The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 78: Walk Proud Elijah!

Jackson and Tyler were walking around White Stone territory. They were bored, and found themselves with nothing to do. Brenda had already threatened to whack them both with a broom if they caused shit in the house again and then proceeded to kick them out anyway.

“I thought humans took bein pregnant better” Tyler huffed,

“Me too,” Jackson agreed as he looked over his shoulder at the house.

“I don’t think her can hear us!” Tyler stated, but he too checked to make sure.

“Don’t be so sure of that” Jackson grumbled, and Tyler just snorted but nodded, then he paused and tilted his head to the side.

“What?” Jackson asked,

“Shhh!” Tyler said shushing him,

“What?” Jackson asked again, only for Tyler to hold his finger to his lips. He looked around the territory trying to locate the direction of the sound he was hearing.

“What?” Jackson asked again, growing impatient.

“He playin!” Tyler said, still looking for the direction.

“He playin?” Jackson asked,

“He playin!” Tyler closed his eyes and listened more closely. “He playin….for Kenzi!” He picked up her voice on the wind.

“For Kenzi! He don’t play for no one” Jackson said “Fine him Tyler, I wanna see this” When he took off running Jackson was right behind him.

“Where are those two off to?” Johnny asked,

“I don’t know, probably to cause trouble somewhere” Damon replied,

“They really don’t do boredom well. Alpha Kennedy’s mate kicked them out of the house before they could start anything….again” Johnny said shaking his head.

“Demons need fun, it’s not just a saying”

“Fucking ninja!” Damon blurted, jumping a little as they both spun to face Elijah. “Sorry!” He added afterwards.

“It’s alright.” Elijah waved off the remark. A slight smirk played across his face as Asmodeus was howling out with laughter in his head.

“How do you do that by the way?” Johnny asked, he couldn’t help it, he wanted to know how Elijah could not be there then be there.

“It’s the faction I fall under. The shadows!” Elijah said,

“Is it hard to control?” Damon asked,

“It was in the beginning. Getting up to speed was one thing, stopping was the issue. When shadows are first learning, they hit a lot of trees.” Elijah explained, Johnny snorted then tried to shake his head.

“Sorry!” Johnny said, trying to apologize.

“It’s alright. You think hearing about it is funny, you should actually see it happen. I was training someone and she close lined herself on a low lying branch.” That did have Johnny laughing.

“We have to be acutely aware of any and all obstacles in our path and plan our moves well in advance.” Elijah said.

“Sounds like seeing into the future,” Damon remarked.

“That is more seeker territory, than shadow. Shadows continuously scan the terrain looking for any and all obstacles, like playing a game of chess. Seekers….have the uncanny ability to see what is going to happen before it happens.” Johnny stared at him wide eyed. “It’s not magic I assure you, more anticipation and watching movements, reading their opponent or environment closely. Even the moves you don’t make, tell them something” Elijah explained.

“Do you train the factions individually?” Damon asked. Goddess how much training did demons go through! He thought.

“Yes! I train them all as warriors but I am specifically charged with the shadow faction. Jackson trains the berserkers, Tyler the seekers. And Alpha Adonis trains the sirens and the wisps.” Elijah responded.

“Because….Alpha Adonis falls into all the factions?” Johnny asked, Jackson told them the other day, but he wanted to make sure they were understanding and had it correct.

“Yes he does.” Elijah replied.

“How do you train them?” Johnny asked. Elijah stepped further onto the deck as he thought about the best way to explain it to them.

“By playing games” Elijah responded. Johnny and Damon shared a look, then looked back at Elijah confusion clearly written across their faces.

“Shadows play tag, berserkers like tug-o-war, wisps play telephone and sirens try to shatter the windows. That’s just to name a few games they like to play” Elijah said, clarifying.

“How do the seekers train?” Damon asked

“Seekers play a game called demon hunt. Hide and seek mixed with manhunt on steroids, is the best way for me to explain it to you. Though they have been playin a new game called hide the cookie. Who is your best tracker?” Elijah asked when he saw the wide stares from Johnny and Damon.

“Carter!” They replied in unison.

“That boy can find anything.” Damon said. Elijah just nodded.

“Tyler is a seeker, he can hear you from anywhere on this territory. His scenting is better as is his eyesight. He would know where you were, what you were doing and what you just did before you even knew he was there.” Damon’s jaw dropped open slightly. Carter can’t do that.

“But Tyler knows how to fight like a berserker?” Johnny asked,

“Tyler’s brother is Jackson and Jackson is a berserker. Both he and Alpha Adonis taught him how to fight when he was younger.” Elijah said. Both Johnny and Damon shared a look. “Sirens use their scream, no ones coming anywhere near them if they can deafen their opponent. Wisps will drive you insane before you locate them. Shadows have their speed. Seekers can stay hidden, but berserkers are big, and loud, they have brute strength and use it frequently. They are not so easily pushed around, and push back harder when someone tries. Jackson felt because of Tyler’s size it was in his best interest to fight like one.” That cleared up why Tyler fights like a berserker.

