The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 81: Giant Butthole!

Kenzi and Marco were in the dining room, setting up something for everyone to eat. Adonis and Elijah had more control, but she knew Jackson and Tyler had to be getting hungry and if they didn’t eat soon they would get grumpy. It was closing in on dinner time and she didn’t want them to miss a meal. But it also got her thinking that if Jackson and Tyler were getting hungry the others would be hungry as well. Kenzi was also kinda bummed that Dax wasn’t in the kitchen with her, she was apparently conversing with the other Lulu’s. Kenzi didn’t think that was the name after Marco broke out laughing but he didn’t correct her either, just let her keep calling them that. Though Dax didn’t help with the cooking, Kenzi liked talking to her, even though she only really asked questions about her past. Kenzi would only answer what she wanted to, Adonis told her that it was ok. If she didn’t want to answer something he told her it was ok to just shake her head. Marco was good company as well, she really enjoyed spending time with him, he made her laugh. After they sorted out the initial issue with communication, Kenzi found out more about him, his mate Jackie, their three sons and newborn daughter Josie. He even showed her pictures. True to his word, Marco let no one enter the kitchen, and he did hit a few that tried to enter anyway.

“Do you think this will be enough food?” Kenzi asked as she looked at the food laden buffet tables. Marco stared wide eyed at them as he fought to not drool on himself. He had gotten to sample everything she made in the kitchen, and he couldn’t wait for dinner.

“Si, piccola cara! Dovrebbe essere più che sufficiente (Yes, little darling! It should be more than enough)” Marco replied when he finally got his drooling under control. Alejandro was jumping at the chance to eat more of her cooking.

“Dobbiamo dire agli altri che la cena è pronta? (Should we tell others that dinner is ready?)” Marco asked. Kenzi checked her phone, Marco had put a translation app on there for her as well as showed her some of the features to make it more effective for her to use.

“No! They’ll follow their noses” Kenzi said, and Marco nodded and smiled. The words barely came out of her mouth when she heard voices outside the dining room doors. They didn’t sound familiar to her and she tensed slightly. This pack made her uncomfortable, she didn’t like it here and wished Adonis didn’t have to keep coming back. It would be ok with her if they were done with this pack now.

Marco moved closer to her, he didn’t like the anger he heard in the tone of one of the men on the other side of the door.

“Piccola, dovremmo tornare in cucina e aspettare Alpha Adonis (Little one, we go should back to the kitchen and wait for Alpha Adonis)” Kenzi nodded and they moved to leave the room, but were stopped by Eric and another man she’s never met before. He had the same blonde hair and green eyes as Eric though he was taller in height and bigger in his build. Must be one of Adonis’s uther brothers! Kenzi thought. She didn’t meet any of the other ones. Adonis didn’t want it to happen so it didn’t. And she was ok with that. Meeting Eric was enough for her, he made her skin crawl and tied her tummy in dread inducing knots. There was something not right about him. They had to move further into the room away from the doors but with Eric’s menacing presence in front of them, the buffet tables on one side and another bank of tables on the other they weren’t able to get out of the only exit to the room. Marco scanned the room looking for an alternative route but came up with nothing. No matter which route they took Eric would still have the ability to continue blocking them.

Kenzi shrank back from Eric’s leering view hoping that would stop the knots from forming, but the only thing that stopped the knots was Adonis. Picking up on her uneasiness Marco positioned himself in front of her, standing almost chest to chest with Eric and the other man.

“Stand down Beta Marco” Eric ordered. Marco shook his head. He had no authority over The King’s men. He didn’t have to listen to him and his Alpha commands were of no use. The Devil entrusted the little pixie in his care, even if he didn’t he was not about to let anything happen to her.

“Easy Eric, he is just doing his job, aren’t you?” The other man spoke. “But I don’t recall Alpha Adonis having a second Beta. What happened to Beta Jackson?” Marco refused to answer.

“This is not Adonis’s Beta, this one belongs to The King” Eric clarified.

“Is Alpha Adonis borrowing him?” The man asked,

“I don’t know what is going on. Adonis doesn’t like being asked questions, you know that Emroy.” Eric replied.

“I do. Can’t really blame him, we made his life hell so he doesn’t owe us an explanation for anything he does. This must be the little mate I have heard about? Emroy Bradshaw” The man held his hand out to Kenzi only for Marco to smack it away and shake his head. He took a step back and moved Kenzi with him, no one was touching her.

