The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 95: The Game!

With the seekers in Steve’s office, waiting for their time to hunt, Kenzi, Emroy and Dax safely on the porch with the dogs. The others stood on the back lawn, divided into their factions.

“Three hours be enuff time?” Jackson asked,

“More than enough,” Adonis agreed.

“At the end of three hours the faction that has at least two members standing get the money. One or none the seekers get it. Last man standing get the glory.” Jackson declared and the others agreed. “Got the whole territory to play wit, but no border crossing. We got a ten minute head start, when that bell goes the hunt is on. Good luck fighting back” That said the groups took off in different directions. The berserkers headed to the west, the shadows to the east. Adonis led the wisps and sirens to the south. He stopped in a small clearing and bit his palm, wiping his blood across the chests of his team, making them undetectable to the seekers.

“We should go after the berserkers first,” Bo suggested.

“No, shadows. Breakers thunder monkeys they get themselves caught” Andros countered with Luther nodding beside them.

“We’ll go after them both, Andros, Luther, take the shadows and watch your backs and where you’re stepping. Keep your eyes open for the berserkers as well. They’ll be coming for you, so keep to the dense woods. Bo, Brina, move in the direction of the Berserkers, quiet controlled bursts, but only when necessary. Stay on your feet and Bo, keep your pants on.” Adonis said, they all nodded and headed off in their assigned directions. Adonis was going to be the bait, he would lead the seekers in a direction and pray they found someone to take out.

“You really need to stop makin deals wit him.” Jackson said to Kane as they moved further into the woods.

“Or he needs to at least win some,” Johnny agreed.

“You bes believe he gonna be cheatin” Jackson remarked.

“So what are we gonna do?” Damon asked,

“Do what demons do bes. We gonna cheat too” Jackson bit his palm and smeared his blood across the chests of Johnny, Damon and Kane. Derrick and Mike were scouting the woods, but when they returned Jackson smeared his blood on them as well.

“Mike take Damon head towards the shadows, stay low, keep to the dense areas. Derrick you an Johhny head after the twins get em in the open.” Jackson gave his orders and the men moved out.

“What are we doing?” Kane asked.

“Sabotage! Shadows need open areas to really move, wisps need dense areas to make they whispers bounce aroun.” Jackson told him as he and Kane moved towards the south.

“Ok, and what are we doing?” Kane asked.

“We gonna take out the sirens. Keep em on the groun so they can’t alert the seekers. Adon not stupid he won’t make a soun it give away his position,” Jackson told him.

“How brutal is this game going to get?” Kane asked,

“You lucky if all you walk away wit is a few broken bones” Jackson grinned. “An that jus what we do to each other.” Kane could only shake his head, no wonder the demons liked this game.

Elijah had led the others far enough into the woods. He bit his palm, smearing his blood along the chests of his team.

“It’s too dense here, we’re not going to be able to move.” Cage said as he looked at the closeness of the trees.

“Exactly, they’ll think we headed for the open areas. This part of the woods has clearings all over it. We’ll be able to utilize them to move about. They’ll come at us in teams. We’ll split up and make them find us separately,” Elijah explained.

“I thought the seekers were hunting us?” Kenneth asked.

“Everyone’s hunting everyone. Demon hunt is all about sabotage. More so when we’re playing teams.” Elijah told him. “Stick to woods but keep a clearing in sight at all times. Stay low and keep to the shadows, stay out of sight. Cage and Marco head right then split off there. Gage and Kenneth left then split.” They all nodded and moved.

Tyler had smeared his blood across the others in the office and they were awaiting their time to hunt. The anticipation and the excitement was high. They had already gone over their plan of attack. Knowing the others would cheat and sabotage each other they would bide their time and take them out as the opportunity rose. Tommy could mimic a siren’s call and knew they would return the sound if they heard one. Wisps liked the trees and Xander knew to get their location you had to stay low to the ground. Shadows like their faction name stayed to the shadows but they also kept close to clearings to utilize them if they had to move. Berserkers’ heavy feet would give them away, they can’t go anywhere without making noise. Tyler knew Elijah and Adonis were going to make it difficult; both were highly competitive when it came to the game. They would let the others weed each other out and do the work for them, then the hunt would truly begin.

