The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 84: Please Let It Be Me!

It was two in the morning when he felt her stirring to life under him. Kenzi had slept most of the evening, even after the sedative Elijah used wore off. He said she would, her body was recovering from the assault and she would be tired. She wasn’t letting anyone from that pack near her let alone touch her after they had retrieved her from the closet. Jackson wasn’t really helping with that. She so much as made a small pained noise he broke a neck. They left quite the body count and they were only half way through their visit. Wonder how many are going to be left when we leave? Odin mused in his mind. None, Eric will not be able to find the one responsible, we already know who it is and we’ll make him disappear! Aside from a laceration on her forearm where she cut herself and the trauma of her past flooding her mind about being locked in the closet. She had burns to her foot and leg, bruises on her arms and a cracked cheekbone where she was struck. Elijah had taken x-rays of her back as well and he was relieved when he discovered that it was nothing more serious than the vertebrae being popped out. The muscle around the injury would be tender for a day or two.

Adonis tried to get her to talk about it, but she couldn’t remember all of what happened. Kenzi knew enough to know, they got her from behind and she fought and kicked until they threatened to break her neck. But, she didn’t know who did it. Elijah said there was a chance she’ll never remember like the day she was found in the closet at the orphanage. All of them agreed that it was for the best. She didn’t need to remember that a man wearing his face did this to her.

When he brought her back to Steve and Kennedy’s they held questioning looks, but said nothing until he met them in the office and gave them a crash course on her history. He swore to himself that he would never discuss it, but they needed to know.

“That explains the closets” Was all Steve could say. It was seconded by Kennedy who added poor kid and humans are a fucked up species. They understood now why she never went near one. Either one of the brothers, Adonis or Elijah retrieved whatever was needed. And why they rearranged the pantry moving what she needed closer to the front. Tyler had tracked who did it with Alpha Kane’s Delta and now he was trying to figure out how he was going to deal with them. So many methods came to mind, but he wanted one that would really hurt, he wanted pain.

He felt Kenzi stir again and he held onto her tighter.

“Sweetheart! How are you feeling?” Adonis whispered into the darkness. He would put her back to sleep, but he wanted to hear her voice, needing to make sure she was ok. Odin wanted to hear her voice as well.

“My head hurts and I has to pee.” She mumbled back, but held onto him tighter. Classy girl!

“Then you should go pee, and I will get you some aspirin and water for your head.” He didn’t really want to leave her, he wanted to be near her.

“NO!” Her arms tightened around his neck and she fought but failed to hold back the shudder that ripped through her. “Don’t leafs me” She clung to him, the thought of being alone in the room even for a few minutes and a wave of fear shot through her. Her body shivered against his and his arms moved more around her. Further enforcing the need to cause unceasing pain to the one that did this to her.

“Ok sweetheart. I’m not leaving, I got you. I’m not going anywhere” He pressed his lips to her head and whispered these words to her until he felt her grip loosen. She was still clearly dealing with the aftermath of what happened and didn’t want to be away from him either.

“What did he say to you?” Adonis asked her when she got out of the bathroom.

“Who?” She asked,

“Eric, in the dining room. What did he say to you?” Kenzi stood there, she didn’t want to tell him all the mean and hurtful yet truthful things Eric said to her in the dining room.

“He knowed, he knowed, I didint tell him, but he knowed. He said I’m not the mate, not the true, not the chos-ed, not the nothing, I’m a fake, I’m a fake mate. He knowed and I didint tell him, I didint and he’s gonna tell evry-one.” The more she spoke the more worried she became. It was supposed to be a secret, she tried to keep it a secret but his brother knew and she didn’t know how he knew but he knew. Now the secret was going to be revealed and Adonis was going to be in so much trouble. They would be mean to him and she didn’t want that. The only thing she could think to do was stop pretending she was something she was not and find his real mate. If he had his real mate they wouldn’t be mean. She could feel her heart tightening at the thought of giving him up, but it had to be done.

