The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 85: Everyone Helps Part Ten!

The Talk!

Talk!” Adonis barked when he stormed into the office, throwing the door open and letting it slam shut behind him.

“No time for pleasantries” Damon commented,

“Pleasantries was me not snapping his neck when I walked in the fucking room. Talk!” Adonis replied.

“He was interrupted,” Jackson informed Damon, who’s eyes shot open when he got Jackson’s meaning. They all turned to look at Kane, who was sitting behind Steve’s desk, a slight amused look on his face.

“You might want to sit down,” Kane said, offering him a seat in front of the desk.

“You might want to get on with this” Adonis replied,

“Safe to say you know the legend of the Fated Souls” Kane started,

“I do, now ask me if I give a fuck” Adonis fired back,

“Listen here you insolent little fuck ….grrrRrrrr….” Kane growled, getting to his feet. ….grrrrrr….

“Who the fuck are you calling little? I’m bigger than you ….grrrRrrrr….” Adonis growled back. The two Alpha’s stared each other down. ….grrrrrr…. Each standing opposite each other with the desk in between them. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrr….

“….grrrr…. I’ve had enough of your shit ….grrrrrr….” Kane snapped Ky rising to the surface.

“Aww….go home and cry about it ….grrrr….” Adonis snarled, Odin meeting the challenge. ….grrrrrr….

“This is not going well,” Kenneth remarked quietly to Elijah. He could only nod in agreement. Marco placed a book down in front of Adonis then backed right off. He wanted no part of what was going to happen.

“The fuck is that?” Adonis asked without looking at it.

“….grrrr…. A book!” Kane snarled. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrr….

“….grrrr…. Really? Is that what they look like?” Adonis barked back at him. ….grrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr….

“It explains about the Kingdom” Kenneth cut in before Kane could say anything. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. The situation was escalating with the growls both Alpha’s were producing. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrr….

“The fuck does that have to do with me?” Adonis asked.

“You sit at The King’s left hand” Kenneth replied,

“Queeny’s had him in a time out for the last few days, I ain’t going anywhere near his left hand” Adonis retorted. Damon snorted while Johnny burst out laughing.

Fucking asshole!” Kane barked at him only to be met with blinding pain. Adonis had hit him again.

“Kinda had that comin” Jackson remark as he saw Kane buckle over holding the right side of his jaw.

“Yeah, shouldn’ta interrup him” Tyler agreed nodding.

“Are we calm now?” Kane asked, still holding the side of his mouth. That was twice The Devil had struck him, he hoped this time he held back as well.

Fuck you!” Adonis fired back, but sat in a chair and picked up the book flipped through a few pages then tossed it over his shoulder to Elijah.

“That book is over four hundred years old,” Kane snarled.

“Shouldn’t have given it to me then,” Adonis remarked.

“It might explain a few things as well,” Kenneth said, as he watched Elijah look through it.

“Like what?” Adonis asked, he was slightly calmer after he struck Kane, but only slightly.

“Why they smell!” Elijah replied, never lifting his head.

“And that is?” Adonis asked,

“So we don’t kill them” Elijah replied, finally looking up.

“What?” Kane asked,

“It’s your book and you don’t know this?” Adonis asked him.

“It’s in every language. We’re having a hard time reading it” Kane replied, annoyance present in his tone.

“You should have a language expert,” Adonis remarked, his tone slightly condescending. “You can’t have him he’s mine, and I don’t share

“Fuck, we need popcorn” Tyler said as he and Jackson sat back and watched the events unfold in the room. Periodically they would scratch at their arms catching Damon’s attention.

“They’re not being cheated on. Demons go through a different experience when our mates are unfaithful.” Adonis said before Damon could say anything. Jackson and Tyler looked over at Damon.

“Our skin sometime get itchy when our Alpha is in a highly agitated state.” Jackson explained then itched again.

“It mean shit gonna go down,” Tyler replied. Jackson nodded but they both continued to sit there. The Royals all backed up to the one side of the room, this did not sound promising to them.

“The fuck the book say?” Jackson asked Elijah.

“One Fated Soul and The Fated Circle will take on the scent of a demon wolf so they can approach and be unharmed. I’m guessing fate didn’t think we would take offence to that.” Elijah read from the book

“Fuck that, we do. That our smell get yur own. Go smell like foo foo potpourri or some shit.” Jackson huffed.