“This gonna get violent Carter,” Tyler told him.

“How violent?” Carter asked.

“You walk away with a few broken bones, you’re lucky,” Xander replied.

“This game is sounding better.” Carter blurted. The others broke out laughing.

“Are you sure he’s not a demon?” Tommy asked when he could breathe.


“Ready your beas’s time to hunt” Tyler turned to the door as gold swirled in his eyes. The second it popped open they bolted from the office.


The fight bell rang loud over the territory and the others hiding in the woods raised their heads.


The seekers were coming. The piercing howl sent shivers of anticipation down a few spines the game was on.

Kenzi and Emroy were sitting on the deck when the howl rose up and a shiver went down her spine.

“This is ass-citing,” she blurted as they watched Tyler and the others bolt into the woods running as a pack.

“Have you ever played?” Emroy asked her. He too was curious about the game.

“No, Adonis said it’s too v-v-vio....rough for me and I’m not pose to.” Kenzi replied. Emroy studied her for a minute, a question crossing his face.

“She never went to school, she wasn’t allowed” Dax whispered from the other side of him. That cleared that up and broke his heart at the same time.

“Vio-lent” Emroy enunciated the word for her when he turned back to Kenzi.

“V-v-vi....” Kenzi turned to him one more time.

“Vi-o-lent vio-lent” he repeated.

“Vi-o-lent, vio-lent, violent.” Then she looked at him again.

“Yeah!” He nodded his head and she beamed brightly that she got it correct.

“Do the demons play games with you?” Emroy asked, he was hoping yes but knowing wisps and their pension for messing with people’s heads he also hoped no at the same time.

“Uh huh! They play hide the cookie. I’m the cookie” Kenzi said as she nodded her head.

“Hide the cookie?” Emroy looked at her questioningly.

“Uh huh! I hide somewhere in the woods and the uthers has to find me. Tyler says high is be-ben-b....helpful. So I hide in a tree.” Kenzi replied.

“Beneficial....ben-e-fish-al Beneficial.” Emroy said.

“Ben-e-fish-al....I don’t like fish, they freak me out.” Kenzi said getting sidetracked from the word Emroy was trying to teach her.

“Fish freak you out?” He asked, trying not to laugh.

“Yeah, they jus float there like colour-ed globby things opening and closing their big mouths and they don’t blink. How do they not blink? Why don’t they blink?” When Kenzi made the fish face at him he broke out laughing.

“I’m not a fan of fish either.” He said when he had control of himself.

“Do they freak you out too?” Kenzi asked.

“No, I just don’t like them.” Emroy told her. “I don’t know how people can find them relaxing.”

“And they smell bad” Kenzi added, Emroy nodded agreeing with her as a deep rumbled laugh rippled through his chest.

“Do you prefer baking or cooking?” Emroy asked her.

“Baking, I love to bake, I love cooking too, but I love baking more. I come up with so many recipes. I getted pear tree this year and I has so many recipes I want to try, but that won’t be till ness year.” Kenzi said.

“Why can’t you buy pears?” He asked, confusion etching into his voice.

“I could, but I like to grow my own, so when I say it’s garden fresh it’s the truth. It came from my garden.” Kenzi replied.

“Your garden?” He asked,

“Yeah! I has a great big garden at home and all the fruit trees....well all the ones that can grow in Canada, assep I has a orange tree, a lemon tree and a lime tree, but those are in my house. I had a banana tree but all it did was grow big and didint give me no bananas.” Kenzi told him.

“How did you get a banana tree?” He now also understood why seeing the gardens at the palace were exciting for her. His brother’s little mate had a complexity and uniqueness that was all her own.

“I or-der-ed it online,” Kenzi nodded. He could only nod to that, that would be a way to get a banana tree.

“Do you know how to cook?” She asked him.

“Uh....not really. Enough to feed myself if I had to.” Emroy replied. “And I might seriously question the edibility of it.” Kenzi giggled and he chuckled, he couldn’t help it.

“Do you has any kids?” She asked.

“No” Emroy shook his head. He refused to mate with the one he was mated to after he marked her.

