The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 79: Bitchfest!

Adonis and Kenzi exited White Stone Packhouse to see The Royals discussing who was going in what vehicle. His men were standing off to the side watching what was going on, clear interest on their faces. Marco was also standing off to the side away from the others. His only engagement was a nod or shake of his head or a simple shrug of his shoulders. He clearly wasn’t speaking to any of them. He would look towards Jackson and Tyler periodically, his mind was already made up on which vehicle he was riding in. Adonis could only shake his head, taking his little mate by the hand he guided them towards one of the vehicles and opened the back passenger door. The others watched on and Tyler and Jackson started laughing when they all watched him pick her up and place her in the back seat. He shot a look at Elijah then climbed in behind her and closed the door.

“Guess they’re taking that vehicle” Dax said as she watched Elijah move towards the driver side. Jackson and Tyler were now in another vehicle with Tyler at the wheel. Marco immediately followed and climbed in the backseat.

“He is still not talking to any of us. Not even in Italian, not even to swear at me. I get shrugs. The only one’s he’ll talk to are the brothers and Carter” Kenneth said. Johnny looked at Damon, who hung his head.

“Yeah I know I’m an asshole” Damon fired at him.

“Elijah has a theory on how to help him,” Kenneth said.

“Carter, go with them. Johnny, go see if Elijah is going to need help. It might not be easy to drive with the use of only one arm” Kane said. Both men nodded and moved in other directions.

Adonis watched from the backseat with interest. He was a little surprised to see the other Beta heading their way and not the Lieutenant though. Elijah watched him wearily as well, uncertain what to make of what was happening.

“Are you going to be ok to drive?” Johnny asked when he stopped by the driver’s door.

“Elijah get in the passenger seat” Adonis ordered from the back, before Elijah had a chance to say anything. He nodded his head and obeyed his Alpha.

“Drive!” Adonis ordered again as soon as Johnny was behind the wheel.

“You might want to reign that in” Elijah spoke quietly beside him, trying to keep the smirk off his face. Asmodeus was yipping at the scent of fear coming off Johnny. He was begging Elijah to let him go so he could make it stronger. Johnny could only nod, he glanced once in the rearview mirror then immediately looked away when he saw the hint of flame flicker in the eyes of The Devil in the backseat. No fear, no fear, no fear! Ran over and over in his head as he started the truck.

“You do know that doesn’t really work right?” Adonis asked,

“What?” Johnny spoke startled

“Telling yourself not to fear.” Adonis replied.

“It signals to the brain that there is indeed something to fear and the more you fight against it the stronger your fear becomes.” Elijah elaborated.

“What do you do then?” Johnny asked.

“Acknowledge it” Elijah told him

“Acknowledge it?” Johnny glanced at Elijah then in the rearview mirror. “You can’t be serious? I’m just supposed to acknowledge the scary ass man with the freaky head thing who doesn’t like to answer questions about it in the back seat. The scary ass large man with flaming eyes! The scary ass large man who could easily take my head in one hit, should I piss him off. Then what? Come to terms with it, and be like yup ok, that can happen.” Johnny sputtered out. When he saw the wide eyed stare from Elijah his face paled and his breath caught in his throat.

“That just came out. I’m sorry!” Johnny said, when he heard the deep rumbled laugh of Adonis in the backseat, he breathed a small sigh of relief.

“Do you feel better?” Adonis asked him

“A little bit,” Johnny replied.

“Good, now you’ll be more inclined to answer my questions without stuttering.” Adonis said. Johnny again looked in the rearview mirror.

“Ok!” Johnny replied, like he was going to say no to the scary ass large man in the backseat with the flaming eyes and a freaky as fuck mind thing.

“Homicidal not suicidal right?” Adonis asked, Johnny could only look in the rearview mirror and nod his head.

“Why did Alpha Kane send you and not the Lieutenant?” Adonis asked.

“Kenneth told Alpha Kane that Elijah has a theory on how to help Marco” Johnny answered.

“He is still not talking to any of you?” Adonis inquired.

“He’ll only speak to Carter. The rest of us get shrugs, maybe the occasional nod or head shake. Usually he swears openly at us, but we’re not even getting that” Johnny said. He kept his eyes on the road for the most part. Every once in a while he would feel the eyes of both Adonis and Elijah on him. Studying him, listening intently to what he was saying.

“You’re worried he’ll leave the pack.” When Johnny didn’t say anything Adonis knew he was right and pressed on. “You started off learning Italian because you wanted to know what he was saying when he swore at you, but your empathy for him kicked in. You realized when you overheard him trying to practise that English would always be an issue for him.” Johnny went to open his mouth and ask about how he knew he overheard Marco practising, then he closed it when he saw the look cross Adonis’s face in the rearview mirror. That would be asking questions about his freaky mind thing and he won’t answer questions about his freaky mind thing.

