The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 30

“No, I haven’t. Is she okay? Maybe I should go visit—“

“No, no, Ariella. It’s fine. She’s fine. Just…” Beta Knight leads me to a bench that’s situated along the path, encircled by old and brittle shrubs, and takes the time to explain to me. “She gets really bad headaches, maybe two or three times a year. It’s gotten worse ever since the Alpha died. When she’s suffering, she likes us to all stay away. The noise and interaction only make it worse, you know?”

“Oh,” I frown and wish there was something I could do for her. “Does she like flowers? Maybe I could give her some lavender. Or I could make her some soup! Or—”

“Ari, really,” Knight lays a hand on my arm, stopping me and my mouth slowly shuts. “She likes to be left alone. You have no idea what she’s really going through.”I nod, deflated.

“But enough dark thoughts for today. Cheer up! We can still carry on. What did you have planned for today? Let’s get that cheerful smile back on your face,” he tells me warmly, and I squint my eyes up at him. His happy mood is contagious however, and I feel myself smile back. “There it is!” He cuffs my cheek like a father might to his little girl, and I shake my head in amusement.

“So what were you so determined about earlier when you weren’t looking where you were going? I just know there’s something stewing in that clever mind of yours,” he prods.

I look at him sideways, suddenly getting an idea. “Okay, so, I’m planning a bonfire and pizza night tonight. I think it will be amazing if everyone can hang out, enjoy food and dancing together, and get to know and understand each other. You know, the older generations of wolves and the younger ones. We need to bond as one pack.”

“I like it. I like it a lot,” Knight muses, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

“Yeah, and you can help me prepare, right? I was going to ask Harlow, but you’re so much more fun to be around—” I stop talking when I realise what I just said, how I practically insulted the Beta female.

Knight chuckles. “Sure. What do you need me to do? I am at your service, milady,” he gives an ostentatious bow, and I can’t help smiling broadly.

We go over the plans, what we’ll need for the night, and how to get everything ready in time. First, Knight helps me find a wood fire oven for the pizza that someone in the pack had lying around, then we go shopping and buy all the ingredients. I make sure I get plenty of pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, and of course, mustard.

Knight rounded up a few willing volunteers to build a large bonfire, and I watch as it takes shape in the small meadow beside the training field. Logs are rolled up to form seats around it, and tables are brought to hold the food. A thrill of excitement runs through me as a festive mood settles over the activities. This reminds me of Fire Nights in my old pack, and I can already see the wolves talking and eating with one another, swapping stories and laughs as they enjoy the night off.

“Ariella, the Alpha wants to know how you’re doing?”

I slap my palm to my forehead. “I was supposed to see Malachi at lunch! Bother! Umm...just tell him I’ve been caught up hanging out with people.”

“He sounded pretty upset through the mind-link…” Knight grimaces, obviously not liking being caught in the middle of a mild domestic spat.

“Let him know I’ll come find him later,” I say, and hurry back to topping the pizzas. The sun is setting, it’s almost time to call everyone to enjoy the evening, but there are just so many pizzas to make and even with Knight and a few others helping, we don’t seem to get it prepared quickly enough.

I notice some shewolves lingering on the field after training, and call them over. They are the girls who made fun of me on our expedition trek, so I purpose to be extra nice and perhaps win them over as friends.

“Would you like to help make these pizzas for dinner? I’m sure you’ve seen the bonfire we’re preparing for tonight. It’s going to be really fun!”

They reluctantly agree after some teasing and prodding by Knight, and we introduce ourselves properly. I learn their names are Alejandra, Devanshi, and Noor, and each have younger siblings in the pack. They all enjoy cooking too, so we begin to get along quite well.

Before dusk settles over us, I inform Hamilton that he can announce the invitation to all the pack through his mind link. “Just make sure to leave out Malachi. I want to tell him myself and surprise him,” I twist my fingers together and smile at the Beta hopefully.

“I thought you said the Alpha agreed to this, so doesn’t he already know what’s going on?” Hamilton scowls at me and I cringe.


“Let’s go find this Alpha mate of yours,” Knight comes to my rescue, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder before Hamilton can incinerate me with his fiercest glare.

“Put me down!” I yelp and hit Knight’s back with my fists, unsure if this is better than what Hamilton had in mind for me for not being open about Malachi’s permission.

“Nope!” Knight chuckles. “I can feel Malachi is getting pretty angry, so I’m going to deliver you before he gets really mad and wants to rip someone’s head off.”

“Wait! What am I supposed to do again?” Hamilton calls after us.

