The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 28

“What is it, Alpha? If it’s about Ezra, I vowed to have him in shape before the end of the month, and I still plan—“

“It’s about my mate.”

Hendrik shut his mouth and swallowed hard. “Alright, well, you should know that what I said yesterday, I didn’t mean it. I wouldn’t have said it if I’d known she was your mate—“

“That’s not what I want to talk about,” the Alpha cut him off again. “But what did you say yesterday?” He turned a dark stare to his Gamma.

“Oh, I.. uhh.. nothing. It was nothing, really,” Hendrik rubbed the back of his neck and looked everywhere but at his superior. Malachi nearly chuckled at the nervous energy that surrounded the usually very confident male wolf.

“Forget it. I want to know about the reports. Have they been handed to Hamilton yet?”

“No. Us team captains were just about to finish them and hand them in tonight. A lot of the new warriors have made so much progress.”

“Alright, good,” Malachi crossed his arms and tried to stop the distracting thoughts of his beautiful mate. “And did you write one about Ariella?”

“No, I didn’t think it was appropriate, seeing as she will be our Luna.”

“Good, that’s right. Well, officially, she won’t get ranked according to our system like the other wolves. Unofficially, however,” the Alpha looked at his Gamma sternly and spoke quietly, “I want you to assess her on the usual strengths and weaknesses, just like the others. But give your report directly to me, is that understood?”

“Yes, Alpha.” Gamma Hendrik couldn’t keep the confusion from his expression, but he obeyed his Alpha and went off to do his bidding.

Malachi knew it didn’t seem very forthcoming to have a background report like this done on Ariella, but he wanted an accurate assessment of her abilities. He knew she was smart, and stronger than she gave herself credit for. But just in case someone called her out as unfit for the Luna position, assuming she chose to accept the position, he wanted documentation that proved some of her tactic and problem solving skills.

That was the purpose of the expeditions— to analyse everyone’s strengths and weakness, physical and mental.

Making his way towards home, he finally allowed himself to dissect the growing friendship between him and his mate. He couldn’t deny that he enjoyed being with Ariella, and she was definitely persistent in staying by his side.

But the doubts still clung to him.

If she knew the full truth of his family, would she still want to be with him?

He pushed open his bedroom door, and his eyes collided with his mate’s. She jumped, startled at his abrupt entrance, but quickly continued what she was doing. She lingered by his bedside table, and he wandered over to her.

“What are you doing?” he ran his fingers across her shoulder and down her back, pleased with the way she reacted—her head turned his direction, her body angled towards his as if drawn by the magnetism.

“Oh, just some dusting,” she brushed a cloth over his lampshade.

“Doesn’t Harlow take care of that?”

“She used to. But I live here now, so it’s my responsibility. I’m happy to look after the house and care for you in this way,” her brown eyes lifted to him, and Malachi felt his breath momentarily stop. The innocent tilt of her lips was nearly enough to drive him crazy. When he looked closer and noticed the fast fluttering of the pulse in her neck, he leaned in and inhaled her heavy scent of blossoms.

“Okay, then. Don’t overwork yourself, though. If there’s ever anything you need, just let me know,” he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, and could feel the unusually fast beat of her heart. Was she still wound up from training? Had she not warmed down enough? Had she been frightened by something and was still recovering from a shock?

How the Alpha wanted to ask these questions, but he knew not to push his mate. Besides, the questions fled his mind when Ariella turned in his arms, slid her hands up his chest, and rose on her toes until their faces were aligned.

His breath caught as she leaned closer, drowning in the golden sparks of her eyes, and felt her warm breath fanning his face. She fit so perfectly in his arms, and it was moments like this that he wanted to forget everything else existed and just capture this forever. He wanted Ariella safe in his arms forever.

All he could think about was how amazing it would be to kiss her for real, as her lips were now only an inch away. His heart nearly beat right out of his chest as he closed the distance.

But instead of meeting her lips, he felt a pinch of his nose, and Ariella quickly stepped back. She giggled, and he shook his head before glaring at her.


“Did you really think you could just steal a kiss like that? Arrogant Alphas,” she rolled her eyes. Then with a grin, she winked at him before disappearing into the bathroom.

Malachi let out a shaky laugh, restraining himself from breaking the door down to show Ariella exactly what a stolen kiss would feel like.

I can’t believe I nearly kissed him.

I had thought it would make a good distraction, but then I chickened out. I overthought it again and knew I couldn’t be the first to make such a bold move.

