The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 96: I Want Kissy Time!

Cleaned up and shoulder set, Adonis was back in the medical ward with Kenzi. He waited outside the bathroom door for her to finish getting ready for bed. She still couldn’t understand how she would get tired so easily, she hasn’t done anything in two days.

“You’re still healing sweetheart, it’s going to take some time till you’re recovered and strong enough.” Adonis told her,

“But all I’s done is sleep” Kenzi called through the bathroom,

“I know. You feel bored. Maybe tomorrow we’ll go back to the waterfall and bring Cheerio with us” Adonis offered.

“He’d like that,” Kenzi agreed. “I….”

“You what?” Adonis asked, Kenzi opened the door, confusion clear across her face.

“I don’t member,” she shook her head.

“You wanted to take Cheerio to the waterfall that day,” Adonis told her.

“What….what….why did I get upset?” Kenzi asked, looking up at him. She thought about it a few times. It had to be something bad that upset her enough to end up in the woods. Adonis guided her into his embrace and held her to him. She had the right to know.

“Because somebody said something very stupid and I promise tomorrow they can tell you what they did” Adonis replied. Poor Lil Button! I know Odin! Maybe we should just tell her! I want to tell her, but I don’t want our opinions of Queeny to affect her decision! But….! That would be influencing her and I won’t do that to her! But….! No Odin, our mate has the right to make her own choices, if she chooses to forgive Queeny then we’ll deal with it! But….! That being said, we might like Kingy, but if Queeny pulls a stunt like that again she’ll be returned to him in pieces! Stupid….! Noted Odin! I hate….! Join the rest! Asshole! Yes you are! Fuck!

“Was it bad?” Kenzi’s little voice broke him of his conversation and he could see on her face she was not going to let this go. With a deep sigh, he brushed a few plum coloured tendrils from her face.

“I was called a bad guy and a monster” He replied, he felt her body stiffen and tense at the words he spoke. “Shhh, sweetheart, shhh”

“But, you’re not, you’re not. Why do they keep saying that? What did you do so di-dif….wrong?” Kenzi held on tighter to him as the sadness swirled around her.

“I have done some things,” Adonis told her.

“So has they” Kenzi countered,

“There is a lot of blood on my hands” Adonis said,

“Theirs too!” Again Kenzi countered. She really didn’t see how he was different from the others. Adonis looked down at his mate, watched how she cuddled into his arms, how she clung to him. In her eyes he was no different than the rest of them. In her eyes, he wasn’t the monster he was perceived to be, he wasn’t the devil. He was Adonis Bradshaw, Alpha of Black Shadow, he was just like everyone else. His special little mate had no idea how much, how she saw him meant to him. He had long since accepted the fact that he was different and he would never be like the rest of them, he would never be seen as the same, or treated the same, but here was his little mate, and she was doing just that, demon, normal made no difference in her eyes. They all had teeth and they all had tails and that made them all wolfies.

“You’re not a bad guy, you jus….you jus….you jus don’t ….you don’t take….shit from people” Um….no! Odin growled in his head the second the word was out of her mouth.

“Hey, no! You’re not supposed to say that word” Adonis lifted her face so she could look in his eyes. He watched as the little pink blush spread up her pointed little ears.

“You all say the bad words all the tine, I jus wanna say one” Kenzi huffed. He brushed his lips over hers as he shook his head no. Those words were not meant to tumble from his mates perfectly perfect, kissable little mouth.

“No!” He whispered against her lips. “You can’t say those words, and if you weren’t injured right now, I would punish you for saying the one you did” Kenzi’s eyes widened and her jaw slightly gaped, she shook her head in protest, until she could form the words she wanted to say.

“You can’t do that, you’re not al-allo….pose to” She furrowed her brow, giving him the cutest little grumpy puppy face she could.

“I can do that, I am all-ow-ed. No ones going to tell me no” Adonis spoke, fighting the smile that was threatening to break across his face at hers, her cheeks darkening, as her heart raced more.

“No! No, yo….” Her words silenced when he pressed his lips to hers. She moulded to his body using him to get herself taller as her arms snaked around his neck. His hands travelled down her body careful of her injuries till they landed on their target. A firm but gentle squeeze of her honeydew had her squeaking against his lips.

“The next time you say a bad word, I will spank you” He warned her when the kiss broke. He recaptured her perfect swollen pout before she had a chance to protest and tell him he couldn’t do that. ….mmmmm…. The little moan escaped the back of her throat as he sucked her bottom lip between his gently biting down on it. ….grRrrrRrr…. Escaped from him when she retaliated and nipped him back then let her teeth drag across his lip. His hands became more demanding as they roamed her body. More to touch, more to caress, more of her. Lifting her to his waist she was only able to wrap one leg around him as he moved them to her hospital bed.

