The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 69

“What are you doing here?” Malachi holds the sword out firmly, the deadly sharp tip aimed straight at Zander’s throat.

Everyone around us has stepped back, remaining silent and leaving a gaping space in the middle of the room, filled now by Malachi and me with Hamilton and Hendrik on either side of us. Standing across from us are Zander and his men. Each is tense, alert, fists clenched and muscles coiled for action.

“Malachi, we invited them, remember?” I clutch my mate’s arm yet keep my eyes on the other Alpha male in the room, making sure no one makes any funny moves. All my senses are heightened from the new and stronger connection to Malachi, and I evaluate every small emotion that crosses Zander’s face, every small twitch of his muscles or shifting movement of his eyes. I’m reading him like I never have anyone before, and I don’t sense a real threat.

Despite this, Malachi has already pushed me further behind himself, shielding me with his body. I appreciate the protective gesture, though it is definitely unnecessary. I know Zander would never hurt me.

“Yes, we received the invitation, isn’t that right, Flynn?” Zander quips to the man beside him, never taking his eyes off Malachi.

“Hey, you said it,” the powerfully-built wolf lifts a shoulder in a nearly imperceptible shrug, his brow creasing in a manner that betrays his objection in the matter.

“A beautiful pink envelope with rose-scented paper, and signed in a glittery pink pen,” Zander winks at me and I frown, unamused with his jokes and unsure where he’s going with this.

“We only planned this yesterday. So there’s no way we had time to even think about sending out invitations,” Malachi growls, gripping the sword tighter.

When Zander just presses his lips together, suppressing a chuckle, I roll my eyes and step forward.

“Malachi, this is ridiculous. We spoke to Zander just yesterday and told him he could come to our ceremony,” I say sternly, tugging on his arm to encourage him to lower the deadly sword.

“I didn’t think he’d actually accept your offer!” Malachi continues glaring at Zander with dark intent.

“Yeah, neither did we. Good to know someone else has sense around here,” the warrior called Flynn mutters, bravely casting a sideways frown at his Alpha. I can see despite Zander’s relaxed attitude that his men don’t share the same ease in being here, surrounded by the pack that took away their territory. They have reason to distrust us, and are fearful our invitation was just to lure them here in an ambush.

“How’d you even get past border security?” Malachi demands, his stance unrelenting.

Zander restrains himself from rolling his eyes, and instead folds his hands in a gentlemanly fashion. “Your guards had been informed of our invitation, and allowed us safe passage over your territory,” he replies calmly, sharing a knowing smile with Hendrik.

Alpha Malachi glares at his Gamma, but I throw him a thankful look.

Then I walk boldly up to Zander, despite Malachi reaching for me, and wrap my arms around him in a hug. I feel a sense of peace wash over me, and I know there is nothing to fear from this unpredictable and roguish yet courteous Alpha. I can hear Malachi growl lowly, the sound rumbling around with small vibrations, so I step back to put distance between us. Looking up at the tall Alpha, I give Zander a warm smile. “It’s good you could make it. But you missed the ceremony,” I say, disappointment colouring my voice.

“I’m sorry, Luna. I really wanted to be here for it, but these knuckleheads wouldn’t let me leave our territory,” he motions to his men, and I smile at them in understanding. “I think they were afraid your Alpha would try to kill me. Can’t imagine why,” he throws a glare over my shoulder towards Malachi, who still stands close by with the sword in one hand and his claws extended from the other, a murderous glint in his azure eyes.

“Is it a crime to protect my Luna from a threat?” Malachi asks, a dark eyebrow rising while the rest of his face is hard like granite.

Zander throws up his arms in a show of innocence. “Just because your mate is the most beautiful woman on this side of Falcon River doesn’t mean everyone wants to take her from you,” he reasons, giving me a wink that draws a chuckle from Hendrik and a groan from Hamilton. “I’m not here to hurt anyone. I just wanted to give my congratulations to the happy couple, and perhaps build a few bridges that were burnt long ago. If we are going to be neighbours again, I want everyone to understand the peace that now exists between us.”