“Tyler’s wolf is also a twin to Jackson’s?” Johnny took a shot in the dark. The books mentioned something about twin wolves being common among demon wolves, and his dad did tell them they were, but was that the truth or just another lie they made up. A smile spread across Elijah’s face as he looked at Johnny and Damon.

“He is!” He finally said. “Twin wolves among demons is quite common. It is both a benefit and a curse. Imagine going up against two wolves twice as strong because they feed off the strength of the other.”

“So Tyler can feed off of Jackson’s strength?” Damon asked.

“Yes, as long as Jackson allows it, and vice versa. They always allow it but they don’t always utilise it.” Elijah added as he took a seat at a table on the deck.

“Are twin wolves always related?” Damon asked, as he too sat down.

“No, it just worked out in their favour.” Elijah said.

“And the curse part is, that they can’t be separated right?” Johnny asked, taking a seat on the opposite side.

“That is correct. Often sharing a name, they don’t feel whole when they are not together. Demon twins have a tendency to lose control when they are separated from their counterpart by great distances or long periods of time. The bond between demon twins is actually stronger than the one they have with their mate. They can link each other from anywhere” Elijah explained. “I wasn’t a pack member when Jackson and Tyler discovered their wolves were twins. But from what I understand, for two years Jackson’s wolf Ko destroyed a lot of things.”

“He destroyed things?” Damon asked.

“Ko could feel his brother but was unable to communicate with him. Tyler got his wolf at ten, but he wasn’t old enough to shift. Because of that Ko didn’t feel complete. The twin completes the twin.” Elijah explained.

“So demons can’t shift younger than a certain age?” Johnny asked

“No, we can. When I said Tyler wasn’t old enough I wasn’t referring to him. I was referring to Bal. Demons get their wolf two years prior to their first shift. Some remain silent like mine and Ko while others allow their presence to be known. For two years they go through our memories and learn how things work. In Jackson’s words they’re giant puppies they don’t know anything. Everything is a first for them.” Elijah explained. “Alpha Adonis first got his wolf at ten. He wasn’t able to shift till he was twelve, which was the same time Jackson first shifted.”

“But Jackson didn’t know he had his wolf?” Damon inquired.

“No he didn’t. He shifted at his breakfast table and ate all the breakfast and then got whacked with a newspaper by his aunt. Alpha Adonis shifted in his room, but because the door was shut his wolf destroyed it.” Elijah told them. Damon snickered trying to fight back the rest of his laughter as images of Jackson getting smacked with a newspaper flooded his mind.

“Did Alpha Adonis know he had his wolf?” Johnny asked, he too was trying to control himself.

“I don’t know,” Elijah replied.

“They don’t like being confined?” Damon questioned.

“Does yours?” Elijah asked. Both men looked at each other and shook their heads. Like Johnny, Diego hated confined spaces.

“So if demon twins are not always related do they know they’re a twin? What happens if the twin isn’t located? dies?” Johnny asked. Elijah sat quietly for a moment, deciding the best way to answer that.

“Yes and no.” He finally said. “Normal demons are divided into thirds like normals. Human, wolf, mate. Demon twins are divided into fourths human, wolf, twin and mate. They know something is missing but are not sure what it is until they locate it. Twins are not driven to find each other, more often than not they are stumbled upon and things make sense, like their name. Ko and Bal, separately still sound like two names, together the name makes more sense Kobal, demon prince of dark humour,” Elijah replied.

“What happens if one dies?” Damon repeated Johnny’s question.

“Death is both a great distance and a long period of time” Elijah looked at them both and clarity crossed their faces.

“We were moving across Canada and were invited to stay at a packhouse. It was an ambush. At the time we had a handful of twins. This was our first experience with the death of one. One of them got pinned down and his twin couldn’t get to him.” Elijah started,

“Shit!” Elijah could only nod then proceeded to tell them what happened.

“He was first. Then his wolf started growing aggressive, fighting for dominance. His mate became terrified. He became terrified and we didn’t have any answers. The wolf wanted his twin. Alpha Adonis and the twin walked into the woods and Alpha Adonis walked out. He didn’t speak to anybody for a week.”

“He killed him?” Johnny stared at Elijah, eyes widening when he saw the nod.

“Decisions needed to be made. He didn’t want to do it, but with the wolf’s ever growing aggression Alpha Adonis didn’t have a choice. He couldn’t risk harm coming to the mate or another pack member.” Elijah went on.

