The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 85: Everyone Helps Part One!

Too Many Sprinkles!

“I maked coffee,” Kenzi said as they stopped in the kitchen.

“I don’t think you need anymore” Dax grumbled as she sat at the breakfast bar.

“I hasn’t has any yet,” Kenzi replied as she poured two mugs.

“Yeah, I still don’t think you need any,” Dax countered as she watched a very happy, very excited Kenzi bounce around the kitchen.

“Why did I have to get out of my nice, warm, cozy bed?” Dax asked as she accepted the coffee.

“It’s me!” Kenzi blurted. Dax just stared at her.


“It’s me!” Kenzi repeated,

“Uh huh! It’s you. What’s you?”

“It’s me, me. It’s me and not someone else, it’s me.”

“Kenzi, it’s a little early and you’re gonna have to spell this out for me” Dax said. What’s her? I don’t know, it’s too early!

“It’s me. We don’t has to finded her no more cause he finded her and it’s me, it’s me, it’s me” Kenzi said excitedly.

“Find who?” Dax looked at her confusion, creasing her brow.

“His mate, cause he finded her and it’s me and I don’t has to give him up cause I’m the mate and not the chosed mate, the real mate it’s me.….eeeee….” Kenzi spoke fast, her elation pouring from her that by the end she was squealing with excitement. She didn’t know! What? She didn’t know, she didn’t know she was his mate! Why? I don’t know, but she didn’t know!

“It’s you!” Dax said, the feeling intensifying in the room as Kenzi nodded her head, hopping from one foot to the other. Dax couldn’t help herself, it took her over and they both started screaming.


“The fuck goin on?” Tyler asked when he popped up from the floor.

“Tyler!” Kenzi gasped when she saw him.

“Kenzi, you ok? I hear screamin” He asked rushing into the kitchen to make sure she was fine.

“Luna?” Carter stopped at the entrance to the kitchen.

“It’s ok Carter. Just a bit of excitement” Dax replied as she tried not to laugh at the look on his face.

“Excitement….they a Tyler size hole in the fuckin wall. The fuck goin on?” Tyler huffed as he pointed at the kitchen wall.

“It’s me Tyler, it’s me, it’s me, it’s me” Kenzi said.

“She’s Alpha Adonis’s mate” Dax clarified,

“His real one….eeeee….” Kenzi squealed again. Tyler could only stand there. He just about killed himself getting out of his room when he heard Kenzi screaming. He didn’t even stop for pants, he hit the floor, almost took Carter out when he broke the door and took off running and didn’t stop until the wall caught him.

“I fix the door an the wall” Jackson said laughing as he entered the kitchen and gave Tyler his pants.

“Jackson did you hear?” Kenzi squealed excitedly.

“The whole house heard, Lil Kenzi Cakes. You got everbody up. An I’m gonna smack that fucker when I see him. You gonna go put on some pants there Carter?” Jackson replied as he gave her a hug. He understood why he did it, it didn’t mean he had to like it.

“Yup!” Carter replied as looked down at himself then back up.

“Breakfast!” Kenzi blurted. She gave Jackson one more big hug then moved around the kitchen gathering all the ingredients.

“Is she going to calm down?” Dax asked as she watched Kenzi work, amazed that she was already halfway through whipping up pancake, waffle and muffin batter and making three different types of dough for bread, cinnamon buns and donuts.

“Nope!” Tyler replied as he took over the mixing, so Kenzi could get started on the other items.

“Her gonna be excited all day an I think after yesterday her deserve it, we jus gonna leave her be,” Jackson added as he took over the bread dough, making a pointed look at Dax. She just nodded, no way she was going to argue with any of them.

“We should do croissants and turnovers and strudels and danishes” Kenzi said as she moved onto something else.

“Why don’t we finish the batters firs?” Tyler said.

“Oh yeah!” She added the remainder of the ingredients and then moved on to something else.

“Kenzi the donuts” Jackson called her.

