The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 87: Kenzinapped….Again!

Kenzi opened her eyes, she tried to shift but her body protested as bolts of pain rippled through her, causing her to whimper. Fighting through it she slowly moved, stilling herself when it got too much. Where am I? What happended to the uthers? Are they okay? Looking at her surroundings, she shivered. She lay in a crumpled heap like used laundry on the cold, damp, hard ground of what appeared to be a cave. The only light coming from an opening at the far end. Her head hurt, her body hurt, her mind hurt. She was cold and scared and very much alone. She wanted to go home, she wanted Adonis to come get her and take her home. He doesn’t know where she is. He needs to come find her right now and take her away from here. He’s gonna be so worr-ied!

“You’re awake!” The gruff voice from earlier broke the eerie silence of the cave. Kenzi looked towards the opening. A gasp escaped her throat when a dark ominous figure stood there. Trying to move further into the back of the cave away from him, her sore body protested every step of the way. Maybe she could hide in the darkness. That was her thought until he lit a torch and hung it on one of the walls. The light illuminated the cave and when she saw him for the first time a chill ripped through her.

“What’s the matter little peach? Do I scare you?” He snarled. His heavy foot falls bringing him closer to her. The image of the monster she saw earlier flashing in her eyes. This was a monster, he looked every bit like that picture. His dark dead eyes bore into her, threatening to consume her soul the closer he came. His presence gave birth to a new nightmare in her mind and she was seeing her grisly end playing out before her eyes.

“You’re a very pretty little peach. I’m going to have a lot of fun with you.” Closer and closer his thunderous stomps brought him. Further and further she pushed herself along the ground to get away.

“Are you ripe, little peach? Are you ready to be plucked?” Before he could grab her ankle to pull her towards him Kenzi kicked her legs as hard as she could. Over and over until she connected her burned foot with the side of his head. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... She screamed out in pain but did it again and again. She didn’t stop kicking until he got a hold of her and ripped her across the rough ground towards him, forcing the shirt to ride up exposing her panties and waist. Whimpering as the hard surface scraped and clawed at her bare back, she could feel the skin tear and break open.

“Fiesty little peach. ….grRrrrRrr…. I like that!” The man growled, a small trail of blood dripping down his chin from the cut she made to his lip. He sat his heavy weight across her waist to stop her from being able to kick her legs but that didn’t stop her from using her hands. She hit and scratched. Clawed and dug her nails into any part of him she could.

“….grrrr…. You little bitch!” The man snatched his hand back when she bit him. SMACK! Her cheek stinging, and slightly dazed as stars flashed in her eyes Kenzi laid there stunned, as the taste of copper entered her mouth. She began to struggle again when she felt his weight settle more over her. Kicking her legs bringing her knees up to collide with his back. She fought against the restraint he had on her arms until he pinned them over her head with one of his large hands gripping tightly. She squirmed and wriggled trying to get him off of her. Her whimpers grew louder as they turned into screams and cries. Begging him to leave her alone.

“You smell good little peach ….grRRRrr….” The man growled burying his nose in her neck, bringing her smell deep into his lungs, leaving his scent all over her. Her skin itched and crawled, her body twitched and shuddered the more he touched her. She was repulsed and bile began to rise in the back of her throat. He was pressed against her, she could feel him and her blood ran cold.

“I’m getting hard just thinking of all the things I’m going to do to this little body ….grRrrrRrr….” His free hand ran the length of her front making sure he felt all her curves. Kenzi shook her head and struggled harder to get him off. He gripped her face and pulled her to look at him.

“You are mine, little peach ….grRRRrr….” he growled, pressing his lips to hers. She squeaked and squealed and fought to turn away from the kiss. When she succeeded he ran his tongue up her cheek. Kenzi released a sob as her body shook and shuddered more. His grip on her wrists loosened and she fought and struggled to get away. Her one hand slipped from his clutch and she hit him repeatedly as hard as she could.

He could only laugh as he tried to get a hold of her again. She squirmed and struggled getting her second hand free, and searched for anything she could use. Her hand coming in contact with a rock she grabbed it and started hitting him again and again. ….grRrRrRrr…. They fought and he got the rock away from her and somehow she managed to get herself turned onto her stomach. Scrambling to get away from him, she tried to pull herself across the cave.

