The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 85: Everyone Helps Part Seven!

….And A Show!

Dinner commenced and the conversation carried, though it was forced. No one really wanted to talk to each other and the tension was thick.

“What is that deranged game you all seem to like to play?” Eric asked,

“1000 ways to die, why?” Jackson answered.

“Why don’t we play around? Maybe it’ll break the tension” Ethan suggested.

“I don’t know how to play that game” Kenzi interjected,

“Well you should get familiar with it, it’s one of their favourites so you’ll be playing it a lot” She wasn’t sure which brother that was, but the tone they used caused Kenzi to shrink back into the safety of Adonis’s chest.

“….grrrr…. Her don’t has to play” Tyler snarled at the man, shutting him up.

“Edgar, that’s enough,” Eric said, holding his hand out. “Dad is right though, there is a lot of tension in the air and maybe doing something like that will help clear it.”

“Kenzi ain’t playin. Her too sweet. If her do kill you, it cause it yur fault an ate too many fuckin cupcakes” Jackson said.

“Experience Jackson?” Adonis asked, raising an eyebrow at his Beta.

“So fuckin good, an so fuckin worth it” Jackson replied. The pink blush hit Kenzi’s face as her nose wrinkled and the little giggle escaped past her.

“I’ll play for Kenzi” Adonis said, the Bradshaw brothers all sat back, as looks of fear crossed their faces.

“What’s the matter, don’t want to play a game with your little brother?” Adonis asked.

“I’ll play for her” Elijah offered, he doesn’t generally play the game, but for his Luna he would.

“Well that yur choice The Devil or the torture lovin ninja. Either way death is gonna be painful” Tyler said. “I playin by the way.”

“Me too!” Jackson nodded.

“We’ll let Elijah play for Kenzi” Emroy said when none of the other brothers answered, that way it also let Adonis play the game.

“Then I’m playing as well” Adonis said,

“I’ll play” Kane said,

“I’ll play” Dax said,

“Playing” Damon raised his hand and Johnny nodded in agreement.

“I’ll play” said Eric,

“Guess I’ll play as well,” Emroy added when he saw Eric’s look.

“How do you play?” Kenzi asked,

“You pick a target and think of the most horrible way for them to die,” Eric explained. Kenzi’s eyes widened and she shook her head. Nope, don’t wanna play that game!

“Who are we killing?” Adonis asked,

“We could kill you?” Eric offered,

“Can’t kill someone playin the game you big stupid” Jackson fired at him.

“Let’s kill Ethan,” Tyler suggested.

“Sounds good to me” Adonis seconded.

“I’m not killing dad” Eric huffed.

“Fine, be a little bitch about it.” Adonis snarled.

“We play teams,” Jackson suggested.

“That would work. We kill Eric, they kill me and The Royals can kill whoever they want” Adonis said.

“Fine!” Eric agreed.

“Don’t just go after Primrose, go after the demons as well” Kane sent through the link.

The game started and everything from hanging, to crushed by boulders was thrown out.

“Pick something Emroy” Eric hissed, he was the only one that hasn’t said anything.

“Strung and quartered,” Emroy replied, staring straight at the table. He didn’t want to play with his little brother being the target.

“Elijah, on the rack” Kenneth called out a grin turning his lips up.

“I’ve always wanted to use one of those,” Elijah said with his own smile.

“Thought you’d like the irony” Kenneth replied.

“Pulled behine a big rig,” Jackson said.

“Stoning” Eric threw out. Kenzi squeaked then fell quiet as all eyes turned towards her.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” Adonis asked, looking down at her.

“You can’t stone someone to death” Kenzi whispered, Elijah could only smile.

“Why not?” Adonis asked.

“You’d has to hit them evry tine you throwed the rock. Even if they were all the same size, over tine your arm would get tired and hurty and they would get heavy and you wouldint be able to throwed them as far.” Kenzi replied.

“You would most likely die of exposure then the stoning” Elijah added.

“Soun like a plausible reason why that won’t work” Jackson said.

“I’m gonna flip Tyler off a bridge,” Carter shot out.

“Yeah, I has that comin” Tyler quipped, trying not to laugh.