“Yup!” She quickly whipped that off and got the dough rising, then moved onto cinnamon buns. Jackson and Tyler were trying not to laugh at her, but they couldn’t help it. The more excited she got the more she squealed and the more items she added to her breakfast menu. They were up early but a truly happy Kenzi brought them all peace, they couldn’t even be mad.

“Her gonna be feedin an army by the time her done” Jackson quipped, Tyler nodded as he listened to her sing as she danced around the kitchen.

“That girl is frickin magic” Dax exclaimed as she watched Kenzi produce item after item. Carter had come back and she put him to work making cinnamon buns. Marco showed up and he was making muffins. Elijah was helping with the compotes for strudels and turnovers. Samples were tested and approved. The kitchen was filling up with more and more smells. Drawing the attention of the others.

“No, chocolate chips go in the pancakes not in the Dax,” Kenzi said as she took the bowl away. She learned that lesson the other day. Don’t leave chocolate chips in front of Dax.

“Margie gives me my own bowl,” Dax commented and reached for the bowl again.

“I don’t know who that is, but she’s not here and you can’t has no more,” Kenzi told her. Johnny broke out laughing at the look on Dax’s face when Kenzi said that to her.

“Shut up Johnny” Dax huffed.

“What’s the matter baby?” Kane asked as he walked into the kitchen carrying her pants.

“Kenzi took my chocolate chips away,” Dax huffed again.

“Not her chocolate chips, they go in the pancakes and not in the Dax. Don’t eat any” Kenzi replied, as she shoved Kane towards the sausage that needed to be tended. Damon broke out laughing at the look on Kane’s face as he stirred hashbrowns.

“That little pixie has no idea who you are,” Damon choked out. That was becoming clearer and clearer to him. Even Ky was howling in his head. Funny part was, he wasn’t even mad when she did things like that. She treated him like he was everybody else, he found it refreshing. Most people kissed his ass, but the little pixie wasn’t most people, she was like no one he’s ever met.

“Comeon Kenzi, why I gotta make eggs?” Jackson whined.

“Johnny can help you” And she shoved him in that direction as well.

“I don’t wanna make eggs either” Johnny grumbled, but continued to let the little pixie shove him.

“Well, fancy seeing you all up at five in the morning” Adonis said from the kitchen entrance. His devilish grin spread across his face as they all held grumpy expressions. All but one, his tiny dancer beamed a big smile at him as she continued manoeuvring everyone around the kitchen. Carter and Tyler were now on pancakes, hashbrowns and waffles. Damon and Elijah were making donuts and croissants. Kane was still on sausage after he refused to budge. Then Kenzi threatened him with not getting any if he dared sample anything, which had them all howling with laughter again and her not understanding why. Marco and Kenneth were helping her with the ovens. Items went in, and items came out and Dax was sitting there at the breakfast bar watching it all happen.

“We were up a lot earlier than five,” Kane said. Adonis’s grin only got bigger. He was well aware of what time they were up at.

“Huh! Wonder how that happened?” Adonis said.

“You’s a asshole” Tyler fired at him.

“Got her all excited then let her loose on the damn house” Jackson added.

“They a Tyler size hole in the fuckin wall, an I tellin Kennedy you did it” Tyler fired at him.

“I didn’t tell her to wake you all up. She went looking for Queeny” Adonis responded, not missing the look that crossed Dax’s face when he called her that. “Not my fault she didn’t know what room she was in and had to knock on a few doors”

“You really are an asshole” Kane huffed,

“And there you go again, complimenting me. I’m beginning to think you have a real thing for me. I’d help do the bacon but you might make an advance on me and I don’t swing that way. If I did, I don’t think you’re my type. You don’t strike me as the little spoon kinda guy.” Johnny cracked and started laughing first, followed by Damon then Jackson and Tyler. Carter was turned away, but his shoulders started to shake. Kenneth and Marco were snickering at the island and Dax could only stare at Adonis wide eyed. She’s never heard anyone speak to Kane that way.