“Yeah….you imagine them smellin like flowers, cedar chips an cinnamon” Tyler cracked,

“That be a smell” Jackson replied before he broke as well.

“I think I’d rather smell like fire,” Kane grumbled.

“Except it’s fake!” Adonis hissed.

“We don’t smell authentic to them. It’s what they were lookin for that first day and why they were confused when they didn’t find it” Kenneth informed Kane. “They thought we were demons, they felt lied to.”

“The fuck don’t Queeny smell?” Jackson asked, The demons looked towards Elijah while the others looked at each other confused.

“Yeah, out of all of em her shoulda been the one to smell” Tyler added.

“She was raised around humans then she died. Demons get their scent when we shift for the first time. Her first shift she was technically dead for. The demon gave its life so the human side could live. And The Moon Goddess rewarded her. Fate made her a normal wolf.” Elijah replied,

“So her wolf was a demon?” Adonis asked,

“She would have been,” Elijah replied as he continued reading.

“Wait, I don’t understand,” Damon cut in.

“When Luna Dax’s wolf sacrificed its life so she could live, The Moon Goddess rewarded her and brought her back as well. Fate decided she was coming back a normal wolf, though she retains her demon eye colour. The Moon Goddess creates werewolves, but Fate gets to decide which ones are normal and which ones are demons. Demons aren’t born to demons it’s why we have to find them” Elijah replied

“Does the book say how you tell?” Kane asked,

“The book doesn’t need to say how. Demon pups are born small, generally classified as the runt with black eyes,” Elijah replied.

“So the demon species fits into The Kingdom how?” Adonis asked, turning the conversation back to why he was in the office and not with his mate, in his bed where he wanted to be.

“You sit at The King’s left hand” Elijah repeated what Kenneth told him.

“I’ve already said I’m not going anywhere near his left hand,” Adonis remarked again, causing Damon to bite back his laugh.

“I hate you!” Kane grumbled at him,

“You and I both know that’s a lie. Even after I hit you….again” Adonis grumbled back.

“Something about a mark,” Elijah said. “It’s in Samoan,

“Don’t you speak that?” Jackson asked.

“I don’t speak Samoan, I speak Slovak” Elijah replied,

“Oh, my bad,” Jackson replied, “You speak like twenty some different languages” He added with a shrug.

“The crescent moon mark you carry on your right shoulder is the same as mine. It’s the mark of The Kingdom. When it is complete the mark will be complete as well.” Kane replied.

“Elijah?” Adonis looked towards his Gamma.

“Three Alphas make up the Kingdom. The Devil, The God and The Soldier. The Soldier unites the three shifter species. The God on the right to bring balance to the Kingdom” Elijah read, he paused there as he tried to decipher the next part.

“And The Devil does what?” Adonis asked, “I’m the bitch boy. No thank you!” Adonis added when he saw the look on Damon’s face and he rose from his chair he had heard enough.

Alpha Adonis!” Kane said as he also stood.

“Listen closely Alpha Kane, I don’t want to be a part of your kingdom, anymore than I want to be a part of your worthless community. If this is what we needed to talk about then consider it discussed and the topic is closed. I am nobody’s bitch.” Adonis/Odin snarled at him.

“The Devil would instil fear” Kenneth said quickly,

“With The Devil by his side who’d fuck with The King….right?” Adonis asked, looking at him. That was why Ethan wanted to align with him, he should have known that’s what Alpha Kane wanted as well. Something flashed in the eyes of The Devil for a split second, Kane barely caught it, before it was gone. Why did he look hurt? Because he thinks we’re using him! But we’re not! That’s what it seems like to him! Why? Because anyone that aligns themselves with the demons won’t be messed with, and he thinks that’s what we want too, to him this is just history repeating itself! What? Imagine having everyone want to be your friend, only because of what you can do and give them, not because they actually accept you and want to be your friend! Normals suck! We’re normals Ky! Our kind sucks!

“That translation is wrong.” Elijah cut in. “The Devil does instil fear, but that is not his purpose in the kingdom. He is the embodiment of power, he bears the pain, and without him….there is no kingdom. It is with his power and acceptance that ties it all together. When I said The Soldier unites the shifter species I wasn’t referring to the demons. We are not part of the shifter species, we are not classified as werewolves. It’s why we don’t listen to anyone but The Devil.” Elijah translated.