“You think it feels like rejection when he is continuously told to speak a language he won’t ever be able to. And out of all of them, your Alpha included you have better knowledge of what rejection feels like” Johnny looked in the rearview mirror catching the look on Adonis’s face.

“I am well aware your Gamma was rejected by his first mate, but he didn’t have a nine year relationship with her. At some point during those nine years you had to have felt the burn of rejection. But because the bitch was your Alpha’s sister and your mate you just lived with it, because to you mates are sacred” Adonis continued. Johnny couldn’t deny anything Adonis said to him. It was the truth. He felt Lacey starting to reject him and he held on longer, hoping it would sort itself out.

“Why won’t he ever be able to?” Johnny asked. So many questions swirled in his mind like how well researched are they? But that was the one he chose to ask.

“The head trauma he suffered when he was a boy” Elijah replied, then proceeded to explain to Johnny why Marco will never be able to speak English.

“So he’ll never be able to speak English properly?” Damon asked, after Kenneth told them what Elijah said.

“No. A CT Scan will confirm it, but if Elijah says I pretty much trust it. He is right! Marco has been trying for English since he was ten years old, the last eight he has really been trying and he has not gotten any better. He can barely string a simple sentence together without fighting for the right words, and half the time they’re not even the right words. How many times have we heard him call somebody a whore or a bitch and that was not what he was trying to say?” Kenneth replied. The memory of him calling Carter a bitch when they were high on tranquillizers popped into his mind, and the laughter coming from Damon beside him said he might be thinking about it as well.

“Now I really feel bad. How does Elijah know, I thought he was a lawyer or something?” Damon asked.

“He is, but he has a medical background as well, but could not pursue medicine. He showed great promise, but he couldn’t continue with residency. They thought it was because he was squeamish around the sight of blood, when actually it’s because he’d rather make them bleed more. It does not bode well for being a doctor if you keep trying to cut the patients open.” Kenneth explained, trying not to laugh. Damon glanced over at him from the driver’s seat.

“No, I guess it wouldn’t” Kane responded from the back seat, trying to fight back his own laugh. Even Dax didn’t know what to say to that. But it was the furthest thing from funny to her.

“But his medical background does come in handy. That’s how he knew how to relocate not only Alpha Adonis’s shoulder but Damon’s ribs. He knows where to hit to inflict the most amount of pain, without damage.” Kenneth said.

“Great, that’s just fanfuckingtastic, cause the speedy little ninja with a inclination for torture isn’t scary enough, let’s just give him a fucking medical degree.” Damon grumbled.

“Then you wonder why he scares the crap out of you all the time?” Kenneth said, shaking his head.

“What?” Damon shot at him

“You’re making it easy for him Damon. If you hadn’t reacted the way you did he wouldn’t have targeted you.” Kane responded, trying not to laugh.

“Let him jump out at you then. He can fucking toy with you for a little while in his little sadistic game of cat and mouse.” Damon huffed.

“Tell me about using the link with Marco?” Kane said, shifting the conversation back to what they were discussing previously. Kane did not want the speedy ninja with an inclination for torture playing his little sadistic game of cat and mouse with him. He was already playing a game with The Devil and if he wasn’t careful he would lose.

“That’s possible?” Johnny asked. “Having them both working on the surface together?”

“Demon’s do it all the time,” Elijah answered. “It will require effort and work. But it would be easier for him to learn that then it would be for him to learn English. Marco thinks in italian. Though he can read, write and understand English, because he thinks in Italian he speaks Italian.”

“Seriously? You can have conversations at the same time?” Johnny asked. Though what Elijah said made sense about Marco, Johnny was stuck on having both him and his wolf on the surface and working at the same time.

“Why is Asmodeus talking to me about elephants?” Adonis suddenly asked from the backseat. Elijah hid the smirk on his face and Johnny ducked his head as he tried not to laugh at the exasperation in Adonis’s voice. Only to hear the little pixie giggle.

“Sorry Alpha! Just a demonstration.” Elijah replied.

“Either get him a damn elephant or buy him something he can name elephant” Adonis huffed.

“Ok, that I want to learn how to do” Johnny said, when he fully recovered.

“It’s effective, it allows us to communicate no matter what is going on. Two of us could be away from the conversation or unable to participate in it and allows our counterparts the ability to fill them in.” Elijah replied.

