The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 86: The Mistake!

Kenzi woke the next morning to the familiar weight settled over her body. She had fallen asleep on the couch curled around Cheerio maybe half an hour after Adonis left the room last night. She tried to stay awake, but a wave of exhaustion overtook her and she closed her eyes for what she thought was a minute. Guess not! She held tighter to him as he was nuzzled into her neck sleeping peacefully. She didn’t know what time he got back to their room, but she didn’t want to wake him. He needed his sleep. It has been a busy last few days and with only two days left she wasn’t certain how much of this vacation was actually a vacation for him. Doing her best to wiggle, shimmy and squirm from his grasp, she silently got out of the bed. A quick check of the bedside clock and it was three thirty in the morning. I getted better! She thought proudly as she skipped to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later she exited the bathroom freshly showered. Biting back her giggle as she looked at Adonis lying in the bed. He had a large portion of it with his head under a pillow. What he wasn’t sleeping on Cheerio had so even if she wanted back in it, she had nowhere she could sleep. Finding a piece of paper and a pen, she wrote him a quick note and put it in front of the clock then walked out of the room leaving them both to sleep in peace. Not sure what she was going to do with herself, she was told she’s not allowed to make breakfast anymore, she wasn’t even allowed to help. Kennedy and Steve were getting ideas about hiding her in the house somewhere and trying to come up with ways to disguise her scent.

“Morning Kenzi!” A tall man said as he passed her on the stairs

“Morning!” She replied to him.

“Morning Kenzi, how are you?” Another she-wolf called to her as she hit the bottom of the stairs

“I sleeped in, how are you?” Kenzi replied,

“You’re getting better at it” She said laughing causing Kenzi to giggle. She was getting better at it.

“Morning Ms. Kenzi, are you joining us in the kitchen today?” Two of the cooks had stopped her.

“Morning. I’m not pose to no more. Adonis said so. Kennedy and Steve keep talking about Kenzinapping me” Kenzi said, trying not to giggle.

“We couldn’t have that” They replied laughing as they moved on.

“Morning!” Someone said in passing,

“Morning!” Kenzi called over her shoulder.

“There’s fresh coffee in the dining room Ms. Kenzi”

“Ok, thank you!” Kenzi replied to one of the cooks and she headed towards the dining room with a little hop in her step.

Kenzi sat in the dining room drinking her coffee trying to figure out her next move. What does one do when they have nothing to do? She’s not allowed to do the one thing she normally does so what now? Maybe she should have crawled back into the bed and fought for space with Adonis and Cheerio. No, then she would just lie there instead thinking of something to do. Maybe she should go to the library, she really should practise her reading. Maybe the games room would give her something to do. Finishing her coffee she made a quick stop by the kitchen. Maybe she could help for a bit, but Roland the head chef kicked her out. He didn’t want to deal with Adonis who made it very clear she was not allowed to help.

4:30 Kenzi was in the library looking at a book. She had no idea what it was about, but it had pictures in it. Flipping page after page until she stopped on one with a grotesque looking squishy blob of black and spotty something.

“Eww….” Slamming the book closed, putting it back on the table.

“Ana-to-my!” She read the title then shook her head. Nope, don’t wanna look at that book no more! Think I’m done in the librarary!

4:45 she entered the games room. Rolled the balls around the pool table for a bit. Threw darts at the board. Made the little men on sticks kick the little ball. Finally she sat at a table. She tried colouring for a bit, but found her mind couldn’t concentrate on the picture in front of her, from there she moved on and started sorting pieces to a puzzle. Popping piece after piece into place Kenzi soon had it complete and was bored again. It was becoming clear to her she was not good at down time. Maybe I need more hobbies! Looking out the window, the sun was starting to crest the sky. It was almost six, maybe one of the boys was up.

Nope, she wandered the house a bit more before she found herself in the cinema room and promptly left when she had no idea how to make it work. ….eep…. Kenzi let out a startled yelp when she ran into a very hard wall and fell to the floor with a thud. Please let it be a wall please, I’ve been so good lately! Looking up into the smokey grey, amused eyes of Kane.

“Nuts!” She huffed. So much for that hope!

“Good morning Kenzi!” He held out his hand.

“Morning Kane!” She replied taking his hand he pulled her to her feet.

“What are you doing?” He asked,

“Nothing!” She replied, truthfully. She wasn’t doing anything, she was trying to find something to do.

“You’re doing nothing?” He tilted his head to the side, then glanced behind her at the room he assumed she just came out of before she slammed into him.

“I don’t know how to make that work. And Adonis says you shouldint press buttons if you don’t know what they do. One could end the world.” Kenzi replied as she followed his gaze. “I already did that, not, not end the world, but I pressed buttons in a car I was testing and tried to set evry-body on fire. I burned my bottom”

“Glad you’re taking Alpha Adonis’s advice and not pressing buttons that could end the world. Why are you not in the kitchen?” Kane was curious, though breakfast smelled delicious it wasn’t making his mouth water like it usually does.

“I’m not pose to. Adonis says I has to stop cooking for evry-one. Kennedy and Steve are getting ideas,” Kenzi replied.

“Ah, they threatened to Kenzinap you again” Kane replied and started to move down the hall, maybe the little pixie would follow him. A quick check over his shoulder and she was. (🐺Poor little thing’s bored!) Ky whimpered in his head. With not being allowed in the kitchen she would be. Wonder what she has been up to all morning?

“What time did you get up?” Kane asked,

“I usually get up at two, but I sleeped in till three thirty this morning.” Kenzi replied. “I’m usually at the bakery by this tine getting evry-thing started.” She added when she saw his inquisitive look as to why she would be up at that time.

“And what have you done for the last three hours?” Kane asked,

“I went to the librarary and re….looked at the pictures in a book. Then I was done with that when I saw a mushy, squishy, black and spotty blobby thing….it was gross. Then I went to the games room and threw the balls around the pool table, played with the dart board, made the men on sticks kick the little ball around. I coloured then I billed a puzzle.” Kane looked at her wide eyed. She had done more in three hours than most do in a day.

