The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 29

“Ariella. Sit.”

With that simple yet powerful command, I instantly plop down onto the nearest sofa, my hands twisting around themselves in my lap. I swallow convulsively, my throat drier than the Sahara, as the Beta stands in front of me and crosses his arms across his impressive chest. I can’t believe the amount of trouble I’m in now, caught snooping in his house like this.

“Why in all the universe did you break into my house?”

His hazel eyes bore into me with an intensity that raises my heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety all with one glance. Hamilton is angry with me, but it’s more than that. I see the hurt in his eyes, and I hate having disappointed him like this.

Opening my mouth, I scramble for an excuse. “’s uhh—”

“You better have a completely honest answer. Or else don’t bother answering at all,” he tells me in a clipped tone. He commands, demanding the truth and I realise I don’t want to give him anything less.

“I came here to talk about Harlow.”

“She’s not here. You’ll have to wait until she comes back from her friend’s.”

“No, I said I want to to talk about Harlow. Not to her.”

Hamilton slowly sinks onto the couch opposite me, his posture not yet relaxed, his hands open and ready for action if need be. I recognise the alert readiness about the Beta that is second nature to all wolves of high rank.

“Did something happen? Is there something I should know about?”

I shake my head. “Not exactly. Just little things.” I decide I can ask about Harlow, their parents, the cake Luci ate some of—anything but the Violet girl. I don’t want to bring that up now. I’ll ask Malachi first-hand when I’m ready. “Just little things. Is she...does she…” How on earth do I ask if she’s ever been Malachi’s girlfriend? Won’t that make me sound insecure and petty? “Was there ever something between her and Malachi?”

Hamilton’s left eye twitches, the vein in his temple throbbing with the reflex. “Something? I’m not sure I understand…”

“You know, like a close friendship...a relationship?”

“Relationship? Ariella, I’m not su—”

“Did they ever like each other?” I blurt out, growing flustered.

Hamilton presses his lips together quickly, staring at me with a puzzled frown like I just asked if the moon is round. “You’re joking, right? Of course they like each other, in a totally normal way for two wolves who grew up together, practically as siblings. Malachi cares for her as much as I do, as her older brother. What exactly do you mean, do they like each other?”

“Okay, let me rephrase this,” I look up at the ceiling, wondering why God created guys to be so dense. “Is there any possibility Harlow has feelings for Malachi, and is upset with me for being his true mate?”

There. I said it. I finally asked what has been weighing on my mind ever since the sassy shewolf and I met.

“No. There’s not. She knows her mate is out there. She’s not stupid enough to begin caring for someone who’s not her mate,” Hamilton gives me a rebuking look, and I shrivel under the gaze. He makes me feel like a six year old who asks the dumbest questions. I change tack.

“You’re right. I’m sorry, it was ridiculous of me to even think that.” Pushing my hair behind my ears, I look over at the picture on the mantle, my eyes lingering particularly on Violet. “Of course they’re just friends.” I try to believe my own words with all my heart. “So… I also saw the picture of your parents. You and your sister look so much like them.” I slowly change the subject, leaning back into the couch like I am at ease. I’m not.

With a heavy sigh, Hamilton nods, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Yeah. Harlow always reminds me of Mom.”

“Is it okay of me to ask… What happened to them?”

His eyes cut to mine quickly, then slowly soften. His intimidation has ebbed, and I finally sense him relaxing, a weariness settling over his strong shoulders. He isn’t dark and secretive like the others, despite the vision I’ve had of him. Deep down, Hamilton is no otherworldly beast.

“You know my father was killed in the line of duty about seven years ago,” he begins slowly, and I nod. “It nearly crushed my mom. She went to visit her sister for a while, to help herself grieve. My aunt insisted, I think, so she could make sure Mom wouldn’t do anything stupid, if you know what I mean…”

Again, I nod. The bond between mates is unseverable. If by death they are torn apart, some wolves find no more purpose to live and take their own lives if drawn to such desperation.

“While staying in her pack over the mountains, she met someone. They ended up being second-chance mates. He’d lost his mate in childbirth many years earlier. So my mom lives there now, and visits a few times a year.”

