The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 83: This House Will Burn!

Kenzi opened her eyes to blackness. She looked around but there was nothing she could see to tell her where she was. Shifting, her body spasming and tensing as the pain tore through her stealing her breath from her lungs. No, she had to fight, she had to get to safety. Whimpering as the currents rippling through her never ceased in their assault of her body she got herself to a sitting position. Where was she? Looking around one more time, she spied a sliver of light. Her breath quickened, her heart constricted. No! No, no, no. please no! Please! Please! Scrambling as fast as her pain laced body could move she got to the light and felt her way up till her fingers clutched the metal of the door handle tightly. She twisted and turned and shook, but the door would not open. The door to her prison would not budge. She banged and fought to get the screams out as panic enveloped her. She was trapped in a closet. She was ten years old and back at the orphanage. Tears streamed down her face as she begged and pleaded, making promise after promise to be good, if they just let her out. Her body trembled and her legs gave out on her. She couldn’t breath and struggled to take any sort of air into her lungs. Darkness was coming again, clouding her vision, disorienting her thoughts. Safety seemed so far away now.


“She’s not on this level” Dax and Carter had searched the whole main floor for her. They had thrown open every door and cupboard they could. They had searched every vehicle in the garage. Every cabinet in the workshop. Every room in the medical ward. Carter was running back through the house, he had left Dax with Damon who was watching over Marco in the medical ward, when he ran into Johnny on his way up to the second level.

“She’s not on the first and I think the brothers tore apart the third” Johnny replied.

“She’s not on the second” Kenneth said as he met them on the stairs.

“She’s so fucking little she could be anywhere” Carter said, panic in his voice. He didn’t know why he was feeling it, the little pixie wasn’t a pack member, but his wolf was howling to find her, screaming for her return.

“Settle down Carter” Johnny ordered as Milo was making his presence known.

“I can’t, Milo won’t settle until she’s discovered.” Carter said as he continued to fight with Milo.

“That’s it….let him go Carter” Kenneth ordered. Milo fully rose to the surface. “Find her Milo!” They watched him take off up the stairs.

“The fuck Kenneth?” Johnny asked.

“She’s special and the wolves can feel it. Let them go, they will find her.” With that said Kenneth let Chaz come to the surface and he took off as well. Johnny, following suit, giving control to Diego.

Chaos reigned over the house as rooms were destroyed, whoever interfered laid in a crumpled heap on the floor as Jackson, Tyler and Elijah tore the house to pieces.

“No!” Tyler shook his head after he exited one room and saw Odin standing in the hallway. Jackson and Elijah joined them both shaking their heads. The fourth floor was demolished and still no sign of Kenzi. They were soon joined by the others who were also shaking their heads.


The growl ripped from Odin, echoing down the halls. The fear level in the house spiked with the anger The Devil was radiating. Then the demons froze. The feeling washed over them, filled them, angered them. Tyler and Adonis listened, a sound catching their attention. The Royals watched as they tilted their heads trying to get a better listen. Ko and Asmodeus rose to the surface waiting, anticipating the next moves. Then they all took off running. Kane watched as Odin and Asmodeus parkoured from the fourth to the sixth floor as the other two hit the stairs. Kane and his men were right behind them. The claw marks in the walls as Jackson and Tyler fought to get to the floor fast using whatever they could to gain the distance. THUD! THUD! Two distinct hits to the floor told them Adonis and Elijah were already there. Kane hit the sixth in time for a door to be ripped from its hinges and fly into the hallway. This was the Alpha floor and they were ransacking the rooms, looking for her. Not even waiting for orders, the others joined in. Closets were ripped open, beds were tossed aside.


Adonis was moving towards the next room when he froze in the hallway, he heard his name, he heard her call out to him and then a scent caught his attention. Scrambling down the hallway he disappeared around the corner. Kane and the others rounded the corner to see the door ripped off the closet and The Devil disappear inside. Tyler and Elijah pushed their way through the others. Adonis held the quivering body of his mate to his chest as Elijah looked over her injuries. Tyler too took in the wounds but for a different reason. He was going to find the one responsible and make them bleed. His swirling gold eyes looked into the flame engulfed ones of his Alpha, a head nod and they watched Tyler sniff her. Burying his nose in her hair trying to catch a scent that will tell him who did this. ….grrrrrr…. Slipped past him, he had a scent but it could be anyone of them….Alpha!…. He sniffed her over again and again….Marco!…. Something had to tell him which one was responsible. ….grrrrrr…. He paused on the back of her neck….There!…. Mixed in with the masculine scent….Floral!…. He breathed deeper letting the scent fill him, it was something, but there had to be something else. ….grrrrrr….

