The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 85: Everyone Helps Part Four!


It was a few hours after the initial meeting with Elephant. Evan locked her in the closet, now Evan’s wolf was going to be her personal guard dog. I always liked Chester! He won’t stay a Chester! What’s his name gonna be? Whatever Kenzi wants! I’m gonna laugh if she calls him cookie! Adonis had gone to check on his mate, to make sure she was okay. Kenzi was a little disheartened, but she did agree to dinner tonight at Primrose. Her presence was requested and she didn’t want to seem rude by declining. He assured her that she was not going alone and under no circumstance would she be left without one of them with her at all times. Wolfsbane doesn’t work on demons, so they could pump them full of it and the only thing that would accomplish was pissing them off. He also told her they won’t be staying long, and if she wanted to leave at any time they would. He left her happily in the kitchen, making her preparations for dinner tonight. None of them were going to eat anything Primrose cooked for them. Eric said he understood when he called and made his demands. Though the anger was heard in his voice when he found out they were all going to be accompanying her tonight. He had hoped it would just be Adonis and not the others. When he asked about Marco, Adonis said he had passed the message on to Alpha Kane, but he was done playing messenger and would have to deal with him directly.

He was now standing back in the clearing waiting for the demon brothers to show up. They told him they were about five minutes away.

“Are you ready for this?” Adonis asked Elijah, when the brothers came into view dragging what he assumed was a fighting hooded Evan behind them.

“Yes!” Elijah replied, he knew what to expect this time.

“Good!” Adonis nodded his head.

“Were there any problems?” Adonis asked when they dropped the struggling body at his feet.

“Nope!” Tyler replied.

“Did you just walk in and grab him?” Elijah asked, he looked over the body there was hardly a mark on him.

“Nope! Emroy gave him to us” Jackson replied, “We was bout to walk in when he stop us ask what we doin. We tell him we here for Evan”

“Emroy say they not jus gonna give em to us an to go wait in the woods, give em ten minutes.” Tyler added,

“I say fine, but if he not there, then we gonna collect him to. Ten minute later Emroy show up wit Evan.” Jackson said.

“And he just came willingly?” Adonis asked,

“No, he was a lil shock. Put up a fight until Tyler clock em one an put him down. He woke up when we got back,” Jackson said.

“Emroy say he figure somein to tell Eric, bout his sudden disappearance.” Tyler said.

“I wonder what that’s going to be,” Elijah said.

“Guess we’ll find out at dinner” Adonis replied.

“Hello Evan!” Adonis said as he took the hood from his twin’s head.

“Adonis! What the fuck?” Evan said, his eyes wide as saucers as he looked up at him.

“What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck indeed?” Adonis replied, “I suppose you heard what happened to my mate?”

“Your….mate! Um….yeah….I mean we all did. Someone shoved her in a closet.” Evan said, his heart beat wildly and his breath came in gasps. Please say he doesn’t know!

“Someone? You’re probably wondering why you’re here” Adonis looked down at his brother.

“A lit…a little bit. I-I-I didn’t have any-anything to do….with what happened to her.” He stammered out as he looked at all the demons around him.

“Are you sure about that?” Adonis asked.

“It wasn’t me!” Evan said, forcefully.

“Your thoughts tell me otherwise. I know it was you, but you don’t do anything without being told, so I am wondering who put you up to it?” Adonis growled at him. Evan’s eyes widened when he heard that.

“You could save yourself some trouble and tell us, or we can get the information out of you the fun way. Either way you will tell us what we want to know, the question is how much pain do you want to endure?” Adonis said when Evan failed to answer him.

“It was dad!” Evan blurted after he saw Elijah shift slightly. “He said to get your mate out of the way, she was too much of a distraction. S-s-she wasn’t supposed to get hurt, but she kicked and fought back. I-I-I didn’t mean to hurt her” Evan said.

“But you did hurt her. Multiple times you hurt her. You threatened to break her neck if she didn’t go with you willingly.” Evan’s body started to tremble. He was going to die violently at the hands of his twin.

“Alpha Kane’s Beta?” Elijah asked,

“I was just supposed to get him out of the way.” Evan replied, as he looked towards him.

“You did. Almos permanently,” Jackson fired at him.

“What?” Evan’s eyes widened,

“You shot him full of wolfsbane” Tyler said holding back the growl that wanted out

“What? No, no, no. D-d-dad said they were tranquillizers. They were tranquillizers. They would just put him to sleep, n-n-not kill him. He didn’t say anything about killing him.” Evan looked at all the men, the wheels in his head turning.

“You big stupid” Jackson smacked him in the back of the head.

“He played me!” Evan said as he held the back of his head.

“What do you know about the attacks on White Stone?” Adonis growled.

“Dad! It’s dad, it’s all dad. He figured that if rogues attack White Stone, they would sign an alliance with Eric. He knew Ste….” Evan was speaking fast as he began to realize more and more what was going on.

“Alpha Steve” Adonis corrected him.

“Right….s-s-sorry. Alpha Steve would call you and see that we were helping take care of it. You know, get in your good books and you would align with Eric as well.” Evan answered.

“Why?” Elijah asked.