“A little bored?” Kane asked her,

“Little bit” She replied, nodding her head.

“If you’re not at the bakery what do you do?” Kane asked her.

“I has a great big garden at home. And all the fruit trees that you can grow in Canada. But I don’t think they want me gardening at four in the morning in the dark. Or I go for walks in the woods, but I’m not pose to do that till it gets light out. Or I practise recipes, but I’m not pose to be in the kitchen. Or listen to music.” She replied holding up her phone. Sucking her bottom lip between her teeth she began to realize just how boring her life was.

“What about friends?” Kane asked,

“Aside from a few people in Blackwoods, no one really speaked to me….until I met Adonis and the uthers. They sometines play a game with me called hide the cookie” Kenzi told him. Kane looked down at the little pixie, that kinda broke his heart a little. Why wouldn’t people speak to her?

“Speaking of Alpha Adonis, where is he?” Kane didn’t know if the little pixie running around unattended was a common occurrence.

“Him and Cheerio are sleeping in the bed. I didint know what tine he getted to bed last night and didint want to wake him up, but I leafed him a note.” Kenzi said

“You left him a note?” Kane said, so this was a common occurrence but she made sure to tell him what was going on, maybe he could get her to talk to Dax about that.

“Yup, saying I would see him at breakfast if he was up or lunch if he wasn’t. I was hoping to go back to the waterfall on the souf-side” She was saying as she pointed in the opposite direction.

South” Kane motioned the opposite way.

“Oh….I wanted to go back to the waterfall and bring Cheerio. He might like it” Kenzi carried on when she pointed in the correct direction.

“Do you always leave him a note?” Kane asked,

“Always, I don’t want him to worry. Not that he wouldint be able to finded me anyway but he wouldint be all grrr when he did,” Kenzi replied. Kane broke out laughing at her scrunched up little face when she made a growling sound. (🐺Who doesn’t want to talk to her?) I don’t know! (🐺Stupid people!) Very stupid people!

“Maybe Dax would like to go,” Kane suggested, when he got control of himself.

“Maybe!” Kenzi’s face lit up

“I believe she’s in the dining room” Kane said,

“Oh ok!” With that Kenzi took off down the hall and turned left then crossed back the other way. (🐺She has a sense of direction like our mate!) Yes, she does! (🐺Wonder where she would have ended up if you didn’t tell her which way south was?) The road, she would have ended up on the road! (🐺How do you think he’ll be today?) Hopefully not grumpy! (🐺He’s not eating the little pixie’s cooking!) There’s a chance he’ll be grumpy! (🐺We’re not eating the little pixie’s cooking!) Then we’ll be grumpy as well! (🐺He’ll still hurt more if he hits us!) Yup! (🐺Is it time for breakfast yet?) I hope so! Kane was starving.


Entering the dining room, Kenzi saw Dax with her head down. She was doodling something in a book.

“Morning!” Dax internally grimaced it was too early to be dealing with someone that happy.

“Morning!” She mumbled back, not bothering to lift her head to see who it was talking to her. She wasn’t really feeling up to socializing with anyone at the moment. She dreamt of monsters trying to cut her head off all night thanks to mega monster and his little stop wandering off pep talk. When Kane came to their room he confessed and told her he asked Adonis to do that, but he wasn’t sorry that mega monster scared her. He was hoping he would and she would understand that she can’t wander off without telling anyone where she was going.

She did understand after the little talk, but she still didn’t like it and it still gave her nightmares. And mega monster was still an asshole and she didn’t like him very much. But from what she gathered after their talk the feeling was mutual. He called her sweet cheeks, she yelled at Kane for that one. When Kane tried to explain to her that it wasn’t Alpha Adonis that called her that but his wolf, they argued some more. She didn’t believe it, their wolves can’t talk freely like that. He tried to convince her that yes The Devil’s wolf can but she refused to listen. It ended with Kane leaving the room in a huff, she was being stubborn and he was being bullheaded.

“What are you doing?” The voice asked.

“Drawing!” She released a sigh at whoever the chipper annoying one was.

“What are you drawing?” Dax sighed again, apparently they weren’t getting the hint that she didn’t want to talk right now.

“Mega Monster!” She replied sharply. (🐺Don’t say anymore!) Nyx was in her head.

“That’s scary! Who’s Mega Monster?” Releasing yet another exasperated huff Dax stilled her hand. (🐺Don’t answer that!) Nyx was still trying to get her to shut up before she put her foot in her mouth.

“Alpha Adonis Bradshaw! He’s a monster! A big, mean, scary fucking monster.” (🐺STOP!) WHY? (🐺Look who you’re talking to!) Dax finally lifted her head, her eyes widened when she saw Kenzi standing there. Uh oh! (🐺You never listen to me!) Next time yell pixie! The little pixie stepped back from her, her expression etched in sorrow at the words Dax just spoke about Adonis.

“No, he’s not,” Kenzi whispered, looking at the picture in front of her. Her eyes began to tear up as the emotions flooded her.

“Kenzi!” Dax called trying to get her attention, trying to get her to look at her and not the picture she was drawing. If she could get the little pixie to calm down, she could explain.

“He’s not a monster, he’s not” Kenzi shook her head furiously as she backed further away from the table, her eyes never leaving the drawing in front of her. The terrifying, scary monster that had a life of its own. Its dark, cold, dead eyes burrowing into her soul. The sinister, evil smile that adorned its ghastly, distorted face. The sharp gnarly teeth protruding from its thin lips. Razor sharp claws, extending from the long, spindly fingers. The twisting, curling horns that protruded from his head. Kenzi’s body started to shiver the more she looked at the picture. That was not Adonis. That was not him, it indeed was a monster but it wasn’t Adonis. He was not a monster.

“Kenzi!” Dax tried again to get her to stop looking at the picture.

“That’s not him,” Kenzi again shook her head. “You don’t knowed him. You don’t knowed him at all. If you did, if you knowed him then you would knowed that he’s not. You would knowed that’s not him” Kenzi backed up farther to get away from the picture. Dax turned the book over and only then did Kenzi look at her.

