The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 93: Reinforcements!

Gage hit the brakes as soon as they pulled to a stop in front of White Stone Packhouse and covered his ears. Cage was already plugging his. What now? Sounds like someone set Brina and Bo off! Or they set Brina off and Bo’s reacting! The call rang through the territory, long, loud and painful. Adonis opened his back door after linking Cage and Gage to stay in the truck with their ears covered, he didn’t need all his men deaf. Kane was on the front lawn with his ears covered as well.


All sound stopped as soon as his call rang out and all wide eyes turned to him.

“What the fuck is going on?” He growled,

“Andros and Luther set her off, I was trying to cancel hers out” Bo explained. Adonis looked at the man, Bo might be emotionally charged but he had better control than that. The man was a towering 6’7 wall of rock solid muscle. Messy brown hair and slate grey eyes, it was not really surprising Brina latched onto him, he could be a ringer for Jackson if you cleaned him up a bit and he didn’t have the scar Tyler gave him.

“What happened?” Adonis asked,

“Screamer try make Bo jealous, he no get jealous too much eye candy for him” Andros replied, trying not to laugh as Bo’s eyes wandered the territory.

“There’s a lot of pretty people here” Bo couldn’t help it. Wandering eyes! Odin snickered

“Her latch on to me, did not like it” Luther added “I not some toy in stupid game”

“So you played with her?” Adonis said. Andros and Luther looked at each other then back at their Alpha.

“Derrick and Xander on door went to get lunch” Andros continued.

“I was talking to some girl in the kitchen, she seemed fun,” Bo shrugged. “Then Brina freaked out and latched onto Luther and wisps do what wisps do”

You’re supposed to only talk to me, you moron.” Brina screamed at him

I talk to everybody, I’m very friendly that way” He fired back “and don’t think for one second I don’t know you’re only with me because I look like Beta Jackson. Dudes mated and not interested in making it a threesome

You should be grateful your with me” She fired back

Maybe I’m tired of being a stand in. There’s a lot of pretty people here. Maybe I wanna be a first choice” Bo yelled back

Try the last choice!” Even Adonis had to cringe at that burn.

At least I’m a choice” Bo erupted. Low blow! Odin was cringing as well.

DON’T” Adonis roared as he pointed at Brina when she went to open her mouth. “Sit down!” She dropped to the ground immediately.

Sit!” Bo hit the ground as well. “Both of you stay

Kane fell into step beside Adonis after he walked away from the two sitting in their time out on the front lawn. He arched his brow, but he couldn’t fight the smile that spread across his face.

“Sirens need to be able to fill their diaphragm with air to produce the call. They can’t get the required amount from a sitting position” Adonis explained.

“So you put them in a time out?” Kane asked,

“Did you want me to let them keep tantruming and screaming at each other? I could have hid with the others in the medical ward” Adonis asked.

“They refuse to come out. I think Jackson even hid in the bathroom when he heard Brina’s voice” Kane said, trying not to laugh.

“Jackson probably did hide in the bathroom, let me guess Tyler told her to fuck off?” Adonis looked at him. Kane didn’t really need to answer that.

“After he threatened to let Kojak eat her” Kane confirmed anyway.

“She’s family, we don’t desert our family. We just hope they grow up and find someone and stop being a pain in our ass” Adonis answered the unasked question.

“Not the first time daddy had to put her in a time out?” Kane asked, his grin getting bigger

“No! And I prefer the term big poppa” Adonis replied with his own smile.

“How did it go, at your brothers?” Kane asked,

“They were devastated, naturally” Adonis replied,


“Three of them had no idea what was going on, but that’s not surprising,” Adonis added.

“Eric?” Kane asked.

“Didn’t say much other than Emroy’s not dead” Adonis replied,


“Seemed rather upset, that no further attacks will be happening on White Stone” Adonis replied.

“The reinforcements?”

“That pack will burn, I will let them mourn then I’ll kill them all” Adonis replied.

“There’s not much left of that pack to burn. Elijah decapitated half of them,” Kane mused.

“Over embellishment, he only decapitated forty or so” Adonis replied,

“Forgive me, the ones he didn’t decapitate had their eyes popped out because the brothers liked the sound it made,” Kane fired at him.

“It was an interesting sound,” Adonis said, Kane could only shake his head.

“Your pack has a lot of look alikes” Kane stated,

“You thought he was Jackson” Adonis made his own statement,

“At first glance!” Kane nodded.