“Your mate....” Kenzi looked at him, she didn’t understand.

“She’s not really my mate,” Emroy told her. Kenzi furrowed her brow as she continued to look at him now she really didn’t understand.

“Um....I was forced to mark her, but....I never accepted her as my mate, we don’t have a bond.” Emroy explained.

“I’m sorry” Kenzi said as a touch of sadness passed through her.

“It’s ok. I wanted my true mate, I still do and I hope that one day I find her.” Emroy told her, he hasn’t given up hope on that happening yet. When he gets his own territory and he severs the mark with Tonya he has every intention of looking for her.

While Emroy and Kenzi spoke and asked each other questions, Dax sat listening. She realized she didn’t know Kenzi at all. She didn’t know anything about her as a person, just the parts of her past that she would speak about. Regretting it now? You’re talking to me again! Still mad at you! I’m sorry Nyx, you were right! Of course I’m right! How am I going to fix this? Do what mega demon says and tell her what you did! She’ll hate me! She’ll be upset yes, but hate you no! How do you know? She’s a special little one, I can feel it! She’ll never talk to me again! She’ll understand, just tell her the honest truth. Mega demon scared you and you draw the things that scare you. Tell her about your past and what made him a monster in your eyes and get to know him, he’s going to be a big part of our lives! Why? Boulderhead and Fido like him! They do? Boulderhead wouldn’t be running around the woods playing the weird little game right now if he didn’t. And fangirls have nothing on how Fido gushes over him! Oh boy! You’re telling me, is there a stronger term than man crush? I don’t think so! We might need to invent one then!

Emroy felt the nudge to his arm and when he looked he saw Chester standing there with a blanket. He would look towards his Luna then look at Emroy expectantly. Emroy glanced at Kenzi and he saw the shiver she was fighting take hold. He understood.

“Um....I think Ches....Cheerio wants you to have this” he said as he took the thick blanket from his mouth. Kenzi sat up enough for Emroy to wrap it around her, but when she went to settle it was Cheerio’s head she collided with.

“I think he wants up to” Emroy laughed and she giggled. He helped her to her feet and took the opportunity to help her walk around while Cheerio situated himself on the lounge. When she sat down again Cheerio curled himself around her to help keep her warm.

“Thank you,” she said. Her voice was soft and laced with sleep. Kenzi had been fighting to stay awake but it was becoming more and more of a struggle. When her body started to warm up her eyes began to droop, Cheerio’s rhythmic breaths weren’t exactly helping her win the sleep war either and soon she found herself drifting off. Emroy could only watch. Utter amazement. He was astonished at how this tiny little human acted around all these big wolves. No fear whatsoever. She easily slipped into their world without hesitation, like this was where she was always supposed to be. Maybe she was! Emroy watched her eyes close, heard her breath even out and the sadness she was feeling slipped from the air as she fell asleep.

“You don’t like her?” He asked Dax when he knew Kenzi was finally asleep. The thought bothered him, much like the Luna Queen’s actions towards her. Kenzi had made several attempts to talk to The Queen, but she only ever received one word replies in return for her efforts. Each time Emroy could see the sadness edge into her as confusion crossed her face. What could this little one have done to The Luna Queen to make her hate her?

“I do, I’m not allowed to talk to her until Alpha Adonis is present.” Dax replied

“What did you do?” Emroy asked, it made sense now.

“I’m the reason she looks like that,” Dax answered as she hung her head. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the little pixie. The damage done to her was worse than she could imagine and memories of her past flooded her. Emroy looked at Kenzi as well, his eyes widened and he fought to control the sudden burst of anger his wolf felt.

“What did you do?” He asked again, his voice a touch more firm and edgy.

“She fled the house that morning after I called Alpha Adonis a monster and a bad guy and said she didn’t know what he was capable of.” Dax replied. “I was drawing a picture and like a fool I didn’t look at who I was talking to before I opened my mouth. Kenzi got upset by what I was drawing and what I said that she ran out of the house before I could stop her.” She continued to explain. Emroy felt his wolf’s hackles raised at the things she called his brother. They might not have had the greatest relationship or any relationship in the past but that was his little brother and he was feeling slightly protective of him. More so now than ever before.