Her eyes, her silver eyes usually full of life and laughter. Her silver eyes that glittered, sparkled and danced under the lights of any room she was in were now two hollow orbs. There was no glitter, no shine, no sparkle. They didn’t laugh, they didn’t dance, they barely held life. The hurt she felt dulled them while the pain poisoned them. Her once bright, vibrant silver eyes now only held torment. Kenzi didn’t understand why everyone thought he was a monster.

“Kenzi….he’s not a good guy, none of them are” Dax blurted. (🐺What the fuck Dax?) He’s not and she needs to know that. She doesn’t know what he is capable of and she needs to know! (🐺Dax….!) No Nyx. Stop defending him….them. She was dancing in his lap while they were popping eyes out and taking heads off!

“You don’t knowed him, you don’t knowed them. You didint take the tine.” Kenzi fired back.

“He’s mean and cruel, you don’t know what he’s capable of. You don’t know the things he can do, the things he’s done. How deranged and twisted he is. There’s a reason he’s referred to as The Devil, why everyone’s afraid of him. He’s a monster Kenzi, a real larger than life monster. They all are!” Dax said to her. (🐺That is her mate!) He’s a monster! (🐺To you!) What? (🐺He’s a monster to you. The pixie is right, you haven’t taken the time to get to know him or any of them!)

“He’s the way….for re….for….it’s not….that’s not him, you’re wrong, he’s not a….monster, you don’t knowed him. You don’t knowed them. It’s not who they are, you don’t knowed, you don’t knowed at all. You don’t knowed any-any-nothing, you didint take the tine. You’re jus being mean, you don’t knowed them.” Kenzi couldn’t get out what she wanted to say. It was too much, too much swirling around her. Too many thoughts smashing into her and she ran from the room and the house, out into the early morning.

Kenzi!” Dax called after her, but it was too late the little pixie was gone. (🐺Good job!) Nyx….! (🐺NO! Dax no! You don’t get to talk any more. You don’t know him at all. When did you turn so judgmental? Fido has been telling me stories about him. He’s had a helluva past, and he gave up hoping anyone would accept him. Along came the little pixie and she was everything he’s wanted. Everything he’s spent his life searching for. That little pixie is the acceptance he so desperately craves. She accepted everything about him, all of it, including the things he has done. He doesn’t lie to her, he tells her the truth. So yes she does know what he is capable of. He’s done those things for her. Fido ripped apart your nightmare, does that make him a monster? What makes them so different from anyone else? What have they done that is so wrong that others have done right? Alpha Adonis is a good guy, if he wasn’t he wouldn’t have let Elijah save Marco, he would have just let him die!) Nyx….! (🐺I don’t want to talk to you, right now!) With that Nyx put up a block. Dax didn’t know what to say, her wolf has never blocked her before.


Kenzi ran from the house as fast as her legs could carry her, she was so upset. She didn’t know which direction she was going in but she didn’t stop running, till her legs hurt, her lungs burned and her heart felt like it was going to explode from her chest. Her breath came in short painful gasps when she finally came to a stop that she had to rest on a rock to get her bearings about her. He’s not a monster! Running over and over on a loop in her head. Why can’t they jus see that? Why was she the only one that saw it? They're not monsters, they has done nothing dif-diff-er-ent than any of the uther ones! It was too loud, the words, the sounds, the chatter in her head. She needed to make it all quiet. Slipping her headphones over her ears she pressed play on her phone and let the music take away the noise.


Dax was slumped into her seat at the table with her head down. She fucked up. She fucked up big time. There was no way the little pixie would ever talk to her again after this fuck up. Nyx was right when did she get so judgmental? Right about the time she met The Devil.

“Hey feisty pants, what’s up?” Damon said as he sat down at the table with her. He picked up the book and turned it over, his eyes widening when he saw it.

“I thought you weren’t having nightmares of him anymore?” Damon asked concern growing in him as he looked at the drawing.

“I’m not, it’s not him,” Dax grumbled out.

“Then what’s this?” Damon asked, motioning towards it.

“I fucked up Damon. I fucked up big time” Dax said.

“What’s going on? If this isn’t your nightmare then who is it?” Damon asked as he looked from the picture in his hands to his sister.

“Mega Monster!” Dax huffed. Damon looked back at the drawing, the wheels in his head turning.

“Did the little pixie see this? Is that how you fucked up” Damon asked, it was the only thing he could think. He looked around for the little pixie but she was nowhere to be seen.

“Yeah she saw it, I also called him that. She ran out of here maybe twenty minutes ago” Dax replied,

“And you let her?” Damon asked. This was concerning, she was little and could be anywhere.

“What the fuck is that?” Johnny asked when he walked into the dining room.

“Alpha Adonis” Damon replied,

“No offence darling, it doesn’t look anything like him. It’s too small and the eyes are all wrong” Johnny said as he looked at the drawing again. If he wasn’t told it was supposed to be Alpha Adonis, he would have thought it was her nightmare.

“Kenzi saw this,” Damon said. Johnny immediately looked around the dining room. He knew she wasn’t in the kitchen, he just came from there. He was a little disappointed when he didn’t see her. She gives samples, but he understood where Alpha Adonis was coming from. He’s heard Steve and Kennedy make repeated remarks on how they were going to hide her somewhere.

“She ran out of here maybe twenty minutes ago,” Damon said.

“She could be anywhere she’s so little,” Johnny replied.

“Dax went a step further and called him a monster in front of her” Damon said, she cringed at the displeasure she could hear in her brother’s voice.

“Why would you do that darling?” Johnny asked, fighting to hide his own disapproval.

“I didn’t know who it was when I said it,” Dax huffed.

“Why would you say it, period?” Johnny asked, this was the pack Adonis grew up in. They had a fierce loyalty to The Devil and they were guests here. Dax told them about what happened and the talk they had in the kitchen last night, including what Kane said about Adonis’s wolf being able to speak freely.