“Clean him up a bit and he could be a dead ringer. They’re not related. Jackson and Tyler’s eleven other brothers are around somewhere.” Adonis replied motioning with his hands

“Thirteen in the Monroe family?” Kane asked,

“Twelve Betas and a Delta. Canadians can’t keep it in their pants.” Adonis remarked,

“Clearly, I thought Marco was bad” Kane said.

“Six months out of the year it’s cold here, and according to a few Americans, Canadians live in igloos. We have to do something to keep warm” Adonis replied.

“Bo was given to us by a pack in Washington three years ago. The Alpha didn’t know what to do with him. It was us, the dungeon or banishment. The Alpha didn’t want to imprison him so he reached out. Jackson and Tyler went to retrieve him” Adonis said.

“Stay out of my head” Kane replied,

“Where’s the fun in that?” Adonis shot back. “We find most in dungeons awaiting execution. Alphas don’t like insubordination.”

“I try not to think about how many have already been executed. It is one of the reasons I send my people all over to find their mates. When they discover a demon, they belong to us regardless of who’s pack they’re in. No one wants a war with our kind, so they either negotiate or give them up willingly.” Adonis replied.

“What did I just say?” Kane grumbled, Adonis’s response was a deep rumbled laugh.

Entering back into the medical ward he did in fact see Derrick and Xander guarding over the door.

“Alpha!” They both straightened and bowed.

“How has it been?” He asked, they shared a look.

“Some tiny little stomping girl tried to get by us. Said she needed to talk to Luna Kenzi. Andros and Luther said no one other than us were allowed in the room. Mike and Tommy have been keeping Luna company while we watch the door.” Xander replied, then the grin cracked across his face.

“What did you do to the tiny little stomping girl?” Adonis asked,

“Nothing, Derrick threatened to fold her like an accordion, but we didn’t touch her” Xander replied.

“Who was she? Said she was The Queen, but didn’t seem to like it when we said we didn’t care” Derrick asked, “Could have been Xander when he broke out laughing though”

“Their Queen!” Adonis replied with a smile. “She hasn’t picked up on the fact that she has no authority over us”

“Maybe she should get on that page?” Xander replied.

“What is it?” Adonis asked, his men would share a look then look back at him only to share another look.

“Yesterday the whole pack went down for twenty minutes. Blinding pain, then some weird warmth. We asked Gamma Elijah about it, but he said something….Elijahy and we didn’t really quite understand” Derrick said. Elijahy! Odin howled in his head. He probably did say something Elijahy!

“The pain was a link establishing between us and The Royals. We are part of Alpha Kane’s kingdom and I accepted our place in it. We earned it, we deserve to be here. That was the warmth you felt. Welcome to a life of near immortality boys” Adonis informed them.

“Does that mean we have to listen to them?” Derrick asked, the look that crossed his face told Adonis he didn’t want to do that.

“No, they still hold no authority over us, the rest get it” Adonis shook his head as he opened the door to his mates room.

“Alpha!” Mike and Tommy stood and bowed.

“How are things on this side of the door?” Adonis asked.

“Quiet. Luna has been sleeping on and off. Gamma Elijah said to link him when she’s awake and he’d bring her some lunch” Tommy replied.

“You two can take your leave, take him with you” Adonis pointed at Cheerio who was sprawled on the couch snoring.

“Yes sir! Come on….Cheerio” Mike said trying not to crack up laughing.

“He cheerio up” Tommy broke at that one. Cheerio perked at his name and his ear twitched but he made no move to get off the couch.

“Sorry….sir!” Mike said but he couldn’t help it either. They were all excited when they saw the wolf, then they heard his name.

“Get out,” Adonis said to the wolf. Grumpy Alpha! Came back at him through the link. But Cheerio listened and removed himself stretching out as he went.

“Damn dog!” He grumbled. He was a grumpy Alpha. His mate was laid up in a hospital bed. It wasn’t the vacation he wanted for her. They have barely got any time together. He’s missed countless kissy times and he was tired.

“I’ll call you if I need you,” Adonis said as he closed the door behind them. Better not need them, we need our mate! Someone else is grumpy! We owe her a do over! Yes we do, when this is all over we’ll take her somewhere! What about the bakery? It can survive a little longer without her!