“The fuck we’re not wolves? Las I check I got teeth an a tail” Jackson looked at Elijah and he just shook his head as he continued to try and translate the book.

“The fuck you mean we not part of the shifter species? The fuck are we?” Jackson asked. Elijah shook his head again, and held his hand up to shut Jackson up. This book was too hard to translate with him firing questions at him and he needed a minute.

“The fuck does he bears the pain mean then?” Again Elijah could only shake his head. ….grrrrrr…. Escaped Jackson at Elijah’s inability to answer his questions.

“Do you want to try?” Elijah asked, thrusting the book at Jackson who shook his head.

“Ease up Jackass, it not Eli fault. That book in ever language” Tyler said, pushing his brother back into his chair.

“How did you know what it said?” Carter asked, he watched his Alpha and the others get mad at the book, and Marco go cross eyed trying to translate it.

“That part was in Slovenian, I speak Croatian it’s pretty close” Elijah said when everyone looked at him. “I’m not the smartest man in the room”

“Eli speak like twenty different languages,” Tyler told him “It jus bes not to question” Carter just nodded.

“I don’t know what this says though, it’s Bolivian, or Bulgarian.” Elijah said as he looked back at the book. Adonis released a deep sigh and held his hand out.

“It’s Hungarian. It says I need to accept my place and when I do that I will be granted with life” Adonis translated. “Or it says The King’s a dick!” Adonis read, Jackson and Tyler snorted.

“I don’t think that’s what it says” Elijah replied, shaking his head. His Alpha was just being impossible and childish now.

“How do you know? You don’t speak Hungarian” Adonis fired back at him. “It could say The King’s a dick”

“Do you speak Hungarian?” Kane shot at him.

“Nem tudom! Úgy tűnik, beszélek magyarul? (I don’t know! Do I seem to speak Hungarian?)” Adonis replied, looking at him.

“What’s Croatian for The Devil’s a child?” Kane asked Elijah, causing Johnny to laugh.

“Đavo je dijete” Elijah replied “I Kralj je također!” Apparently The King is a child too!

“This book is stupid” Adonis grumbled as he handed it back to Elijah. He wanted to be with his mate.

“And you’re being a child” Kane grumbled in return,

“He might not have been if you didn’t interrupt him, he would have at least been happy, maybe a bit more cooperative” Damon said.

“Not helping Damon” Johnny quipped. Again Jackson and Tyler just snorted.

With his Alpha occupied arguing over whether or not he was acting like a child, which he clearly was, Elijah took the opportunity to read further ahead without interruption. His eyes widened when he read one passage, he read it over and over again to make sure he had the translation right. Well that’s not good! What? What’s going on Elijah? What does the book say? Asmodeus questioned in his head. Making sure the link between him and the others was severed from all sides he spoke to his wolf. If he doesn’t take his place it’s the end of the demon species! What? It means when he dies, then so do we! WHAT? I don’t wanna die! Settle down Asmo, don’t get worked up! I’m gonna die Elijah, I don’t wanna die, not when we ju-ju-just started getting along! Ok, shhh Asmo, stop crying! We m-m-missed so much time and it’s my fault. I-I-I’m a b-b-bad wolf! No, you’re not, you’re fine, you’re a good wolf! Wh-wh-what about Elephant? Wh-wh-who’s going to take care of him when we d-d-die? We’re not going to die right now Asmo! A-a-are you sure? Alpha’s stubborn! I’m sure, but he has a choice to make! What choice? A tough one!

“Jackson!” Elijah whispered quietly, catching his and Tyler’s attention. When they moved closer to him he proceeded to fill them in on what he just read.

“What?” Jackson asked. “You sure?”

“Yeah, maybe you translate it wron” Tyler looked at Elijah praying that’s what happened.

“The passage I read is written in seven different languages and I speak four of them, the other three are close to the languages I do speak,” Elijah said.

“He translate it right” Jackson said, he stole a glance at Adonis who was still arguing with Kane over whether or not he was acting like a child. Kenneth watched the interaction between the three intently.

“Fuck!” Tyler huffed,

“Yur tellin me brother, double fuck. He need to know,” Jackson replied.

“How do we tell him? He’s going to go off!” Elijah asked.

“I take care of it, explain it to me again,” Jackson replied.

“Elijah found something in the book and I don’t think it is good” Kenneth whispered to Johnny.

WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW?” Adonis yelled out of the blue, looking over at his men.