He had no intention of claiming her in this room, but he has missed kissy time, and his tempting little baker with her filterless mouth was making it hard for him to hold back. She’s making something hard! Shut up mutt! That the best you got! I hate you! You and I both know that’s a lie! I really hate you! I want to play with mate! What? She’s mine too and I want kissy time! Adonis broke the kiss with Kenzi at his wolf’s request. You’ve never wanted it before! They were whores, sluts and bimbos, this is our mate! Do you even know what you’re doing? Low blow human, if you can do it how hard can it be? Low blow Odin, that is not going to get you what you want! I’ve watched you enough times to get the idea! Watching is not the same as doing and you put up blocks! It’ll be fine, what could go wrong? A lot! It’ll be fine, she’s my mate too. You have to share! She’s not ready to be marked Odin, and her first time will not be in this room! I know, I won’t, I promise! We’ll have to see what Kenzi says!

“Is evry-thing ok?” Kenzi asked as she sat in the hospital bed watching him.

“Odin’s talking” Adonis replied,

“Oh….cock block-ed” Kenzi blurted. Fuck I love that mouth! Odin was howling with laughter in his head.

“Where did you learn that?” Adonis asked her, his eyes wide and mouth slightly gaped.

“I heared Damon say that’s what Kane did to you when he and Jackson were talking. I assked what it meaned” Kenzi replied,

“Did Jackson tell you what that meant?” Adonis asked. I’m gonna fucking kill him!

“No….Damon did. He said it was when two people are trying to be in-ti-mate and someone else in-int-rrr-ups, intr-ups-intrups. Did I get it wrong?” Kenzi asked, concern flooding her that she messed up the word.

“No sweetheart, you got it right” Adonis replied, he wished she got it wrong, Odin did just cock block him. I’m gonna fucking kill them both! Ask her!

“Is Odin ok?” Kenzi asked, if he’s interrupting kissy time it must be important.

“ time.” Kenzi looked at him confused. They can do that? Wolfies can do kissy tine?

“They can do that? How?” She asked him.

“Yes they can. He would use my body, but it would be him.” Adonis replied.

“Cause you has to share. I’m his mate too.” She added then looked at him

“That’s right!” Adonis answered, he could hear Odin in his head holding his breath hoping she said yes.

“Ok!” Kenzi nodded.

“Ok?” Kenzi nodded again, she wasn’t sure how this was going to go, but she was as much Odin’s mate as she was Adonis’s. She wasn’t a wolfie so they had to share her, it made sense that Odin would want to kiss her as well.

“Ok! Odin has never done this.” He warned her.

“Never?” Kenzi’s eyes widened as she looked at him.

“No, never.” Adonis shook his head.

“Ok!” Kenzi nodded, fighting the urge to smile. She would get to be his first kiss. Ok Odin, you’re up! YES! Gentle! Right, gentle! Slow! Yup slow! She’s new at this as well, it’s about pleasing her and not your obsession with biting her ass! Gotcha! Odin! Ok I won’t bite her ass....yet! ODIN! OK, I won’t!

Lil Button!” Adonis released control and Odin came forward.

“Hi!” Kenzi smiled shyly at him. For a long time neither did anything. Neither knew what to do or how to start. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Calm down Odin! Adonis was trying hard not to laugh at the panic he heard in Odin’s voice. Don’t tell me to calm down, what the fuck am I supposed to do? I thought you watched and could figure it out! Like I wanted to watch you fuck sluts, I put blocks up every fucking time! Move closer to her! What if I hurt her? You won’t if you remember to be gentle! Do you know who I am? Do I look gentle to you? Do I strike you as the gentle type? Do I....! All words cut off when he felt his mate take his hand. She pulled him closer to her, placing one of his hands on her waist and his other on her cheek. His thumb gently grazed the delicate cheekbone as he looked into her sparkling silver eyes.

“This is a good place to start.” She spoke softly. Saved by the mate!

He dipped his head but he didn’t meet her lips, he hesitated still unsure of what to actually do. Kenzi brushed her lips across his, feathery and light and his body shivered as sparks ignited from the barely there touch. Do something! Adonis hissed. Odin’s cheeks went red. That’s what he did, he blushed. It deepened when she giggled at his reaction to his first feel of her lips against his. He shivered again, his anticipation spiking when she brushed her lips past his again firmer this time.

