The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 31

The pounding on the front door startled her.

Who would be calling at this time of the morning?

Chesca washed her hands of the fresh fruit she had been slicing, and moved to the door.

Opening it slowly, she sensed who was on the other side before seeing him. But the sight of the little boy standing there in dripping wet pyjamas, dark curly hair plastered to his forehead, was still a complete shock.


“Hey Aunt Chesca, where is Sav—“ His eyes widened as they looked past her. “Vannah!!”

The he dashed past the Alpha with a shriek and lightning quick speed, and before Chesca could even think of stopping him, he’d tackled a sleepy looking Savannah to the ground. They rolled on the floor of the living room, grasping each other around the neck and shoulders, hitting and yelling at each other in a way that was so not appropriate for this early in the day. This hullabaloo would surely wake baby Isaiah if Chesca didn’t get them under control.

“Kids! Get off each other right now!” Chesca demanded, but it was like their little ears weren’t tuned to anything she said. With grunts and squeals, they kept going at it, sometimes Savannah on top, her little hands grabbing at Justin’s hair before he flipped her over and pinned her arms to her side.

“I nearly drowned because of you! Say you’re sorry!” his face was red and he was livid as he yelled at her.

Savannah just giggled and grinned up at him. “Never! I know you’re a good swimmer. Or are you now scared of the eels in the lake?” She jabbed him in the ribs and pushed him aside, his back hitting the coffee table.

Chesca was about to throw herself between the two ferocious wolf pups, but a hand slid around her waist, holding her back. She jumped, but instantly relaxed into her mate’s arms. “Do you have any idea what’s going on?” she turned to Kaiden, who was trying very hard to keep a smile off his face. He was failing.

“You do! Kaiden! Tell me you didn’t cave to Savannah’s pestering and actually…” she trailed off when Beta Benjamin and his mate Kira rushed into the living room through the door that was still standing open. Kira reached down and grabbed her son off Savannah, but Benny just stood by and laughed.

He actually laughed.

“You too?” Chesca couldn’t believe this, but when she tried to prod the story from her mate, Kaiden just wrapped her in his arms from behind, his hands firmly splayed on her large belly, and buried his face against her neck.

“You are in deep this time, Vannah!” Justin struggled against his mum’s strong grip as he glared angrily at Savannah. “Just you wait until I get you back.”

The Alpha pup just picked herself up from the floor, oblivious of her rumpled and wet pyjamas and messy hair. “Wow, kelp looks good in your hair, Jus. You should wear it like that more often!” she smirked and grinned wide.

“Why, I oughta—“

“Okay, that’s enough, Justin!” His mother scolded and Chesca was still piecing together what happened. She looked between the two mature males in the room, both of whom were looking anything but mature with goofy smiles on their handsome faces.

“Did you really chuck Justin into the lake?” She turned on her mate.

“No! Of course not! How cruel.”

“And childish. Way too childish. Can you imagine the example that would be for the children? No way, Jose. We did nothing of the sort,” Benny crossed his arms and feigned a serious expression.

“Nothing of the sort, indeed!” his son Justin exclaimed. “They put my bed on the lake and set me adrift! I nearly drowned!”

“Oh, don’t be such a drama queen,” Savannah crossed her arms, mimicking the commanding pose of Beta Benny.

“It was perfectly safe. We kept an eye on him the whole time,” Alpha Kaiden hurried to explain.

“Yeah, and it was for Savannah’s birthday. She begged us to help her pull off this prank. How could we say no?” Benny said, ruffling her hair. Savannah grinned up at him, innocent gratitude radiating from her face while Justin’s remained dark and scowling.

Chesca couldn’t hold in the giggle that escaped past her lips. Once she saw the prank for what it was, the situation was totally hilarious. And once Justin’s arms were free, he darted from his mum to Savannah.

“Happy birthday, Alpha,” he smeared the seaweed from his own hair into Savannah’s, completing her bedraggled look. Then he ran from the house, with his best friend—or was she now enemy?—screeching and chasing after him at lightning speed.

Chesca shook her head and threw up her hands, at a complete loss. Yet she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. Her family and friends were so precious to her, and she wouldn’t trade them and the funny times they all had together for anything in the world.

“It’s all a bit of fun, right Beautiful?” Kaiden placed a light peck on her cheek, and Chesca turned to meet his lips.

“Right. Brings back memories of when a certain someone got thrown off the cliff,” she smirked, still recalling the attitude Kaiden had sloshed out of the lake with. By her recollection, the dark glint in his eyes had only made him all the more handsome and desirable.

