The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 80: Just Breaking Stuff!

“Care to make a deal, Alpha Kane?” Adonis asked. It was a few hours later and they were still sitting stuck in the meeting, listening to the Alpha’s drone about their issues. Kane had been fighting to keep his eyes open and Adonis’s voice startled him. He kept it low so as to not draw attention of the others in the room. The demon brothers were growing antsy and bored. Tyler was spinning in his chair and Jackson’s leg hadn’t stopped bouncing for the last twenty minutes. He couldn’t really blame them; he was growing bored as well. He shifted slightly, his ass was getting numb, Odin was grumbling in his head, and he was getting grumpy. He missed his tiny dancer but she was in the kitchen making pies and the thought of that was making him hungry.

“What deal?” Kane replied, he too kept his voice low.

“Jackson and Tyler are bored and at any minute are about to stir up some….entertainment” Adonis began.

“Ok!” Kane looked over and watched the two men. Tyler would huff and spin his chair again and Jackson would shift but his leg didn’t stop moving.

“$1000 says Eric kicks them out” Adonis said.

“I don’t want your money, Alpha Adonis,” Kane replied.

“Then thirty minutes of my time” Adonis countered. “Thirty minutes of my time if Eric ignores them and lets them remain in the meeting, but if he kicks them out you owe me a grand.” Adonis held out his hand. Kane looked at the two men one more time.

“Deal!” He shook The Devil’s hand and they both waited and watched.

“Hey Eli, this borin as fuck we almos done?” Jackson asked, after another twenty minutes had passed.

“No!” ….grrrrrr…. Jackson released a low displeased growl, in time for Tyler to spin himself out of the chair.

“Oh shit!” THUD! “Ow!”

“The fuck you doin?” Jackson asked his brother after he landed in a heap on the floor.

“I’m fuckin bored, my ass is numb an this go on any longer I’m bout to lose my fuckin mine. We almos done?” Tyler replied with a huff.

“I hear yeah lil brother. I’m fuckin hungry too. I thought they posed to feed you at these meetins. This not even good torture this jus stupid. Hungry demon mean grumpy demon” Jackson added.

“Right! Fuckin starvin an Kenzi makin pies. Don’t know what kine, but her makin all the crusts an I don’t know what that mean, but I’s droolin the second her say pie, I want some. An Marco that lucky bastard in the kitchen wit her.” Tyler huffed, he still hadn’t got up from the floor he was laying on.

“Wanna play 1000 ways to die?” Jackson asked.

“Who we killin?” Tyler popped up from the ground and eyed all the men on the other side of the room.

“Wally the Walrus….maybe we make him pee” Jackson offered.

“Nah too easy. How bout Beta Dumbo, make him pee?” Tyler said, pointing to a dark haired man hiding in the corner from them.

“Oh fuck yeah, Beta Dumbo” Jackson said.

“You two seriously aren’t going to play that game right now?” Elijah asked, his head shook at the both of them.

“Wanna play?” Jackson asked,

“No!” Elijah huffed at him.

“That cause he no fun. Hey Carter wanna play? We killin Beta Dumbo,” Tyler turned to Carter.

“What are we playing?” Carter replied, concern crossing his face. He wasn’t sure if they were actually killing someone or not.

“1000 ways to die”

“Yeah ok!” Carter nodded, he’s only ever played once before, but he kinda liked the game.

“Johnny, Kenneth you boys in?” Jackson asked,

“Yes!” Johnny readily agreed, he was bored out of his mind and jumped at the chance for entertainment.

“Sure!” Kenneth could only shrug when Elijah looked at him.

“Damon….Damon….that fucker asleep….Tyler….Damon’s asleep. Eric bore him to death” The wicked grin hit Tyler’s face as he moved silently towards him.

Adonis and Kane watched on as Tyler moved towards Damon, the grin getting bigger on his face the closer he got. Adonis could only shake his head.

“Your men are a bad influence.” Kane muttered, shaking his head with how fast his men joined the deranged little game.

“My men can’t be blamed for how easily yours can be influenced” Adonis countered. Before Kane could respond he watched Tyler throw Damon from the chair yelling for him to wake up. THUD! CRASH! ….grrrRrrrr…. Released from Damon when he rolled away and got ready for an attack. Tyler jumped onto the table as the others lost control and started howling with laughter.

“Were you sleepin?” Tyler asked a shit eating grin on his face,

You little asshole!” Damon yelled at him.

“Whatcha gonna do ya big ogre?” Tyler fired back as he was standing on the table.