“Peace, that’s right,” I echo and nod my head, looking to Malachi sternly until he finally lowers the double-edge sword and holds it loosely by his side.

“Alright,” he grounds out through clenched teeth. “But if I see you even thinking about making one wrong move, my wolves and I will be on you before you can even shift. Understood?”

Zander smiles boyishly, before his face turns serious. “You know I would never go back on the deal we made yesterday.” With his hand once more extended, he offers reconciliation in front of all our pack. “For Violet’s sake,” he whispers as Malachi takes his hand.

With a firm nod, they shake on the peace agreement and everyone collectively lets out the breaths they’ve been holding.

“Now we party!” a booming voice declares, and we all look up to see Alpha Asa striding towards us, his Luna proudly by his side. The burly Alpha wraps Malachi in his large arms and lifts him off his feet. I laugh at the comical expression on both their faces: Malachi is horrified, Asa is grinning like a little boy on Fire Nights. “This is what I call true love, and I just knew as soon as you two met that there would be fireworks,” the older Alpha grins at me and Malachi. He is known for advocating the mate bond, always pointing out the rich blessings and advantages that come from accepting it early on in a relationship. He is credited for getting the two stubborn Alphas from ForgedHearts to finally see past their differences and thirst for dominance, and embrace each other as equals. I watch now as Kaiden and Chesca smile knowingly, also thinking about the sly deals Asa put to them in order to push them together.

Alpha Asa begins talking to Malachi, and I linger by Zander’s side for a moment before he draws me in with his smile.

“Malachi is one lucky wolf,” he comments, and I blush at his compliment.

“It wasn’t luck that brought us together,” I say wryly, looking down at my feet to avoid Zander’s intense gaze. His dark eyes seem to linger on my face and track every emotion found there. “I had to die to be with him. But it was worth it, and I’d do it again. I’d give my life for him a thousand times over to keep his heart beating and safe from the enemy.”

“That’s a very incredible kind of love. I’m earnestly very happy for you both. The commitment and devotion you share is unique.”

“Thank you,” I say quietly, not missing the way Zander stares at us wistfully, his eyes thoughtful. I am conscious of the emptiness he must still feel from the loss of his mate. “So, you’ve got some pretty loyal wolves in your pack,” I change the subject, motioning to his men who are standing tightly around their Alpha. Their rough and burly appearance, along with dark stares as they survey their surroundings, ensures no one dares come close. My pack members watch them warily and keep their distance amidst the happy chatter and celebrations.

“Yes, they are. This is Flynn, my Beta,” Zander introduces us, a look of pride now shining from his eyes. “And Bernard, my Gamma. Cisco and Gerald are my best warriors, and Hugh and Javier are guards who will be in charge of patrolling our new border.”

I shake each of their hands, trying to remember the names of these strong and hardened men. They have lost so much, yet I see the resilience in their firm handshakes and determined postures. I am grateful to be a part of the restoration of their pack.

“You must be excited to finally have your land back. We will do everything we can to help you, so don’t be afraid to ask,” I smile warmly at each of them, meaning every word.

Flynn returns my smile, his light blonde hair becoming mussed as he runs a hand through it nervously. Bernard looks between him and me, then nudges Flynn in the ribs. The well-muscled Beta grunts and shoves him back as Zander just chuckles and shakes his head in amusement.

“I thank you for your kindness, Ariella. We all appreciate what you have done for us,” the Alpha tells me.

I wave my hand airily. “It’s nothing. Honestly, I was getting so frustrated hearing about this pesky rogue Zander who kept bothering our pack. Little did I know that you were the rightful Alpha of the land to our east. I’m happy to help and finally sort out just one of the problems we’ve been facing for the last few months.”

