The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 82: Not The Way It Was Supposed To Play Out Part One!

Execution Or Sacrifice!

Another meal in the record books, with a desert they all argued over. No one could decide which pie crust they liked better. Each one added its own twist on the dark chocolate cream pie. Kenzi was left in the kitchen with Marco. Adonis had told her in private what had transpired in the meeting. She understood. Laws were laws and consequences needed to be carried out when laws were broken. Dax was a little pissed, she had to rejoin the other Luna’s when what she wanted to do was stay with Kenzi in the kitchen. To punish Carter for laughing at her she was making him miss the execution and sit with her. If she had to be bored to tears then they could do it together. Marco had laughed at both of them, but he was already assigned to protect Kenzi and Dax wasn’t about to try and pull rank with The Devil. It wouldn’t get her very far, he has repeatedly made it clear that she has no power over him and he doesn’t care what she says.

“Enjoy tea time….Queeny” Adonis baited, intentionally pushing her buttons.

“I will, come on Carter” Dax huffed and stomped away pulling a very defeated looking Carter.

“You do realize I’m going to hear about that right?” Kane asked him after riling up his mate.

“Yes!” Adonis replied, a smile crossing his face.

“You’re an asshole,” Kane grumbled, causing Adonis to laugh.

“Keep complimenting me and I’m going to start questioning your intentions” Adonis’s smile got bigger, Ky was howling in Kane’s head. Kane called him an asshole again, as he headed out to the front lawn to join the rest of his men.

Kane stood on the Primrose Packhouse stairs, Johnny and Kenneth on his right, Damon on his left. Alpha Adonis and the ranks of Black Shadow and their prisoner stood on the left side of the lawn and Primrose to the right. The visiting Alpha’s and their Betas stood at the bottom of the stairs. They all looked at Kane.

“I wish we had gathered under better circumstances. War was declared and Black Shadow was victorious. The proceeding is to be carried out under demon law. Alpha Adonis Bradshaw of Black Shadow, Alpha Eric Bradshaw of Primrose, step forward.” Kane paused as he watched both men step forward. Adonis was a considerable height towering over his older but much smaller brother. Kane fought to suppress the laugh as Ky was howling in his head over this. He didn’t know why he found it funny but he did. Maybe they were spending too much time with the demons. When Adonis arched an eyebrow at him, he proceeded.

“Beta Tony Morris of Primrose Pack has been found guilty of inciting the violence that brought about the act of war, a demand has been put forth. With a unanimous vote for execution by removing the spine unless the demand has been met. Alpha Eric Bradshaw of Primrose Pack, have you reached your decision” Kane said.

Eric stood straight, he could feel the pleading eyes of his Beta on him but he refused to look in the man’s direction. He reached a decision alright. The air was thick as apprehension and tension swirled the front yard. The Alphas and Betas were hoping to not witness the brutal execution of Eric’s Beta. The King’s men, though not really wanting to see it, wanted to see it at the same time. Tyler and Jackson were getting antsy and Elijah was working out his once bound arm. Like he said it was healed by dusk. Emroy and Ethan were also present. Ethan would steal glances at Adonis watching him carefully for any signs of wavering, but there were none. His youngest son was set on either Eric getting on his knees begging to spare the man’s life, or having the spine ripped out. Emroy was also watching Adonis, he saw how he stood proud, stood his ground, how his presence dared others to defy him, try him, test him. He saw how he kept his head high, how he stood tall carrying himself with pride. He was the embodiment of pure power. In his life he has never seen an Alpha like him. His youngest brother was a true Alpha.

“I have” Eric began. Emroy stood waiting, this was where Eric was to abdicate and place Emroy in charge. He would force Eric to beg for the release of the Beta and they would continue with the meeting. Eric took a deep breath and then stepped forward.

“Beta Tony Morris is guilty of breaking pack law. He disrespected his Alpha, and acted of his own accord. His defiance caused a war, the punishment will commence” Eric declared.

A darkness slipped across Adonis’s face, as soon as he heard those words. He knew the second he stepped foot outside what was going to happen. He faced off against Eric, keeping the look on his face as he looked his brother in the eye. Emroy and Ethan were shocked by what had transpired, as were the others in attendance.

“I wish I could say I am surprised Eric, but I’m not. You sacrificed your Beta to save your title, I hope it’s worth it” Adonis spoke quietly. “Jackson, Tyler ready the prisoner.” Carrying their own shadows of darkness, Jackson and Tyler did as they were told. The others watched on in horror as the Beta was strung up. They watched as he allowed it to happen. Begging and bartering for release would get him nowhere with the demons. Beta Tony kept his head held high. They watched him accept his fate.

“Any last words?” Adonis asked him.