“If you didn’t bite I’d kick your fucking ass” Damon snarled,

“Come get me ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr….” Tyler said, still laughing.

“Excuse me! Are you all finished?” Eric interrupted them.

“You’s excused” Jackson fired back.

“We’re trying to conduct a meeting here” Eric snapped

“An we tryin to wake the dead. Yur yappin mouth put em to sleep an we woke him up, you should really be thankin us” Jackson returned,

“Thank you….”

“Welcome!” Tyler cut him off with a grin.

“Listen here….” Eric snarled

“Careful Eric, we change the target from Beta Dumbo to you” Tyler warned.

“One of us might forget ita game an actually kill you,” Jackson said.

“The world really needs one less idiot, no one gonna miss ya” Tyler added, crouching down on the table. Both men stared intently at Eric, their eyes swirling gold as their wolves sat at the ready.

“Natasha might” Jackson offered,

“Nah, her got a drawer full of toys, keep her happy.” Tyler countered. All eyes turned towards Eric.

“Wait, wait, wait the fuck?” Jackson looked at his brother.

“Brother, you don’t know half the shit I hear. Some of it I don’t want to” Tyler replied.

“Her got a drawer full of toys? He not makin her happy?” Jackson asked, fighting to keep control of his laughter.

“Well her callin somein Mr. Happy an I don’t think it him” Tyler answered, as he too fought to keep control only to hear Johnny and Damon break behind him.

“Maybe it’s teeny tiny” Jackson choked out,

“Maybe he can’t get it up,” Tyler countered.

“Oh, dysfunction in his junction, take the lil blue pill, any longer than four hours though call yur doctor” it was getting harder and harder to keep control. Some of the other Alpha’s in the room were starting to snicker at the jokes being made.

“No tool in his box” that one had a few laughing,

“No tool in her box either”

“No, her got tools in her box, just not his, he’s batteries not included” Jackson roared with laughter. Johnny fell from his chair, not even Elijah could hold back on that one.

Eric’s face was getting redder and redder, but when he saw Kane and Adonis lose control and start laughing, Eric lost it.

GET THE FUCK OUT!” He roared. Jackson and Tyler just lost it even more.

“No wonder he grumpy all the time, ain’t cause the stick shoved sideways, he got pent up frustration” Tyler howled, tears streaming down his face.

“That make any man grumpy,” Jackson agreed.

“Maybe her don’t like it” Tyler offered,

“Maybe he not doin it right” Jackson suggested,

“Hey, maybe we ask Natasha” Tyler said, Jackson’s eyes widened and his grin spread more.

“Fuck yeah, her tell us why her gotta drawer full of toys” they moved towards the door, and Eric’s Beta blocked Jackson’s path. ….grRrRrRrr…. The warning growl the Beta released was laced with the threat of violence and it brought Ko immediately to the surface. The laughter died and fear spiked in the room as they all caught it. The Beta had just declared war and that was his first mistake. The other Alpha’s and Beta’s in the room all backed away giving as much space as they could. His second was when he took one step towards Jackson.

CRACK! CRACK! THUMP! THUD! The man now lay on his stomach on the table, an arm pinned behind his back with Tyler sitting on him. His knee was pinning down the man’s other arm and he had a fistful of his hair. The others in the room watched on, some carrying expressions of horror, thinking they were going to witness the savage death of Eric’s Beta right there on the conference table. While others were shocked by how fast it all went down, the man had barely moved and he was subdued and at the mercy of the demons. Damon stole a glance at Carter, his mouth was open and eyes were wide. He had a feeling he got off lucky with the beating he took.

“Boy, that was fuckin dumb!” Jackson said, shaking his head.

“Fuck you!” He barked out, blood dripped from his nose and lip as he snarled those words. Tyler’s grip tightened. THUMP! ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. A pained angry growl slipped past the Beta’s lips after his head made the connection with the table. THUMP! He struggled under Tyler only to have his head connect with the table again.

“Look like you gotta new toy now Tyler” Jackson said, Tyler laughed.

“Toll you I get one” Tyler shot back at him.

“Hey, maybe don’t break ’em. Maybe pop parts out, that way you can play wit em longer.” Jackson suggested, as he watched his brother slam his arm up. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr….

“I don’t know how to do that” Tyler replied, looking back at his brother who could only shrug, Jackson didn’t know how to do that either.

“Eli!” Tyler called over his shoulder.

“Yes Tyler!”

“How you pop parts out?” Damon looked at Elijah who had not raised his head from the file he was working on.