Jackson, Tyler and Elijah all shared a look.

“I’m waiting,” Adonis said.

“You might wanna sit down for this,” Tyler said.

“You might wanna get on with it,” Adonis advised them.

“If you don’t join the kingdom, that it for the demons” Jackson said, Elijah nodded confirming it.

“What?” Adonis narrowed his eyes,

“You tough as nails, but you ain’t invincible. When you die, the species dies too. Bein part of the kingdom the only thin that ensure our survival” Jackson told him, again Elijah nodded confirming this.

“No one knew about this part of the legend. This is the first time a pair of Fated Souls has made it this far. We’re still playing Fate’s Hand. Alpha Kane and Luna Dax completed their part, but now it’s your turn. We’re not classified as werewolves, because our species is older than werewolves. We were created first and have been waiting for someone strong enough to unite and lead us. It’s why we’re spread out and not born into one pack and it’s why he can’t control us. It would take a being stronger than a member of the shifter species to do that. Fate decided it liked our species and made us part of the Kingdom. We join the kingdom, we survive, we don’t and we’re done.” Elijah added. “Could also be why demons don’t birth demon pups” Adonis snapped his head to Kane.

You fucking knew about this,” he growled.

“No I didn’t. That’s the most that book has ever been translated” Kane defended himself, taking a slight step backwards. Flames engulfed Adonis’s eyes as they bore into The King, his anger flooding the room.

“They’s more,” Tyler spoke.

What?” Odin gritted out when he turned back to them. Jackson moved himself in front of his brother and Elijah.

“You’s unmated. You do this, join wit him….you chance turnin Kenzi when you complete the bond” Jackson told him. “If you don’t….”

If I don’t, what?” Adonis growled,

“Because her’s yur true if you mate before you join….you kill her” Jackson finished.

A deathly silence fell over the room, when Jackson spoke those words. Kane didn’t know what to say to that. Fate fucked The Devil. If he doesn’t join the kingdom, the demon species dies. If he completes the bond with his mate he’ll kill her. If he joins the kingdom, then his species survives but he could turn his mate if they complete the bond. Adonis’s body shook as his anger intensified. The inferno raging inside of him engulfed every aspect of him, his body heated, his eyes two flaming orbs. Odin’s howling ringing in his head. He boiled over.


It started low and built, then everything culminated and five bodies hit the ground. Marco stood his back to the wall staring wide eyed at his fallen pack members and the demons before him that were responsible.

“Hey Marco, it not that bad, not what it look like. They….sleepin” Tyler said, holding his hands out.

“Sembrano morti” Marco shot back, running his hands through his hair. He was fighting against Alejandro who wanted to bury them all.

“No, they jus….” Tyler tried again as he looked at the bodies in the office.

“Morto!” Marco cut him off pointing at the bodies.

“Yeah, ok….they dead” Tyler nodded.

“Does he need to be put down as well?” Adonis asked,

“No, it jus Alejandro an his need to bury em. He be fine, right yur fine?” Tyler shook his head.

“Si, Io sto bene” Marco replied, nodding his head as he looked at Adonis wide eyed when it clued in what he meant.

“See he’s fine. Let’s get you a drink, while we wait for ’em to wake up” Tyler said, ushering him away from the wall.

“Si, si….drink” Marco nodded again. Yup he could use a drink or five, as he continued to look at the bodies on the floor.

“What if they don’t wake up?” Elijah asked as he went about setting their necks back into place.

“Then I guess the rumours were wrong” Adonis replied as he looked at the lifeless body of Kane. “What?”

“You threw a fuckin tantrum” Jackson replied, motioning towards the two bodies Adonis dropped. Elijah was in the process of setting Kenneth’s neck, that one kind of made him feel a little bad.

“At least I didn’t break the office this time” Adonis replied,

“You din’t break the office, Kennedy be thrill….big fuckin whoop. You snap his fuckin neck an I los $50” Jackson fired at him.