“Just invite everyone for pizza,” I shout back from my upside down position.

“But what do I say? How am I supposed to get everyone here?” The usually stoic and confident Beta seems miffed that I’m leaving him to do this.

“I don’t know! Just say, ‘Who’s hungry? Free pizza down by the training field.’ That should get everyone. Who can refuse pizza?!” I say breathlessly even as Knight continues marching away. However, I know Hamilton hears me as he mumbles under his breath that this is never going to work.

His negativity makes me pray even harder that people actually turn up to this pack bonding event I spent all day preparing for.

“Don’t listen to that kid. It’ll turn out better than you think,” Knight gently puts me down at the entrance to Malachi’s office building, sensing my falling spirits. “All that’s left to do now is convince the young Alpha to put down his paperwork and pick up a paper plate instead.”

I impulsively give Beta Knight a hug. “Thank you for all your help today.”

“Anytime, Kiddo,” he ruffles my hair then pushes me through the door.

I bound up to Malachi’s office and enter silently. He is sitting in a chair by the window, completely absorbed in the book he’s holding. I sneak up, put my hands over his eyes, and in my deepest voice say, “Guess who?”

Malachi tensed, then let himself relax as the familiar sparks surged across his skin. He was surprised that he didn’t hear Ariella come up behind him, but her lavender scent now wrapped around him with no doubt. He could lose himself in her intoxicating scent if he didn’t keep a tight rein on his emotions.

“Where have you been all day? I’ve been trying to reach you for the last—“

She placed a kiss on his forehead, effectively silencing him and making him swim in blissful notions. Tugging on her waist, he pulled her closer then thought better of it. The Alpha gave her a cold glare, but it didn’t deter her as Ariella smiled innocently and wrapped strands of his hair around her fingers. The feeling sent shivers down his neck and back.

“I was planning a surprise. Wanna come see it?” Her brown eyes sparkled mischievously, and Malachi swallowed hard. He had to force himself to not reach and take her in his arms, bury his face in her neck and kiss her senseless.

“Uhh, I’ve got work—“

“It can wait, Alpha.”

And before he could resist, she took hold of his hands and dragged him from his office.

The fading daylight shimmered in the western sky, peppered with light specks of stars, and Malachi heard happy voices floating on the gentle breeze.

Ariella lead him down through the training field, and to the meadow beside it. A large bonfire was situated in the middle, small flames licking their way from the centre upwards. The smell of smoke and fresh savoury food was lingering on the breeze, tempting his stomach. He was surprised to see many of his pack members lingering about, talking, smiling...not doing anything in particular. “What’s going on? What’s everyone here for—“

“You’ll see,” she gave him a small smile, her lips pressing together tightly as if she was trying not to smile too wide. Continuing to pull him by the hand, he tried to ignore the way her fingers felt so perfect between his. This was too good. She felt too right, and he couldn’t sink into the bliss of being with her, or else he’d ruin everything.

“Hamilton, how’s everything going?” Ariella asked the Beta, and Malachi raised his eyebrow at his friend. It amused him that Hamilton would be involved.

“Better than I expected. Look, they came as you’d hoped,” he motioned to the road that lead down from the pack’s towncentre, where small groups of his wolves were approaching, even the older ones mixed in with their families and pups. Malachi was amazed.

“Is that nearly everyone?” Ariella asked, a slight nervous chord in her voice that probably only the Alpha noticed.

“Nah,” Hamilton raked his hair up in into a bun, tying it off with a leather cord. “There’s lots that didn’t want to listen to my message. But who knows, maybe this amazing smell of pizza will be too tempting for their pride.”

Ariella giggled, and Malachi scowled at the cute smile she was giving his Beta. “Is Luna Seneca coming?” she then asked quietly.

“She’s still not feeling well,” Malachi quickly said, noticing the frown on her face. But then with a determined look, she squared her shoulders and put on a brave smile.

“Well, I guess we should get started then. Come on,” she pulled Malachi to the centre of the clearing. “Hello, everyone,” she called out, and the conversations hushed and faces turned to look at her. “Hello!” she called again to get the last remaining wolves’ attention. “Welcome to pizza night!” she started, gripping his hand tightly where they hung between them. She swallowed and wet her lips. “On behalf of your Alpha Malachi, I’d like to thank you all for coming out here. I know it’s not normally what you do, but I’m sure you’ll all enjoy it. Tonight is all about enjoying food together, hanging out, sharing stories and making memories as a pack. I believe…” she paused, and looked quickly to Malachi, the confidence in her eyes only slipping for a brief moment before she turned to the expectant faces of his pack again. “I believe we can all come together as one pack, enjoy the good times as well as the bad, and look forward to a prosperous future if we face it together.”