“Yeah, and I especially love the way you reacted when I got you back for it. You didn’t speak to me for three hours afterwards,” Kaiden’s hands ran up and down her back, massaging her stressed muscles and igniting her skin with electricity.

“You just can’t admit that hot chilli sauce in the ketchup bottle was a stupid idea, can you? I didn’t speak to you because my mouth was numb from being on fire!!”

“Yeah, we all know that’s just your excuse—“

“Okay, you guys are cute and all, but we’ve got a party to plan.”

The Alphas were interrupted from their banter by Kira, and Kaiden glared at the petite yet strong Beta female with good nature before placing one last kiss on his mate. “We’ll be back later to cook the barbecue. See ya, Hon.”

“Oh yes, we’ll see you,” Chesca shared a smirk with Kira, already planning ways to show the two powerful males just who was in charge of pranks around here.

After Kaiden and Beta Benny left to commence the daily training schedule, their mates began decorating the house and finished preparing food for Savannah’s party. Turning twelve was a special milestone in her young life, and Chesca felt so proud of the strong and independent woman she was growing into.

“Mum, is it okay if I put a frog in Justin’s water bottle? I just found him down by the creek! Isn’t he so cute?”

Okay, scratch mature. Savannah may be strong and smart, but she could certainly be crazy sometimes.

And Chesca loved her so fiercely because of it, she felt torn between wanting her daughter to grow up yet never changing the way she was.

“Absolutely not!”

“But Mum!!”

“No buts. You don’t want Justin to choke and end up in hospital with frog poisoning, do you?”

Savannah shrugged, almost happy at the idea as she smiled at the slimy green frog in her palms. “All the more cake for us.”

“Seriously?” Chesca rubbed the ache in her lower back and looked at her daughter incredulously. “Just put the little frog back in his home, then go get yourself cleaned up. We need to have an early breakfast so we can tidy up this place.”

“Okay,” Savannah didn’t fight any more on it, but skipped off to do as she was told.

With a satisfied sigh, Chesca moved to the pantry and made sure her daughter’s favourite cereal was at the front. Tucked behind it was a gift that would hopefully give her a surprise when she went to get her breakfast. It had been Emerald’s idea to put a spring behind it, so it would jump out at Savannah when she pulled out the cereal. There were so many little gifts already on the table, as well as a few more hidden around the house, and Chesca was really looking forward to the special day they’d planned for Savannah, despite the amount of organising she still had to do. A mother’s job never ended, but she was content and happy with everything she’d been blessed with, including the hard work.

Soon Isaiah awoke and instantly wanted food, Emerald joyfully helped him to eat, and Savannah squealed at all her surprises while Chesca absently rubbed her belly. The baby was so active this morning, and Kira seemed to notice intuitively the strain it was on her Alpha. She was careful to dissolve any fusses before they blew up, and she made sure everything was running smoothly.

Soon the house and courtyard of the Alphas’ mansion was filled with pack members, laughing, eating, and celebrating Savannah’s birthday. They all adored their future Alpha, and spoiled her with funny stories and silly presents. The children ran around the yard with streamers in their hands, fluttering behind like many colours on the wind, and then they played ball games that never seemed to drain their energy. Chesca grew puffed just watching them.

While she was putting the finishing touches on the massive licorice donut cake she’d made for the occasion, she heard a knock at the door and was puzzled. Everyone was enjoying themselves out the back and were wandering where they pleased. Who would feel the need to knock on the front door?

Opening it, the smile that greeted her caught her completely off guard.

“Well, if it isn’t the most gorgeous Alpha Female.”

“Well, if it isn’t the man who is exiled from the pack,” she leaned against the doorframe and didn’t even think to step aside and let him in.

“You remember me!” he put his hand over his heart and appeared touched.

“Caleb, I don’t recall inviting you back,” Chesca’s mood had instantly darkened, and she watched carefully the male before her who still kept his signature charming smile intact. Caleb was Kaiden’s head guard many years go, but had been disgraced after causing a fuss with a woman in the pack. Everyone knew he was a player, and it was this suave arrogance that had got him into trouble. Bordering harassment, his advances weren’t appreciated, and Alpha Kaiden had been left with no choice but to send him away. Until he sorted himself out and decided to be a decent gentleman, his presence wasn’t wanted in ForgedHearts pack.

“Still as beautiful, and strict as always. But listen, Ches, it’s been so long.”

“Don’t call me that. What happened to the respect you promised to give me?” She ignored his look of pleading and instead stayed firm.