“Like at the breakfast table the other morning. Alpha Adonis and Jackson were talking, and you and Tyler were holding a conversation with Kenzi, but you both were nodding.” Johnny wanted to make sure he understood what was being said. When he saw Elijah nod he too nodded

“I definitely want to learn how to do that,” Johnny replied.

“That could be highly effective for a number of reasons,” Kane said when Kenneth finished telling them about the link.

“They use it all the time. On multiple different levels. We were correct when we thought Elijah and Tyler were being filled in on whatever Alpha Adonis and Jackson were discussing. But their wolves also communicate and help in the coordination of any planning that needs to be made. A conversation that appears to be between two of them is actually between four.” Kenneth went on to say.

“That is highly beneficial. Did Elijah say how Alpha Adonis does that mind thing?” Kane asked.

“No, he does not know, it was something he’s only been made aware of recently. Nor does he know how he and his wolf speak at the same time. After Jackson’s wolf attempted it, his didn’t even want to try.” Kenneth replied. “It is apparently only something Alpha Adonis can do”

“What do you mean something he’s only been made aware of recently?” Dax asked, that didn’t make any sense. Elijah was the third in command.

“Don’t forget they did not grow up together. While Alpha Adonis, Jackson and Tyler were trying to figure it all out, Elijah, like all the demoni, was in the dark dealing with it. But it was because Elijah and his wolf did not get along. At all! Elijah’s first shift at fourteen his wolf climbed a tree, got sap on himself then fell out of it, shifted back and broke Elijah’s leg.” Kane’s eyes widened at that. He’s never heard of a wolf intentionally doing something to injure its counterpart before.

“Alpha Adonis did not fill Elijah in until recently on the type of wolf he was, he was hoping they would see eye to eye on something but they never did until piccola came along. She got them to listen to each other and work more in harmony.” Kenneth said.

“How did Elijah come up with this theory?” Dax asked,

“It was actually piccola that thought of it. She calls it the wolfie magic head thingy.” Kenneth had to pause there for a second, he struggled to get that out. Plus the laughing all around him didn’t help him any. When Elijah first told him about it he burst out laughing, first because of the terms used and second because he said it very straight faced.

“Wolfie magic head thingy?” Damon cracked up again.

“Si! It is what she calls it, wolfie magic. Elijah was very serious about it, very straight faced. He would have to be though, considering he does all the negotiations. The man gives a new definition to stone faced, he gives nothing away. I wouldn’t want to go up against him in negotiations or an interrogation room.” Kenneth replied.

“I’ve heard her use that before. The day we met, she asked if Dax was a werewolf.” Kane said,

“My reply might have confused her a little. I don’t think she understood why I was so short, and I told her they got all the damn height and she thought you all stole it. Alpha Adonis informed her that werewolves didn’t steal my height and that wasn’t a wolfie magic power.” Dax explained.

“It helps her understand our world. Let’s face it, demon’s have capabilities beyond us, it would seem like magic to her.” Kane added.

“Her thought was if Alejandro speaks English and he does, he would be able to say what Marco can’t.” Kenneth continued.

“Clever little pixie,” Kane said.

“She is quite intelligent and highly observant for someone that doesn’t have an ounce of education. Elijah now wants to test the theory and use Damon as a guinea pig for Marco” Kenneth said.

“Why me?” Damon asked,

“Because I suggested you and Johnny speaks Italian.” Kenneth replied.

“Why not Carter, or Dax or hell why not Kane?” Damon fired back. He did not want to sit in a room with the speedy ninja, especially since their last conversation left him seething.

“Dax does not require the use of the link with him, if he is communicating with her it is to her face and she uses the app, and Carter is with Dax, but from what I understand, Tyler is teaching him. There will be times when Marco and Carter will be sent somewhere together and it is good for Carter to know the basics. Elijah thinks if Kane is present it would be too stressful for Marco and he wouldn’t be able to focus on what he needed to do to accomplish the task.” Kenneth answered.

“Damon will do it,” Kane said. The demon’s were going out of their way to accommodate Marco, including teaching one of his men how to communicate with him. No wonder Marco is with them! They have accepted him! Demons are definitely getting it right! Again Kane couldn’t argue with what Ky said, the demons were indeed getting it right.

“What?” Damon looked in the rearview mirror at his Alpha. Dax was covering her grin behind her hand at his wide eyed expression.

“You owe Marco after this morning, and I have a feeling you’re responsible for why Jackson and Elijah went at it this afternoon and he now has a broken arm. You will be Marco’s guinea pig, you will cooperate and do whatever the speedy ninja tells you to do, and you will be a good boy about it.” Kane said firmly.