“Do you know him? Did you take the time to get to know him?” Emroy bit out.

“No!” Dax shook her head.

“Then why would you say that?” Emroy asked, she was a guest in this house. Why would she speak about Adonis like that? White Stone was loyal to the demon’s and The Devil.

“Because he scared me. I draw the things that scare me.” Dax replied. Though he could understand her fear, it didn’t mean she had the right to say what she said.

“Because you were scared that gave you the right to attack him? You’re a guest in a house that is deathly loyal to Black Shadow, how foolish do you have to be?” Emroy asked.

“He hung me by my throat,” Dax bit back.

“What did you do to provoke him?” Dax’s eyes snapped to Emroy. She was about to ask then remembered who she was talking to.

“Kane had Kenzi and wouldn’t give her back,” Dax replied.

“That would be why you were hung by your throat. His actions were justified. Can’t say any other Alpha wouldn’t have done the same. I know Alpha’s that would have just snapped it. The fact that Alpha Adonis held back should have told you he wasn’t a bad guy. The fact that The King is still breathing and intact after he put his hand on Kenzi should have told you that. It’s in their nature to be violent and aggressive, their species is highly volatile and unstable. But they don’t wake up and choose it.” Emroy said

“They don’t choose it?” Dax could give a few examples of how they did choose to be violent.

“Do you wake up and choose to be a bitch?” Emroy asked. Dax’s eyes widened when she looked at him.

“That was a little harsh, but I stand by the question,” Emroy said.

“No, I don’t and I prefer the term assertive,” Dax said.

“Same thing.” Emroy looked towards the woods when the first yell reached their ears.

“They need to be provoked though,” Dax said after they watched one of the seekers drag and dump the body in the backyard and take off again. The slight movement on the ground said whoever it was was still breathing.

“You don’t need to explain that to me. I have been dealing with them a lot longer than you. It doesn’t take much to provoke a demon especially if they decide they don’t like you. Eric has a scar on the left side of his jaw. He met Elijah for the first time and curled his lip at him....Elijah took offence.” Emroy said.

They sat in silence for a bit as they watched numerous times the seekers drag wolves from the woods and dump them in the backyard. Dax gasped then broke out laughing when she saw Tyler emerge from the woods dragging Damon. He had a shit eating grin on his face as Damon swore a blue streak at him. A quick count of the ones they had Tyler took off again. Only for Carter to come out pushing Marco. He too took off back to the woods.

“It’s his eyes,” Emroy said after a bit more silence.

“What?” Dax looked at him

“It’s his eyes. To look into them, you can see the hell that awaits you. When he unleashes his demon he brings that hell with him.” Emroy said

“Have you ever seen his....demon?” Dax asked.

“I saw Odin once. It was maybe six years ago. This pure black wolf was in a clearing surrounded by rogues. I had never seen a pure black one before and I didn’t know it was him until I saw the eyes.” Emroy said.

“What happened?” Dax asked.

“They attacked, that was my little brother. I went to help, but Odin told me no. So I stood there and watched. I watched my youngest brother shift back and forth between man and beast and take on six rogues like he was flicking mosquitoes. The fight was done, before it even started, they didn’t even stand a chance against him. He had minimal damage to him, a bite on his shoulder that was healed before he even walked out of the clearing.” Emroy said, “I knew the day Adonis was born he was going to be powerful.”

“How did you know?” Dax asked

“He was the smallest I had ever seen, but he was born with the blackest eyes. None of our other brothers saw them, but I did and so did Ethan. It’s why he hated him, he knew as well. The rise of Adonis would mean his downfall. So he tried to beat Adonis down, calling him a weak worthless runt. I don’t know if he remembers the first four years of his life, but when he was two he got mad like really mad and you could feel this energy surrounding him and Ethan beat him. I stepped in and he turned on me. He went to hit me and Adonis attacked him. I had never seen the man look so afraid in my life. I pulled Adonis off of him and he told me that if I ever interfered again he’d kill me. Ethan has a scar on the inside of his right arm where Adonis bit him. It’s a constant reminder to him. I never understood why Adonis never fought back. I saw what he did to Ethan that day, but he never fought back when it was him getting beaten. He took everything that was done to him, he could have fought back.” Emroy shook his head from the dark memories that clouded his mind.

