The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 66

“I don’t understand…” I begin slowly. There are now hundreds of questions whirling in my mind, and I don’t know where to begin.

Malachi paces behind me, yet always within arm’s reach, a dark look on his face. It’s nothing like the dark looks he used to wear, but I can tell he is deeply bothered by this.

“So you mean to tell me, you weren’t briefed on the history between our packs as part of your formal Luna training?” the rogue, who is actually an Alpha, stands and looks at me puzzled.

I laugh, an effortless sound that seems to release the tension in my chest and throat. “Formal Luna training?” I look at Hendrik who shares a boyish smile, then look at Hamilton who is frowning just as darkly as his Alpha.

It is Malachi who responds. “We’ve had our hands rather full these last few weeks. And in case you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of a crisis and many of my wolves are dead and I’ve just lost my mother since she nearly turned me into a demon, and we don’t have time right now for your games!” Malachi shouts, waving his arms before raking both hands through his hair. I loop my arm around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder, feeling his agitation vibrate through every muscle and tendon of his strong body.

“Malachi, it’s okay. Let’s just all calm down and discuss this in a reasonable manner,” I make eye contact with each man present, my eyes then wondering to gathered women and children who watch on expectantly. They don’t seem to feel threatened by the presence of the rogue, and Malachi isn’t lunging to tear his throat out. So despite my initial concerns of meeting Zander, I feel them slip away as a feeling of honesty and integrity radiates from him. I feel I can trust him, as I did when I first offered my hand to him.

“Then allow me to begin,” Zander speaks, his tone formal and his words eloquent. “My father, Vanko, was the Alpha of the land we are standing on, the Pack of Siyah Mağara, named for the numerous caves that riddle the mountain ranges.” He gestures his hands to the hills behind us that extend north along the edge of the plains. I am suddenly eager to explore this foreign land.

“Your father also killed my father,” Hamilton speaks up, his voice a deadly and low growl.

I gasp, swivelling my eyes between the Beta and rogue. I remember the story Hamilton told me about his father following Dennison’s orders to check on a disturbance by the border, only to be ambushed and killed by the Alpha of the neighbouring pack.

“I am sorry,” Zander lowers his head to Hamilton. “I am sorry that all I can give you is an apology. Alphas Vanko and Dennison had many disagreements, both were hot-headed and arrogant wolves—I mean no offence, Malachi,” he glances at Malachi, who nods in acceptance. Not one of us is offended by the slur against Dennison. Zander continues, “Though I tried to reason with Vanko to stop the arguments before they led to something worse, he decided to cross our border to confront Dennison. By the time I found out what he’d done, it was too late and he’d already taken the lives of your father Beta Arthur and his warriors. I never wanted that to happen, you have to believe me,” he looks sincerely at Hamilton, who remains with his arms crossed over his chest and his jaw clenched tight.

When he finally releases a sigh and lets his arms hang by his side, he speaks in a rough voice, “I know it’s not your fault, Zander. I just wish…”

“You wish my father was here so you could rip out his throat yourself,” Zander finishes the sentence, the sentiment mirroring the look of simmering anger and bitterness on Hamilton’s face. “I almost wish the same, as the man broke the law of the land, destroying our pack when our very homelands were taken from us. For years, I’ve hated him for how he handled the situation, and almost wish he could come back from the dead so I could demand why he could be so impulsive and ruthless. But the bitterness has stolen too much of my life. I’ve chosen to let go of my anger, and move forward so I can take care of my wolves. They need a strong leader, though heaven knows I’m not the best man for the rank of Alpha, not my any means.”

I’m taken aback by his honest and direct way of speaking, at the personal trials he’s just shared with us, and I step forward to lay my hand on his arm. “Zander, whatever it is you need to discuss with us, I am ready to listen. We all are,” I meet Hamilton’s eyes, then Malachi’s as he steps up behind me and pulls me back against his chest. Zander smiles knowingly at the possessive reaction.