“He has clearly been spending too much time with the demons,” Eric said, shaking his head.

“It’s alright Eric. He has been tasked with keeping her protected. Stands to reason he wouldn’t let anyone touch her without Alpha Adonis present, at the very least his permission. To do so would be going against the orders given to him. Something that is punishable by death according to demon law.” Emroy waved off Eric’s comment. He too stepped back to give them some more room. When the demon community was instituted and their laws were formed Emroy made sure he not only knew them, but kept up to date on them. He didn’t want to risk offending Adonis and have him knocking on his door.

“Father is right though Alpha Adonis’s mate is quite captivating.” Emroy took in more of Kenzi’s appearance. She hid more behind Marco trying her best to stay out of sight. Eric released a growled huff.

“What Eric?” Emroy couldn’t help the eye roll at his older brother.

“She is not his mate. Not his chosen, not his true, not his anything. The little mongrel is just some mangy stray he picked up on the side of the road in the little backwater town he calls home. Just something to keep his bed warm and his nights occupied” ….grrrrrr…. The low growl came from Marco, the comment was displeasing to him. Kenzi was no stray, no mongrel and anyone with half a brain could see that she was more to Alpha Adonis than a bed warmer. Kenzi only understood some of what he said, she didn’t know what it meant by keeping his nights occupied but Marco stiffening in front said he did and it wasn’t good.

“And why would Alpha Adonis do that?” Emroy asked, this time fighting the eye roll.

“Because he’s a psychotic fucking monster and lives to make everyone miserable. He’s known as The Devil for a reason, Emroy” Eric replied, with another growled huff. “When others find out what she really is they’ll look stupid and foolish and see him for the monster he truly is”

“You’re mean,” Kenzi squeaked from behind Marco. She peeked her head out just enough to say that then ducked back behind him. Emroy fought to contain his laughter at the expression Eric held after the little one called him that.

“I’m mean?” Eric questioned as he looked behind Marco at her.

“Yes, you’re mean,” Kenzi replied, clutching at the back of Marco’s shirt

“It’s a good thing I don’t care what a pathetic little human thinks. Adonis should just dump you back on the side of the road where he found you.” Eric snarked at her. “Even better if he sent you to the pound, they’d do everyone a favour and put you down” ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Ripped from Marco’s chest as he pushed Eric back. He didn’t like that comment at all.

“I don’t like you” Kenzi shook her head, no she was not a fan of Eric’s at all.

“Oh, you don’t like me. That’s too bad, I was hoping we could be friends. But then again I don’t want to be saddled with a depressing, inconsiderate, little burden.” Emroy was trying to get a hold of Eric, the Beta was growing more and more agitated with the things Eric was daring to say to the little girl. But his brother was being stubborn, and self destructive. Emroy had no idea where the demons or Adonis were but if they heard even half the things Eric was saying Eric’s Beta wouldn’t be the only one on Elijah’s execution block tonight.

“Maybe Adonis does deserve you, you are a leech on his life and maybe your pitiful existence will drain it dry. You’re already trying to drain his bank account.” Eric motioned to the clothes Kenzi was wearing. “Of course your awkward size made it difficult to find something to hide your grotesque body, but at least a bag will hide your disfigured face. Maybe it’ll be plastic and it’ll help suffocate the sound” Eric all but growled at her. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Marco shoved Eric again away from Kenzi, doing his best to keep him at an arm’s length from the little pixie at all costs.

“You’re a….a….a liar” Kenzi clapped back she was holding onto Marco’s arm now, her face scowling as she made her best attempt at glaring daggers at Eric. Marco stood firm but Alejandro couldn’t help the gushing at her adorable angry puppy face in his head.

“Are you sure I’m lying? Adonis was better off before you came along. You have done nothing but complicate his life making it harder for him. It was just last night you were a bumbling drunk mess and he had to take care of you. What kind of selfish little mate are you?” Eric seethed.

“Bully!” Kenzi huffed.

“….grrrr…. Aren’t you brave hiding behind a guard dog?” Eric snarled at her.

Tyler and Jackson showed up at the same time to hear Eric snarl at their Luna. Marco pushed Eric back and away from her again when he dared to take another step towards her. Emroy was also trying to pull Eric back telling him to stop and that this wasn’t going to end well if he kept it up.