“Maybe he couldn’t. Some are born to bear the pain so others don’t have to.” Dax said.

“Experience?” Emroy asked.

“Some” Dax replied. She was finally beginning to realize she wasn’t so different from The Devil or the pixie. No one can blame him for who he’s become, they truly did make him.

“Do you regret it?” She asked.

“Every bit of it,” Emroy replied.

Adonis was deep in the woods stalking Jackson when he caught a sight on the dock. The fuck is Brina doing? I don’t know! The fuck is Elijah doing? Adonis moved to hide in the shadows as he watched Elijah approach her.

“Hello Brina!”

“Gamma Elijah!”

“Bye Brina!”

….ahhhhhhhhhhhh…. SPLASH!

“Fuck you Gamma Elijah!”

“We already did that.” And the man was gone again. That’s going to attract the seekers! Yup! We’re stuck here! For now! Adonis moved more into the shadows as he heard the sound of running heading in their direction. They had caught Brina’s scent and she would be captured, it was just a matter of time.

“Hi Brina!” Tommy said laughing as he and Xander stood on the dock.

“Fuck you Tommy”

“No thanks!”

“At least help me out,” she huffed at them.

“No!” They stood back and let her pull herself from the lake. His boys weren’t stupid.

“Try it, screamer....” Xander warned as he readied himself.

“Walk or be dragged,” Tommy pushed her forward.

“Stop pushing me!” Brina huffed again but she went willingly. She saw what they did to Cage. They took his legs out from under him and he had a scuffle with Xander in the woods that ended with Tommy knocking him out. Brina also no longer wondered why girls didn’t play the game. The boys were rough and didn’t care.

“We trust you can find your way to the others,” Tommy said as he pushed her into the back yard.

“Fuck you!”

“Again, no thanks!” Tommy replied laughing.

“Wasn’t that good” Xander commented as they walked back into the darkness.

“Who’s lef?” Tyler asked when they met up with him and Carter.

“Both the Alphas, Gamma Elijah, Beta Jackson, and the laughing guy,” Xander replied.

“Beta Johnny?” Carter asked.

“Sure if that’s his name” Xander shrugged.

“Dudes always laughing,” Tommy agreed.

“Yeah,” Carter agreed.

“Aight, we go after Eli. Keep a ear out for the other three an hope we can stumble across Adon.” Tyler said. The others nodded and they set off again.

“Stop, stop, stop....” Tyler held his hand up and they all listened.

“Two sets....” Xander said as he cocked his head to the side.

“One of thems Beta Johnny” Carter said, he recognized the sound of his foot falls.

“The others Adon, Xander, Tommy to the lef. Come on Carter we goin right.” And they took off again.

Adonis could hear the whispering as he closed in on Johnny. Little farther! He thought then he’d double back and go after Jackson. Then move on to Elijah. Kane was a different story, he hadn’t seen him since the game started. Maybe they got him already? Maybe, when we double back for Jackson we’ll take a look at the backyard and see who they have! That will tell them who’s left in the game. They also had to be running out of time. He slowed his run, he was getting close to the seekers now. He could hear them up ahead in the woods. Tyler and Carter on the right waiting for him. Xander and Tommy were on Johnny as Adonis watched from the shadows.

“Nice try boys!” His voice echoed around them and he was gone.

“Damnit!” Tyler huffed.

Like he wanted, Adonis doubled back and took a peek in the backyard. It was just him Jackson, Elijah and Kane left in the game now. He saw his little mate curled up on the deck chair sleeping away and a smile tugged at him. We could go see her! We could! We have time! Xander and Tommy were just entering the woods again. He did have time, he could get there. I want mate! Just a quick second! That’s all I want! Adonis bolted across the back lawn but came to an abrupt stop when he saw Tyler on the deck looking at him. Son of a bitch!