“You can’t blame him for the things he said then if Kane wanted him to do it” Damon told her. “And he’s right. There are others out there and some of them don’t like us very much. Not just demons but our own kind. Any of them would like to take us down.” Damon added making reference to what they heard in the clearing the other day when Adonis was questioning his brother.

“They’re not monsters darling, they’re just different. Once you get to know them you’ll see that. They’re actually quite entertaining.” Johnny added.

“That’s what Kenzi said. She said I didn’t know them, that I never took the time and I was just being mean.” Dax slumped lower in her chair. I really am a judgemental bitch when it comes to the mons….demons!

“Did you take the time to get to know any of them? Every time you were in the kitchen with Kenzi, wasn’t Tyler there, did you try to talk to him?” Damon asked,

“No, I was trying to get to know Kenzi.” Dax replied,

“So you judged them based on the one actual encounter you’ve had with them?” Damon said. “What’s she saying about this?” He added pointing to her head.

“She’s not talking to me,” Dax replied.

“Oh, your first block, that sucks,” Johnny said, shaking his head.

“You’re a fine one to talk, Damon, what about the ninja?” Dax snapped at him.

“Yeah, that was totally my fault. I didn’t realize Elijah was just fucking with me. It’s how they socialize and bond with others. Now that I know, it’s different but kinda funny. I still peek around every corner on the off chance that he’s going to be standing there waiting for me. But he’s gonna teach me how to paralyze people,” Damon replied.

“Yeah, me too. He said because of our size, we won’t be able to do it the same as the others. It’s why we keep breaking necks. He’s gonna teach Marco how to rip throats out, and Carter to take things heads off with plates. Not gonna lie, I kinda want to learn that one too, and the thing with the link with Marco.” Dax stared at them both horrified. She didn’t want to learn any of that. “They don’t have to teach us this stuff, they’re doing it willingly, they’re choosing to. And Alpha Adonis doesn’t have to let them, but he is encouraging it. They just want what we all want, they want to be accepted too.” Johnny added, Damon nodded to that as well.

“And actually Alpha Adonis’s wolf Odin, can speak freely, we’ve all heard him. He likes to make his presence known” Johnny informed her. Dax’s eyes just widened, Kane was right. She heard the deeper growled voice but just thought it was Alpha Adonis and he was fighting his anger.


Kenzi had walked for a bit letting the music take full hold and help calm her down. She took lefts and rights and pretty soon she had no idea where she was. Uh oh! Looking at her surroundings she didn’t remember this part of the woods, nothing looked familiar to her. And when she ran out of the house she didn’t look to see which direction she went, she just ran. A snapping sound came to the left of her and her heart leapt into her throat. What should I do? What do I do? What do I do when I’m losed in the woods, and there’s something with you? What did Tyler say? Get low….no get high. Tyler said get high wolfies can’t climb and smell goes up! Ok Kenzi, tine to hide the cookie!

Looking around she found a tree she could use and started to climb as high as she could as fast as she could. The rough bark scraped and dug into her skin. Smell goes up unless you’re bleeding. Please don’t be bleeding, please don’t be bleeding! She looked down at her legs and sure enough her dark blood oozed from the cuts the bark made into the flesh. Nuts! She couldn’t let it stop her; she had to keep going, staying towards the trunk and holding onto it.

“I thought I smelled her!” She heard voices, they knew she was there, but she couldn’t see them through the thick canopy of the tree. She hoped they couldn’t see her either.

“Are you sure?” Said another.

“I smelled cookies, and last I checked granny don’t live out here” he shot back,

“Nice little red joke” the other scoffed.

“Wait, you smell that” They stopped just under the tree she was hiding in. Covering her mouth so they wouldn’t hear her she stood frozen clinging to the tree for dear life.

“Ms. Templeton? It’s John and William” One of the men called out quietly.

“She’s not out this far. If she was Alpha Adonis would be with her” the other said.

“What if she got turned around? What if she got injured? There’s blood, Ms. Templeton!” The other replied.

“Da dada da da!” She called out,

“Da da!” They called back in unison. Relief flooded through her as she climbed down from the tree carefully.

“Ms. Templeton, what are you doing this far out? Where’s Alpha Adonis?” John asked, when he saw her descend from the tree. William scouted the area then noticed the blood flowing from the cuts on her legs.

“I getted lost,” she replied.

“Ok, let’s get your wounds treated then we’ll get you back to the house.” William said as he sat her down on a rock to take a look.

“What are you doing out here Ms. Templeton?” John asked as he continued to survey the area. Stilling his movements and listening carefully.

“William, we’re not alone,” he whispered as he looked into the quiet of the woods.

“What?” William stood up and he too looked into the woods. No sounds, no birds, no movement from the other animals all was quiet.

“Ms. Templeton, you need to run. Run back to the house as fast as you can and don’t stop for anything or no one. You need to go now, that path, go” John whispered as he ushered her towards the path that would bring her to the house. Kenzi took off running. ….grRrRrRrr…. ….grrrr…. She rounded the corner as the snarls and growls sounded behind her. ….grRrRrRrr…. ….grrrr…. She ran faster, never looking back, keeping her eyes focused on the path ahead of her. ….grrrr…. ….grRrRrRrr….


The scream pierced the darkness of the woods as the hit came hard to her right side and pain tore through her body as she slammed into a tree. Kenzi hit the dirt, the dark haze fading in on her. She felt something trickling down her forehead, getting in her eyes, but couldn’t find the strength to inspect it or wipe it away. Ever closer the darkness approached her and it hurt to keep her eyes open any longer.

“Look what we have here” A raspy voice said through the darkness.

“What is it and why does it smell like cookies?” Another snarled out,

“It’s pretty whatever it is and I can’t wait to play with it” the first one barked out a laugh when Kenzi squeaked to protest.

ENOUGH!” A third voice gravelly and low boomed from somewhere far away. Rough, calloused hands grabbed her. The voice was closer than she thought, it was the darkness edging in on her that made it seem distant. She was flung over a shoulder like she was nothing more than a doll. Her body protested the movements and she hissed at the suffering of more pain.

