The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 85: Everyone Helps Part Six!


Kenzi was cuddled in the back seat with Adonis as they drove to Primrose Pack. The closer they got the more her body tensed.

“Sshhh sweetheart, nothing’s going to happen. You won’t be alone, and the boys have Cheerio” Adonis ran his hands up and down her arms and across the small of her back. He didn’t hesitate to answer yes, when she asked if Cheerio could come. You just want to see the look on the idiot’s faces when they see Chester! That might have aided the decision, but she wanted him there and if he will help in her comfort, I am not going to say no! Whipped! I’ll get the matches, Odin! Yes I will! Kenzi snuggled in more, listening to his steady breaths and beating heart. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Burying her face in his chest she splayed her hands, as the feel of the low rumbles brought her calm. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. He knew just what she needed. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Adonis also knew that if she walked in there feeling the way she did, they would all be on edge and the smallest slight more bodies would drop. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Elijah and Damon start to relax a little as well. Time to get them completely settled down. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. It was low and quiet ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. But began to grow louder as she pushed more into him. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. His special little mate, her musical giggles filling the SUV, bringing a complete calmness to everyone in her presence. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr….

“Thank you!” She whispered.

“Anytime sweetheart!” He replied in her ear.

They pulled up the long driveway leading to the packhouse and they saw Eric and his mate waiting to greet them on the stairs.

“Guess you’re not knocking this time,” Damon said from the front seat, though he was slightly disappointed. Johnny had brought it up on more than one occasion, and Carter was mystified by it saying it was the coolest thing he had seen thus far. Damon now wanted a front row seat to the door being crashed through.

“Don’t sound so disappointed Damon, Eric probably didn’t want to replace the front doors anymore,” Adonis replied.

“Well they get rather expensive and you did break four” Elijah commented,

“Was that all?” Adonis asked,

“Not to mention the cows that stampeded through the house and the carnage we left yesterday they will have to fix and who knows the damage the four of them caused with Eric’s weapon collection” Elijah added.

“They shouldn’t have touched my mate, and the house wouldn’t have been destroyed, at least it’s still standing” Adonis moved his arms more around Kenzi. He wasn’t sure when she fell asleep, but the peaceful look on her face made him feel slightly guilty about having to wake her up.

“Do you feel guilty?” Damon asked suddenly,

“Are you asking if I feel guilty about the house or if I ever feel guilty?” Adonis asked, Damon went to open his mouth but Adonis answered first.

“Guilt is a useless emotion. Once something is done no amount of apologizing will undo it, that being said I am capable of remorse, but only when I am truly sorry for what I have done and that doesn’t happen very often” Damon nodded, that answered his question.

“He’s earned the name for a reason,” Elijah said as he exited the SUV.

“Kenzi sweetheart, it’s time to wake up” Adonis whispered in her ear. She mumbled five more minutes and he stifled his laugh.

“No sweetheart. No more minutes, we’re here” Kenzi’s eyes fluttered open and she blinked a few times adjusting to where here, was. Her bottom lip jutted out in a small pout, here was not where she wanted to be. Adonis nipped it and she squeaked, then giggled.

“We won’t stay long.” He kissed her forehead, the tip of her little button nose, and then came to rest on her mouth. Not a moment of hesitation as she pressed her lips to his. His hand trailed up her back eliciting shivers at his gentle touch to tangle in her hair. Now was not the time for kissy time, but there was always time for a stolen moment.

“Later,” he said, when the kiss broke. One more stolen kiss and he had to get out of the backseat or later would become now, his mate was ready, she knew who she was and he wanted her. Opening the back passenger door, Adonis breathed deep a few times. Soon he told himself, soon his mate would be fully his, just get this stupid dinner over with. A few more deep breaths and he picked his little mate from the back seat. The urge to put her back in the vehicle and leave was overwhelming, and Odin encouraging it to happen wasn’t helping him. Don’t want to fucking be here anyway! No we don’t! She knows who she is, now we get to mark her! Yes we do! So….let’s go mark her! Easy you horny animal! You’re a fine one to talk! What? You still haven’t put her down yet!

Adonis looked down at his little mate. Kenzi smiled brightly at him, her arms tightening around his neck as he still held her to him and off the ground.

“This is your fault,” he told her. Kenzi furrowed her brow.

“You make it very hard to keep my hands off you. I don’t want to even try. Now I am finding it really hard to put you down, I know I have to, but I don’t want to….Don’t giggle.” Kenzi’s nose wrinkled as the deep rose blush reached the tips of her ears. One more deep breath, Adonis finally placed her on the ground, but still held her tight to him.