Then he looks at Malachi with a seriousness in every aspect of his gaze and posture. “I request the re-acquisition of my territory, so my pack can rebuild and finally have a future on our own land.”

I smile, seeing the sense in his request and wishing for all to be made right after so much loss in his past. “There now, that wasn’t so hard—”

“Absolutely not!” Malachi growls at the rogue, and I flinch at my mate’s abrupt response.

“But Malachi, it’s his land. Your pack only acquired it because of the tragic events that should never have occured. Why can’t you let it rest and—“

“How can we trust him?” Malachi takes my arm and leads me away from the group, talking in harsh whispers to me. “He’s been a rogue for seven years, packless, wandering in the wilderness. His mind might not be right—”

“Oh, for goodness sake. Does he look like he’s crazy to you?” I look pointedly at the refined and calm man who is waiting patiently for our discussion to reach a conclusion. Returning my gaze to Malachi, I see him studying him just as closely. I understand his hesitancy to just hand over land so quickly. Alphas are extremely territorial, especially when blood debts are owed and feuds remain between the commanding families.

“I still don’t like the idea…”

“Well, I do. I have a feeling we can trust him. He only wants what’s rightfully his, so he can finally lead his people in a better life. It’s what we all want,” I say carefully, reminding him of our own determination to rebuild our lives after the tragedy of last night.

My mate sighs, takes a deep breath and then sighs again before heading back to Zander and the others. “Alright, you may have your land back. Next week, I will go over the paperwork and draw up the original boundary lines so we are all clear on our territories. We will help you with the initial resources and supplies you need to rebuild your town since it was burnt to the ground by my father.”

“And we will also lend you some of our warriors if you need help running border patrol while you get back on your feet. And you’re invited to our next Fire Night in two weeks’ time on the new moon,” I add, feeling the weight of Malachi’s stare as he wonders why I’m being so generous.

“Thank you, Luna. Much appreciated. However, we will not be needing the warriors as my own men are strong and capable enough,” Zander bows over my hand once again, ignoring the intense glare from Malachi and instead smiling at me warmly.

Then he and Malachi grip forearms, formally shaking on the agreement. I let out a sigh of relief and share a smile with Hendrik, who is far more happy than Hamilton with the outcome of our discussion.

“What’s this?” Malachi suddenly growls, his entire body bristling as he reaches around Zander’s neck and pulls free a leather cord. Hanging in the middle is a ring, and he holds it up to the light to examine it closely. “My sister’s ring?” He roars in shock, his face twisting as snarls vibrate from his throat. “Why do you have my sister’s ring!?”

Zander throws up his arms in defence, and I tense in fear of what Malachi might do. The young Alpha is thoroughly ticked off, and I swallow my nervousness and snag the back of his shirt.

“Malachi,” I tug him back but he only advances on the new Alpha, ignoring me completely.

“She gave it to me. Why else do you think I would have Violet’s ring?” Zander explains slowly and calmly, not giving any indication of fear of the advancing and enraged Alpha before him.

I again try to call my mate’s name, but he just keeps glowering with animosity at Zander. “My sister was murdered, somewhere up here beyond our border. It makes too much sense that you, having her ring, would be the murderer.”

I shudder and cover my mouth to keep from gasping, the accusation seeming to be logical without any other facts. But from the gut instinct I feel about Zander, I know he can’t be the killer. “Just let him explain, Malachi. Don’t do anything rash,” I say loudly, rushing forward again to stop a potentially bloody fight from breaking out. But Hamilton grabs my arm and holds me back, shaking his head in a warning. Coming between two Alphas is dangerous, so instead, I pour energy from my heart into our bond, hoping Malachi feels something and calms down. His body remains alert, tense, poised to strike in pent-up retribution for his dead sister.

“I would never hurt Violet,” Zander begins.