“Depends on what part you want to dislocate” He replied.

Jackson and Tyler looked at each other then back down at the struggling man on the table.

“Shoulder?” Jackson suggested,

“The shoulder!” Tyler said.

“There are several methods to do that, but considering your position the easiest one is going to be grabbing a hold of his wrist, place your other hand on his elbow and in one fluid motion thrust up and out till you hear a pop.” Elijah explained as he moved onto another file. Damon and Johnny watched as they were curious, fascinated and shocked by what was happening in the room.

“K!” Tyler replied. He tightened his grip on the wrist. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. The Beta growled and snarled, struggled and fought to be released, whatever was going to happen to him he did not want it to happen. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Wrist, elbow up and out,” Jackson repeated. THUMP! ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Tyler took the head off the table one more time, then placed his hand on the elbow and followed what Elijah told him to do. CRUNCH! ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. The man whimpered and fell silent as his body went limp under Tyler. Tyler’s eyes widened and he looked at his brother.

“That notta poppy soun” He whispered,

“No, thata crunchy soun. The fuck you do?” Jackson whispered back as he snuck a peek at Elijah.

“I don’t know, listen to Eli.” Tyler huffed back.

“Shhh. clearly you din’t cause that notta poppy soun. You kill em?” Jackson asked.

“No!” Tyler checked to make sure then shook his head.

“Get Eli to help you again” Jackson motioned towards Elijah sitting at the table. His head was down and he no longer held the pen he had.

“Eli….it din’t make a poppy soun it kinda went crunchy” Tyler said.

With a slight sigh, Elijah finally stood up from the table. He rolled his shoulders and stretched out his neck pulling at the sling that bound his arm as he moved towards Tyler. He felt around the injury his brows furrowing slightly the more he inspected.

“This is going to need surgery. What did you do?” Elijah asked Tyler.

“I don’t know, listen to you, it din’t go pop” Tyler shrugged.

“Clearly, you shattered it.” Elijah looked at Tyler.

“Whatever, he got a other arm. Show me!” Tyler huffed. Elijah sighed again and grabbed the man by the wrist.

“The wrist, the elbow, up and out” POP!

“Wrist, elbow, up an out. Got it. Put it back in” Tyler nodded. Elijah moved to the other side of the table and in a quick motion POP! The man’s arm was reset.

Adonis and Kane watched on as the scene unfolded in front of them. Kane’s eyes were wide. They’re absolutely insane! Yes they are! Bunch of deranged lunatics! War was declared Ky, what did you think was going to happen, they would go gentle? Yeah, they’re not a gentle bunch! No, they’re not! He had stolen a few glances at Adonis, who carried a sly smirk as he watched his Delta make the first attempt at dislocating the man’s arm. It grew when he heard the crunch. The fear in the room was growing and he saw the faintest glow in his eyes as the flames began to flicker. His hellhound was enjoying the slow torture it was witnessing. Jackson and Tyler were merciless when it came to the teasing of Eric, and him bellowing an Alpha command at them did nothing to stop them. It just made it worse.

“$1000 says he breaks that one too” Adonis’s voice drew him out of his thoughts as they watched Elijah show Tyler how to do it correctly.

“30 minutes of your time says he doesn’t” Kane held out his hand to make the deal. These deals they were making weren’t his style but if this was the way to get The Devil to talk to him, then so be it. His terms, his turf, his level! Ky reminded him in his head.

Repeating over and over in his head what Elijah told him. Tyler grabbed a hold of the man’s wrist. Elijah corrected his hand positioning. Tyler placed his other hand on the man’s elbow and again Elijah corrected the placement.

“Up and out one fluid motion” Elijah instructed.

“Up an out, up an out, up an out. Got it” Tyler said, nodding. Carter was half standing, he wanted to see if Tyler could do it. Damon and Johnny were curious as well. CRUNCH! Tyler thrust up and in and the shoulder made the same crunch as before. Elijah stared at him wide eyed, while Jackson stood behind him cringing.

“That din’t soun like a pop” Tyler stated as he again dropped the arm.

“No!” Elijah shook his head, and inspected the shoulder.

“I’s jus breakin body parts” Tyler huffed.

“Yes!” Elijah nodded as he confirmed that the shoulder was indeed broken. Jackson’s deep rumble at his brother’s clear irritation at this drew everyone’s attention.

“This yur fault” Tyler huffed.

“My fault? The fuck I do?” Jackson snapped back.

“Maybe you shouldn’t have trained him,” Elijah fired at Jackson.