“I hope when you die Eric, you are sent to hell and your brother gets to torture you for an eternity. I, Tony Morris, reject Primrose pack. I, Tony Morris, reject Eric Bradshaw as my Alpha” The Beta spoke. The pain tore through them both as the former Beta severed the connection.

“You ain’t gonna tell yur mate you love her?” Jackson asked, when the Beta recovered.

“No, she’s a whore and is sleeping with my brother” Tyler’s eyes widened as he looked over at the wide eyed woman standing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Alpha Adonis, when you kill your brother, I hope you make it painful” The Beta spoke to him.

Kane watched with fascination as the ranks of Black Shadow surrounded the man and bowed their heads.

“What are they doing?” Johnny asked,

“Last rites!” Kane replied, that was surprising and confusing to him, they voted for this.

“Why? They voted for this” Damon said, his eyes widening when he saw what they did next. Each biting their palm they painted symbols on the man’s body with their blood.

“Du-te cu respect (Go with respect)”

“Du-te cu credință (Go in faith)”

“Du-te cu onora (Go with honor)”

“Du-te fără teamă (Go without fear)”

“Demoni has a code. A warrior is a warrior and a warrior needs to be honoured even if they fight for the other side, they honour the ones they kill, if they are worthy of that honour. The Beta may have acted of his own volition, but he did it because he was protecting his pack. They respect that, but this is something entirely different.” Kenneth replied.

“What is it?” Johnny asked. Kenneth couldn’t be certain as he watched the men perform the ritual. He’s never seen anything like it.

“ I don’t know what this is,” Kenneth replied.

“What language are they speaking?” Damon asked.

“I don’t know,” Kenneth replied, shaking his head.

“Un războinic pe pământ.... un războinic pe cealaltă parte (A warrior on earth….a warrior on the other side.)” Adonis spoke. They all lifted their right hands and placed their closed fists over their hearts. “Du-te cu pace! (Go in peace!)” With two thumps they said goodbye. Stepping back to stand behind the man so all could bear witness to his death Adonis signalled to Elijah.

“I will make this quick.” Elijah vowed quietly and the Beta nodded.

“Did they not want to do this?” Johnny asked as they watched Elijah take his position. He flexed and straightened both his arms and took several deep breaths.

“No, they were certain they wanted to execute him. But I don’t think this is an execution anymore” Kane said, though he was watching Adonis and his men carefully, he stole a few glances at Eric, he was the only one not watching what was going on. What the fuck? Eric sacrificed his Beta! What? This is not an execution Ky, this is a sacrifice! When he looked back towards The Devil the flaming eyes of his beast bore into his and he nodded.

Without warning Elijah struck and in one fluid motion the spine was ripped from the man’s back. ….ahhhhhhhhhhhh…. Piercing and laced with pain the scream ripped through the air as they watched the man’s mate collapse to the ground as the agony of losing her true love tore through her. Again they circled around the man and bowed their heads. Then Jackson braced himself in front of the body and waited for Elijah to cut it down. Instead of dropping to the ground like they would most, Tyler helped Jackson situate the body and they walked off.

“This is a passing ritual” Kenneth said after he saw the respect they put into taking care of the body.

“Where are they taking the body?” Damon asked.

“To finish the ritual, they will prepare the land for the return of the body, and ask for safe passage for him and the wolf. They will ask for no harm to come to them as they cross over and then they will burn them” Kenneth replied.

“How do you know this?” Johnny looked at Kenneth.

“I was curious what kind of rituals demoni had. So I asked Elijah. They have some interesting ones.” Kenneth replied with a shrug.

“Do they do this ritual for all the ones they execute?” Damon asked.

“No, just the ones they feel were unjust or dishonoured….stop right there. Execution is one thing, it is a punishment for breaking the law, that is justified. Don’t look at them like they are monsters, normals have that law as well. But, this was not an execution, I don’t know what it was” Kenneth said,

“I wasn’t thinking anything, I kinda want to see the rest of the ritual. Aren’t you curious about it? Also kinda curious how this no longer became an execution and what it became instead” Damon said, defending himself. Johnny was curious as well and they both looked to Kane.

Adonis stood facing Kane beside Eric. His body vibrated with anger. Odin was howling in his head.

“When I kill you Eric, I am going to make it a slow, agonizing torture. You will feel every bit of the pain I am going to inflict on you.” Adonis glowered under his breath. “There will be no honour in your death, I will make sure of it”

“Are you threatening me?” Eric snarled back,

No, that is a promise” Odin turned slightly, his lip curled back as an inferno raged in his eyes. Adonis walked off in the direction his men just went, he didn’t need to hear the rest. That was not an execution! No, Odin it wasn’t! There is no honour in a forced sacrifice! No there is not! What are we going to do? Restore honour to the fallen! And then? Show Eric what a demon execution really is! Is he planning something else? Someone is! Good times? Great times!