“When we get back….we should start with a bath.” Her blush deepened as thinking thoughts entered her head. She clenched her thighs tight, to ward off the sudden intensity she felt throbbing between her legs. Adonis’s body stiffened when her arousal hit him, he breathed in deep. Her smell was mouth wateringly delicious. This was not helping him.

“Calm your little racy thoughts sweetheart, this is not helping.” Her blushed deepened when she realized he could smell her.

“I’m sorry!” She whispered, taking deep breath after deep breath.

“Don’t be sorry, don’t ever be sorry for that,” he whispered back, taking his own deep breaths.

“It’s like a dirty movie playing in my head” And there goes her mouth! Odin howled. Adonis closed his eyes briefly, forcing himself to focus, forcing himself to move them forward. With his hand on the small of her back he forced himself to lead them from behind the vehicle. His fist clenched as he dug his nails into his palm, trying to focus on anything other than the dirty movie playing in his own head.

Elijah and Damon fell instep behind him and they were soon joined by Jackson, Tyler and Cheerio.

“We have a problem,” Elijah said hushed.

“What?” Jackson inquired,

“He’s gone too long without claiming her” Elijah replied,

“He gonna be aggressive tonight” Tyler said,

“Extremely!” Elijah agreed.

“Prepare for some fun boys, thins jus got interestin” Jackson nodded. Damon listened intently, but never said a word. He walked a little slower allowing Kane and the others to catch up to him.

“Is there a problem?” Kane asked,

“Yup!” He replied,

“What?” Kane asked as he stopped letting the demons get further up the stairs.

“Alpha Adonis has gone too long without claiming his mate” Damon said, repeating what he heard from Elijah.

“He’s going to be aggressive tonight” Johnny said,

“To quote the ninja….extremely” Damon said. “The brothers are gearing up for some fun, cause things just got interesting” he added, as he watched the interaction on the front step.


“Luna Kenzi” Tyler corrected Eric when he addressed her.

“Right of course, Luna Kenzi, how nice you were able to join us this evening” Eric extended his hand to her and Tyler immediately stepped in the path causing Eric to hit him in the chest. He might be only six feet tall, but his presence dominated and Eric pulled his hand back quickly. Tyler shook his head, his top lip raising slightly. No way in hell was this idiot touching his sister. He’d bite the arm off if he had to.

“Understandable!” Eric nodded as he watched the other ranks close around her.


“Luna Kenzi” Elijah corrected Natasha when she went to address her,

“Luna Kenzi, would you like to join the other Luna’s and I for tea?” Natasha asked, though her tone was polite her posture remained rigid as she looked her nose down on Kenzi. This was not lost on Tyler and he stood taller.

“No, her don’t. Her don’t want to join yur stuck up snob fest.” He answered for her.

“Luna’s? Marco letted me call them Lulu’s for a whole day.” Kenzi blurted, then looked at Marco as he broke out laughing.

“The one in this pack you can call Lulu’s, they sure as fuck ain’t Luna’s” Jackson snarked. “A Luna posed to be grace an acceptance. Not miserable connivin back biters”

“Are you going to open the door and let us in, or was this a wasted trip?” Adonis asked,

“Right” Eric motioned for the two on the door to open them and allow the demons to enter. What Eric saw trailing behind them had his eyes widening.

“Chester!” He whispered, the wolf following his brother made no acknowledgement of him, instead looked right through him like he wasn’t even there.

“No, his name is Cheerio” Elijah corrected him, then followed the others into the house.

Kenzi was already happily moving around the kitchen when the royals entered. Kenneth and Johnny were laughing. Marco had pretty much called Eric a fuck head and refused to accept anything that came from him. And not understanding what Marco said to him, Eric seemed quite happy with Marco’s replies.

“You have picked up some bad habits, amico!” Kenneth said, it took everything in him not to crack on the stairs.

“Not my fault, he came like that” Tyler was already defending himself when he saw Damon look at him.

“What about Carter? He didn’t come like that” Damon fired back,

“Yeah….that one might actually be my fault” Tyler nodded, then broke out laughing, followed by Jackson.

“That one definitely yur fault. He go back to Howler Bay wit a drawl, Brandon gonna come lookin for you.” Jackson said.

“You can tell em right where to fine me too” Tyler howled,

“I’m not that bad!” Carter said,

“Brother, that’s what feisty pants says all the time and we put a bell on her” Damon replied, laughing.