“If he doesn’t wake up then what’s he gonna do to me? I ended The Kingdom. If he does, then he’ll thank me for the nap” Adonis snapped. “And seeing how none of us heard a blood curdling scream from Queeny, I don’t think their dead dead”

“Adon, I get it. Thata shit storm of information an not the good kine, but it ain’t they fault. They din’t know. You coulda mate an mark her before you fine out bout any of this. Then what happen?” Jackson pulled him off to the side. “You’da los her, an not know why. Now you know, an you gotta choice to make. Ita a shitty fuckin choice, but ita choice. We need our mates, an lettin her go ain’t an option for you. You fuckin head over heels for that girl”

“I never thought about immortality. We’re born, we live, we die” Adonis replied. He didn’t want to think about the choice that was in front of him. It wasn’t a choice. His hand was being forced, the only way he could mark his mate was to join The Kingdom. The only way his pack survived was to join The Kingdom. The choice was Kenzi’s.

“That cause you wasn’t lookin down the barrel of it,” Jackson said. “You hear Eli, we came firs, we been aroun a while an Fate like us an decide we belong here. It decide we deserve a shot. An it din’t come easy. We earn it, look at everthin we overcome. Everthin that was thrown our way, but that the way Fate work. You don’t get somein for nuttin” Adonis looked at his ranks, they were all thinking the same thing.

“Are you ok?” Adonis asked as he sat in a chair by the coffee table. Marco nodded his head as he looked over at the bodies of his friends.

“Sono morti! È un po’ snervante! (They’re dead! It’s a bit unnerving!)” Marco said motioning towards them, his eyes landing on Kenneth.

“Yeah, I can see how that would be unnerving. Don’t bury them!” Adonis said as he watched Marco look at them.

“No, non li seppellirò. Mi metterò nei guai se lo faccio! (No, I will not bury them. I’ll get in trouble if I do!)” Marco replied, causing Tyler to laugh. Jackson poured a few glasses of whisky and passed them out.

“Why you go after Carter?” Jackson asked his brother as he handed him a glass.

“He closer!” Tyler replied.

“So Marco’s breathing because of proximity?” Elijah asked, Tyler just nodded.

“Fortunato me!” Marco said, looking at Tyler.

“What? At leas I din’t drop him like Eli did to Damon. Snap his neck an let him hit the groun” Tyler huffed,

“Sì, Carter sarà felice di sapere che l’hai appoggiato delicatamente a terra dopo che gli hai spezzato il collo. (Yes, Carter will be happy to know you placed him gently on the ground after you snapped his neck.)” Marco threw at him.

“Listen here you lil Italian asshole” Tyler growled at him.

“Chi chiami piccolo? Sei più piccolo di me. (Who are you calling little? You’re smaller than I am.)” Marco fired back.

“Enough, both of you,” Adonis said, trying not to laugh at the faces of the two men.

“Why don’t we play some poker while we wait for em to come too?” Jackson offered, holding up a deck of cards.

“Non imbrogliare!” Marco said as he agreed to the game.

“We’re demons Marco, we cheat” Adonis told him.

“We ain’t playin for money, we jus killin time” Jackson said as he dealt the cards.

“No we’re not going to snap its neck too” Adonis said, before Marco could say anything. Jackson broke out laughing at the look on Marco’s face.

“Che cosa?” Marco said, putting his hands up.

“Can’t really blame him for that one” Elijah said as he picked the book up off the floor and placed it on the table beside him.

“No, we can’t,” Adonis agreed.

“Did she tell you she loved you?” Elijah asked out of the blue, they all turned to look at him. If he’s asking there’s a reason? Odin perked in his head.

“Yes, why?” Adonis replied,

“The fuck her tell you?” Jackson asked, looking at his Alpha.

“The morning of her birthday party, but I don’t think she meant for me to hear it. It was after I brought her back to bed, she didn’t sleep the night before and mumbled it out” Adonis answered.

“Did you give yourself completely to her?” Elijah asked another question.

“Thata bit fuckin personal Eli. Whata man do in the privacy of his room ain’t yur fuckin business” Tyler said.

“Did you?” Jackson asked,

“Jackass!” Tyler huffed. Adonis sat there saying nothing, but his face said everything.

“You fuckin did!” Jackson replied for him.

“The fuck you do?” Tyler asked, snapping his head to his Alpha.

“What happen to that personal an private, Tyler?” Jackson quipped

“Fuck you Jackass!” Tyler clapped back.

“Why is this important?” Adonis snapped, the others might like to discuss sex like its a sport, but he was not about to divulge anything that he and Kenzi did in private.

“Because it explains your changes and his hyper aggression. When she said it, did you feel a warmth flow through you and a spark ignite?” Elijah asked,

“Yes!” Adonis replied,

“Hey, how come you din’t ask if he said it?” Tyler looked towards Elijah.