I smile, happy with the way his family story turned out since his father’s death. I was half expecting an ongoing grim story of tragedy, but this is much better and I breathe easy.

“You and Harlow must still miss your dad,” I comment.

Hamilton slowly drops his head into his hands. “Yeah.”

I know he is still grieving. I see it in the heavy tilt of his head, the deep lines between his steely eyes. In the clenching of his jaw.

Moving to sit beside him, I lay a hand tentatively on his shoulder. “It’s okay to still be hurting, even after all these years. We never truly heal, as people like to have us believe. Nothing can take the place of someone who loved us deeply and who we loved in return.”

He turns to me, his eyes narrowing as he looks at me closely.

“It hurts to remember them,” I continue, “and the good times we will never have with them again. But we also don’t want to forget them. Their memory is all that remains. Their legacy that lives through us.”

The Beta nods, his eyebrows creasing from being deep in thought. “My dad taught me everything I know about being Beta. He was everything I wanted to be. Smart, strong, gentle, caring. He loved this pack, and serving it was his priority. But he always put us first, you know? He’d always make time to take Harlow and I camping. He’d always spend the evening with his arm slung around my mom’s shoulders, a smile on his face as he just stared at her, watching her talk about her day.”

I can’t help the tear that slips from my eye and slides down my cheek at the beautiful picture of his father that Hamilton is painting for me. He makes me wish I knew this man.

“He was fierce when he needed to be, and loyal. Loyal all the time. It was that loyalty that got him killed.”

“What do you mean?” I suddenly ask, confused.

With his fists bunched and his jaw set, Hamilton releases a low growl that gives me shivers. “If Alpha Dennison hadn’t ordered my dad to that border breach, he’d still be here today.”

“What happened?” I ask, not sure if I’m overstepping my boundaries, but I’m wanting to know either way. We’ve come this far already.

With a shaky sigh, Hamilton continues. “The neighbouring pack had been threatening a fight over some dispute they had. Alpha Dennison kept rebuffing them, never listening to their arguments. Whoever was in the right or wrong, it didn’t matter. Both parties handled it terribly. When the Alpha of the other pack crossed our border, our Alpha just sent my dad and a few inexperienced warriors to sort it out. Alpha Dennison was too arrogant to recognise the real threat they presented. The fight was unfair before my dad even arrived, and they were all slaughtered within a matter of minutes.”

I grasp Hamilton’s hand between my own when I see him get lost in memories, his eyes glistening with the tears he still refused to shed. Squeezing it, I reassure him without words.

But I need the rest of the story. “So what did Alpha Dennison do then?”

“The Council got involved, stripping the enemy Alpha of his title on the charges of unlawful trespassing and four counts of murder. Their pack Siyah Mağara was dissolved, and we gained an entire territory to add to our lands that day. But nothing could bring back my dad.”

I weep for Hamilton and Harlow’s slain father, cursing the injustice of the world and wondering if any good could come from this. I see the strength of his offspring and wonder if the pain they have endured has forged them into the brave warriors they both are today.

“He still lives on in you, Hamilton. Everything he’s taught you, all the courage and gentleness you talked about— I see it in you. Don’t ever forget that. We can’t escape tragedy, but we can decide how pain shapes us. It can break us and make us weak. Or it can forge us into something even stronger.”

Hamilton looks at me with wide eyes, as if seeing me for the first time. “Thank you, Ariella. It helps to talk about it. Thanks for listening.”

“I’ll always be here. Anytime you want to tell me other nice memories of your dad, or funny stories… I’d love to hear them.”

He gives me a smile and my heart feels so much lighter, like it’s grown wings of confidence. I want to be a good friend to Hamilton, and I think we are on our way towards that.

“I think you’re doing a really good job as Beta. I mean, I should know. I’ve seen how vicious you can be when someone crosses you or crosses your boundary line,” I give a light laugh, referring to the time I accidentally trespassed and Hamilton scared me away.

“Yeah, about that...I’m really sorry. It was never my intention to chase you over the ledge into Falcon River. You just kept running and running, even once you were back on your territory. I don’t know why you were so scared of me.” Hamilton looks sheepish and truly regretful for how that night turned out.