As carefully as he could, Adonis crawled into the bed beside her. Kenzi shifted slightly to accommodate him, but her eyes never opened, she cuddled into his arms and released a small sigh of contentment. This was where she belonged. This was home, this was safe and oblivion pulled her deeper into her happy little abyss. He watched her sleep. Took in her soft innocent features. How at peace and ease she looked curled up in his arms. What if she doesn’t want this life? What if she doesn’t want to be a wolf? The thoughts swirling in his mind slammed into him. Would he be able to give her up? Would he be able to let her go and walk away? Jackson was right when he was head over heels for her. He didn’t just love his little mate, he was in love with her. Her smile, her laugh, the little scrunch her face makes when she’s confused or something doesn’t work the way she wants it to. The adorable angry puppy scowl she gets when she’s mad or at least when she’s trying to be. The raise of her dainty little eyebrows when she has an idea or something in her mind clicks. The excitement she gets lost in. The way her body vibrates with it, as she fights to contain it only to have it erupt anyway. The innocent things that slip past her filterless mouth. How animated she is when she talks. He loves the way she doesn’t watch tv with the sound on, the way she makes up her own story lines for what she is seeing on the screen instead. He loves the view she takes on the world, how accepting she is of everyone and everything. He memorized her features, her perfections. His mind has audio recordings of her laugh and giggles they play on a loop. He loves everything about her. He promised he would never leave her, and now he might have to break that promise and this was breaking his heart. He felt like he was cracking. Each thought of having to walk away from the woman he loved caused another crack.

“Adonis?” Her voice broke into his thoughts and he held her more to him.

“Why are you crying?” He didn’t even realize he was. Using the heel of his hand he wiped at the tears until she laced her fingers with his and pulled his hands away from his eyes.

“Why are you crying?” Kenzi asked again, her silver orbs laced with so much concern bore into his. He had to tell her, and let her make her choice.

“I want to be selfish, but I can’t. Not with you. I don’t want to give you up, I want to keep you. I want to make the choice for you and tell you, you’re not allowed to leave me, but I can’t.” He said, her brow furrowed. Kenzi didn’t understand what he was saying to her. Why is going to give her up? Did he not want her?

“I love you Kenzi Templeton, but it’s more than that. I’m in love with you” Adonis spoke when he looked deep into her eyes. He pressed his lips to hers before she could say anything back. He had to tell her before she spoke those words that he could see on the tip of her tongue, those words that he so desperately wanted to hear, he needed to hear them.

“Before you say anything, I have to tell you something” she nodded and waited for him.

Kenzi sat there and listened to every word Adonis spoke. She listened as he told her about fated souls, about The King and The Queen. He told her about the conversation he had in the office the night they were interrupted. He told her about the kingdom. He told her that the only way to ensure his species survival was to join, but he didn’t want to decide until he spoke to her first. But when she went missing and after they found her he joined. He told her what happened when he did. He had already told her about the marks and showed her the ones on his chest, she just didn’t know how he got them. She traced her fingers over them over and over committing them to her memory. Then he told her about the choice she had to make. He told her that if they mated and he marked her she could turn.

“If you don’t want this life sweetheart I understand. I will let you go and you can have the life you want,” he said. He would die inside, but he would let her go. Kenzi sat there, the information swirling in her head. The choice was simple to her, it was a no brainer really and required absolutely no thought.

“I choo-sed you” Adonis could only look at her. YES! Odin howled with excitement. He gets to keep his mate.

“Maybe, maybe I’m pose to be a wolfie. If I turn….then it’s fate fix-ing the mis-mis-mis-take, if I don’t then….I was never pose to be one. But I still get you and that’s what I want. I want to be with you. I’m pose to be, the Moon Goblin said so,” she replied. “I love you, Adonis Bradshaw. Wolfie or no wolfie, I choosed you.” The last words spoken were clear and not once did she stumble over them.

No words, he had no words. Adonis opened his mouth and nothing came out, no sound, no anything. His mate chose him, wolfie or no wolfie. Turn or no turn, she was supposed to be with him. Yeah, the Moon Goblin said so! She wanted this life and it was him she wanted this life with. He engulfed her in his arms, kissing her head, her cheeks, her lips any part of her he could, he would tell her later that it was Moon Goddess and not goblin. We don’t have to give her up, she chose us. She wants to be with us. Now mark her and make her ours! Adonis was tempted to mark her right there in the hospital room, he wanted to, he was going to, until her stomach started voicing its hunger. Maybe feed her first, before she calls you a biscuit eater!

