The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 85: Everyone Helps Part Two!

Hug A Pixie!

“Hey, who Adon talkin to?” Jackson asked Tyler. It was after breakfast and they had all met up in Kennedy and Steve’s office. Kane wanted to talk to Adonis about what happened at his brother’s house, and surprising to him The Devil agreed. But after his phone rang Adonis had to leave.

“Eric!” Tyler growled out.

“Fuck, I don’t wanna spen nomore time at the house of horrors” Jackson grumbled. Johnny laughed but he couldn’t agree more.

“Can I ask you something?” Carter asked Tyler.

“Sure!” Tyler nodded,

“How did you know which brother did it? There’s like eight of them” Carter asked.

“Blood!” Tyler replied, and Carter nodded.

“What?” Kane asked.

“Siblings carry the exact same scent. There is no way to differentiate between them, unless you smell their blood. If you were to smell Steve he would smell like Kennedy. Your mate like her brother. The only one that smells different when smelling a Bradshaw is Alpha Adonis. To you he smells like nothing, to us he smells like a demon” Elijah replied.

“I caught the scent of his mate firs, but it was his blood that gave him away. When I got close enough to him, I pick up Kenzi’s cookie scent” Tyler added.

“When Kenzi was attacked, she fought like hell and scratched him and made him bleed, she got it under her nails.” Elijah said. “In self-defence they teach women that if they are being attacked and are taken to a secondary location there is a pretty good chance they are going to die. Their fight response kicks in and they fight, scratch, bite, rip hair out. Anything they can do to get the attackers DNA. Although I am sure Kenzi didn’t take self-defence, she likes to watch documentaries.” He went on to say.

“Clever little pixie,” Kane said.

“Wait, you should be able to smell them, you have like a super sniffer” Damon said to Tyler.

“That one way to describe a seeker,” Jackson said, trying not to laugh.

“You’d think, but nope. They smell like the same shit jus a different pile. Oh, hey we do a experiment. Ain’t that what Kenzi say, science ever where an you wanna know somein do a experiment,” Tyler said.

“Yeah, Marco, go get Kenzi” Jackson said, nodding.

“What experiment?” Kane asked, his curiosity piquing as to why they would need Adonis’s mate.

“It simple really, they three sets of siblins in the room. One from each set gonna hug her an you all gotta figure out which one did it.” Jackson explained.

“That seems simple enough, I think I’ll watch though” Kane replied, he didn’t know how long Adonis was going to be on the phone and the last thing he wanted was The Devil walking into the room to see him sniffing his mate.

“Marco said you needed to see me?” Kenzi asked as she walked into the office with Marco.

“Yeah, we doin a experiment an we need you for it” Tyler told her as he ushered her into the middle of the room.

“Ok, what do I has to do?” Kenzi said as she stood there.

“Hugs!” Tyler explained

“Hugs?” Kenzi looked at him inquisitively, what did she have to do with hugs?

“We wanna see if we can tell the difference between siblins witout the use of blood. They three sets in the room an one from each set gonna hug you. They has to figure out if they can tell which one did it. An you can’t tell ’em, it’a secret” Tyler said.

“Oh, ok. I won’t tell” Kenzi said, nodding.

“Y’all get out,” Jackson said. One by one the others had left the office leaving the siblings alone. Tyler hugged her, and one at a time they entered the room and sniffed Kenzi causing her to giggle.

“I don’t know. I don’t smell anything….Jackson?” Johnny guessed, he was the last one. It was four votes for Jackson and two for Tyler. None of them really had any idea and it was a best guess scenario.

“Who hugged you?” Kane asked her

“Tyler!” Kenzi giggled.

They repeated the experiment two more times, Elijah being the only one that guessed correctly when it was Damon and Dax’s turn. They were on the last guess when Adonis walked back into the office.

“What is going on?” He asked his brow arched as he watched Marco sniff his mate and tilt his head to the side.

“Experiment!” Jackson replied.

“Why is Marco sniffing Kenzi?” He asked,

“Tryin to see if he can tell which one between Kennedy an Steve hug her.” Tyler said.

“Siblings smell the same” Adonis replied,

“We know!” Jackson nodded. “At this point it’a guessin game”

“Alpha….Kennedy!” Marco finally made his guess.

“Steve!” Kenzi said.

“Fanculo!” Marco huffed.

“Wonder if a Alpha do it?” Jackson asked,

“Maybe, his scentin would be better than mine” Tyler said, “Mine still better than Alpha Kane’s though, an I can’t do it, I don’t think he can”

“He give it a shot!” What are those two up to? Ky asked. I don’t know! Are they trying to help or get us killed? I think they just gave us an opportunity!

“I’m game to try it!” Kane said. Adonis looked at him and tilted his head to the side.