I bite my lip and realise he’s still holding my hand, his hazel eyes gentle and full of concern for me. But to answer his question, I don’t want to tell him I saw him as a demon. “Do you believe demons are real?”

I mentally slap myself.

He leans back and takes a sharp breath, “Sure, but I don’t know what that has to do—“

Sure sure, as in you do?” I ask, eyebrows rising.

“Well, yeah. I mean, we all believe in angels, so why not their evil counterparts? A bit unfair to only take the good and leave the bad. My mom taught me to pray to God, the immortal being who made all the spirits. She said that the demons are the spirits who rebelled against their natural purpose and destiny to serve God. We can’t see them, but they’re around, I guess. Guardian angels and trickster demons, that kind of thing.”

“Sure, yeah I get that. But what would you think if I said I saw one, in the forest that night?”

“Saw what? A demon?”

“No, a unicorn,” I roll my eyes to release some tension. It’s eating up my courage and I don’t know how much longer I can sit still on this couch.

He laughs. “I’d say you were sleepwalking. You did look pretty dazed when I cornered you.”

“Yeah, I’m known to have an overactive imagination,” I say in as most flippant a way as possible. “I guess that’s why I was so scared that night. Nothing to do with you.”

I pray that is the case. I hope that what I saw was actually my imagination, and not some crazy insight that decided to peep between realities for me to see.

Hamilton combs his fingers through his long curly hair, and looks at me sideways. “You’re something else, aren’t you. Malachi sure has his hands full with you,” he chuckles. “That lucky wolf.”

I catch the muttered compliment from under his breath and feel my face heat up.

“So… do you want a drink or anything? I could make us tea, or coffee…” I begin to rise from the couch.

“Ariella, this is my house. I should be offering you something. But do you realise it’s two thirty in the morning?”

I sit up straight, suddenly remembering the insane time of day I chose to waltz unannounced into the Beta’s house. And I still haven’t given him the full story.

“Yeah, you’re right. Wow. I’m sorry for interrupting you tonight like this. You probably had lots of other important things you were doing…”

“Actually, I have a whole lot of reports to read.”

“Oh, well I better not hold you up.”

“Nah, it’s okay. I’m too tired anyway. Might just hit the sack. But first,” Hamilton shoots me a quick look. “I should make sure you get home alright. Once Malachi realises you’re missing in the dead middle of night, he’s gonna go berserk.” He gently takes my elbow and steers me out the front door, down the path and through the trees towards the Alpha mansion.

“Hey, before you go, can I ask you a favour?” I linger outside the gate and catch Hamilton’s eyes in the waning moonlight.


“So, I have a brilliant plan to unite the pack,” I begin, twisting my fingers.

He stares at me for a moment before laughing. “Are you sleepwalking now, Ariella? I thought I heard you say unite the pack?”

“I did. And I will. What’s so funny about that?”

“Because it won’t happen.”

I take a moment to grow angry, his opposition to my idea annoying me. “Exactly, because you think it won’t. You believe there’s a division, so there is.”


“Meaning, you have to think of this as one pack, and it will be. You have to see yourselves as working together, fighting together, living together and doing life as one community. One family. Then it will be. As long as you just put up with the dissension, it’s never going to change.” Before he can ruin my good speech with a stupid comment, I carry on. “So I’ve planned to have a woodfired pizza night around a bonfire. Tomorrow night. We’re going to invite everybody for food and storytelling together.”

“And this has been approved by whom?” The Beta crosses his arms and looks at me down his nose.

I mimic his commanding stance and tilt my head, giving him a smirk. “The Alpha.” It’s not entirely true, but Malachi didn’t reject my idea when I brought it up, either.

“And who will organise it all?”

“Leave all the planning to me. And Harlow. I just need you to back me.”

He takes a breath and releases it slowly while staring at me, making me squirm and feel the urge to run from his scrutiny. He’s going to refuse. He’s going to say it’s a stupid idea and there’s no way—

“Okay, sure.”

I gape. What?

“Yes, I’ll help you get everyone there. On one condition.”

“Anything,” I breathe a prayer of thanks.