“Maybe stop flipping em on his back” Jackson choked out,

“Ain’t gonna kill em, he not a turtle” Tyler howled. They were having the best time ever. More and more ways went around the table,

“Liquid nitrogen”


“Gored by bulls”

“Crush by a chandelier”


“Eww….fuck that nasty, that be a reason Eli don’t play the game” Jackson said as he shook his head.

“Boomslang” Kenzi blurted,

“The fuck a boomslang?” Tyler asked as his head snapped towards her.

“It’s a venomous tree snake native to Sub-Saharan Africa” Elijah replied.

“They’re so cute though, but don’t let them bited you, it’ll make you bleed. They has hemorocks” Kenzi added and nodded her head.

Hemotoxin” Elijah corrected and watched her mouth the word over and over.

“Their venom is primarily a hemotoxin, it prevents blood from clotting. It causes internal bleeding, from the lungs, brain, heart, liver and external bleeding from the mouth, eyes, nose, ears basically all orifices and because the blood doesn’t clot you bleed to death.” Elijah explained.

“Yeah, fuck yeah give em a snake bite. That a good one, way to go Lil K,” Tyler said, she giggled and her nose wrinkled at the compliment.

“My clever tiny dancer. Kenzi and Elijah watched a documentary on them a couple days ago,” Adonis said as he kissed the top of her head.

“What else you got Lil Kenzi Cakes?” Jackson asked, encouraging her.

“Belladonna!” Kenzi said.

“Causes hallucinations” Elijah said when Eric looked at her.

“Just lead him out to the lake, he’ll drown himself” Adonis nodded,

“Harvey’s wood eater”

“Grisly, painful an gets rid of the body” Tyler nodded,

“Elijah!” Jackson snorted, while Tyler broke out laughing. Elijah’s eyes widened, he was not expecting to be used as a tool to kill someone, but even he had to admit that was a good one.

“I never would have thought to use Elijah as a way to die in the game” Adonis had to admit. Our mate is so smart! Odin gushed in his head.

“Well nex time we play, whoever say him wins. Eli can make it grisly, painful an tortuous all at the same time” Jackson agreed. “That’s impressive, her good at this game”

“The blast chiller”

“Ooo, go from squishy to rock hard an ice cold in mere minutes” Tyler again had to nod.

“Um….microsized fetish” all eyes turned to her, jaws dropped and eyes widened.

“What?” Jackson asked before he broke out laughing. As more and more broke out laughing Kenzi started growing concerned with what she said. She watched a documentary on flesh eating diseases and knew that would be a bad way to die, maybe she got the name wrong. Elijah leaned forward burying his face in his hands. He knew what she wanted to say, but how she said what she did say with conviction got him and he couldn’t stop himself. His shoulders shook and he could feel his eyes starting to water as the laughter slipped out of him.

“I don’t think that’s what she was going for” Damon howled.

“Necrotizing fasciitis?” Adonis hazard a guess that might have been what she was going for. He was fighting as hard as he could to stay in control while everyone around him was cracking. Her face was so serious when she said it now it held confusion and concern.

“That’s what I said” She replied as she looked up at him then back at everyone else. Elijah could only shake his head, he was at a complete and utter loss for words. Tyler had tears streaming down his face. He was laughing so hard and Jackson had fallen from his chair.

“No, that is not what you said” Adonis told her, his shoulders started to shake.

“What did I say?” Go ahead tell her what she said! Odin roared with laughter.

“Microsized fetish” He choked out before he broke out laughing.

“What’s the dif-dif-fer-rence?” Kenzi asked, it sounded the same to her.

“For starters one is a flesh eating disease and the other is not” Damon managed to get out. Adonis held onto her tighter as he was almost about to drop her on the ground.

“What’s the other?” Kenzi asked as she looked at everyone,

“Microsized means small….tiny” Jackson said when he got back into his chair.

“Ok….what’s fetish mean?” Kenzi asked, they all looked at Adonis. None of them were going to answer that. Kenneth had to grab Marco and shake his head, he was not about to let him tell her what that meant. Adonis knew he would be the one that had to explain it to her. Getting control over himself, he leaned down and whispered it into her ear. Her eyes went wide and her breath stilled. Her jaw dropped open, but no words escaped her as she learned the meaning of what she said to Eric. Yup, toadally getted the name wrong! Kenzi felt the heat rise in her cheeks and she imagined she went through every shade of red there was until her cheeks matched the colour of her lips. She looked at Eric and shook her head. She didn’t mean to say that, her mouth moving but still nothing escaped her.