“She fought like hell” Elijah lifted her hand, Kenzi flinched slightly and tried to pull away as she hid more into Adonis’s chest, gripping tightly to his shirt. They could see traces under her nails where she scratched whoever did this to her. The wounds would be healed by now, but Tyler could use it. He sniffed, bringing it deep, his eyes blackened and he looked once more to his Alpha, Bal whimpering to be let go. His body quivering to be let loose.

Seek them out” And Bal was gone.

“Go with him” Kane ordered Carter and he too took off. One of theirs was attacked as well.

Down in the medical ward, Adonis was in one room with his mate holding her close to him. Releasing his growls to calm her mind. They locked her in a closet, in a fucking closet! Odin was livid. He wouldn’t stop, he would not be quieted, he would not settle down. He remained on the surface alongside Adonis. He didn’t care which one did it, he wanted them all to pay. Adonis sat there and listened to all the ways Odin was going to make them pay. Listened as he went into vivid detail all the things he was going to do. He let his beast go on and on. While he held their mate close to them, held her tight to their chest, brought her scent into their lungs. Her unconscious body hidden from the world, hidden from the prying eyes. Kenzi had to be sedated, she wasn’t letting anyone other than him near her while she was awake and on this territory. She begged him to take her home, pleaded with him to leave. If she wasn’t doing that she was apologizing for being bad, promising him she wouldn’t do it again, wouldn’t say those words to anyone. She apologized for the clothes she was wearing getting ruined, she apologized for everything. He held her the whole time Elijah treated her more serious injuries. Jackson wouldn’t let anyone come near the room and if they did their bodies hit the floor. She made the slightest sound, bodies hit the floor. They would wait for word from Tyler, then they would leave until then he sat in this room and held his mate.

“Get the fuck away from him” Damon pushed one of the doctors away from Marco. The fucking ninja said noone was to touch him but him.

“I need to look him over” The doctor was saying

“The fuck you do, get the fuck away. You’re not fucking touching him” Damon pushed him again.

“If you don’t let me look at him I can’t help him” The man replied.

“Damon just let him look, he’s a doctor” Dax was even trying to persuade him into letting the doctor look she didn’t understand why he wouldn’t allow it.

“We have help, we don’t fucking need you” Damon shoved the man again.

“Who’s your help, I don’t se….” SNAP! Damon now stared at the back of the man’s head. Dax gasped as she looked wide eyed behind the man.

“Me” Elijah spoke as the body dropped to the ground.

“Well that’s effective!” Johnny said, from behind him.

“How is he? Any increase or decrease in his breathing or heart rate?” Elijah asked as he checked Marco’s vitals

“No!” Dax replied as she watched Elijah work.

“Strap him down!” Elijah spoke as he prepared an injection.

“What is that?” Damon asked as he did as he was told.

“Adrenaline. You need to leave” Elijah looked at Dax when he spoke.

“I’m no….” Dax began to say. ….grrrrrr….

GET OUT!” Elijah yelled, causing her to flinch and move quickly to the door passing Kenneth on his way in holding blood bags. So much anger was felt behind those two simple words. Asmodeus was howling for revenge, his Luna was attacked and he wanted death to rain down.

“The fuck?” Damon asked, that was his sister.

“She doesn’t need to be in here for this part and she’s too stubborn to leave when asked” Elijah replied, ignoring the anger he heard in his voice.

“Why? What’s going to happen?” Damon asked.

“He was hit with four darts full of wolfsbane, and we need to get it out of his system. This is going to get messy and unless she can listen and do everything I say, Marco will die. Is that something she can have on her conscience?” Elijah snapped, darkness etching across his features. ….grrrr…. The more Asmodeus spoke in his head the darker he began to look. ….grrrr…. He was fighting with his need to help Marco and his beasts want to bring pain. ….grrrr….

“What’s going to happen?” Damon asked again, more concerned this time. ….grrrr…. He watched the darkness continue to creep over Elijah’s face, he heard the snarls he was fighting back and was not about to argue with him anymore. ….grrrr….