“This one’s mine!” Was the last thing she heard before oblivion swept her away.


“Alpha Adonis doesn’t like me,” Dax complained.

“You haven’t given him a reason to.” Dax glared at her brother. “What? You haven’t….she hasn’t” Damon said defending his statement.

“What Damon means to say is it’s not that he doesn’t like you, he doesn’t trust you. That you haven’t given him a reason to. He’s not a bad guy, scary and intimidating, but he’s a good guy” Johnny said to her.

“Who intimidatin?” Jackson asked as he walked into the dining room.

“Alpha Adonis” Dax replied,

“Yeah, he a real scary mother fucker if you don’t know em. He a scary mother fucker when you do, but he a good guy an a scary mother fucker you want in yur corner.” Jackson replied. “Queeny havin issues wit em?” He asked as he pulled up a chair. Dax glared at Jackson when he called her that name.

“He scared her in the kitchen last night,” Damon replied.

“Unless he fuckin wit em or gotta stron dislike for em, he don’t generally do that. Las I check her not Eric. The fuck not bein said?” Jackson furrowed his brows.

“Kane asked him too,” Johnny told him.

“Well that the fuckin problem then. Her beef wit him an not Adon. You lil Queeny need to take that shit up witchyur mate, Adon jus helpin a friend.” Jackson said,

“They’re friends?” Damon asked. The guy snapped Kane’s neck last night.

“Don’t take las night personally. Adon threw a tantrum, thata shit storm of information an not the good kine. How you like it, you get toll that unless you join a kingdom, yur mate dies if you mark em? How you expect him to react? Sit there an be like oh well ok then. He not has a tantrum, I be worried.” Jackson replied. “But yeah they friends. Piss him off too, he din’t wanna like Alpha Kane, but he do. Adon scar the ones he don’t like, helps em member why you don’t fuck wit him. Ask Eric, he gotta few!”

FUCK YOU ROLAND! KENZI GIVE SAMPLES YOU STINGY FRENCH BASTARD!” Tyler yelled as he walked backwards into the dining room. Carter and Marco were laughing as they walked with him making sure he didn’t run into anything or anyone.

“Problem Tyler?” Jackson asked his brother, trying not to laugh.

“Bullshit stingy frenchmen don’t give samples. I starvin an breakfas still thirty away an I bout to get fuckin grumpy.” Tyler huffed.

“Adon like Alpha Kane?” Jackson asked.

“Yeah, piss em off too, he din’t want to, but he din’t leave scars an he hit em twice, why?” Tyler replied.

“Toll you! The fuck Lil Kenzi Cakes at? Her give samples,” Jackson asked, getting up from the table. Why wasn’t she in the kitchen? He followed his brother, Carter and Marco to their table.

“Adon say her not allow to make breakfas no more. Kennedy gonna play hide the cookie” Tyler replied shaking his head.

“Son bitch, that asshole” Jackson huffed,

“Which one?” Tyler said agreeing,

“Yeah!” Jackson huffed as he slumped into the chair at the table.

Elijah and Kenneth walked in as well, deep in discussion about something. They nodded their hellos to the others and proceeded to the table with Jackson and Tyler. More chairs and another table needed to be brought over, but they accommodated the extra bodies.

“You’re running out of time, if you wanna get to know them feisty pants, here’s your chance. We’re eating with them today,” Damon said as he got up from the table with Johnny right behind him.

“How yur neck?” Jackson asked as he watched both Johnny and Damon stretch out.

“Little stiff” Damon replied as he rubbed the back of it.

“Should let Eli take a look,” Tyler said, fighting back his laughter. Damon looked at Elijah who was covering his grin.

“Yeah maybe later, how come you’re not stiff?” Damon asked Kenneth.

“I let Elijah take a look,” he replied, laughing.

“I think I might let Elijah take a look now,” Johnny said as he tried to stretch his neck out some more. Elijah nodded and got up from the table. SNAP SNAP!

“Better?” Elijah asked after he adjusted Johnny’s neck again.

“Much, thank you!” Johnny replied. Elijah arched his brow at Damon, who nodded. SNAP SNAP!

“Goddess that feels better” Damon said, turning his neck again. “Thanks”

“That is quite the bump on your head” Kenneth said, looking at Damon.

“Yeah I don’t know how I got that” Damon said, flinching when he touched it. Jackson and Tyler broke out laughing.

“That cause Eli drop you” Jackson choked out.

“You dropped me?” Damon looked at the other Gamma.

“It’s a reaction, you snap a neck and drop the body. I wasn’t the only one” Elijah defended himself.

“Yeah, but he don’t care, an I don’t see a bump on Kenneth” Jackson roared.

“Fine, next time I break Damon’s neck I’ll make sure to place him down gently, like Tyler did with Carter,” Elijah said, sitting back in his chair.

“Next time? Why my neck? Why not Johnny’s or Carter’s” Damon stared at him wide eyed, causing Johnny to laugh.

“You broke Damon’s neck?” Dax asked, she was just about to sit down when she heard their conversation.

“Yes I did,” Elijah replied, not elaborating further on his answer.

“Why? Where were the rest of you?” Dax asked as she looked at the others.

“Getting their necks broken as well” Elijah said, matter of factly.

“Cep Marco!” Jackson added grinning.

“Yeah, why didn’t Marco get his done?” Damon asked.

“Proximity!” Tyler replied before he broke out into a fit of laughter.

“I was closer to Tyler than Marco was. If he was closer it would have been his neck and not mine. But then I would have went after Alpha Adonis” Carter told her.

“Then be a headless Carter” Jackson choked out.

“At least he’d stop blurting stuff” Damon said, trying not to laugh only to hear Johnny crack beside him.

“And this is funny to you all?” Dax asked.

“Well it sure as shit ain’t sad. You too uptight. You need to stop cuttin Alpha Kane off, release some that pent up frustration.” Jackson said. Johnny burst out laughing, he couldn’t help it. Dax went red faced.

“Yeah, he should spank her,” Tyler blurted. “Her seem to like that” Dax’s face only grew redder. She forgot Tyler was in the kitchen that day when the little pixie asked if Kane ever spanked her.