“Really?” Adonis asked. What’s he up to? Odin questioned.

“Does The Devil care to make a deal with The King?” Kane asked,

“What’s the deal?” Adonis asked,

“For everyone I guess right, you owe me thirty minutes of your time. For everyone I get wrong….”

“You owe me a grand!” Adonis finished for him.

“Why do you keep taking my money?” Kane asked,

“You don’t have anything else I want,” Adonis replied. “I don’t need power, I have my own. You can see how much a care for status, and I don’t require favours.”

“Fine I owe you a grand for everyone I get wrong” Kane said.

“As well as for everyone I get right.” Adonis countered,

“Fine, but for everyone you get wrong you owe me your time….thirty minutes.” Kane said and held out his hand. Adonis crossed his arms over his chest as he weighed his options. He had one for sure, which was one more than Kane, but the other five would simply be guesses.

“What’s it going to be, Alpha Adonis? Are you going to accept the deal from The King or does The Devil only like to make them?” Kane said.

“Deal!” Adonis shook Kane’s hand.

“Get the fuck out both you” Jackson said as he kicked them out.

“The fuck this gonna work?” Tyler asked, “He gonna cheat an use the freaky mine thin”

“Of course he gonna cheat, he a demon, it what we do,” Jackson replied.

“The fuck we gonna do?” Tyler ask,

“Be demons, we gonna cheat too. Eli come here,” Jackson replied.

“What?” Elijah asked as he approached Tyler and Jackson.

“Throw a couple Alpha Kane’s way,” Jackson said, keeping his voice low so as to not alert anyone else in the room.

“What?” Elijah looked at him.

“Throw a couple to Alpha Kane. Adon bein stubborn, ain’t you curious what he wants. Unless you gonna ask yur buddy over there, Adon need to stop bein a pain in the ass an fuckin sit down wit him. Sides, Adon already got one, he can smell Damon.” Jackson said. Elijah checked over his shoulder, the others were watching them.

“We don’t know that he won’t talk to Alpha Kane” Elijah said.

“No he won’t. He know he want somein from him. Look what happen wit the treaty. An he was jus a Alpha when Adon did that. This way it force his hand an he hole up his end the deal, he don’t like bein indebted.” Jackson said.

“He’s going to know!” Elijah said,

“Yeah, I take care of it,” Jackson assured him.

“Fine!” Elijah reluctantly agreed. He and Kenneth were nominated to keep score on how many Kane and Adonis got right.

“This isn’t fair, Alpha Adonis has that freaky mind thing he can do.” Carter said. Johnny’s shoulders slumped a little, no wonder The Devil accepted the deal.

“Ok this how it gonna work. Everbody not participatin gonna wear a blinefold. They can’t see they can’t give it away an he can’t use the freaky mine thin on em. The res of us, think bout cookies,” Jackson told the others.

“Cookies?” Damon asked.

“If you thinkin bout somein else an not huggin Kenzi, it gonna slow Adon down not stop him, but it buys time, an we put em on a timer. They get thirty seconds to make they choice.” Jackson said and they all nodded, that seemed fair.

“Wait, Kenzi smell gonna transfer onto one of us. Adon not stupid” Tyler said.

“Ok, both siblins hug her an las to let go was the one that hug her.” Jackson said, again they all nodded. Kenneth furrowed his brow a little, the demons were up to something.

“I’ll explain later,” Elijah whispered quietly.

The first round started, whoever wasn’t participating wore a blind fold. Jackson and Tyler both hugged Kenzi, but Jackson was the last to let go. They stepped back, they all removed their blindfolds and Carter let Adonis into the room.

“Time start now” Jackson said as Johnny started the counter. Adonis circled Kenzi, sniffing her causing her to giggle. Then he moved to Jackson and a smile graced his face but slipped off when he caught her scent on Tyler as well. ….grrrrrr…. A slight growl escaped him. Guess that’s not gonna work! They thought of that! Just read them!

“Cookies!” Adonis grumbled. So much for that idea!

“10 seconds” Johnny called. Adonis circled Kenzi again, taking a deeper smell.

“Time!” Johnny called.

“Who did it?” Jackson asked,

“Tyler!” Adonis replied. Elijah marked that down, but no one told him the real answer, they wouldn’t know until Kane made his guess. Exiting the room, Kane entered.

“30 seconds,” Johnny said. Kane circled Kenzi, sniffing her, and she giggled.

“15 seconds,” Johnny called. Kane sniffed Jackson and Tyler as well but that wasn’t going to work they both carried her scent. Then he caught movement from Elijah. He would look at Jackson then look away.

“Time!” Johnny called

“Jackson!” Kane said and Kenneth marked it down. They brought Adonis back into the room.

“Who hugged you Kenzi?” Jackson asked.