“What? That not my fault” Jackson fired back, motioning towards the shoulder.

“Berserkers aren’t known for being gentle” Elijah said, Jackson had to stop, he couldn’t deny that, he had no argument to make.

“Yeah, thata valid argument, we not, we like to crush an break stuff” Jackson nodded his head as he looked at Elijah’s arm.

“Fuck whatever, how you pop out the elbow?” Tyler said, moving further down the arm. He can get this, he’s seen Elijah on multiple occasions dislocate things, he could do it too and he had a whole body to practise on. And Elijah just did it with one hand.

“Are they just going to keep breaking parts of him until Tyler learns to dislocate something?” Damon whispered to Johnny.

“I think so!” Johnny whispered back.

“Ok then” Damon just nodded. “At least the meeting got more entertaining.”

“Double or nothing on the elbow?” Adonis offered. Kane looked at him, Adonis had his eyes on Eric who helplessly watched Tyler break his Beta piece by piece. If he won that would be an hour of The Devil’s time and he would only be down a grand. He lost and he would be down three grand. It was a sucker’s bet he knew that. The Delta was anything but gentle, but it was too good an offer to pass up in the off chance the ninja could teach him to be gentle in the next five minutes and he could dislocate the elbow.

“Deal” Kane shook. The smile on Adonis’s face grew.

Eric watched the exchange of hands multiple times between the two. Each handshake filled him with more anger. This was not how this meeting was supposed to go. Adonis was supposed to sit there and be all menacing quietly. The others in the room were to think he had aligned with him and they would want to form alliances as well. Even if the demons were not part of the community their presence carried a lot of weight. Why the fuck did his brother have to continue to make things difficult for him? Whatever was happening between him and The King was also displeasing and it all started because of that damn stray his brother brought with him. She was not his mate, not his chosen, not his true, just some mangy stray he had picked up. There was no way she would be the mate of anything. She was just something to keep his bed warm at night. He would have to figure out a way to get her out of the picture and away from Adonis but right now he had to figure out a way to stop the spectacle that was happening on the conference table. His stupid Beta should not have interfered with what the idiots were doing he should have just let them leave. Things would have gotten back on track, but now he stands there helpless as the psychotic, shoeless little Delta learns to dislocate body parts.

“The elbow is one of the easiest to dislocate. Place one hand on the upper arm for stability, then grab the forearm and twist again you should hear a pop” Elijah instructed. Tyler nodded

“Matter what way I twis?” Tyler asked,

“As long as you keep the upper arm stable no” Elijah replied.

ENOUGH!” Eric bellowed again, Tyler and Elijah just looked at Eric. Tyler picked up the Beta’s arm, still looking Eric in the eye, placing one hand on the forearm, one on the upper arm and he twisted. SNAP!

Dammit! That his fault!” Tyler barked as he threw the arm back down and punched the unconscious Beta in the head.

“You can’t seriously sit there and just watch as he breaks him?” Eric snapped at Adonis who only looked back at him.

“I think he wants you to do something” Kane said,

“What would he like me to do?” Adonis replied, never taking his eyes off Eric.

Stop them!” Eric shouted,

“And yelling at me is going to get you your way….how?” Adonis asked.

“Damn it Adonis, why do you continue to have to be difficult?” Eric snarled

“I don’t have to be, but it is more fun.” Adonis replied with a wicked smile crossing his devilish face.

“Just make them stop, make them get out” Eric snapped again.

“Beg me!” Adonis fired back. Silence flooded the room the moment those words left The Devil’s lips.

WHAT?” Eric looked at his brother wide eyed.

“You heard me, get on your knees and say pretty please. Beg me to make him stop. Until you do, Tyler will keep breaking body parts until he learns to dislocate something. TYLER!” The wicked grin spread more across Adonis’s face, as his brother stared at him in utter disbelief.

“Fuck yeah! Aight wris” Tyler said looking back at Elijah, waiting for instructions on how to do it. Elijah only shook his head, there were a lot of parts Tyler could break. CRUNCH! Went the wrist, SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Went three of his fingers. The whole time Jackson was trying not to laugh at his brother’s growing frustration at not being able to get it right. SNAP! SNAP! The pinky in two places. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Released from Tyler as he drew his hand back, Elijah caught his arm moments before he connected with the man’s spine.

“The fuck?” He huffed at Elijah, then bounced the man’s head off the table with his free arm, clearly it was his fault Tyler couldn’t dislocate anything.