“Fuck!” Damon huffed.

“What are you going to do at the house, while I am stuck in the meeting?” Adonis asked Kenzi.

“I has a recipe in my head,” Kenzi replied.

“And what recipe is that?” He asked.

“Dark chocolate cream pie with toffee pecans, a toasted marshmallow fluff topping on a sugar cookie dough crust….or snickerdoodle crust….or a rum butter cookie crust….oh maybe a whiskey ginger snap cru….what?” Kenzi looked at Adonis then at Elijah, she even caught Johnny’s eyes through the rearview mirror looking at her.

“Did I say something wrong?” Kenzi asked, growing alarmed.

“No sweetheart, you said nothing wrong.” Adonis replied. Regret asking her! Little bit! Wipe the drool! Fuck you! That the best you got! Fuck you!

“Are you sure?” Kenzi asked,

“Absolutely darling, there is nothing wrong with making a grown man drool” Johnny replied. “If votes count, mine’s for rum butter cookie,” he added. The blush hit Kenzi’s face as her nose wrinkled. Turning away the giggle escaped her as she hid in Adonis’s chest.

“Hide all you like tiny dancer, your ears are still red” Adonis whispered. She squeaked and giggled some more.

Pulling up in front of Primrose Packhouse, Adonis let out a grumbled snarl. He didn’t want to be here, but he was curious as to why his brother lied to him.

“She needs to be lifted down,” Adonis said when Johnny opened the back passenger door for Kenzi. Johnny could only stare wide eyed. Touching an Alpha’s mate without permission was grounds for war, a war he did not want to be the cause of. Elijah bit back a chuckle and he was by the door in an instant. Bending to give Kenzi the ability to wrap her arms around his neck he gently pulled her from the back of the truck and placed her on the ground.

“Sweetheart, where are your shoes?” Adonis asked, when he noticed her bare feet.

“Um….” Kenzi bit her lip as she looked down and wiggled her toes.

“Did you lose them again?” Elijah was fighting back his laughter at the look on her face.

“She lost her shoes?” Johnny asked, as he too looked down at her feet.

“She takes them off and forgets where she puts them” Elijah replied, his shoulders starting to shake.

“Is that what happens to Tyler’s shoes?” Johnny asked.

“No, he just doesn’t wear any until he has to. Bal hates shoes, to keep his wolf content and happy he doesn’t wear any.” Elijah replied.

Johnny stood there quietly for a moment absorbing that. He wasn’t sure what to make of it.

“They live in our heads and pretty much only get to come out when we say they can. If roles were reversed, and they were the more dominant wouldn’t you want them to do something you liked. Jackson let’s Ko roll in muddy puddles after it rains and Elijah lets Asmodeus cook and watch shows about elephants. He has an elephant inspired suit and Babar is his favourite cartoon” Adonis said, smirking as he looked at his Gamma. “I was well informed and I do believe your demonstration was a success” Elijah’s cheeks slightly darkened, at the sound of Johnny’s snickering.

“He could always chase butterflies,” Elijah whispered as he looked towards the ground, his own smirk growing bigger.

“He could,” Adonis replied, as he heard Kenzi giggling beside him. Odin was howling in his head. Adonis knew that was going to bite him in the ass, but he has long since accepted it. It makes his wolf happy, and it makes his mate happy. It was something they enjoyed doing together.

Johnny had moved up the steps to open the door for Alpha Adonis, but when he pulled the handle nothing happened. He also found it rather odd that no one was here to greet them when they arrived.

“Is this pack….” Johnny started to say as he shook his head.

“Stupid. Quite!” Adonis finished for him. “Sweetheart, stay with Elijah and Johnny. Keep her protected, looks like I’m knocking again” the words barely out of his mouth when Jackson and Tyler pulled in behind them.

“The fuck?” Jackson asked as he saw them standing there.

“The doors are not open” Elijah replied. Jackson perked at this.

“Knockin?” Jackson asked.

“Knocking!” Adonis replied. Kenzi was moved to stand in behind one of the vehicles and the others joined her. Johnny, Marco and Carter watched on with curiosity. Though they were present the first day they did this. They didn’t actually see them take the door down. They now had front row seats to what was going to happen. Elijah and Tyler stood on either side of Kenzi, getting ready to use their bodies to shield her from any debris that came back at them.