“Aw dude, that’s my sister!” Damon said.

“That soun like a you problem!” Tyler howled,

“The fuck you cringing for? Don’t think we don’t know bout yur former proclivities. You the epitome of man whore” Jackson fired at Damon.

“Yeah, right there in the dictionary side man whore theya piture of Damon,” Tyler agreed, then cracked laughing.

“Dude!” Damon looked at him wide eyed. The table burst out laughing at the look on Damon’s face.

“Nothing is off the table with them,” Elijah warned them all.

Breakfast finally being served, Tyler sighed in relief until the plate was put down in front of him. Looking from it to his brother’s then up to the one that set it down, he frowned.

“The fuck Roland?” Tyler huffed at him. The man could only smile back. “The fuck that gonna feed? Queeny got more than I did”

“Easy Tyler, you need to watch your figure” the man replied in a thick french accent.

“Oh, shit” Jackson was already starting to crack. Elijah had his head down, everytime they came here this happened.

“My….my figure? My figure? They not a damn thin wron wit my figure.” Tyler was on his feet lifting his shirt to show off his flat 8 pack abs.

“No there’s not,” Roland agreed as he greedily eyed Tyler’s bare chest.

“You son bitch!” Tyler yanked his shirt down “Miguel know you watchin other men’s figures?”

“Oui, he knows I like the short ones,” The man replied. Jackson’s laughter was growing louder beside him. While the others watched on in utter confusion.

“You stingy french bastard this cause I turn you down? You fuck me outta breakfas” Jackson was on his feet pushing Tyler away, though he hadn’t stopped laughing the whole time.

“Turned him down?” Damon asked.

“There is a story,” Elijah replied.

“Easy Tyler” Jackson said “He jus fuckin wit you. You fall for it evertime to”

“Imma pop his head off, he fuck me outta breakfas” Tyler growled.

“Yeah, yeah I know. Let’s jus eat, you’s jus hungry that all, I’m sure you get extra” Jackson said, pushing his brother back again.

“Know what fuck this, I finish it” Tyler said side stepping his brother.

“Finish it? The fuck you gonna do?” Jackson asked.

“I ain’t gay an if I was you not my type.” Reaching across the table, Tyler grabbed a hold of the front of Carter’s shirt, pulling him closer to him and pressed his lips hard to his. Carter’s eyes shot wide open.

“Holy shit!” Damon said as he ducked and moved out of the way. Jackson hit the floor laughing.

“That my type!” Tyler replied after he let go of Carter. “Tall, dark haired and clean cut. I like my men over 6’4. Not short, blonde and scruffy,” he added.

“Sono al sicuro! (I’m safe!)” Marco blurted.

“Me too!” Johnny added before the two lost it.

Kane had walked into the dining room as breakfast was being served, he wasn’t surprised when he saw them all at the same table, what did shock him however was what he witnessed. He didn’t know what transpired between the Black Shadow Delta and the cook, but when he grabbed Carter and kissed him the Beta and Gamma howled with laughter. Damon moved out of the way fast to avoid getting hit by Carter, who was utterly shocked when he was grabbed. The cook could only shake his head and lift his arms in defeat and walk away.

“Did I miss something?” Kane asked as he joined the table taking the chair beside Dax. Though he wasn’t really certain she wanted him there after last night until she grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Yes, but you’re in time for story time, someone needs to explain that” Johnny said.

“You ok Carter?” Damon asked. For a long time Carter just sat there not saying anything. He was still trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened.

“I think you broke Carter” Jackson said when he got himself off the floor.

“He’s got really soft lips,” Carter finally said. The table erupted into laughter.

“Do I tell Brandon?” Carter asked, concern washing over him.

“No, keep that to yourself” Damon choked out.

“Please someone explain what that was all about” Johnny said, when he had control of himself.

“We was younger an livin on the territory, Roland had a thin for Tyler. I mean the whole fuckin house knew bout it, he din’t exactly try an hide it. He fine any excuse to be near him or touch him. After trainin he’d offer him back rubs all the time. Tyler always turn him down, never thinkin too much bout it. One day Roland finally decides to grow a pair an marches straight up to Tyler while he’s trainin grabs him by the front of his shirt an says loudly I like you an kiss him. Tyler stood there, says thank you, but no an went back to trainin.” Jackson explained,

“Clearly it didn’t stop him,” Kane said.

“You think it would, but no Roland din’t stop there. He try for a month to get Tyler to like him, but Tyler turn him down evertime.” Jackson finished. “Evertime we come back here Roland hit on him”

“What about his mate….Miguel?” Damon said,

“That not his mate, that his boyfriend. Miguel know Roland still carry a torch for Tyler so we come up, they break up, we leave, they get back together.” Jackson replied. “Don’t feel bad Carter, Eli was shock, when Tyler do it to him as well,” Jackson added. All eyes turned to Elijah then back to Tyler.

“You kissed Elijah?” Damon asked, Tyler could only nod, he did.

“It was just after I arrived here, the only three I really knew were these two and Alpha Adonis. I was supposed to meet Alpha Adonis in Steve’s office, but I was distracted by a commotion on the front lawn. Next thing I knew Tyler approached me, grabbed me by the front of my shirt and kissed me.” Elijah started to explain.

“Eli stood there wide eyed and shock, say I’m straight. Tyler replies yeah me too an walk away. Eli ask if he sure” Jackson said starting to laugh again. “What Eli din’t know at the time Tyler was being hit on by someone else an make him stop Tyler grab the firs person he see to make him stop. No one knew Eli, so he a pretty safe bet. That not the only time those two kiss though,” Jackson said.

“What?” Damon looked at the other Gamma.