“Hey Alpha!” Came his raspy little drawl,

“Tyler! You’re not alone.” Adonis spoke. He could feel Carter behind him and saw Xander to his left and Tommy to his right. Then he saw Jackson sitting with the others, a grin on his face and slice across his cheek that was healing. When did they get Jackson? I don’t know, but they’re not getting us! Where we going? Up! Up? Up! Adonis charged towards Tyler and took the leap. He hit the side of the house and used his claws to stop the fall. Kennedy will be thrilled! Adds character!

“….grrrrrr…. Son bitch! ….grrrr….” Tyler growled at him.

The commotion woke Kenzi and she opened her eyes in time to see Adonis soar over her head and hit the side of the house. Her eyes were wide as she saw the claw marks he made to stop his fall. Emroy was watching as well. The effort his brother put into getting away was astounding. Adonis stood on the fifth floor balcony with a grin on his face as the psychotic little Delta stood below him cursing.

“You can’t stay up there all night you big ogre”

“You can’t watch me all night either you little asshole”

“….grrrr…. Son bitch! ….grrrrrr….” Tyler growled again.

“Fuckin Tyler get his hands on you he ain’t gonna go easy.” Jackson roared.

“The fuck they get you?” Adonis asked him.

“Fuckin lil ankle biter, he hit me wit a branch.” Jackson commented. “Just after they got Johnny”

“I saw them get Johnny,” Adonis commented.

“They’re not gentle” Johnny said “Tommy tackled me.”

“It’s why girls don’t play the game,” Brina remarked.

“You piss Gamma push you in lake” Andros remarked, laughing

“Yeah, try getting thrown out the tree,” Luther agreed.

“Trip line” Cage said

“Snare trap” Gage said

“Tyler jumped outta a tree at me” Damon said

“Carter!” Marco threw his hands up.

“Xander” Kenneth said

“Bo where’s your pants?” Adonis asked

“The girl from the kitchen….she was fun” The man replied

“We let him finish first” Tommy said laughing

“As fun as this is, there’s still two in the woods and I have a deal to win. I’ll see you in a little bit sweetheart” Adonis disappeared into the house. Carter was about to go after him, but Tyler stopped him.

“He ain’t there” He whispered something into his ear and the four of them took off into the woods again. Time was coming to an end for the game and they still had to find Elijah and Kane.

With forty minutes of the game left Adonis found himself back at the waterfall. He searched the woods for both Kane and Elijah and came up empty. So what happens if the game ends and three of you are left? I don’t know! A noise to his left caught his attention and he ducked behind a bush. Horseshoes up your ass!

“Hello Elijah!”


“Fancy seeing you here” Adonis remarked,

“You could pretend you didn’t see me” Elijah replied,

“I could” Adonis said

“But you’re not going to” Elijah said nodding his head,

“Would you?” Adonis asked

“Can’t say I would,” Elijah agreed and the men faced off. It was clear one of them was going to be caught. Elijah knew he was no match for his Alpha, Jackson couldn’t take him and he was stronger, Adonis was also faster than him.

“You can try it” Adonis spoke, and a smile slid onto his face. Elijah nodded but made the run for the rock face anyway. His only hope was getting away. Adonis was right behind him. Tyler and the others hit the south side in time to see both Adonis and Elijah scaling up. They watched both Alpha and Gamma climbing the cliffs as fast as they could but it was no use for Elijah. Adonis had caught up to him and in one quick move he threw him into the lake below and the waiting hands of the seekers.

“One to go,”Adonis said as he disappeared into the darkness.

“Sup Eli” Tyler said as he stood there waiting for him.

Where the fuck is he? Adonis kept searching the woods for any sign of Kane. You smell that? Adonis took a deep breath and then another, lavender and green apples flooded him. No that can’t be right, what is she doing out here? That bitch say something to her again? Did his little mate get upset and run into the woods again? Adonis searched for Kenzi, Kane, the game, everything slipping from his mind. His sole focus was finding his mate and her alluring scent. It was calling out to him, calling for him to come home.

“Sweetheart, what are you doing out here?” Adonis entered the clearing where he saw her sitting on a rock.

“I’m not pose to tell,” She said. Those five words and his guard was up.

“You’re not supposed to tell?” Kenzi shook her head. He approached cautiously, his eyes darting back and forth as he looked for anyone else in the clearing. He could see her body vibrating, as her excitement flooded the small clearing she was in.