“What about the mate?” Damon asked, the death would have caused them agony.

“Unlike your kind, for demon wolves the death of the mate severs the bond, like snapping an elastic. Death is a finality. The wolf side of us understands that. It’s the human side that grieves. She was human and grieved like one.” Elijah answered.

“Holy fuck!” Johnny breathed out.

“If you guys don’t mind being asked questions, then how come the books are inaccurate?” Johnny asked, he was curious about that.

“There is a difference between being studied and put under a microscope and being asked questions. And the books aren’t entirely inaccurate, some things were just embellished.” Elijah replied.

“Like….demons being able to fly on the full moon,” Damon said, trying not to laugh. He would never admit it but he kinda wanted to see that.

“Among other things.” A smile fell across Elijah’s face.

“Yeah like the blood of virgins,” Johnny said. Elijah could only release a small laugh.

“There are some good ones. We were shocked when Alpha Adonis allowed the council to study us. Then he said we didn’t have to behave. Demons need fun! The pack couldn’t help themselves. They might have had a little too much fun with that.” Elijah replied.

“In one of the books it mentioned a disease, demon wolves can get.” Elijah started laughing.

“No!” He shook his head,

“No?” Damon asked.

“No. Two of our pack members decided it would be highly entertaining to see if they could make the council member pee himself. They did by the way. But one of them shaved patches of hair from the other one’s wolf. Who was not happy about it. But when they were being studied. He jumped back from the table, started bleeding from the mouth and nose and growling, throwing himself all over. Then he’d shift and shift back over and over. But when he shifted, he was foaming at the mouth, snapping at the council member. Writhing on the floor howling in pain and if he wasn’t doing that he was snarling and trying to bite the council member. Nipped him a couple times. The council member ran off. He was terrified” Johnny and Damon broke out laughing. They had to admit that would be entertaining to see.

“If all the information about us was in a book, then no one would ever talk to us. Because it’s not and the curious nature you all seem to have, here you are sitting at the table with me having a conversation.” Johnny looked at Damon who could only raise his shoulders. What could they say, Elijah was right. If they weren’t so curious about them and if they could read it in a book none of them would have spoken to them….well except Marco.

“Except Marco,” Johnny said.

“Are you wondering why he has no issues speaking to us?” Elijah asked,

“A little bit. He seemed to take to you all from the first meeting” Damon said.

“Three of us speak Italian and understand that Marco struggles with English, we don’t force him to speak it and help when he tries. The amount of rejection we have gone through over the course of our existence, demons by nature are very accepting of others. You think it would be the opposite, but we leave rejection to normals, that seems to be more your thing” Elijah said.

“And demons like to torture” Damon fired at him, that comment ruffled his fur a little bit.

“I can’t really argue with you on that one. It does bring our kind joy, some more than others,” Elijah stated with a quick shrug.

“It probably feels like rejection to him,” Johnny said after he thought about what Elijah said.

“What?” Damon looked at Johnny.

“Marco, when we tell him to speak English all the time, it probably feels like rejection. We know he struggles with it and yet we still do it and get frustrated with him. Imagine how he feels.” Johnny replied,

“He did tell us that the only reason you learned Italian was because he swore at you all the time. Something tells me that’s not why you continued it though” Elijah said to Johnny.

“I did at the beginning want to know what he was saying to me. Then I started wondering what it would be like if it was me that happened to. It’s not his fault, he is the way he is. That has to suck.” Johnny replied, looking down at his hands.

“What about Jackson? He doesn’t speak Italian….does he?” Damon asked, the more he thought about what Elijah said, the more he saw it was true, normals were assholes, rejection loving assholes. He couldn’t count how many times he’s seen a wolf get rejected because he or she wasn’t viewed as enough.

“No, but he understands that Marco struggles with speaking English, not understanding it and that’s good enough for him. He utilizes the translation app on his phone a lot when Tyler’s not around to translate for him. But he is trying to learn it though.” Elijah replied. Damon and Johnny shared a look, if there was a superior species between wolves, it wasn’t the normals. Maybe that’s why demons were created, they seem to be getting it right.

“How many languages do you speak?” Damon asked randomly,

“Seventeen, not including English, French or Romanian” Elijah answered,

“Out of how many? Just curious” Johnny asked,

“There are an estimated 6500 languages in the world today, but roughly only 21 are spoken by half the world’s population.” Johnny and Damon could only stare at him. “I am not the smartest man in the room, just a well educated one” he added.

“That’s well versed in several torture methods, so no one’s going to make fun of you anyway” Damon added for him.