“You’re not going to hit him in the spine, you’re going to break it.” Elijah told him. Tyler grumbled some more only to bounce the man’s head off the table again. Jackson was finding it harder and harder to bite back his snickers, Tyler was about to throw a tantrum on the table.

“Just breathe Tyler,” Elijah instructed.

“Big stupid!” Tyler huffed again, and again Elijah caught his arm before he swung. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“It’s not his fault.” Elijah told him ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Big stupid, stupid” Tyler grumbled again.

“Let’s try the other arm.” Elijah suggested.

“Teach me how to do the back,” Tyler countered.

“No!” Elijah shook his head

“Why?” Tyler looked at him

“Because you will break it” Elijah told him

“Not if you teach me properly” Tyler fired at him

“I am teaching you properly, you’re just not listening” Elijah countered,

“Am so!” Tyler huffed.

“What did I say about the wrist?” Elijah asked

“Snap up, snap down” Tyler answered

“And what did you do?” Elijah asked another question

“Twis it!” Tyler answered hesitating slightly

“What happened?” Elijah pushed. Tyler sat on the Beta’s back looking like a school boy getting scolded by a teacher.

“Crunchy” Tyler grumbled.

“Starting at the elbow” CRUNCH! Elijah released a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Ima beat him wit his arm” Tyler huffed.

The more Tyler broke the more panicked Eric became. How would he explain this to the man’s mate? How would he explain this to his father? If he begged he would be submitting to his brother, he would become weak in the eyes of everyone in this room, in the eyes of his pack. But if he doesn’t do something, he appears to be a heartless monster.

“Adonis, make this stop” Eric said,

“Beg me!” Adonis repeated

“I am not going to beg you” Eric snarled,

“Tyler the wrist” CRUNCH! ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

Adonis!SNAP! SNAP! Two fingers.

“On your knees and pretty please!” Adonis goaded him, humiliating him in the eyes of the others in the room, in the eyes of his King. Eric was helpless to stop this and they all knew it. He could only submit to his brother now, or risk the man dying should Tyler throw the tantrum that was rapidly approaching. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

Each failed attempt he made, each frustrated growl he produced further enforced this impending event. Tyler was about ready to lose it.

“Your highness!” Eric looked to Kane. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Two more fingers and the thumb. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“I have no authority over the demons. They are not part of the shifter community, I can not order them to stop” Kane replied,

“You can try with Tyler,” Adonis said. “What? I’m curious to see what he’ll do” Kane just looked at him and shook his head.

“You have to do something,” Eric stated.

“I can try negotiating with them, but your best course of action is to swallow your pride and do as he asks” That was literally the only thing Kane could do. Shouldn’t have kicked them out of the community! Wonder how much he’s regretting that? I want to see the idiot beg! I do as well!

“This is an act of war!” Eric fired out. Elijah straightened his back and turned to face Eric. Jackson’s snickers got louder and Tyler joined in, Bal flashing to the surface. Adonis’s smile widened.

“Actually, war was already declared, this is the aftermath of it. He’s a prisoner” Elijah corrected him.

“Who declared war?” Eric asked, his eyes widened at this development.

“Your Beta.” Kane answered. “I have heard on multiple occasions Alpha Adonis give you fair warning, you failed to heed everyone of them. But when your Beta growled at Beta Jackson lacing his warning with the threat to harm and prevented him from leaving the room it was seen as an act of violence and war was declared. It was also promptly ended when he advanced. And your Beta is now a prisoner. Demon law states they are allowed to deal with prisoners in any manner they deem fit and that includes execution. I can attempt to negotiate a prisoner release, but you would have to be willing to give into their demands.”

“He’s growled at me on numerous occasions” Eric shot out.

“Did you declare war on him?” Kane asked,

“No!” Kane raised his hands, then there was nothing he could do about it.

“Continue the lesson Elijah” Adonis spoke, he sat up in his chair, his posture challenging his brother.

Once more Elijah turned his attention to Tyler. It was time to try for the lower body starting with the hip. Eric watched on in horror as Tyler once again failed to simply dislocate the body part and instead crushed the left side of his Beta’s hip. Jackson cringed at the sound the bone made when it crunched.

“I don’t think surgery will fix that” Elijah’s face held a grimace to it.

“Maybe I jus stick to crushin bones” Tyler commented,

“Maybe you should. You seem to be better at that.” Elijah nodded in agreement. Tyler looked towards his brother who was nodding as well. So was Johnny and Damon.