“Seems like you’ve solved more than one problem,” Zander glances at Malachi who is happily conversing with a few other Alphas and their Betas who are attending our ceremony celebration. There is no darkness or depression in his countenance; only joy and peace that I feel pulsing through our bond.

As if sensing my stare, Malachi turns and our eyes collide. The bright azure colours sparkle in his irises, before the shade shifts to a navy blue and his gaze grows heavy. A shiver runs through me. Not one of fear, but of wonder at what he is thinking, and of my guess at what he could be thinking. I know both of us feel this new awareness of each other, of our mate’s presence even from halfway across the room. Our connection hums and pulses between us, aching to be explored. It is unsatisfied at how far apart we are standing. We have officially claimed each other as mates, so now there’s only one thing left to do to fully complete our blossoming bond--

Zander clears his throat. “We finished marking our territory earlier this morning. Javier must’ve run about fifty laps of the perimeter,” he praises his warrior.

My gaze remains riveted on Malachi’s, but he gives me a wink before turning to speak to someone. Gathering my straying thoughts, I swivel to Zander and swallow before speaking. “That’s wonderful. You have your territory and a loyal command,” I say, then continue with a conspiratorial smile, “All you need now is a Luna.”

He chuckles, the deep rumble sounding more like a sigh of resignation. “I learned long ago not to hope for a perfect ending. As you said, I have my homeland. My territory, my home, and my pack members all together on their land again. And I am beyond grateful.”

“You never know,” I shrug, thinking of second chance mates. “God might have someone else in store for you. I have a feeling you’re going to be blessed more than you realise.”

Zander looks at me seriously, his eyes darkening at my words. “Thank you, Luna, for your kind words. I am grateful.”

I tilt my head, trying to understand his strange response, when I see Devanshi walking up to us from behind the new Alpha. She has an apologetic look on her face.

“Ariella, I’m sorry to interrupt. I just—”

Her lips cease moving and her breath catches as she reaches my side. Her body is drawn around slowly until she is facing Zander, and I watch with alarm the shock that crosses his face.

“I--uhh….” Devanshi begins, her voice trailing off.

“You, umm… you are…?” The Alpha stutters. He seems at a loss for words, and I look from one to the other as they just continue staring. Eventually I nudge Devanshi in the shoulder, raising my eyebrows in question.

“Hi, uhh, I’m Ariella, a friend of Devanshi. No sorry, I mean I’m Devanshi, uh…” she stumbles over her words, making me beyond confused.

“Devanshi…” Zander says her name with a strong quality, something akin to reverence in his voice. “It is an honour to meet you.” He holds out his hand, and when Devanshi hesitantly places hers in his, he bows over it and presses a kiss on her palm. Her eyes widen as a soft gasp escapes her lips. Zander clenches his jaw, a flash like muted lightning in his irises as his pupils dilate. They both take a step closer, then a grin breaks out on Zander’s face. “I don’t believe it,” he whispers, almost to himself.

“Don’t believe what? What is going on?” I ask, folding my arms as they both seem to ignore me. Devanshi has the softest and happiest smile on her face, such beautiful peace that contrasts the pain and grief she’s worn since her father’s death. “Guys? Hello?” I wave my hand in their faces, and Zander’s eyes finally snap to mine.

“You were right!” he tells me, his smile infectious as it leaps to me and grows on my face. “A second chance mate. God really does have blessings for me that I never even dreamed possible.”

“M—mates?!” It’s my turn to stutter. “You are mates?” I glance at my friend who can’t seem to remove her eyes from the roguish yet impeccably dressed Alpha. He’s certainly a head-turner, but Devanshi was never one to look twice at a handsome man. The fact they are mates explains the dreamy look in her eyes. “This is so amazing!” I clasp my hands, then throw my arms around them both and pull them towards me for a hug. They are squished together in the process, and now I know how Alpha Asa feels when he brings two destined mates together. “I’m so excited! Devanshi, we’ll both be Lunas together!”