To their surprise when Adonis and Elijah entered the kitchen, Kenzi and Marco were not there. The only thing that spoke of their presence were the remnants of aromas from whatever his little mate had cooked up.

“Where is she?” Elijah asked, concern edging into his voice.

“I don’t know,” Adonis replied. Pulling his nose from the kitchen he had to find his mate. Slight concern over her whereabouts, but she was with Kane’s second Beta, and he doubted Marco would let anything happen to her. Aside from their interest in them, they all took a pretty big liking to his little mate, especially Marco. But then again Marco had not really left Tyler’s side since they met up again the day before and Tyler was usually with Kenzi, meaning Marco was with Kenzi. It would stand to reason he had a bigger bond with her than the other ones did. Him and that other one! Odin said. What other one? The Delta, what’s his name? Carter! Yeah him, he’s always with Marco as well! When he’s not with Queeny! Queeny….do you think that makes her mad? Do you think I care? Are we grumpy? No! Are we hungry? A little bit! Then we’re grumpy! I’m not grumpy! Sure, lie to yourself! I’m not lying to myself! Even better now you’re lying to me! I’m not lying to you! This is getting better and better, you’re having a tantrum! I’m not having a tantrum! Are you sure about that? Fuck you Odin! Not having a tantrum though right? Fuck you! That was entertaining! Asshole!

“What is she torturing everyone with this time?” Kane asked, pulling him from the maniacal laughing hellbeast in his head.

“I don’t know, haven’t seen her yet” Adonis replied as he moved past Kane down the hall away from the kitchen and towards the smell.

“She’s not in the kitchen? Where’s Marco?” Kane asked as he followed him. He could smell whatever she was cooking all over the packhouse. Kane took a shot and figured that’s where she would be when the aroma hit his nose. How the little pixie could make a grown man drool from the other side of the house was beyond him, but she had the talent to do it. He also wondered how Marco fared in the kitchen with her. He must have been salivating the whole time.

“Hopefully with her!” Adonis replied. Kane fell instep beside him, he could sense the growing concern on The Devil that his mate was temporarily unaccounted for in this packhouse.

“Eric, that’s enough. What could this little one have possibly done to you?” Emroy asked as he pulled his brother back.

“Stay out of it, Emroy. This little one needs to learn her place. It’s at the bottom in case you’re wondering.” Kenzi furrowed her brow, and shook her head slightly; she didn’t know what that meant and looked to Marco to clarify it for her. He too shook his head. He would not tell her that Eric just said she was worthless. Unfortunately Eric caught the look and a sinister smile crossed his face.

“Of course. He found the town’s simpleton. It doesn’t matter what you look like, if your intelligence is no greater than a pebble. That means you’re an idiot by the way.” Emroy caught sight of the looks on Jackson and Tyler’s faces, and he tried harder to pull his brother back, before one of them tore his limbs off. What was even worse was Adonis was standing right there and heard what Eric had just said. His eyes were engulfed in flames as they bore into Eric.

“Keep glaring little girl, that look doesn’t even scare my bunny slippers” Eric snarled at her again.

“You’re jus a….a….a….giant butthole, and I hope you get eated by a bear” Kenzi blurted. Not a sound was heard as silence deafened the dining room. Wide eyes and dropped jaws stared at the little pixie after those words exited her mouth. Kenzi’s own jaw dropped open when she realized what she had just said. She was as shocked as everybody else. Uh oh!

Kenzi’s face flushed red as she stared wide eyed back at Eric. She didn’t mean to say those words, he just made her so mad with the mean, cruel things he said to her that they just popped out. She heard it then, the rumbles of laughter began to fill the room. She turned towards the others, watching them clutch their sides as they howled out with laughter. Jackson and Tyler were losing it in the middle of the dining room. Both Kane and Adonis were braced against the walls, even Elijah lost control and was laughing.

“Her jus call him a giant butthole?” Tyler broke,

“No wonder he always puckered, Eli wron it ain’t the damn stick” Jackson roared.

“Explains Natasha’s toys” Tyler said

“No one wants to fuck a giant butthole” Jackson nodded.

