The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 94: Sharing!

With his men busy, Adonis had his little mate all to himself. He was both excited and apprehensive about this. Though he watched Elijah care for her injuries closely, there were many of them that needed tending all with varying degrees of severity. He was not a doctor nor did he have a medical degree and the risk of him screwing something up was high. He was also watching the time, Kenzi would be getting hungry soon and he had every intention of making her favourite for dinner. Elijah lifted some of her dietary restrictions and as long as he cut the steak pieces small enough she could have it. He would place the dogs at the door, so as to not disturb his people who were enjoying themselves doing who knows what to Goddess knows who in the packhouse. White Stone was very familiar with the demon species and knew they needed to have fun. They also knew to play along with them. He did release Bo and Brina from the yard, and both were warned to behave themselves. Right now he had his little mate sleeping peacefully curled up in his arms. When she woke he would help her have a shower and see the rest of her injuries like he promised. She’s gonna be upset! They will heal! If she calls herself a monster again I’m eating Queeny! If she calls herself a monster again I won’t stop you! Are you gonna be able to behave? It will take everything in me to do it! She’s not recovered enough! That is what I am holding onto! This is a hospital room! That is something else I am using! Her first should be special! Yes it should! She chose us! Wolfie or no wolfie! He pressed his lips to her head and was greeted with a contented sigh as she snuggled in closer.

If she turns, what colour do you think she’ll be? I don’t know! Think she’ll be a demon? Maybe! Could she be a demon? No, she’s far too innocent! Her wolf might not be! When and if it happens we’ll see! When are you gonna let Queeny talk to her? Tomorrow….maybe! You’re gonna put it off as long as possible! Cause I want the venom spewing pit viper near her! Like I do, but the sooner we do it the sooner it’s done! You have a point there! She’ll be upset! Maybe, Kenzi is stronger than she appears, we don’t know how she’ll take it! This will upset her! Then we will be there to console her! She’ll feel lied to! Adonis held her tighter against him. The Luna Queen masqueraded as her friend, trying to earn her trust, using her to get what she wanted. His mate will feel lied to. But did Queeny actually lie to her though? She was using her so they could get to us! Perhaps, it didn’t work out for her! We never trusted her! She never did anything to earn our trust! Kingy was also trying! He found a way onto our good side! He’s fun to play with! He played along! He’s still playing along! Even after the office! Did he earn our trust? I would say he has! Are we friends with him? I might say we might be! Maybe just a little bit! I still want to set him on fire! That could be fun!

Adonis laid there a little longer lost in his thoughts until he felt her stirring in his arms. A quick check of the time and he knew she would be getting hungry soon.

“Hello sweetheart, how was your nap?” He asked when her head lifted up from his chest to look around her hospital room. She blinked a few times, confusion creasing her brow.

“You fell asleep while we were visiting Emroy.” He said when she turned to look at him.

“I’m sorry.” Kenzi’s voice was quiet and still held the edges of sleep. She didn’t mean to keep falling asleep, but she couldn’t help it. When oblivion called for her, her mind and body listened, no matter how hard she tried to fight against it.

“Don’t be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for. You’re recovering and you’re going to get tired.” He lifted her chin so she would look at him. “No one is going to get mad, if they do I’ll get grumpy and no one wants that.” Her little musical giggle slipped past her and her nose wrinkled. His lips brushed hers, but he didn’t dare let them linger. Though her lips still held little colour, her pout was still perfect and if he lingered nothing would get done.

“How about a shower? Then I’ll fix you something to eat” Kenzi nodded. A shower sounded great.

Kenzi was stiff as she moved, Adonis no longer wondered why Elijah wanted her moving around as much as possible and he was told he was not allowed to baby her. He was still going to baby her, just not as much as he planned. Maybe he would take her upstairs with him when he went to make her supper. She might like to walk outside in the fresh air for a bit, it’s been a while since she’s seen anything but four walls of the medical ward. He’d see how she was doing after her shower.

“Whose clothes are these?” Kenzi asked as she picked up the button up midnight blue shirt and black shorts.

“I went back to Pixies and picked up a few more items of clothing for you. Buttons are going to be easier for you to wear right now, then having to put anything over your head. Oswald assured me they would go with the other items we picked up for you the other day. In fact he was pretty insistent that he pick everything out. He also sends his sincerest apologies over your current condition.” Adonis explained to her. Kenzi looked down at her hospital gown. If she needs to wear buttons because it will be easier for her, then she must look pretty bad.