“I like where this is going little peach ….grRrrrRrr….” he pulled her back under him. Pressing his heavyweight into her. A fist full of her hair he pulled her head back causing her to cry out. He kissed her temple, licked her face, tasted her neck and bit hard into her shoulder. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... Kenzi screamed and squirmed and didn’t stop fighting. Tears blurred her vision as they fell in never ending streams down her face.

“Jester!” A voice called from the entrance to the cave.

“Can’t you see I’m busy” Jester snarled, looking back at the man, his free hand still trailing over her body, his claws down the curve of her back to curl around the waistband of her panties. Kenzi fought and struggled more. Screaming the word no over and over again her heart wrenched in her chest. I want Adonis, I want him to come right now!

“Shaw’s here!” The voice called.

“The fuck does he want?” Jester growled louder. That seemed to have stopped him from what he was about to do.

“To talk to you!”

“I can’t wait to get rid of him.” With him distracted Kenzi used everything she had in her to knock him off and ran. She got past the man at the entrance by hitting the dirt and sliding under him, like Tyler taught her. Scraping her legs up in the process, she scrambled to her feet and continued running. She had to get away, get to Adonis. He’d make them go away and never come back.



“What are we doing dad?” Eric asked as he followed Ethan to the rock face on the southside of the territory.

“Ensuring Adonis aligns with us” Ethan replied.

“He’s already declared war, because of that little stray. Why can’t we just leave him alone? You saw what he did to Edgar, the kind of power he has.” Eric argued. He didn’t want that to be him, he didn’t want to be someone’s pet. The hit came fast to the side of his head and Eric stumbled, falling to the ground.

“….grrrr…. Listen here you pathetic little boy. Stop your sniveling. It is because of the power Adonis has that I want him ….grrrr….” Ethan raged at his oldest son. Eric held the side of his head, looking up at his dad.

“With him and his army, we will be strong. Everyone will fear us including The King. And if you were doing your job this would already be done.” Ethan spat at him. “But you’re an incompetent idiot ….grrrr….”

“….grrrr…. And how are you going to get him?” Eric growled back.

“His one weakness” Ethan replied as he continued on their path rounding a corner.

“What?” Eric said, scrambling to his feet to chase after his father.

“The little one you keep calling a stray. Adonis the fool is in love with her, and will go to great lengths to keep her safe” Ethan snapped.

They rounded a corner and came to a small camp set just back from the cliffs with a cave. They could hear sobbing and screaming coming from the inside. Ethan paid no attention to this, but a sinking feeling entered Eric’s gut. What did his father do?

“Where’s Jester?” Ethan asked.

“Busy!” A burly man with shaggy brown hair and black piercing eyes replied as he sat around the fire.

“Get him!” Ethan snapped. The man just eyed Ethan for a minute before he got up from the ground.

“The fuck this?” The man asked Ethan instead. He pushed Eric back then proceeded to circle him slowly.

“None of your concern” Ethan replied back.

“Jer get Jester. The great Shaw is hear” The man sneered. A second man stood up from the fire and eyed the two men before he moved towards the cave where the sobbing and screaming was coming from.

Unknown to all of them they were being watched. Ethan and Eric were followed through the woods and from the shadows everything could be seen clearly, while he remained unnoticed. What were they up to? Who were they meeting? And why did Eric all of sudden look sick? Who he saw come running out of the cave was the very last person he expected to see. His body stiffened and he had to stop himself from rushing in there.

Alpha Adonis’s mate, running scared for her life. Cut, bruised and terrified. What the hell was going on? His thoughts mimicked the words he heard Eric speak. He watched helplessly from the woods as Kenzi was captured, backhanded and thrown to the dirt at the feet of a large grotesque looking man. He watched as she fought for freedom and failed to gain it when she took a vicious swipe to her side, her small frame crumpling back to the ground with a hard thud. He heard Ethan yelling at them to go easy, she was no good to them dead.

He had to get her out of there. He had to get help. He had to get to Adonis. He took off running back through the woods as fast as he could. He had to cross the border before it was too late to save Kenzi. It could mean his life, but if he could get to Adonis, he could save her. He just needed to get to the border and the warriors would do the rest, they would get his message to Adonis.