“I love you sweetheart,” he whispered.

“I love you too,” she whispered back. Wrapping her back in his embrace, he linked Elijah, informing him that she was awake and hungry. He would ask him when she could go back to their room. As much as he wanted to mark her, he didn’t want to do it in a hospital room, in some hospital bed. He would have also gotten her food himself, but not even hell was removing him from this bed. He had every intention of spending the rest of the day in it with her.

“Do you think I can has a shower?” Kenzi mumbled into his neck as they waited for her lunch.

“We’ll see what Elijah says. If not then how about a sponge bath?” He replied.

“A bath!” She looked up at him, her excitement building. She has been thoroughly enjoying all the baths she’s been getting to have lately.

“Not that kind of bath sweetheart.” He leaned down and whispered into her ear what he meant. The pink blush hit her ears and they darkened the more he told her about what a sponge bath would entail.

“Like evry where, evry-where. Like when I getted the batter on me evry-where” The tips of her ears burning red at this point.

“Everywhere, everywhere.” The smile spread across his face, when the squeak left her mouth. She shivered beside him as the thinking thoughts entered her mind of his hands on her like that again. She began to heat up the more the thoughts swirled around her mind. She fought to tone it down, but they only got worse.

“What little racy thoughts do you have going through your beautiful head?” Adonis asked, she squeaked again. “Is it another dirty movie sweetheart?”

“A really dirty one,” she blurted. He fought back the chuckle but it won. He was curious to know what she thought a dirty movie was.

When Elijah showed up with her lunch, he did a quick examination of her. He didn’t ask any questions about a shower, just supplied waterproof bandages, mild shampoo and soap. Told them she needed to take it easy and he needed to be gentle, but she was allowed to go back to their room tomorrow, it would be more comfortable for her. Elijah said yes to her being able to have a bath, but no too bubbles, bath oils and salts. He wanted her up and moving around as much as possible. Elijah said no to Adonis carrying her, but yes to supporting her. He ignored the displeased growls and huffed snarls his Alpha made at being told he wasn’t allowed to baby his mate. No she was not allowed to work full on in the kitchen yet, but yes she could act as a support role.

Tyler and Jackson had come for a visit. Kenzi made a fuss over Tyler’s appearance and made sure he was okay. Tyler played for her. Adonis had to remind her a few times to breathe, it took her breath away and she gave him a teary applause. Jackson looked better than when he saw him last. Elijah had made him shift a few times to speed up the healing process. He plans the same thing for Tyler when Bal comes back from his sedation. By tomorrow afternoon they both should be at full health and causing havoc again. Tyler had been playing the violin for a better part of the day and had already burned through a set of bow strings. Bal was also due to wake up soon and they would have to get him to the woods. Adonis told Elijah to let him loose at the western border and put a tracker on him so they could find him easily. When it was mentioned how much damage he could cause, Adonis merely smiled. He knew how much damage Bal was going to cause when he woke up pissed off and in the mood to kill things. Adonis said it was better for him to kill things that were going to die already, and not someone who didn’t deserve it.

Kenzi also wanted to go see Emroy and thank him for helping find her. Emroy kept asking about her, he wanted to make sure she was alright. Elijah had informed him she was and that she didn’t remember the incident. He didn’t know what it was, but for some reason he had the urge to keep her protected, his wolf insisted upon it. Even if he couldn’t get the territory he wondered if his brother would allow him to join his pack.

“We’ll talk later” Adonis said,

“Talk a-bou-t what?” Kenzi asked, she was cuddled in his arms in Emroy’s room and they were watching something on the TV. She was fighting the sleep that was trying to take hold, but it was evident to both men that she was going to lose her battle as her eyelids began to droop.

“Emroy might want to join the pack,” Adonis told her, lowering his voice.

“That would be nice” Kenzi liked Emroy. He genuinely spoke to her and answered all her questions.

“Not, not....Eric ok?” She mumbled as an afterthought. Eric she didn’t like.

“Ok, not Eric!” Adonis agreed. Emroy bit back his laughter. Kenzi was half asleep when those words tumbled from her mouth. Adonis’s slow movements up and down her back were soothing, his voice was low and she was losing her fight to stay awake.

