The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 85: Everyone Helps Part Five!


Kane and the others had made it to the clearing in time to hear Evan’s confession over what happened with Marco. Kenneth bit back the growl and looked at the man he had grown up with.

“What the hell?” Damon growled. Kane held his hand up, he wanted to hear what was being said. He saw the slight shifting from Adonis and the man they were talking to came into view.

“His twin!” Johnny said.

“I don’t think he’s going to be his twin for long,” Kane commented. The demons were firing question after question at him, daring him to lie to them. Their stance was tense, their presence intimidating, but what was more unnerving was how calm they all were. Their tones defied everything they were physically showing.

“What the hell is going on?” Damon asked,

“I don’t know,” Kane replied. It was hard to know anything The Devil was going to do. At any minute he could take the head clean off.

Dad hates The King.” That caught them by surprise. He’s only met the man once and that was when they first got to Primrose. They hadn’t really had any encounters since, so what could he have possibly done to him?

He wants to use you to overthrow the throne.” That realization made them all look at each other, but it was Alpha Adonis’s reply that made Kane smile. The Devil has no desire to take the throne, he doesn’t want to be King.

“What’s he going to do?” Damon asked.

“Chester I assume is the name of the wolf” Kane replied,

“Ok, what does that have to do with the little pixie needing protection?” Damon asked

“He’s going to turn him into a dog.” The words had no sooner left Kane’s mouth when Adonis struck fast. They stood and watched as he clamped his brother’s mouth down hard on his hand forcing his blood into him.

“That is too much, he’s going to turn fast,” Kenneth warned as he backed up slightly.

Half a shot would have been enough” they heard Elijah say. Kenneth checked their distance and then he backed up a little more just to be safe. For a little bit nothing happened. The twin sat on the ground not moving. They could see him struggling to keep it together.

He’s just going to let him fade

Then I’ll tell him.


The growl to call the wolf ripped through the clearing and they saw the glowing green eyes fixed on Adonis.

Hello Chester, do you know what’s happening?” ….grrrrrr…. The wolf shook his head, he growled more when Adonis told him his human counterpart was keeping a secret from him. He didn’t want to believe his human would turn on him.

He was just going to let you fade from existence.

Do you want to stay?” ….grrrRrrrr….

Then you better fight like hell.” ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Like someone rang the fight bell the man and beast struggled with each other. Clothes were ripped, skin was clawed as they went at each other throwing themselves all over the clearing floor. They watched as Jackson and Tyler took turns hitting him every time the wolf went quiet until finally it collapsed to the ground. Snarls and growls continued filling the air.

Chester!” More growls, more snarls. Kenneth backed up more.

“This is where it gets messy,” he said as the others looked at him. They backed up as well.

GET UP!” The command raising the hairs on the back of their necks as power and authority filled the small clearing.

Thirty seconds to get him to pledge.

You have one more choice to make!

Pledge or I’ll end you!” Without hesitation the wolf downed the shot that was handed to him and submitted before Adonis pledging to him right there on the clearing floor. All was quiet as they waited for what was to happen next.

They saw Elijah retreat further into the clearing and without question Adonis followed him. ….owooooooooooo…. The pained howl pierced the silence as the link was established between the wolf and his Alpha. He threw his head back and forth. ….grrrr…. ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. More growls and snarls rose up from the wolf as it fell to its knees. ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrr…. Bones started to crack and they could see the skin beginning to split.

Um....Eli....that posed to hap….” ….owooooooooooo…. Tyler was cut off by another howl as the brothers watched on not knowing what to do.

The....” The skin exploded from the body. Being far enough away to not get hit, the action still caused the others to step back startled as well.

Fuck?” Jackson finished as he stood there coated in the blood and skin remnants of the man formerly named Evan. Now before them all stood a six foot black wolf with three white paws and one white ear. It shook out its fur sending more blood flying and Tyler and Jackson just continued to look at it.

Eww....Evan juice” Tyler commented as he pulled a chunk of what they assumed was skin from his shoulder.

“That’s a little gross,” Carter exclaimed.

The fuck? Heads up woulda been nice Eli” Jackson snarled as Adonis and Elijah burst out laughing at them.

As much as Kane wanted to approach he continued to keep his distance. Kenneth told them what happened with the first wolf. It protected Elijah and went after Kenneth thinking he was a threat. Adonis approached cautiously at first. The wolf made no move against him.

“Sit!” He commanded and the wolf listened.

“Who is your Alpha?” Alpha Adonis Bradshaw!

“What is the name of your pack?” Black Shadow!