She pulls back and stares at me, stunned, then turns her eyes slowly to Zander. “Who are you exactly?” she asks, biting her lip as she anticipates his answer.

His eyes widen in horror. “Oh dear, forgive me for failing to introduce myself! I was so taken by your stunning beauty that I...I lost all my manners,” he frowns and runs a hand recklessly through his hair, tousling it beyond repair. Then his face morphs once more into a charming smile. “I am Aleczander, Alpha of Siyah Mağara--the newly claimed territory to your east. As my mate, you will have the honour of being our Luna,” he takes her hand and once more places a kiss on her knuckles.

I watch her reaction carefully, and smile with pride as she throws back her shoulders, stands a little taller, and nods her head sharply. “I accept. It would be my pleasure, Aleczander, to be your mate and Luna of your pack.”

The smile that overtakes the new Alpha’s face eclipses even my own. “Friends just call me Zander,” he whispers and pulls her into his arms. She rests her face against his chest, and smiles at me.

“You really knew what was going to happen, didn’t you, Ariella? This is why you didn’t let me take the position as Head Guard.”

I shrug. “I didn’t know specifics. It was more of a gut feeling.”

“She said something to you, too?” Zander looks down at his mate with a question written on his face.

Devanshi nods, “Yesterday, when Malachi asked me to fill the position my father held before his death, she intervened and said I was needed for another job. And this must have been it. She knew I would be your Luna.

“Well, not exactly…” I try and explain again.

Zander studies me carefully, his face thoughtful. “So, you have an insight into the future? Strong impressions of what’s going to happen?”

“I guess you could call it that,” I lift one shoulder and let it drop, unable to fully describe what it is I feel sometimes.

“And you see the truth behind people’s lies. Sometimes even hearing what they’re really thinking?” Zander continues.

“Exactly!” I snap my fingers. I remember not only listening to Seneca’s dark thoughts, the truth behind her light-hearted words, but also snippets of Harlow’s true intentions when she was fighting me in the challenge.

Zander nods, satisfied with my answers. “My mother is like that. She calls it spiritual insight.”

Tilting my head, I roll the words around in my mind. “Hmm, I like the sound of that.”

“She says there’s another realm all around us, and not many can see it.”

“The Interealm,” I say, nodding my head and growing more excited.

“Yes, that’s it. That’s what she calls it.”

“Could she see angels and demons?” I clasp my hands together, watching his face eagerly. His mother sounds like someone I would have loved to talk to personally.

Zander grins, a boyish smile that brightens his rugged features. “You’ll have to ask her yourself. Would you like to meet her sometime?”

“Wait, she’s alive?”

“What gave you the idea she wasn’t?”

Again, I shrug. “I don’t know. It just seems so many people have tragic backstories, I didn’t want to assume anything otherwise.”

“Yes well…there is much grief in my past. That’s no secret. But thankfully I am blessed to still have my mother here with me. I’m sure she’d love to meet you. In fact, she’s the one who told me about you in the first place.” Now it’s his turn to grow excited, and his voice takes on a storytelling quality. “Many years ago, she said that the future Luna of this pack would come into the darkness and bring light. That you would restore harmony between our packs.”

“Really? She had that kind of insight about me?” My eyebrows lift, my mind spinning at the fact I was the object of someone else’s dreams and visions of the future.

“Yes. Then when I met Violet and she told me about how good her brother Malachi was, I thought for certain that he was part of this restoration. But when that didn’t happen the way I expected, I began to lose hope. But, then I heard about you from Hendrik and the other men who’d met you. And I knew, just like my mother did, that you were the key to all this,” he motions to himself and around us, at the events taking place that have given him back his homeland. “That’s why I arranged to discuss it with you civilly, on equal ground. I wouldn’t speak to anyone until you were present and could hear my story.”

“I’m glad you did. And I’m glad you had so much faith in me, when I didn’t even believe in myself. Or Malachi. We’ve both had a lot of maturing to do,” I reach out and lay my hand on his arm.