“I think you’re tired, tiny dancer. It might be time to head back to your own room.” Adonis said, he waited, the smile pulling at his lips as she snuggled in more to his warmth. She’s not making it back to her room! No, she’s not!

“I’m not slee....” Kenzi’s breath evened out as the words died on her tongue, her eyes were closed and remained that way as she drifted off into darkness.

“She’s not sleepy though,” Emroy said as he watched her for a bit then looked away.

“She has never really been a part of anything before and doesn’t want to miss a minute. She’ll fight to stay awake as long as possible but it’s a fight she loses.” Adonis said as he looked down at the sleeping ball in his lap

“I don’t need to ask, do I?” Emroy looked at her again. Who would ever not include the little ray of sunshine. Everything was so much better when she was present.

“Humans!” Adonis replied

“Can’t say I’m the biggest fan of the species, but they come in handy from time to time.” Emroy remarked, nodding.

“When you need an itch scratched?” Adonis asked, arching his brow. Seems him and his brother weren’t that different.

“Not something I’m proud of.” Emroy replied.

“Tonya?” Adonis asked, though he already knew the answer to that. The first time he saw them together he knew Tonya meant nothing to Emroy. He was completely withdrawn and unengaged with her. She was nothing to him.

“You’ve met her right?” He countered

“I have....she’s....” Adonis couldn’t find the right word to describe her. She was a vile werewolf who’s self entitlement made the succuwhore’s look tame.

“Vile, repulsive, reprehensible, power hungry, greedy, selfish, conceited, egotistical, morally blank, empty headed, take your pick.” Emroy shook his head. Seems his brother could find a few words to describe her.

“Tell me how you really feel Emroy.” Adonis commented, trying not to laugh at the look on his face.

“Dad forced me to mate with Alpha Robert’s daughter to gain the land. I wanted my true mate and got saddled with a nightmare instead. Guess when I found out?” He asked.

“The day of the ceremony!” Adonis answered.

“Yeah! Imagine my surprise. Finished my training and came home to find out I was forced to take a mate and to decline would be in poor taste.” Emroy built on his brother’s guess.

“It would cause a war.” Adonis said.

“I may have marked her, but I refuse to accept her as my mate, and I won’t share a room with her, let alone a bed” Emroy again shook his head as he went over his life.

“Wasn’t that good?” Adonis asked, trying to keep the grin off his face.

“I’d get more of a thrill if I stuck a fork in an electrical socket” Emroy replied. Adonis tried to fight back the laugh but it rumbled through his chest. Kenzi stirred slightly but settled back into his arms.

“How does she still smile? Everything she’s been through and she still smiles” Emroy asked. He never not wanted her to smile. It brightened the whole room when she did.

“She’s special. She doesn’t dwell on the negative. It’s a moment that’ll pass and the next one will be better.” Adonis said as he wrapped his arms more around her

“Cookies....” it was hushed and quiet and both men fought to control themselves when it slipped past her lips.

“Dreaming about recipes?” Emroy asked.

“Most likely,” Adonis replied. “Why do you want to join the pack? I thought you wanted the territory?” He wasn’t going to talk about this now, but his mate was asleep and now seemed like a good time.

“I do, that’s plan a, but it’s always good to have a plan b,” Emroy replied. “It’s a long shot, I know that.”

“I don’t hate you Emroy, and after what you did, you’ve proven yourself trustworthy.” Adonis spoke. “But this decision requires a vote.”

“Jackson and Tyler stopped by.” Emroy remarked “but judging by the look on your face you already knew that.”

“You saved their sister, they owed you their gratitude, but it was Elijah who mentioned it,” Adonis added.

“He did. I could lie but you’ll know when I am and that sucks by the way. But maybe Eric is right, maybe I’m not cut out to be an Alpha.” Emroy told him. Adonis sat there and watched his brother. He watched the sadness etched across his face. He wasn’t the type to interfere, and he’s made it his mission to hate everyone in his family. But he could never hate Emroy, no matter how much he tried.

“How would you know? Did you ever get the chance to be one without interference?” Adonis asked.

“No, but....”

“Then that is not a call you can make until you get the chance to do it right. But I’ll make you a deal. I’ll give you Primrose territory you can create your pack and run it on your own, with no interference. Steve and Kennedy will keep an eye on things and if they say you can’t do it then you’ll merge with Steve and he’ll take over and you can join the demons.” Emroy thought about that. It was highly encouraging to him to have his little brother push him to take his shot.