That was deep. Did she practice this? Malachi thought, and when Hamilton just smiled, the Alpha knew he was thinking the same thing.

“Now let’s eat!” she clapped her hands, and a few wolves let out a cheer. They moved to the tables to choose what pizza they liked, and Malachi felt his heart literally swell with some kind of emotion towards his mate. She was so innocent, with the pastel colours in her hair, the setting sun’s glow on her pretty face, and lithe way she greeted his pack members while handing out plates of pizza.

“Hamilton, this is for you!” he heard her call out, and he watched his Beta scurry over with a goofy smile trying to break out on his face. “As agreed,” Ariella handed him a whole pizza topped with random ingredients, and Malachi felt a heavy flash of envy in his stomach.

“Perfect! Thanks, Ari,” Hamilton grinned and went off to enjoy his dinner, making sure no one snatched what was his.

“Do I get a special one too?” Malachi sided up to Ariella and slid a hand around her waist.

Her brown eyes turned to his. “I don’t even know if you like pizza.”

It was true, she really didn’t know much about him. And perhaps he should keep it that way. “I eat anything,” he shrugged.

“Okay, then. How about pineapple and pepperoni?”

She held out a plate, and the food looked so good that Malachi was almost tempted to eat it straight from her hand. Shaking his head to clear the unusual thoughts, he took the plate and at the same time, noticed her posture stiffen as she looked across the clearing.

Hila and her band of shewolves stalked down slowly, taking a seat at the back of the gathering with scrutinising looks in their eyes.

Ariella took a deep breath and started towards them.

“Where are you going?” the Alpha reached out and gripped her elbow.

“To say hello to our pack members,” she forcefully replied and kept going, her momentum of confidence intact no matter the hard stare that Malachi was giving her.

With an unsteady heartbeat, he lowered himself to a log and watched her from across the fire, able to hear every word she said despite the many happy conversations going on around him.

“Hila,” his beautiful mate knelt in front of the widow. “I’m so glad you decided to join us. Are you hungry?” she looked between the older women, and they barely gave a nod but the slight acknowledgement was enough for Ariella. She hurried over to the food and returned to them with plates spread in her arms.

Hila accepted one and just stared at it for a few moments with a dazed look in her eyes. Malachi was afraid she’d react badly, lash out and hurt Ariella, or laugh maniacally and accuse Ariella of murdering her mate. But she didn’t.

“Archie loved pizza,” she whispered, a sorrowful expression stealing into her eyes, darkening even the glowing firelight that reflected off everyone present.

Ariella gently took her hand, a gesture of comfort that confused Malachi. He wanted to be mad at her for being so friendly to the people who caused him so much trouble. He wanted to warn her away and never let her near the wolves who could tear her shreds if they decided they hated her enough. But he couldn’t. He was transfixed by the tenderness in Ariella’s eyes and what happened next.

“What was his favourite flavour?”

“Beef and bacon. Lots of bacon.” A reminiscent smile tugged on Hila’s face.

“Then you wait right here,” Ariella quickly said, bounding away and imploring Knight who was still making pizzas to put extra bacon on one. When it was ready, she took it right over to Hila and sat with her for a while, smiling and talking with the shewolves as if they were old friends. A few others joined the group, and the easy conversation flowed.

“Can’t believe she’s actually doing it,” Hamilton took a seat beside his Alpha and munched on his third pizza. “She’s uniting the pack,” he said with a look of pride on his face.

“You knew about this?” Malachi turned a dark gaze at him.

Hamilton threw up his hands in defence and nearly choked. “Hey, she said you approved. I just followed her directions. She is, afterall, going to be our Luna. Right?”

Malachi didn’t know how to respond. With a tight jaw, he forced himself to breathe evenly as Ariella slowly rose, threw him a self-conscious smile across the amber flames, and brushed off her seat nervously.

“Story time!” she waved her hand to get the attention of whoever wanted to listen. “This one is about a young woman who lived in a village, high up in the cold mountains, a place where food was scarce and good-will was even scarcer,” she again looked at Malachi, as if seeking his reassurance, then continued.

“Her name was Lilith, which means monster of the night.”

The pack members slowly sat around her, intrigued by Ariella’s story.

