heat and passion that her shivers ceased and the very temperature of the room heated up. Sharp tendrils of desire wrapped from her heart all the way throughout her body, reaching from her to him and encasing them in a hungry cocoon. His fingers splayed on her back, digging lightly through the dress until she felt their imprints on her skin. Wrapping her hands around his neck, she pulled him even closer and lost her fingers in the silky strands of his hair. His lips were hot and heavy, yet gentle and soft. His tongue teased and tasted her, curious in how much it could communicate of his love without the need for words.

When he picked her up and starting backing towards the wall, she finally felt the need for a breath of air. “You know, as much as I want to do this…” she began, panting hard and blinking her eyes. She could only guess they were as dark and lusty as Malachi’s.

“We should wait for tomorrow,” he finished her sentence, promptly placing her back on her feet. She swayed a fraction of a second but his arms steadied her as they remained around her waist.

She nodded, biting her lip. “We’ve waited this long already.”

“And the pack deserves to see us commit ourselves formally to each other during the ceremony. It will unite and bring us together so much more,” he added, slowly tearing himself away from her. Then he gave her a cheeky smirk that instantly sent a new spark of desire ripping through her body. “But after the ceremony, there’ll be no denying each other anything.” His eyes darkened as they looked at her relentlessly, seeing into her heart and stripping down every wall of resistance. “Understood?”

Ariella had to swallow the sudden dryness in her throat before she could answer, wetting her lips with her tongue. “Yes, Alpha.” Raising an eyebrow as she walked past him, she trailed two fingers down his bicep and was delighted at the way his skin shivered and rippled from her touch.

She quickly grabbed some clean and comfortable clothes, then stepped into the bathroom. WIth a pounding heart that slowly calmed down from its furiously galloping rhythm, she leaned against the door and listened quietly for a moment as Malachi rummaged around and found his own clothes. She heard him leave the room and walk down to the guest bathroom. A soft silence enveloped her, and she felt light for the first time in a long time. There was no heavy darkness suffused in each room of this house. No insidious tension that brushed against her skin or whispered fear into her ears. Ariella no longer had to worry about Seneca or her obscure schemes, and it was such a freedom that she was only just starting to feel. This pack would finally be hers to lead as Luna. She could serve and help the people as she was always meant to do.

As she unzipped the back of her dress, she realised the material was perfectly clean and wrinkle-free, as if it had just come from a wash and iron instead of being dragged through mud and wrestled by demons. She fingered the light and soft fabric, marveling at its almost magical properties. This dress, in which the King had adorned her, was perfect and she couldn’t wait to slip it on again for her acceptance ceremony tomorrow. She smiled at how wondrous it was, how she would come to Malachi as his chosen mate in the dress given by their King after her sacrifice. She was destined for this, and not even death could hold her back from following the path written for her.

She hung the dress up carefully before removing her underwear, her eyes arrested by the image of her body reflected in the mirror. All trace of a smile slipped from her face. Every calm and peaceful thought she’d had fled as she saw herself since coming back to life.

A part of her expected her skin to glow ethereally; every tiny nick, scar, and flaw erased. Since being with the God of the universe and feeling his gentle yet powerful touch on her skin, she’d foolishly pictured herself as perfect and unblemished.

Not marred with an ugly reminder of her torturous death.

For on her chest, right over her heart, was a jagged red scar that clawed at her skin, surrounded by dark mauve bruises that bloomed like the deadly madenolia. The memory of the knife sinking in her chest and stealing her heartbeat slammed forcefully into her mind, the darkness and hatred in her killer’s eyes dancing before her vision. As her breath escaped her, Ariella felt new tears of anger and bitterness run down her face. Her legs gave out, and she slid to her knees in a grave of despair.

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