I wanted Malachi to kiss me first. I wanted him to show me that he really wanted me, and not just in a lustful way, but a respectful way. I wanted him to choose me as his forever and ever.

I was far too flustered with attraction and desire for him this afternoon, so a kiss would have been a bad idea on all accounts.

Besides, I couldn’t possibly kiss him when I was now questioning everything between us.

I held up the picture again and took another look at it from the privacy of the bathroom. Malachi had nearly caught me with it, but I’d managed to keep it hidden—without resorting to kissing him.

While dusting our room, I had grown curious about Malachi’s bedside table. I normally don’t go snooping into other people’s things, but Malachi is the other half of me.

And the drawer was partly open anyway.

With a book nearly falling off the edge, I straightened it and caught a glimpse of a picture inside. Hesitating a few moments to decide what to do, I eventually opened it and saw a postcard image of a beautiful blonde with her arm around a younger-looking Malachi’s shoulders. Their faces are pressed close together, both smiling widely. The landscape of a picturesque city sprawls in the background.

I flip it over and read the back again.

Love you so much Mal!

Violet xoxo

Violet. With eyes a beautiful sky blue, teeth so perfectly straight, and hair a perfect yet natural shade of golden blonde. She is beautiful. And she has her arm all around my mate.

Am I feeling jealous of a girl in a photograph? Do I expect Malachi to have never had any relationships in the past before he met me?

I suppose I am, I muse as I shower and wash my hair. Wolves don’t normally start any close relationships before finding their mate. What would be the point? Of course there are some exceptions- those wolves who want a ‘fun’ lifestyle as teens before settling down with a mate for life. The idea of giving yourself away like that with no commitment actually makes me sick.

Is that what Malachi had done with this Violet girl in the photograph?

It’s a possibility, but one that I instantly push from my mind. I have to play it cool and act like I’m not bothered by anything.

I head down to the kitchen and begin to make dinner, soon joined by Harlow and Hamilton. By the time the food is ready, Beta Knight and Luna Seneca also join us, just as Malachi comes in from his office. Together, we sit down and enjoy the food. Hamilton and Harlow are talking back and forth, subtly arguing about something; Knight keeps giving me knowing smiles that I can’t decipher; Malachi sits close to me and even takes my hand in his at one stage. Seneca is watching us all with a raised eyebrow, daintily eating with thoughtful bites of the lasagne I made. I would love to know what she is thinking, what secrets she keeps hidden behind her cool gaze and fierce posture. I want to connect with her at a more personal level, maybe offer comfort, understanding, and friendship, but it seems she only wants to keep me at a distance.

All this is distraction from my thoughts, but when we finish and head to bed, the image of Malachi and another girl washes over me again. I can’t help the icky feeling I get when I look at him, and it bothers me. Should I just ask who she is? But then that would be admitting that I looked through his personal things. If it was reversed, and I found him rifling through my diary or art books, I would be mortified.

So I stay quiet. Darkness surrounds us, but it seems sleep never quite settles in for the night. At sometime past midnight, Malachi quietly gets up after tossing and turning, and heads down to his office I presume.

After staring at the ceiling for a while, I give up and flick on my bedside lamp.

Grabbing my art book and pencils, I continue my drawing. It calms me, it helps bring my thoughts into focus and process everything that’s been going on. I really shouldn’t be worried about what’s happened in the past. I’m here now, Malachi has marked me, and we are making progress as a couple. I think he is beginning to get used to having me around. And despite his mother’s attempts to keep me away, I am learning how to be a Luna. The members of this pack might yet warm up to me, and I can serve and lead them alongside my Alpha mate.

I let out a screech when a loud bang echoes off the window, my thrown pencils thudding to the ground shortly after.

I hear whispers follow, and I unconsciously pull the sheet up to my neck as if it can protect me against whatever monster is outside the bedroom window.

But then I let out a laugh and get off the bed, walking to the window and feeling totally foolish.

“You immature girls are gonna be the death of me!” I whisper harshly as I slide open the glass. “Did you have to scare me half to death like that?”

Gabby climbs in first, then is pushed to the floor carelessly as Luci tumbles in after, knocking me over in the process of her grand entrance. We all get tangled, limbs flying everywhere, and it takes a moment to pick ourselves up off the soft carpet.

“Thought you’d be used to it by now,” Luci smirks and pulls me in for a hug, referring to all the times they visited me at home.