“You’re really hung up on that” Elijah said tilting his head to the side as he looked at Damon. He could feel Asmodeus stirring in his head. This was displeasing to him, the one thing he enjoyed doing no one could look past. Normals are stupid! Easy Asmo! Judgey assholes! Shhh Asmo! What so great about them? Nothing, they’re stupid and boring and stupid! The angrier Asmodeus felt the more it grew in Elijah.

“Jackson….” Damon began to say, before Elijah cut him off

“Is and I believe his term would be fucking with you.” Elijah got to his feet, this conversation was done, his demon was going off in his head and he needed to leave. When we see Jackson, I’m gonna kick him! I’m not going to stop you! Right in the fucking head!

“Yes I am highly educated in the art of torture. Yes, I am well versed in a multitude of torture techniques that can leave you a bloody mess, several of which do not require me to lay a hand on you. Yes, I do thoroughly enjoy it and I am exceptionally good at it. But no, I do not just torture things for the sake of hearing them scream or making them bleed. No, I do not torture things just for the fun of it. If I am torturing something, it is generally to garner information, but every once in a while I do find myself in a position where I am highly agitated and have the overwhelming urge to cause pain to another.” By the time he was finished his eyes were glowing orange and both Johnny and Damon averted their eyes. “You both have a good day” It took everything in Elijah to stop Asmodeus from putting his fist through the table, instead he walked off the deck and towards the woods. He found himself in the position to cause pain to another.

“You too!” Damon said quietly.

“You just had to say something, didn’t you?” Johnny said. Damon could only shake his head, how did he know it was going to set him off?

“What did you two say to Elijah?” Kenneth asked, when he came outside.

“Damon opened his mouth. You’re on a roll today, first Marco now Elijah. Though I’m not certain that was the one you should have pissed off” Johnny answered, shaking his head.

“How did I know?” Damon said, defending himself. “You heard Jackson. He’s gonna torture me for the fun of it”

“And he has been” Kenneth replied,

“What?” Damon looked at him questioningly,

“He’s been toying with you. He doesn’t just randomly appear to anyone else, but he knows it makes you jump every time. So he does it just to you.” Kenneth explained.

“Dude has me looking around every corner to make sure he’s not there waiting for me,” Damon confessed. Johnny broke out laughing, the huff Damon made just made it worse.

“They need entertainment….fun, and we’ve been providing it for them. How many times have you called him a fucking ninja after he’s made you jump? How many times has he just waved it off?” Kenneth said. Damon thought about that, every time Elijah’s just appeared Damon has called him a fucking ninja and every time Elijah has smirked and waved it off.

“So he’s not going to cut me open, and bleed me dry?” Damon asked. Kenneth shook his head.

“So he’s just fucking with me?” Kenneth nodded his head then broke out laughing at the look on Damon’s face. “Glad I could entertain him”

“I can not speak for Alpha Adonis, but the rest of the ranks have no ill will towards us. They tease us and toy with us, it is their idea of bonding and socializing. They have no interest in causing us harm,” Kenneth said, the memory of Elijah standing in between him and the “guard dog” flashed before his eyes.

Kane and Dax were taking a stroll through the woods to get out of the house for a bit. Dax was a little bummed she missed the opportunity to talk to Kenzi today and she was never alone at the party. She was either with the bears or the monsters. What were you gonna do, steal her from the bears? Are you crazy? Are you? They didn’t look too interested in giving her up! No, they hogged her all night! And if she wasn’t with the bears she was with one of the monsters, and mega monster definitely wasn’t giving her up! He intentionally played keep away with her. Then he stole her somewhere today and I haven’t seen her! You had her in the kitchen, but you were too busy eating all the chocolate chips! Hush you!

“I’m sorry baby, but….” Kane began as he held her hand.

“I know, he tried to pop my head once, you don’t want him to get a second opportunity. But do you really think any of us could stop the mega monster if he really wanted to do it again?” Dax countered.

“It is not a chance I am willing to take,” Kane said to her, fighting the urge to release the growl that wanted out.

“How am I supposed to get her to trust me if I can’t talk to her? She was never alone at the party, the bears didn’t seem to be interested in sharing her after they discovered her and the monsters definitely weren’t sharing her. Then you got in the ring with the bear and somewhere in between that and drinking everyone under the table Eric showed up and mega monster really wasn’t letting her out of his sight” Dax huffed again.

“His presence did ruffle a few furs.” Kane couldn’t argue with that. He couldn’t argue with anything she said. Everyone was enamoured with the little pixie, them included. They all fought to talk to her, then the bears showed up and occupied her time and if she wasn’t with them she was with one of the other demons, then she drank all his men under the table and he lost $7000 to The Devil. He still couldn’t figure that one out.

“We’ll figure it out. There’s no time limit this time” Kane told her.