“I-I-I….I-I-I didint mean to say that, I-I-I didint mean to say it. Th-that’s not what I meaned.” She finally managed to get out. “I’m sorry!” It was squeaked and small and caused everyone to start laughing again.

“Maybe he does has a microsized fetish” Jackson cracked, Johnny and Damon both hit the ground this time.

“Oh no!” Kenzi whispered when she realized what that meant, shrinking right back into the safety of Adonis’s arms.

“What’s….wrong sweetheart?” Adonis managed to get out.

“I’m small and tiny” she whispered then snuck a peek at Eric. Elijah had lost it completely and had to leave the table.

“I’m sorry” was all he could say before he vacated his seat.

“Kenzi broke Eli,” Jackson said wide eyed as he watched him walk away.

“I din’t think nuttin break that man,” Tyler said, as he too watched Elijah leave the table.

“Kenzi broke him,” Jackson said. By Adonis’s knowledge Kenzi had broken Elijah four times and that’s just since they’ve been here.

Eric’s Delta had finally had enough and was on his feet before Eric could stop him. Adonis had Kenzi spun in his lap facing him with her headphones on.

“Don’t take those off” He told her, she nodded and he pressed play as the Delta took his first and last step towards Kenzi. Tyler was on his feet the laughter dead in his eyes as Bal surfaced.


The Delta’s head connected with the table three times and the neck was snapped with the head facing the opposite direction before anyone could utter a single word. The body dropped to the ground.

“….grrrrrr…. Dammit!” Tyler growled,

“Well that was quick” Jackson joked “You gotta learn to be more gentle wit yur toys”

“Son bitch ….grrrrrr….” Tyler growled again, then looked up and saw a Beta backing away from the tables.

“Oh, oh, oh….Beta’s mine” Tyler called and took off over the table.

“Fuck that! Beta gets the Beta” And Jackson took off as well.

“Don’t look shocked Eric, you were warned. War was declared and more bodies would drop until you bring me the one responsible for what happened to my mate” Adonis looked his eldest brother dead in the eye when he spoke.

ADONIS!” Ethan boomed, but received absolutely no reply, nothing not even a grunt. While his bellow made his other sons bow and submit, he received no acknowledgement from his youngest. Adonis just picked up his drink, swirled it in his glass and tipped it too his lips. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Adonis finished his drink as the growl ripped from beside him. Cheerio stood there, eyes fixed and trained on Ethan, teeth bared, hackles raised. Kenzi might be his master, but Adonis was his Alpha. Reaching over and giving the wolf a scratch behind the ear his top lip twitched. Ethan was grumbling in his head about his lack of authority over his youngest son. The disrespect Adonis continued to show him, but when Chester growled at him, he felt the man’s fear.

“Elijah, did you learn your new theory?” Adonis asked, Elijah was standing on the other side of him.

“I did” Elijah replied,

“Have you tested it out yet?” Adonis watched his little mate as she was lost in the music.

“I could use more practise” Elijah informed him,

“Do you think you could hit Eric’s Gamma from here? He seems to have deserted his pack” Adonis said. Elijah just smiled and picked a plate up off the table testing the edge of it. What do you think, Asmo? Fuck yes!

“What theory does he have now?” Johnny asked as he watched him intently.

“I don’t know, but it has something to do with plates.” Damon replied as he watched Elijah remove his suit jacket and lay it across the back of his chair. Once more he picked up the plate and tested the edge. This will work nicely! Eric always had nice stuff! He is rather considerate when it comes to giving us items to use to kill things! It’s very nice of him! Very obliging indeed. High and to the right, Asmo! Obl….! Helpful, high and to the right!

With orange glowing in Elijah’s eyes they tracked the Gamma. In one fluid movement the plate was whipped high and right through the air. They all sat and watched, waiting to see what was going to happen. The Gamma running came to a dead stop and just stood there for a few seconds as the plate went right by him. The next moment happened in slow motion the body dropped, and then the head.