ADONIS!” He yelled when it came into his sights.

ADONIS BRADSHAW!” Moving faster and faster.

ADONIS!” He was ten meters from the border when he saw the White Stone pack warriors emerging from the woods waiting in attack formation.


“Me dedo! (I surrender!)” Hitting the ground as he crossed the border, his hands high in the air. “Me dedo! Me dedo! Me dedo!”

“Take me to Alpha Adonis….NOW!” He yelled at the warriors that approached him with caution.

“What the fuck are you doing Emroy?” One of them asked.

“You have to take me to Alpha Adonis now. It’s about Luna Kenzi!” The warriors all looked at each other then back at Emroy then to the woods he exited.

“Get him up, let’s move,” One said. Emroy was pulled to his feet and they moved quickly through the woods.


Adonis woke to something furry brushing against his chest. Blinking a few times and he looked around the room, then down at what was tickling him.

“Cheerio! Get the fuck off the bed” he growled. The big wolf looked at him, shifted slightly over and put his head back down. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Adonis released the grumpy growl at the wolf. Another look at his Alpha he yawned, stretched but removed himself from his comfortable spot. Adonis rolled onto his back, rubbing his eyes. He got back to the room just after midnight, but didn’t go to sleep right away. He collected his little mate from being curled around Cheerio and brought her to bed with him and laid awake thinking over everything he was told.

(🐺Can’t mark mate!) Odin whimpered. That thought was at the forefront of everything. They can’t mark her unless he joins The Kingdom. His species dies unless he joins The Kingdom. (🐺What the fuck kind of reward is that?) Fate’s cruel joke! (🐺It’s not funny!) Nope! (🐺What are we gonna do?) Talk to Kenzi, she has a say in this too! (🐺What if she doesn’t want to be a wolf?) We’ll deal with that when the time comes! (🐺How do we tell her?) That was another thought that kept him up. How does he tell her so she doesn’t think she’s being forced into something? (🐺That’s exactly what this is!) He would have to tell her that the only way they can be together is by making her a wolf. What if she doesn’t want to be a wolf? Would he be able to let her go? His heart was heavy and he wanted his mate. Looking at the bedside clock he saw the note and a smile tugged at his lips.

You lookd peezful! I didint didn’t I wantd you to has a good slep.

An not wayk you up. I will see you at

brekfas or lunch.

He loved the fact that his little mate left notes so he didn’t worry about her. Sometimes they were hard to decipher, but she was trying. Looking at the time, it was after ten. He missed breakfast, but he would catch her at lunch. With no real hurry, he stretched from the bed and took his time getting ready. His rumbling stomach did inform him he wouldn’t make it to lunch. If he didn’t eat he would get grumpy. Adonis wondered if his little mate managed to get herself in the kitchen and what little tantalizing treat she cooked up. (🐺Yes the kitchen, let’s go see mate and get a snack!) Odin agreed. He would never pass the opportunity to see his mate or eat her cooking. Love sick hell beast!


“Jackass I gettin worried. When Lil Kenzi Cakes ever sleep this late?” Tyler and Jackson were wandering the territory.

“I know lil Brother, but her has to be wit Adon. Maybe he wolfie magic growl her back to sleep” Jackson suggested.

“I don’t think so. Jackass, I gotta bad feelin” Tyler replied.

“You gotta bad feelin?” Jackson looked at his brother, his concern growing more and more for their missing little sister.

“Yeah!” Tyler nodded. They had kept an eye out for Kenzi all morning and haven’t seen her at all. There’s only so many places she can get to.

“Aight, we talk to a few people, someone had to have seen her at some point. We start in the kitchen” Jackson said and they moved towards the house.

“Bout Eli?” Tyler asked,

“He takin a look at Carter. See why he keep blurtin shit.” Jackson replied.

“That easy, he bored” Tyler said.

“What?” Jackson looked at his brother curious.

“He bored, he ain’t bein stimulated a nuff. If he a demon, he a seeker. Seekers need stimulation, like a puppy. They don’t get it an they mines wander, shit get said, stuff happen.” Tyler nodded.