“Deal!” Adonis nodded. Another deal for the devil! And you couldn’t just sit there and be quiet! That was an asshole thing to say! Enough with the dumb joke Odin! It’ll never not be funny! You’re an idiot! Yes you are, time to take mate to bed! She’s sleeping Odin! Wasn’t thinking that, horny devil boy! FUCK! His hellbeast laughing in his head, Adonis held Kenzi tighter to him when he stood up. Elijah may have said don’t carry her, but she was sleeping and he wasn’t about to wake her up. Elijah also said sleeping was important for her recovery! Yes he did!

“I thought Alpha Adonis hated his family?” Damon asked when he, Jackson and Johnny were wandering around. Jackson was still favouring his left knee and Elijah told him he wanted him up and moving around.

“He do!” Jackson replied.

“Then why is he protecting Emroy?” Johnny asked,

“Emroy bout as part of that family as Adon is. He never do nuttin to us, never provoke us, never interfere in what we doin. Gave us the respec we due, an try to keep the others in line. They dumb as a sack of hammers an din’t get it, but he try. But mostly it cause Emroy sacrifice hisself for Kenzi. By crossin the border an riskin his life to save her, he prove he could be trusted. Trust a big thin for Adon.” Jackson replied, then grumbled at the pain in his knee.

“How’s the knee?” Damon asked grimacing at the pain he saw shoot through Jackson.

“Eli, a sadistic bastard” He grumbled.

“How’s Tyler?” Johnny asked. Thinking maybe that would take Jackson’s mind off his own pain.

“He Tyler! The violin gettin a workout, but he be aight. Bal gonna be wakin up soon though an he gonna be savage as fuck when he do. We releasin him at the western border. It gonna be a bloodbath. So stay out the area, he go after anyone in his way. We sedate Odin once, he was gettin a lil aggressive an took down a house. When he came outta it, he disembowelled a few thins that we couldn’t identify an maul a grizzly, fuckin rip it to pieces. Not much turn us green but fuck that was brutal.” Jackson said, grimacing at the memory of the discovery they made in the woods that day.

“What about tranqing him?” Damon asked, shuddering at the picture Jackson was painting at what was going to happen.

“We thought of that, but the doc din’t know how a demon would take it, an it wasn’t a chance he wanna take. We hear bout what happen to Alpha Kane when you do it to him. An as much as I wanna see Adon act like a petulant four year old, his mood swins on a good day a pain in the ass to deal wit. I don’t wanna deal wit him if he got uncontrollable urges. No one do!” Johnny burst out laughing at the look on Jackson’s face.

“How’s….Queeny?” Jackson asked as he sat on the deck. By the tone of Jackson’s voice, they didn’t need to be told that Jackson didn’t really care, he was just trying to be polite. The demon’s had made their minds up about Dax, and they couldn’t blame them. They have on a number of occasions given her chances to get to know them and she hasn’t taken the opportunity, until the morning the little pixie disappeared. Now they all felt that she only did it to ease her guilt over what she did. And from the other’s standpoint that is what it appeared to be.

“Wondering when she can talk to the little pixie,” Damon replied. “Alpha Adonis said she could, he just didn’t tell her when she could”

“Her try an get past the boys on the door again?” Jackson asked,

“Threatened to fold her like an accordion” Damon replied.

“Yeah, her need to get on the same fuckin page an understan her got no authority over us. Her need to stop tryin to throw her lil weight aroun. Her won’t like it when we throw ours. We might be part of the kingdom now, but we ain’t gonna listen to her, not now, not ever. Right now, they jus playin wit her, enjoyin themselves, havin fun makin her face turn ever shade red, but that gonna get borin real quick. It jus a matter of time” Jackson warned him.

“I’ll let her know,” Damon said, nodding.

“Who are the two sitting on the front lawn?” Johnny asked,

“He put em in a timeout?” Jackson asked, then cracked up laughing.

“Yeah, Kane said Alpha Adonis told them to sit and stay” Johnny replied,

“They Brina an Bo, they sirens, if they sittin it mean they can’t use they call. It take a lot of air, in a sittin position they can’t draw the air needed for em to scream.” Jackson explained “Bo not so bad, like all sirens he emotionally charged, but he got better control. Brina….an emotional nut job wit attachment issues an tunnel vision. We keep hopin her fine her mate soon, an stop bein a pain in the ass”

“Is she the reason you hid in the bathroom?” Damon asked, trying not to laugh.