“Holy shit!” Carter blurted when he saw it, his eyes were wide as he looked from the body to Elijah then back to the body.

“Have fun Elijah” Adonis said to his Gamma, a wicked smile crossing his face. With a smile of his own Elijah moved towards the buffet table and the stack of plates that sat neatly upon it. The others were in the dining hall, but the big picture windows that separated it from the outside would give Elijah all the access he needed.

Tyler had tackled the Beta by the buffet table and was now sitting on his chest pinning his arms down. Jackson had crushed his legs to prevent him from kicking his brother off.

“Hey, what soun an eye make when you pop it out?” Tyler asked,

“Don’t know the whole head jus make a crunchy soun when you crush it” Jackson replied,

“You think it make poppy soun, like it do in cartoons?” Tyler asked as he stared down into the Beta’s ever widening eyes.

“Don’t know!” Jackson replied,

“Experiment?” Tyler looked up at his brother,

“Experiment!” Jackson replied, grabbing a fork off the table. The fear pouring from the Beta had Ko and Bal howling for more, encouraging the brothers to pop his eyes out. It make squishy! Ko howled for more. He got two! Bal added.

“We got two tries to get a poppy soun” Jackson said. “Hole his eye open” Jackson said as he positioned the fork. Tyler listened to his brother and held the Beta’s left eye open.

“Stab it in scramble it aroun an yank it out” Tyler encouraged. “Hole still stupid, this only gonna hurt for a secon”


“Don’t stab me!” Tyler blurted,

“I ain’t gonna stab you stupid, don’t break my concentration” Jackson barked back. “1….2….3” Jackson plunged the fork into the man’s eye. ….ahhhhhhhhhhhh…. He let out a piercing scream as pain shot through him. He bucked wildly trying to knock Tyler off. Thrashing his body, shaking his head.

“Quick yank it out, before the buckin bronco knock me off” Tyler said as he held onto the bucking man. ….ahhhhhhhhhhhh…. Jackson gripped the fork tightly and began to pull it back as the man screamed in agony. The sound emitted from the action was the same squelching, sucking sound one would make if they were stomping through the mud. The eye came free from the man’s head and both brothers couldn’t help the disappointment they felt when neither heard a popping sound. Tyler punched him.

“Big stupid” Tyler huffed then punhed him again. It was completely the Beta’s fault his eye didn’t pop like they wanted it to.

“The fuck Eli doin?” Jackson asked as they watched him take a position at the table and grab a plate. The brother’s eyes widened when they saw the first plate crash through the window and a headless body hit the floor.

“Holy fuck….do it again, do it again” Tyler said as he watched all the werewolves inside scream and panic.

“Hit the guy in green” Jackson said, pointing to a werewolf who just slammed himself into the wall. He was unfortunate enough to be sitting at the same table as the one that just lost his head. Screams of terror filled the air as the man that once stood against the walls body hit the floor. The plate was embedded into the wall still portraying his head, wide eyed shocked expression and all.

“Nailed em! Do it again, do it again, the guy in blue” Tyler cheered encouraging Elijah. Plates were whipped into the dinning room at an alarming rate. The brothers cheered everytime they made their targets.

“The guy tryin to run out the door,” Jackson said, then laughed when he lost his head.

As chaos reigned down Adonis sat there watching his mate, happily dancing in his lap. Her eyes were closed as the music carried her far, far away. He watched as her mouth moved to the words and periodically one would slip out. His smile grew more and more on his face as she started to become louder with her singing. Kane was also watching. She was completely oblivious to what was going on around her.

“The Devil does have a weakness,” Kane said as he watched the two. The little pixie was the sole focus of The Devil, his eyes haven’t left her.

“It’s not one that could be used against him though” Johnny said as he watched the pair.

“No, what he would do if someone ever took her would make this look like a child’s birthday party gone wrong” Kane agreed.