So soft!” Odin spoke, he watched the pink blush start at the bridge of her nose. The colour lost amongst the bruises on her cheeks, but picked up as it trailed up her ears to the tips. He trailed the colour with his thumb. His hand tightening on her waist when he felt her shiver under his light touch. Ok Odin kiss her! Adonis said to him. His fingers slipped through her hair, mesmerized by how easily the tresses flowed between them. Relished in how soft they were.

My beautiful Lil Button.” Tilting her head back his mouth hovered above hers, still slightly uncertain until Kenzi closed the distance. An explosion ripped through him as his body sparked and jolted to life. He wanted more and became demanding of it. Those whimpers are bad Odin! But they’re so soft and I like them and I want them! Slow down! But I want them! Gentle. The idea is enjoyment, not devouring her face! Fuck I hurt her! Calm down, slow and gentle, give her a chance to give you what you want! How? Fuck me, I seriously have to give you instruction? I’m not a man whore like you, I wanted to wait till we found our mate, but you banged your way to finding her! Odin had him on that one, there wasn’t an argument he could make to counter Odin’s crude statement. Slowly scrape your teeth over her bottom lip, but don’t bite her! Listening to the instruction Odin coaxed her to part her lips. Now what? Coax her to play with you! How? Use your ton....! The fuck was that? She wants you to play, accept! It’s a sweet little invasion! ….grRRRrr…. the sensual growl escaped him as Kenzi swept her tongue over his coaxing him to tangle with hers. One hand on his cheek one on his neck urging him closer to her.

After the initial bite to her lip, Odin fell into the rhythm and movement of her lips on his. He was standing between her legs holding her close as he took over the invasion of her mouth. Oxygen Odin, you both need to breathe! They broke apart fighting for air only for him to recapture her swollen mouth. ….grRRRrr…. Kenzi moved her hands down his chest across his muscles taking in the feel. Though it was Adonis’s body it wasn’t at the same time. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. It felt....bigger, the muscles swelled and bulged differently. ….grRrrrRrr…. The reaction to her touch was different, they rippled and vibrated against her as he produced small sensual growls encouraging her to explore his body. Why is she pulling at the shirt? She wants you to take it off! Oh, I have to stop kissing her! Yeah you would! I don’t want to stop! How are you gonna get the shirt off then! rrriIippp! The kiss broke when Kenzi saw the tattered fabric.

“That’s one way to get it off” she giggled, but it was cut short when he devoured her mouth again. Fuck me! If Adonis could facepalm he would right now. ….grRrrrRrr…. Rippling, vibrating, shivering from caress after caress. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. Her hands and fingers roamed every inch of his upper body. Fuck these pants are tight! Um....! The fuck they so tight for? Uh....well that’s....! That thing just hardens by itself? Yes it does! Holy fuck! Why are you so shocked? You make hard on jokes all the time! I didn’t know it did it all by itself. I thought it was something you did! Second mental facepalm.

….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Slipped passed him and he pressed more into her when she hit the waistband of his jeans. Her hands continued to explore his body while his remained in place. One cupping her cheek and the other continuing to hold her head at an angle that gave him the best access to her mouth. Odin moved even closer to her, she was torturing him, with her touches. Sending him further and further over the edge. His bravery grew as his hand slipped from her cheek and slowly moved down her neck ….mmmmm…. Escaped her when he gently traced the top curve of her breast. She gasped and arched into him when his thumb swept past her nipple. Press into her when she does that! Adonis instructed. He swept his thumb back the other way and again Kenzi arched, pressing into him as he pushed back into her and she whimpered. Don’t pull back! You said whimpers are bad! Those whimpers are good. Push into her again! Odin pushed and she’d whimper and arch. Her breathing became more gasp as they fell into a rhythm. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. The pace picked up and their kiss broke as they both fought for air. ….grRRrrrRrrrRRrr…. Lightning struck him as he shivered against her. His whole body was engulfed in tantalizing shocks and tingles. Then Odin crested. The fuck happened? Did you just….! The little spitfire was right, yours is broken! No it’s not! Then what the fuck just happened? You fired a little early! I did what now? You got a little too excited! WHAT? It happens to everyone! Not comforting! You can’t leave her in this state! The fuck am I supposed to do? Kiss her! Didn’t have to tell him twice. Odin dropped his mouth back on hers.