“It’s bad isn’t it?” She asked,

“I’m not going to lie to you sweetheart, it might cause some upset. Just try to remember they will heal,” Adonis held her close to him as he started the shower. He removed the bandages around her wrists first and she got her first look at the new scars she was going to have. She turned her wrists over and over seeing every inch of discoloured mutilated skin she could. A slight whimper escaped her and the first tear slid down her cheek. She wanted to hide them, make them invisible.

“Shhh sweetheart” He held her while she worked through it. Then he untied the gown, sliding it past her shoulders. She saw the bite mark, her eyes alarmed as she looked at him.

“It’s not a mark,” he assured her. He had Elijah double check to assure him that filth didn’t mark her. She took in the edges of the claw marks on her upper arms and pulled the gown lower so she could see. Straining to look over her shoulder she saw the gashes and scraps up her back when he moved the gown. She took in the sight of the ghastly bruises upon bruises. What did she go through? She didn’t know, but judging by what she was seeing she was glad she didn’t remember.

Moving the gown lower there was still more to be seen. She had a huge bandage on her side and when he removed it she saw the huge swipe of claws. Like a bandaid he pulled the gown the rest of the way off and she took in the full sight of her. A gasp left her lips as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She shook her head, no that wasn’t her, that wasn’t what she looked like. She shook her head again, agony tore through her when the little beat up girl in the mirror shook it back at her. Covering her mouth to stop the cry from escaping she watched in horror as the little girl repeated her movement. Adonis watched his little mate watch herself in the mirror. He watched as her expression changed from horror, to sorrow to complete agony as she took in every single one of her injuries. Her eyes landed on the ones on her thighs and he heard her heart rate spike.

“No sweetheart, no. You still are. Those are defensive wounds. You fought with everything you had, to keep yourself safe,” he assured her.

“No!” Kenzi shook her head.

“No!” Adonis promised her. He didn’t need Elijah to check that, he could smell that she still was. He wrapped his arms around her, surrounding her in a cocoon of warmth and safety. Kenzi hid her face from the tortured girl in the mirror. Poor Lil Button! Odin whimpered in his head. He had stayed quiet the whole time she looked at herself.

Beautiful mate. My beautifully perfect mate. I will always love you. You are mine to protect and no one will do this to you again” Odin vowed. Kenzi clung tightly to him. To the safety she felt in his arms, to the love she heard in his words.

A few more affirmations and a slight fight with the waterproof bandages that had her giggling he finally got her in the shower. He moved slowly as he bathed her. Let his hands massage the shampoo into her hair a little longer than needed. Ran them gently over her body as he cleaned her off. Fighting the urges he was feeling to chase the water that cascaded down her. Tried not to linger on any of her more intimate areas than necessary, but the thoughts swirling in his head and he wanted to turn fantasy into reality. She was awake and could participate after all. The sudden catches in her breath he would hear, the bitten back whimpers, her trembling body, her skin flushed a perfect pink from head to toe told him she had her own fantasies running through her head.

“Simmer down, tiny dancer, you are not healed enough and I only have so much control,” he warned.

“No you don’t” Kenzi blurted, then squeaked when he pinched her bottom.

“I promised myself I would behave, so stop tempting me.” His hands slid back up her body, feeling every bit of the shiver that ripped through her body at the sensual movement.

“Don’t maked me do that,” Kenzi fired back.

“Never!” He claimed her mouth under his, wrapping his arms around her pulling her gently towards him. Slipping between her parted lips when the opportunity presented itself he took the kiss deeper. Slowly and softly he teased her, coaxed her, encouraged her to play with him. Wrapping his arms tighter, supporting her as she tried to get higher. He’s missed kissing her like this, he missed fighting the urge to run his hands over her. She was naked and wet and pressed against him tightly, but he knew a kiss was all it could be. So he took everything he could from it, and gave her everything she wanted. The shiver ripped through her as the water turned cold, it was time to break apart.

“Missed kissy time,” he said when they parted. Her sparkling silver eyes gleamed in the harsh light of the hospital bathroom. The pink blush that reached the tips of her ears deepened.

Turning off the shower he wrapped one giant towel around her petite frame and another he used to dry her hair. Like he watched Elijah do, he cleaned her wounds, apologizing when he heard the gasps and whimpers. He treated them then redressed them, then it was time to get her dressed.

“Blue lace?” Kenzi held up the cheeky boyshort panties, and he couldn’t help the wolfish grin.

“I like blue and I like lace and I like them both on you,” he replied.

“And I temp-t you” Kenzi said as she looked down at them

“I could put bunnies on your butt, and tempt Odin to bite it” Kenzi’s jaw dropped as she looked at him.

“Shameless….both of you,” she accused, to which he replied with a deep rumbled laugh.