When Kenzi looked back at Eric, his face was a deep red almost maroon colour and looked like it was about to burst. Marco moved her further behind him and away from Eric. Reinforcements were here and they wouldn’t be prevented from leaving. If that were to happen one of the two men would surely lose their arm for their troubles. Kenzi’s body started to tremble as she held onto Marco’s arm. Her fear was taking a hold as she watched Eric’s face get redder and redder. His eyes never left her piercing into her and she could envision all the ways he was going to make her pay for what she just said to him. For the humiliation she just put him through. CRACK! Without a second thought Marco struck Eric to make him stop glaring at her. The sound of his nose breaking had all laughter stopping. Eric hit the floor as blood gushed from it. Marco then proceeded to resume his duties shielding the little pixie. With Eric on the floor holding his nose and continuing to use his body as a shield Marco moved them towards Adonis and the exit, though he never took his eyes off the other man.

Tyler and Jackson howled harder after they saw Eric hit the floor. The look of utter surprise on his face had tears streaming down theirs. Eric looked towards Adonis who was now holding Kenzi, hiding her from him. His brother’s eyes ablaze with silver and orange flame bore into him, his top lip was curled back and his canines had lengthened. Eric couldn’t fight the shudder that ripped up his back. He swallowed hard, slight regret setting in over what had happened. Adonis was going to make him pay dearly for what he did, it was just a matter of time. Over the years Adonis had perfected the long game, he didn’t plan moves out loud for others to know. When he struck, he struck fast and without warning, leaving devastating destruction in his wake. Then his eyes shifted to Emroy and a small sigh escaped him. Let the burning gaze of their younger brother set his soul on fire for a change. From the corner of his eye he could see The King speaking in a hushed tone to his second Beta and he could only imagine he was reprimanding him for striking an Alpha.

“Are you ok?” Kane asked Marco, he nodded his head but didn’t raise his gaze to his Alpha’s. He knew he fucked up, he shouldn’t have hit Alpha Eric, but he didn’t like the words he spoke. He didn’t like the way he looked at the little pixie and he didn’t like the fear she was giving off. Alejandro became defensive, protective and it was a reaction.

“Look at me Marco” Kane said, when Marco finally raised his head and looked his Alpha in the eye he didn’t see anger like he was expecting.

“Are you ok?” Kane repeated.

“Si!” Marco again nodded “Non mi piacevano le cose che diceva. Non mi dispiace di averlo colpito (I didn’t like the things he said. I’m not sorry I hit him)”

“He’s not sorry he hit him, he didn’t like the things he said” Adonis translated. Kane could only nod, he figured that’s what his Beta said. He only heard the last little bit of what Eric said to her, he can imagine the beginning wasn’t pleasant.

“He was left in your charge Alpha Adonis, I am not responsible for what he does in your charge” Kane said. Marco looked between the two Alpha’s, this was either going to go really good for him or really bad.

“Then I say his actions were justified and it’s time for dinner” Adonis replied as he led Kenzi out of the dining room.

Emroy did nothing to stop Marco from leaving or from hitting Eric, he just stood there. If anything he held his hands out to the side and let it happen, he was expecting it. With the words his brother hurled at the little one, how could he not? Eric was an idiot and after their meeting in the office with their father, where he was told to step down and hand the pack over, he was a spiraling, seething idiot. Had Emroy made mistakes, yes but his biggest regret was ostracising his younger brother. Adonis was a powerful man now, but back then he was a little boy and did nothing to deserve what they put him through. He never participated in the beatings Adonis took, but he never did anything to stop them either. Truthfully he could never bring himself to look Adonis in the eye. He let his brother down, he was a disappointment and he knew that. He was four years older than Adonis and had an obligation to protect him, but he failed. He had learned from that mistake and tried to run his pack differently from how Ethan ran his. But Ethan insisted on getting involved saying he knew what was best. Emroy was on the outskirts of his family so he towed the line to stay in the good books. But with Primrose being handed over to him, at his fathers behest, it provided him with an opportunity too good to pass up. He could run this pack differently and his first order of business was going to be casting his father and his other brothers out, especially Evan. The little ankle biting bulldog and Adonis’s twin.

That idiot blindly followed whatever their father and older brother told him to do. He never questioned it, never thought about it, they knew best after all. Emroy hated Evan, one of the youngest but clearly their father’s favourite. Evan could do no wrong in their father’s eyes, he was the miracle from childbirth. Adonis was blamed for their mother nearly dying, but Emroy always thought Evan shouldered more of that responsibility than Adonis. Adonis was small, much smaller than any of them when he was born, Evan was not, he was the biggest. The Alpha title he was being given was only temporary, when Evan proved he was responsible enough Emroy was to step down so it could be given to him. Even Ethan had to admit his darling baby boy was immature and unfit to run a pack. That must have killed him. Too bad that would never happen. Emroy was prepared to do what he had to do in order to ensure he stayed at the top. If that meant ending his brother’s life then he would.