Slowly….go slow! Fuck, I love this mouth! Lean her back on the bed! The fuck am I suppose to do, your fleshy ding dong is done! Third mental facepalm. Just do it! Listening, Odin began to lower them onto the hospital bed. He shifted her gently so she was lying the length of the bed, but his mouth never left her. Get in the bed with her! They parted while he situated himself in the bed, her knees braced on either side of his hips allowing him to be closer to her. Then he reclaimed her mouth. Move down her jaw to her neck and start unbuttoning her shirt! Again Odin listened as he proceeded to kiss down her neck, letting himself taste her flesh. Don’t lick her! ….grRrrRrrRrr…. It took everything in him to listen to that instruction. He loved the taste of her skin, he loved how it heated under the touch of his lips, he loved how it flushed pink from the attention it was receiving. His fingers fumbled with the buttons to her shirt, he was losing his control. Don’t rip it, it will jar her too much. Move slowly, calm down and relax. Just enjoy yourself! Except not too much, then you get too excited and explode all over your pants! Fourth mental facepalm. Ok Odin, explore! Odin’s lips made it to the first button of her shirt, trying to relax and slow down he managed to flip it, then the next. He chased the exposed flesh until he uncovered the bountiful treasure that lay underneath the fabric. Can I lick those? Yes! His fingers traced the curve of one mound of swollen flesh then the next. Kenzi arched slightly as another shiver rippled through her. He cupped her bare breasts, gently massaging and stroking them.

….mmmmm….. Kenzi arched under him as the feel of his hands on her sent sparks flowing in every direction. She gasped when the tip of his tongue flicked the peak. He tasted, taunted, toyed and tortured each ripe tantalizing offer. She purred, gasped, arched and moaned, as he progressed with his in depth exploration. Her fingers tangled in his hair, she would tighten and slightly tug when he did something she liked and he would repeat it. ….grRRRrr…. He sucked her rigid peak, letting his teeth graze the tip, nipping ever so gentle, it earned him a squeak, as she arched hard into him. Move your hand lower! Slipping down her slender waist she squirmed and wiggled as the electricity coursed through her body. When his fingers brushed the top of her shorts, she shivered in anticipation. This is where you need to go slow Odin! What am I doing? Slide her shorts down! What? You finished, now you need to help her! What am I doing? You’re going to touch her! I’m doing what now? Relax and slowly slide her shorts down! Fuck she smells good! The scent of her arousal was thick in the air, he was fighting the drool pooling in his mouth. She tastes good! Odin tasted and explored the area above her navel, venturing lower and lower until his tongue came in contact with the band of the blue lace boy shorts she was wearing. She feels good! His hands roamed and caressed and grazed over her soft silk skin. Kenzi shivered again and again, as small slices of fear coursed through her. When her shorts came down, she gripped his shoulders and a fearful little whimper slipped past her lips. Stop Odin, stop! What? Let her process go slow. We need to move at a pace she’s comfortable with. Move back up her body and ask her if she wants to stop!

Lil Button, my beautiful Lil Button. Do you want to stop?” Odin looked deep into her eyes. Though he could see fear swirl through them, there was no doubt when she shook her head. Odin brushed his lips across hers as he drew her back to him. Helping her calm her beating heart. Slide your hand slowly back down and let it rest on her hip. Move your thumb in slow circles. Help her get used to the idea! Doing as he was told, the anticipation rippled through her as she shivered against him. Odin moved slightly, resting his weight on his one side. He listened to every instruction Adonis gave him. He felt every shiver Kenzi released. Heard every moan that escaped her lips as his hand slowly moved back and forth across her hips. If his finger dipped lower she squeaked, shivered and arched her hips into him. Slide your hand between her legs and gently massage her! ….grRRRrr…. She smells so fucking good! Don’t taste her, you only get the first touch, the first taste belongs to me! Whose in charge human? Do you want me to leave you on your own and see what could go wrong? NO! Then don’t you dare taste her! FINE!

Kenzi shivered as an intensity built up inside of her. Her body felt like it was on fire. Electric currents pulled from everywhere hitting that one spot on her body. She fell into rhythm with his hand, her moans getting louder the more Odin touched her. When he slid her panties down, his mouth never broke contact with her flesh as he moved up and down her body. She arched, wriggled, writhed under him at the tortuous pleasure he was putting her through. She wanted him to put her out of her misery, but at the same time didn’t want him to stop. His hand slipped back between her legs, cupping her, massaging her, moving in slow circles at first but increasing in speed and rhythm. She closed her legs around his hand keeping it in place and when he slowed down she shook her head.