“That’s cause you’re all assholes, I’ve been good lately.” Dax said, Kane and Johnny started laughing.

“Hey, I’m not that bad” She huffed and slumped onto the stool at the breakfast bar.

“Baby you’re still wearing the bell. You can’t really make that claim anymore,” Kane said.

“That’s because you won’t let me take it off, and guess what? You’re not getting any” Kane’s eyes widened.

“Ooo, puppy’s in the doghouse” Jackson laughed followed by Johnny.

“Kane’s not getting any dessert?” Kenzi had stopped working and looked at them all. Dax went red faced, she totally forgot, everyone else knew what that meant.

“No!” Dax shook her head, she could hear Jackson and Tyler snickering and she shot them a shut up look, but that only made it worse.

“Jus here or at Steve and Kennedy’s too? I made two desserts.” Kenzi asked

“He’s not getting any at either house” Dax said and nodded her head.

“Wow, no dessert for you….at any house, that’s rough” Adonis said, trying to fight his grin.

“Guess that means I can focus all my attention on you,” Kane fired back. Johnny’s words about playing along going over and over in his head.

“Aren’t I the lucky one?” Adonis countered,

“Probably a good thing we took separate vehicles, I’m not sure we’d fit together in the backseat,” Kane shot back.

“Yeah, you’re kind of a big guy. How do you fit in the backseat with your mate and not crush her?” Adonis asked,

“How do you fit in the backseat with yours?” Kane fired back,

“Adonis likes to cuddle” Kenzi interjected, that one broke Damon.

“I really do. I’m a cuddly kinda guy.” There went Johnny,

“That makes me the lucky one then, I like cuddles too” Kane replied,

“Aww….no peonies, no cuddles” The kitchen erupted into laughter.

Kenzi just looked at them all, she had no idea what they were talking about or why cuddling was funny or what any of it had to do with peonies and dessert. She turned away from them and went back to what she was doing, slipping her headphones on. Maybe she should read more, or watch tv with the sound on, then she might get the jokes as well. From the corner of his eye Adonis saw the confusion on his mate’s face. She didn’t know what was going on, or why anything they said had everyone laughing. When she turned away from them and slipped her headphones on, he didn’t need to read her mind to know what was going through her head. The music was meant to suppress what she was feeling. She’s calling herself stupid isn’t she? Odin asked. When he failed to answer the question, his wolf started grumbling. His mate wasn’t stupid, just completely innocent, and he loved that about her. He watched as she busied herself keeping her head down, lost in her own world and the music. Before he had a chance to think too much about it a throat clearing took his attention from his mate.

“It seems Ken….”

“Luna Kenzi” Jackson corrected Eric for the third time.

“Yes, Luna Kenzi seems to have everything under control here, why don’t we adjourn to the backyard. It’s where dinner will be served” Eric finished.

“Dinin hall still broken from the cows?” Jackson asked as he leaned against the counter a shit eating grin on his face.

“No, the rest of the pack will be eating there” Eric replied.

“Come now Eric don’t lie. They’re too afraid to eat with us for fear we might kill more of them.” Adonis commented.

“Those concerns were raised, especially when we were informed all of you would be in attendance, tonight” Eric replied,

“Very well then lead the way, but I’m not sitting at his table, he might get handsy.” Adonis replied, motioning towards Kane. Eric looked from Adonis to The King, confusion furrowing his brow.

“He likes me” Adonis said,

“No I don’t” Kane denied,

“Yes you do” Adonis fired at him,

“No I don’t,” Kane responded,

“Now you’re just lying to everybody” Adonis shook his head. Jackson snorted as he listened to the two men.

“You’re infuriating” Kane fired at him.

“And you keep complimenting me, thus proving my point that you like me” Adonis arched his brow, Kane had nothing to say to that.

“Fuck!” He grumbled under his breath, earning a snicker from Damon and Johnny.

“Ok then” Eric finally said as he crossed through the kitchen towards the patio doors.

“Ty….Delta Tyler is not joining us?” Eric asked, as he watched Tyler perch himself on the counter as he waited for the others to exit the kitchen.

“He will be staying in the kitchen with Luna Kenzi. You can try and shoot him full of wolfsbane, but the only thing that will successfully do is piss him off.” Adonis replied,

“I have already apologized to Beta Marco for what transpired” Eric commented.

“Of course you did, but are you sure he accepted it?” Adonis asked.