“The meaning of her name always seemed to haunt her, as she was an outcast. Alone. Despised. Owning nothing of her own, she lived in the dirty shadows of despair. She had hair as silver as the snow of winter, and skin as pale as if kissed by the moon itself. Although she was beautiful, she was selfish and mean, always stealing things from others and not caring how badly she hurt them. She didn’t care for anyone, and she had no one to care for her. She couldn’t care about anything, for she had no heart. No muscle to pump the blood around her body, so she was growing weak. No emotions to prick her conscience, so she was cruel. No reason to stay in the village that hated her, so she finally left. Someone had given her an idea. They had taken pity on the poor soul who was destined to be her mate, and Lilith had realised the epiphany.

Mate. The other half of her. The body and soul that would be hers for all eternity, the heart that would beat for her and her only.

If she could only find him, she could steal his heart and finally live. Live!” Ariella said with emotion, clenching her fist while peering into the eyes of her audience. The turn of this story was making Malachi’s skin cold, and his hands tightened in his lap.

“So Lilith set out, across hill and country, river and forest, pick-pocketing, hitch-hiking, lying and thieving to make her way. Nothing could stop her on her quest, not even the weakness that crept into her bones and muscles faster than her lungs could pump oxygen through her veins. She was dying, and running out of time.

“One night, on the side of a dusty road, she crept silently towards a sleeping man and managed to grab his coins from his hip pocket. She had his silver sword in her hands when he awoke, and flipped her over his shoulder.

‘This is it’, she thought. ‘I’m dead’, and much too soon. She had wanted to see the life drain from her mate into herself, but it looked like she would die at the hands of one of the King’s skilled knights instead. For as the startled man pinned her to the ground, she recognised the golden eagle displayed on his rumpled surcoat, and she knew all hope of escaping such justice was futile.

But he didn’t kill her. He pitied her. He introduced himself as Knight Archie,” Ariella nodded at Hila who was listening with astonishment. “And explained that he had done many wrong things in his life, but he wanted to make amends and would aid the young lady in her quest. She didn’t tell him the full details, having him believe she was finding her way back to her lost lover, and he swore his honour to help her. Together, they kept searching, but Lilith was growing sicker and could barely go on. They reached the royal city of their great empire Pernicia, and Lilith was amazed with the beauty of the wealth and architecture, the golden statues and fountains that dazzled under the warm azure sky. She was dizzy with excitement, feeling sure that she would find her mate here. Along with Archie faithfully by her side, she roamed the streets and it wasn’t long before she came across the one thing that would change her life forever.”

By now everyone was listening to Ariella as she animatedly told the story, and even Malachi was holding his breath, wondering what would happen next. Ariella was normally timid and quiet, but tonight she was radiant and expressive. He recalled the report by Gamma Hendrik, saying that his mate was independent, and rather immune to peer pressure. If she knew something needed doing, she’d do it regardless of what others thought of her. Seeing her now, sharing a story and commanding the attention of so many pack members, Malachi knew there was so much more strength and depth to her than one would first guess.

“The city centre was crowded, everyone pressing forward to catch a glimpse, and Lilith selfishly pushed and shoved her way to the front. The entourage of horses had stopped on the cobblestones, the rider of the first had stepped down and was speaking with an old woman. He was dressed all in blue and gold and finery, while she was a peasant in rags. He was helping her retrieve her scattered belongings that had presumably fallen to the ground in the excited mob.

Lilith knew without ever having seen the man before that he was the King. The mighty King Cyrus of the largest Empire Pernicia. And he was on his knees, helping the lowliest of his subjects.

Something tugged within Lilith, her chest tightening and the blood singing in her weak veins.

Then the king turned and searched the crowd, his eyes seeking until they landed on her.

And she knew. In that moment as his kind eyes collided with her spiteful stare, she knew that he was her soulmate. His was the precious heart she had been dying to find and take for herself.

The force of his goodness slammed into her, making her take a step back. And she ran. For a week, she ran from him. Lilith managed to evade the King and all the knights he sent to pursue her. For finally she recognised everything she wasn’t—good, pure, kind, unselfish.

And she didn’t want to take that away from her mate. She finally felt something. She cared for him, so she ran from him.

She hid down alleyways and twisting backstreets; she snuck through empty markets at night and disappeared around shadowed corners.

But she was growing weaker with each passing hour, and finally the King caught up to her in a shadowed corner of his city.

‘Don’t touch me!’ She yelled and scrambled back against the high wall that blocked her escape.

‘It’s alright, don’t be afraid. I mean you no harm.’ He spoke softly as he carefully approached.