“Your job is to protect Kenzi, your Luna” Protect Luna!

“Good boy!” The wolf wagged his tail at the praise and waited for his Alpha to approach. Tyler stiffened a bit at that, it was his job to protect his sister.

“Relax Tyler, you are not being replaced. Delta protects Luna, but there will come times when I am going to need you, I don’t want her left unprotected. And he can’t go to the bakery” Adonis said.

“Yeah, he eat it,” Tyler replied, nodding.

“You do enough of that” Jackson broke out laughing at the look on his brother’s face. Though he couldn’t argue, he did.

“What his name?” Tyler asked,

“I’m going to let Kenzi name him, he belongs to her.” Tyler nodded.

“I want one!” Carter said again loudly this time. Adonis and the others turned looking at Alpha Kane and his men in the clearing. It was the first time they acknowledged their presence though they were aware of them.

“Have you talked to Brandon yet?” Damon asked, they watched Carter pull his phone from his pocket and quickly dialed the number.

“We’re getting a dog,” Carter blurted as soon as the line connected. Damon was fighting back his snickers as Johnny was about to crack beside him, they could just imagine the look on Brandon’s face.

“No, no, no! You can’t tell me no. You didn’t ask me if I wanted kids, you sprang that on me after Alpha tried to eat me and I didn’t say no” Adonis looked at Kane,

“You tried to eat him?” He asked, his brows raised. Jackson and Tyler were fighting back their laughter.

“No, I did not try to eat him,” Kane replied.

“No, no , no, I want a dog so we’re getting a dog and his name will be Scooby….Ok!” Carter said then hung up the phone.

“What did Brandon say?” Damon asked, still trying to fight his laughter. Carter looked at him, then turned back to Adonis.

“Can I have one please?” Carter asked,

“Guess we know what Brandon say,” Jackson howled with laughter as he clutched his sides.

“Toll em to ask nicely” Tyler choked out as he fell to his knees laughing. Adonis looked at his men, the smile tugging at his lips then he turned back to Carter and the hope he saw in the man’s eyes.

“Ok!” He replied,

“Yes!” Damon broke and started laughing as did Johnny and Kenneth. There was no denying Carter’s excitement over it.

“....please!....” Marco asked, pointing at himself. He wanted one as well, his kids would love it.

“Anyone else?” Adonis asked. Damon and Johnny’s hand went up immediately, but Kane too raised his hand.

“Should have enough” Elijah exclaimed as he was working over the calculation in his head on how much of his Alpha’s blood they had left, and how much they were going to need.

“I’m going to be bled dry,” Adonis mumbled as he moved towards the house where he had a mate that needed her dog.

“I don’t think so, but you won’t be the only one. Yours to turn them, but his to pledge them” Elijah stated, motioning towards Kane.

“Well aren’t we lucky” Adonis said as Kane fell into step beside him. Adonis let out a whistle and the wolf ran to catch up. Elijah took Jackson and Tyler to the other wolf so he could be named and they could get cleaned up. There was no way Brenda would allow them back in the house looking the way they did.

Kenzi was finishing up her preparations for dinner tonight in the kitchen. She had to make twice what she normally made, seeing how she was feeding two packs. The excitement she was feeling earlier at being told she was Adonis’s true mate was gone and an ever growing anxiety plagued her. She didn’t want to go back to Primrose, everytime she goes there, it doesn’t go well.

“You don’t have to go, you do know that little one, Adonis isn’t going to make you” Kennedy said as he watched more and more tension enter her little body.

“But it was re-req….I was asked to come, and it would be rude if I didint go,” Kenzi said as she bit her lip.

“Cause everything that dick did was polite?” Dax asked. They had both joined her in the kitchen when they felt soul crushing emotions coming from it.

“I already said I would go,” Kenzi said with a small sigh. She really didn’t want to go.

“Say you changed your mind. You can stay here with us instead. We’ll have a bonfire” Kennedy offered.

“I has to go. If you say you’re gonna do something you should do it. It makes people feel bad if you don’t.” Kenzi replied, nodding.

“You are too good for this world Kenzi” Dax said. She really is! Nyx agreed.

“That sounds like you speak from experience. Did people tell you they were going to do something and not follow through?” Kennedy asked, his heart was breaking for his brother’s sweet little mate.

“Teagan! My sister, she would always promise to come to my birthday, but never did.” Kenzi replied. Dax’s eyes widened as Nyx released a growl in her head.

“She bailed on your birthday?” Kennedy asked.

“I turned 21 a couple weeks ago and she was pose to come for dinner, but….she made uther plans,” Kenzi said.

