The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 82: Not The Way It Was Supposed To Play Out Part Three!


“Hello sweetheart!” Adonis had to stop in the kitchen one more time, she was cooking something that had him drooling when he stepped back inside. Kenzi turned, a huge smile crossing her face.

“Do we get to go now?” She asked hopefully.

“No sweetheart, I’m sorry. I haven’t rejoined the meeting yet. My presence was needed elsewhere. I was heading back there now, when the scent of bacon caught my attention and had me wondering what you were making this time.” Kenzi’s smile dropped slightly, there was no denying her disappointment at not leaving.

“I’m sorry sweetheart, I know you want to leave. I promise we’ll leave here soon, one more hour, if this meeting isn’t finished by then I will be” Adonis ran his hands down her arms and she nodded her head. “Now, what are you torturing everyone with this time” He asked.

“Bacon wrap-ped beef wellingtons” Kenzi replied

“Lei farà ingrassare tutti (She will make everyone fat)” Marco was fighting the urge to drool as he shook his head, a slight whimper escaping him.

“You can’t keep her Marco”

“Lo so!” Marco nodded, it was a small hope.

“Very small!” Adonis replied when he looked at Marco, his brow arched, but a slight smirk played on his lips. A timer went off and she pulled a tray from the oven, both Marco and Adonis released a small whimper when the smell of bacon and beef hit the air.

“Non toc-care i camp….ioni! (Don’t touch the samples!)” Kenzi said as she smacked Adonis in the hands when he went to take one.

“Are you learning Italian?” Adonis asked, his eyes widening slightly.

“Sì, Marco…. Mi sta…. ins-eg-nan-do…. inseg-nando (Yes, Marco is teaching me)” Her smile lit up her face, when Marco nodded that she got it right.

“Molto bene, la mia piccola ballerina (Very good, my little dancer)” Adonis replied, smiling down on her.

“Lei impara velocemente (She learns quickly)” Marco said praising Kenzi’s ability to pick up the language.

“Va bene tesoro, ancora un’ora e abbiamo finito. (Okay sweetheart, one more hour and we are done)” Adonis kissed her forehead.

“È meg-lio che vada vel-oce! (it better go fast)” A smile spread across his face. His little mate did pick up the language fast. How much Italian did Marco teach her? Enough for her to carry a conversation! Special Lil Button! Yes she is! One more kiss, another hand smack, and a stolen snack he left the kitchen laughing.


“So glad you could join us, Adonis,” Eric snarked when he walked in the room.

“I executed a man two hours ago on your front lawn, are you sure your best course of action is to try my nonexistent patience?” Adonis fired back as he took a chair on the other side of the room.

“Is everything alright?” Kane asked, Adonis arched his brow at him, but said nothing. The fuck? Don’t be offended Ky! We’re not chummy anymore? We’re on speaking terms, at least he’s not growling at us! I’m hungry! Me too! Whatever the little pixie in the kitchen was cooking this time was making him drool.

“Bacon wrapped beef wellingtons,” Adonis said. Kane could only shake his head.

“I see trying is working out for you” Kane grumbled.

“It’s working quite well for me” Adonis fired back. “Where are Jackson and Tyler and your other two?” Adonis asked when he noticed they weren’t in the room.

“Apparently Eric has a new weapons collection” Kane responded. A deep rumble escaped Adonis.

“Elijah enticed them to leave the room did he?” The smile played on his face as he looked at his Gamma.

“He did,” Kane replied with a nod of his head.

“Perk up Elijah, we are leaving in an hour” Though it was said quietly, Elijah did sit up more in his seat.


Kenzi was busy at the stove in the kitchen and Marco was waiting for her to tell him what to do next at the counter. They had made more wellingtons, and cheese straws, homemade fries and she was deciding on another desert.

“Ok, Marco I think I getted it, what aboud cookie bite brownie bars?” Kenzi asked as she continued what she was doing at the stove. THUD! Sounded behind her causing her to jump and spin around.

“Marco?” He was nowhere.

“Marco?” Kenzi called him again, still she received no reply. Her heart started to beat a little faster, as her breath hitched in her throat. He wouldn’t leave her, he said so. So where did he go?