“Sweetheart….” Adonis rose from the bed,

“We can’t pretend no more, we has to find her. If we finded her they can’t be mean to you” Kenzi told him. She started pacing the room thinking of how they were going to do that. The burn to her foot and leg made her movements awkward and she flinched a little but it didn’t stop her.

“Sweetheart….” Adonis tried again to get her attention, but she was in her own world now. Thoughts slammed into her but the only ones she let herself focus on were the ones that involved finding his mate. That’s what was important, not her, not how she felt, him….he was important and she promised. She would bury the rest of it.

“Kenzi, sweetheart please stop and just listen to me for a minute” I don’t think she can hear you! He watched as her hands clenched and unclenched, he watched the hairpin turns she would do as she walked back and forth across the room, lost deep in her thoughts. Her face scrunching then she would hiss as jolts of pain shot through her and her brows furrowed. Jumbled emotion poured from her.


“We can look for your mate at the bar we pass-ed, and we already look-ed at the mall but maybe she’s there and we could go back and look again, maybe we missed her, we didint look in all the stores and….” She was saying as she paced the bedroom.

“Sweetheart!” Adonis had tried to tell her several times that he was done with the find the mate thing. He found his mate and now he wanted her to know.

“...and there’s always places like librararies. Maybe she’s a book….pe-per-people….” She was lost in her mind consumed with all the places they could go to look for her.

“Sweetheart stop!” He tried again to get her attention.

“….or the grocery store….” The way his brother spoke made her mad. The things he dared to say about him. It made her so mad.

“KENZI!” He called louder trying to pull her from her thoughts, from her pacing. She’s gonna wear a hole in the floor! Not helping Odin!

“We’ll finded her, she has to be out there somewheres….” Kenzi was determined to find his mate. His brother called her out and said she wasn’t his mate, not his true or his chosen and he was right. She wasn’t either, she wasn’t anything, just a baker. So now they had to find her, before he told everybody this was all fake. She had just cleared the other side of the room.

“Kenzi stop!” Adonis was trying to keep his control but the more he listened to her prattle on the more he felt it slipping between his fingers.

“....there’s lots of places we still….”

KENZI!” Adonis yelled her name, stopping her in her tracks and mid-sentence. She snapped her eyes to him, wide, startled then she dropped them to the floor immediately.

“Sorry!” She blurted, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth. She didn’t mean to make him mad.

“I’m sorry sweetheart, but you need to listen to me now” He was saying to her. He didn’t fully know what Eric said to upset her, but it upset her so much that she called him a giant butthole and hoped he got eaten by a bear….in front of everyone. Yeah, he wasn’t impressed! It was funny nonetheless! It was hysterical! Especially with Jackson and Tyler there! Why does that sound worse than being called an asshole? I don’t know, but it does!

“I’m sorry, but we need to finded your mate. Your brother is mean and….”

“I found my mate!” Adonis blurted, stopping her mid sentence. Kenzi stared at him. No more words escaping her mouth as it hung open.

“Oh….” She breathed out as all the air sucked from her lungs, her legs turned to jelly and she struggled to keep herself standing. When did he do that? Her chest felt tight and it was only getting tighter as her heart constricted more and more. This is what was pose to happen! This is what they were doing! This is what she promised! She cast her eyes to the floor as she fought for control, fighting to keep every emotion from showing. They swirled, swarmed and slammed into her. Breathe! She only felt the air whoosh out of her lungs, but nothing being drawn in. BREATHE! Deep breath in fighting to stop it from shaking. BREATHE! And back out again.

“Kenzi!” Adonis moved to be closer to her.

