The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 85: Everyone Helps Part Eight!

A Talk!

Elijah and Carter were standing in the packhouse kitchen at White Stone. Neither one knew what to say. They had kidnapped the Luna Queen and were pretty certain that was highly frowned upon.

“On a scale of one to ten how….” Carter started to ask

“Yes!” Elijah replied and nodded his head as he listened to Kenzi giggle at the stories Dax was telling her. They were sitting on the kitchen floor having a picnic as they ate brookies, ice cream, brownie cookie bar bite and chocolate mousse.

“Can I ask you something?” Carter asked as he looked at Elijah.

“Considering what could possibly happen to us, go ahead” Elijah replied.

“How did you do that thing with the plates?” Carter asked, looking at him. He turned slightly towards Carter, arching his brow.

“I’ll tell you what if we survive this, I’ll teach you” Elijah replied.

“Really?” Carter couldn’t fight the grin that broke out across his face.

“Carter, we have to survive this first” Elijah said as he looked at the man standing next to him.

“Yeah, right!” Carter nodded.

“What’s going on here?” Kennedy asked as he entered the kitchen walking towards the fridge. Elijah and Carter stood there and said nothing. Kennedy looked down and saw Kenzi and Dax sitting on the floor.

“Is The King back?” Kennedy asked,

“No” Carter replied,

“But The Queen is here?” Kennedy looked back and forth between Carter and Elijah hoping one of them would explain.

“Yes,” Carter again answered.

“So if The Queen is here, where is The King?” Kennedy asked, panic starting to set in slightly

“Not here” Replied Elijah.

“Does The King know she’s here?” Kennedy asked, Carter and Elijah looked at each other.

“I don’t believe he does,” Elijah said.

“Then why is The Queen here?” Kennedy asked, his breathing had increased “And where is The King?” Neither Carter or Elijah said a word.

“Why is The Queen here without The King?” Kennedy asked, full panic now. The Queen wasn’t supposed to go anywhere without The King knowing, those were the rules.

“Elijah, di….did you kidnap The Queen?” Kennedy asked, in a not so hushed whisper.

“What’s going on here? What’s wrong brother? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” Steve interjected before Elijah could respond. Kennedy motioned for Steve to come to him and pointed at the floor behind the island. Steve’s eyes widened when he saw what had Kennedy spooked.

“Does The King know?” Steve asked,

“Elijah kidnapped her,” Kennedy whispered.

“I did not kidnap her….Kenzi did. I was just the getaway driver” Elijah responded. Steve and Kennedy looked at the little purple haired pixie sitting on the floor in their kitchen happily locked in conversation with The Luna Queen. Then they turned their eyes on the Royal Delta, who was supposed to prevent things like this from happening.

“I helped her in the truck,” Carter said, nodding. Steve and Kennedy’s eyes widened. They swallowed hard when they heard the doors to two more vehicles slam shut.

“Oh Goddess we’re gonna die” Kennedy said,

“Relax Kennedy, we’ll just explain, we had nothing to do with this. It was those two.” Steve said motioning towards Elijah and Carter.

The front door opened and both Steve and Kennedy could feel the dominating aura of The King. His heavy foot fell down the hall coming ever closer to the kitchen.

“We can run for it, hide in the office, pretend we didn’t know” Kennedy said,

“That sounds good,” Steve agreed, nodding his head. They turned to leave out the other exit.

“Where is Luna Queen Dax?” Kane asked from behind them. Kennedy released a small laugh as he turned around.

“Your majesty, what a sur….fancy meeting you here” Kennedy blundered out.

“Where is The Queen?” Kane asked again.

“We had nothing to do with it, it was those two” Steve said pointing towards Elijah and Carter.

“She’s behind the island” Elijah replied, as he arched a brow at Steve.

“You both can leave” Kane said looking at Steve and Kennedy. They nodded and bolted from the kitchen, before Kane could change his mind.

Kane approached the island and looked over the side.

“Hello ladies!” He said, his voice deep. Kenzi looked up and smiled brightly, while Dax ducked her head, trying to make herself smaller. She knew she was going to hear about it. She’s not supposed to just wander off.

“Hi Kane!” Kenzi replied cheerfully. “We’re hasing a picnic”

“I can see that” Kane said as he looked down at his little mate trying to hide herself from him.

“I’d invite you to join us, but Dax says you’re not pose to has any dessert.” Kenzi told him. “Maybe if you stop-ped being a bad boy you could has some.”

“That’s not helping Kenzi” Dax said from beside her as she heard both Carter and Elijah fighting back their laughter. Kenzi looked at her then back up at Kane, concerning starting to flood through her, that she said something wrong.

“You are supposed to be preventing her from doing things like this,” Kane said to Carter, he too was fighting to control his laughter. The little pixie had no idea what she just said.

“Sorry sir,” Carter replied, bowing his head to hide the smile that was threatening to take control.

“In his defence. She told him to shut up, and help her in the truck. They were going for brookies and ice cream” Elijah said, defending Carter. Again Kane turned back to his mate who was glaring daggers at Elijah for ratting her out.