Feeling eyes on him, Emroy looked towards Adonis. A look crossed over his face as the corners of his mouth twitched up. Did Adonis know what he was planning? He couldn’t possibly. Emroy has heard the rumours that swirled around his brother. But that’s all they were, rumours….weren’t they? If they were true, this begged the question of what Adonis was going to do about it. The tilt of his head to the side he watched as Adonis studied him, giving truth to the rumour that The Devil did indeed know what you were thinking. This could either pose a problem for him or be beneficial, with Adonis only time would tell. He saw the little one wrapped protectively in his brother’s loving embrace and knew right there Eric didn’t know what he was talking about. That was his mate, his true mate. When he saw Adonis’s arms move more around her he knew he guessed right. How The Devil could look menacing while acting loving towards another he didn’t know, but his little brother could pull it off. Emroy offered a slight bow and looked away first, he didn’t want his staring to be a sign of disrespect but not before he saw the slight arch of Adonis’s brow. He knew the bow was for him and not The King. This also caught the attention of the third in command. Emroy waited till the others left the room. Listening to the maniacal laughter of Jackson and Tyler echo from down the hall. They would be relentless and merciless in their ridicule of Eric now. He wondered if they would make his brother cry.

“Well I don’t know what you were trying to accomplish Eric, but I don’t think you got the result you wanted” Emroy quipped as he picked his brother up off the floor.

“You just fucking stood there,” Eric snapped.

“What would you have wanted me to do? Go after The King’s Beta? How would that go? Going after royalty is punishable by death and I would like to keep my head firmly attached to my body,” Emroy replied.

“Dad made a mistake, you should not be incharge of this pack anymore than Evan should be. You’re a weak Alpha and this pack will be destroyed under your command. Everything I’ve worked for will be ruined.” Eric barked at him.

“Now Eric, if you were doing your job, you wouldn’t be in this predicament” Emroy remained calm. Eric was angry and riled up and looking for an excuse.

“What would you know? You lost your pack and your title and had to come crawling back” Eric growled. Though that was true, Emroy did lose his pack when he lost his title, but unknown to them all he had gained back his title. He had a sit down with The King the morning he got to Eric’s pack. He apologized for what had transpired and told him that though he was trying to keep tabs on his younger brother, Adonis made it quite difficult. He would be in one location and then turn up in another and the last Emroy knew Adonis was on the other side of the country. He was just as surprised as everyone else when he came crashing through the front door and narrowly avoided crushing Evan.

The King had asked about his pack, while his other brothers had sent theirs to Primrose, Emroy sent his pack members to others including White Stone saying they would be treated better there. His father was livid when he heard that, but Emroy told him he was no longer an Alpha and couldn’t command them anymore. He had no power to tell them to join Primrose, that seemed to calm him, but he still viewed it as an utter failure and Emroy let him think that. There was a time he cared for his father’s praise, he craved it, now he didn’t. Though he towed the line and continued to play the submissive role, he was just biding his time, he saw his father for what he truly was, a controlling, manipulative son of a bitch. The simple puppet master pulling the strings and watching his puppets dance and he refused to be a puppet. Ethan was up to something. He would sneak off late in the night with a briefcase and when he came back he was empty handed. He wasn’t sure, but he assumed Ethan had something to do with the recent and continued rogue attacks on White Stone. If he could get a moment alone with Adonis, he would inform him of this.

“What dad was asking was impossible. Adonis on a good day is challenging. Push him and he pushes back harder. Get in your brother’s good graces Eric, except he got in the way at every turn, yet it was my fault. Don’t piss your brother off, except when he saw dad he would become enraged and I was stuck dealing with the aftermath. Maybe this isn’t a bad thing, now I won’t have to deal with Adonis or his erratic mood swings and see my life flash before my eyes everytime.” Eric grumbled more to himself than anyone else in the room. He flinched when he went to touch his nose. Blood still trailed from it, the Beta struck him a good one.

“Why did you take his advice?” Emroy questioned,

“What?” Eric asked, as he snatched a napkin off the table to wipe his face.