“Like you tellin Queeny it suck that the only guy her sleep wit Alpha Kane?” Jackson asked.

“That jus pop out, but yeah” Tyler defended himself.

“So he got hisself a puppy?” Jackson cracked up laughing.

“Yup!” Tyler replied, nodding.


Adonis was a little disappointed when he didn’t find Kenzi in the kitchen, even though he did tell the cooks she wasn’t allowed to feed everyone anymore. He didn’t think Roland would kick her out permanently. It was closing in on lunchtime so he would see her soon. Getting himself a quick something to eat he went to find his men, see what they got up to.

“What’s going on out here?” He asked, stopping by Jackson. Damon and Johnny were beating on dummies. Marco and Kenneth were ripping the throats out of dead pigs and Tyler was kicking the crap out of Carter again.

“Trainin!” Jackson replied, Adonis could only look at his Beta, further explanation was required for this.

“You right, Eli figure it out.” Jackson drawled,

“Ok!” That didn’t explain anything to him.

“If they demons they definitely fall into the factions. Damon an Johnny wanna paralyze people but can’t, they too big” Jackson said pointing to Johnny, Damon and the poor defenceless dummies.

“Berserkers!” Adonis nodded,

“Yup! So Eli taught em a new way to do it.” Jackson too nodded.

“The pigs?” Adonis asked, looking towards Marco, Kenneth and Elijah.

“When Marco at the medical ward at Primrose, Eli rip a doctor’s throat out witout anyone seein him move. Marco ask if Eli could teach him. Kenneth wanna learn to. Eli havin a hard time placin Kenneth, but he say Marco a shadow” Jackson answered.

“Tyler and Carter?” Adonis asked, turning his attention to the Deltas in time to see Tyler take Carter down.

“They sparrin!” Jackson stated,

“Sparring?” Adonis watched Tyler flip, belt Carter up the side of the head then flip him on his back again.

“Alpha Kane ask Eli to take a look at Carter. See why he keepin blurtin shit. Tyler say that easy, he a demon, he be a seeker, an seekers need stimulation. Carter bored. So Tyler trainin him. Teachin him they more to bein a seeker than jus trackin. He a quick learner. He got Tyler a few times.” They stood there watching a little longer. Carter took Tyler down with a leg sweep then drove his knee into his face.

“Eli also gonna teach us to take thins heads off wit plates. We all wanna learn that one.” Adonis released a low laugh. He wasn’t surprised they wanted to learn that one. He saw how interested they all were when they watched Elijah do it. (🐺Yeah, the Delta was almost out of his chair to watch how he did it!) Yes he was! (🐺Think we’re a bad influence?) No!

“Where’s Kenzi?” Adonis asked.

“Her wasn’t wit you?” Jackson’s head snapped in his Alpha’s direction. He was hoping she was and Adonis dropped her off in the kitchen.

“No, I woke up with Cheerio in the bed. She left me a note saying she would either see me at breakfast or lunch” Adonis replied,

“Her not at breakfas. We look roun for her, but couldn’t fine her. Thought her was wit you an you wolfie magic growl her lil ass back to sleep.” Jackson said,

“No, I didn’t even wake up when she left the bed this morning or I would have,” Adonis replied.

“Not sleepin?” Jackson inquired,

“Had a bit of trouble,” Adonis answered.

“I bet!” Jackson nodded, “So her not wit us an her not wit you. You check the kitchen?”

“I just came from there, they saw her this morning around four but kicked her out and haven’t seen her since. I’m sure she’s around here. We’ll see her at lunch. Maybe we’ll head into town.” Adonis appeared calm on the outside but his mind was racing. He scanned the woods in hopes that she would come dancing down one of the many paths.

“Tyler say he gotta bad feelin that why we went lookin for her.” Jackson informed him.

“Bad feelin?” Adonis looked towards his Delta. Every once in a while he would still himself, his body would tense but he’d carry on. Bad feeling!

“Yeah!” Adonis raised his head to the sky and stilled everything. Something was in the air, a sense of unrest. (🐺Rogue attacks?) Maybe!

“Hey, Alpha Kane!” Adonis looked over his shoulder to see Kane approaching them.

“It plate time!” Jackson remarked then headed back towards the others.