“You’ll both do well, I’m sure of it,” Zander winks at me, then his eyes widen when he sees the look on Devanshi’s face. “Oh my, I’m sorry. I’ve been giving Luna Ariella more attention than my own mate. Do forgive me,” he furrows his brow with contriteness, his brown eyes wide and open with remorse as he clasps her hands in his.

Devanshi smiles at me, then at Zander before patting him on the chest. “It’s okay. Everyone loves Ariella. I won’t hold it against you that you got a little distracted,” she graciously forgives him, staying true to her kind and humble nature.

Zander leans down and places a kiss on her forehead.

Averting my eyes from their tender moment, I catch the dark glare that Harlow is giving me, daggers shooting from her brooding eyes as she leans against the back wall and casually sips her drink.

“Not everyone loves me.” I turn back to the two in front of me, but find them already lost in their own little world. Discreetly leaving them alone, I go in search of my mate.

I wander around, receiving hugs and well wishes from members of my new pack, and I am so happy that everyone is getting along and respecting each other. I join Malachi and he slips his arm around my waist, pulling me close against him.

I nestle in under his arm and look up at his face. His eyes are shining at me, his mouth pulled wide in a bright smile. His skin is vibrant, clear and tanned golden, no pale marks or sallow expression. Every trace of darkness has been washed away, every haunted crevice that marred his handsome face is gone. In their place is a peace and light that astounds me every time I look at him. His beautiful and handsome looks take my breath away.

I watch him for a few moments as he talks to Alphas Kaiden and Chesca, only becoming distracted when Aunt Chesca places baby Hunter in my arms. He squirms for a moment before settling. His little body curls into me and I grin at him, wiggling my brows in an attempt to make him smile. Hunter makes a soft cooing sound that makes me giggle, before he turns back to his mother and reaches out to her with his little chubby arms. Just as I’ve handed him back, Hamilton catches my eye from over Kaiden’s shoulder.

I excuse myself and join him. “What is it?” I ask in a whisper when I reach his side.

“Have you seen my sister? I swear that girl is trying to make my life miserable. I saw her laughing by the drinks table with a few guys, and a bottle of questionable substance in her hands.” He runs his long fingers through his tangled curls, and sighs in exasperation.

“Well, I did see her glaring at me a few moments ago. I think, despite her best efforts to be okay with this, she’s still upset with me and Malachi.”

Hamilton looks at me sharply. “She knew from the start that he wasn’t hers to have. If she wants to keep acting like a spoiled brat, I’ll have to ship her off to our mother’s. I don’t have the patience or energy to look after her like she’s ten years old again,” he grounds out through clenched teeth as we walk amongst the crowd of wolves.

I can’t see her in the main hall or kitchen, so we head down the corridor at the back that leads to some meeting rooms. The light is dim in the hallway, but the smell of alcohol is strong and it churns my stomach.

Soft laughter reaches my ears, and Hamilton growls lowly.

Two shadows emerge from the wall at the end of the hall, and Harlow’s face appears pouting and sultry. “Come to interrupt my happiness, brother?” she drawls lazily, then giggles when the male who has her pinned against the walls nips her on the neck.

“Get off of her!” Hamilton reaches them in two long strides, then tears the man away with a ferocity that surprises me.

“No, Hamil! He’s my mate!”

We all stop cold at her words. I peer closer at the male, who has his arms up in defence. His long fringe flops over his forehead and obscures his face. Despite his efforts to wrench himself free from Hamilton’s grip, his strength fails to match that of the Beta.

“What’s your problem, man?” he growls, and I recognise his voice.


“Oh, hey, Ari. Sweet party you got going on. Even found my mate. She’s so much more fun than you— wait, I didn’t mean—!!”

His words end in a shrill cry as Hamilton slams him up against the wall. “Don’t you dare insult my Luna or sister, you hear me?!”

“I’m sorry!” he throws his arms up again in surrender. Though smart, his posturing disgusts me.