“Actually there is. They’re only here for a week, and we’ve already blown three days. And with this stupid thing with Eric later that’s three nights as well.” Dax told him.

“So we have four days left” Kane said,

“Yes and no, they flew private so they can leave whenever they want. They could decide to leave tomorrow” Dax informed him.

“How do you know they flew private?” Kane asked,

“Kenzi mentioned it in the kitchen this morning after Carter asked her. She said it was very exciting and then said something about a handsy biscuit eater and crotch goblins.” Dax replied.

“What?” Kane looked at her perplexed. What’s a biscuit eater? Ky was confused by that as well.

“Yeah, I don’t know either, but Marco and Carter sure thought it was funny” Dax nodded.

Kane was about to ask her something else when he caught a sound.

“What is that?” Dax asked as she too listened for it.

“Sounds like….a guitar” Kane said, as he listened more intently.

“Sounds like….someone’s singing” Dax added. They moved to find the source of it when they came across Adonis and Kenzi in a small clearing by the lake. Adonis was sitting on a rock playing while Kenzi danced around the clearing to the song he was singing, the smile never leaving either of their faces. Dax was about to step forward, when Kane stopped her.

“This seems like something just between them,” Kane whispered. Though this was an interesting side to The Devil he didn’t expect to ever see. Something told him it wasn’t a side he showed anybody. Though after hearing what they did about their mates rejecting them and how they cherished them when they got one that would accept them, maybe this was a side he would show, which could be the reason she was seeing it. No, it would only be for her that he would do this. Mate or not The Devil is head over heels for the little pixie! Ky chimed in with his opinion on the matter as well. If she wasn’t his true mate, you think he would give them up for the little pixie? Yes! Ky was certain he would. That had Kane really looking at The Devil. If the pixie wasn’t already his mate would the mate bond to his true be strong enough to separate them? No, he will always choose her! I believe you’re right Ky! Their bond was a strong connection, he believed it went deeper than the mate bond could ever go. How’d that taste? You asshole! Ky started laughing in his head.

“We should go,” Kane whispered, as he pulled a reluctant Dax away from the private moment. He didn’t want to interrupt what was happening in the clearing. Plus he was curious as to why Kenneth needed his blood and what theory Elijah was testing.

Jackson and Tyler hid in the shadows as they watched the mini concert Adonis was performing for Kenzi. They showed up at the end of the first song, but caught the second. Tried not to laugh or dance along when they saw her dancing. But it was the third one that they decided they needed a little privacy. This one was just for her ears.

“Head over fuckin heels” Jackson said, Tyler just nodded beside his brother as they exited the woods. THWACK! The kick to the left side of Jackson’s head came out of nowhere.

“The fuck Eli?” Jackson asked as he stumbled back from the out of the blue attack. He looked into the glowing orange eyes of Asmodeus, confusion crossing his face as he held the side of his head. Tyler scrambled back as well. Asmodues was doling out flying head kicks and he didn’t want to be next.

Asmo!” Jackson growled out, ….grrrRrrrr…. only to be met with one from Elijah’s wolf. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

“The fuck you do?” Tyler asked his brother

“Nuttin!” Jackson said, giving his head a quick shake. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Asmodeus released another growl as he faced Jackson.

Kane and Dax exited the woods in time to see the head kick Elijah laid on Jackson. This was nothing like what they witnessed the other day, they were both utterly pissed off. When Kane watched the two face off, he knew this was going to end badly. He watched as Tyler backed right off. Not even the psychotic little shoeless Delta wanted a part of what was about to happen. He manoeuvred Dax behind him, just in case this turned sideways. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Growls and snarls rose up as the men faced each other down. Neither were backing down, then Elijah attacked with a hit to the side of Jackson’s head and another. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Why is the big monster just standing there?” Dax asked as her and Kane watched Jackson take hit after hit. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr….

“Elijah’s too fast, if Jackson goes after him the only thing that will accomplish is tiring him out. He’s biding his time, he just has to get a hold of him” ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. The words barely out of Kane’s mouth and Jackson got him. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Elijah was thrown to the ground with enough force that sickening snaps were heard throughout the yard. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….

“Oh Goddess!” Are they going to kill each other? ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. More growls, more snarls as the men continued to battle each other, throwing each other to the ground. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Their wolves fully surfaced. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. There was a chance that one of them was going to die with how violent they were acting. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….

“Where’s the mini monster going?” Dax asked when they saw Tyler take off into the woods. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….


The growl ripped through the air resonating and echoing the sound vibrated and both men hit the ground doing their best to cover their ears. Kane had to turn his head away and Dax cowered behind him trying her best to block the sound. When they could turn back they saw The Devil present. His eyes engulfed in flames as he slammed not only Jackson but Elijah to the ground. His anger radiated off of him, the waves could be felt from where Kane and Dax stood.