“You didn’t get to celebrate your birthday?” Dax asked, Nyx whimpered in her head. That’s bullshit!

“No, I did! It was jus a few weeks later. The day before we left Tyler threw me a second chance birthday and I getted to party with the wild things,” Kenzi replied. “It was so much fun, there was dancing, and so much cake. And they shot each uther with a potato gun” Her smile lighting up her face at the memory of her party.

“They would think that was fun.” Kennedy agreed.

“The wild things?” Dax asked. She wasn’t going to touch the comment about the potato gun.

“Yeah, like the book Where The Wild Things Are? I love that book, my kids love it too.” Kennedy replied and Kenzi nodded in agreement.

“It was a real wild rumpus,” Adonis spoke as he came in the back door with the others following him.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” He asked when she crumbled into his arms.

“She doesn’t want to go to dinner, but she already said she would. And she’s too much of a sweetheart to say she’s changed her mind” Kennedy replied, before she had a chance to say anything.

“It would be breaking a promise and you shouldint break promises, it’s bad juju. Adam did all the tine and he kicked the bucket” Silence deafened the kitchen as they all stared at her.

“Where did you hear that?” Adonis asked, trying not to crack a grin as he looked down at her.

“Ember said it was a useanism for saying people died. I could has said he crossed the rainbow bridge but that sounds peez-ful. I don’t think getting eated by a bear is peez-ful, that sounds….hurty” Kenzi replied as she looked up at him. The kitchen filled up with laughter as one by one they broke.

“Did I say something wrong?” Kenzi asked as she looked at everyone. Concern flooding more into her.

“No, sweetheart, you said nothing wrong. Being eaten by a bear does indeed sound….hurty” Adonis choked out.

“Who’s Adam?” Damon asked under his breath.

“Ex, he used to beat her, so karma bit him” Tyler replied back.

“I know you don’t want to go sweetheart. And I’m not going to make you. If you changed your mind and want to stay here that’s ok. Considering everything you’ve been through, no one’s going to blame you. I’ll get grumpy if they do” Adonis held her closer to him as she gripped his shirt.

“No one wants that,” Kennedy mock shuddered. “And I don’t think they know that feeding him will make him stop being grumpy.” A little giggle slipped past her lips, when she heard Adonis grumble at his brother.

“No, its ok, I’ll go, but their not getting any brownie cookie bar bites….or chocolate mousse” Kenzi said burying her face in his chest

“Ok, none for them.” Adonis laughed, the deep rumble spread through his chest.

“My brave tiny dancer. We’ll leave as soon as you want to go, you just have to give us the word.” Adonis said.


“Promise!” Kenzi nodded her head again.

“Are you almost done?” Adonis asked,

“All done, why?” Kenzi asked,

“I have a surprise for you,” Adonis said as he led her from the kitchen. The others again followed. They wanted to see the look on her face when she saw the wolf for the first time. Kane couldn’t help but wonder what he was going to tell her, if she asked where it came from.

“Close your eyes and don’t peek” Kenzi closed her eyes and then covered them as she stood in the middle of the yard waiting to see the surprise. Excitement started to fill her as the thoughts of what it might be swirled in her mind. Maybe it’s a horse drawed buggy car thing! Or a hot air balloon ride! Or dancing uner the stars! The more she thought the more her body trembled. Excitement spilled from her and the others couldn’t fight their laughter.

“Open your eyes, Kenzi” Adonis said as he wrapped his arms around her. Kenzi listened, though she didn’t understand why he used her name. He usually only does that when he’s trying to get her attention and everything else didn’t work. She blinked a few times and looked around trying to locate the surprise, when her eyes landed on a wolf in front of her. He was a six foot black wolf with three white paws and one white ear, its glowing green eyes shone with love and adoration for his Luna as he bowed before her.

“It’s a….wolfie?” Kenzi said. She didn’t understand. This was not what she was expecting at all.

“He’s your wolfie” Adonis told her,

“M-my, my wolfie? I getta wolfie? Where did he come from?” She looked up at him then looked back at the wolf. They all waited to hear what Adonis had to say.

“Emroy gave him to us,” Adonis replied. Jackson snorted, it wasn’t a lie.

“He did? Why would he do that?” Kenzi asked. She clenched her hands, she so badly wanted to pet the wolf.

“To make up for what happened yesterday,” Adonis answered.

“Oh, well that was nice of him. And he’s mine? I getta….I getta wolfie? My very own wolfie?” Kenzi looked deep into his eyes, he could see the happiness edging out the confusion and crushing the despair he saw there moments earlier. The smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. She looked back at the wolf, her body vibrated and trembled under his fingers as her excitement threatened to take her. Then she looked back at him. Her hands grasped him tightly, the look on her face begging him to tell her it was true.