“You make me a triple cheese and olive pizza with stacks of onion and mushrooms, drizzled with Dijon mustard mixed with creamy tartare sauce.”


Hamilton cracks a grin and I feel like I’m floating.

He nods his head towards the mansion. “Now go to your Alpha before he breaks something.”

I didn’t find Malachi in our room. Instead, he is still sitting in his office, gripping his hair with both hands as he stares at his glowing computer screen. The light casts his face with an even paler complexion then usual, illuminating his blue irises that are framed with red vessels and black lashes.

“You’re still up? Aren’t you tired?” I immediately cross to him and rest my hands on his shoulders.

“What are you doi— where have you been?” He tugs me in front of him and scrutinises me through his glasses. I sheepishly glance down and see twigs and dirt streaks on my sweatpants.

“Oh. I was just getting some fresh air. Something you need, by the looks of things. You need a break, come on,” I try and take his hand, pulling him up, but I end up in his lap. The strong Alpha didn’t budge, instead pulling me against him.

“Or, I could just stay here and get my work done,” he nuzzles his nose against my neck. Then I feel him stiffen. “You smell like Hamilton.”

I squeeze my eyes shut and scrunch up my nose. Busted! “He accompanied me on my walk. He’s a good Beta. Always looking out for me and the pack.”

“Glad to hear it.” Malachi doesn’t sound anything like glad as he mutters with a low growl. Now that he knows I went for a midnight stroll, I had better soothe his worry.

“Yeah. But you know, I’d be happy to wear your scent more often.” I get up from his lap and move behind him, sliding my hands from his shoulders down his chest. I love hugging him from behind like this, where I can smell his coconut- scented hair and spicy aftershave.

He holds my wrists and places a kiss on each forearm, sending goosebumps up and down my arms.

“Actually, I couldn’t sleep very well knowing you were up working,” I continue, feeling his heart rate slow down as he relaxes. “Is there anything I can do so you can come back to bed sooner? I really think you need to rest, Malachi.”

He turns his head to look up at me, and I press my cheek to his. It is rough against my smooth one, and I revel in the contradiction of us. He still holds my hands in his and I could just stay in this intimate yet innocent position for ages.

“No, there’s really nothing you could do here. You just go on up to bed and I’ll join you when I’m finished.”

He gives me the usual brush-off, but I persist. “I won’t be able to sleep knowing you’re still here working on this stuff.”

He raises his eyebrows at me, and I almost cringe under his silent appraisal. Did I just defy him, and is he going to be mad? I try to relax the stiffness in my shoulders, unsure why I am feeling like this. I know Malachi isn’t the type to dictate my every move. That characteristic thankfully didn’t pass down from his father.

He loosens a heavy sigh, his eyebrows drawing low over his eyes. “Then it seems we have reached an impasse. However, I am sure that will careful negotiation, we can settle on a course of action that satisfies both parties.”

My face is blank as I stare at him for a moment. Then I scrunch it up in an effort to not laugh. “You’re still thinking about pack diplomacy! Malachi, you need to give your poor mind a rest!” I run my finger between his eyes to smooth the crease. “And stop frowning, or else you’ll get wrinkles before you’re thirty.”

This earns a chuckle, and I’m satisfied with the amused expression on his face. “Well, maybe if I look older, everyone will treat me so and give me respect.”

I pull back and put a hand on my hip, “Okay, well, let me go get some grey hair colour and we’ll really make you look old. Is that what you want?” My eyebrow raises to an impossible height as I stare my mate down.


“Age doesn’t determine the amount of respect we deserve. Our actions and decisions do. Everyone should see how much you care for this pack, and how much you do for them.”

“Of course..” Malachi tentatively agrees, spreading his hands in an apologetic manner.

“Now.. I’m really tired, so I’m going to stay here with you until you’ve done whatever you’re working on.”


“No buts,” I say strictly and drag a single chair to beside Malachi’s. Sitting down, I then place a cushion on his lap, lift his arm, and settle myself under. Lying sideways, I smirk up at him. “Now, are we all settled?”

I listen to his heart beat unsteadily, before he takes a deep breath and pushes his fringe back with his long fingers. “Sure. I’ll get this done as soon as possible.” He gives me a small smile, his blue eyes brightening for a moment. “Thanks, Ariella.”