“Are you a trap, my tiny dancer?” Adonis asked her.

“It’s a secret” Kenzi said, but her musical little giggling told him that’s exactly what she was. Fucking Tyler!

“Hello Carter,” Adonis kept his back to him and focused on his mate.

“Hello Alpha Adonis” Carter spoke behind him. His anticipation was high.

“Enjoying yourself?” Adonis asked,

“Yes sir” Carter replied, he had thoroughly enjoyed the game.

“You can let me go Carter, pretend you never saw me,” Adonis said.

“No sir, I can’t” Carter replied,

“Commendable Carter. Who’s idea was it to use Kenzi as bait?” Adonis asked,

“Mine sir” Carter replied

“Clever” Adonis finally turned to face the man. He couldn’t hide the grin on his face if he tried. “Have you seen your Alpha?”

“No sir,” Carter shook his head. Adonis took a step towards him and he backed up slightly and prepared himself.

“You think you can win against me Carter?” Adonis asked,

“No sir, but I’m going to give it a shot,” Carter replied.

“What are you planning?” Adonis asked,

“Who says I’m planning anything?” Carter asked

“Tyler wouldn’t send you out to the woods alone to wait for me,” Adonis replied. “I threw Elijah off a rock face and you’re a little green at this game. Though you are quite good at it”

“I like this game,” Carter told him. Adonis stepped towards him again and to his surprise Carter didn’t move this time.

The two men watch each other carefully, studying the other one’s slightest moves. Tyler’s been training him! Yes he has! Quick learner! He’d have to be if he didn’t want to get thrown on his back anymore!

“How long have you been training with Tyler?” Adonis asked,

“Since the day he beat me” Carter replied,

“You didn’t fail, you know that Carter. Tyler is hard to beat” Adonis told him.

“I know sir, after watching how easily he took down two Beta’s and an Alpha I realized I got off easy.” Carter replied,

“And he wasn’t even trying. You’re good for him Carter, you provided him a challenge and a kinship outside of his brother” Adonis moved to the left and Carter followed, continuing to block him.

“Thank you sir, Tyler’s a good friend” Carter replied “Are you going to come easy?”

“No,” Adonis shook his head. He could hear Kenzi giggling behind him. And as much as he wanted to turn to see what it was she was giggling at, he didn’t want to take his eyes off the man in front of him.

“I didn’t think so,” Carter remarked, then his grin got bigger. Adonis narrowed his eyes, then clarity washed over his face. He went to move quickly only to see Tyler right there.

“Howdy Alpha!” A big Cheshire grin on his face.

They would advance and he would move further into the clearing. They weren’t going to let him near the woods or anything he could use to get away. They were driving him towards his mate. His eyes continued to scan the area looking for any way out, they had him surrounded and were closing in, quickly.

“Hello my tiny dancing trap” Kenzi giggled her nose wrinkling as he gathered her into his arms. A smile spread across his face as she looked up at him.

“They catch-ed you” Kenzi giggled,

“How could I not fall for this trap? They used an irresistible lure” Adonis replied, as his lips brushed hers. “But I’m not quite finished yet, sweetheart.” He whispered into her ear, one more brush of her lips he moved her to the side.

“Fuck yeah, go get em Carter” Tyler encouraged him to capture his Alpha.

“Yeah, way to go Carter” Tommy cheered.

“Are you sure he ain’t a demon, using the man’s mate was cold, devious and pure fucking genius” Xander commented.

“He a fuckin demon” Tyler said, the words barely out of his mouth as they watched their Alpha use the rock Kenzi was sitting on to get the height he needed to jump over their heads and take off back into the woods.

Celebrated to soon boys” Odin’s whisper floating on the breeze as he vanished into the dark.

“Son bitch ….grrrrrr….” Tyler huffed.

Adonis moved quickly through the woods, he knew they would be right behind him and he had to find Kane. Time was running out. You think Jackson hid him? Maybe! Could that be why we can’t find him? It’s a possibility, but where would Jackson hide him? They went west! The fort! Changing directions he paused long enough to hear the seekers catching up to him, then he headed west.

“Enjoying my first territory?” Adonis’s voice floated through the clearing on the west side.