“We’re not sorry!” He captured her mouth one more time before he moved to help her slip the panties on. They hide nothing! No they don’t! Maybe blue lace cheeky panties were a mistake! Maybe a small one! That is a delicious looking honeydew! Control Odin, she’s not healed enough! Tell yourself that Adonis! Both man and wolf took deep controlled breaths as they saw the panties on their mate. They most certainly liked her in blue and lace.

The fight with himself to get the rest of her clothes on was a struggle. The blue lace cheeky shorts were definitely a mistake, he wanted to just rip them back off. The fabric did nothing to curb any heat rushing anywhere in his body. If anything it rushed faster. The delicate blue fabric kissed every curve of her lower half as it sat flush against her skin. She wore them so well he had a hard time concentrating when it came to the rest of her clothes. She giggled when he put her shorts on inside out and backwards….twice.

“I think they’re right this time,” he said more to himself than her.

“Are you sure?” Kenzi asked, the little giggle slipping past her again.

“Yes, I’m sure!” Though Adonis did double check.

“Time for the shirt.” He slowly slid the shirt up her arms and started doing the buttons. He hated covering her up, he would keep her exposed if he could. Her beautifully formed voluptuous breasts, uncontained and free for him to see whenever he desired. And oh how he desired to see them, touch them, taste them. He needed to stop thinking, he needed a distraction. Her stomach rumbled, and he breathed a sigh of relief. A distraction! Feeding her was just the distraction he needed from the too hot need burning inside him. Tomorrow! He promised himself, tomorrow when they are back in the privacy of their room, he was free to give in to all his wanton desires, but right now it was time to get his perfect little mate fed.

“Where Lil Kenzi Cakes?” Adonis was preparing Kenzi’s dinner when Jackson joined him in the kitchen.

“Front lawn with the dogs….Marco and Carter are with her” He added when he saw the look cross Jackson’s face. It was clear his men still held resentment towards the pit viper and didn’t want her near their sister just yet.

“Queeny’s at the lake with Alpha Kane” Adonis answered before Jackson could even ask.

“Fuck off!” He grumbled. He was in no mood to deal with his Alpha’s bullshit. Him and Elijah wandered all over the western border looking for Tyler. He was tired and hungry and Elijah made him shift four more times to heal his knee.

“Little grumpy?” Adonis asked, trying to hide his smirk.

“We wander the fuckin border for hours lookin for Tyler. Eli that sick bastard had me shift four times an threaten to call my wife when I din’t listen to him. Then he call my wife an her yell at me for not listenin to the fuckin ninja. An I hungry. Roland’s cookin is great an all, but I want Lil Kenzi’s food, hers better an I’ve grown accustomed to it” Jackson huffed as he fell on to one of the bar stools at the island.

“How is Tyler?” Adonis asked, hoping to take Jackson’s mind off of the other things.

“Confuse. He woke up hella bloody, not knowin where he was or what Bal did.” Jackson replied as he watched the steak Adonis was preparing.

“How many?” He asked.

“Four an a half warriors” Jackson said,

“Four and a half? How do you kill half a warrior?” Adonis stopped his movements and looked at his Beta.

“He din’t kill the fifth one. Guess Bal calm down when he was halfway through rippin em to pieces an fell asleep. Eli had to finish him off when we stumbled upon Tyler.” Jackson said, trying not to laugh.

“He was alive?” Adonis asked,

“Yup. We was shock to. Tyler now on the back lawn gettin hose off. But I’m thinkin he prolly hungry too an he gonna really want Kenzi cookin” Jackson nodded.

“Elijah said no,” Adonis replied firmly. ….grrrrrr…. Jackson didn’t even try to cover the displeased growl that escaped him. Ko was at him again, to eat Queeny. He missed Luna’s cooking and was whimpering all day for it.

“Where are you going?” Adonis asked when he saw him get up.

“Draw!” He growled out and stomped out of the kitchen.

“He’s going to draw,” Adonis answered Elijah and Tyler when they came inside. He looked up at his Delta. That’s cleaned off? If he looked anything like us it is! Tyler still had blood on his face, neck and half his chest. His platinum blonde hair was matted with it and he could see streaks and splotches on both his arms and legs.

“I don’t know what happen.” Was the only thing Tyler could say. He went to the border, Bal burst forth and then the rest was blank until he was woken up by Jackson and Elijah. He was covered in blood and there was a dead Primrose warrior beside him, and he didn’t understand why Elijah had bloody hands.

“It’s ok Tyler. It’s unnerving, I know. Your demon was out and you have no knowledge of what he did while you were….absent. How do you feel?” Adonis asked. He knew the feeling and unless the others went through it no one else could relate to it.

“Still angry, but not wanna rip the bitch to pieces angry. Bal wanna roll in the grass an run around in barefeet an I fuckin hungry. I starvin. Where’s Lil Kenzi Cakes?” He asked.