“The only way for him to feel the spark was if he said it as well,” Elijah replied.

“How does that explain the changes?” Adonis asked.

“Love is the strongest form of acceptance. Her vocalizing her love for you means she accepts everything. And her acceptance of everything triggered your changes. She’s making you more powerful, so you can take your place in The Kingdom. She was your test and she is your reward” Elijah explained.

“My test?” Adonis asked.

“You could have been stubborn and marked and mated her, you could have given into your wants and desires, coerced her into doing whatever you wanted using the mate bond. You could have forced her to love you but you did none of that. You put aside your own needs and put her first. You put her above you. You let her feelings towards you grow and develop naturally. You didn’t push her. The bond might have pulled her towards you, but she fell in love with you all by herself. Your connection supersedes the mate bond.” Elijah told him.

“I’m not that stubborn” Adonis said,

“You keep tellin yurself that,” Jackson shot at him. “You dig yur heels in when you don’t wanna do somein worse than a mule. You a stubborn asshole. You the reason this whole thin happen. You’da jus talk to him like a big boy we wouldn’t be in this mess” Jackson said motioning around the room.

“I’m not apologizing!” Adonis grumbled,

“I ain’t askin you too” Jackson grumbled back.

“Are you two finished?” Elijah asked, resting his chin in his hand on the arm rest.

“Don’t even start wit us Eli” Jackson grumbled.

“So if I would have used the mate bond essentially forcing her to love me, I would have failed my test. She would have been taken away from me as punishment?” Adonis guessed.

“Yes!” Elijah answered, nodding his head.

“Does it say anythin bout Kenzi in that book?” Tyler asked,

“Not that I have read so far, but translation is going slow. It jumps from one language to the next faster than you two change conversation topics.” Elijah said as he picked the book back up.

They played a few rounds and The Royals still hadn’t woken up, though they could see the rise and fall of their chests and hear their heartbeats.

“Is it worth it?” Adonis asked Marco. He looked at him quizzically. “Immortality” Adonis answered the unasked question.

“Si” Marco replied. “Non devo preoccuparmi di perdere il mio compagno oi miei figli. Li guarderò crescere e vivere una vita lunga e sana. Non perderò più persone. (I don’t have to worry about losing my mate, or my children. I will get to watch them grow up and live long healthy lives. I won’t lose anymore people.)” For Marco it was worth it, it wasn’t even a question. He had already lost so much, he didn’t want to lose anymore.

“Marco loss his dad when he was twelve, his best friend a few years after that. Then his brother” Tyler added, then caught the look on Jackson’s face.

“I don’t know what I do if I loss Tyler,” Jackson said.

“I do” Tyler said. “It was after that fight when we was movin cross Canada. Hatch kep poppin in my mine. I already spoke to Adon bout it an Ella, her understand. Bal can’t live witout Ko. You go, I go” Bros before hoes! Jackson burst out laughing.

“Does he know what he just said?” Adonis asked, trying not to laugh.

“No! Can we not tell Ella, Bal jus call her a hoe?” Tyler replied, shaking his head. What I say? Nuttin Bal!

“It’s not a decision that is made lightly. That being said if we were voting I know what my vote would be for” Elijah told him. He didn’t remember his family, but the family he carved for himself amongst the demons made it worth it to him.

“It is a decision that benefits most and everyone gets a voice, but not everyone is here to discuss it. I will not make it until I speak to Kenzi, but I know what my vote is as well” Adonis replied. Jackson and Tyler looked at each other and they just nodded.

“Flush” Marco laid down his cards and they all looked at him.

“And I thought we cheated,” Adonis said.

Groans sounded behind them and they turned to look as one by one the Royals sat up, rubbing and stretching their necks.

“You fucking asshole” Kane groaned out.

“Someone soun cranky” Jackson said,

“Maybe he needs another nap” Adonis suggested,

“Fuck you!” Kane barked at him, pulling himself to his feet. His eyes settled on Marco.

“Don’t get mad at him, he survived because of proximity, but he was the one that may have just sold your case. I’ll give it some thought.” Adonis said, getting up from his chair.

“Where are you going?” Kane asked,

“We talked, then you went for a nap and your time is up now. I’ll collect my six grand later. Don’t play poker with him he cheats” With that said, Adonis left the office. Kane watched him go then turned back to Marco. What did his Beta say to The Devil that would make him think about it?

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