Another furious growl released from him as he stood over both his men, lying broken and bleeding on the ground.

“Mega monster, mega mad!” Kane could only nod, he’s never felt that kind of anger before and was quite thankful none of it was directed towards him. Even Ky was whimpering in his head. What the fuck?

What fuck is going on?

“Eli start it, he kick me in the head!”

“You had it coming”

“The fuck I do?”

“You ran your mouth”

“The fuck I say?”

….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….


Both men snapped their heads towards their Alpha, a slight shudder passing through both of them as they bowed in submission.

That is enough

“Sorry Alpha!”

“Sorry Alpha!”

Now what the fuck happened?

“I was having a conversation with two of The Royals on the deck. One of them brought up….”

“Jackson leave!”

Kane and Dax watched as Jackson pulled himself to his feet, with a last look at Elijah and Adonis, he walked away favouring his right leg and the left side of his ribs.

“You are a demon Elijah. Demon’s like torture”

“Maybe I don’t want to torture anymore. It is used against me all the time”

“What is going on Elijah? This is not like you”

“I am not like the rest….”

“This is about being judged”

“Others find out who I am and that’s all they see. Some monster capable of making them bleed”

“You are not a monster Elijah anymore than I am. Idiots spout their mouths before they understand. They do not know you”

“How do you deal with it? How do the others?”

“We stopped caring. We have embraced who we are and stopped fighting it. We are demons and we stand tall, hold our heads high and walk with pride. If people are going to judge us, then let them judge us. If others are going to believe lies spread about us without knowing us, it speaks more of who they are than us. And we thoroughly enjoy proving them wrong”

“Or right!”

“That’s always fun too. You’ve picked up some interesting habits from the demon brothers”

“Sorry Alpha!”

“Do you really want to give up torture?”

“No. I enjoy it and I’m really good at it”

“You’re the best we have”

Adonis pulled Elijah to his feet and watched as he held his arm to his chest.

“Dislocated?” Adonis asked,

“No, Jackson broke it in three places when he threw me on the ground” Elijah replied,

“Going after Jackson might not have been your smartest play” Adonis told him as they moved in the direction of the medical ward.

“Asmodeus was….angry. Jackson was a good target,” Elijah replied.

“Jackson was a safer target” Adonis corrected him, a knowing look on his face. Elijah could only turn away. He fought against Asmodeus in going after Damon. The consequences of that action alone would be insurmountable.

“Asmodeus is feeding off your anger towards being rejected. He might have behaved differently if you didn’t feel that way.” Adonis told him. “Embrace who you are Elijah. Be proud. Stop caring what others think, they’re all stupid. The ones that truly care don’t think you’re a monster. If you still have doubts ask Kenzi” Elijah looked at his Alpha briefly then cast his eyes back to the ground.

Kane and Dax watched the two men walk by them lost in conversation not even acknowledging them. Though Kane was sure Adonis was aware of their presense. Some of The Devil’s inspirational speech to his Gamma felt directed.

“Are they just going to leave the pixie in the woods?” Dax asked as she looked towards the trees.

“I don’t think she’s there anymore. I think Tyler took her back to the house where it was safe.” Kane responded. What the hell happened? They looked ready to kill each other! The Devil commands respect! What the hell was the first growl? A siren’s call! Don’t let him do that again! Because that’s my choice? Don’t stand so close next time! Kane’s ears were still slightly ringing from the first growl Adonis let loose. He no longer wondered about the first faction of demons.

“Rule number one: Don’t anger Mega Monster” Dax said.

“Rule number one!” Kane agreed, as they moved towards the house. Though after witnessing the kind of power demons had he could come up with a whole list of rules. Yeah, like don’t let a berserker catch you! Ky shuddered at the memory of the sound Elijah’s arm made when it snapped.

“Are you ok Jackson?” Kenzi asked. Her, Tyler and Jackson were in the kitchen and she was standing on a chair cleaning him up.

“Yeah” Jackson replied, he’d been quiet the whole time.

“The fuck happen wit Eli?” Tyler asked, he was standing close to make sure Kenzi didn’t fall.

“Don’t know,” Jackson shrugged. Kenzi and Tyler shared a look.

“The fuck you don’t know? That bullshit you do know” Tyler huffed at him.

“Think it what I say the other day how Eli gonna torture the fuck outta Damon. I’s jus teasin him. Eli fine it hard to meet people. They fine out who he is an they like nope.” Jackson was kicking himself. If he knew this is what would happen he never would have said anything.

“Don’t matter you say somein or not. They see us the way they see us. We never gonna be nuttin but monsters to ’em” Tyler told his brother.