“Fuck off you asshole an get yur bitch ass in the kitchen, put up wit him hittin on you. Could be worse, at leas he a nice lookin guy” Jackson choked out.

“Yeah, could be a Gummy Joe” Tyler added, nodding his head, that just made them laugh more.

“Fuck! You’re all assholes” Kane grumbled. The kitchen roared to life with laughter once more.

“She’ll smack your hand if you touch one” Adonis spoke after a little while. The kitchen had settled down and Kenzi was moving around continuing to make breakfast.

“I wasn’t going to touch one” Kane replied, “She already threatened me with not getting any if I did”

“Isn’t that usually Queeny’s threat?” Adonis asked,

“It is. Must be where she heard it” Kane said. “You are not a fan of my mate….why?”

“I am undecided. I don’t know if her interest in my mate is genuine or if it’s because she wants something from her. And you don’t want me alone in a room with her to figure that out, in case I don’t like what I find and I pop her head off” Adonis replied, as he turned the bacon.

“How do you know the rest of us don’t want something from her?” Kane asked as he moved the sausage around trying not to drool or whimper at the smell.

“You did want something from her. Get the pixie, get The Devil….right?” Adonis said, looking at him. “But somewhere along your quest to get the pixie, you all got to know more about her and became enamoured with her, her charming personality has that effect on people. If you didn’t then you wouldn’t let her push you around the kitchen, and it would bother you more than it does that she doesn’t kiss your ass. You find it endearing that she doesn’t know who you are, because that means she won’t want anything from you. And the bond you feel towards her is authentic. Plus, she brings Cujo peace and you’re trying to wrap your head around how she does that better than your mate. And you know you should probably stay away from her, but you just can’t help yourself. The more you learn, the more you know, the more you like, the more the bond grows and she is starting to feel more and more like blood. That being said demon’s don’t share, and when we leave here the little pixie is coming with us. Even though she is small enough to fit in a suitcase and it’s not that difficult to open a bakery. I’m sure you don’t want us knocking on your door.” Adonis answered.

“Stay the fuck out of my head!” Kane fired at him, to which Adonis just chuckled.

“You like me too by the way”

“No I don’t!” Kane shook his head.

“Yes you do, it’s hard not too. While you have to remain diplomatic in all your responses and activities, I get to do and say whatever I want. Its always good to know a person who doesn’t give a flying fuck about diplomacy or cares what bridges they burn. The best part about burning bridges is that when you rebuild them it’s how you want them to be. And Cujo thinks I’m a riot. He hasn’t stopped laughing and is no longer questioning whether or not you’ve been spending too much time with us.” Adonis laughed more when he caught Kane’s curses under his breath.

“Oh, I never said I liked you, and you still owe me three grand by the way” Adonis stopped Kane before he could say anything.

“Fucking asshole!” Kane growled. So much for staying out of our head! Stop laughing at him! What….he’s funny! He’s deranged and psychotic! Still funny! Fucking warped and twisted sense of humour! He’s still laughing at us!

“Shut up!” Kane huffed.

“Psst Tyler, Tyler” Jackson whispered trying to get his brother’s attention.

“What?” Tyler whispered back.

“Gimme one!” Jackson asked, motioning towards the stack of pancakes.

“What?” Tyler looked behind him to see what Kenzi was doing.

“Throw one my way. Her got me on eggs and they suck. I don’t wanna sample that.” Jackson said. “I fuckin starvin Tyler, comeon. Help a brother out” Another check over his shoulder, Kenzi was turned away from him and he launched the pancake in Jackson’s direction. Johnny stumbled back as the pancake flew past his face into Jackson’s hand. All heads went back down when Kenzi turned to face them. And Jackson had shoved the pancake in his mouth. She moved to get something out of the oven and then turned away again. Johnny looked at Tyler. He was trying to suppress his laughter but the begging look on Johnny’s face made it that much harder.

“Carter watch Kenzi” Tyler said, and Carter looked over his shoulder

“She’s facing the other way, why?” The words barely came out of his mouth as Tyler launched another pancake into Johnny’s waiting hands.