“Dad, why did you take his advice? You’re an Alpha Eric, why are you listening to dad? He lost his title because of what he did. You followed in his footsteps and look what happened. Why did you listen to him?” Emroy handed him another napkin when it was clear one was not going to be enough to clean the mess the Royal Beta made of Eric’s face.

“It’s not that easy Emroy, dad interferes with everything and you’ll soon find that out. If it were up to me, I would have left Adonis alone, just let him live in peace the way he saw fit. Dad wanted this alliance, he had me keep pushing him. With Adonis at our side we wouldn’t need any other alliances and we’d be more powerful than The King.” Eric mimicked his fathers tone. “Dad also seems to forget the hell we put him through. Or he remembers and thinks Adonis will be the forgiving type. Except he’s not. Adonis will never forgive us for what we did. There will come a day that Adonis will seek retribution. The Devil doesn’t grant mercy, Emroy, just slow agonizing death. We’re all fucked!” Eric said.

“Some of us are more fucked than others. Your biggest mistake was not showing him the recognition he deserved. Dad may have pushed you, but you showed him no respect. Everything Adonis built he did on his own. We were supposed to be his family, we were supposed to protect him, guide him and we failed him. Why, because his hair changed colour, his eyes turned dark, because a grown man was terrified of an innocent baby. Stupid reasons if you ask me.” Emroy turned from his brother then, he had a ceremony to prepare for.

“And I don’t think it was dad’s idea to attack his mate. That dear brother you did all on your own….I know what you’re about to say so save it. Mate or stray Adonis cares for the little one and treats her with the utmost respect. Your second biggest mistake was not acknowledging that and treating her the same way.” Emroy said, before walking towards the exit.

“He almost killed our mother,” Eric snapped at him.

“Wake up Eric, you saw the size of Adonis the day he was born compared to the size of Evan. He fit in dad’s hand. Tell me which one would have been responsible if our mother died during their birth. If you honestly believe it was Adonis, then you are more like our father than you think and care to admit,” Emroy replied.

“You turned your back on him to” Eric hissed at him

“And that is my biggest regret” Emroy didn’t stop walking when he spoke those words, he left Eric alone in the dining room.

“Are you ok sweetheart?” Adonis asked Kenzi when they were back in the kitchen. She hadn’t stopped shaking till they were a safe distance away from Eric.

“I didint mean to say those words. I said I wouldint say them again, but they jus pop-ped out. I didint mean them and I take them back. I take them back, I didint mean to say them, I take them back….can I take them back?” If Eric gets eaten by a bear it will be all her fault.

“Shhh sweetheart shhh” Adonis held her close to him. “I know you didn’t mean to say those words, you can take them back. Shhh!” Her heart was beating wildly and her breath was coming in quick gasps. One hand massaging her shoulders, his other running through her hair.

“She didn’t mean to call him a….giant….” Kane couldn’t get the last part out without laughing, it was made worse with Ky howling in his head.

“No, her meant those, you ain’t never gonna look at him the same way. Good luck in the meetin not laughin at him” Tyler replied snickering,

“Her din’t mean to say her hope he get eated by a yogi,” Jackson said as he too tried not to laugh.

“Eaten Jackson, it’s eaten. Eated is not a word” Elijah said, he tried not to cringe when he heard Kenzi say it, reminding himself she didn’t know any better. Maybe it was time she was taught! Elijah couldn’t help but think of all the ways his Luna has impacted and improved his life, the biggest being the relationship between him and Asmodeus. He would forever be in her debt for that. Kenzi deserved an education, and he would be more than happy to help her. Hope we have the patience, Elijah! For her Asmo, we will have the patience!

“She’s said that before?” Kane asked, arching his eyebrow. Jackson and Tyler could only nod. They broke out laughing as they were both envisioning the look on Eric’s face when she called him that.

“Wolfie magic growls!” Her voice was small as she clung to him, her mind still swirled with how much trouble she was going to get into and she needed him to make it go away. Adonis smiled when she asked for him to growl for her, to help chase the emotion swirling around her. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Kenzi pushed more into him, letting the sound surround her, filling her with peace. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. He hoped they never stopped working. They quieted her pounding heart, settled her breathing and stilled her racing mind. A small content sigh and he knew the growls had done their job. He would never not growl for his mate. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. The small musical noise reached his ears. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. Again he heard it. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. Louder now, her peace filled him. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. He didn’t know what Eric said to her but it was something bad that made her hope he gets eaten by a bear. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr….

“Thank you!” Kenzi snuggled in more to his arms.