“Yeah! That ok, I like crushin bones,” Tyler balled his fist and brought it straight down on the back of the man’s knee. CRUNCH!

“Way to keep your chin up about it Tyler” Elijah’s voice dripped with sarcasm as he shook his head.

Negotiate, negotiate” Eric yelled. “Please negotiate” This was getting out of hand. How did a simple meeting turn into prisoner release negotiations?

“Alpha Adonis!” Kane spoke.

“Alpha Kane!” Adonis looked in his direction, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.

“What will it take to release the prisoner?” Kane asked, he could see the orange flames dancing in his eyes. The Devil was thoroughly enjoying the events.

“Tyler!” Tyler looked at his Alpha just as he was about to crush one ankle. Adonis shook his head as he sat more upright in his chair.

“I’ve thought long and hard about it and the one thing that will make this stop is Eric on his knees begging me pretty pretty please.” Adonis replied, the devilish smile spreading across his face.

“Should the demand not be met?” Kane asked. The smile widened.




“Execute! Providing Tyler does no more damage to the body, he should be alert by tonight” Elijah said as he inspected the body on the table.

“Method?” Adonis asked

“Decapitation!” Elijah spoke,

“Light em up!” Tyler replied, getting down. His frustration at not being able to simply dislocate something long forgotten.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Eli say nex prisoner he rip the spine out” Jackson threw out.

“Change of vote, spine rip,” Tyler smiled bigger.

“Change of vote. I am a man of my word.” Elijah said, nodding in agreement.

“The votes are cast, the decision is unanimous. If the demand has not been met by dusk the prisoner will be executed via spine removal” Adonis declared.

“Let the record show the demand has been made as the consequences if the demand has not been met by the time specified, and you will all bear witness to the execution” Kane stated with authority. The other Alpha’s in the room bowed as they acknowledged the power he held. Eric could only stare at his brother wide eyed, his mouth slightly gaped.

“Don’t look so appalled Eric, we are not completely heartless. He’ll at least get to say goodbye to his mate before he dies, and we’ll even patch him up” Adonis stood from his chair and walked out of the room with Elijah following behind him. Jackson hoisted the body over his shoulder and proceeded to the medical ward with Tyler.

Adonis and Elijah headed towards the kitchen and the tantalizing aromas coming from it. He was happy to be out of the conference room, he was hungry, his ass was numb and he missed his mate. He’d go collect her and then they’d find something to eat.

“Are you going to be able to rip his spine out with one arm, Elijah?” Adonis asked

“It should be fully healed by then, but yes” Elijah replied “Do you think he’ll beg?” Adonis stopped walking, Eric will beg, but it won’t be by choice.

“Yes, but it is not going to be because he chose to do it. As much joy as it would bring me to see him on his knees begging me as an Alpha, Eric is about to lose his pack position.” Adonis stated,

“What?” Elijah asked.

“You said it yourself, he is weak and useless, and everyone knows it. Eric needed this meeting to be successful, it was his last chance at proving to Ethan that he had what it takes to be a true Alpha.” Adonis said. Elijah looked at his Alpha. “I knew the day we got here, it was a decision that was coming, I just helped it along like a good little brother. Eric has been failing miserably at his job, and Ethan doesn’t like failure. He will be forced to step down and one of the other idiots will be put in charge.”

“Alpha Kane will have to reinstate their Alpha title” Elijah said,

“Yes he will,” Adonis nodded. “If he hasn’t already done it. They lost their titles because they wouldn’t tell him what he wanted to know. But he can clearly see they didn’t know any information to tell him. I make it a point to remain invisible, I believe you told me once that no one makes bold moves out loud” he added. A slight grin slipped across Elijah’s face.

“$100 on Ezra taking over the pack, out of all your brothers he might have the intelligence to pull it off” Elijah made the bet.

“Perhaps, but my money’s on Emroy. He plays a dumb, submissive part but it is all an act.” Adonis countered. Out of all his brothers Emroy was highly intelligent, he knew when to make a move and when to hold back. He also was the only one that never questioned him, gave him his space and showed him the utmost respect when he was present. Emroy would be taking over Primrose and Adonis couldn’t help but be curious as to what he would do when he did.

“When will we know?” Elijah asked. Adonis tilted his head slightly, listening to what was going on.

“The meeting has been put on hold for the time being, we’ll know at the execution” The smile fell across his face, this was better than killing his brother, this would eat Eric up inside to watch as everything he worked for crumbled around him. He wondered what Eric would do if he aligned himself with Emroy? That would be the only brother he would even consider forming an alliance with.

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