“M-M-Mar-co….Marco?” Her voice quivered a little bit as she slowly began to move away from the stove. Her mind raced, Marco had vanished and she was no longer safe. Where could she go to get to safety? Where was safe in a house full of wolves that seemed to hate her? Adonis!

“Mar-co?” She called again, when she saw the edge of a man’s shoe on the floor. Before she could investigate anymore, an arm wrapped around her waist pinning her arms to her side and her back to a hard muscular chest. ….ahhhhh…. A rough hand clamped over her mouth silencing the scream that escaped.

“Shut up you stupid little girl” A deep voice growled at her. Kenzi kicked and struggled to get out of the grasp but it was no use. Whoever had her was too strong and was not about to let go. This didn’t stop her from trying though. She fought harder to get away. Continued to kick and squirm, trying to connect to any part of him she could. CLANK! Her pained scream was muffled as she kicked the pan she was using on the stove burning her leg and foot when the hot oil splashed, but it still didn’t stop her. She had to get away, had to find safety. She had to find Adonis.

Kenzi was moved from the kitchen away from anything she could kick to draw attention to what was happening. THUD! CRASH! She managed to kick over a vase and a table causing more noise. She kicked everything she could to make as much noise as possible. The arm tightened around her threatening to cut her oxygen supply. The hand over her mouth pressed harder as it continued to muffle her screams. Kenzi kept trying, the screams kept coming. The struggling, the kicking, someone had to hear her.

“If you don’t stop I’ll snap your neck right now ….grRrRrRrr….” The voice growled. Kenzi whimpered against the hot rough hand over her mouth.

“Good! Now be a good girl and shut the fuck up” Kenzi whimpered again.

“Look at the fucking mess you made ….grrrrrr…. Whatever, not like I have to clean it up ….grrrrrr….” The man growled and snarled and Kenzi couldn’t fight the shiver that ran up her back at the threatening sound.

“Are you fucking serious? You cuddle in the arms of that fucking monster and you’re afraid of me? Stupid fucking human ….grrrrrr….” the voice growled again. She hung in the man’s arms like a rag doll. There wasn’t much she could do now. Tyler told her once that sometimes the best move was nothing, let them think they won. They would let their guard down and that’s when you strike. So she would bide her time and wait for the right moment then she would fight with everything she had.

Moving again towards the stairs the man muttered more under his breath. He was hoping The Devil never knew it was him that did this. He was praying The Devil would go after someone else. It wasn’t his idea. He jostled and handled Kenzi roughly and she was sure she would have several bruises when this was over. CRACK! She released the whimper. Something broke and the pain tore through her.

“Fuck!” The man loosened his grip. She wasn’t supposed to get injured. He was just supposed to get her out of the way.

“Now look what you did?” He snapped at her, then muttered something about humans being weak and worthless.

“Get the guard out of the way, get the girl, your job is done. But no, this little bitch had to put up a fight. This stupid little bitch had to cause a scene and make a mess ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….” Moving fast higher and higher up the stairs they climbed till they reached the top.

“What the hell am I gonna do with her?’” His grip had loosened enough on her and she fought through the pain. She struggled and kicked and bucked wildly. Her heels connected with his shins repeatedly as she kicked her legs as hard as she could. The movement had caught him by surprise. He faltered and she broke loose hitting the floor. Scrambling to her feet Kenzi took off down the hall as fast as her legs could carry her. The man recovered quicker than she expected. When he caught up to her she was slammed into one of the walls. ....Ahhhhhhhh…. A pained scream left her mouth. THUD! CRASH! THUD! Then the hit to the left side of her face sent blinding pain through her as she crashed into a table cutting her arm on the vase that broke and she fell to the floor.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Look what you fucking did! This is your fucking fault” he screamed at her. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ripped down the hall. Through blurry eyes Kenzi looked up at her attacker seeing him for the first time. Adonis! But it wasn’t Adonis, he was smaller and had blonde hair. His eyes were black as they stared at her; this was his twin. She scrambled to get away from him trying to get her footing under her, but he was too quick. CRASH! THUD! He threw her into another wall and darkness started surrounding her. The deep black abyss of oblivion calling her name as the man stormed down the hall towards her. Kenzi struggled but her body screamed pain.