“Fuck yeah her is. Her a parasite, get a hold of you an don’t let go. Took me four tries to shake her off. Then her try to latch onto Tyler an make me jealous, he wasn’t havin none of it an her deafen us for four days. Then her latch onto Eli. An thins were fine, till Eli broke it off wit her when he fine Kristi, deafen him for four days too. Sirens….fuck” Jackson shook his head.

“She carries a torch for you, that’s why she’s with Bo, cause he looks like you?” Johnny asked,

“Yup! That was a shock. Went to go get him six maybe seven years ago from a pack in Washington that reach out. Wasn’t expectin to come face to face wit a mini me. He carry a slight scar now though after Tyler got piss an hit em. He got tired of tryin to fine me and fining Bo instead” Jackson shook his head. “I don’t know what funnier, the look on Adon’s face when Tyler justify his action by saying now we don’t look alike or the look on Tyler’s when Adon scole him like a lil boy”

“A pack reached out?” Damon asked. He was trying not to laugh, but he had to admit that was a good justification for the action.

“Yeah, it happen from time to time. The twins came from one in Romania….they not related by the way. We had three come from England, two from Ireland, a couple from Australia. Some leave they pack in search of us, but now that we settle it be easier to fine us. But most still be in the dungeons waitin to be executed. Adon don’t like to think bout how many has been executed. It another reason why he sends a hundred out to fine they mates all over. Even if they don’t fine they mates they could fine others like us. They belong to us. No one wants war wit the demons an they either give em over willingly or Adon negotiate wit em. An you don’t want that man negotiatin wit you” Jackson said.

“I’m well aware of that. When we needed to sign the peace treaty I was informed on numerous occasions Elijah was the one I wanted to talk to” Johnny replied,

“Adon was lookin for Kenzi, his sole focus was finin her. If it din’t pertain to her, he had no interest. Gettin Adon to the point where he finally agree to let Kenneth an Marco come to sign the treaty was a hassle. Pretty sure Eli grew tired of hearin yur voice though. His phone start ringin an he start cursin” Jackson said laughing

“He wasn’t the only one. I was cursing before I made every call.” Johnny countered. “It took months to work out, then it was Elijah telling me where we needed to be if we wanted the treaty signed and didn’t really give us much choice.” Jackson laughed harder at the exasperation he heard in Johnny’s voice. That was one of the most stressful things he had ever gone through.

“It wasn’t that bad Johnny,” Kane said from the back door.

“For you, it wasn’t that bad for you, you got the phone hung up on you. It was a nightmare for me. Elijah called me things that I had to look up.” Johnny shot back. Damon broke at that one.

“Expanding your vocabulary and education is seen as a negative?” Elijah asked as he stood in the door.

“It is when after every phone call I stare at the phone going what the fuck did he just say to me?” Johnny fired back. Elijah could only smirk, he might have said a few things on the phone to Johnny when they were negotiating to sign the peace treaty.

“It’s time,” Elijah said as he looked at Jackson.

“This gonna be fun. Stay away from the western border boys” Jackson said as he pushed himself up from the table.

“Have you been walking?” Elijah asked, eyeing Jackson

“Yes, you sadistic fuckin ninja” Jackson replied.

“How long?” Elijah asked. Jackson’s knee shouldn’t be that stiff if he was moving it like he told him too.

“I wasn’t keepin track,” Jackson replied. Damon was fighting back the snickers. Johnny’s lips were pressed hard together to keep quiet, but his shoulders were starting to shake with his silent laughter.

“I told you for twenty minutes at a time” Elijah said, the straight faces the men were trying to keep began failing with the hushed snarls Jackson was emitting.

“I has been” Jackson huffed,

“If you were walking for twenty minutes at a time like I told you, your knee wouldn’t be that stiff” Elijah countered,

“Don’t you fuckin wife me I already got one” Jackson fired back.

“And that still surprises me. Do I need to call Drea? Maybe you’ll listen to her” Elijah fired back.

“Don’t call my wife” Elijah had walked back into the house before Jackson could make his response “Eli….Eli, don’t call my wife….Eli, damnit….don’t you fuckin call my wife, Eli” Jackson was right behind him begging him not to call Drea. Johnny and Damon erupted into laughter.

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