“Do I want to know what that’s about?” Kane asked.

“Elijah is going to teach them to decapitate things with plates,” Adonis replied.

“Of course he is!” Kane wasn’t surprised, he kind of wanted to learn it as well, but he also needed to confirm what he thought The Devil was thinking.

“I have thought about it but I won’t make any decisions until I speak to Kenzi, but you already knew that,” Adonis said.

“Yes I did.” Kane replied with a slight grin.

“There was always hope.” Kane could only give a laugh. There was always hope.

“It’s your rightful place, you know that” Kane said, Adonis kept quiet as he mulled that over.

“I’m sorry Alpha Adonis,” Kane said.

“You didn’t know. I do owe you a thank you” Adonis said, not looking at him. Kane nodded, that was the best he was going to get from The Devil.

“$1000 says Tyler and Carter get it right.” Adonis spoke after a bit of watching Elijah teach them how to do it.

“Well I don’t need your time anymore and maybe I can get some of my money back so why not.” Kane replied as he too watched on. A grin spread across Adonis’s face. (🐺Didn’t want to like him!) Nope! (🐺Ended up liking him!) He doesn’t appear to want anything from us and he’s fun to play with! (🐺Queeny?) Not a fan! (🐺Nope!) You can’t eat her or make her disappear! (🐺But....!) Kenzi likes her! (🐺Lil Button, too good for this world!) Yes she is!

“I was a little surprised when I didn’t see Kenzi at breakfast this morning. I ran into her outside the cinema room,” Kane said.

“She’s been so good lately!” Adonis replied, he didn’t even need him to clarify the running into part. (🐺Maybe we should put a bell on her!) Maybe!

“I think she was a little bored. She accomplished more in three hours than most do in a day” Kane replied amused,

“Kenzi doesn’t do downtime well” Adonis replied back,

“Clearly, she assured me she didn’t touch any of the equipment in the room though. Pressing random buttons could end the world.” Kane felt the grin tugging at his lips.

“She told you about that, did she?” Adonis held a slight smirk, the memory of her jumping from the car rubbing her hot bottom flashing in his mind.

“Burned her bottom.” Kane’s grin was on full display now. That had to have been a sight to see.

“Mine as well. Did she also tell you she locked us out of the car?” Adonis asked,

“No, failed to mention that.” Kane said, a low chuckle escaping him.

“It was the reason we were looking for a new car for her. You’re not supposed to be able to do that.” Adonis remarked. But his little mate pulled it off and he was still wondering how.

“She said she wanted to go back to the waterfall on the southside and bring Cheerio.” Kane shifted beside him. Dax had told him what happened when she failed to find the little pixie. He went looking as well, but when he couldn’t find her he knew he needed to tell Adonis immediately.

“What happened?” Adonis cut his story right there. If he was telling him this then something went down this morning.

“There was an incident this morning.” Adonis’s shift in posture, stiffened his. This would not make The Devil happy.

“What. Happened?” He repeated, a little more force in his tone.

“Kenzi came upon Dax in the dining room. She was drawing,” Kane began.

“What was she drawing?” Kane handed him a folded piece of paper.

“What the hell is that?” Adonis curled his top lip after he unfolded the picture. (🐺I thought she was an artist!) Me too!

“A monster” Kane’s response was curt.

“Is that supposed to be me? Doesn’t look anything like me. I like the horns though. I could pull those off.” Adonis replied, handing it back.

“Kenzi saw the drawing,” Kane said.

“Queeny called me a monster didn’t she?” Adonis asked, he hadn’t turned to look at Kane yet, his eyes still watching what was going on in front of him, but there was a faint glow of flame.

“She did. Kenzi got upset. Rightly so. Dax hasn’t taken the time to get to know any of you. Something she is regretting now. But Kenzi ran out of the dining room before Dax could stop her. She doesn’t know where she went and tried looking for her.” Kane could see the muscle ticking in Adonis jaw.

He could see the tense rigidness of his posture, the clenching and unclenching of his fists. The demons throwing plates stilled their movements and watched on. Their wolves were flashing, then he saw Tyler itch. Kane stepped back slightly and turned more to face The Devil. (🐺Hello neck snappage!) That is a possibility, Ky. Let’s try to stay positive though! (🐺I am positive Cujo’s gonna snap our neck!) Way to help!