“We need to bleed him out, bring him to death. So you need to do what I say when I say, and don’t ask any questions.” Elijah replied, he was trying to reign in some of his anger, he needed control, he could feel his body tremble as waves and waves of anger crashed into him. ASMO! WHAT? Marco needs us! ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….! Marco needed him to be in control right now. Damon nodded, as did Johnny and Kenneth.

Elijah continued to move around the room preparing for what they needed to do, he placed a scalpel and bandages on the table and hung up the blood bags for easier access and use. They needed to move quickly, taking several deep breaths, Elijah inserted IV’s into Marco’s arms for the transfusions and left them at the ready.

“The straps are not going to be enough to contain him, you’re going to need to hold him down. Damon and I will take the upper body. Johnny, you and Kenneth get his legs.” They all moved into position. Elijah positioned the adrenaline shot over Marco’s heart. And without a word plunged it into his chest. Marco’s eyes shot open immediately and he started to struggle, the growls and snarls he and his wolf were producing filled the room. ….grrrr…. He bucked and shook, fighting the straps, fighting them. ….grrrr…. Moving even quicker Elijah made a large incision up Marco’s wrist then stuck his fingers into it to stop it from healing closed. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. He handed the scalpel to Damon to do the same. ….grrrRRRrrrr….

“Starting from the base of his wrist, run the blade half way up his arm. Then use your fingers to keep it open.” Damon nodded. ….grrrr….

“Sorry buddy” Damon grabbed a hold of his arm and using his weight to keep it in place he ran the blade then held the wound open so the blood could pour. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

“Johnny, take the scalpel and cut the back of his ankle then give it to Kenneth so he can do the same. Make sure to hold the wound open, don’t let it close.” ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Johnny nodded and did what he was told. ….grrrr…. Blood poured from Marco and they watched Elijah continue to monitor him. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Using both machines and his hearing. ….grrrr…. Marco continued to struggle but his movements were beginning to slow, the growls and snarls were quieting. His eyes continued to flash between him and his wolf as his face became a deathly pale colour as they watched his life drain from him. When the only sound in the room was the beeping of the monitors and Marco’s light breathing Elijah leaned closer to him. Damon whispered over and over how sorry he was. Johnny, begging for him to be ok. Kenneth just stared into his brother’s terrified eyes. When the blood flow started to lessen. Elijah watched, waited, made sure all of them stayed silent so he could hear. The last gasp of air left Marco’s lips.

“Damon count to fifty, keep a steady pace” Elijah barked as his flurry of activity increased. Cutting open the rest of Marco’s shirt he placed his ear on his chest.

“28, 29, 30, 31, 32” Johnny watched and waited, looking at the lines on the monitors. Marco was flat lined, no pulse, no breath, no heartbeat.

“45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50….” It was barely out of Damon’s mouth before Elijah barked more orders at them. Blood coated them, the floor, the gurney, everything.

“Bandage the wounds now” Elijah said as he connected the blood bags to Marco, then he started counting. They moved with speed, securing gauze and tape around Marco’s wrists and ankles.

“10” Elijah hit him in the chest and listened

“10” and Elijah hit him again. No, no, no, no, come on you little Italian asshole, work with me! And Elijah hit him again.

“Come on.” Again a ten count again Elijah struck him in the chest. Breaths were held, eyes were closed and silent pleas were spoken.

Damn it ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….” Elijah growled, one more time he counted to ten then slammed Marco in the chest. Beep….Beep….Beep….Beep. Relieved sighs broke out in the room. As the monitors once more came to life. Elijah checked his pulse, his breathing and his heart rate. He looked over the bandages making sure they were secure. Then nodded his head.

“That was….fucking amazing, intense but fucking amazing” Damon spoke. He now also understood why Dax couldn’t be in the room. She would have panicked, questioned and Marco might have died.

“Thank you, Elijah” Kenneth said, as the tear slipped down his cheek. Elijah could only look at Kenneth, he didn’t know what to say to that.

“Next time I need surgery, I’m going to him,” Johnny said as he nodded.

“Fuck that I’m going to him for all my medical appointments.” Damon said. Johnny nodded his agreement.

“He should wake up soon, then I want to get him out of here and to White Stone, I can monitor him there.” Elijah said, as he left the room.