The smile on Jackson’s face could not be mistaken as he and Adonis walked a little further from the front doors. Rule number five: Don’t keep the berserkers out, if they want in they’re coming in. Jackson took off running towards the door. Hitting the stairs taking three at a time. When he hit the top step, he tucked his body and hit the door. THUMP! CRACK! He collided with the door shoulder first. The wood creaked, cracked and protested the impact it just took but stood firmly shut. He moved back down the steps just as Adonis went past him. THUMP! CRACK! The door protested more after the second impact. Adonis and Jackson shared a look, one more hit would have that door open. Joining Jackson both men took off towards the door. Top step, into the air. THUMP! THUMP! CRACK! CRACK! CRASH!

“Holy shit!” Carter spouted as he watched both men crash through the front door and disappear inside. Tyler and Elijah had turned to cover Kenzi as the door broke and splintered, sending debris in every direction. Johnny just looked wide eyed at the mess they made, thankful he didn’t have to be the one to replace it and made a silent vow to never keep a demon out.

Damnit Adonis!” They heard Eric’s voice yelling from inside, the deep laugh of Jackson and something about almost nailing one.

“What is going on?” Kane asked. They pulled up in time to witness Adonis and Jackson disappear through the door again.

“The door wouldn’t open so they had to knock again, took less time this time” Johnny replied.

“It was awesome!” Carter exclaimed, then bowed his head. Tyler broke out laughing followed by Johnny. Kane’s brows furrowed, that didn’t make sense. Why wasn’t someone waiting for them? Because Eric’s stupid and expected them to wait! Clearly Alpha Adonis doesn’t like to wait! Clearly, bet Johnny’s happy he doesn’t have to replace the door! He probably is happy he doesn’t have to replace the door, considering it is the second time they have done this! Don’t keep The Devil out! Clearly!

“Eric sounds angry,” Johnny said.

“Eric was born perpetually angry, when they inserted the stick they must have done it sideways” Elijah stated. Tyler lost it again followed by Marco and everyone else. Even Kane was having a hard time keeping a straight face at that comment.

“How does he keep a straight face?” Dax asked as she tried to take controlled breaths to regain her composure.

“What stick? Where did they put it?” Kenzi’s face was scrunched as confusion furrowed her brow.

“Yeah Eli, explain that one to her” Tyler said grinning.

“No!” Elijah shook his head as they moved towards the house. Before Kane could say anything Marco had fallen instep beside them and they watched as they all entered the house.

“You need to apologize to him” Kane said to Damon as they too moved towards the house.

“I will!” Damon said.

“Do you think it’ll work?” Johnny asked “Do you think Elijah can teach him how to do that?”

“I would not doubt the things Elijah can do,” Kenneth replied. Kane narrowed his eyes at him. He assumed that comment had to do with whatever he needed his blood for. Something he still needed to ask him about, but now was not the time. They entered the house in time to hear Adonis ask Kenzi why she looked confused. Grins broke out on their faces immediately.

“Elijah said Eric was angry cause someone put a stick sideways. Where did they put it that he would be angry?” Kenzi replied. Jackson doubled over howling followed by Tyler. Even Elijah was having a hard time keeping a straight face. It was made worse when Eric was present when she asked her question.

“Interesting habits indeed Elijah” Was all Adonis said before he leaned down and whispered into her ear. The facial expressions that crossed her face ranged from confusion, to horror, to understanding.

“No wonder he’s angry all the tine, he should get that taked out” Kenzi blurted. Tyler hit the floor, followed by Jackson. Even Elijah broke out laughing.

“You’re right sweetheart, he really should” Adonis replied laughing as he held her close to his chest. The look that crossed his face was a mix of daring his brother to say something and hoping his brother would say something.

“We’re in the conference room. You do remember where that is?” Eric snapped.

“….grrrRrrrr…. Careful Eric, I would have no problems turning your meet and bitch into a bloodbath” Adonis warned. “Comeon sweetheart, let’s get you to the kitchen”

“The cooks need….” Eric tried to protest, but his words fell on deaf ears as they headed in that direction. Releasing a deep sigh he turned his attention towards The King, The Queen and the remainder of his men. He did find it odd that one of The Royal Beta’s was following his brother like a lost puppy and not staying with The King, but he thought against asking about it.

“Your highness, forgive the unpleasantries. Adonis can be challenging on a good day” Eric bowed slightly to Kane and Dax.

“Lets just get on with this” Kane said, he already knew how challenging Adonis could be, and he didn’t need this idiot reminding him of it.

“Yes sir, Luna Queen, Miranda here will show you to the parlour where the other Luna’s are having tea, they are looking forward to your company.” Dax was about to protest, she wanted to go to the kitchen with Kenzi, but Kane nudged her in the direction of a tall blonde wolf instead. She bit her tongue and shot him a look but followed the she-wolf.

“The conference room is this way” Eric bowed again and started off in the opposite direction of Adonis and his men.