“On the front lawn with the dogs, Marco and Carter. No she is not cooking Elijah said so. You should finish getting cleaned up” Tyler nodded and moved out of the kitchen.

“How is Kenzi doing?” Elijah asked,

“She is in good spirits despite seeing the rest of her injuries for the first time. You patched her up, I tried not to botch it up and I figured she could use something more to look at than four walls in the medical ward. Though the new art piece you drew on her wall is visually stimulating, it is not the same as being outside for her.” Adonis said as he went back to the steak.

“Still need to figure out the last rune” Elijah remarked,

“Kenzi figured it out. Kenaz fire and knowledge. Fire for Odin and knowledge for Elijah, cause he’s well edumacated. After I stopped laughing I corrected her.” Adonis said with a slight grin on his face.

“She will be….edumacated as well” Elijah said, now more than ever he was curious as to what Luna could accomplish if she was.

“Just don’t correct everything she says. I have grown quite fond of her use of pose to.” Adonis replied. Yeah, she’s pose to be with us! The Moon Goblin said so!

“Me too!” Elijah agreed. He didn’t plan on correcting everything she said. She had a few phrases he was fond of her saying. He didn’t want to take away from who she was, just help her.

“How is Tyler?” Adonis asked, even though he did ask Tyler himself, he again knew from experience that he wouldn’t be able to answer that question fully.

“Physically he’s fine. Mentally, he’s a deranged little lunatic who should be studied. He was in a highly confused state when we woke him up. Not much turns a demon green, but the grisly discoveries Jackson and I made could. He was in the process of gutting the fifth warrior when he fell asleep and shifted back. It was the first mercy killing I have ever done” Elijah replied.

“Gutting….” Jackson said ripping to pieces!

“His insides were on the outside. He had zero recollection of what happened and seemed quite surprised to see not only me and Jackson, but the dead warrior beside him. When he asked what happened to him, he was shocked when we replied he did. He nor Bal could wrap their minds around the fact that they did that to someone. I am not surprised however. The aggression Tyler was feeling towards….even after the tussle with Jackson and the violin was unstable. He could have blown at any moment on anyone….well almost” Elijah answered.

“Almost, what do you mean almost?” Adonis paused his movements there.

“Kenzi’s effect” Elijah replied. “When he was in her presence it was the calmest I had seen him. In her presence Asmodeus wasn’t bothered with….I don’t know what to call her…. He was at peace just to be near Kenzi. I’m sure if you ask Jackson he would say the same of Ko. It wouldn’t shock me right now if Jackson wasn’t on the front lawn with her. And I don’t think we’re the only ones that feel it.”

Adonis stood there and thought about that. He was angry at Queeny, but he didn’t want to rip her still beating heart out. His time with his mate had abolished that kind of anger in him. The deep rumble of Jackson’s laughter reached his ears and Adonis looked towards the front doors. Their wolves were drawn to her, all their wolves were drawn to his tiny little mate.

“Has the book said anything about her?” Adonis asked when he turned back to Elijah.

“I managed to translate something. There is a passage in the book that talks about a ray of light. One that would instil peace and calm in the most savage of beasts. Surrounded by darkness it is the purest form of tranquillity and the beasts will crave it, but only when the light shines bright.” Elijah replied.

“Sunshine and rainbows. No bad days, only moments and everyone she meets seems to want to keep her. She can’t get angry, it overwhelms her if she does, we get violent. She gets sad and we get violent. She gets scared and we get violent. But when she’s happy, or excited, or….shining bright we feel at peace. I think the book just explained Kenzi” Elijah nodded and they both turned to the front door.

His little mate truly was something special. She was a beacon in the darkness and they were all drawn to her. Drawn to the peace and tranquillity they found when they were around her. No bad days when she sings. Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen to her. She smiled and you couldn’t help but smile with her. Her giggles could calm a room, her laughter caused you to laugh. Her excitement brought joy. No wonder she was his mate. The most savage of beasts needed peace too and fate gave that gift to him and he gave that gift to his pack. They needed her.

When he stepped foot out the front door, he could only shake his head. They were all vying for her attention. She was laughing with Andros and Luther, speaking with Tyler, Carter, Marco and Bo. Brina was doing her hair. Jackson was drawing who knows what, but Kenzi held three pieces of paper in her hands and her face lit up when Jackson handed her another one. He could only hope it wasn’t a disembowelled picture. Cage, Gage, Xander, Derrick, Tommy and Mike were playing football, trying to impress their Luna. The dogs were all curled around her, snuggled in nice and close. He watched Johnny and Damon approach the group, their bodies visibly relaxing the closer they came to her. Elijah was right; they weren’t the only ones that felt it. Seems everyone felt it. She’s ours, she comes home with us! Ok Odin! They can get their own sun spot! Easy Odin! Demons don’t share! Don’t be grumpy! We don’t share! Don’t yell at me! Then yell at them! I’m not going to yell at them! Why? Because I’m not! What are you going to do then? I’m going to collect our mate and have dinner! I could eat!