“Hamilton, knock it off!” Harlow tugs at her brother, who reluctantly releases Max, dropping him in a crumpled heap. “We were only getting to know each other! You don’t have to babysit me all the time. There’s nothing to worry about, so leave us alone,” she argues, her eyes spitting venom as she looks between us both. Then after helping Max to his feet and taking his face between her hands, she checks him over for injury.

I roll my eyes and tug on Hamilton so he takes a step back. “She’s right. They’re mates. You can’t keep on shielding her, now that she’s found the right man to be with.”

“Is he?” Hamilton still glares at Max suspiciuously. “Is he the right one?”

“I swear, I’ll treat her right,” Max nods profusely.

Still, I can’t help my own frown as I study the two impulsive and graceless wolves who have their arms draped all over each other. I pull Hamilton away and try to give him hope, “God must have some plan in motion for pairing these two together. I don’t understand it, but we have to leave it up to Him.”

It doesn’t reassure him completely. “So this guy Max… you know him?” Hamilton asks, his fists still clenched by his side and his feet pacing in restrained agitation.

“Unfortunately, yes,” I rub my forehead, hating to tell him about the true nature of Max and his boorish ways. “But I hope they’ll be good for each other, and bring out the best in each other. I know you care about her, but that’s all we can do. Hope.” I pat his arm comfortingly, wishing to ease his concern for his sister. I know all he wants to do is protect her, but only time will tell if Max can mature and be a good mate to her.

“Thanks, Ariella. I’m sorry for losing it just then,” he apologises, his breath becoming easy as he calms down. “You’re a good friend.”

Smiling, I give him a quick hug. “That’s what Lunas are for. And don’t apologise. You’re just being a good brother to her.”

He nods again, then his head turns sideways abruptly. His eyebrows furrow, his jaw ticking in confusion.

I look down the hall to where the loud chatter and music is coming from, and see Gabby slowly approaching us. I wave her over and pull her close. “So?” I ask, looking between her and Hamilton. He stares through her, his eyes unfocused and his body still locked in a state of tension.

She twists her fingers together. “I spoke to the King.”

“And?” I prod.

“And He said that he did make us mates, as a kind of experiment.”

“Experiment?” I repeat, this explanation taking me by complete surprise. I need more details. “What kind of experiment?”

“He wanted to see how much Hamilton believed in Him and His angels. Hamilton can’t see us, but he’s definitely sensed us.” She bites down on a smile that threatens to overcome her lips, and glances at Hamilton from underneath her long lashes.

“Uh huh,” I nod, glancing up at the Beta who is looking at me strangely.

“Are you okay, Luna? What’s going on? Who are you talking to?” he asks, his hands on my arms as if to catch me should I suddenly pass out in a seizure of some kind.

I wave aside his concern. “You really don’t see her?” I slide my eyes to Gabby in an exaggerated motion, nodding my head in her direction.

He looks to where I’m pointing, beginning to shake his head before his eyes narrow. He squints as though trying to see a 3D image, then he takes a sudden step back. “Wow….” is all he says, and I bite my lip to keep from screaming in happiness.

Gabby smiles demurely. “Hello,” she says, extending her hand in a formal greeting.

“Oh, come on,” I nudge Hamilton who still stares at her in shock. “Kiss the girl,” I urge, and I’m sure I see Gabby’s face blush at the idea.

Hamilton steps closer, and tilts his head. “Have I met you before?”

Gabby plays nervously with a strand of her long blonde hair. “Well, not exactly…”

“She saved your life. Don’t you remember?” I tap my head, indicating Hamilton should use his brain.

“Maybe...No, I’m not sure… I thought it was just a dream…” his voice is soft and wistful, his eyes locked with Gabby’s as he flips through his memories.

“Nothing is ever just a dream. Just ask Ariella,” Gabby replies, her lips trembling as Hamilton takes both her hands in his. I can only imagine what she must be feeling from the first contact, the sparks that erupt between them and begin tying their hearts together in an unshakable bond.