“Why not?” Malachi interrupts, crowding closer to Zander’s face, his hands inches away from wringing his neck. “Why wouldn’t you, a packless rogue wanting revenge for having his territory ripped from him, take away the one thing my father cared about?”

“Because she was my mate!” Zander yells, losing some of his composure but standing up confidently against Malachi.

Malachi freezes, some of his rage deflating as his shoulders lower a fraction, and I see the confusion written on his face. “Mate?” he repeats in a thin voice.

I take my chance to slip beside him and hold his hand between my own. He wraps his fingers around mine tightly as if to steady himself. “How?” he asks, and Zander rakes his hand through his hair as he sighs in relief that the tension has eased between them.

“Not long after the fight between our packs and we lost our territory, I met Violet. You know how she often liked camping up here near our border.”

Malachi nods, “But after the fight, my dad prohibited anyone from coming up to Sunset Falls except for the extra border guards. We didn’t trust you wouldn’t try and cross again in retaliation.”

“Yes, well…” All of us listen intently as Zander formulates his reply. “That was a good call. We were angry and wanted revenge, as I said before. I lurked along the border, actually trespassing onto your territory when I met Violet. She obviously broke your father’s command.”

Malachi frowns darkly, processing this information.

“We both knew the danger of being in this precarious zone of land, but I guess our bond drew us together. You can’t fight destiny,” he gives me a knowing smile, and I fight back a grin as Malachi looks at me sharply. Destiny by God’s designs will always pull mates together, no matter how impossible the circumstances. Zander continues, “We only met a couple of times before she gave me her ring as a symbol of her commitment to be with me.” He motions to the gold ring in Malachi’s palm.

“I still don’t entirely believe you,” Hamilton interjects hotly. “Violet never told us she’d found her mate.” He looks to Malachi, who nods in agreement. I know she was like an older sister to them both, so why would she hide such exciting news from them?

“Of course she didn’t,” Zander replies calmly, although I can see it affects him to discuss his dead mate like this, having to defend his relationship with her. His face darkens in a sad expression, almost wistful as he recalls the past. “Can you imagine Dennison’s reaction if he found out his daughter’s mate was a rogue, the son of his enemy who killed his Beta? It was a mess, when all I wanted to do was meet with my mate’s family and gain approval as any mate would. Instead, we had to hide it from everyone. We couldn’t mark or claim each other at the time, hoping things would calm down and Dennison would become more reasonable. But then…” he pauses, swallowing unsteadily and I dread the next part of the story. “Then she was killed, right before my eyes.”

Malachi tenses, his body becoming completely rigid as he squeezes my hand with almost enough force to crush my bones. Hamilton stares off into the plains, blinking his eyes as he clears them of emotion.

“Who killed her?” Malachi asks quietly, his voice trembling slightly, but mostly dripping with a heavy threat. I can tell he wants to tear Violet’s murderer to shreds, and I wouldn't stop him.

“A few of your father’s many enemies. I didn’t stop to find out their name before tearing their eyes out, then their tongues, then slicing their bodies to ribbons with my claws. I was blinded by rage and pain, too hurt to really care who they were. They took my mate from me, and nothing compared to that soul-crushing pain that ripped through my heart as if they had killed me, and not her.” Zander swallows quickly, biting his trembling lip as I see his eyes glisten with unshed tears. With a shaky hand, he runs his fingers through his tousled hair, his gaze searching the distance for a sense of calm. My own heart begins to ache for him and the obvious grief that still lingers in his soul.

Malachi nods. He knows that very pain, and I lean into his side as he holds me closer.

“How did it happen? Why couldn’t you stop them?” Hamilton asks lowly, a hint of accusation in his voice.

“They were opportunistic, taking a chance I never saw coming. Violet was on her way to meet me here. She was halfway up the hill when the devils jumped from the rocky cliffs and ended it all in only a few seconds. I ran down as fast as I could, the fastest I’ve run in my life, but I was too late. I heard them swearing, cussing out Dennison before I slaughtered them. I knew he was an arrogant tyrant, I just hadn’t anticipated his own foolish actions in the past would result in the death of his daughter. As you can imagine, I became even more hateful towards him, and actually cried in joy when I heard he’d been killed.”