Get out!” Adonis ordered when they entered the kitchen. The cooks all stared at him wide eyed, when Odin flashed they fled the room in a hurry.

“Whatcha doin in the kitchen this time Lil Kenzi Cakes?” Jackson asked.

“I’m gonna make pies.” Kenzi replied.

“What kinda pies?” Tyler asked, his mouth already salivating and she hasn’t said anything yet.

“Decided on all the crusts?” Adonis asked, her eyes lit up and she smiled brightly at him. “Alright tiny dancer, behave yourself….”

“I always bahaze, you’re the iffy one” Kenzi cut him off. Tyler and Jackson broke out laughing again, not even Marco could stop himself and Elijah had to look away.

“You’re right I am the iffy one. Enjoy your baking sweetheart.” He kissed her and let her go. Kenzi moved into the kitchen. She made several faces at the food that was left out before she moved to clean the kitchen so she could use it.

“Not this time Tyler.” Adonis stopped him before he could enter the kitchen and help her. He looked from her to his Alpha and then back to his sister. Concern flooding through him that she would be in there by herself.

“Non voglio essere lì dentro. Posso stare con lei. (I don’t want to be in there. I can stay with her.)” Marco offered.

“You do know you’ll have to talk to them eventually?” Adonis replied.

“Si, ma non voglio farlo adesso. (But I don’t want to do it now)” Marco nodded. He was well aware he would eventually have to talk to the others, but he would rather help the little pixie make pies then do that right now.

“Very well, no one other than us enters this room” Adonis told him.

“Si, nessuno” Marco again nodded

“Feel free to hit a few” Adonis added, he caught the smirk from Marco before he moved into the kitchen to help Kenzi clean up.

“You knew he din’t wanna be in the conference room wit the others?” Jackson asked

“I did” Adonis replied

“You trust Marco?” Tyler asked

“You trust Marco!” Adonis countered as he looked at his Delta who nodded his head.

“Do we has to play nice?” Jackson asked as they walked into the conference room. Silence and a thick layer of uneasiness coated the room as surprise and shocked expressions turned in their direction. That was all the confirmation Adonis needed to tell him they were not expecting his presence today. Locking eyes with Eric, a knowing grin crossed his face.

“I’m going to let you boys decide if you need to play nice today” Adonis replied as he crossed to the far side of the room to take a seat. Others moved away from him, not wanting to be close enough in case they decided they didn’t want to play nice, no one wanted to be their targets.

“Hey ain’t that Beta Wally?” Tyler called when he spotted a man with cropped blond hair sitting turned away from them. Jackson looked in the direction, a huge grin spreading across his face.

“Fuck it is so! Sup Beta Wally?” The man let loose a low string of curses and started shaking his head.

“Din’t we make him pee las time?” Jackson asked.

“Think so!” Tyler nodded agreement as the two of them found chairs to sit in.

“No….you made him cry” Elijah corrected him as he removed a man from his chair and took his place at the table.

“We made him cry?” Jackson’s brow furrowed

“Yes, you called him Wally the Walrus non stop. His name is Waldo. It was Beta Max you made pee.” Elijah reminded him.

“Oh yeah. Fuck that funny” Jackson remarked.

“Waldo? Like the book Where’s Waldo?” Tyler asked,

“Yes,” Elijah answered.

“Aint that the guy wit the stupid hat you gotta fine in all the pitures?” Jackson asked and Tyler nodded.

“Where’s Waldo? Fuck he right there. You suck at hidin Waldo,” Tyler started laughing at the slight whimper the man made.

“$50 says I make him cry like a lil bitch” Jackson made the bet.

“I’ll take that bet” It was Johnny that accepted immediately. He shrugged when he caught a look from Kane. He couldn’t help it, he wanted to see if Jackson could make him cry.

“I guess they made their decision. This is going to be entertaining, let the bitching commence” Adonis said, a wicked grin on his face as he sat back watching Eric intently. More and more of the others in the room moved to be further away from The Devil and his demons.

“Is this side of the room starting to feel a little crowded?” Damon asked through the link as more and more moved to the now clearly divided room.

“Hey, member that guy Eli drill full of holes?” Jackson asked,

“Yeah the burning man, the fuck he use?” Tyler nodded.

“Fill em full of gas.” Tyler’s eyes widened then nodded his head

“Bout him?” Tyler asked, he was watching Beta Waldo like a hawk.