“Yeah, but I didn’t expect a midnight visit here! What if Malachi was with me and he heard you?” I exclaim, motioning them to sit on the bed with me.

“Ah, we coulda handled him,” Luci shrugs, then grins like she knows a secret.

Gabby explains when Luci just keeps grinning weirdly. “We checked out the area first, and knew he wasn’t in your room.”

I nod. “Just how did you get here anyway? You obviously didn’t get stopped at the border,” I eye them both warily.

“I caused a distraction while Luci got past, then we both hightailed here. It wasn’t hard to find the massive and scary mansion on top of the hill. This place seriously gives me the chills,” Gabby shudders even though she was now in the safety of my room.

“I know, isn’t it wonderful?” Luci wiggles her eyebrows, and I roll my eyes at her appreciation of all things dark and mysterious.

“Seriously though, you could both get in big trouble if you got caught,” I try to scold them while I pick up my pencils and rescue my art book that is face down on the ground.

“Hey, we’d be fine. No one would torture us or rip out our eyes for trespassing. We’re friends with the Luna, so no big deal,” Luci dismisses me.

“Oh, you’re not friends with the Luna. You don’t know what chills feel like until you’ve met Malachi’s mom. She is something else,” I shake my head and give them both a worried look. “I think she’s going to hold onto the title of Luna until I’m too old to rule. Then she’ll pass it onto her grandchildren. That is, if Malachi and I even have any,” I mumble the last part.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Gabby frowns and shows me genuine concern.

“Oh, she’s been through a lot, so I guess I can’t blame her for being wary of me.” I deliberately don’t address my comment about children. “Seneca’s mate, Alpha Dennison, really mistreated her. I guess she can now finally be the Luna she could never be before his death. It’s sad really, and I want to get to know her and help her, but she keeps shutting me out.”

“Well, it’s understandable in a way. You’re young, and she probably sees you for the crazy pup you are.”

I punch Luci in the arm and she yelps, crawling to hide behind Gabby. I think she is enjoying the fact we are on a massive king bed, otherwise I’d have pushed her off easily by now.

“You’re still drawing, I see,” Gabby changes the subject by picking up my art book. She flips through despite my half-hearted attempt to grab it from her. I don’t mind if they see my pictures and fantasies, my angels and demons.

“Ooh, this mansion is much prettier than the real thing,” she nods in approval of my depiction of the Alpha’s mansion. “Such a beautiful castle. I love the flowers.”

“It even comes with a perfect princess. How cute,” Luci smirks from over Gabby’s shoulder, and I try punching her again.

“She’s got blonde hair,” Gabby comments.

“Let me see,” Luci pulls it closer and scrutinises it. “You’re right. She looks familiar, too… That’s it!” she snaps her fingers, making Gabby and I jump. “She looks like that Beta female, what’s her name?”

“Harlow?” I scrunch up my face. “Give me that!” I take the book and look closely. Sure enough, the girl sitting casually on the window ledge of a high tower, serene as if she owns the place, somewhat resembles Harlow.

“She’s the Beta?” Gabby asks.

“No, she’s Beta Hamilton’s sister,” Luci provides.

“How do you know so much?” I ask absently while my stomach clenches at what I have subconsciously drawn.

“The real question is—why is this Harlow chick in your drawing? Looking like she’s queen of the castle?” Luci pins me with her relentless gaze, as if she has me all figured out.

“Looking like she wants to be the Alpha’s mate?” Gabby adds to the question.

I can’t help squirming as the realisation dawns on me.

“She doesn’t!” I grab the book and tear out the drawing, scrunching it and pitching it across the room. “She doesn’t want to be Mal’s mate. They’re just good friends. They probably grew up together... it’s no big deal”

With raised eyebrows, Luci folds her arms and gives me a smarmy look. “Hmm, that’s not the way I see it. And you neither, for that matter. You’re the one who drew the picture, and we all know your drawings aren’t always so imaginary.”

I stutter over a few words, trying to deny her, but realising the truth. Pursing my lips, I cross my arms and mimic her posture and tone. “How do you know so much about Harlow anyway? How many times have you been on this territory?” I give her a look that I reserve for serial border crossers.

She flips her hair over her shoulder nonchalantly. “Those border guards are too easy to give the slip. Someone should really teach them how to do their job properly.”

Gabby narrows her eyes at Luci, “You aren’t bribing them in any way, are you?”

“So what if I am?”