“Do….don’t….st….stop” She gasped out, and he picked the pace back up. He leaned more into her, taking her scent into his lungs, her soft moans and cries to his ears. He watched the pleasure of his actions across her face, felt her body vibrating and shivering with her pending release. He teased and tortured her opening with his fingers, before he eased one deep inside, then brought it back out. Over and over he performed this action then added a second finger, her hips raising to meet his thrust, her moans growing in volume each time. He moved faster and faster, crushing her mouth under his to silence the cries of pleasure that she could no longer hold back. She arched high and hard into his hand as the blinding, pulsing moment of release, tore wildly through her. The pounding of her heart rang through her ears as her blood rushed through her body and her breaths came in harsh uneven gasps. But Odin wasn’t done, he had his own problem to deal with now.

That thing has a mind of its own, it just pops up like a daisy! Adonis released a deep sigh and for the fifth time mentally facepalmed, at his wolf’s naivety. Removing his pants he positioned himself over top of her letting her feel the full evidence of his arousal. He waited till she caught her breath before he started a gentle rocking rhythm. Pressing harder and harder into her each time, building her back up, pushing her more and more to the brink of her next explosion. ….grRrrrRrr…. Moving her legs to accommodate him and allowing closer contact the growl slipped through. He kissed up her neck across her jaw till he captured her intoxicatingly full swollen mouth. His hand slid around her waist supporting her back as he moved against her. ….grRrrrRrr…. Faster and faster, with an insync rhythm and tempo, they moved against each other in the bed. Each thrust she matched, each moan met his escaped growls. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. His primal rhythm increased and she moved against him in wild response. The intensity growing deep inside them both. Hearts beating wild as they struggled and failed to maintain some semblance of control. ….grRRrrrRrrrRRrr…. Odin abandoned himself to his pleasure as she once again let go to the glorious waves of ecstacy. He held her shivering body under him as he rode out the waves of his release. His head buried in the crook of her neck, as her arms were wrapped around him. Congratulations Odin, you other stuffed her into oblivion! When Odin didn’t respond, he realized he other stuffed himself there as well.

2:30 am and he felt the small movements under him. Adonis shifted slightly, but ultimately refused to remove himself from covering his naked mate. A smile graced his face as the night before flooded his mind. They enjoyed several kissy times last night. Taking turns pleasing each other, bringing each other to new and higher heights. They weren’t very quiet in the medical ward and at some point stopped trying to be, but with all their activity last night he was trying to figure out how she was waking up now. He wasn’t sure what time they stopped, but there was a promise of it continuing today and to break that promise would be bad juju. She was to be released from the medical ward and he had every intention of stealing her to their room all day. Bitch face wants to talk to her! Bitch face can wait! You’re in a good mood! So are you! I love kissy time! I do too! I love our mate! I do too! Maybe let bitch face talk to her before she leaves the medical ward! Why? Then she won’t want to go anywhere but our room and we get the day with her in bed! That was an interesting idea, it was also manipulative and definitely could be construed as cheating. We’re the devil, we’re not above cheating! No they were not. Maybe after breakfast, then at least she’ll get something to eat first and won’t call anyone a biscuit eater! Yeah maybe breakfast, she won’t eat if she’s upset!

His conversation with Odin ended when he felt the slightest brush of pillowy soft lips across his neck.

“That’s cheating, my tiny dancer” he growled. Kenzi’s tiny giggle told him she knew full well that was cheating, but it was a sure fire way to have him up. Don’t get too excited! Shut up Odin, that only happens to you! Low blow human! Don’t dish it if you can’t take it! That was one time and I got considerably better! One time is all it takes to be branded! FUCK! Adonis moved more over top, pinning her underneath him.

“Where do you think you’re going, you’re naked?” He asked, nibbling his way along her neck, feeling every bit of the shiver that tore through her when he hit the spot his mark would sit. Anticipation was high, that mark would be there soon.

“I’m hungry!” She gasped out when he gently bit down on her collarbone.

“You’re hungry! Now what were you possibly doing that made you hungry?” Adonis lifted his head to look at her. Her bright silver eyes sparkled in the dim light of the medical room.

“Kissy tine!” She replied, the corners of her mouth pulled upwards as the smile broke across her face.

“Kissy time, now that is a good reason to be hungry.” His lips brushed across hers and she caught them mid pass. His little mate wasn’t quite done with kissy time and he was more than happy to oblige her one last time, before he had to get her fed or he would end up being the one called a biscuit eater.

Odin had joined her in the shower for his kissy time and he had left her happily singing and semi dancing in the kitchen with Tyler, Marco and Carter. Though he did inform Roland that she was only allowed to help for an hour and that was it.