“Ok, ok, its….ok….I jus….need a….a minute” Kenzi wasn’t sure how she made it to the couch, her legs shook so bad and threatened a few times to give out on her. I thou-ght he choos-ed me! As soon as she reached it, she crumpled onto it. It felt like he choos-ed me! I screwed up again! Why would he ever pick me? Clenching her fists tight in her lap trying to focus on something other than the jumbled thoughts running through her head at this very moment. No, he would never pick me! He serves better! This is what is pose to happen! You knew this was pose to happen! Adonis watched as her tightly clenched fists shook, listened as she took one shaky gasped breath after another. You don’t get to cry or be sad! He is not yours! He was never yours! He was never pose to be yours….ever! That is ok, it has to be ok….make it be ok! Put a smile on your face and be happy for him, he serves this! He serves happy! Stop crying, no crying, you’re not pose to cry! She scolded herself over the heartbreak she felt, this is not what was supposed to happen. They don’t get happy ever after together. This was not their fairytale. Continuing to remind herself to breathe, she brought air into her lungs and expelled it. Her hands clenched tight into fists started to hurt and when she looked at them, she saw the white knuckles. Now more than ever he wished he knew the thoughts that swirled in her head. He wished he could stop them before they got to her, before they took hold and refused to let go. Stop! You has to stop! You knowed, you knowed better, now you don’t get to cry! Don’t feel it! Don’t show it! Don’t be a burden! It’s not important! She unclenched her fists, but didn’t dare look to see what she did when she dug her nails into her palms. I hope she’s nice, he serves nice!

Adonis watched her absorb what he just said, so much emotion flooded from her then in the blink of an eye it was gone. She fought it all back, pushed it all away, stomped it all down. She wouldn’t show it in front of him, she wouldn’t burden him with it. She was fighting with everything in her to block the sadness he knew she had to be feeling. He wanted to pull her into his arms and tell her it was her, but before he could say anything or make a move she spoke.

“Is she nice?” Her voice was so soft, so small, so broken. As she continued to sit on the couch staring at the floor. She looked so tiny, so fragile.

“She’s the sweetest little thing I have ever met” He replied, and she nodded.

“That’s good. And you’ll be happy?” She asked,

“She makes me extremely happy.” Again Kenzi nodded, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth he watched her bite down on it. Her eyes clenched tightly shut as she told herself one more time not to feel anything other than happiness. To not think of anything other than her friend being happy. He got his mate and he will never be alone. His heart was breaking as he watched her fight and struggle. Until she stood up.

“Good! Good, you’ll be happy! You serves happy! I bet she’s really pretty!” The more she thought about his happiness the happier it made her.

“She’s breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair is soft and silky and I love running my fingers through it. Her eyes are a colour I have never seen, I could spend hours getting lost in them. But that’s not what sets her apart from others, that’s not what makes her beautiful to me. It’s her heart, she is generous, and kind. She would give up happiness for others. She is truly selfless and completely innocent.” She stood there listening to everything he was saying about his mate. She sounded like a truly wonderful person and perfect for him. She heard the adoration in his voice and her excitement began to grow.

“You won’t be alone, and you’ll has pretty babies.” He had to fight back a laugh when she jumped onto the couch. “So many pretty babies.”

“Slow down there. We’re not quite there yet.” He said to her, as a chuckle escaped him.

“No, but you will be.” Her smile broke across her face as she stood on the couch looking at him. Her excitement was definitely starting to get the better of her. He could see her body starting to tremble. Maybe don’t tell her right now! No, it’s time to tell her who she is! She’s going to fucking explode! Yes she will! Better hope you can hold onto her, or she’ll have the whole house up! That’s a lot of pissed off werewolves!

“I haven’t even told her yet” Her eyes widened as she looked at him.

“Why not? Hurry up and tell her. I getted to meet her! Do I getted to meet her? I want to meet her! Can I meet her? I has to meet her! Please let me meet her!” She didn’t know how she felt about that. They had looked for her and he found her, she didn’t understand why he was waiting. He wanted this.

“It wasn’t the right time,” He said, walking behind the couch,

“It is the right tine. Make it the right tine. Now is the right tine. You has to tell her, she’ll be so happy you finded her. Does she know you’re a wolfie?” She followed his movements across the couch.

“Yes, she knows I’m a wolfie, it never bothered her. She’s accepted everything without hesitation or an ounce of fear and I haven’t told her because she’s highly excitable. Though she is good at keeping secrets, I didn’t think this was one she’d be able to keep. Her excitement would be to great and it wasn’t safe for her to know at the time.” He switched directions, heading the other way.