“But I feel as if I’ve seen you around before. Are you from Ariella’s pack?” he asks.

“In a way,” she responds cryptically, and I see the small twinkle of mirth in her eyes as it only increases his confusion.

“I’ll let you two lovebirds sort it out,” I pat them both on the shoulder before walking back to the celebration. I spot Hendrik leaning against one of the food tables, his posture slumped and his expression moody. “And what’s your problem?” I grab a cracker topped with cheese and sundried tomato, popping it in my mouth after asking the Gamma a very important question.


“Hmm sure,” I eat another cracker, grabbing a whole plate and settling in next to Hendrik. This is either going to be either a short or very long conversation, and I want him to know I’m ready for when he is.

“Girls,” he eventually mumbles, a dark frown creasing his forehead.

“Tell me about it,” I roll my eyes, unoffended by his stereotypical utterance. Then my eyes follow to where he is staring at glumly. “Oh! That girl!” I see a young woman standing near Asa and Danella. She looks like the Luna, and I deduce she is her younger sister. I remember hearing the story of when they and their brother escaped Alpha Kaiden’s old pack and sought asylum on Alpha Chesca’s territory many years ago, only to meet Asa and realise the bond between them. They all moved to Asa’s pack, Danella becoming Luna, but I don’t know what her sister and brother have been doing with their lives since. I watch the young shewolf talk animatedly with the man by her side, her hand resting on his arm in an intimate way. “Is she your mate?” I ask Hendrik.

He rubs a tired hand down his face. “She doesn’t seem to think so. I walked right past her and she didn’t even look at me.”

“That’s terrible! But why not? Can’t she sense the bond?”

Hendrik shrugs. “I guess not. Whoever that guy is beside her, he’s messing with her senses. They’re so wrapped with each other, she doesn’t even notice what’s going on around them. Just look at her, all self-assured and confident under that man’s slithery gaze. She’s probably not my type anyway. In those heels, I doubt she’d be able to walk even a hundred meters, let alone ten miles. And look at that fancy suit. She’d never survive on this rugged territory.”

“What on earth are you blabbering on about?” I begin to get annoyed with the Gamma’s pessimism.

“She wouldn’t even care for someone like me, especially when she doesn’t even know I’m here,” he pouts, staring into his drink and sighing dramatically.

“Let’s change that.”


Before he can protest, I grab him by the arm and pull him across the room, right up to the young woman in question. “Hello, I’m Ariella. Thank you so much for attending my ceremony. It’s so good to see friends and family here from all over.”

“Thank you for having us. I’m Karla” she extends her hand and I take it. Immediately, I sense the confidence that Hendrik could see, but underneath that is a feeling of doubt, insecurity, and maybe even fear. I glance quickly to her male companion who has slipped his arm possessively around her. In his gaze I see a warning, but I lift my chin and turn back to Hendrik’s potential mate as she says, “We were just visiting my sister and her mate, and they insisted we join them for this celebration. Our congratulations to the happy couple,” she smiles genuinely, but I see an almost imperceptible look of pain in her eyes. “This is—”

“Rex,” the man introduces himself abruptly and offers me his hand, his deep obsidian eyes holding mine intently.

I shake his hand, feeling a pulsing darkness under his skin, a lurking malice that crawls through his veins. A strange light swirls in his irises, yet I get the impression he might not even be aware of the dark hold over him.

“We met in the city where I work as a lawyer. Rex has been such a Godsend, helping me settle in and find my way around,” Karla says, her eyes shining up at him.

“I’m sure he has,” I hear Hendrik mutter under his breath. I step back and nudge him discreetly in the ribs.

“The city, how wonderful! My good friend here, Hendrik, has been planning a trip to the city. I don’t suppose he could get a ride with you?” I smile at them sweetly.