“Where Lil Kenzi Cakes?” Jackson asked when he joined him, Damon, Johnny and a few others at the table.

“Left her in the kitchen with Tyler” That perked a few faces.

“Her on breakfas this mornin?” Adonis could only chuckle at the hopeful tone of his Beta. They had all made it perfectly clear they wanted Kenzi’s cooking.

“She is only allowed to work for an hour as a support role as per the orders of her personal doctor.” Adonis replied, smirking when he caught the look of his Gamma.

“What fuckin quack….”

“Dr. Burns” Adonis cut him off

“Fuck you Eli.” Jackson grumbled.

“How is Kenzi doing?” Elijah asked, ignoring the death stares he was getting from the others at the table. They all knew she was injured, they all knew the severity of her injuries and they all knew that if Elijah was saying she can’t do something there was a damn good reason he was saying it. But even after knowing all that, it didn’t mean any of them liked it. She was their Luna, their tiny little kitchen magician, and none of them were going to take her cooking for granted after this.

“Still tired and sore. And finding herself bored. She told me a lovely story about a crazy Greek named Lotion, who tried to trick Zoos, the god of the gods, into eating people. And how the biscuit eating movie people now base werewolfie movies off of it. Then I learned all about vikings and how to write in Elder Futhark” Adonis replied. “That wasn’t a skill I was aware that I needed to know”

“But a good one to have” Elijah fired back. He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. His Luna retained quite a bit of information from their research session and the pride he felt for her grew more.

“She also informed me of a new word she learned” Adonis remarked as his eyes met Damon’s.

“Why is he looking at me?” Damon asked as he looked from Johnny to Jackson.

“Oh shit!” Jackson’s shoulders started to shake, he didn’t even need a guess to know which word she told him she learned.

“What?” Damon asked, panic starting to rise as Adonis continued staring at him.

“What did you do?” Johnny asked. The others at the table were also curious as to what was going on.

“Nothing, I didn’t do anything” Damon defended himself.

“I’m all for Kenzi learning new words Damon, but if you’re going to teach her one make sure it isn’t something like….cock blocked” Adonis said. Wide eyes turned to the man sitting almost directly across from The Devil.

“You taught her that?” Kane asked, he and Dax had joined the table in time to hear the last part of Adonis’s statement.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Johnny chimed in, fighting to control his laughter as he watched the man to his left pale.

“Clearly wasn’t” Luther snickered with Andros nodding beside him.

“It wasn’t my fault, she overheard me say it and asked what it meant. Then that Jackass over there says go ahead tell her what it means” Damon defended himself pointing at Jackson.

“You listen to him?” Andros cracked up laughing.

“That be a reason we jus tell her to go ask Adon” Jackson was howling with laughter.

“You’re an asshole” Damon barked at him, as the rest of the table roared with laughter.

“He comes by the title Jackass for a reason” Elijah said.

“Breaker dumb post” Luther cracked up laughing as well.

“I’m not dumb” Damon shot back,

“Not smart” Andros agreed.

“Shut up you Romanian bastards” Jackson fired at them, only to have them laugh more.

“What you do?” Luther choked out. ….grrrRrrrr….

“Oooo shaky boots!” Andros mock shuddered at the growl Jackson released.

“What happened the last time you played with the twins?” Adonis asked before Jackson could say anything to the two men.

“They fuck wit me for a month” Luther snorted.

“What happened when he finally caught one of you?” The sound drew their Alpha’s attention to them and they stopped chuckling.

“Lesson learn, that what happen” Jackson fired at them.

“Big poppa getting a little angry?” Kane asked, trying not to laugh.

“Trying to avoid them going at each other in the middle of the dining room. They can beat the shit out of each other later” Adonis replied. Dax looked back and forth between the twins and Jackson but never said a word.

“Where’s his pants?” Damon asked when a half naked Bo walked past him.

“Did you forget to put something on Bo or did you lose them?” Adonis asked,

“Um….” came his reply as he looked down at himself. Kane turned Dax away from the sight of the man in just his briefs and a t-shirt.

“The fuck your pants?” Jackson asked,

“Oh….with Cindy on the first floor….Jennifer on the third….um….” Bo scratched the back of his head. “Jackie on….on the second?” He added questioning.

“Nope, you left her with your pants on” Tommy informed him.

“Corrine in the workshop” He nodded “Maybe Maddie in the medical ward”

“You don’t know who has your pants?” Adonis asked him.

“Patricia from the closet?” Bo could only shrug.