I return the smile, then close my eyes and finally allow myself to rest. Malachi begins his paperwork again, and when not typing on his laptop, I feel his fingers gently stroking my hair and neck. It is soothing, and soon I don’t worry about anything other than wondering what my mate likes best on a pizza.

“Looks like somebody wore herself out with her spontaneous midnight escapades.”

I roll over and squint at the bright light that greets me. Closing my eyes again quickly, I stretch my arms over my head. They catch on something, sparks tingling across my skin, and I realise just how close my mate is. Carefully, I open my eyes and see Malachi leaning over me, his chest bare and his hair ruffled to perfection, golden sunlight streaming through the strands and illuminating them. Water droplets cling to the ends, and his scent is fresh like a tropical rainforest after a storm. I see flecks of purity and emotions dancing in his eyes that couldn’t possibly belong to a dark and sinister creature. My beautiful mate is such a kind-hearted angel, and I don’t know why no one else can see it.

“What time is it?” I ask, my head still groggy and my eyes heavy.

“Nearly eight thirty. You missed training, but Hamilton didn’t make a thing of it. I guess he understood that you needed to sleep in.”

More than you know, I think to myself. I wonder what Hamilton has told his Alpha about our unusual time together last night. I think of everything we talked about, and I’m happy that Hamilton trusted me enough to open up. I know it is painful to talk about the tragedies in our families, but I feel that now we have an understanding with each other, and our friendship will grow even stronger.

“But now it’s time to rise and shine. Hamilton also said you had plans for today?”

“Oh, plans!” I sit up quickly, the sheets of our bed pooling around my waist. “I was going to hang out with Harlow today,” I give a simple explanation, pushing the sheets down, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, and rising swiftly.

Blood rushes down from my head as gravity fights for dominance over my equilibrium. I feel myself pitch forward but have no energy or balance to stop myself. Almost instantly, I am wrapped in my mate’s arms before I can even think about face planting on the floor.

Luci would be envious.

“What’s the rush? Where’s the fire?” Malachi jokes, placing me on the bed and ruffling my hair. “Take your time, Ari. I’ll meet you later for lunch.” He pulls on a clean shirt, covering his muscled chest and abs that I can’t seem to take my eyes off of. Before leaving the room, he leans in and presses a kiss on my forehead.

I have a wild urge to cage him in my arms and never let him go, just spend the day here with him, resting and talking. But I know he’s got work to do.

And so do I.

I smile to myself and go over my plans for the bonfire gathering as I prepare quickly for the day, grabbing a few pieces of fruit before heading out to find Harlow.

I haven’t gone far down the path towards the main pack grounds when I bump into a solid wall.

The half-eaten apple falls from my hand and I look up to see mischievous green eyes regarding me with a smile.

“Going somewhere, Kiddo?” he braces my arms in his large hands so I don’t fall over.

“Beta Knight! You scared me!” Flustered, I push my hair behind my ears and reach down for my apple, but the quick former Beta has already picked it up. He methodically brushes it off on his sleeve before handing it back to me, free from any dirt. The kind gesture warms me with some unexplainable emotion.

“Yes, I seem to scare a lot of people. Must be my devastating looks,” he gives me a suave glance that is anything but scary, and I burst out laughing. I can’t help it.

“Well, I’m glad someone thinks me funny,” his smile is dazzling, before he turns serious. “So, where are you off to? Mind if I tag along?”

I tilt my head sideways and take in his appearance. He is dressed casually, a t-shirt and ripped jeans, casual Nikes, and his dark hair tousled just so. His athletic vigour is enhanced by the outfit, more so than with his usually more formal attire. “You aren’t working with Luna Seneca?”

He gives a carefree shrug. “I have the day off. She’s in one of her moods, and I don’t feel inclined to be around her when she is.”

“Moods? What do you mean?”

His emerald eyes flick to mine, and in them I read something not quite pleasant. He shifts on his feet, seeming uncomfortable. It makes my heart beat pick up and I almost fear his reply.

“You haven’t heard what the Luna suffers from?”

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