“It’s cute!” Kane replied,

“Have you been hiding here the whole game?” Adonis asked as he stepped foot into the clearing.

“Jackson knew you would come looking for me” Kane replied,

“So he figured hiding you was best” Adonis replied, “You made a deal with him….cookies now that’s cute”

“Time should almost be up, who else is left in the game?” Kane asked as he watched Alpha Adonis carefully.

“Just you and me. I took Elijah out” Adonis replied, he too was watching Kane’s movements.

“What did you do to Elijah?” Kane asked,

“Threw him off a rock face” Adonis answered, a slight grin on his face. “You promised them a party with a fight ring”

“Them?” Kane tilted his head to the side.

“Tyler already found you,” Adonis remarked.

“He did. I made him the same deal I made Jackson to look the other way,” Kane replied.

“And I’m told demon’s cheat. Seems royalty is just as bad.” Adonis commented.

The men circled each other, looking for any sign of weakness in the other. Adonis would advance and Kane would step back. Both were determined to win the game. They’re close! I know! Better move now! Adonis advanced again, and again Kane backed up. He was edging closer and closer to the border. If he crossed he would be out, he could only hope the seekers got there first. Adonis moved quicker towards him and again he moved back and stepped to the side. A quick check over his shoulder, he had maybe three feet before he was at the border. Looking back at Adonis he stepped again to the side only for Adonis to counter the move. Gonna have to go at him! I know! This is gonna get hurty! Big hurty! Adonis advanced again, and this time so did Kane. Both wolves also joined the fight and they clashed in the middle. Kane hit the ground first, only to get back to his feet. Fighting back the snarls and growls, each trying not to give away their position the men continued to throw each other to the ground. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. Ky slipped that one past Kane as he threw Adonis into the mud. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. Odin responded as he really came out to play and took Kane’s legs out from under him. They continued to wrestle on the ground ….grrrr…. ….grRrrrRrr…. ….grrrr…. As control over their beasts went out the window. Snarls and growls rose up and the seekers were now at the border of the clearing watching the two Alpha’s go at it. ….grrrr…. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. ….grrrr…. ….grRrrrRrr….

“Um….” Tommy scratched the back of his head,

“Yup!” Was all Tyler could say as he shook his head.

“What are we gonna do?” Xander asked.

“Xander Tommy lef, Come on Carter we goin right. Firs openin you get tackle one” Tyler said. The four seekers circled the men fighting on the ground. ….grRrrrRrr…. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. ….grrrr…. When Kane was kicked off, Tommy made the lunge and hit the mud. Xander went after Adonis and hit the dirt behind him when Adonis sidestepped him. Kane tackled Adonis again, trying to keep him down so one of the seekers could at least tag him, but it was no use. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. He took another hit to the chest as Adonis again pushed him off. ….grrrr….

“I’m not even trying,” Adonis goaded him. ….grRrrrRrr….

“And you think I am,” Kane shot back, though he was breathing heavier than Adonis was. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. They clashed again in the middle and Kane threw Adonis to the mud again only for him to get right back up and tackle Kane. Tyler and Carter both advanced on Adonis, who used the force behind Kane’s kick to narrowly avoid them. Where the fuck is the damn bell? Kane advanced this time and Adonis sidestepped him only to be tackled by both Tyler and Carter. THUD! The hit to the ground came hard. POP! ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Released from Adonis as his shoulder made the connection with the ground first.


….owooooooo…. ….owooooo…. ….owooooooo….

FUCK!” Adonis growled out, he was close so fucking close. Noooo our crowns! Odin howled out, he wanted the crown for his mate. Tyler and Carter were howling as they bumped fists.

“Ouch!” Kane said as he stood above him, looking at his dislocated shoulder.

“You won’t be so lucky next time” Adonis warned, accepting the outstretched hand Kane was offering him.

“Let’s go Alpha, Eli waitin on yah” Tyler remarked as he pushed Adonis towards the house.

“You dislocated my shoulder, Tyler,” Adonis grumbled.

“Yeah, that happen. If you woulda came easy the firs time” Tyler could only shrug.

“Asshole!” That had them all laughing again.

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