“I can’t watch this anymore” Dax said as she left the table, not waiting for Kane to say anything. They truly are monsters! They were warned this was going to happen! Nyx said. You’re not shocked? How can you be shocked? They pixienapped the little pixie, beat her up and locked her in a closet and they tried to kill Marco. If this was boulderhead, none of them would have their heads either. You saw what he did when he discovered the captive cats! Dax had nothing to say to that, but she still didn’t want to see anymore.

“How can you just sit there?” It was one of the other brothers that drew their attention.

“Do you know who is responsible?” Adonis replied, never taking his eyes off his mate.

“We already told you” The same brother snapped,

“Then more bodies will drop” Adonis said,

“You sick monster” The man was moving out of his chair when Adonis finally turned his eyes on him. The flickering was low, but began to grow. The man swallowed hard as flames engulfed Adonis’s eyes.

“You should be a little more grateful, Edgar. My mate is sitting in my lap and she is the only thing stopping me from joining the fun. You have no idea what I am capable of doing, and you don’t want to see the monster you’ve created up close” Adonis warned him. “But I’ll make you a deal. I’ll stop this right now and let the rest of your packs live another day if you tell me what you know about the attacks on White Stone.” They all looked at each other. One of them knew something, but no one was saying anything. They shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

“We don’t know anything about that,” Eric replied.

“Are you sure?” Adonis asked, he caught the movement of Ethan from the corner of his eye.

“We don’t know about the rogue attacks on White Stone” Eric said more firmly.

Your Delta is dead, your Gamma lost his head, Your Beta only has one eye, but go ahead, continue to lie” Odin turned his attention back to his mate. Adonis got what he wanted.

“Hey, what you call a one eyed Beta?” Jackson asked,

“What?” Tyler said as he looked at his brother

“A second chance at makin the other eye pop” Jackson replied then broke out laughing. The Beta beneath Tyler started struggling again as the brother’s howled over the stupid joke. Elijah had stopped throwing plates as the dining room had cleared out, he now looked around the grounds and saw werewolves had scattered in every direction. Time for some distance! So much fucking fun! Asmodeus howled with glee as he reached for another plate. We are running out. We have only ten plates left! Better make them count then, how fars the one in the red? 30 meters! Asmodeus whipped the plate. Red now dead. The one in the black? 40 meters! Grabbing the next plate he whipped it. Black is on its back! Carter was watching with stunned wide eyed amazement as Elijah whipped plates and beheaded the werewolves from great distances. How long did he train to do that? He looked down at his own plate, feeling around the edge, then back up at Elijah. Studying his stance and the way he held the plate. Wonder if he can teach me how to do that!

“Don’t get any ideas!” Damon quipped when he saw Carter watching. “Margie won’t like it if you use her plates to kill things” Carter put the plate back down and turned his attention to Jackson, Tyler and the one eyed Beta. Marco too was watching them intently, he already had it in his head that he was going to ask Elijah how to do that. With two more plates left. Blue! 60 meters! The plate was released. Blue….blue…. Blue is stupid! Blue is very stupid. Last plate Asmo! Grey! 85 meters! Asmodeus took a step into that one as he launched the plate high and curved it to the left. Dammit all to FUCKING HELL! We still hit him! Yeah, b-b-b-ut it d-d-didn’t take his head off, off, just st-st-stuck out of it. That stupid ASSHOLE. We had, had, had a p-p-perfect rec-rec--record and he FUCKED it up. I’m gonna rip his fucking arms off and BEAT HIM TO SMITHERS! Smithereens! What? It’s smithereens, not Smithers that’s a name! Are you sure? Yes!

“To make the eye pop, thrust the fork straight down with the tines facing you. Then smack the handle like you are launching a catapult. The sound produced, I’m sure you both will find quite entertaining. The harder you hit it the better the sound.” Elijah instructed then walked away from the table pulling his shirt sleeves down. The brother’s wide eyes stared after him then they turned back to the Beta on the ground.

“Elijah!” Adonis said when he saw Elijah brushing off his suit jacket to put it back on.

“I am out of plates” He replied,

“That’s a shame, guess Eric will have to get more” Adonis said as he looked at the wide eyes of his brother

“That would be very helpful. A thinner edge would be nice too.” Elijah said as he fixed his suit. Adonis released a deep laugh, and Kenzi opened her eyes for the first time since everything started. She smiled brightly at him.