“Is it safe now?” Kenzi asked,

“Yes!” He replied. Yes was a great word, her excitment was spiking to heights he has yet to see.

Sooo….” And she followed him stumbling along the couch but managing to keep her balance.

“She’ll explode if I tell her” He moved behind one of the chairs,

“Then let her ass-pl-ode, what’s gonna happen?” And she jumped to the seat of it.

“She’ll wake the house up for starters” Are you hoping to tire her out? Maybe calm her down a little! Good luck with that!

“Oh….grumpy wolfies!” She jumped back to the couch, failing to stick the landing and fell in a crumpled mess on the cushion. A small whimper of pain escaped but she didn’t let that stop her.

“A lot of grumpy wolfies” He laughed when she scrambled back to her feet.

“It’ll be ok, they’ll unerstand!” She exclaimed, nodding her head. He was hoping that would calm her down, but she only seemed to be getting more excited.

“You wanna tell her….right…. You wanna tell her?” She wobbled a bit before she moved to again follow his direction.

“I do, more than anything” He crossed close to the door and she stepped onto the coffee table. That would at least give her some stability.

“Then jus sit her in your lap, you has very calming hands.” And there goes her mouth!

“You actually know her” He stepped slightly closer to her,

“I….I do?” She looked at him in confusion,

“Yes you do! You see her every day.” He said stepping closer

“I do?” Her brows furrowing as her face scrunched up,

“Yes!” Even closer. You’ll have seconds to catch her!

“Is it Maggie? Cause I don’t….I don’t think Patrick’s gonna like that” Kenzi shook her head. Nope, Patrick wouldn’t like that at all!

“It’s not Maggie,” He replied, stepping even closer to her.

“I don’t know many people….Pam?” She asked him, though since The Sweetheart Festival more people were talking to her. He shook his head and stepped even closer to her.

“Ember?” He said it wasn’t Ember, but maybe it was Ember. Maybe he just couldn’t smell her over the other smells in the bar. Though she talks to Ember almost everyday, she doesn’t see Ember everyday.

“No, it’s not Ember. You have known her for a very long time” He replied, he was now standing directly in front of her and the couch.

“I’ve….I’ve knowed her a long tine?” Adonis nodded,

“Your whole life,” He said, bracing himself. The impact was going to be big.

Kenzi stood on the coffee table, her face scrunched trying to figure out who he was talking about. Who has she known her whole life? My sister! No can’t be, she sees them everyday and she hasn’t seen her sister since the dinner party. Who does she see everyday? Going back over everything he said to her about his mate. He said she’s small, no she’s a little thing, he calls her a little thing….the sweetest little thing! And she’s….excitable….he calls me asscit-asscite-ass-cite-able! Innocent….he covers my ears cause I’m innicent! Secrets....she can keep secrets, she’s kept them all her life. She has an eye colour he’s never seen before….hair he likes to….run….his fingers….she looked up at him, her eyes widening as the pieces she was putting together began to form a picture in her mind.

“Sweetest little thing?” Her heart rate picked up.

“Yes!” A smile began to tug at his lips. Clever Lil Button!

“You call me that!” She pointed at herself, her breath hitching.

“I do, because you are!” He said,

“I’m asscit-ass-cite-able!” Her body began to tremble more, just to prove the point.

“Extremely!” The smile spread more across his face.

“My eye colour?” Her excitement grew.

“I have never seen silver.” He replied.

“I’ve knowed me a long tine.” She was vibrating at this point. It had to be her.

“Yes, you have!” He agreed. It was her, she was the mate. She had to be the mate.

“I see me evry-day!” Moving from one foot to the other.

“Yes, you do!” She was fighting the smile that wanted to break across her face. It was her, it was her. She was his mate. Right?

“Me! It’s me! It’s me! It’s me! Is it me? Me? I’m the mate? Is it me? Right? It’s me?” She held her breath, she hoped, wished, prayed, pleaded, begged whoever was listening that she guessed right. It was her, it had to be her, let it be her. She clutched her hands, clenched her eyes and only one word repeated over and over in her mind. Please, please, please, please, please, please! It rang through her head, a never ending loop. There was no room for anything else in her mind. It pushed everything out. Every dark corner was cleared of every bad thought. All fear was abolished as that one word and hope spread through her. It just had to be her. She has never wanted anything, never asked for anything, but she wanted this, she was asking for this. Please let it be her. Please let her be right. Please let her be his true mate.