“The….execution has been carried out. We will reconvene in the conference room in an hour.” Kane spoke, then descended the stairs with his men right behind them. They wanted to see the rest of the ritual. Head nods and silent agreements were made to this as they all departed talking amongst themselves over what they had just witnessed. None of them were sure, but they all agreed it was unlike any execution they have ever witnessed.

“The fuck Eric?” Emroy snarled, when The King and his men were out of earshot.

“Fuck you Emroy, this is my pack and I will not see it in the hands of a weak and worthless idiot such as yourself.” Eric snapped back. “I will not step aside”

“You hung your Beta out to dry,” Emroy said to him.

“Let that be a lesson to everyone else then” Eric replied. Ethan had stood back and studied his son, listening intently to the words he spoke. A smile of approval crossed his face, then he walked off not uttering a word.

“You said it yourself Emroy, I am more like dad then I would admit” Eric added.

“No, I was wrong. You’re worse than dad.” Emroy shot back as he too walked off. Now more than ever he had to inform Adonis of what was happening. With Eric going against their father's wishes, he had a feeling his days at this pack were numbered.

Kane and the others found Adonis and his men in a small clearing. They were in the process of building a fire pit. Each with their shirt off, each with crimson blood smeared across their chests.

“Help or leave” Adonis spoke as they continued working. This ritual was not meant to be spectated. Kenneth stepped forward first and removed his shirt. Dipping his fingers in the bowl he wiped the blood of the fallen across his chest and helped Elijah gather the wood for the fire. Kane and Johnny were next followed by Damon. Kane helped Adonis with the body, preparing it for its crossing while Johnny and Damon helped Jackson and Tyler build the pit.

“There is no honour in a forced sacrifice.” Adonis spoke as he and Kane worked.

“This was not supposed to happen?” Kane asked,

“No, Eric was supposed to step down, allowing Emroy to take charge of the pack. He would force Eric to submit and beg for the man’s life” Adonis replied. “Eric is prideful and sacrificed his Beta, to save his title.”

“When did you know?” Kane inquired,

“When I stepped foot out of the packhouse” Adonis replied. “I can hear the thoughts of others, but there is always hope that what I am hearing is wrong”

“What is going on?” Kane asked as he looked over the body. The man’s hands were laid across his chest and there were more symbols on him. Great care had been taken in handling the body. He was being shown respect.

“He was shown disrespect. We are restoring it and honouring him.” Adonis replied. “He might have been our enemy, but he did not deserve to be used as a sacrifice.”

With the bed of wood built, Tyler poured gas across it. They had the man on a makeshift gurney, Adonis grabbed the top while Kane grabbed the bottom and they laid him across it. More wood was covered in gas as it was placed around the body, then the men stood around him. Adonis produced a knife and slicing the palm of both his hands he passed the blade to Jackson.

“I accept” He too cut his palms and passed it along to Tyler

“I accept” Cuts across the palms then onto Elijah who repeated the process, then he passed the blade to Kenneth who copied. Kane, Johnny and Damon, not knowing the reason behind accepting the blade, copied what they witnessed, saying their acceptance before slicing their palms. Their blood flowed from their injuries into the earth, until they healed.

“Permiteți trecerea în siguranță, nu lăsați nici un rău să le vină. Născut din pământ, revenit pe pământ. (Allow them to pass safely, do not let any harm come to them. Born of the earth, returned to the earth.)” Adonis spoke. Jackson and Tyler lit torches while the others stepped back. Placing each torch on either side of the body, they watched it ignite and engulf the structure and the man in flame.

“Respect! Calatorii sigure! (Respect! Safe travel!)”

“Onora! Trecere în siguranță! (Honour! Safe crossing)”

“Credinţă! Călătorie în siguranță! (Faith! Travel safely)”

“Fara frica! Călătorește în pace războinic! (Without fear! Travel in peace as a warrior)”

“What language was that?” Kane asked as they walked back to the house.

“Romanian” Adonis replied,

“How many languages do you speak?” Kane asked,

“Aside from English, French and Romanian….eight,” Adonis replied. “Demon wolves speak Romanian, when we get ours then so do we.” He added when he saw the confusion cross Kane’s face.

“Do you perform all your rituals in Romanian?” Kane asked,

“Most of them….why?” Adonis asked,

“It was nice” Kane replied,

“If he were a demon, we would be having a party right now. There would be food, music, dancing, probably a lot of drinking and laughter. We don’t mourn our dead, we celebrate the life they once had.” Adonis said.

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