“Screamer dumb post” Luther shook his head.

“He’s gonna bang that thin right off” Jackson commented,

“At least he’ll leave them with a souvenir” Adonis remarked back.

“That true” Jackson had to nod at that.

“Where’s Bo’s pants?” Emroy asked as he joined them at the table.

“He forgot who he left them with,” Xander replied.

“Did you check with Valarie?” Emroy asked, looking at him.

“Valarie, that’s who has my pants, they’re probably still in the gazebo” Bo nodded, he was sure of it.

“Bo, you forgot your pants in my room” A man stood next to him at the table. A few eyes widened as they looked at the shaggy haired brunette. While the demons just chuckled and shook their heads.

“Oh….thanks Harper….Harper had my pants” Bo replied as he took them and gave Harper a kiss in the process.

“Sirens are very friendly,” Adonis reminded Kane.

“There’s a lot of pretty people here” It was the only thing Bo could think to say.

“Screamer post dumb, but right” Andros remarked as he was eyeing a table full of giggling girls.

“Bo, who blonde?” Luther asked as he too looked at the table.

“Janice, she’s seeing Mark, but knows he’s hooking up Brenda so she won’t sleep with him, instead she’s sleeping with Kevin to teach Mark a lesson, but nobody’s mated to anybody in that group. You might like Samantha, she’s a real sweetheart. Her favourite flowers are daffodils” Bo replied, and pointed to a different blonde at another table who hadn’t stopped looking in Luther’s direction.

“Red head?” Andros asked,

“Caroline, you’d like her, she’s really fiery, but really nice. She wants to be a doctor” Bo said.

“Did you sleep with all of them?” Dax had to ask, he knew an awful lot of people of this pack and he’d only been here maybe a day.

“No, no, not all of them,” Bo replied, shaking his head, when he looked at Tommy, he was clearly upset. “I didn’t, I didn’t sleep with all of them.” Tommy just shook his head letting him know not to worry about it. Kane pulled Dax back slightly at the looks from the others she was getting for the question she asked. Xander had to pinch Brina to stop the growl as he watched her upper lip pull back, and Mike leaned forward to block her view of Luna Dax.

“I didn’t sleep with all of them, I didn’t. I’m just really friendly, I just like to talk to people” Bo was defending himself as Cage and Gage got him up from the table.

“We know buddy” Cage was saying as they moved towards the exit, patting him on the back.

“Then why’d she sound like that?”

“Maybe she’s jealous your not friendly towards her” Gage replied,

“Think she’s mad at me?” Was the last thing they heard Bo ask, before they had left the room.

“You must have missed the part where I said sirens are very friendly. Just because he knows a lot of people, shouldn’t be construed as him sleeping with them all.” Adonis growled out.

“Not shockin, her also miss the part where sirens are highly sensitive,” Jackson grumbled, as he motioned for Brina to get out of the room as well, before the growl she was holding came out.

“It might be wise in the future that she doesn’t speak to my people,” Adonis added.

“I think you might be right,” Kane agreed as he arched his brow at Dax.

“When are you going to let me speak to Kenzi then?” Dax asked, her tone harsh and snappy. She was tired of waiting and needed to explain herself. Who knows what the mega demon said about her.

“I haven’t said anything about you. Whatever decision Kenzi comes to will be completely her own.” Adonis replied, looking at her. Jackson snorted beside him as he saw the look on Dax’s face.

“You didn’t answer my question” Dax grumbled,

“Wasn’t aware I answered to you. But if your high and smallness must know, I was considering after breakfast. If you’re going to upset her, I would at least like her to eat something first.” Adonis fired at her. “But if you’re going to keep acting like a pint sized brat, maybe I’ll change that to never”

“Maybe stop acting like a mega demon, then I won’t be a brat” Dax fired back.

“….grrrr…. Stop acting like a petulant child and I won’t act like a mega demon” Adonis snarled.

“Go growl yourself” Damon and Johnny could only look at Kane, he hadn’t done anything. He hadn’t even tensed at the fighting that was carrying on between his mate and The Devil. It was becoming clear to him that those two would never get along. The other demons at the table were fighting hard to control their laughter. Their Alpha was intentionally setting Alpha Kane’s mate off and was taking great joy in it.

“What’s the matter Queeny, can’t growl yourself when you still have puppy teeth?” Adonis goaded.

“Fuck you, asshole” Dax huffed, Kane pulled her back into her chair when she went to get up.

“Oh, please let her go, what’s she going to do….bleed on me?” Adonis continued, but the commotion in the hallway caught all their attention.