“Are you ok Elijah?” Kane asked when he saw him brace himself against the wall, taking deep breath after deep breath. Blood coated his hands and arms, the front of his shirt and his pants.

“I’m fine,” Elijah replied, straightening to look at Kane. He was not about to tell him he damn near lost his Beta.

“Is Marco going to be ok?” Kane said, looking towards the room.

“Yes!” Elijah replied with a nod.

“Everything went….fine?” Kane looked Elijah over one more time

“Yes! I’m going to get cleaned up” Elijah replied, then walked away.

“Room four” Elijah said, when he passed Carter and Tyler on the way down the hall and then disappeared into another room. Carter stopped in front of Kane while Tyler kept walking.

“Who was it?” Kane asked,

“I don’t know. Tyler won’t tell me. He said it was a seek mission, not seek and destroy” Carter replied, confused.

“He’s not planning on killing him yet, Alpha Adonis is going to declare war” Kane replied.

“How’s Marco?” Carter asked.

“He’s going to be ok.” Kane replied.

Adonis heard the voices outside the door. Jackson, Elijah and Tyler were discussing something. Most likely it was who was going to come in and talk to him. Odin had quieted down in his mind, though his anger still radiated through Adonis.

“Come in,” Adonis called before the knock to the door came. Elijah walked in wearing blue hospital scrubs.

“She hasn’t woken up yet,” Adonis spoke.

“I wouldn’t expect her to,” Elijah replied. Adonis laid her on the hospital bed but continued to hold her hand. He still needed her contact, but Elijah needed to finish checking her over. He had relocated the vertebrae in her back that popped out earlier, which would make it easier for her to breathe and attended to her major injuries before he had to get to Marco.

“Is she going to be ok?” Adonis asked as he watched Elijah work.

“The laceration to her arm is deep, but non life threatening. It’ll just become another scar” Elijah said, the displeasure clear and present in his voice ….grrrr…. “I want to keep an eye on her back and vertebrae and when we get back to White Stone I want to run some x-rays, make sure it’s nothing more serious and take one of the left side of her face. Judging by the discoloration I’m seeing she took substantial hits to that side. My initial look, the bone didn’t feel right. ….grrrrrr…. The burn to her leg and foot will cause discomfort and there will be no shoes or pants for a bit while those injuries heal. Less chance for her to lose her shoes. The rest appear to be minor injuries. ….grrrrrr…. Few bruises, small cuts and bumps. She’s going to be fine” Elijah finished his assessment ….grrrr…. He was fighting with everything he had at this point to maintain control over the raging demon in his head. ….grrrr…. Dark shadows upon his face deepend, a few snarls had escaped him, over the damage he had seen to her tiny body.

“How’s Marco?” Adonis asked, pulling his attention.

“He’s going to be fine,” Elijah said as he continued to examine his Luna.

“Elijah!” Adonis said a little more growled this time.

“He was hit with four darts of wolfsbane. We had to bleed him out to get it out of his system. I almost lost him, when I couldn’t get his heart restarted.” Elijah confessed. “And I yelled at Luna Dax….in front of her brother….and then I stood in front of Alpha Kane, coated in the blood of his Beta and lied to him”

“You’ve been a busy man,” Adonis replied, trying not to laugh. Elijah nodded his head, then broke out laughing. He couldn’t help it, he could only imagine how he looked in the eyes of The King telling him his Beta was fine. The more he thought about it, the more he laughed.

“Did he believe you?” Adonis laughed.

“If he did, then he’s gullible, I looked like I bathed in it” Elijah replied.

“Explains the outfit” Adonis choked out.

“I have lost a lot of suits on this trip so far,” Elijah said, shaking his head.

“To use Kenzi’s words that leaves nothing to the imagination, and I mean nothing” Adonis said.

“They are not prepared for wolves our size,” Elijah said.

“What did Tyler say?” Adonis asked when the laughter died down. He needed that, he needed the laugh. They both did.

“He said it was Evan,” Elijah replied.

“Is he sure?” Adonis asked, Evan did nothing without being told to do it. So someone put him up to it.

“Yes, he caught the scent of his mate on her as well, but when she scratched him and left evidence under her nails, Tyler was able to use the scent to pinpoint it for sure. He didn’t tell Carter who it was, he wanted to know how you wanted to proceed first.” Elijah told him back to business.