Everyone is silent for a few moments as the story sinks in, the details about Violet that Malachi and his pack have been wanting to know for years finally out in the open. Maybe now, they can find closure even though the loss hurts like fresh wounds, reopened to torment them all over again.

I see Malachi swipe under his eye, and I lift my hands to wipe away his tears, as he’s done for me. Holding his face in my hands, I look him in the eye until he’s regained control. Lowering his forehead to mine, he murmurs his thanks before wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder. I can still feel the tension in his body, my heart aching as his aches, and I say in his ear, “I trust him. I know it’s hard, but I’m sure Zander can be trusted. He’s not the enemy we’ve thought him to be. He’s an ally.”

Malachi slow nods, then takes a fortifying breath. “Thank you for sharing that with us, Zander.”

“Yeah,” Hamilton adds quietly, his voice still rough. “It means a lot. Honestly,” he scuffs the ground with his toe before clearing his throat. “Could you tell us… where she is buried?” Hamilton asks in a thick voice.

Zander swallows heavily, his throat bobbing. “We buried her on our sacred burial ground, up beyond the main cave entrances. The meadow is surrounded by tall sequoias, protecting it like a fortress as they overlook the main township. I knew she would have wanted to be laid there, seeing as she was… would have been.. Siyah Magara’s Luna,” he finishes slowly, looking down with a sorrowful frown between his eyes. “I can take you there if you like,” he lifts his head and offers to Malachi.

My mate shakes his head. “No, not… not right now.” He shifts on his feet, and I feel the anguish in his soul. He has already been through so much today, I understand why visiting his sister’s grave is more than he can bear.

Emotion has overcome us all, but I still have questions. Something still doesn’t add up.

“But why now?”

Zander looks at me, puzzled.

“Why tell us this now? Why only ask us now for your territory back?”

Zander takes a deep breath and releases it slowly. “Obviously I would have never asked Dennison for it. That unreasonable scoundrel would have killed me the moment he saw me. Violet told me he was volatile and I shouldn’t even think of approaching him. But she said her young brother Malachi would be a different kind of Alpha, and I’d have a better chance with him once he became Alpha. After she died, I wandered the plains for a couple years, not caring for my pack or anything really. They scattered as well, finding places to settle and survive without a leader. Every now and then I would come back and check on things, and was pleased when I heard Dennison was finally gone. But it still wasn’t the right time to do anything about my territory. I heard you,” he looked at Malachi, “were having troubles in your own ranks, not enough of the elders respecting your leadership. I didn’t want to cause you any more drama or division, so I waited. For what, I wasn’t sure. Then, Ariella, I heard about you,” he flashes me a bright smile.

“Me?” My eyes widen in shock.

“Wait a minute! Hold up,” Malachi steps in front of me protectively and holds up his hands. “How did you keep hearing all this stuff? Do you have a spy in my pack?”

Zander chuckles, clearly at ease even when Malachi is not. “Let’s call it, a friend on the inside.”

I watch as his eyes slide to Hendrik, who presses his lips together as though smothering a chuckle.

“You mean I have a traitor on my hands?” Malachi crosses his arms and glares at his Gamma.

“Mal, don’t be so dramatic!” I interject quickly and tug on his arm.

“It’s not like that,” Hendrik defends himself. “Zander and I were friends before your fathers were enemies. We used to run together along the border when we were boys. After the falling out and tragedy between our packs, I couldn’t bear to see him lose so much hope. I kept him in the loop of how things were going, always looking for an opportunity to approach you about restoring his pack’s territory. We all know how things haven’t been going well since you officially became Alpha after Dennison’s death, so we waited and bided our time. But then I met Ariella,” Hendrik pauses in his side of the story to give me a smile, and I feel my stomach twist in something akin to unease, but more just apprehension at what my part is in this, whatever it might be.