Sadness flooded the room the second the word left Tyler’s mouth. Both he and Jackson turned towards Kenzi. Her eyes were shut and her hands clenched tightly into small little fists. They could see her fighting to control it but the more that word swirled around her the more she felt.

“You’re not monsters” her voice was quiet and she sucked in a shaky breath. She hated that that’s the way they were seen. She hated that that’s the way they were treated. Kenzi knew monsters, she’s lived and grown up with them. And these men have done nothing to show her they fell into that category.

“Hey, lil girl don’t be sad. For the mos part we ok wit it. Sometime it get a lil hard, but….” Jackson tried to say to her

“It’s not ok!” Kenzi’s voice cracked and broke as the tear slid down her cheek. Jackson engulfed her in a hug as more tears followed.

“Yur right! It not ok. They need to stop bein so damn judgemental, they ain’t perfect” Tyler said. “But I don’t care what they think. I care what you think. You think I a monster?” He asked her.

“No!” Kenzi shook her head as she looked at Tyler, but never pulled it from where she had it resting on Jackson’s shoulder as she cuddled into the crook of his neck.

“You think Jackass a monster? What bout Eli or Adon?”

“No!” She shook her head again.

“Then fuck the res of em. Who need ’em? You a special lil girl Kenzi, you accept us no hesitation an that mean the world to us. The mos important people in our life don’t think that way bout us an they the only ones that matter.” Tyler took her from Jackson and held her tight.

“You pretty good at them big brother talks” Jackson said as he watched the interaction between Kenzi and Tyler.

“Had a good big brother an my baby sister need me,” Tyler replied, holding Kenzi closer to him. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her.

“You only a year older than her,” Jackson fired at him.

“Still older” Tyler returned,

“Her yur baby sister, you my baby brother make her my baby sister too. Share the Kenzi love” Peace washed over the room when she giggled as Jackson wrapped his arms around both of them.

“What’s going on here?” Adonis asked when he entered the kitchen.

“Siblin bondin” Jackson replied.

“You have eleven other brothers” Adonis inquired,

“Don’t mean I wanna hug any of ’em,” Jackson responded.

“Kenzi got upset” Tyler answered,

“Why did you get upset sweetheart?” Adonis asked, his concern growing.

“Is Elijah ok?” Kenzi asked, she didn’t want to answer his question, it would just upset him.

“He’s fine. He’s on the deck” Adonis looked at Jackson then arched his brow.

“Yeah, I should go talk to him” Jackson took his arms from around Kenzi and Tyler.

“Why did you get upset?” Adonis approached her and Tyler let her go.

“It’s not ok!” Was all she said to him.

“What’s not ok?” Adonis wrapped her in his arms.

“Her don’t like that everone think we monsters” Tyler replied.

“You’re not monsters, it’s not ok. They don’t know you” Kenzi huffed against his chest as he held her tighter to him. Special Lil Button! Odin whimpered. Do your job, make her happy! Be quiet! Make her happy! Don’t yell at me! Fix this! Damn mongrel! Stupid human!

“You’re right, they don’t know us. Most don’t even try. We’re different and that’s what makes them afraid of us. Their opinions are based on stories they have heard. Though the stories are true, it’s not who we are. We have done some things, not all of them were good, but those things are what makes us monsters in their eyes. That’s all we’ll ever be, because that’s all they’ll ever see.” Adonis said as he ran his hands up and down her back.

“They’re big stupids!” Kenzi huffed again and held on tighter to him. Tyler snorted and turned away to hide his shaking shoulders.

“Yes sweetheart they’re big stupids” the smile broke on Adonis’s face, he’ll tell her later that she can’t say that word. He kissed the top of her head. Special button indeed. “Why don’t we go watch something on tv and cuddle on the couch for a bit, before we have to leave for Eric’s?”

“No, I good. Gonna see what Carter an Marco up to, thanks for the offer though,” Tyler replied, Kenzi started laughing when she heard Adonis’s bitten back growl.

“You fucking asshole!” He growled again as Tyler cracked up laughing.

Jackson stood at the back door to the deck and watched Elijah for a bit. He could see the straps for the sling that held his arm tightly to his chest around his back. He wasn’t as gentle as he thought he was when he slammed Elijah to the ground.

“Are you just going to stand in the door and stare at me?” Elijah asked, never turning around. His voice brought Jackson out of his head.

“The arm?” Jackson asked.

“Broke in three places. Should be fine by tonight though” Elijah responded leaning forward to grab a drink off the table.

“Fuck!” Jackson huffed as he stepped out onto the deck.

“Shadow Faction rule number two, don’t fight with the berserkers, if you do, don’t let the berserkers get a hold of you.” Elijah replied after his drink.

“Thata good rule,” Jackson nodded. “You posed to be drinkin?” He asked as he took a seat.