“War was declared, Elijah. We are going to do what we do best. We need to tread carefully, it is a family of Alpha’s and though we are stronger, we need to also be smarter. Plus there is what Emroy thinks about Ethan we have to deal with. But mark my words, when we leave here Primrose will have fallen.” Adonis told him.

“What about Emroy?” Elijah asked

“I don’t know. Out of all of them, he’s kept his distance, leaving us alone to do our thing. Kenzi said he tried to stop Eric from running his mouth. Yet he did nothing when Marco hit Eric, he let it happen, if anything he stepped back.” Adonis replied.

“Is he on our side?” Elijah asked,

“Well he’s not on theirs, but I don’t know if he’s on ours either. Time will tell” Adonis replied.

“I’m going to check to see if Marco’s awake.” Adonis nodded, before he stopped him at the door.

“You would have made an excellent doctor, Elijah”

“Maybe in another life. I hate the fucking uniform” Elijah replied back as he looked down at the scrubs he was wearing.

“Maybe it’s because they don’t have your size” Adonis said as he looked at the scrubs on Elijah one more time.

“It was the biggest size they had. Can you imagine you or Jackson trying to wear these? I’m not entirely certain they’d fit Tyler” That did have Adonis laughing again.

“Keep me posted, the sooner we’re out of here the better” Adonis said, Elijah nodded and walked out of the room. He did make another stop by the room he got the scrubs from thinking the others would like to change their clothes as well.

“How are you feeling Marco?” Elijah asked when he walked into Marco’s room and saw his eyes open.

“La mia testa….boom….boom….boom” Marco croaked out. Elijah nodded as he gave the others the scrubs to change into. Damon was trying not to laugh as he looked at Elijah.

“Non sei riuscito a trovare nulla della tua taglia? (Couldn’t find anything in your size?)” Marco asked when he looked at Elijah.

“This was the biggest size they had.” Elijah replied “How is your throat?”

“Ho mangiato rasoi (I ate razors)” Marco replied.

“You inhaled a lot of smoke. Your throat will be sore for a while” Elijah replied.

“Piccola? Come sta il piccola? (Little one? How is the little one?)” Marco asked, as he looked for Kenzi.

“You are not responsible for what happened to her” Elijah replied,

“Come sta il piccola?” Marco asked a little more force, moving to get out of the bed. She was left in his care and he couldn’t see her. Elijah grabbed Marco and forced him to look at him.

“You are not responsible for the injuries she sustained. Say it”

“” Marco replied and Elijah nodded.

“I have seen to her injuries. She will be fine. A few bumps, a few bruises. Piccola will be ok.” Elijah told him. “Quello che è successo?” Marco went to look at the others.

“Don’t look at them, stay focused on me. What happened?” Elijah asked him again.

“Eravamo in cucina e lei mi stava facendo sbavare con la sua cucina. Pancetta, c’era pancetta e pezzi di bistecca (We were in the kitchen and she was making me drool with her cooking. Bacon, there was bacon and chunks of steak)” Marco shook his head but Elijah held him.

“Concentrate on me.”

“Qualcosa fuori dalla cucina attirò la mia attenzione. Alpha Adonis ha detto che nessun altro oltre a lui doveva entrare. Ho picchiato le persone tutto il giorno (Something outside the kitchen caught my attention. Alpha Adonis said no one other than him was to enter. I have been hitting people all day)” Kenneth and Johnny fought back their laughter at that.

“Poi sono stato colpito da qualcosa. Non so cosa fosse. Poi sono stato colpito altre tre volte e le luci si sono spente (Then I was hit with something. I don’t know what it was. Then I got hit three more times and lights out)” Marco didn’t know what happened after he hit the floor.

“You were hit with four darts of wolfsbane, we had to bleed you out to get it out of your system. Alejandro is going to sleep, but when he wakes up he is going to be pissed and uncontrollable,” Elijah explained.

“Sedami! (Sedate me!)” Marco looked at him wide eyed.

“No! You’re going to let him go. You will be put in a secure room and you will let him go. Bene?” Elijah shook his head.

“Bene! (Okay!)” Marco nodded his head,

“You’re going to be fine Marco.” Elijah assured him, he went to move away, but Marco grabbed his arm. Looking at the bandage around his wrist.

“Grazie, Elia (Thank you Elijah)” Marco looked up at him. That was the second time Elijah was thanked and again he didn’t know what to say.