“You think we fill Wally the Walrus full of gas, he light the woods up at night?” Jackson asked, Tyler’s grin was getting bigger with each whimper from the man

“Maybe, can try it. Hey you think we put him in a room wit Eli he can make him cry an call for his mama like a lil bitch? These big ol wolves goin there thinkin they all tough. Five minute wit Eli an they curl in a ball callin for their mama. I don’t know how he keep a straight face, but he do. I fuckin crack up evertime” Tyler countered, laughing more.

“Prolly, but Eli like to make thins bleed. You think he can rip a spine out? It been a while since we see that,” Jackson asked

“Maybe, he Eli,” Tyler replied.

“This side of the room is starting to feel really crowded” Kenneth replied as he was bumped into repeatedly as more Alpha’s and their Beta’s joined the one side.

“It’s not like they have cooties,” Carter huffed.

“Hey Eli!” Jackson leaned forward in his chair, though he kept his eyes on the man named Waldo.

“Yes Jackson!”

“You think you can rip a spine out?” He was trying not to laugh but Tyler beside him was moments from cracking up.

“I’m sure I could figure it out”

“You think the next prisoner we get you could rip one out? Been a while since we see that. Las time we saw that was when Adon did it an he took the head wit it” Jackson’s smile widened when he looked at Waldo more intently, Ko flashing his presence as they watched the man swallow hard and whimper more.

“It has been a while, why not.” With Elijah’s reply and Jackson’s ever widening grin the man pushed himself further from the table, shaking his head.

“Easy, no one wants to be on the same side as them. Alpha Adonis gave his men permission to act as they see fit and no one wants to be a target” Kane replied

“Hey Eli”

“Yes Jackson!”

“If you take all the bones out the body do they stay alive?”

“As long as you don’t damage the organs, I don’t see why they wouldn’t” Elijah said.

“You ever done it?”

“No!” Elijah shook his head.

“You wanna try?” Elijah sat straighter as he was thinking about all the possible outcomes of removing the bones from a body.

“I wouldn’t be opposed to testing that theory,” he finally replied.

“You can practise on Wally the Walrus” Jackson said, when Elijah turned in the direction of the man his face crumpled and the first sob passed through him. Tyler broke out laughing.

“Fuck yeah! $50 Johnny, an I wasn’t even tryin. I’ll collect that debt later, it’a red” Jackson howled, one at the crying man and two at the look on Johnny’s face.

“They need to stop touching me” Carter grumbled as he was pushed back into the corner.

“Easy Carter” Johnny said to him as he was pushed as well.

“Easy for you to say, you weren’t just shoved into the corner” Carter shot back.

“If you three are quite finished” Eric cut in before they could start up again.

“You waitin for permission. Ok Eric, you has my permission to continue wit yur bitchfest. Your King look fuckin thrill by the way. You think he get mad enuff he rip Eric’s spine out?” Jackson replied.

“Maybe!” Both Jackson and Tyler looked in the direction of Kane tilting their heads to the side. Adonis was chuckling behind them as Kane just shook his head. Johnny and Damon were doing their best to cover their laughter but Johnny couldn’t fight the shaking of his shoulders and Damon’s face was turning red.

The conversations started up again as the others in the room continued to vie and jockey for space in the smaller area. The Royals looked over in their direction multiple times, envy clear on the faces of a few as they saw all the space the demons had acquired with their presence. Adonis was watching on as well. Kane was getting angrier and angrier the more that crowded around him. The Demons had more than half the room and were sitting quite comfortably, while The Royals were being pushed and shoved. Adonis kicked a chair out and looked at Kane with an arched eyebrow. With an arched brow of his own Kane pushed his way through the others to cross sides and accept the offered seat. Jackson and Tyler pushed out other chairs offering the rest of The King’s men. Carter was the next to fight through the crowd and cross over. He took a seat next to Tyler followed closely by Kenneth and Johnny. Damon hesitated slightly. The only other chair was on the other side of Elijah.

“Hey Elijah. Sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to….offend or upset you” Damon apologized as soon as he sat down.

“It’s alright.” Elijah replied, he was looking over a file that was handed to him, though it was of no interest and nothing in it pertained to them.

“Actually no it’s not. I was a dick. I could say a million things to excuse away my behaviour, but that’s all they’d be just excuses. Aside from scaring the fuck out of me every time you randomly pop up, you haven’t done anything and I’m an asshole.” Damon continued,

“He really is!” Carter chimed in.

“Carter!” Tyler snorted and looked away.

“Sorry Damon, that just popped out” Carter stared back at him wide eyed.

“How fucking hard did you hit your head, brother?” Damon asked him.

“I don’t know!” Carter replied.

“Do you think you can fix him?” Damon asked, motioning towards Carter. Elijah looked over his shoulder at Carter who shook his head at him.