The chatter slowly quieted down as they watched him approach. Looks of panic crossed a few faces, as they looked from Alpha to Luna. Kenzi smiled brightly at him. She was having the best time ever.

“Supper time?” Jackson asked,

“Yes!” Adonis replied, the murmured grumbles spread through everyone. No one was happy their fun had to end.

“There is enough for everyone, we’ll meet you in the dining room” Adonis said, shaking his head as the grins broke out on their faces. Maybe they did share. Maybe slightly, but she still comes home with us! Yes she does!

“Is that a….kitty cupcake?” He asked looking at Jackson, he could only shrug.

“Uh huh! Jackson draw-ed it for me. I’m gonna hang it up in the bakery and he did these ones too” Kenzi’s grin was from ear to ear as she showed him a puppy cake, a bunny cinnamon roll but it was the last picture that really caught his attention. The face of a beautiful girl with dark hair and light eyes in the foreground, while a black wolf was howling at the moon in the background.

“Ko wanna draw Eli strung up by his intestines, then we heard her laughin an Ko want to draw somein make her smile” Jackson spoke through he link.

“So you drew her a kitty cupcake and a puppy cake”

“Make her happy. Happy Kenzi happy everbody.”

“What would Kenzi say if she saw your other drawings?”

“Say her understan, an then make Ko a snack so he wasn’t a grumpy wolfie no more”


“Her mighta saw one or two. I din’t mean to show her, but her walk up behine me once while I drawin an her saw. Her ask me what I was doin an I explain that Ko like it when I draw the thins he wants to kill. I toll her bout the outlets we use to control aggression. Her say her understan, an ask if that was the lil carvins in the woods. I say yeah, Eli does em an leave em aroun the woods for kids to fine. Her ask if Eli be mad if her kep one. Fine a wolf that remine her of Odin. Toll her no Eli wouldn’t be mad if her kep one. Then her call Ko’s name an he came forward. Her kiss his forehead, toll him to finish his piture then her make him a snack an he won’t be a grumpy wolfie no more. Thata a special lil girl.”

“Yes she is”

“Her din’t judge me or him or nuttin. Her wasn’t even scare or upset by the pitures her saw. They was pretty graphic.”

More sure now than ever that Kenzi was the ray of light the book spoke about, he went to help her to her feet.

“Come on sweetheart, time for supper” Adonis reached his hand out for her and she tried to pull herself up, but she was having a bit of a struggle with it. Her left side had stiffened up and she couldn’t get her footing under her. Crouching down to give her more to grab onto, she whimpered and winced as small currents of pain rolled through her. He just wanted to pick her up, Odin was whimpering in his head for him to do it. Elijah was watching from the porch with an amused expression upon his face. Jackson started laughing beside him, as he crouched there debating his options. He could defy his torture loving, medially inclinded, ninja like Gamma and pick her up and that would result in him potentially getting a lecture about babying her. Or he could let her keep struggling to get to her feet, and have her dinner get cold. No brainer really! It really is! Adonis scooped his little mate up and arched his brow daring his Gamma to say what he so desperately wanted to. Elijah shook his head at him as he approached.

“Pretty sure I said don’t carry her” Elijah remarked,

“Must have missed that part” Adonis replied as he started up the stairs.

“Must have” Elijah moved to open the door to the packhouse for his Alpha.

“You don’t seem terribly upset that I defied you” Adonis made his own remark.

“I’m surprised it took you this long,” Elijah commented. “I’ll give you the stairs, but I want her walking as much as possible.”

“Of course….Dr. Burns” The grin cracked across Adonis’s face as he disappeared into the house, his little mate giggling as she cuddled in his arms.

Much like the first day they were all together in the same house. The demons were on one side of the dining room and the royals were on the other. None of them really seemed happy about the sitting arrangement though. Marco and Carter wanted to be at the table with Tyler. Johnny and Damon wanted to be with Jackson. Kenneth looked towards Elijah. Friendships had definitely formed between them. Adonis even found himself wanting Kane at his table, and it seemed Kane wanted to be there as well. But with Kane came the pit viper and he didn’t want her near his mate at the moment. And he didn’t think Kane would leave his mate to sit by herself. Adonis looked at his men and they looked back at him. A slight smile spread across Jackson’s face and seven chairs scraped across the floor. As long as she kept her trap shut he could tolerate her presence. Adonis arched his brow in the royal’s direction. Marco and Carter were out of their seats first then they looked towards their Alpha, hesitating to move without his permission. One nod, barely even complete and they bolted across the room with Johnny and Damon right behind them. Kenneth was a little more reserved as he calmly walked over. Adonis watched Kane speak to his mate and she nodded her head. They both stood up and moved as well.