“Let’s get you ready for transport.” Damon went to unhook the monitors from him, but Elijah stopped him.

“No, they need to stay attached.”

“We’re just going to take it?” Damon asked as he watched Elijah switch them over to battery backup and place the monitor in his hands.

“We’re just going to take it!” He repeated, nodding his head.

“Johnny, Kenneth help him, he’s not going to be able to walk.” Elijah moved to the door and opened to come face to face with another doctor.

“What do you think you’re doing?” The doctor snapped at him

“Leaving!” Elijah snarled, his body tensing. Asmodeus fighting to be let go.

“You can’t take that” the doctor snapped back

“Who’s going to stop us?” Elijah asked, orange glowing in his eyes. ….grrrR The doctor growled at Elijah but it was cut off when he started to make a sickening gurgling sound as he clutched his throat and Elijah’s hand was covered in his blood.

“Because I don’t think it’s going to be you ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….” Elijah pushed him out of the way and he hit the floor where he continued to bleed out.

“We have to move now” Elijah spoke as he turned back to the wide eyed men.

“Yup!” Damon agreed as he held the monitor

“Insegnami come farlo (Teach me how to do that)” Marco said as he motioned towards the dead man on the floor. Johnny just looked at him, while Kenneth shook his head.

“Let’s get you better first, then yes I can teach you.” When they turned back Kane was standing there looking at them all.

“He tried to stop us so Elijah ripped his throat out,” Johnny said, motioning to the body on the ground.

“Why did he try to stop you?” Kane asked, arching his brow,

“Because we’re stealing?” Damon replied with a shrug.

“Marco needs to stay connected to the monitor. Seeing how I don’t have one in my pocket we are taking this one. He was stupid and I corrected him ….grrrr….” Elijah explained. Asmodeus slipped through on the last part. Elijah’s control was faltering.

ELIJAH!” His head down immediately bowing at the tone of his Alpha.

RUN!” Odin ordered. Bowing again Elijah started off walking then took off in a run shifting mid stride. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Asmodeus tackled another Primrose Pack member, ripping the head clean off then proceeded to the exit.

“There will be seven more dead at his teeth before he leaves the grounds. Jackson and Tyler are already gone and who knows how many they dropped. They are angry and they will take out anything that gets in their way” Adonis spoke. He held Kenzi tightly to his chest

“That is quite the body count.” Kane said.

We’re just getting started! Their Luna was attacked. They want blood and blood they will have. Don’t provoke a demon!” Adonis replied, no remorse in his tone at the bodies they were dropping and the bodies that were about to drop.

“Adonis, what is going on?” Eric was now standing in the medical ward looking at the dead on the ground. Kane was pretty certain had Alpha Adonis not been holding his mate tightly to him Eric would have been another body on the ground.

WAR!” One word, and the colour drained from his brother’s face. One word, and the air was sucked from the hallway.

“W-w-what? W-who?” Eric’s eyes widened, fear so thick pooled around him.

“Someone from this pack did this to my mate. This pack will burn to the fucking ground when I’m done! ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….” Adonis/Odin growled at him, his body tense vibrating with anger. “Everything you built will crumble at your feet and I’m going to make you bleed!

“I had nothing to do with what happened to her.” Eric replied.

“You want a peaceful resolution, Eric? Find me the one that did this and I won’t kill anymore pack members. The body count is getting high and we just got started. But be warned, we are also looking and if we find them first….you all die! You have three days and that is more than generous.” ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Ripped from Adonis as he walked past Eric still holding his mate to his chest.

“Your highness!” Eric looked towards Kane.

“My Beta was attacked, don’t look for help in my direction. You made your bed. This time I highly recommend you do what he says.” Kane said as he too walked past with his men in tow.

“Questi sono pruriginosi (These are itchy)” Marco grumbled.

“Stop touching them, the ninja didn’t say you could take them off.” Damon said as he smacked Marco’s hand

“Vaffanculo stronzo!” Marco huffed at him

“I know what that means Marco” Damon growled

“Testa di grasso ha imparato l’italiano (Fathead did learn italian)” Marco growled back

“Fuck you, you little Italian asshole. Is Elijah certain we can’t sedate him?” Damon huffed. Johnny and Kenneth just started laughing.

“Adesso basta Marco. Stop riling Damon up.” Kenneth said.

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