“You are unbelievable,” Gabby shakes her head and groans.

“At least I have fun.”

“I don’t think I want to know the type of fun you’re talking about.”

“Oh, don’t be such a prig,” Luci screws up her nose at Gabby.

“I am not. I just know you should be more careful—”

“Yes, mom,” Luci drawls and rolls her eyes.

“Both of you, stop it! I can’t handle anymore bickering today.” I hold up my hands, just short of slapping them both. They can be so childish sometimes.

They both settle down, putting their argument aside and giving me their full attention.

“You should go, before Malachi senses you’re here.”

“Yeah….no. I say we don’t. I say we go find out about Harlow, and this other blonde chick,” Luci holds up the picture that I forgot to put back in Malachi’s drawer.

My eyes widen in horror. “Don’t you even think about—”

“Let’s go check out the Beta’s house. See if we can find any clues. Maybe that Harlow Luna-wannabe has her wall plastered in photos of a certain hot Alpha. Maybe she—“

“Stop it! Just stop it okay?” I put my hands over my ears to shut out her madness.

“Go to the Beta’s?” Gabby seems just as aghast. “Okay, now I know for sure you’re crazy,” she glares at Luci.

But Luci just waves her hand like it’s on fire. “Yeah yeah, whatever. Crazy is my middle name, remember. And hey, Ari has already snooped in one person’s private stuff. It’s not much further a stretch to check out the Beta’s place. It’ll do her some good, finding out about her mate’s previous girlfriends. We can play it safe and not get caught. I’m the master of stealth.”

I nearly choke on my saliva at that preposterous statement. Luci is anything but stealthy. But hey, they both made it here without raising the alarm, so maybe….

“No. No, no, Ariella. I can see it written on your face, but this is a bad bad idea!” Gabby shakes her finger at me.

“You snuck over here, didn’t you? Don’t tell us now what’s good or bad,” Luci reasons, and I have to agree. If I can find answers, I’m willing to do it.

And if Hamilton happens to spot us, I’ll just say we popped around to visit and drop off a home baked pie.

Only when we’re down the path and out of Malachi’s estate do I realise that I didn’t bring any pie.

“Over here. I’m sure we can squeeze through this window.”

“You’ve really staked out this place, haven’t you?” I throw Luci a glare but she doesn’t see it. She’s too busy pushing back the bush from outside the ground floor window. Hamilton and Harlow’s house is a nice sized, two-storey place that is surrounded by conifers. It sits not too far from Malachi’s place, yet far enough to give the Beta family some privacy and respite from pack matters.

Luci tumbles through, and I hear her grunt as she lands on her face. Being more careful and dignified, Gabby goes through next but not without some hesitation. She seems to realise the wrongness of this, even if no one else does. We are in it too far to turn back now, even though guilt is already twisting in my gut.

Once we’re all inside, I get a chance to scope it out. We are in a decent living room with a large TV and audio system along one wall. I can see the colour scheme is neutral brown and cream colours, despite the entire place being dark and empty. The Betas are both out, and Luci is already tripping to the kitchen, following her nose obviously.

I look around the living and dining room, not really sure what it is I’m looking for.

“Psst! Check this out,” Gabby motions me over to the mantle on which is placed numerous photo frames. I glance over them, seeing a younger Harlow and Hamilton with two adults, and I assume they are their parents. I’ve never stopped to think about their parents till now. Besides hearing that the former Beta passed away when Hamilton was still too young to take over the role, I haven’t wondered what happened to them. But I do now.

“Hmmm…” picking up a particular frame, Gabby gives her opinion in one simple syllable.

Hamilton and Malachi are standing with the blonde girl between them, Violet, and little Harlow with pigtails is jumping up in the background. I flip it over and read the lovely birthday message for Hamilton, followed with hugs and kisses.

“So she’s a two-timer. Hmph!” Luci speaks around a piece of cake, then her eyes widen as she looks over my shoulder. “Shoot!” she nearly swears, and I only need one guess as to what is behind me. Luci dives out the window with more dexterity than when she came in, and Gabby doesn’t even turn to look behind her. She smartly disappears without even a trace of fairy dust in her wake.

I place the picture down slowly, then turn around, already hearing the heavy breathing that’s coming closer and closer.

“Oh, hi Hamilton. Nice place you got here.” I play it cool, trying to ignore the angry scowl on his face and the cyclonic beating of my heart. “I’m just here to drop your pie. I mean drop by. And eat your cake.”

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