“Take Kenzi back to White Stone, I’ll be along shortly. I have some business to finish up here first” Adonis said as he smiled back at her, holding her closer to him.

“Yes sir” Elijah stood back and waited for Luna to join him.

“Hello sweetheart!” Adonis whispered into her ear after he slid the headphone away.

“Hi!” She replied, he held her so she couldn’t see what was happening and made sure the only thing she could hear was him.

“Elijah is going to take you back to White Stone. I will be there in a little while. I have some unfinished business that needs to be taken care of. Why don’t you have that bath we spoke about earlier? If I’m really lucky I’ll be back in time to join you” He said. Kenzi nodded her head, the blush spreading across her face as the shiver ran up her back. Adonis fixed her headphones then placed a gentle kiss on the side of her head and stood up, Cheerio fell into step behind her. He kept his gaze locked on his brothers while he waited for his mate to clear the area.

“Eli say towards you stupid” Jackson said and turned the fork

“I got it, I got it,” Tyler said, moving the fork away from his brother.

“You better let me do it,” Jackson said, holding out his hand for the fork.

“The fuck for?” Tyler asked.

“Las time Eli try to teach you somein, you din’t listen an jus crush bone” Jackson fired back,

“No I do it, you has yur turn” Tyler argued,

“Fine! Straight down!” Jackson said. Carter was half standing from his chair; he wanted to see what the brothers were doing, he also wanted to know if the eye would make a popping sound.

“Where’s Dax?” Kane asked, Carter never replied. Damon snickered beside him.

Where’s Dax?” Kane said louder, again nothing from his Delta, but he earned snickers from both Johnny and Kenneth.


“What?” Carter snapped his attention to his Alpha,

“Where’s the Luna Queen?” Kane asked,

“Sh-” Carter looked beside Kane, his eyes widened when he realized Dax was no longer there. “Oh fuck!” And he took off to find her. Damon and Johnny broke out laughing.

“That boy is never going to be the same,” Damon said, fighting his grin.

“Nope!” Johnny agreed then turned his attention back to the bickering brothers on the ground in time to see Tyler’s arm raise and plunge the fork into the other eye of the Beta. ….ahhhhhhhhhhhh….

The scream pierced the silence that fell over everyone, and a few of the brothers cringed.

“Now smack it like a catapult” Jackson said, Tyler listening he smacked the fork. The sound the eye made when it came from the socket had both brothers grinning from ear to ear. It was a squelching sucking mud sound, mixed with a squishy squashy sponge finishing with a large but soft bubble gum pop. The brothers looked at each other then scrambled off the Beta each grabbing more forks, they had to make the sound again and again and again. Their laughter filled the air as they tackled different pack members popping eyes out.

“Kids in a candy store” Adonis commented as he watched his Beta and Delta grin huge when they successfully made the sound repeatedly.

“This is why I don’t take you to the really nice places” Kane commented, drawing Adonis’s attention.

“Maybe if you took me to nicer places I would behave myself” Adonis fired back without missing a beat.

“Maybe if you behaved yourself I would take you to nicer places.” Kane countered.

“I don’t know why you’re complaining, at least you got dinner,” Adonis said, motioning towards what was left of the plates.

“But couldn’t wait for dessert now neither one of us get any” Kane replied sitting back in his chair. He had wanted to distract The Devil, maybe cool him down slightly before he pulled through on his threat of burning the pack to the ground.

“You’re just grumpy that you’re not getting any any” Adonis said,

“That was a low blow” Kane replied,

“It was but I’m not sorry. I’m just a little excited for the show” Adonis commented as he clapped his hands together and rose from his chair. And what a show it will be! Odin was howling in his head as confusion crossed the faces of the idiots sitting in front of him.

“Show?” Eric asked as he looked around at the mess his brother and the demons made. He flinched every time he heard a blood curdling scream from a pack member.

“Yes Eric the show, this was merely the….warm up act. I’d make you beg to make this stop, but we all know how you like to sacrifice your pack members. TYLER!” Adonis called for his Delta. Tyler popped up and looked at his Alpha.

“Time to pick your puppy,” Adonis said.