“All yours!” The smile broke big as she squealed with joy. This was the second best surprise ever, her very own wolfie.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you” Kenzi hugged Adonis tightly. “What’s his name?”

“What do you want to call him?” Adonis asked. Cookie here we come! Odin howled.

“Cheerio!” Adonis looked down at her, his mouth slightly open as Odin howled harder in his head. The name was so much better than he thought it would be. He could hear the laughter from the others.

“Cheerio?” He asked, no surely he didn’t hear that right.

“Cheerio, cause he cheerio up.” Kenzi said and hugged him again.

“Cheerio, get yur furry ass in the house” Jackson roared, alongside Tyler.

“I won’t laugh if you won’t” Elijah choked out, but he was already laughing as he was envisioning his Alpha standing on the back deck yelling that. Stand tall, hold your head high and walk with pride! Your pride took a beating! This will not embarrass me! Are you sure about that? I let you chase butterflies! But I’m not named after a breakfast cereal! He looked at his mate and saw how happy it made her and he smiled. I’m sure! Adonis stood tall, with his head raised. This will not embarrass him.

“Your name is Cheerio and you belong to Kenzi” He said in a commanding tone. My name is Cheerio, My Luna is Kenzi and I am hers!

Adonis released Kenzi so she could pet her wolf. He watched as she ran her fingers through his fur over and over calling him a good boy. He lavished in the attention, sniffing her, snuffling her hair causing her to giggle, familiarizing himself with her scent.

“He goin off in yur head?” Jackson asked as he stood beside Adonis.

“Surprisingly enough no. He understands, but he has made it abundantly clear that he is the only wolfie allowed in the bed.” Adonis replied.

“Emroy gave him to you?” Kane asked as he stood on the other side of Adonis and watched Kenzi pet and hug the wolf. The little pixie didn’t even show an ounce of fear as the six foot beast stood over her.

“Not a lie. Emroy hand him right over when Tyler an I went to go get him,” Jackson replied.

“That was nice of him,” Kane said, a crooked smile falling across his face.

“She said the same thing about you when you lost seven grand,” Adonis said with his own grin spreading.

“I only lost seven grand because you cheated” Kane said,

“Did I?” Adonis said as he continued to watch his mate.

“You did and you know you did. You knew how much she could drink.” Kane countered.

“You still owe me six grand” Adonis fired back,

“And you owe me an hour and a half of your time. When you deliver on your end, I’ll deliver on mine” Kane said.

“That’s cheating!” Adonis commented,

“Says The Devil who cheats all the time” Kane fired back,

“Who’s the asshole now?” Adonis shot back.

“Oh I’m an asshole, you’re just a bigger one” Kane said.

“He keeps complimenting me and I’m starting to get a little concerned” Adonis turned to Jackson, he was holding back his laughter. “He grabs my ass….I won’t be held responsible for what I do”

“It’s almost time to go” Johnny said when he joined them

“Probably a good thing, he keeps hitting on me.” Adonis said

“I’m not hitting on you” Kane huffed,

“You’re taking your own vehicle, I don’t trust you in the backseat with me, you might try something and I like to be wined and dined first” Johnny broke out laughing at the look on Kane’s face as he watched Adonis and Jackson walk away. No one has ever gotten away with saying half the things the demons dared to say to Kane.

“Hey! Don’t forget the peonies” Jackson yelled at him then broke out laughing.

“I think he likes you,” Johnny said.

“I think he’s fucking with me” Kane stated,

“Remember what Kenneth said, that’s how they socialize and bond with others. They tease and toy with them. I think the idea is to play along.” Johnny reminded him “And I don’t think they view asshole as an insult, I think it’s a term of endearment to them like idiot is to us.”

“So he really is playing with me?” Kane said,

“Just like Elijah does to Damon,” Johnny said as they watched Damon jump again as Elijah appeared behind him. Kenneth was laughing when Damon called him a fucking ninja for the upteenth time and then apologized.

“And I don’t think any of us want to know the trouble Marco and Carter have been getting into with mini monster,” Johnny said as they turned to the three men laughing at something.

“Yeah, that boy’s not coming back the same,” Kane said, referring to Carter.

“Nope! Brandon’s not going to let him go anywhere with us anymore. We really are a bad influence” Johnny agreed.

“I don’t think we can be blamed for this,” Kane said as they watched Tyler flip Carter onto his back then take off running as Carter chased after him.

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