When Dax sat at the table, none of the demons moved, they did nothing to acknowledge her presence. No grumbles, no mumbles, not one growl or snarl, they completely ignored her. With their Luna at the table, they didn’t think about her, then they didn’t think about what she did and they didn’t get angry.

“What’s the matter Andros?” Jackson asked the Romanian wisp.

“We bored. Alpha Steve say we not to play with Alpha Kennedy no more,” he replied. Luther beside him shook his head. They both looked a little disappointed by that.

“You make him cry again?” Jackson started laughing.

“No!” The man shook his head then a wicked grin broke across both their faces.

“Almos!” Luther replied.

“We should go to the bar,” Bo suggested.

“You can not go to the bar” Adonis told Kenzi when she perked up at that.

“Why?” She looked up at him.

“Because you are going to want to dance and you can not dance right now” Adonis replied, kissing the top of her head.

“Aw nuts!” Kenzi huffed then slumped into his lap.

“We could play hide the cookie” Xander threw out a suggestion

“We can’t play hide the cookie,” Tommy told him.

“Why not?” He asked,

“The cookies outta commission” Tommy said motioning towards Kenzi.

“Oh yeah!” Xander nodded, when he looked over and saw Kenzi.

“I’m the cookie,” Kenzi said, when Damon looked at her.

“Why don’t we play demon hunt. Hasn’t play that in a while” Jackson suggested.

“What’s demon hunt?” Carter asked. The other demons at the table all looked at each other as grins broke across their faces.

“Psychotic little game the seekers came up with” Elijah replied,

“You know you wanna play,” Tyler goaded him. “You as deranged as the res of us. Don’t act like you ain’t”

“Of course he do. He gotta title to uphole,” Jackson encouraged.

“The only demon not to get caught” Tyler informed them.

“You were caught?” Kane asked Adonis.

“Pure accident. Tyler fell on me” Adonis replied.

“I goin after Mike, misplaced my step an crash into a bush an Adon broke my fall.” Tyler replied then broke out laughing. He was damn proud of himself that day. Up until then the uncatchable title was held by Adonis and he has never been caught since.

“Demon hunt, isn’t that the game the seekers use to train?” Damon asked, looking at Elijah.

“It is,” Elijah agreed.

“The seekers need to be put in a room, no soun, no smell, no nuttin an the res of us take off to the trees. Then they fine us.” Jackson explained.

“Sounds like hide and seek,” Kane said.

“Close, mix a lil manhunt an pretty much what it is, you gotta watch the traps though, but you gotta whole territory to play wit. You don’t has to stay hidden, you can stay on the move an they not exactly gentle when they fine us. This one time we play, they closeline Gage.” Kane looked at the man sitting to the left of one of the twins. He nodded.

“It sucked, then they dragged my ass back and strung me up by my ankles,” Gage remarked as he glared at Tommy and Xander, who both started snickering.

“That actually sounds really fun.” Carter’s interest was piqued.

“Carter’s on our team,” Tyler blurted.

“You can’t do that” Damon shot at him. Carter was their best tracker.

“Jus did, Carter’s on our team, see” Tyler shot back.

“You little ankle biter,” Damon huffed.

“Careful Damon or I bite you. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr….” Johnny and Kane broke out laughing at the look that just crossed his face.

“He mus like you,” Jackson said.

“He just threatened to bite me,” Damon said.

“Yeah, but he don’t usually give warnin firs,” Jackson cracked up.

The dining room fell silent as eyes turned towards the door. Emroy stood in the entrance unsure of his next move. He saw worried looks on the faces of his previous pack members but nobody made a move as eyes turned towards Alpha Adonis. Tyler slid the chair out beside him and nodded towards it. Emroy slightly hesitated before he crossed the room to accept.

“We gonna play demon hunt after dinner. You wanna play?” Tyler asked as they fell back into their conversation.

“Um....” Emroy went to respond when someone else did for him.

“Emroy can’t play,” Elijah answered.

“The fuck not?” Jackson asked as he turned his attention to him.

“He’s not healed enough and you deranged lunatics aren’t gentle” Elijah responded.

“That suck!” Tyler huffed.