‘Just go! Please,’ she whimpered and curled in on herself, her pitiful body trembling like brittle twigs in a storm.

‘I’m not going anywhere without you, for you are my mate,’ he crept closer, his hands outstretched gently. ‘My name is Cyrus. Why do you run from me? Don’t you know what you mean to me?’

‘I do, and I’m sorry. But you won’t want me. I am cruel, I am selfish. I am heartless.’

He smiled softly, ‘It doesn’t matter to me what you are. You are my mate, and I love you.’

‘No, you don’t understand!’ She was crying now, the tenderness in his eyes making her despise everything about herself. ’I have no heart! I will be dead soon. And I meant to take yours for myself. But I won’t. You are too good.’

‘Then don’t take it. For I will give you my heart freely. I will love you with everything in me,’ the King pleaded, not at all disgusted with her flaws and faults. All he saw was the precious soul that had been made to be with him.

‘No, Just leave me alone. Find someone else to love. Give your heart to someone who deserves it.’

But he replied with, ‘It’s not about what you deserve. It’s about what I want to give. You are my true beloved and I will always give you the best of me. Just take my heart. Please! Let me save you.’

And looking deeply into his eyes, Lilith reached out and made a decision. She promised herself it would be the last selfish decision she would ever make. But, as she took his hand in hers and felt the electricity crackle between them, she realised it was also selfless. She knew that he would be broken if she didn’t accept, that he would mourn her with a broken heart if she had died. He was saving her, and she was saving him. And this is the true power of love, the bond of hearts that transforms souls for eternity. King Cyrus gave her a new name, Luna, meaning light of the night. And together they reigned generously as King and Queen of the empire for many long years.”

Ariella smiled as she reached the end of her story, and everyone clapped with enthusiasm. Even some of the older male wolves wiped a tear or two from their faces.

“That was such a lame story. I have a really good one about ghosts that the pups will love,” Harlow got up, but Malachi ignored her. He hadn’t even noticed when she’d sat closely beside him on the log, her shoulder pressing up close. His eyes were trained on one wolf and one wolf only.

She slowly made her way over, her caramel brown eyes flitting to his every three seconds, every four beats of her heart, and it was driving him crazy. Only when Ariella was standing in front of him, her attention fully on him, did he rise to his feet. “That was amazing.” You’re amazing.

“Thanks,” she dipped her head, tucking her hair behind her ear when it fell over her face, the firelight illuminating her small silhouette beautifully. “You really think so?” she slipped her hands absently in his outstretched ones.

“Sure. Where did you get the story from?”

She shrugged, and seemed hesitant to answer. “I made it up. There’s a picture I drew, and this is the backstory I imagined for it.”

He nodded, his throat too tight to say anything more. Her humble attitude nearly drowned him in with its purity.

“Come on, let’s dance,” she tugged on his hands, and he found himself surrounded by relaxing music and other dancing couples. As they swayed slowly together, Ariella slipped her arms around his neck and placed her head against his chest. Malachi held her gently against himself, marveling at how perfectly she felt in his arms. She was made for him. She was here, looking at him with such adoration and yearning in her eyes, her smile all for him and he basked in it. He could easily tell she wanted him, and it made his heart stutter against his ribs.

He couldn’t do this. He was being so unfair.

“I’m sorry— I can’t…” he released her and stepped back. Cursing himself for the stunned and disappointed look that haunted her eyes, Malachi turned and left her.

He left the firelight of the gathering and disappeared into his trees. Along the forested path he knew so well, he tread with his thoughts spinning like a swarm of wasps.

He cared desperately for Ariella, and he could see she felt the same way. But he wasn’t ready to tell her the truth. He couldn’t tell her, and see the look of horror that she would give him. He couldn’t risk ruining her with his own demons.

The path twisted and turned beneath his feet like the story she’d just told. Was any of it about their own relationship? Was he Lilith, the monster of the night who was selfishly stringing Ariella along, taking what he wanted without truly caring?

But he did care, and that was why this had to end now.

The pain began in the base of his skull, radiating out like it always did. Up and down his spine it sizzled, paralysing his limbs like they were filled with molten lava. He knew better than to fight it.

Falling to his knees on the needled forest floor, he let the beast crawl from the depths of his soul.

Then Malachi threw his head back viciously and let out a wild howl, turning into the night.


Wow, what a long chapter this ended up being! Sorry it's updated a little late, but I've spent all week trying to write it and it just wasn't flowing like usual.

What do you think of the story within the story?

Thanks for reading,

Kiana Rose

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