He watched her, time slowed down as her mouth moved to the word that was running on a loop in her head. His little mate had never wanted anything more in her entire life.

“Yes….” ….eeeeeee…. He barely had time to react, her feet danced across the table, as the squeal left her lips and she launched herself into his arms. Wrapping herself around him they collided with the couch. Tipping it over backwards landing on the other side with him on his back and her on his chest hugging tightly to him. Excitement spilled from her, as she vibrated against him.

“Yay!” It was small and hushed and betrayed everything she was feeling, everything she was showing, everything that flooded the room. Yes is a great fucking word! Happy was an understatement. There wasn’t a word to describe how she felt at that moment. ….eeeee…. There wasn’t anything strong enough to describe the emotion he felt, or his shock when she took them over the couch. ….eeeee…. He knew the impact was going to be big, but that he was not expecting. Told you to catch her! ….eeeee…. She continued to squeal and hold tighter to him. He kissed her forehead, her cheek, her nose. He ran his fingers through the silky tresses of her hair. She was his and only his. His perfect little, highly excitable, innocent mate with her filterless addictive mouth.

“You are mine. My true mate. I have known since the day I met you. I’ve wanted to tell you so many times, but I needed to make sure you were safe before I did.” He told her, brushing the hair from her face.

“You said you lost her….we’ve never met before.” She said to him, furrowing her brows.

“Yes we have, three years ago. I have been searching for you since.” He replied,

“When? When did we meet? I would member.” She sat up and straddled his waist looking down at him. If they met before she would have remembered.

“Algonquin Park!” He said, her eyes widened as she went back to that day.

“That was you?” She remembered every moment.

“Yes! Then like a fool, I left you there. A naked man caressing a woman in the park is frowned upon by humans,” he explained.

“You were naked?” She asked, he was pressed against her that day. Her eyes grew wider and her cheeks darkened.

“Yes I was, I had just shifted, and I was excited that I finally found you and wasn’t thinking clearly, especially after I saw some of the scars on your back. I had to touch you. I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t think it would take me that long to find you again.” Adonis told her.

“But you did! You did finded me!” Her smile spread across her face. He was right, she wouldn't have been able to keep that secret if she tried.

“And I am never letting go” ….eeeee…. Her excitement bubbled over again as she peppered kisses all over his face squealing with delight.

“I has to tell Dax!” Kenzi scrambled off of him and out the bedroom door listening to his deep rumble echo out of the room.

She is going to have the whole fucking house up! Yes she is! You don’t care do you? Nope! There is going to be a lot of pissed off wolfies! Still don’t care! Adonis continued to laugh as he laid on the floor. His mate knew who she was, that was all that mattered to him. His mate deserved to be happy too. Now we get to mark her! When she’s ready! I’m gonna bite her ass! No you’re not! Yes I am! No! She’s mine too! ODIN! You get to mark her, then so do I! You are not biting her ass! Oh, I am so biting that honeydew! ODIN! Can’t hear you! ODIN! Ignoring you! I will never let you out! You and I both know, you don’t have to be awake for me to get out! FUCK! One nip! I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this….a small one! Seriously? Small, Odin! Yeah, fuck yeah, small, it’ll be tiny! Goddess help him and mate forgive him for what he just did. Are you gonna get off the floor? She probably has half the house up by now! She was highly excited, and probably did have half the house up by now. Let her wake the whole fucking house up! His men would understand and they knew he planned on telling her on this trip. The only thing he would hear about was the time he decided to tell her at. But considering she was cornered by Eric, Kenzinapped and locked in a small closet where she had a panic attack that resulted in her being sedated for the evening, they’ll get over it. She needed good news. Now it was figuring out what to do about the one that locked her in the closet. Evan was either going to die quickly and painfully, or he was going to die slowly and painfully, but Evan was going to die painfully. My vote is slow and painful! Odin grumbled in his head.