Hendrik continues, “Since the day I met you, I saw how strong and courageous you were, yet quiet and gentle in your own way. No one took you seriously, or gave you the respect you deserved, but I saw something that I just knew would benefit our pack immensely in the time to come. I’ve watched you become more confident in not only yourself, but your faith and convictions. You’ve stood up for what you believe is right, yet you aren’t arrogant or rash about it. You’re loyal and determined, even when others mock you for it. Your kindness towards everyone is refreshing after so much selfish rulership we’ve been subjected to. That is why I told Zander about you. We were sure you would understand his story, and be able to convince Malachi of restoring Siyah Magara to its rightful Alpha. Turns out we were right,” he slaps Zander on the back and they grin exuberantly.

I see out of the corner of my eye Hamilton shaking his head in disbelief, while Malachi just stares at them both with an unreadable expression.

My mouth hangs open in amazement, as everything they deduced about my personality is pretty accurate. It’s like they knew the type of person I am when I really only saw the truth myself a few hours ago.

Malachi is the first to break the silence, clearing his throat before speaking. “I thank you, Aleczander, for being so considerate and patient. Not many other wolves in the same situation would have acted how you have. On behalf of my father and pack, I am sorry for how things were handled all those years ago, the arguments that lead to deaths and the loss of your pack. I hope we can put it behind us and work together to build a peaceable alliance between us,” he offers his hand again, and Zander grasps it eagerly.

“I too pray for an era of peace. With your beautiful Luna by your side, I’m sure we can all achieve that,” Zander winks at me, ignoring the low grumble from Malachi.

I feel a blush creep up my neck and stain my cheeks, yet I hold my head up and push my shoulders back, and give a genuine smile in return. I think we are all glowing from this resolution of the tension between us, and the closure Zander has provided about Violet.

Malachi holds out his hand and offers the ring back to Zander.

The rogue turned Alpha looks at it before shaking his head. “You should keep it. She was your sister.”

Malachi looks at him sharply, surprise on his features, before he turns his head to me. His eyes search mine, and I smile reassuringly. Malachi turns back to Zander. “She was your mate,” and he holds out the ring again.

Zander’s face breaks into a smile that is lined with sorrow, before he takes the ring. Holding it up to the light, I see the blue sapphire glitter and sparkle. Then he re-ties the cord around his neck, the ring nestling back under his shirt collar.

“Alright, before you all start kissing each other and embarrassing yourself, I say we head back. Our own pack needs us, Mal,” Hamilton says with an agitated edge to his voice. I wonder briefly what’s bothering him as he looks around the clearing, as if he’s expecting more rogues or demons to jump from the shadows and attack us. I understand his concern, given the last twelve harrowing hours, but my own instinct is telling me all is fine right now. I put it down to the Beta not yet being at ease with the sudden reconciliation with Zander, the son of his father’s killer. This will take some time for him to come to terms with.

I go up to him and lay my hand on his arm gently, and he looks at me quickly, a frown crouched in his cool hazel eyes. They soften when I return something to the palm of his hand. “Thank you, Hamilton, for the reminder that we always have time to do what’s right.”

He closes his hand over mine, giving it a brief squeeze as he smiles at me. “I wasn’t sure you’d know what to do. I don’t even know now if there was anything right in what happened.”

“I listened with my head and my heart, and followed God’s leading. It was all any of us could’ve done.”

He nods, “You sacrificed everything to save Malachi. You gave your life and saved our pack. That’s something only a true Luna would do,” he lays his hand on my shoulder.

I push past that and wrap my arms around his waist in a tight hug. “Thanks, Beta,” I smile up at him and watch as his hazel eyes sparkle. “You did the same. You nearly died in the fight to protect your Alpha.”

His eyes glisten, a dazed expression crossing his face. “I still don’t know how I survived.”

I pull back and squeeze his hand. “Some miracles remain just that—mysteries.”