Rex immediately frowns, but Karla openly brightens. “Of course, that would be fine. We’re leaving tomorrow morning. Could he be ready by then?”

“Definitely!” I enthuse, clapping my hands with how well this is turning out. Hendrik will go with them and rescue his mate from the clutches of a possibly very dangerous man. Or maybe I am totally read into this wrongly.

Karla gives a furtive look over Hendrik, her eyes trailing up and down his tall and muscled body while Rex wraps his arm tighter around her waist. I don’t know what she senses of Hendrik, but I’m tired of waiting to find out.

“Well, aren’t you going to shake on the deal? That’s normally how we formalise agreements,” I explain, shoving Hendrik forwards.

He mutely holds out his hand.

“Sure, why not,” Karla laughs in an easy-going manner, and I like her personality even if she is a bit snobby for our country ways. She places her hand in Hendrik’s, despite Rex trying to subtly pull her back. I watch as her expression morphs into bewilderment, a frown puckering her perfectly arched eyebrows.

Hendrik pulls her closer, his jaw clenched as he stares into her eyes. “Do you feel anything?” he asks in a husky and restrained voice. I see he is aware of Rex’s proximity, but the Gamma’s body is tightly wound and ready to move should the slimy man advance any more on his mate. “Do you recognise who I am?”

“I.. uh…I don't understand...” Karla falters, her confidence seeping away and confusion filling her eyes. She casts a furtive glance at Rex, who is scowling deeply. When her eyes return to Hendrik, I see a flare of something light her irises. She bites her lip, but can’t seem to find the right words. My guess is she is fearful of Rex.

“I’ll explain everything, if you give me the chance,” Hendrik says, moving her swiftly away from us and guiding her out the front door.

Rex steps forward to follow, but I grab his wrist. I hate the cold shivers that his touch elicits, but I hold on tightly. “Don’t even think about it.”

“But she’s my fiance!” he protests.

“My advice?” I lean in and whisper close to his ear, my voice dropping to a deadly timbre. “Don't ever get between mates.”

Rex glares at me, but I see him back down. “This isn’t over,” he threatens, but his voice is no longer steady, his certainty lacking.

“Oh, yes it is,” I release his hand, and watch as Alpha Asa draws him back into their conversation, nodding his thanks to me for defusing whatever situation we had going on. I plan to explain to the Alpha alone, but I feel two strong arms wrap around me from behind before I am pulled against a very firm chest.

“Are you alright?” The voice that I have fallen in love with murmurs against my ear.

“Of course,” I turn in his arms and smile up at Malachi.

“So…” he pulls me closer and places small kisses on my forehead, nose, and beside my lips. “Are you done matchmaking, because this wolf is getting desperate for some alone time with his mate.” His voice sends tingles of pleasure through my body, enhanced by the small trail of kisses that lead to my mark. I am aware of those around us, but I can’t help growing consumed by his touch on my skin.

“There’s nothing more I want right now.” Gathering my sense of dignity, I pull back and hold him at arm’s length.

He gives me a wounded and confused look, but then when my thoughts and desires vibrate across our bond, he nods in understanding. Twirling me around until I fall back against his chest, he tells me, “Then let’s get out of here.”

We say goodbye to my parents and the other Alphas and their families, before hugging our closest friends and thanking them again for their kindness and support.

With a racing heart full of excitement, I step out the front entrance with Malachi right behind me. He plans to drive me somewhere for a week of romantic seclusion, and though I’ve asked numerous times, he won’t tell me where. The mystery only makes me more excited.

“Not so fast.” A deep voice startles us both, along with the tall body of a well-built man, dressed in all black, greying hair at his temples.

We come to an abrupt halt before running into him. “Excuse me?” I glare up at him, then look beyond to the four men flanking him and a black sedan that’s pulled up to the town hall. I wonder briefly who approved their entrance and passage into our territory, but the stranger is already speaking again, looking down at me sternly.

“Luna Ariella, you’re going to have to come with me.”

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