“He doesn’t speak English” Eric replied,

“That doesn’t mean he accepted it. He could have called you a fuck head for all you know” Adonis remarked and walked out the door Jackson laughing as he trailed behind him. Kane and Johnny shared a look, this was indeed going to be an interesting dinner. Eric bit back the growl, his little brother was going to be extremely difficult tonight it would appear.

Kenzi worked quietly in the kitchen as she finished preparing dinner. Maybe from now on she’ll just keep her music in when they talk. She doesn’t understand half of what they say and they always seem to get the jokes. Lost in her world of thoughts she didn’t notice a new presence in the kitchen.


“Oh my….I’m so….I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didint see you” Kenzi stumbled the words out of her mouth as she pulled the headphones from her ears. The man held his head, Kenzi had smacked him a good one with the spoon she was using to stir the carrots. Tyler and Marco both were howling with laughter at the look on his face.

“I’m….I’m sor….I’m so sorry” Kenzi said again. Maybe she shouldn’t keep her music in.

“It’s ok. I didn’t mean to startle you” She recognized that voice, but when he took his hand from his face her eyes widened. He was the man that was with Eric in the dining room yesterday. Cheerio was alerted as well and kept his body low so as to not alert the newcomer to his presence. But he watched intently the interaction between his master and the man. If she showed any signs of fear he would eradicate the threat.

“I know you!” Kenzi said. She couldn’t remember his name though, she was more focused on staying out of sight.

“We weren’t properly introduced. Emroy Bradshaw” He held out his hand and Kenzi hesitated. Biting her lip, she looked towards Tyler and Marco for help. This man didn’t feel threatening to her, but she didn’t know. Tyler had gotten off the counter and Marco stepped closer to her to help ease her anxiety, they watched the man intently, but never directly interfered.

“I understand,” He said and dropped his hand. “Your presence on these grounds was not well received and your reception was less than friendly, I’d be hesitant as well.” Again Kenzi looked towards Tyler and Marco.

“It means they was all assholes to you” Tyler said, clarifying what Emroy had just said.

“I don’t know why they acted like that and I am truly sorry for how you were treated. You didn’t deserve it, you have done nothing wrong” Emroy genuinely apologized to her. Even being in the room with her for less than a minute he could tell there was something about this little one.

“Kenzi Templeton” Kenzi offered her hand.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Luna Kenzi” Emroy shook and offered her a friendly smile, which she returned.

“Would you like a sample?” Kenzi offered, motioning towards the food she was preparing.

“That is very sweet thank you, but I will wait for dinner. It smells delicious by the way. Bacon goes with everything, but that is just my opinion” Kenzi released a little giggle and her smile lit her face up more. He smiled one more time and headed towards the patio door.

“Thank you for the wolfie,” Kenzi said, stopping him in his tracks. He turned back to her, his eyebrow arched in questioning.

“Wolfie?” He said.

“Adonis said you gived him to us,” Kenzi replied as she called for Cheerio. Emroy’s eyes widened when he saw the wolf.

“Chester!” Fell out of his mouth before he could stop it. The wolf never acknowledged the name, and he had no recollection of the man that just said it.

“No, his name is Cheerio,” Kenzi corrected. Emroy looked at her then back to the wolf standing beside her.

“Of course it is, forgive me. Cheerio,” The wolf turned to look at him, but he saw nothing in his glowing green eyes, no recognition, no memory.

“It was really nice of you” Kenzi said, Tyler was fighting back his grin at the look on Emroy’s face.

“I’m glad you like him. I’ll let you get back to your preparations” Emroy replied, as he continued out the back door he didn’t know what else to say. That was not what he was expecting.

“Did I do something wrong?” Kenzi asked Tyler,

“Nope, I don’t think he was expectin a six foot puppy in the kitchen” Tyler replied. Kenzi nodded, as she ran her fingers through Cheerio’s fur. She could see how that might shock some, but they were werewolves.

The tables outside were set up in a giant T shape. Each group had its own portion of it. Servers had come and taken the food to the buffet tables outside and Kenzi was now sitting in Adonis’s lap. Though there was a chair beside him, he wanted her there. He looked at his brother sitting directly across from him daring him to say something about it, but Eric said nothing. He didn’t have too, his look of displeasure said it all. Adonis eyed the others, it seemed the rest of his brothers and his father had come to rally around Eric today. As well as Beta’s, Gamma’s and Delta’s. Oh my! Odin snickered in his head. All of this for us, we should be so honoured! Looks of uneasiness were cast in their directions when Adonis asked about Evan’s whereabouts. No one gave him a straight answer. He was with a friend, a neighbouring pack, visiting his mate’s parents. When they saw Chester exit the house with Kenzi, the smile spread across Adonis’s face. Eyes widened and gasps were heard, none of them understood what was going on, but none of them dared to say anything. Eyes turned towards Eric, asking for some sort of explanation into what they were seeing. He had nothing, he cast a glance at Emroy who told him Evan was getting out of the area until Adonis left. Emroy said he would relay the message to Eric, but he didn’t understand why his youngest brother was running until Evan told him he was the one that put Adonis’s mate in the closet. He said it was for the best then, Adonis wouldn’t be forgiving if he found out. But the man now sat at the table with the same wide eyed shocked expression as the others. The man can act! Odin howled in his head.