“Serious?” Tyler asked, his smile tugging at his lips, he still clutched tightly to a fork.

“Serious!” Adonis replied.

“Fuck yeah!” Tyler plunged the fork into the eye of the werewolf he was sitting on and smacked the back of it hard but didn’t wait to hear the sound, he took off running to stand by his Alpha. His body vibrated with excitement.

“The fuck?” Jackson asked,

“It’s puppy pickin time!” Tyler replied excitedly.

“Fuck yeah!” Jackson too ran to join them. He already had one but he wanted to see who his brother was gonna pick.

“Alright Tyler. Pick one” Adonis said as he looked back at his brothers.

“Any one?” Tyler asked as he looked them all over, but his eyes settled on one. He knew exactly who he was going after.

“Any. One. You. Want” Adonis replied,

“Got one” Tyler’s eyes danced with merriment as his smile twisted into a sinister smirk. His body tensed as he waited in anticipation.

Go get him!” Odin released Bal and they all watched him take off towards Edgar. Edgar took off from his chair as Tyler came at him, but it was of no use. Tyler had him down in a matter of seconds, dragging him back to Adonis.

“Are you sure you want….this one?” Adonis asked,

“Yeah, you can’t change yur mine an put em to the curb.” Jackson said.

“I won’t, I promise” Tyler replied

“You promise to look after him? Make sure he’s fed, watered and trained?” Adonis asked

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I take care of em, he be a good boy,” Tyler nodded his head. Jackson was trying not to laugh at his little brother’s excitement, he wasn’t sure who was worse, Tyler when he got what he wanted or Kenzi in general.

“Alright!” Adonis agreed. “Do you want to know the kind of monster I am, Edgar? The monster you created? All the scary stories you were told, all the nightmares you ever had are child’s play compared to what I am. I can make you disappear” With that said Adonis struck hard and fast. He forced his hand into his brother’s mouth then smashed his bottom jaw shut puncturing the flesh. They all watched as his blood poured into Edgars mouth. They all heard as he choked and gagged and watched as he swallowed it. One more hit and Edgar was released.

“Let’s just skip the bullshit shall we?” Adonis said.


The growl ripped through the backyard as Adonis called forth Maleki, Edgar’s wolf.

“If you don’t want to die, you better fight like hell to stay,” ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. His other brothers watched in horror as their brother wrestled with his beast for dominance. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. ….grrrr…. They heard the growls and snarls, chills running through their bodies as shivers raced down their spines. Everytime Maleki grew quiet a hit was laid on him by either Jackson or Tyler. ….grrrr…. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. ….grrrr…. It all came to fruition when they crashed into the ground. ….grrrr…. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. ….grrrr…. Hushed growls and snarls were being released. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Adonis cut his hand one more time and let his blood drip into an empty cup.

GET UP!” He ordered and the beast rose. Ice blue glowing eyes stared into him.

SUBMIT OR DIE!” Odin ordered, and like Chester, Maleki downed the drink and bowed before him. They backed up to what they hoped was a safe distance and waited for the next part. The Royals had also moved away, having witnessed what happened they did not want to be caught in the aftermath ….owooooooooooo…. The howl went up that established the link between beast and Alpha and his new pack. The beast thrashed and threw its head around before it fell to its knees. Bones cracked and skin began to rip and pull away from the body. ….owooooooooooo…. They all backed up further. Eric stared wide eyed at what was happening, Ethan couldn’t look away as one of his sons was undergoing something he didn’t know was possible. Just how powerful was his youngest? In a blinding moment the skin exploded away from the body and a six foot grey wolf with black patches stood there.

“What is the name of your Alpha?” Adonis asked, once more the glowing ice blue eyes faced him. Alpha Adonis Bradshaw!

“What is the name of your pack? Black Shadow!

“Your name is….Kojak and you belong to Delta Tyler Monroe” My name is Kojak, my pack is Black Shadow Pack, my Alpha is Adonis Bradshaw and I belong to Delta Tyler Monroe!

“Good boy!” Adonis praised the wolf and they all watched it wag its tail.