“The fuck he gonna do then? Sit in a fuckin room somewhere?” Jackson asked, that didn’t sit right with him. The man saved his sister’s life.

“Emroy could always keep Kenzi company on the porch, I’m playing” Adonis offered

“Yeah, I can do that,” Emroy agreed, nodding. He was fighting the grin trying to take hold of him. He wasn’t sure how walking into the dining room was going to go for him, but he certainly didn’t expect the warm reception he received.

“Yay!” Kenzi beamed a big smile at him.

“Alpha Adonis is on our team” Damon blurted before Tyler could

“You can’t do that” Tyler shot at him,

“Just did, Alpha Adonis is on our team, see” Damon shot back.

“Fuckin ogre!” Tyler huffed.

“Easy you little ankle biter, or I’ll bop you.” Damon said.

“Thems fightin words. Who wanna see Damon take on Tyler?” Jackson choked out laughing as hands rose around the table.

“What?....put your hand down Carter, I’m not fighting Tyler” Damon said as he watched Carter raise his hand as well. He saw what Tyler did to Carter, he did not want that to be him.

“Well not in the ring anyway. There’s always in the game, you better believe he’s gonna be coming for you” Adonis said. The table roared with laughter over the look of horror that crossed Damon’s face. Even Kenzi was giggling.

“I go gentle on ya!” Tyler said, grinning from ear to ear.

“Fuck!” Damon grumbled.

“Look at it this way Damon, if you survive, you’ll have one helluva story” Kane said, trying not to laugh anymore than he already was. Damon could only shake his head.

“Why me?” Damon asked,

“Maybe you shouldn’t be so entertaining amico,” Kenneth said.

“You know what fuck that bring it on you little ankle biter” Damon said looking at Tyler.

“That’s the spirit Damon, die like a man” Adonis said.

“That’s not encouraging,” Damon replied, as the others continued to laugh.

“This be entertain, $50 on Tyler” Andros made the bet

“That’s bullshit and a suckers bet, everyone knows you bet on Tyler” Bo fired off.

“I don’t know, he big guy maybe take him,” Luther said as he looked Damon over.

“You big guy can’t take him” Andros said,

“But I not breaker, he breaker, he break shit” Luther countered.

“That true, so maybe” Andros nodded as he too looked Damon over.

“I don’t break shit” Damon defended himself.

“All breaker break shit” Luther replied,

“We don’t always break shit” Jackson huffed,

“Says the guy that took down a cabin the other day” Adonis commented.

“The fuck you talkin for, you broke your own house” Jackson fired at him.

“He getted you there,” Kenzi blurted. The table broke out laughing at the look on Adonis’s face.

“Hey now, who’s side are you on?” Adonis wrapped his arms more around his little mate. She giggled and squirmed when he tickled her side.

“Hurry up an eat, I wanna play, us breakers gotta go break shit.” Jackson said.

“Faction agains faction?” Tyler said. Jackson looked at the others around the table. Johnny, Damon, Kane with him, Mike and Derrick. After watching them during the battle with the rogues it was decided Kenneth was a shadow so he would be with Elijah, Marco, Cage and Gage.

“Not enough wisps or sirens.” He said.

“I’ll take the wisps and sirens,” Adonis said.

“You’re going down, breaker boy” Bo blurted to Derrick.

“Easy screamer” Mike fired at him.

“What’s going on?” Kane asked

“We’re dividing into teams. Factions are playing against each other. You’re a berserker. You’re with Jackson. Elijah will take the rest of the shadows. I got the wisps and sirens. Last faction standing wins.” Adonis explained.

“And what are we playing for?” Kane asked.

“Aside from bragging rights, we could make this a little more interesting.” Adonis arched his brow. “Care to make a deal with The Devil?’

“What do you have in mind?” Kane asked with a smirk playing across his face. He could see his mate beside him shaking her head, but he already cautioned her to keep quiet.

“$20,000 to the last faction standing. Ten paid by me, ten paid by you. But how about a side bet, only one can win the game. If I win I want....” Adonis thought about it. Kenzi shifted in his lap and a smile broke across his face. “Your crown!” Seems fitting, we are king of the demons!

“My crown?” Kane asked, his alarm went up. Thought he didn’t want our title!

“You can keep the throne, your position, and your title that doesn’t interest me. I want the head wear, your crown will look nice hanging on my wall. I promise I’ll only wear it for special occasions.” Jackson was fighting his laughter beside him. Kane looked at Adonis, mulling over what the Devil wanted. What would he want? The shifting little pixie in his lap caught his eye, and a smile spread across his face. This was either going to go well or very bad for him.

“You only have one thing I want” Kane began,

“And that is?” Adonis asked, arching his brow, the only thing he could see in The King’s mind was cookies.