That’s twice now” Odin spoke, his eyes engulfed with purple and orange flame.

“It is!” Kane replied,

I don’t like her, keep her the fuck away from my mate ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….” Odin growled.

“Alpha Odin....I’m sorry!” The flaming eyes of Adonis’s wolf stared directly into Kane’s. Then flashed away. (🐺We have to find our mate!) Yes we do! (🐺She’s upset!) Yes she is! (🐺Queeny’s a bitch!) Yes she is! (🐺Mate won’t like her anymore!) Maybe, our tiny dancer is very forgiving. We’ll leave it up to her, but if I had it my way she wouldn’t talk to her ever again! (🐺Let’s have it our way, I’m ok if that bitch never comes near our mate again!) Relax Odin, your opinion has been noted!

“I’m not going to snap your neck. But it is strongly advised to keep Queeny away from Odin and I,” Kane just nodded.

“Last night I had a tantrum. I don’t like forcing my mate to do things, I don’t like making decisions for her. But in order to mark her and ensure the survival of my species that is ultimately what I will end up doing. Giving her up is not an option. Demons don’t get second chances! Most of the ones that have taken chosen mates inadvertently killed their true mate when they were rejected.” Adonis again replied to Kane’s unspoken words.

“It’s no consolation. I don’t care how sorry Queeny is.” Again Kane could only nod. Dax had definitely made an impression on Alpha Adonis and Odin and it wasn’t a good one.

“We didn’t trust her before, now it’s safe to say we are not fans.” One benefit of The Devil was his freaky mind thing. He never needed to figure out how to vocalize thoughts into words.

“I’m considerate that way” Adonis said,

“You’re also quite egotistical and an asshole.” Adonis smirked as he continued watching the others throw plates.

“You owe me $1000. I do believe your total is up to seven grand now” Kane shook his head as he watched both Carter and Tyler take the pig’s head off.

“They’re seekers, it’s not surprising they would figure it out first.” Adonis remarked,

“What?” Kane looked towards Carter,

“If Carter were a demon he’d fall under the seeker faction. He’s your best tracker. It’s why he blurts stuff, he’s not being stimulated enough. Congratulations Alpha Kane, you have a puppy!” Adonis said to him,

“Seekers need stimulation?” Kane asked,

“Constant or their minds wander, things get said and stuff happens. Before he was your Delta his time was spent scouting the woods or on the training fields, constant stimulation.” Adonis informed him,

“What about Tyler?” Kane asked,

“He works at the bakery with Kenzi. It is a constant source of stimulation for him. From situations he has to deal with. To the things he smells and gets to eat. It is probably the best job for him. Kenzi keeps him busy. Your Gamma and head Beta are berserkers. Your second Beta is a shadow and Elijah is still testing your Lieutenant. They have potential. You should send them to demon territory. Get them trained.” Adonis had enough watching them, he had a mate to find and make feel better.

“They’ll come back with stories” Kane commented, then he saw the wry smile cross The Devil’s face.

“What happens in the closets….stays in the closets.” Adonis replied. “Mated ones are off limits unless permission is granted. That being said, a kiss hello or goodbye is quite normal. If your ass gets grabbed they’re just fucking with you….unless it’s a siren. If it is then let them grab whatever part they want. Some members are really close, some are just really friendly. Some are just excited to find a place that accepts them for who they are.” Adonis replied, he was about to walk away when he stopped. (🐺Do you hear that?) No I don’t, that’s the problem!

Kane watched Adonis closely, something was wrong his posture and stance went rigid and tense. His head was bent towards the air and he scanned the woods. The slight quick intakes of air into his lungs.

“Alpha Ad….”

“Shut up honey, can’t talk now, I’m working” Adonis covered Kane’s mouth as he swerved his head in a different direction. Kane caught the motion from the corner of his eye, Tyler was alert to something as well.

“What’s going on Tyler?” He heard Carter ask,

“Sshhh, an listen” Tyler replied,

“I don’t hear anything,” Carter replied as he listened as well.