“Maleki!” Eric finally managed to get something out of his mouth. He stood there coated in the blood and skin fragments of his former brother. Emroy had hit the ground and used the table for cover when he saw the skin starting to break away. He peeked up and stared at the wolf with wide worried eyes. This was what Adonis did to Evan, his little brother held power he couldn’t even imagine. Looking at the rest of his brothers, was this what he was planning on doing to them as well? Emroy turned back to Adonis and a slight smirk crossed his face as he stared back at Eric. One by one all eyes shifted to Adonis. He stood tall, his head raised, authority and power flowed from every inch of him. Odin revelled in the fear coming from them and it ignited the spark in his eyes as he took a deep breath.

Two days Eric!” Odin spoke, then he walked away. Jackson laughed as he followed him.

“Comeon Kojak” Tyler called and the wolf fell instep beside him.

“Thank you for dinner, it was….interesting,” Kane said. Eric turned to face him, but no words exited his mouth as he opened it to speak.

“Yes, of course your highness, thank you for taking the time to join us” Ethan replied quickly when he saw that his son faltered.

“Beta Marco, again our most sincere apologies on what happened, and we hope that it can be put behind us.” Ethan again responded, holding his blood covered hand out. Marco’s top lip curled back and he shook his head, no way he was touching that.

“Cazzo testa!” Marco said, Johnny bit back his laugh and Kenneth looked in the other direction.

“Great, thank you. If you’ll excuse us, we have….some….cleaning up to do” Ethan said as he looked around.

“We’ll take our leave then and let you do that” Kane replied.

“Don’t forget to get the head off the wall” Damon said as he pointed to it.

“Right, wouldn’t want to leave that there” Ethan released a light tight laugh, but they could see him starting to turn green at the sight of everything around him. Kane walked away and he couldn’t fight the smile any longer. He felt the corners of his mouth start to twitch when they witnessed what happened to Edgar. Liar! What? They were twitching before that! No they weren’t! They were twitching at the flying plates! Fuck! You’re as deranged as the demons! Cause you weren’t laughing at the popping eyeballs! Fuck! Glass houses Ky!

“Where is Dax?” Kane asked when they entered the kitchen and she wasn’t there.

“Where’s Carter?” Damon asked as they looked around for him. Johnny stopped a petrified she-wolf.

“Where is the Luna Queen?” He asked,

“Heads off with plates” She replied,

“What?” Kane asked, wide eyed.

HEY!” The girl looked at Johnny and blinked.

“Where is the Luna Queen?” He repeated.

“She left with the little human and the man that threw the plates.” The girl replied, her shaking hand pointing to the front door. Johnny thanked her and sent her on her way.

“The little pixie kidnapped my mate….again” Kane said shaking his head.

“At least she has her pants this time,” Damon commented.

Stepping out of the house, they saw Alpha Adonis standing against the side of one of the SUV’s. Jackson was howling with laughter as Tyler was trying to convince the wolf to get in the damn SUV. Both were being stubborn, the wolf would not get in the truck and Tyler wouldn’t ask for help.

“Is there a problem?” Kane asked, an amused look on his face.

“No” Tyler huffed, Jackson just laughed harder.

“Is your….puppy not listening to you?” Kane asked,

“He’s jus bein stubborn. He get in the damn truck” Tyler said as he tried again to get Kojak in the truck.

“Stubborn? I told you put some fuckin authority behine it” Jackson said. “Kojak, get in the fuckin truck” He barked and sure enough Kojak jumped in.

“The fuck ….grrrrrr….” Tyler growled,

“I’s hungry an Kenzi got the dessert ….grrrRrrrr….” Jackson growled back. Tyler’s reply was to hit his brother and cause a fight.

“Cause they didn’t get enough?” Kane asked as he too leaned against the vehicle.

“They’re hungry, so now they’re grumpy. Today was a little exciting for them” Adonis replied.

“Well it’s not everyday you get to pop someone’s eye out with a fork, to see if it makes a….poppy sound” Kane said as he watched the two brothers.

“And get a puppy,” Adonis added.

“Eric still sounds like an incoherent bumbling idiot,” Kane said.

“So he’s all better then” Kane released a small laugh.

“I don’t think they were expecting that” Kane remarked,

“That was the point. You assholes have five more minutes then I’m leaving with or without you” Kane just looked at Adonis.

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