Kenzi hit the main floor. She couldn’t contain her happy little squeals no matter how hard she tried. They rang through the house. But now she was staring at a hallway of doors and didn’t know which one roomed the little white haired girl. Picking a random door she knocked on it. Her body vibrated as she bounced from one foot to the other. The pain from her burns a long distant memory. All she felt was happiness. Excitement flooded through her. She knocked again. Come on, come on, come on, open the door! She knocked again.

“Lil Kenzi Cakes?” Jackson drawled rubbing his eyes as he looked down at her.

“Jackson!” She squealed with excitement. That was not who she was trying to see, but was still very excited to see him.

“You ok?” He asked, scratching the back of his head.

“Yes! I’m ok, I’m better than ok, I’m great. It’s me Jackson, it’s me!”

“Yup! It’s three in the mornin.”

“No Jackson, it’s me, it’s me, it’s me.” She hugged him tightly then moved to the door across the hall and started knocking.

“Elijah! It’s me!” She squealed, he stared at her wide eyed then she hugged him and moved onto the next door.

“It’s her!” Was all Jackson could say to a very confused Elijah.

“At three in the morning,” he replied. THUMP! CRASH! THUMP!

“What’s wron?” Tyler asked panicked

“It’s me, Tyler. It’s me, it’s me, it’s me.” The more she said it the more excited she became. She hugged him as well then moved on to knocking on the next door. One of these rooms has to has the white haired girl in it!

“What?” Tyler asked then looked to his brother and Elijah for clarification they both shrugged .


“Morning, Carter!” And Kenzi moved on.

“Morning Ms. Templeton!”



“What the he....” A blurry eyed Damon opened the door and looked down at her.

“Morning Damon!” On to the next door.


“Morning Kenneth!” Kenzi moved on. Her excitement continued to grow, she had to be getting close.



MARCO!” Kenzi threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. She hadn’t seen him since the kitchen. She was so happy when she was told he was okay.

“Piccola?” He asked, but she had already moved on to the second last door. And he looked at Kenneth for an explanation. He only shook his head, he had nothing as he looked down the hall at the others who were just as baffled as he was.

“Were we supposed to get a wake up call?” Carter asked.


KNOCK! KNOC.... the door was opened before she could finish knocking

“Hi Johnny!”

“Morning darling, do you know what time it is?”



“No!” Kenzi shook her head and moved onto the last door and started banging on it. This one had to be the right room.



If this wasn’t the right room she didn’t know what she was going to do.



“It’s three in the morning darling.”


“What is going on?” Kane’s deep voice filled the hallway

“ hands starting to hurt.”

“Who’s at the door?” Dax’s sleepy voice came from the bedroom. ….eeeee…. Kane stared wide eyed as the purple haired pixie squealed then disappeared into his room. Then he looked back down the hall waiting for someone to tell him what the hell is going on.

“That son bitch” Jackson grumbled. Tyler and Elijah looked at him waiting for an explanation

“He toll her.” That cleared up everything for them right there.

“Asshole!” Tyler huffed.


Kane grumbled.


Ky grumbled


Dax didn’t move or say a word. Kane shifted, his eyes opening slightly taking in his surroundings.


What the hell? Make it stop! It took him a few more seconds to register what was happening. Looking at the clock….three. Who the fuck is up at three? I don’t know! Make them stop or I’m gonna bite them! Rubbing his eyes he listened to what was going on but at best he heard faint muffled voices.


“Baby!” Nothing, Dax didn’t move.

“Baby come on!” Kane had to laugh when he saw how his little mate was sleeping across him. Her whole top half was sprawled into the bed while her bottom half was draped across him with her sexy little ass in the air.


“Ok baby. You sleep.” I’d like to be asleep too! Don’t be grumpy, I’m not the one banging on the door! Kane slid Dax off his chest and into the bed, she grumbled at being disturbed and curled herself into a ball. Grabbing his pants he slid them on and went to answer the door.


“What is going on?” He asked as soon as he opened it.