“Kenzi’s cooking.” Adonis sat back from the table, his arm instinctively wrapping more around her.

“She’s not well enough,” Adonis replied.

“She will be in six weeks. If I win, in six weeks time Kenzi will come visit for a week and cook dinner. You can come if you want, but the deal is for Kenzi’s cooking.” Eyes widened as they watched the two Alpha’s stare at each other.

“My cooking?” Kenzi’s little voice broke the staring competition between the two.

“Yes! Have you ever been to Howler’s Bay Kenzi?” Kane replied, as he looked at her.

“No, I hasn’t been nowhere, asighes from Ottawa. This is only my second tine.” She shook her head as she made her reply.

“That’s a shame. You would like Howler’s Bay. You would stay at the royal palace.” Kane told her, and watched her reaction to that news.

“The pa-pal….is that like a castle?” Kenzi’s eyes lit up. Adonis could feel her excitement starting to rise. That son of a bitch!

“Yes, exactly like a castle.” Kane replied, his upper lip slightly twitched as he felt her excitement spike at that. Kenzi’s jaw dropped.

“I never been to a castle. The closest I getted to one was the parchment billd-ing but I wasn’t wasn’t open an I couldint go in. But I getted to see the tulip gardens.” She told him. Kane could see Adonis’s arm moving more around her as her body began to vibrate. The others at the table began to snicker as they fought to control their laughter at the ever growing excitement from the little pixie.

“There’s gardens at the royal palace as well.” He told her and watched her eyes widen.

“Really?” She asked,

“Yes, many many gardens,” he assured her. Kenzi looked from Kane to Adonis then back to Kane. Adonis could only look at Kane, that son of a bitch was riling her up on purpose. I’m going to set him on fire, Odin! I’m gonna help!

“And I would get to see them?” She asked, her body trembled more and more.

“Yes!” Blast off! Ky howled in his head.

“And I can go in?” You better hold onto her! Odin warned as her excitement grew more and more.

“You would be staying in one of the rooms in the palace.” Every yes brought Kenzi one step closer to lift off, her excitement swirled around everyone at the table. But when she heard she would be staying in the palace, her excitement was bursting. Jackson and Tyler were fighting with themselves to not break out laughing. The more Kane worked her up the tighter Adonis had to hold on, his mate was going to rocket. Kenzi looked from Kane to Adonis then back to Kane. Her mouth opened and closed fighting to get out what she wanted to say.

“DEAL!” She blurted and her hand shot out across the table only for Adonis to snatch it back.

“Hold on sweetheart. This is my deal.” Adonis spoke. Kenzi looked up at him, her eyes wide. She shook her head at him, she wanted to go to the palace, she wanted to see the gardens.

“But, but, but I wanna see the castle and the gardens,” she said.

“You want to see the gardens and the castle?” He asked,

“Please! I really, really, really do.” She pleaded with him. She really wants to go and she never asks for anything! No, she doesn’t! She’s asking for this! Yes, she is! Are we saying yes? We’re not saying no, but I want more out of this deal! What do we want? If we’re king of the demons, she is our queen! A CROWN! Yes, Odin a crown!

“Hmm! Throw in Queen’s crown and you have a deal.” Our queen deserves a crown too! Yes, she does!

“The Queen’s crown?” Dax looked at Adonis then her eyes widened.

“Yes, my queen deserves a crown too. I think she would wear it well. A visit and a week of Kenzi’s cooking if you win. Your crowns if I do.” Seems fair to him. If you don’t win we could just take the crowns anyway! We could, but I have no intentions of losing! How are we going to win? We’re a demon Odin, we’ll do what we do best! Cheat! Exactly!

This time Kane sat back from the table. How much trouble would he get into if he gave their crowns? The Devil already said he had no interest in the throne or his position, he just wanted the head wear. Kane looked at Johnny who shrugged.

“I say take the deal” Damon remarked when Kane looked his way.

“What’s it going to be?” Adonis extended his hand.

“Deal!” Kane shook.

“I has to pack!” Kenzi blurted. Her excitement had crested and she wiggled to get out of Adonis’s hold on her. Tyler and Jackson broke. Laughter erupted around the table, as they watched the two struggle. Kenzi was determined to get away and go pack immediately.

“He has to win first, sweetheart.” Adonis held her tighter to him to prevent her from getting up.

“Oh!” That stilled her movements. “Good luck!” And she settled back into his lap.

“Thank you!” Kane replied, laughing. Just had to get the little pixie excited! Ky was howling in his head at the look on Adonis’s face.

“You’re going to need it,” Adonis remarked. Yes, he is! Odin agreed. Neither had any intention of losing or making this game easy for The King.

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