“That doesn’t scare me” He said when he too turned in her direction.

“What’s going on here?” Adonis asked as he entered the kitchen. “What did you two do?” He added turning to Elijah and Carter.

“Drove the getaway vehicle” Elijah replied,

“Aided a kidnapping?” Carter questioned looking at Elijah, who shook his head slightly, then covered Carter’s mouth before he could say anymore.

“Your mate kidnapped mine again” Kane said as he looked back at The Devil.

“Is that so? Look at you, my little lawbreaker” Adonis said as he too stood at the island looking down at his little mate. Kenzi shook her head as her eyes widened. She didn’t kidnap anybody, you get in trouble for that.

“You didn’t kidnap Alpha Kane’s mate?” Kenzi shook her head again. Her eyes were innocent and wide as saucers.

“Then how did you two come to be sitting on the floor in the kitchen having a picnic?” Adonis asked.

“Elijah and I were leafing and we saw Dax in the kitchen. I asked if she wanted to come too and she said yes” Kenzi replied.

“That doesn’t sound like my mate kidnapped yours. That sounds like yours willingly left with mine” Adonis said eyeing something delectable on the counter. He was hungry, and it looked tantalizing. The deep, rich chocolate was calling out to him and he gave up trying to resist it. Breaking off a small piece he sampled. That was a mistake! Just couldn’t ignore it could you! Don’t think for a second that I don’t know you’re drooling! Can’t help it, our mate made it and her food makes me drool!

“Did I do something wrong?” Kenzi asked,

“No sweetheart, you did nothing wrong” Adonis said as he continued to sample whatever bit of chocolate heaven was on the counter. Doing his best to ignore Elijah’s laugh beside him.

“Dax did and we need to have a conversation” Kane replied watching The Devil. Kenzi looked at Dax.

“I’m not supposed to wander off without telling him,” Dax replied.

“That’s the reason she still wears the bell,” Carter added.

“Thank you, Carter,” Dax huffed. Kane looked at Carter, who just lowered his head again.

“What are you eating?” Kane finally had to ask. He’d been eyeing it since he walked into the kitchen.

“I have no idea, but its fucking delicious” Adonis replied as he continued to sample it.

“Brownie cookie bar bite” Elijah replied, fighting back his laughter.

“Oh, it’s dessert! I’d offer you some, but Queeny said you can’t have any” Adonis turned to Kane smirking.

“That’s what Ms. Templeton said before she told him to stop being a bad boy.” Carter blurted, then shut his mouth again. “Sorry sir, that just popped out”

“Elijah can you look at him please. If there is not something wrong with him, there will be.” Kane grumbled. Elijah looked towards Adonis and he motioned with his head to get Carter out of the room before he really said something.

“Come on Carter” Elijah said, grabbing the man by the shoulder and pushing him from the room.

“It just popped out,” Carter defended himself.

“I’m sure it did” Elijah replied,

“Do you think the eye made a popping sound?” Carter asked before they made it out of the kitchen.

“If they did it right it should have” Elijah replied,

“I kinda wanted to see it” was the last thing they heard Carter say before the two men disappeared.

“That’s your fault” Kane commented as he turned back to Adonis.

“You’re just grumpy because you’re hungry.” Adonis said.

“I am hungry,” Kane grumbled again.

“I won’t tell” Adonis moved the dessert closer to him. “You’re already a bad boy.” Kane tried to fight back his grin, but he couldn’t do that anymore then he could resist the chocolate temptation on the island in front of him.

“That is good,” he replied after he sampled a piece.

“I don’t know what the big deal is,” Dax mumbled. Kane released a deep sigh and Adonis arched his brow. Moving from the island he went to gather his mate.

“Sweetheart, why don’t you go have that bath? I’ll be up to join you in a minute” Adonis said as he held his hand out to help her to her feet. Kenzi looked down at Dax then back up at Adonis. She nodded and walked out of the kitchen.

For a while Adonis said nothing as he listened to his mate walk up the stairs and away from them. Only when her little footfalls became a whisper did he open his mouth.

“You don’t know what the big deal is? Maybe it’s because you had a crazy knife wielding maniac who was cutting people’s ears off after you.” Kane stiffened when he heard how blunt and nonchalantly that comment came from The Devil’s mouth. Dax snapped her eyes to his, her mouth dropped open.

“Save it. You would be in a perpetual state of shock by the things I am privy to.” He said as he moved back to the island and looked down at her from the other side. Kane was going to pay for this, he knew he was going to pay for this, but maybe someone very straight forward was what it would take to get into her head what he’s wanted to tell her, but couldn’t. Someone who couldn’t give a fuck about diplomacy, wouldn’t sugar coat anything and didn’t care what bridges they burned.

“Maybe it’s because it took him eight years to find you,” Adonis said as he sampled more of the cookie bite.

“Or….maybe, just maybe because it took you essentially dying to become who you are. Sure you woke up, but do you honestly believe in those….what?....Ten minutes of looking at your lifeless body, he didn’t picture what his life was going to be like without you? Did you for one second think that maybe he thought he lost you forever? Or how he now had to spend an eternity without the love of his life, the one destined to be with him by his side?” Adonis went on.