“Anytime sweetheart!” He kissed her head and held her closer.

His mate was calm and happy working in the kitchen finishing off her pies. Adonis sat at the breakfast bar and watched her while they waited for Jackson, Tyler, Marco and Elijah to come back with food. After what happened in the dining room Adonis didn’t want Eric anywhere near Kenzi. Asshole said something to her! Yes he did! But she won’t tell us! Doesn’t want to burden us! Adonis has tried to ask her what happened, but she keeps saying it’s ok and not important. He could ask Marco, but he wants his mate to be able to tell him when something is bothering her.

Kane was sitting beside Adonis at the breakfast bar, he was watching him watch his mate. He would tilt his head to the side, close his eyes then release a quiet growled huff. What’s he doing? I don’t think he knows what she’s thinking! What? I don’t think he can read her like he can everyone else! Why not? I don’t know, but I think it has something to do with how special she is! How special is she? I don’t know, I’m hoping it’s in the book! Maybe ask him! You think he knows how special she is? He might, his mate after all!

“I don’t know!” Adonis spoke, pulling Kane from his conversation with Ky.

“That is really unnerving,” Kane mumbled.

“Maybe, but it comes in handy,” Adonis replied.

“I imagine it does,” Kane said.

“I will give you one question about what I can do, so pick wisely” Kane looked at Adonis. “Don’t get excited”

“Why?” Kane asked. Up till now The Devil was adamant that he would not answer questions about how he does the freaky mind thing.

“Trust!” Was all Adonis responded. “It is not something you can learn”

“That does not count as my question. That was you showing off” Kane countered. Adonis released a low chuckle but waved for him to proceed.

“How?” Kane asked.

“How?” Adonis repeated.

“How do you do it?” Kane clarified.

Adonis sat quietly watching his mate, going over the best way to explain how he could know what others were thinking.

“Every thought vocalized or not has a vibration or wave and they are projected. From the ones you have with yourself to the ones you have with your wolf, it is out there. I am in tune with them.” Kane arched his brow.

“Do you know that feeling you get when you walk past someone and a wave of uncertainty washes over you?” Adonis asked,

“Yes,” Kane replied, nodding.

“That is a projected thought. It is a vibe you can feel, most can it’s why you become cautious. To me that vibe isn’t a feeling, it’s words.” Adonis clarified. Kane sat back a little and looked at Adonis.

“It freaked me out in the beginning, happened maybe a month after I shifted at twelve. Jackson had said something, except he didn’t, but was a little shocked when I replied though. At first I thought it was just hushed conversations I was walking by, but unless you’re using the mind link, conversing with another usually requires the movement of lips. Though I lived at White Stone I wasn’t a pack member, so I wouldn’t be able to use the link anyway. I had no control over it and it could become deafening with all the thoughts swirling around me.” Adonis told him

“You had to learn control,” Kane said.

“I did, and fast or risk going crazy. It required a lot of focus. Once I learned to control it….Christmas was never a surprise” Kane chuckled at that. “I knew who liked me, who didn’t. Who had a crush on me, who wanted me dead. Private intimate thoughts that I shouldn’t know. But I also learned to be able to turn it off. Some thoughts project louder than others and always come through, but for the most part I try not to read the minds of others,” Adonis said.

“Try?” Kane arched a brow at him.

“I find Cujo entertaining, and I can’t help myself,” Adonis smiled. “And the look on your face is priceless sometimes. People’s reactions in general are quite funny. When they find out they try not to think, but the harder they try the more they think. The Devil needs fun too,” he added.

“Glad we can entertain you.” Sarcasm dripped from Kane’s words when he said that.

“Me too! That doesn’t bother me, by the way. When I am called The Devil. I have more than earned the title.” Adonis replied looking at Kane, then he turned his attention back to the happy dancing pixie in the kitchen. A smile spread across his face when she beamed brightly at him.

The others had joined them back in the kitchen and they brought more than food. They had taken tables and chairs and set up an eating area. Adonis, Kenzi, Kane and Dax sat at one table. Jackson, Tyler, Carter and Marco at another. The last table sat Elijah, Damon, Johnny and Kenneth.

“Can Elijah really pull off what he wants to do with Marco?” Kane asked,

“As long as Marco is willing to try, yes, Elijah can teach him,” Adonis replied. Kane looked at Marco, he was laughing and enjoying himself with the brothers and Carter, then he looked towards Elijah.