“ hands starting to hurt.” The tiny little excited voice broke his cloudiness as he stared down at the little pixie. She had the brightest smile on her face and excitement flooded around her.

“Who’s at the door?” Dax called. ….eeeee…. Kenzi ran into his bedroom and Kane could only watch her go.

“What is going on?” He repeated. He had a purple haired pixie in his room and he wasn’t too sure The Devil would be happy to know she just jumped into his bed.

“I goin back to bed!” Tyler grumbled covering a yawn. He disappeared back into his room and they heard the click of the door. Jackson nodded and he too disappeared as with Elijah.

“He apparently told her something and she’s very excited.” Kenneth replied with a shrug.

“He told her something?” Kane asked

“Yup!” Damon said, biting back his own yawn. The brothers had the right idea.

“What did he tell her?” Kane asked, as he looked back into his room. The little pixie was pretty much jumping on the bed trying to wake Dax up and she was only getting more excited.

“I don’t know, something big that we all got a wake up call. But I think she was looking for Dax and didn’t know what room she was in.” Johnny replied.

“No, no, no, no you has to get up now” Kenzi’s little excited voice sounded into the hallway.

“Kenzi, it’s three in the morning, I’m sleeping” Came Dax’s tired reply.

“No tine for sleep. Who can sleep?”

“No one with all the noise you’re making”

“It’s tine to get up now. Come on, come on, come on”

“Ok, ok, ok, I’m up, I’m up. Stop jumping on the bed.”

“Come on, come on, come on”

“Ok, ok, ok, just a minute I nee….”

“No tine for pants”

Before Kane could say anything Kenzi had pulled Dax from the room and down the hall wearing only his shirt. They all watched as they both disappeared around the corner then crossed back over in front of the hallway to head in the direction of the kitchen.

“What the hell did he tell her?” Kane asked,

“I don’t know, but that is one excited little pixie and there is no time for pants,” Damon replied. Johnny broke out laughing at the look on Kane’s face.

“Probabilmente le ha detto che era la sua vera compagna (He probably told her she was his real mate)” Marco said. “Che cosa?” Marco said when they all looked at him.

“What?” Johnny said, not sure he heard right

“She did not know?” Kenneth asked, Marco shook his head.

“What didn’t she know?” Kane asked.

“That she was his true mate,” Johnny replied.

“What do you mean she didn’t know?” Damon asked.

“Tyler mi ha detto che c’erano troppi pericoli presenti e non poteva dirle.” Marco explained.

“Tyler told him too many dangers were present and Alpha Adonis couldn’t tell her who she was” Johnny translated.

“When did he tell you this?” Kane asked.

“In reparto medico. Alpha Adonis gli ha dato il permesso.” Marco said.

“Told him in the medical ward. Alpha Adonis gave him permission. Maybe he figured Marco almost died trying to protect her, he deserved the truth” Johnny hazard a guess.

“What do you mean Marco almost died?” Kane asked,

“Elijah had to bleed Marco out. He was hit with four darts of wolfsbane, and Elijah needed to get it out of his system. A little bit will make us sick, but had Elijah not done what he did, he would have surely died.” Johnny explained. Kane looked at Marco.

“There was a small issue getting his heart restarted, but Elijah didn’t quit until it did” Kenneth added. That explained the look he saw on Elijah’s face when he stepped out of the room.

“I don’t think I’d question anything the fucking ninja does” Damon said. “That includes yelling at Dax. She wouldn’t leave the room, knowing what he needed to do, he couldn’t have her present. He needed us to listen and do everything he said no questions asked. Let’s face it she’s stubborn and would have asked questions. Elijah knew she wouldn’t be able to deal….not with that on her conscience” Damon added when he saw the look cross Kane’s face when heard the ninja yelled at his mate. Kane once more looked at Marco.

“Tutto meglio! (Everything better)” Marco nodded. The demons had stayed with him throughout the night. Keeping him company. Alpha Adonis even stopped by for a bit, he thanked him for what he did and thanking people wasn’t something he thought The Devil did often. Like Elijah said they put him in a secure room where he couldn’t hurt anybody and Alejandro went off, he destroyed everything, he was so angry. When all was said and done and his wolf calmed down he was fine, they gave him a second supper and told him to go to bed, so he did.