“You stupid, stupid bitch. I should fucking end you ….grrrr….” He snarled as he grabbed a hold of her. Weak hurt and on the verge of being sucked into the darkness that was calling her. Kenzi made her last attempts to fight back. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. SMACK! She was clawing the man, she didn’t know where but he growled in pain and struck her again and all went dark.


“If I said a man walked into the woods in the middle of the night, briefcase in hand and walked out carrying nothing, what would you think?” Adonis suddenly spoke a little while later.

“He was meeting up with somebody” Kane replied,

“And what would you think was in the briefcase?” Adonis asked,

“Money. You don’t generally hand over a briefcase of paperwork in the middle of the night.” Kane answered.

“And why would someone hand over a briefcase full of money?” Adonis asked,

“A bribe, extortion, blackmail, or paying for a service” Kane again replied. “What is going on?”

“A very stupid man, is doing something very stupid and he’s going to regret it” Adonis replied.


“Two of the prisoners said something about a man named Jester being behind the attacks on White Stone, he is the leader of the rogues.”

“Rogues don’t have a leader”

“They do when they are being paid. One claimed he is meeting up with another man named Shaw. That is where he is getting the money from. Neither man knew Shaw, they have never seen him”

“Interesting, what are you thinking?”

“Shaw as in Bradshaw”



“No, he doesn’t have the necessary capabilities to persuade the rogues to do anything, even with money” (🐺He couldn’t persuade the panties off a whore!) Classy Odin!

“He’s not wrong!”

“Don’t encourage him Elijah. Emroy said Ethan was up to something. He would disappear into the woods with a briefcase and come back empty handed”

“What is Emroy thinking?”

“Ethan is behind the attacks on White Stone”

(🐺Do you smell that?)

Adonis and Elijah breathed deep. Their backs stiffened as they sat more rigid in their chairs taking another deep breath. They knew that smell, they knew that smell real well. On his feet the door ripped from its hinges as Adonis and Elijah bolted from the room. Kane and Kenneth shared a look and they were right behind them, something was wrong, they smelled smoke.

Adonis and Elijah met up with Jackson and Tyler outside the entrance to the kitchen. It was engulfed in flames and spreading quickly. As thick black clouds of smoke rolled out into the house.

“Where is she?” Adonis barked. They all turned towards the kitchen.

KENZI!” Adonis yelled as he looked for any sign of her, using his arm to shield the heat from his face.

KENZI!” The smoke was thick but he thought he saw a form on the ground. Odin howling in his head Adonis entered the kitchen with Jackson right behind him. Tyler and Elijah waited in anticipation for their return. By this time the others had joined them.

What the fuck happened?” Kane barked.

“Her not here!” They heard Jackson call

“Where’s Marco?” Adonis called back.

“Got him!” Jackson said.

“Get him out of here” Adonis ordered. Jackson emerged minutes later with an unconscious Marco over his shoulder.

“Put him down!” Elijah ordered. Listening, Jackson gently laid him on the floor.

“Marco!” Kenneth was by his side. Elijah looked him over, pulled the darts from his body and sniffed the tip of one.

“Fuck!” He listened to his breathing, his heart. Ripping his shirt he drew x’s on his chest..

“Get him to medical and on oxygen. Hook him up to a heart monitor. Place the electrodes, those are the patches on the x’s and keep it monitored. Nobody goes near him till I get there’ Elijah barked out another order. Damon hoisted Marco onto his back with the help of Jackson and he took off towards the medical ward. They heard destruction in the kitchen as cupboards and doors were being ripped apart. The fire smothered Adonis exited through the smoke. Soot covered his face and his clothes reeked. The burns that covered his arms were in the process of healing, and flames engulfed his eyes.

FIND HER!” Odin roared. Jackson, Tyler and Elijah took off. They would tear this house apart looking for their Luna.

“Help!” Kane ordered, Johnny and Kenneth moved as well. He had also linked Carter and Dax to join the search.

I’m going to rip this house to the fucking ground ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….” Odin snarled.

“Adonis what the hell is going on?” CRACK! Eric hit the ground after he was struck.

You better pray I fucking find her” Odin growled “and she better be unharmed or you and this pathetic pack will fucking burn ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….” Odin’s flaming eyes burned into his brothers terrified ones as he looked up at him from his position on the floor. Eric had no idea what happened that would bring about the rage he felt from Adonis but he watched him take off to find his mate with The King right behind him.

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