“What other theory was Elijah testing that I needed to make a blood donation?” Kane asked. Adonis arched his brow and looked at his Gamma. I wonder if it worked! Me too!

“Guard dogs!” Adonis replied,

“Guard dogs?” Dax asked, interjecting herself into the conversation.

“Guard dogs!” Adonis answered and refused to say any more on the topic. He was still on the fence about her. And after listening to how she spoke and the questions she was asking he was sliding in a direction. Most of Kane’s men asked Kenzi questions wanting to know more about her as a person, but Dax kept bringing up her past. He watched his little mate shake her head several times. These were questions she did not want to answer. Hewould never interfere if Kenzi continued her friendship with her, but he wouldn’t be sad if she severed ties either.

“You look like you want to ask me something Damon. It’s either that or you’re in respiratory distress” Elijah said as he sat across from him. Johnny and Kenneth choked on their drinks at the look on Damon’s face.

“Are you really gonna rip that guy’s spine out?” Damon asked. He’s never seen that done.

“Yes!” Elijah replied,

“I’ve never seen that,” Damon said.

“It’s messy,” Johnny said. “Kane has only ever done it once and it leaked all over my shoe”

“Very graphic!” Kenneth agreed.

“How much effort would be required to do that?” Damon asked,

“Are you trying to remove the spine completely or just sever it?” Elijah asked him. Damon could only stare back wide eyed.

“To remove it completely would require an extreme amount of force. The spine would need to be ripped through the body. To sever it would require less. Just a simple disconnect from the brain stem, however there is the possibility of not doing it properly and the end result would be paralysis. This is an execution and the objective is death. Demons go big and the spine will be removed from the body.” Damon’s eyes just widened.

“Are you going to be able to do that with your arm?” Kenneth asked.

“It’ll be healed when the time comes, but yes” Elijah replied.

“Have you ever paralysed somebody?” Damon asked, when he could get his mouth to work. Johnny and Kenneth started laughing.

“While trying to remove someone’s spine? This will actually be my first attempt. Alpha Adonis has removed several. Or did you mean in general?” Elijah asked when he caught the look that crossed his face.

“In general,” Damon replied.

“Yes, it is effective in battle” Damon just nodded his head “Why?” Elijah asked when he saw another look cross his face.

“Damon’s been trying to learn. I was only ever able to successfully do it once then gave up trying after that” Johnny replied.

“I either break their neck or make mincemeat out of their kidneys,” Damon added. “Kenneth and Marco can do it though. Carter’s the one that’s been teaching us”

“Are you using your fists?” Elijah asked as he not only looked Damon but Johnny and Kenneth over. He turned his head to look at Marco and Carter.




“Hmm…. There are several ways to successfully paralyse someone. From a simple flick of the wrist to something more forceful like a heel to the base of the neck.” Elijah said.

“A flick of the wrist?” Damon questioned.

“Yes, you wouldn’t be able to do it, you wouldn’t be able to get the speed required. You’re a little….big” Elijah said. “Stand up!” Damon hesitated slightly but did stand up. Elijah looked him over more, paying attention to his broad shoulders and muscular arms.

“You might be able to….Jackson” Elijah called over his shoulder

“Yeah!” Jackson called back

“Would he be?” Elijah asked as he looked back at Damon

“Who?” Jackson asked as he looked over at their table

“Damon?” Elijah replied,

“Yeah!” Jackson replied as he too was now looking at Damon, studying his features.

“And Johnny?” Elijah turned his attention to him.

“Yeah!” Jackson agreed.

“What about?” Elijah looked back at Kane and Jackson followed his gaze.

“Definitely!” Jackson said with a nod. Elijah then turned his attention to Kenneth, then to Marco and finally to Carter.

“Do you three butt heads often?” Elijah asked Johnny.

“Frequently!” It was Kenneth that answered then he shrugged when both Johnny and Damon just looked at him.

“Are they always starving?” Elijah asked Kenneth

“Si” Kenneth nodded then started laughing at the grumbled huff from Johnny and the look on Damon’s face.

“Interesting!” Elijah left the table at that moment and walked out of the kitchen.

“That wasn’t my fault, I didn’t make him mad this time,” Damon said at Elijah’s sudden departure. Tyler looked at Jackson who shared a look with Adonis.

“The fuck?”

“I think he figured it out or he’s on his way”


“Why the Royals smell”

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