“You’re right. Forgive me, Alpha Chesca. I have changed and present myself to you as a new man,” he straightened his posture after lowering his head in deference. The light in his green eyes seemed so sincere, but Chesca knew better than to be sucked in. Again.

“Caleb, thank you. But I don’t appreciate you just turning up like this. Couldn’t you have called? Or—“

“Called? Don’t you know how bad reception is around here? You guys don’t even have a landline that works. How’s anyone supposed to communicate with each other? Besides mind link, which…”

“Which Kaiden cut off from you when you disrespected Miranda and refused to see how much your actions hurt her.”

“Exactly, I had no way of letting you know I was coming back.”

“You mean, no way of asking permission. You can’t just waltz into this pack and pretend like everything is all fine and dandy—“

“I’m not going to make the same mistakes, Alpha. I just want a fresh start and to prove myself.”

Chesca narrowed her eyes, hating the way Caleb was looking at her so innocently. She didn’t believe his act for a second. “I highly doubt you’ve changed, Caleb. Men like you don’t change so easily. If anything, they grow worse with age. So tell me—“

“Is that what you think? You’re not even going to hear me out and see what I’ve become now?”

“I’m sure you’re very well-meaning, but I really don’t think you should be here, not today.” She started to close the door, something she would never normally do to anyone, but Caleb wasn’t just anyone. He’d flirted and hit on her as soon as she’d met him, all that time ago after Kaiden and Chesca survived the brutal attack on their packs and worked to rebuild and forge them together. She had immediately demanded he respect that she was interested in only her mate, but Caleb hadn’t backed off entirely. He’d continued to make comments and remarks that would sweep most shewolves off their feet. When he finally got the clear message from Kaiden to stay clear of Chesca, he’d gone after Miranda, Kaiden’s old girlfriend. She’d seen some good in him, heaven knows what, and they’d grown close. But their relationship had gone south, and Miranda had come to Chesca one night distraught over how much Caleb was pressuring her. It was in everyone’s best interest to send the amorous male packing. “You should just leave before any trouble—“

“Seriously? You think I’m here to cause trouble? For crying out loud...” Caleb sighed and stepped back, rubbing his forehead dramatically. Then he looked at her with a mixture of anger and desperation, all part of the show she presumed. “Can you not just put the past behind us? It was, how many years ago? Six? What do I need to do to prove I’m not like that anymore? Kiss your feet and worship the ground you walk on? Join a monastery and meditate on the holy grail—“

“Enough!” Chesca held up her hand. “How dare you mock me! Are you trying to get thrown out again?”

“Are you trying to be so unforgiving?”

“That’s not—“

“Hey, what’s going on here?”

Chesca sagged in relief when her mate arrived and stood behind her.

She leaned into Kaiden’s embrace. “Look who showed up.”

“Caleb! It’s good to see you, man,” Kaiden moved past her and clasped the other man’s arm, slapping him on the back in a bro hug.

It was not the reaction she was expecting.

“Come on in, brother. You probably want to see Miranda? She’s out back.”

“Kaiden,” Chesca gripped his forearm. “We can’t trust him and let him in—“

“Ches, it’s fine. Of course he can be here,” Kaiden looked at her strangely, like she was making a big deal out of nothing and for no reason. After Caleb moved smoothly into the house and headed towards the festivities out back, Chesca pulled Kaiden into a room and shut the door.

“I can’t believe you just let him into our house like that, to join the party!”

“What’s the problem with that?”

“He’s been banished from the pack for over six years! And it was for very good reason we sent him away. We can’t just accept him back without any apology or proof of good behaviour.”

“I’ll keep an eye on him. I doubt there’ll be any trouble.”

“But who knows what he’s like. We can’t trust him around the shewolves and children,” Chesca crossed her arms and tried to get her boiling blood under control. She hated it when men just walked all over her like this.

“Chesca, just calm down. It’s probably just the stress talking. I’m sure we can trust Caleb. He’s a good man at the end of the day.”

“But we don’t know—“

“Just give him a chance, okay? Aren’t you the one who’s been trying to trust more and not worry so much? You said you always wished you trusted me more in the beginning, and not let your misgivings cause so much pain to everyone.” Kaiden spoke firmly, his deep brown eyes flashing with a fire she normally loved. But now it cut her, knowing it was being used against her.

Chesca resisted the urge to slap him in the face. “Oh, don’t compare that to this, Kaiden. That was an entirely different situation. You were my mate, and I should’ve realised the significance of the mate bond. Miranda and Caleb aren’t mates, and that’s why their relationship could get so messy.”