“What’s wrong with him?” Elijah asked.

“He was in a car accident about two weeks ago and got thrown around,” Damon replied. “The pack doctor said he was ok, but he just randomly blurts stuff” again Elijah turned to Carter who again just shook his head.

“I’ll take a look later,” Elijah replied.

“Fuck you Damon!” Carter blurted. Tyler and Jackson broke out laughing.

“Are we interrupting something Elijah?” Eric cut in.

“That is Gamma Elijah to you, you insipid little twit” Elijah replied. “But to answer your question, no. I am more than capable of holding multiple conversations and keeping track of everything that is being said. Alpha Dickinson is upset because Alpha Gordan has more land than he does. He wants Alpha Kane to do something about it, but I am not quite sure what he expects him to actually do. Territory feuds are to be dealt with between packs. Alpha Grant is having financial issues but if he would stop gambling then I am sure he would be more than able to support his pack financially. Alpha Derrick and Alpha Magnus are bickering because Alpha Magnus’s son won’t enter into an arranged marriage with Alpha Derrick’s daughter. I can’t say I blame him, having met the wretched she-twit I find her behaviour disturbingly obnoxious and repugnant. But he wants Alpha Kane to force it to happen, but that would be going against the designs of the Moon Goddess, something your council has long since outlawed. You have grievances because no one wants to be in an alliance with you and I can’t really blame them. You’re useless, pathetic, volatile and completely unfit to run a pack. But you brought Alpha Adonis here as an intimidation tactic. If the others see The Devil in the room because you invited him then they will think you are bigger and more important than you actually are.”

“Except he despises you and would rather see your head removed from your body and placed on a stick in the front yard than be in any sort of alliance with you. The five other Alpha’s in this room have yet to say anything but they have not stopped looking in this direction since we entered. They either have grievances they’d like to air to Alpha Kane in private, they want to do business or they are trying not to piss themselves. Did I miss anything?” Elijah asked. Damon’s eyes widened. Elijah might be a lower rank than an Alpha but it was clear he carried more power than one to get away with the disrespect he had just shown Alpha Eric. Johnny and Kenneth both turned their heads in the other directions to hide the grins that crossed their faces only to hear Jackson and Tyler break out laughing. When no one said anything to contradict what Elijah said he waved his hand at them.

“No? Then carry on with your business” And he went back to whatever it was he was doing before Damon sat down at the table with him.

“That was fucking impressive” Damon said trying to fight back his laughter.

“Power comes from the Alpha” was all Elijah said.

“So why are you here exactly?” Adonis asked Kane who was smirking. Elijah pretty much cleared up any reason for him being present.

“I’m not sure, but from the sounds of it, these grievances can be aired out and fixed amongst themselves. You’re apparently here as an intimidation tactic, but you’d rather see your brother’s head removed and put on a stick in the front yard” Kane replied.

“I can’t say it wouldn’t please me to be the one to remove his head. I had hoped you would be offended by that pathetic little party he threw in your honour, and rip his spine out on stage, but sadly you didn’t.” Adonis said.

“Sorry to disappoint you,” Kane replied.

“Me too!” Kane glanced over at Adonis who was watching what was going on in the room with disinterest. More so he was watching his brother, who wouldn’t stop looking in their direction. The more Eric saw Adonis converse with Kane the more upset it was making him. Guess this was not the way he saw this meeting going! Odin laughed. Guess not. We’re not supposed to be chummy with The King!

“Are you going to give me back my Beta?” Kane asked,

“Why? You have another one.” Adonis replied, motioning towards Johnny.

“Because he is mine,” Kane said.

“Someone’s a little possessive and doesn’t like to share his toys” Adonis shot at him. “He is not my prisoner, he is free to go whenever he likes. Right now he is reeling from the sting of rejection and is mad at you all and doesn’t want to and I am not going to make him. However he is aware that eventually he’ll have to talk to you” Kane nodded his head, he could only imagine what Marco feels is something close to rejection.

“It’s probably a good thing he is not your prisoner, Elijah is trying to figure out how to debone people” Kane fired back. Adonis released a deep laugh.

“Elijah promised Jackson he would remove the spine of the next prisoner and he’s not trying to figure out how to debone people he’s already figured it out. He just needs a test subject now. Care to volunteer?” Adonis asked, a smirk spreading across his face.

“Tempting, but I think I’ll pass this time” Kane replied, with a slight head shake though he couldn’t fight the slight twitch his lips were making. I think we’re spending too much time with the demons! Why do you say that? Cause that was kinda funny! You found it more funny than kinda! Did not! I can hear you laughing, Ky! Asshole!

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