“That the problem. The woods is quiet,” Tyler remarked as he turned his head in another direction. Jackson and Elijah also readied themselves for something. Their eyes flashing, their wolves communicating. SNAP! Low, distant and both Tyler and Adonis snapped in that direction. Bringing a big drag of air into his lungs, he stopped a she-wolf from walking past him.

“Jackson, Elijah clear the grounds. Tyler, Carter take the dogs, find Kenzi. You get The Queen and all the women and children into the bunker in the basement….NOW!” Adonis barked out his orders. The she-wolf took off running towards the house, Jackson and Elijah started gathering the ones closest to them and Tyler and Carter took off running, a low whistle and four giant wolves took off across the yard after them. Adonis moved closer to the sound they heard, tilting his head trying to get a better read. (🐺MOVEMENT!) Odin howled. And he took off across the yard shifting mid air when he had to jump over someone.

ROGUES!” Kane shouted. “Kenneth, Johnny with me. Damon, Marco help them” and Kane took off across the yard as well.

Odin made it to the woods the second one foot stepped out of it. He grabbed whoever it was violently shook them slamming them onto the ground then broke them around a tree and dropped the body. He disappeared into the darkness. ….owooooooooooo…. Seconds later the howl rose up alerting the warriors of White Stone to the attack. The howl dying on the breeze, gurgled screams and the snapping of bones could be heard from somewhere deep in the woods.

“He’s pure black!” Kenneth commented,

“He’s pure beast!” Kane replied, still running, shifting into Ky he entered the forest with Diego and Chaz behind him.

More rogues exited the woods and they were descended upon. ….grrrr…. ….grRrRrRrr…. The growls and snarls rose from everywhere. Whimpers and cries as men from both sides fell. ….grRrRrRrr…. ….grrrr…. Teeth gnashed, claws slashed and blood was shed. ….grrrr…. ….grRrRrRrr…. The demons ensured more men from the rogue side fell then the side they were fighting on. ….grrrr…. Damon was running across the lawn to get to a little boy as a rogue was chasing him down gaining on him. ….grRrRrRrr…. The boy stumbled and Damon had him in his arms using his body to shield the blow. YELP! SNAP! THUD! The body dropped to Damon’s side and he looked up in time to see Elijah moving fast across the field to dispatch another one. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Run kid run” Damon said letting the boy go and he moved to help Marco. Jackson was in the fight for his life as four were trying to pin him down. SNAP! SNAP! Elijah got to him in time and Jackson crushed the heads of the other two. ….grrrr…. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grrrr…. Marco tackled a rogue off a young girl before he could bite down on her neck, using his new found skill one swipe of his hand he ripped the throat out and moved on to help others. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrrr…. Jackson threw Elijah to help back up a group White Stone warriors, then moved to rip a wolf in two when it tackled Marco. ….grrrr…. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. The rogues were not prepared for the battle they faced and started making retreats back into the woods, no one told them they would be facing Royalty let alone demons. Jackson and Elijah looked at each other and took off across the yard after them, never breaking stride as they shifted into their shadow grey forms. They disappeared into the shadows of the woods in the blink of an eye and more screams carried on the air. Damon and Marco stayed behind to help tend the injured.


Tyler and Carter were deep into the woods, searching for any sign of Kenzi. They had to keep quiet, stick to the shadows. Rogues were on the move in the woods. They couldn’t smell Tyler, so Carter had to stay real close to him, to keep his scent masked. When the coast was clear they moved to the trails. Tyler looking for any sign of Kenzi.

“Here” Carter said when he stumbled upon a bare foot print. Tyler used his fingers to measure the length.

“It her!” They followed the tracks, she was running, but then her steps stopped next to a rock. Only to pick back up again at a walking pace and carry on for a while.

“This where her get los,” Tyler said as he took in the prints in the dirt. They crossed back over in front of each other in numerous spots. What they saw a little further up had both their breaths catching. Two dead lay in the path up ahead of them. Tyler brought deep breath after deep breath into his lungs. He kept following her footprints reading the scene. Up the tree, down from the tree over to the rock then back down a path moving fast then an imprint from a small body, her phone and a couple sets of bigger footprints. There was no sign of Kenzi after that.

“Her gone ….owooooooooooo….” Tyler released the howl and waited for the reply.

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