“No Tyler, no! Bad Tyler! That’s….that’s not a hour, Adonis said I could has a hour, that was only fifty two and a halves minutes….I count-ed.” Tyler walked into the dining room with a protesting Kenzi carefully thrown over his shoulder.

“Close nuff!” Tyler replied, he was trying not to laugh at her tiny huffing squirming little body. Marco and Carter were following behind laughing as she made failed attempt after failed attempt to be put down.

“Put me down, I has more tine. There’s muffins, and cimanone rolls, and turnovers….do you want them to be burnovers?” Kenzi was still struggling.

“Roland got it.” Tyler replied as he kept walking,

“But, but, but, but….there’s waffles and pancakes and, and, and strudel. There’s strudel, Tyler, strudel” Kenzi continued protesting and pushing to be let down.

“You also miss the part where Adon say don’t over do it an take it easy, Eli say so,” Tyler informed her.

“Who’s gonna tell him?” Kenzi huffed, her grumpy puppy face, set Marco and Carter off more.

“You!” Tyler replied and plunked her in Adonis lap. The squeak left her lips as she looked up into the emerald green orbs of Adonis. The grumpy puppy face disappeared and was replaced by a deep pink sheepish blush that rose all the way to the tips of her ears. And her immediate reaction and instinct was to hide herself in his chest.

“That doesn’t sound like taking it easy, tiny dancer,” Adonis whispered to her. “It sounds like you made breakfast.” She shook her head that no she didn’t. No one else at the table was upset by her making breakfast, they were looking forward to what she had prepared.

“No you didn’t” And she shook her head again.

“Then how did you get all that made in an hour?” He asked. He couldn’t fight the grin tugging at the corners of his mouth as the snickers from around the table grew louder.

“It wasn’t a hour, it was only….”

“Fifty two and a half minutes” Adonis finished for her, eliciting a nod of her head. She would have made more, but Tyler stole her time when he decided she was done in the kitchen.

“You’re injured” Kenzi’s shoulders slumped, she was tired of hearing that.

“I taked it easy, I could has maked more” She mumbled,

“That doesn’t sound like taking it easy”

“I miss the kitchen”

“Do I need to ground you from the kitchen?”

NO!” The word was out of her mouth louder than she intended it to be as her head snapped up. She shook it vigorously while pleading with her eyes for him not to do that. She wasn’t the only one shaking her head. A few others around the table didn’t like that idea either and it wasn’t just the demons.

“Then next time….”

“I’ll taked it easy, I promise” Kenzi was already agreeing in hopes that Adonis didn’t pull through on his threat of grounding her from the kitchen.

“Alright, it’s time for breakfast” Placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, he turned her to face the table and the faces of the others trying to cover their grins and laughter over what they had witnessed.

“Where’s Bo?” Kenzi asked “And Brina and Cage and Gage” Everyone else was at the table but they were missing.

“Bo was getting upset. Cage and Gage had to take him out of the room. And because Bo was getting upset, so was Brina” Adonis replied as his gaze settled on Dax.

“Why did he get upset? Is he ok? Is Brina ok?” Kenzi asked as she looked toward the dining room doors.

“Someone insinuated he was a man whore because he knows an awful lot of people in this pack” Kane sat back from the table. He shook his head slightly and Adonis’s reaction was to only arch his brow questioning why he should not out the party responsible. Kane cocked his head to the side and arched a brow of his own. A resigned wave of his hand Adonis turned his focus back to his mate and the concern she was feeling over the missing pack members.

“He’s not!” Kenzi huffed. Adonis held her tighter when he felt the first ripples of her sadness wash over him. This was her pack and she was becoming very protective over them.

“There was also a question of where his pants were,” Adonis informed her.

“He’s jus very friendly and likes to talk to people and sometines he talks hisself right out of his pants and loses them. Happens to evry-body” Kenzi said, continuing to defend him. Jackson broke first followed by Tyler, Damon and Johnny. Marco and Carter were next. Elijah dropped his head and Kenneth had turned away. Andros and Luther hid their faces as they were turning red trying to control their laughter. Emroy broke out laughing when Tommy and Xander cracked. Kane was trying so hard to contain himself, but he couldn’t help it and ended up having to put his head down when he saw Adonis was about to lose it.

“Did I say something wrong?” Kenzi asked as she took in all the others trying to contain themselves.

“No sweetheart, you didn’t. You’re absolutely right, it happens to everyone….it just happens to some….more than others” Adonis choked out before he broke out laughing.

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