“No, I didn’t think about that,” Dax said, her face growing red.

“No, of course not. You were too busy tantruming like a petulant little child. Imagine having to let him know where you were at all times, cause bad mate, bad, bad mate showing his concern for your safety and wellbeing. The nerve of him, what is he thinking? Then again if he wasn’t you’d be tantruming over that as well. If he didn’t care, you’d be having a hissy fit.” Adonis replied. Again Dax snapped her eyes to him, narrowing them

“I am not a child” She huffed and got to her feet.

“You’re not acting like an adult either, and I don’t hear you contesting the petulant part.” Adonis shot back.

“I’m surprised you even know what that word means” Dax fired at him. Of course the rabid pit viper would attack his intelligence. He was right, she knew he was right and she hated it. Adonis just smiled at her, though his face was void of any real emotion, and it was a bit unnerving.

“Alright let me rephrase this in terms you’ll hopefully understand. Some big, bad, mega monster like me can walk into a room with the two of you and in the blink of an eye before either one of you could react I can take both your heads, just for the fucking fun of it. And I like him, you I have doubts about.” The cold look wiped from Dax’s face as she looked up at Adonis.

“That seems to have gotten your attention. Now listen carefully, sweet cheeks. Sneaking up on you would be easy, you can’t smell my kind. We could be behind you in a second and you would never know. None of your family would know until we mailed the body parts back, because you have this incessant need to wander off all the time and not inform anyone where you are going. I may control the demon’s Queeny but I don’t have all the demons. They are out there, and some of them have a serious hatred for normals. Why do you get to be the chosen species that shines in the light, while we are stuck in the shadows? Your mate is trying to keep you safe. Dangers lurk in the dark Queeny and we’re not afraid of you. I know a lot of depraved people that would love a Royal head mounted on their wall.” The look that crossed Dax’s face and Adonis knew she had a full understanding of what was said.

“I’m going to bed” Dax whispered, and she moved slowly from the kitchen, never taking her eyes off of him.

“You wanted me to” Adonis replied before Kane could even say anything.

“I’m still going to pay for that,” Kane said.

“I don’t think so, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll get an apology,” Adonis replied as he moved towards the exit. “I scared her, yes, but I also opened her eyes as to why you act the way you do. There is a whole world beyond normals that she doesn’t know about. A world that does not play by the same rules. We like our rules. She needs to understand that being a Royal does not make her immune to that world, but a bigger target. You know that, and now so does she. She won’t be so keen to wander off anymore” Adonis said as he proceeded to leave the kitchen.

“You still owe me an hour and a half of your time, I will collect that debt Alpha Adonis” Kane replied, to his retreating back.

“I’m busy, I have a mate in the bath and you need to go get screamed at by yours” Adonis called over his shoulder as he disappeared from the kitchen. Mate is not happy! Ky grumbled. No, she is not! Kane agreed, but even Ky understood why he did what he did and kept quiet the whole time. I don’t think she liked Cujo calling her sweet cheeks! No, the look on her face said she did not like that one bit! Did he have to get Cujo involved? It was for the best! At least he didn’t yell at her! He didn’t need to. He knew exactly what to say to keep her focused on him and what he was saying without even raising his voice! Do you really think he knows people that want our heads as trophies? It wouldn’t surprise me! Kane left the kitchen as well. He had a mate to see, if he was lucky he would get to sleep in the same bed and not on the couch.

Adonis made it to his room and he could hear Kenzi through the closed bathroom door.

You went for broke and oh no now you’re croaked

Grave situations you can’t sugarcoat

If you break my contract then I’ll break your leg

That’s what you get

That’s what you get for being greedy...

So greedy

Oh that’s what you get for being greedy

Yeah, so greedy

Woah, that’s what you get

Woah, that’s what you get

(Greedy - Or3o featuring Swiblet)

What is she singing? I don’t know but she’ll break legs if you break her contract!

“Kenzi, sweetheart?” He heard her squeak and a small splash.

“Are you alright?” He asked, his hand on the door knob.

“Yeah!” She called back, he could hear her flushed face in her voice.

“Who’s legs are we breaking?” Adonis asked as he opened the door. His smile widening as he saw his tiny dancer surrounded in a sea of bubbles in the great big bath. Her leg with the burn was propped on the side of the tub, Elijah had told her it would burn if it came in direct contact with water and she would have to use a soft cloth and mild soap to keep it clean. She giggled at him.

“Greedy people,” she replied, her smile slipping from her face when she noticed he was looking at it. Moving quickly to the side of the tub he knelt down in front of her.

“Never again my tiny dancer. Never again will anyone lay their hands on you like that” Adonis gently held her slender leg in his hand and she couldn’t fight the shiver as the tingles spread through her.

“Are you ready to get out or would you like some company?” He asked. He knew what he wanted her to say.

“Company!” Kenzi replied. And The Devil gets his wish!

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