“We’s at this bar an this guy keep sendin Tyler drinks. Tyler send em back sayin no thank you. Guy don’t get the hint. He come over an sit down side Tyler on the couch an he touchin him. Not a big thin for us we get touched all the time so Tyler whatever keep tellin him he ain’t got no interest. Guy still not gettin the hint. Till Eli come over. Grab Tyler by the hair an pull his head back and lay one on em. The guy wide eye start apologizin sayin he din’t think Tyler was taken. Eli sit on the other side of Tyler put his hand on his thigh an ask who the guy was. Tyler say he don’t know but he been buyin him drinks all night. Eli loss his shit on this guy, yelling that he tryna steal his man. Say he come near him again he gut him like a fish. Eli stuck close to Tyler the res the night an everbody stay away.” Jackson cracked up laughing. “Tyler get hit on all the time, not by jus girls, a lot of guys too, I mean a lot. Eli had to bail him out a few times. He foun Ella like three years later.”

“Don’t stop from gettin hit on though,” Tyler replied, he was confused by that.

“I can see that” Carter said, “I was actually a little surprised when I found out your mate was female”

“Seriously?” Tyler looked at Carter.

“I agree with Carter, when I first met Tyler I thought he was gay. I was shocked when I watched him claim Ella” Elijah agreed.

“Really?” He looked towards Elijah who nodded.

“We was younger I question” Jackson confessed,

“Why?” Tyler asked, he looked at his brother.

“Tyler you can’t go nowhere an not get hit on by men,” Jackson said to him. “I ain’t talkin a lil flirtin either, they’s aggressive. I had one growl at me till he realize I’s yur brother an not tryin to take his man.”

“No offence man but, I kinda thought it too.” Damon said, raising his hands. Tyler looked towards some of the others at the table and they all nodded as well.

“Not offended. But I don’t get it” Tyler said he looked at his brother and they way he was sitting then down at himself. Jackson was sitting back from the table like he was. Then he looked towards Elijah and Kenneth beside him, they were sitting forward with both their arms resting on the table. Damon was sitting back, Carter was sitting straight. Both Johnny and Kane were resting on one arm. What was he doing differently from the others that made people question?

“Get what?” Jackson asked as he watched his brother.

“Why? Why you all think I’s gay?” Tyler asked.

“It’s a vibe you give off,” Dax replied.

“A vibe? I has gay vibes? They’s gay vibes?” Tyler asked, his eyebrows raised.

“It’s your personality,” Carter said.

“My personality? I has gay vibes an personality?” Tyler looked at him.

“It’s not anything overly physical, it’s how you carry yourself. It’s the way you talk, the things you say and how you say them. The tone of your voice, the details you pay attention to. You’re very personable, approachable and open. You kissed me openly, like it was the most normal thing ever. Most people, even the ones that say they’re ok with same sex relationships have some sort of reaction when they witness it. Even after being told you give off a vibe, you don’t seem overly upset by it, you don’t seem upset at all. You sound more shocked about there being such a thing as gay vibes.” Carter explained. Tyler let what Carter said sink in. It didn’t bother him at all when he saw same sex relationships, and kissing a man felt as natural as kissing a woman to him.

“Ok! I has gay vibes. I’m ok wit that” Tyler replied, nodding

“You do you lil brother” Jackson and Tyler bumped fists. At least now Tyler understood why he got hit on all the time.

“How many guys have you kissed?” Johnny had to ask, this sounded like a common occurrence, and with how easily he kissed Carter he had questions that needed answers. Tyler started to answer then had to stop himself.

“Six….eight” He replied. “Eli four times, Roland, Carter, Tommy, an Jacob”

“They was Tony too” Jackson said,

“Oh yeah I did kiss Tony an Curtis got me at that party. Ten! Guess my number ten” Tyler replied.

“So kissing guys is a common occurrence for you?” Kane asked,

“Guess so!” Tyler said with a shrug.

“Maybe you not as straight as you think you is,” Jackson said to his little brother.

“Maybe, but you’s a fine one to talk. It’s seven minutes in heaven not twenty minutes in the closet wit Robbie” Tyler shot at him.

“I din’t kiss Robbie,” Jackson fired back,

“Yeah you did,” Tyler argued.

“No I din’t. I kissed three guys. Louis, Curtis an uh….an uh….the fuck?” He blanked on the third guy he kissed.

“Robbie!” Tyler said

“No!” Jackson shook his head, still trying to remember the name of the third guy.

“That was Xander,” Elijah interjected.

“That was Xander?” Tyler looked towards Elijah.

“In the closet, yes. I learned to knock on closed doors after that” Elijah replied. “You kissed Sebastien,” he added informing Jackson

“Fuck that right Seb….the fuck you know I kiss Sebastien?” Jackson asked as he looked at Elijah.

“He left his calling card. Sebastien likes to leave hickies,” Elijah replied. Damon arched a brow at Elijah. How did he know that?

“That right he did so….fucker! Got him back though.” Jackson said and Tyler started laughing.

“What did you do to him?” Carter asked,

“He got piss ass drunk one night, I mean smash an that hard to do. Don’t help that Jackass fed him tequila all night. But Jackass help him back to his room. Next day Sebastien woke up wit Jackass in his bed an couldn’t member a fuckin thin. He ask Jackass to tell em what happen an Jackass say if you don’t member I ain’t tellin you. To this day Sebastien still don’t know what the fuck happen that night” Tyler said telling the story.

“What happened?” Carter asked.

“Notta fuckin thin!” Jackson replied, a shit eating grin on his face.

“You guys just run around kissing and sleeping with each other? Guys, girls it doesn’t matter? What about your mates?” Dax asked. Kane leaned closer to Dax after Tyler looked at her arching his brow.

“That soun a bit judgy,” he said.

“Relax Tyler. Her not bein judgy, her tryin to get a better understandin of what her hearin. Her hasn’t been in this world long enough, an know only bout the normal species. Take a species like the demons an it take everthin her learn an dump it on it head an twis it sideways. That an her has an unfortunate past, which suck by the way, sorry for how that play out. Her never got to experience everthin life has. He her firs, las an only at everthin.” Jackson said, waving off Tyler’s comment.

“Everthin, everthin? Like everthin?” Tyler looked at Dax who nodded. “Woah, that suck!” Tyler blurted. Jackson snorted and Damon snickered.