Hamilton nods, his eyes still glazed over as if he is trying to solve the mystery in his mind. Then he shakes his head, as though reconciling it will remain beyond his understanding. With a smile, he slips his ancestor’s watch into his pocket, and I return to my place beside Malachi.

With my mate’s arm wrapped securely around my waist, we lead the way out of the protective clearing, and I look back at the large group of shewolves and pups who follow us. Along with the warriors guarding them, we are a large group but have no trouble crossing back over the river and following the small trail towards the pack centre. Towards the devastation we know awaits us, making our hearts heavy with worry and gloom.

I slow my steps until Hendrik falls in beside me.

“Hendrik, where is Devanshi?” I ask the Gamma, having looked around our group of wolves and failing to see my good friend.

“She went back to join the fight, shortly after we met you in the forest. You didn’t see her back at the pack grounds this morning?”

I shake my head. “No. Why would she come back? I thought she was helping you protect these women and children.”

Hendrik’s expression darkens. “She felt her father being attacked.”

“We were all being attacked,” I respond, unsatisfied with his answer. Rahul is a strong and highly skilled fighter, the head of all guards in Malachi’s pack. Why would his daughter go to him when he’s been in skirmishes many times?

“I think it was something more. She felt he was injured. Badly. Devanshi was nearly beside herself as she felt pain over the bond.” Hendrik conveys his worried emotion with a frown and tense jaw.

My heart spikes. I know we lost many in the fight with the demons. Could Rahul have been one of them? “Then let’s hope she got to him in time and saved him.”

Hendrik can only nod, and we continue to hurry home.

We haven’t gone far when I feel the wind pick up around me, and I turn to my left to sniff for any scents in the air. Malachi turns questioningly to me and clutches my hand tighter. I feel the wind pick up further, stirring the trees and whipping my dress around my legs. It isn’t a gentle breeze, but a gusty current that begins to roar in my ears like a growling lion. Every sense becomes alert, my claws extending as my legs brace for something.

“Ariella, what is it?” Malachi stops beside me, bringing our entire group to a halt in the middle of the path that wends between the shadowy trees.

“Shh.. don’t you hear that?”

He shakes his head, but I don’t meet his troubled eyes as mine are scanning every shadow amongst the scrub and trees. A heavy darkness seizes my heart just as a dark body comes flying towards us from behind a large boulder. I am poised, ready for the attack, and raise my arms to block the blow. The demon tumbles to the ground beside me, but scrambles up in a burst of unnatural speed. His glowing crimson eyes fill my vision as he lunges towards me again, but I move to the left and slash my claws along his neck, my body evading his outstretched arms. His sharp talons grasp at me, but I have spun around to behind his back, my arm wrapping his neck. From this position, I wrench his head sideways, snapping his spine. With an otherworldly gurgled scream, the demon crumples to the ground before his body is consumed by glowing sparks, then dissipating in a million particles of ash into the rushing air.

I have a second to catch my breath before another shadow charges towards me. I see Malachi leap between us, a battle cry on his lips as he rips the demon to pieces before it can even get close to me. The demon doesn’t fall, and even with black blood seeping from multiple tears in the pale skin of his chest and arms, he leaps at Malachi and lands a heavy blow on his chest.

My mate stumbles back from the sheer force, yet gathers himself quickly. Snarling and enraged, Malachi leaps forwards and sinks his canines in the demon’s throat. I can’t tear my eyes away as I watch my mate, his skin taut and his muscles rippling from the movement, the sight entrancing me. The Alpha lands heavily on top of the demon, and rips his throat out in a powerful motion, his head arching back and the demon finally ceasing all movement. It should be a ghastly scene, but the moment the demon’s less than corporeal body begins to spark and fade, so does all trace of his otherworldly blood.