“Doctor didn’t say no,” Elijah said, putting his glass back on the table.

“Maybe he figure you gotta medical backgroun an know better,” Jackson speculated.

“Maybe!” Elijah replied.

“Fuck, I sorry Eli. I’s jus teasin him. If I’da known, I’da never say nuttin.” Jackson said after a moment of silence.

“It’s not entirely your fault. I probably shouldn’t have gone out of my way to scare him….every chance I got” Elijah replied.

“That mighta help, but I shouldn’ta start nuttin. You my brother, jus like Tyler, jus like Adon,” Jackson looked down at the table. Elijah eyed him, him and Jackson have never had a conversation like this before. They’re usually at each other about something.

“Don’t look at me like that, you an I both know family don’t has to mean blood. It mean the ones that got yur back, the ones you go to bat for. I go to bat for you ever time, I got yur back Eli.” Jackson said. Elijah continued to sit there, he didn’t know what to say to Jackson.

“You gonna say somein or jus sit there an stare at me?” Jackson asked as he looked at Elijah.

“I’m silently correcting your grammar,” Elijah replied.

“The fuck wron wit my grammar?” Jackson asked, narrowing his eyes.

“Where would you like me to start?” Elijah asked in return.

“Maybe that why you can’t fine friends? You’s too big a asshole” Jackson huffed.

“I don’t think that’s it. You’re a bigger asshole than I am and you can still find friends” Elijah countered. Jackson was about to say something when he saw the glint in Elijah’s eye.

“You fucking wit me? Yeah you fucking wit me…. An I’s a big asshole” Jackson scoffed, but he had to admit he was an asshole.

“You silently correct Kenzi’s grammar?” Jackson asked,

“No, she was denied an education, she doesn’t know any better. What’s your excuse?” Elijah replied.

“I like the way I talk. My grammar might suck, point get across jus fine” Jackson replied.

“I know how hard it is for you to meet people. Specially when they fine out who you are.” They had sat there quietly for a bit, before Jackson brought it back around to what they were initially discussing.

“Not everybody gets to have friends,” Elijah commented. What Jackson said was true. As soon as people knew who he was they backed away from him. He was a monster from their nightmares.

“What bout that other guy? The, other Italian what his name, start wit a K….Karl….Kirk….Ken….Kenny….” Jackson struggled with the name, knowing it started with a K, he had nothing after that.

“Kenneth!” Elijah said.

“Yeah that guy,” Jackson snapped his fingers. “He like you so that somein. You two could prolly bond over suits,” Jackson said.

“We bonded over torture” Elijah informed him

“Torture?” Jackson arched his brow.

“He likes to break bones,” Elijah said.

“Well that’s somein, you two be tradin torture techniques like mos people trade pie recipes before you know it” Jackson was trying to be encouraging, he wasn’t entirely certain how it was going for him, until Elijah released a laugh.

“I don’t think that’s something people trade,” Elijah replied.

“The fuck not? You good at it. Fuck you’s impressive. Some the other torturers back home love it if you gave em tips” Jackson told him.

“What?” Elijah looked at Jackson his brows furrowing

“Fuck yeah! You come play cars wit us one night an you get to relive all Eli’s greatest hits. My favourite, was drillin holes in one guy an fillin him full of somein then lightin him up. Gave whole new meanin to burnin man. The fuck you put in him?” Jackson asked.

“Gasoline” Elijah answered “Why would they want tips? You all play that game.”

“None of us thought to skin someone alive….chick fillet, or light em up from the inside. Hell, one of my favourite pastimes is watching you in a room wit somebody. I fuckin get a kick outta it evertime” Jackson countered. Told you Jackson liked us! There was a bit of doubt! There was a lot of doubt! You’re right, there was a lot of doubt! But he likes us, it’s hard not too, we’re awesome!

“I will never live that down will I?” Elijah asked.

“Not in a million years. That almos as good as church bell crushin a whore an semi smack a bitch. Don’t even try, you know you think it’s funny. An I know he does.” Jackson replied laughing, as he pointed at Elijah’s head.

“Thank you Jackson!” Elijah said.

“You my brother Eli. We fight an we bicker, but you my brother an that the shit we do for family. No one fuck wit my family, I got yur back. So stand tall an walk wit pride,” Jackson said.

“I got your back as well Jackson,” Elijah replied. What Jackson said to him that night they fed Adam to the bear rang through his ears. He might lose one but he won’t lose two. He didn’t understand it then, but he did at that moment.

“Toll you you like me,” Jackson replied, a smug grin on his face.

“It’s hard not to. You’re too fucking insane” Jackson erupted into laughter.

“Come on, it time to go” Jackson got up from the table followed by Elijah.

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