“Ok Tyler, eat yur breakfas! I can see how it soun like we jus kiss an sleep wit each other, like it one big fuck fest. It not. Werewolves in general are a sexual species. Demon’s are….take a normal on a full moon an amplify it times ten. That us everday an you don’t wanna see us on a full moon.” Dax’s eyes widened, then she looked at Kane, a silent “oh” escaping. “Yeah! They 650 of us that ain’t mated. We got needs an urges like everone else, they need to be satiated and scratched. An if we ain’t fine what we need from one gender, we fine it from another. Kissin a guy don’t make you gay, making out wit a girl don’t make you lesbian. We open minded that way. Its nature an natural” Jackson explained.

“So meaningless sex?” Dax asked,

“Actually there no such thin as meaninless sex. All sex has meanin, be it for love, enjoyment, or tryin dominate the other one an make em submit. They’s meanin behine it. Not all of it sex though, they a whole bunch of stuff you can do sides sex to scratch that itch. It bout gratification, takin what you want an gettin what you need, they go scratch they itch wit someone else. Soun heartless I know, you can give em what they want, but you might not be able to give em what they need.” Dax nodded as she absorbed what Jackson was telling her.

“What about your mates?” Dax asked.

“When we get mates that shit get lock down an we deathly devoted to em. We do nuttin to disrespect em. They the only one we scratching itches wit, they givin us everthin we want an need. But, it has happen on a few occasions a mated pair has become a mated foursome. Gettin randomly kiss ain’t gotta a thin to do wit cheatin or disrespectin our mates. You jus say thank you an carry on wit yur business. It happen. Some of the members are very friendly like that, it jus how they say hello or good bye or holy fuck hadn’t seen you in a while. Jacob got Eli the other day. Don’t be shock you come to the territory an get kiss by someone out the blue. It surprisin at firs but you get use to it.” Jackson nodded.

“Ella kiss everbody, her very friendly. Mos sirens are actually. It cause they the mos sensitive, mos intouch wit they emotions. That what a siren call is basically, ita burst of raw emotion, it long, it loud an you caught in it, it fuckin painful” Tyler said.

“That true, you get kiss by somebody, good chance ita siren. Avoid the burst an jus let em, save everone’s ears,” Jackson nodded.

“Rule number one right?” Kane said and Jackson nodded grinning.

“How many have you kissed?” Damon asked Elijah. He said nothing, just picked up his fork and started eating his breakfast.

“Like double digits….high double digits….really high double digits?” Eyes widened around the table as they all watched Elijah, the only thing the man did was smile.

“Triple digits?” Johnny asked.

“You know what Asmodeus mean?” Jackson asked, Damon shook his head.

“Demon prince of lust,” Jackson replied “We don’t talk bout Eli’s proclivities. Let’ jus say he experience in more than jus torture” Dax’s jaw dropped.

“Might wanna close that!” Tyler said to her before he started laughing.

“Maybe Tyler’s not the only not so straight one” Damon said.

“No, Elijah is very straight, he’s just very secure with himself,” Carter replied. “What? He is.”

“No gay vibes from Elijah?” Damon asked, trying not to laugh.

“No, but I’ve questioned about you though,” Carter blurted.

“Carter!” Damon looked at him wide eyed. The table erupted into laughter again at the look on Damon’s face.

“That just popped out, but I did. I wasn’t so sure at first. I’m still not actually” The more Carter blurted, the more everyone at the table laughed. “But, you’re not my type.”

“Carter sto….I’m not your type?” Damon questioned, he wasn’t sure whether he was offended by that.

“No!” Carter shook his head “Elijah is!” Then his face went red when he realized what he had just said.

“I have time booked in the lab to run some tests on him” Elijah interjected as he fought to control his laughter.

“Cats out the bag now Damon!” Jackson howled with laughter.

“I ain’t the only one has gay vibes, maybe its yur personality” Tyler said, a big grin on his face as he looked at Damon.

“I don’t get hit on by every man that sees me” Damon fired back,

“You might not get hit on, but we don’t exactly tell you when a guy is checking you out either” Johnny confessed “It happens a lot!”

“Seriously!” Kane and Johnny could only nod

“You go stud muffin!” Dax laughed “Does Lydia know?”

“Does Elijah remind anyone else of Brandon?” Damon said, getting the light off himself.

“Actually,” Johnny started to say as he looked at Elijah. “Now that you mention it, he kinda does, no wonder he’s Carter’s type” Johnny laughed,

“I’m so sorry Elijah” Carter apologized,

“It’s alright. It’s quite flattering actually” Elijah replied. (🐺He’s pretty cute too!) No, Asmodeus! (🐺But, Elijah, he’s a lost little puppy!) No! (🐺But….Elijah….! No! But….!) We have Kristi! (🐺What if she gets bumped?) What? (🐺Bumped off!) We’re not killing Kristi! (🐺Who said anything about killing our mate?) What does bumped off mean Asmo? (🐺Pushed to the side for a month….or two….or twelve!) No! (🐺But……!) No! (🐺You’re right! Now is not the time for this conversation!) No Asmodeus! (🐺We’ll talk later!) No Asmodeus! (🐺Later Elijah, time for breakfast!) I don’t win with you!

They carried on with breakfast. Dax asked questions trying to get a better understanding of the demon species. Nyx was right, aside from their ideas of socialization and bonding and some of the things they found funny, they weren’t really different from the others. They were just more open about everything they did. The more she learned the more she realised the huge, terrible mistake she made. She judged them too harshly, too quickly. Guilt started gnawing at her, twisting her insides. Kane reached over and grabbed her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze but the feeling wouldn’t settle, it continued to build. How was she going to apologize to the little pixie? She was so hurt, so upset. Where is she? She ran out of here so fast this morning, Dax didn’t even see where she went. Did she go see The Devil? Hopefully, she’s little and can get into such big troubles. Did she tell The Devil what she said? How mad is he going to be? She would have to worry about that when the time came, right now she needed to find her. Excusing herself from the table she went in search of the little purple haired pixie with a mission to make this right.

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