“The next time I see Elijah, I owe him a debt of gratitude.” Kane said. “We could have been having another ritual accepting the blade.” Kane said.

“It was….not the blade you were accepting. It was Alpha Adonis’s blood.” Kenneth informed them.

“What?” Damon looked at him, creasing his brow.

“The smallest drop when taken by force or unknowingly can sever the connection between man and bestia. One or the other will disappear. It is not information they share with others, it is why Elijah would not answer you in the conference room.” Kenneth explained. “It is a torture method Elijah uses when he wants to garner information. He tells them their wolf will disappear unless they tell him what he wants to know. They spill, to save their wolf, but it is not reversible. Once Alpha Adonis’s blood is in their system it is too late. The human side remembers everything, the bestia side not so much.”

“How do you know this?” Kane asked. Ky! What? Are you ok? Yeah! Relief flooding through him. He could see the looks on Johnny’s and Damon’s faces as well as they checked in with their own wolves.

“The theory Elijah wanted to test” Kenneth replied,

“The guard dogs?” Damon asked,

“He has only ever had the human side remain dominant. He wanted to know what would happen if the bestia side won.” Kenneth said.

“Ok, so what happened?” Kane asked. Kenneth opened the door to his room. There was no way he could explain, they would have to see. He let out a low whistle.

THUMP! THUD! THUMP! Their eyes widened as a pair of glowing yellow eyes attached to a six foot wolf appeared in the hallway.

“The fuck is that?” Damon asked as he backed right into his bedroom door. Johnny too had moved away.

“He made a fucking guard dog!” Kane said as he took in the six foot wolf with light grey and white patched fur.

“He made tre. He needed help, so I helped him. I wanted one when I saw that his theory worked. They were all rogues, nine total. They had attacked White Stone. Three remained human and he got one to turn on his own, but it attacked him, he had to kill it. We got another one to turn, but the outcome was the same. It was a process, trial and error. Giving the bestia purpose brought back their original colour. They remember nothing, not even their names. This is Omen.” Kenneth said and introduced the wolf to the others.

“Who is his Alpha?” Kane asked Alpha Kane McKenna!

“Omen, what pack do you belong to?” Kenneth asked. Blood Howlers!

“Ne voglio uno!” Marco said, as he looked at the wolf.

“I want one too.” Johnny agreed, Damon just nodded.

“You can name them?” Carter asked, he was the only one brave enough to actually approach the wolf. He couldn’t help the smile when he petted it and it nuzzled his hand. Marco got brave as well as he approached the wolf.

“Si, they keep their strength and their senses, but they are primitive at best” Kenneth went on.

“That’s only eight” Johnny said “Three humans, three turned and two dead, what happened to the last one?”

“No lo so!” Kenneth replied, shaking his head.

“Did Elijah say why?” Kane asked.

“The territory they live in is big and there are not enough of them to cover it. They had to suss out warriors from normal packs, something they did not want to do. Normals are not strong enough to be on the front line. It is why they are the last line of defence. This allows them to have the protection they require without having to do that. Plus, Alpha Adonis wanted piccola protected at all times. There will be times he will have to take Tyler with him and she will be left. This way she won’t be. No one will attack them if they have the ability to turn their enemies into loyal dogs.” Kenneth replied.

“That is some theory” Kane said, if he wasn’t looking the product of that theory in the eye right now he would have said there was no way it would work. And he wanted one!

“I am never underestimating anything the fucking ninja says again and I want one” Damon said as he watched both Marco and Carter run their fingers through the fur of the wolf.

“Me too!” Said Carter.

“You have to ask Brandon,” Demon replied, then started laughing when he saw Carter nod his head.

“You said he created three,” Johnny said.

“Elijah has two, both bound to Alpha Adonis” Kenneth answered. “We did the second to make sure we got it right, I took the third”

“The Devil and I need to have a chat” Kane said as he looked at the wolf again.

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