Malachi stands, breathing heavily, and slowly turns to face me. My eyes travel over his muscular body, and I see the faint outlines of wings on his back. Translucent shimmers of what appears to be silver light stretch up towards the sky, the shape of feathers unfurling before snapping once, twice, then curling back in on themselves. By the time Malachi reaches me and encases my face in his warm hands, his wings have disappeared, taking my breath with them.

“Ariella, are you okay? Did they hurt you?” he searches my eyes frantically, feeling through our strengthening bond if anything is wrong with me.

I bite my lip to stop from smiling too widely. He is an angel! With my eyes lost in his, I nod, “I’m fine. And so are you.”

“What on earth is going on? Why have we stopped?” Jayden, one of the warriors, walks up and looks at us as if we’re not right in the mind. Hamilton and Hendrik are both giving us concerned looks. I share a silent question with my mate—no one else saw the demons?

We just killed two demons who were tracking us. Thankfully I recognised their presence before they could hurt any of us,” I explain, Malachi’s arms wrapping around me as he breathes in my scent. I feel his body still trembling with adrenaline as it surges through his veins.

“Demons? Here? All I can smell is a faint bit of rogue,” the warrior scans all around us, but I know there is nothing lingering to evidence the presence of the dark spirits. “You even believe in the myths of those creatures?” he asks incredulously.

Hamilton places an arm around his shoulder. “Man, you have a lot to catch up on. You’re never going to believe what happened last night…”

I hear Hamilton recount his version of last night’s events as we resume our trek back to the town centre. Malachi looks down at me softly, concern present in his gentle eyes. “You should have let me fight those demons. They could have killed you,” he says, his hand rubbing circles where it rests on my hip, and I snuggle into his side, my own arm slung around his waist.

“I’m not that easy to kill, and besides, it’s not my time yet. The King has plans for us. A couple of demons aren’t going to thwart His plans anytime soon.”

Malachi manages to smile at my positive confidence, but I can tell he is rattled from the vicious attack. Who knows how many more demons are lingering in the shadows of our territory? “Still… I can’t lose you again, okay? I only just got you back,” he says, and the sincerity in his voice sets my heart fluttering and my blood rushing faster in my veins.

I look up at my mate and see adoration shining unfalteringly from his eyes towards me. His strong jaw clenches as we both imagine what demons could have done to me had we not picked up on them, and I pull Malachi closer for a reassuring hug.

It is not enough for him. In one swift motion, he slips one arm under my legs while the other remains behind my back, and sweeps me up against his chest.

I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me down the path, yet I don’t fight the way he holds me tightly. I’m not injured. I’m not afraid. I’m not weary or close to exhaustion, but I let Malachi carry me. I know he needs this as much as I do, and I settle my head on his shoulder and relish the way he is showering me with attention and sweetness. His lips place soft kisses on my face, and I can practically hear Hendrik’s jaw dropping in shock at Malachi’s unusual behaviour towards me.

“Yeah man, you all missed a lot last night,” Hamilton tells them in a conspiratorial voice, and this time Malachi laughs. His Beta continues quietly, “Those two lovebirds have been inseparable all morning. The story of Luna Ariella coming back to life is going to be one we tell over and over to our grandchildren.”

“Speaking of grandchildren…” Malachi gives me a heated look, passion swirling in his bright azure eyes, and my throat suddenly goes dry. He leans over and whispers in my ear, his lips brushing my skin ever so lightly, “We should begin planning our formal acceptance ceremony since you seem so intent on sticking with me. I know I’ve been pushing you away for far too long, but that ends now. For you to be Luna of this pack, we need to be marked and mated, you know.”

His insinuation has my ears heating up and a flush to rise in my face. My hand that is resting on his shoulder suddenly feels on fire, the contact between our bodies igniting flames that smoulder and spark between us. Involuntarily, I pull him closer and he turns his head until our lips meet. Forgetting our audience behind us, we kiss deeply and slowly, his lips soft yet demanding, yielding yet dominant against mine. The feel of his skin on mine, his arms pulling me infinitely closer against his bare chest and encasing me in his warmth, is magical, and all thoughts flee my mind as I become consumed with love for my mate.