“Jackson!” Kenzi replied, her smile big on her face.

“Round one goes to King Kane” Kenneth said.

The second round started, this time Kane went first. He circled the little pixie sniffing her. She would giggle and her body would vibrate with excitement, this was a great experiment, she liked hugs. Kenzi did her best not to look at him and she never looked at Damon or Dax.

“Time!” Johnny called,

“Dax!” Kane said. He figured Damon wouldn’t hug the pixie, for fear of retaliation. Kane exited and Adonis entered. He circled his mate, she would giggle and shiver when he got too close.

“Who hugged you, tiny dancer?” He whispered in her ear.

“I’m not telling,” Kenzi giggled.

“Hey that cheatin” Jackson said. Adonis already knew who did it, he wasn’t surprised. He also knew Kane would pick his mate thinking the brother wouldn’t have the balls to hug the mate of The Devil.

“Then don’t tell me, but I already know” He whispered again.

“Time!” Johnny called.

“Damon!” Adonis said then Kane entered the room.

“Who hugged you Kenzi?” Tyler asked

“Damon!” She replied.

“Round two goes to Alpha Adonis,” Elijah said. Kane looked at Damon and he shrugged. They both exited and waited for round three.

The two stood out in the hallway, neither one speaking, but thoughts rolling through both their heads. Adonis didn’t like losing an hour of his time, but he knew he would eventually have to talk to Kane about whatever it was he wanted. This may have forced his hand, but the alternative was Kane showing up in BC, which he didn’t want. Brother’s are cheating! Odin grumbled. Of course they are! You’re not mad at this….we were played! It’s either this, or he shows up at our home….uninvited and loses his head! I’m all for head loss! Don’t be grumpy or I won’t let you bite Eric! Fuck you, Imma bite him anyway! I know! Are we really going for dinner? I’m going to leave it up to Kenzi, her presence was the one he requested! That means no wellingtons! She will get to cook, I don’t trust anything they’re going to make for us! The fuck he want to talk to her for anyway? He wants to apologize for what transpired! Cause that’s gonna make it better! War was declared Odin, and Eric knows he will not survive one with the demons. He thinks we called in reinforcements! We don’t need to! No we don’t! Are we gonna? Maybe! Others might like a little fun! They probably would!

“What did your brother want?” Kane broke the silence in the hallway.

“Kenzi’s presence was requested at dinner tonight” Adonis replied.

“Why?” Kane tensed in the hall as he looked back at the office door.

“Settle down puppy, the idiot wants to apologize for what transpired yesterday. He is trying to save face, and has now realized he’s made a huge error in the way he has treated my mate. He thinks an I’m sorry dinner will smooth everything over. He said he will be calling you as well requesting Marco’s presence, I told him not to bother I will inform you myself.” Adonis said.

“What did you say about Kenzi going?” Kane asked,

“I said I would leave that up to my mate, and let him know. I won’t make decisions for her” Adonis replied. “If she decides to go and hear him out, she won’t be going alone and she will be doing the cooking. I don’t trust anything they would serve us and I want bacon wrapped wellingtons”

“As irritating as that is, it does come in handy,” Kane said.

The door opened and Adonis let Kane go first. He stood in the hall he had thoughts to think over. What was he going to do about Evan? What was he going to do about Ethan? He had to know for sure if he was behind the attacks on White Stone. Tyler can get into their finances! That would tell them if large sums of money were removed on a day that led up to the attacks. He also wanted to know if any of the other idiots knew what Ethan was doing. Emroy didn’t outright say Eric didn’t know, but he never said he did either. Could he trust him? After all these years, was Emroy the one brother from the Bradshaw clan he could actually trust. The door opened again and Kane stepped into the hallway. Adonis cut his thoughts and entered the office. One more time he sniffed and circled his mate, allowing her tiny giggles to bring him peace and calm.

“Steve!” Adonis spoke when time was called, he kept his arms around his mate, he needed her contact as his thoughts went back to swirling in his head. Kane entered the office and they waited for the answer. So far The Devil owed him an hour and half of his time. If Elijah hadn’t thrown Jackson and Steve to him, he would be owing him twelve grand on top of the three he already owed him.

“Who hugged you Kenzi?” Jackson asked.

“Steve!” Kenzi replied.

“You owe me another three grand” Adonis said to Kane

“And you owe me an hour and a half of your time,” Kane fired back.

“It is not something that is going to happen now, I need to talk to Kenzi.” Adonis replied as he walked them to the door.

“I will collect that debt,” Kane told him.

“It’s a date. I’m looking forward to it. Make sure you bring peonies, they’re my favourite.” And Adonis walked out of the office listening to Kane curse.

“Is he always an asshole?” Jackson cracked up laughing followed by Tyler.

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