Edgar was watching Tyler like a hawk. Everytime Tyler moved Edgar would flinch and push back from the table. He was ready to run at any second. The last time those two were in the same vicinity Tyler took Edgar’s head off four tables before he threw him through a wall. Out of all of Adonis’s brothers Tyler hated him the most. I think it’s time Tyler gets his puppy! Seriously! Dinner and a show Odin, it’ll be entertaining to see their faces! Entertaining? It’ll be a fucking riot….then we go home and mark our mate! Sounds like a plan to me!

“Are you going to keep staring at her or do you plan at some point getting on with the reason we’re here?” Adonis asked.

“Of course,” Eric said, blinking. “First of all, allow me to extend my gratitude at the preparations for the meal you have made.”

“He is thanking you,” Adonis whispered behind her.

“You’re welcome” Kenzi’s voice was small when she made her reply.

“Secondly, I sincerely apologize for the ordeal you experienced yesterday. I understand how something like that would be quite frightening for you. Be assured that we are looking into the matter” Eric said. Though his eyes darted to Chester.

“Have you found the one responsible?” Adonis asked.

“No” Eric snapped his eyes back to him. “Whoever it was acted on their own accord, no one associated with this pack had anything to do with what happened to Ken….”

“Luna Kenzi. And that is the last time you will be reminded of that” Adonis corrected him.

“Of course!” Eric replied, “I am sincerely sorry”

“It’s ok!” Kenzi replied, biting her lip. “I’m sorry I said that I hop-ed you get eated by a bear. I’m not pose to say that, Chief Lou said so,” Jackson and Tyler snorted, they were already choking back their laughter.

“You’ve said that before?” Emroy had to ask when he heard what she said.

“Once, he getted eated by a bear,” Kenzi replied. Adonis chuckled behind her.

“I understand why Chief Lou said to not say that then” Emroy replied, covering his grin.

“It’s alright, you are forgiven for that and the other thing you said,” Eric replied, then shot a look at Emroy.

“Oh, I’m not sorry I called you a giant butthole, you were being a giant butthole” Jackson and Tyler lost their battle, the brothers broke out laughing. Elijah bowed his head, but his shoulders were starting to shake. Emroy as well had to look away, the look on the little one’s face was making it impossible for him to keep his straight. Adonis grinned behind her, again daring his brother to say something. Eric’s face went red as he heard more and more laughing at him.

“You’re right I was being….mean and the things I said were uncalled for, I apologize” Eric replied sharply.

“She called him a giant butthole?” Damon asked quietly,

“She did, with a cute little angry puppy face and I have no idea how Marco was able to stand there and not burst out laughing, but aside from Eric and Emroy he was the only one that didn’t” Kane replied, covering his grin.

“Alejandro mi stava sgorgando in testa (Alejandro was gushing in my head)” Marco said,

“Where the fuck were we?” Johnny asked

“I don’t know, but it was funny” Kane replied,

“Good for that little girl. He is a giant butthole” Dax said.

“Except you would have called him an asshole” Damon said to her.

“The little pixie is not allowed to say the bad words” Kane remarked. “I think that was the harshest thing she could come up with,” Kane added. He was fighting to keep his face straight, but with Ky howling with laughter in his head it was quite difficult.

“They sound more normal coming from Marcus and he’s three” Johnny commented.

“Jackie must be so proud” Damon said to Marco

“Vengo colpito….a lot (I get hit)” Marco nodded, causing Johnny and Kenneth to laugh.

“Then Marco hit him,” Kane said, while the others looked at him.

“Alejandro si arrabbiò e non mi piaceva il modo in cui la stava guardando (Alejandro got angry, and I did not like the way he was looking at her)” Marco shrugged, Alpha Adonis said protect her so he did.

“Where the fuck were we that we missed all the excitement?” Johnny asked again.

“Missing the excitement apparently” Damon replied.

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