“I love you, Ariella, and nothing is going to stop us from being together,” Malachi pulls back and whispers, the sudden space between us reminding me my lungs are empty. I gulp down breaths of air, and Malachi smirks before placing a kiss on my nose. “Don’t pass out on me. Though, I like the fact that I can make you breathless,” he nips my lower lip, causing me to growl and press a heavy kiss on his mouth.

“Just you wait till after the ceremony. I’m sure I can make you just as breathless…. when I outdo you in all the training exercises I’m sure Hamilton will persist I continue to participate in.”

We both laugh, throwing our heads back and feeling the warm sun on our faces. The leafless trees tower above us, but they soon grow sparse as we draw closer to the pack centre, and our mirth dies in our throats as we are faced with reality.

Quiet sobs echo behind me, reminding me of the loss some of these women are returning to. Their mates fought to protect our pack, giving the ultimate sacrifice.

The faces of the warriors we meet are subdued and etched in grief, their bodies bruised and bearing bloodied scars from combat.

One of them approaches us, shoulders stooped and brow creased from exhaustion. “Alpha, it’s good you’re back. You might want to hear our preliminary report.”

“Thank you, Greyson. How bad is it?” Malachi crosses his arms, and I hover by his elbow with a thudding heart, heavy with dread of the news this warrior is about to deliver.

“We’ve lost twenty seven warriors and guards, including thirteen females. Archie and Robert’s mates are among them.”

“Hila and Evelyn? What were they doing joining the warriors? They haven’t trained for combat in years.”

“That’s what we tried telling them, sir, but they insisted on fighting. Said they wanted to do right by the pack, and make up for the pain caused by their mates.”

“I understand,” Malachi responds, brushing his hand down his face as he releases a heavy sigh.

“I personally saw them take down five rogues before… before they were overcome. They did good, Alpha.”

Malachi nods and looks off into the distance, the deaths weighing heavily on his mind.

I break the uncomfortable silence. “What about Devanshi? Do you know where she is? Is she okay?”

Greyson turns to me, his dark blue eyes appraising me for a fraction of a moment before he straightens his back in respect. “She’s okay, Luna. Only a few minor injuries. Her father, however—”

“Rahul? What happened?” I hold my breath, a heavy stone sinking in my stomach and spreading into my limbs like a paralysing snake.

Greyson only shakes his head, his eyes clouding over. “I’m sorry. We did everything we could…”

I rush away, looking everywhere for Devanshi or anyone in her family. I run past a few broken bodies, their loved ones holding them close and weeping over their departed souls. Small fires flicker on the ground, sizzling out as the cold soil refuses to be consumed any more. A few shattered tree branches and small trunks litter the forest floor as I run towards the clearing where Seneca nearly destroyed her son, the evidence of the attack becoming more noticeable. The metallic stench of spilled blood grows stronger, my feet carrying me over stained leaves and twigs.

As the sun climbs higher over the horizon and lights the sky to a brilliant blue, the land remains silent, as if even the birds can’t bring themselves to rejoice on so cold and painful a morning. So the quiet sob that reaches my ears is amplified in the stillness, the cracked voice tearing at my heart in a fresh stab of pain.

“Dad, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left your side. I said I’d always fight with you, but I left when it mattered most. Forgive me, Father. I’m so sorry.”

“Devanshi!” I rush to my friend’s side and fall to my knees, my arms wrapping around her as she kneels in the dirt. She still clings to her father’s hand, yet I can’t bring myself to look at the cold and lifeless body of Rahul.

“Ariella...” she murmurs against my shoulder, her tears staining my sleeve with salt and dust. “You came back. You came back from the dead. Why can’t my dad? Why does he have to die?”

The dark and agonised eyes of my friend cut to my very soul. I open my mouth to respond or at least offer comfort, but no answer will come out.

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