“Dad hates The King. He doesn’t think he deserves to have the power he does. With you by his side he would be more powerful than The King.” Evan’s eyes were wide as his body shook with fear.

“He wanted to use you to overthrow the throne” Elijah commented.

“There is a problem with that. I would never align with Eric, and I don’t care for the throne. If I go after it it’s because I want it, not because I’m going to give it away to a piece of shit like Ethan” Adonis replied.

“W-w-what are you gonna do? I didn’t mean to hurt her” Evan swallowed hard.

“But you did hurt her, and there needs to be consequences for your actions,” Adonis said.

“A-a-are you gonna rip me apart?” Evan tried backing away from him, only for Tyler to throw him back.

“No, Kenzi needs protection….”

“Yeah, yeah I can protect her” Evan readily agreed, cutting off any more he could say.

“No, not you….Chester!” Adonis replied. “I’ve always liked him better”

“Ch-Chester?” Evan furrowed his brow and when he looked up, Adonis struck him hard across the face. He shoved the side of his hand in Evan’s mouth and forced him to bite down hard enough to break his skin. He kept his hand there and watched as his blood drained into his brother.

“What the fuck?” Evan gasped as he sputtered and spit the blood out, wiping his mouth when Adonis pulled his hand back.

“Either you or Chester are going to remain on the surface, the other one will disappear….permanently” Adonis replied. Evan stared at him wide eyed.

“How much was I supposed to give him?” Adonis asked Elijah as he watched the bite wound heal up.

“Half shot would have been enough. That would have given him ten minutes” Elijah replied.

“Well I think I gave him more than that,” Adonis said as he looked back at his brother.

“You did,” Elijah replied.

“How long is this going to take?” Adonis asked, he’s never actually watched the process before.

“With the amount you gave roughly five minutes, give or take” Elijah replied.

“The fuck?” Jackson huffed after a minute of nothing.

“This borin. How you like this?” Tyler added huffing as Evan sat perfectly still.

“Something’s wrong,” Elijah said as he looked more closely at Evan.

“What?” Adonis asked as he looked at his brother.

“He’s not telling his wolf,” Elijah said. “He’s going to just let him fade”

“Then I’ll tell him”


“Hello Chester, do you know what is going on?” Adonis asked, when the glowing green eyes of Evan’s wolf stared back at him.


“Evan is keeping a secret from you,”

….grrrrrr…. ….grrrrrr….

“Oh but he is, I’ve always liked you Chester so if you don’t fight, you’re going to die. Evan is saving himself. He’s just going to let you fade from existence. You can feel it can’t you?”

….grrrrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr….

“Do you want to stay?”


“Then you need to fight like hell”

….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. With the released growl Chester ripped at the clothes he wore. He threw himself on the ground to fight back Evan who was trying to surface.

“If Chester stops fighting, cause pain, they become aggressive. Maybe three minutes left.” Elijah said.

Tyler and Jackson took turns hitting him everytime Chester went quiet. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Growls and snarls filled the air as the wolf and man continued to fight against each other for dominance. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. When the body crashed to the clearing floor they all stopped and watched.

“This part needs to go quick, you’ll have thirty seconds before transformation to get him to submit.” Elijah said.

Chester!” Adonis called ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Greeted him as the manwolf began to move.

GET UP!” Adonis commanded. Rising to its feet Chester looked at Adonis.

“Congratulations, but you have one more choice to make.” Adonis held out a shot of blood. “Pledge or I’ll end you” Chester’s eyes widened as he looked from Adonis to the shot in his hand. Not really seeing much of a choice, Chester grabbed the shot and downed it, bowing before Adonis.

“Good boy. Now what?” Adonis asked as he turned to look at Elijah who had backed quite the distance away. Adonis turned back to Chester, nothing was happening so why was Elijah almost on the other side of the clearing. He does everything for a reason! Yes he does! Adonis moved back as well, something bad was about to happen.

“This is where it gets messy” Elijah spoke as he watched Chester carefully.

“Mes….” ….owooooooooooo…. His question was cut off as the ear piercing howl rose up through the clearing. Chester was grabbing at his head, throwing it violently back and forth. ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr….

“He’s ok that’s just the link establishing, messy comes next” Elijah assured him. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrr…. Small growls and snarls escaped from the wolf as it fell to its knees. ….grrrrrr…. Tyler and Jackson just stared at it not knowing what to do. ….grrrrrr…. Bones cracked as it arched its back ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. The flesh began to tear away. Adonis watched eyes wide at what was happening on the clearing floor. ….grrrr…. ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr….

“um….Eli…. this posed to hap….” ….owooooooooooo…. Tyler was cut off by another piercing howl.

“The….” The flesh exploded away from the body covering Jackson and Tyler in skin and blood. They both stared wide eyed at the black wolf with three white paws and a white ear standing in front of them.

“Fuck?” Jackson said, finishing what he was about to say. The wolf shook, sending more blood splattering all over the brothers as they continued to stare at it.

“Eww….Evan juice” Tyler said, pulling a chunk of skin from his shoulder.

“The fuck? Heads up woulda been nice Eli.” Jackson snarled looking at him as Adonis and Elijah burst out laughing.

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