“You can’t blame it on that. People who aren’t mates can still have good relationships.”

“Name one couple you know that’s worked out.”

Kaiden stuttered, then stopped. It was true that not many found second chance mates or were able to make other relationships stable. Losing a mate or never finding the other half of your soul changed a wolf, most often for the worse.

But unwilling to admit defeat, the male Alpha hurried to say, “So are you saying Caleb or Miranda will never be together? Just because Caleb’s real mate died, and Miranda never found hers, they’re destined to be alone forever?”

“That’s not what I mean! I’m sure if they found second chance mates, they could be happy with them. But maybe it’s just Caleb’s arrogance that’s standing in his way of happiness. You can’t deny that he’s quite a jerk sometimes.”

Kaiden stood still and breathed deeply, obviously hating this disagreement as much as Chesca. She never wanted to ever fight with her mate, but they couldn’t escape the times he saw things from a completely different angle and wasn’t willing to back down from his views. In all honesty, she could be just as stubborn.

“The only thing I won’t deny is his chance to prove himself. I’ll keep a watch on him, but I’m sure he knows how to behave himself,” Kaiden said with finality.

Pressing her lips together, Chesca bit back the arguments she knew were futile. Only time would tell if Caleb was trustworthy or not, and despite the heavy feeling in her gut, Chesca had to smile and get on with the show.

Heading back out to the party was hard. She was so tired, yet the noisy atmosphere just kept growing. A headache began brewing in the back of her head but Chesca bore it like she was good at doing. Nothing would spoil her daughter’s party.

Her eyes drifted over the pack members who were enjoying themselves on the back deck. Her gaze lingered in Miranda, who was leaning against the railing with Caleb close by, his hand reaching for hers. She drew it back from him, remaining distant, and Chesca glared at the back of his head. Picking up two drinks, she walked over to the two of them. With a smile, she handed them each a drink, earning a wink and charmed smile from Caleb. Her stomach twisted, and she turned to face Miranda.

Be careful, sister, she mindlinked the woman who had become one of her closest friends over the years.

I know. I’m not letting him get to me, not again.

Chesca was confident that Miranda knew how to handle herself. Still, she would look out for her, knowing how easy it was to fall for smooth words and a disarming smile. Caleb had those mastered down to a fine art.

The Alpha’s keen eye collided with Jakara, Miranda’s younger sister. She was glaring daggers at Caleb, obviously upset that he was back in Miranda’s life again.

“Between you and me, Girl, I think he’s nothing but trouble,” Chesca nudged Jakara’s shoulder, and she nodded her agreement.

“If he even looks at her dirty, I’m gonna tears his eyes out,” Jakara spoke quietly, but Chesca heard the threat in every syllable.

“And I give you my full permission.”

She laughed darkly, a sound that was eclipsed but a lighthearted laugh. Miranda’s. She was smiling happily, and it irked Chesca that she could fall under Caleb’s charm so quickly. Maybe she was playing along for the sake of appearances, and Chesca hoped so.

“Are you feeling alright? You don’t look so good.” Lexi came up to the women and placed a gentle arm around her Alpha.

“I was doing just fine, until he showed up,” Chesca nodded her head at the man in question. “And Kaiden has let him just come and stay, like nothing happened before. ‘It’s in the past,’ they say. I could strangle someone.”

“Okay, yeah, I get that. But it’s not good for you to stress, Ches. Not with how close the baby is due…” Lexi trailed off, her eyes full of concern.

Chesca stilled herself, realising she’d been holding her belly unusually firmly. She dropped her hands and tried erasing the grimace from her face.

“Maybe you should go rest. You look worn out.”

“I am tired. But the party…”

“We’ve got it under control,” Kira joined them, warming Chesca’s heart with the amount of support around her. These shewolves had become her dearest friends and she couldn’t imagine doing life without them. They loved each other, their children loved each other, and life was so beautiful. She just wished it could stay that way.

“Okay, if you’re sure…”

“We’re sure,” Jakara nodded affirmingly. “I’ll make sure the drinks are still cool.”

“I’ll keep the food coming out.”

“And I’ll stop the kiddos from breaking their necks on Savannah’s new unicycle.”

Chesca smiled in appreciation. As she walked upstairs to her room, her feet were killing her, her back was aching, her bladder bursting, but her heart was full of love and light.

Yet her mind was still dark with worrisome thoughts.

“Just what are we going to do with Caleb, hey Baby?” She patted her belly and felt his responding kick.

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