“No time for savourin shove it in yur mouth” Jackson said as he was watching Kenzi. “Savourin come at breakfas time”

“Yours are as bad as mine at stealing food” Adonis said as he watched Tyler teach Carter how to get away with stealing both hashbrowns and pancakes at the same time.

“Clearly, I think Damon’s on his fourth donut” Kane said as he was watching Damon and Elijah.

“Elijah’s on his sixth. He likes the sprinkle kind” Adonis said, trying not to laugh. “I still wouldn’t try it”

“I wasn’t gonna steal anything” Kane defended himself.

“Your bitten back whimpers are telling a different story” Adonis said as he turned the bacon for the last time. “3….2….1”

“Elijah!” Kenzi huffed . His shoulders immediately tensed as he heard Tyler and Jackson starting to laugh and comment how the ninja wasn’t so fast after all. What Elijah did next had her eyes widening.

“You bited the donut” She accused,

“I panicked!” He defended,

“You panic bited it” she countered.

“Quality control, it didn’t pass” Elijah said, the laughter in the kitchen getting louder. Kenzi crossed her arms and arched her perfect dainty little brow waiting for him to tell her what was wrong with the donut.

“Too many sprinkles” Damon blurted

“Really?” Kenzi narrowed her eyes on both of them.

“Seriously, that’s what you come up with….too many sprinkles?” Elijah looked at Damon

“I was helping,” Damon defended.

“Too many sprinkles. Damon ate four” Elijah said. Kenzi turned to Damon, her jaw dropping.

“Dude! Are you fucking kidding me right now, you ratted me out?” Damon stared at the ninja wide eyed.

“Must have been too many sprinkles” Elijah fired at him.

“Elijah ate six” Damon blurted “I’m not going down alone brother” he added when he caught the look on Elijah’s face.

“Elijah!” Kenzi said, looking back at him.

“Sorry Kenzi!”

“Yeah, sorry little pixie!”

“Eggs….both of you” Kenzi pointed to the other side of the kitchen.

Jackson fist bumped Johnny as they moved to donuts and croissants.

“Jackson!” Kenzi warned.

“I know, I know. Don’t eat the donuts. Flip, flip, dry, dip, dip put it on the plate” Jackson nodded. The kitchen broke out laughing again.

“Eventually one of them was going to get caught,” Kane said, still laughing.

“Don’t think for one second Kenzi doesn’t know what they do. She’s highly observant. Both Tyler and Carter have been peeking over their shoulders waiting for her to turn the other direction. She’s gonna do it now so they can steal another pancake. But don’t watch them, watch her.” Sure enough Kenzi turned away and Tyler and Carter each shoved another pancake in their mouth. A small smile graced her lips and she stifled a giggle.

“It may appear that she is lost in her own world while she’s cooking but she is fully aware of what is going on in the kitchen at all times. Like your mate trying to steal the chocolate chips….and nope” Kenzi moved the bowl further away from Dax as she carried on what she was doing.

“The berry compote is almost done….the turnovers will now become….apple” One pot away and the next one put down without Kenneth and Marco having to break stride.

“Trays….full and gone new tray down.” Kane just watched as Kenzi moved.

“She really is magic!”

“You have no idea. Watch this….Kenzi what’s for dinner?” Adonis asked.

“Bacon wrapped pork, beef, and chicken wellingtons. Homemade macaroni and cheese. Parmesan cauliflower and salt and pepper carrots. Cheese straws and brownie cookie bar bites dipped in homemade chocolate mousse and brookie salted caramel and mocha crunch ice cream sandwiches for dessert.” Kenzi said as she put another two trays in the oven and pulled out the cinnamon buns.

“You asshole!” Jackson huffed.

“I Wellington di manzo erano deliziosi. Ne ho mangiati quattro. (Beef Wellingtons were delicious. I ate four of them.)” They all turned to look at Marco, he had a very satisfied smile on his face.

“You’s a asshole to” Tyler huffed, he was now craving dinner.

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