The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 75: Party For The Devil Part Two!

Enjoying My Party!

Kane watched the interaction between Adonis and the extremely tall man. He must be the bear he heard about and they had to be friends, considering the way they were goading each other. But when he saw Adonis hit him, he began to second guess that until they embraced. Maybe that’s how he says hello! Cause saying hello doesn’t work anymore? Guess not in his world! Kane had to keep reminding himself of that, they were in his world, he had to get familiar with him in his world, on his turf, his grounds, his level. The Devil was not going to come to him, he made that clear with the peace treaty. Wonder if he laughed? Probably did!

“Hey Dyl, come check what we foun.” A man said, his eyes dancing with merriment.

“What you fine?” The man called back.

“Two small puppies, an a tiny lil pixie.” The man said then turned back to the others.

“Tiny lil pixie?” He looked at Adonis then back at his men. Is that our tiny pixie? It is if she’s with one particular small puppy, but I’m wondering about the second one! They just found her? Or she ran into one of them! I’d put my money on that! Me too! They moved in the direction of the other bears and when they parted the circle sure enough there in the middle stood her and Tyler and to his surprise Marco. She was standing on a chair so she wouldn’t have to crane her neck so much to be able to look at them, but she had them captivated with whatever she was saying and Tyler and Marco were trying to make sure she didn’t fall off the chair.

“Holy fuck! That the tiniest lil pixie I ever did see. She’s fuckin gorgeous” The man’s eyes widened as he took in both her size and appearance. “That yours?” He added when he turned to look at Adonis

“Yes she is” Adonis could only smile as he watched her smack one of the bears then apologize as her face turned red.

“She’s fuckin adorable, where the rest of her at?” He asked,

“That’s all of her” She’s more than enough for us! Yes she is!

“How you not gonna crush her?” The big man looked her over again, she was so tiny he couldn’t believe they made them that size.

“I’ve learned to be gentle.” Sort of! Shut up!

“You’ve learn gentle….yeah I guess you gotta be” He choked out. “Fuck brother introduce me.”

They moved closer so he could get a better listen to what she was saying.

“I wanted to know what would happen if I put peaches in the water. And Barbra says science was evry-where and if I want to know something do an asperiment. So I did.” The other men were laughing, with how animatedly she was talking and Marco and Tyler were doing their best to make sure one she didn’t fall and two they didn’t get hit.

“So what happen?” One asked

“I getted in trouble. The water smelled and tasted like peaches and then the town getted mad when they started smelling like peaches too. There was peachy smelling people evry-where. And they has to clean the water supply. I made pies for evry-one, but they were still mad. I should has made fries. Fries make evry-thing better” She swung her hand and connected with a very hard chest.

“That’s not a wall is it?” Kenzi asked before she turned around, the snickers from the others told her no she didn’t just smack a wall. She turned to apologize but when she came face to chest and had to look up her eyes widened.

“That’s a big bear!” She blurted and everyone broke out laughing.

“I am a big bear. Dylan McCormick of Clan McCormick” Dylan extended his hand and was quite shocked when she accepted it immediately.

“Kenzi Templeton of Blackwoods,” she said, her smile lighting up her face.

“Well, ain’t you the cutest lil thin ever, Kenzi Templeton of Blackwoods,” Dylan said to her. Kenzi giggled and the blush hit her face and her nose wrinkled. “Nope, stand corrected that the cutest lil thin ever”

“Hello sweetheart, are you enjoying yourself?” Adonis asked.

“Oh yes! We’ve been telling stories. And they teached me to say hello” Kenzi said excitedly, then almost fell off the chair. Tyler just shook his head as he righted her again.

“They taught you to say hello?” Adonis asked. Kenzi nodded her head.

“Grrrr” then thump her chest. Everyone in the group broke out laughing as they watched the little pixie say hello to Adonis.

“Ain’t that the most adorable thin you ever heard. Look at you Lil Bear, I think it’s time for a drink” Kenzi giggled and blushed again.

“As long as that’s all they taught you.” Adonis said as he helped her off the chair. Much to Marco and Tyler’s relief.

“Her try to fall off that damn chair six times” Tyler said,

“Don’t glare at me, you tiny puppy. Poor lil thin had to crane her neck to look at us” One of bears shot back laughing giving Tyler a slight shove.

“Maybe shrink an her ain’t gotta look so high” Tyler fired back with his own shove.

“Shrink? Why I gotta shrink? I jus a lil guy” he said.

“Poco? È alto più di sette piedi (Little? He is over seven feet tall)” Marco interjected as they made their way to the bar.

“The fuck he say? He speak English?” The man asked,

“He don’t speak English to good. But he say you has a fat head” Tyler replied, then broke out laughing at the look on Marco’s face.

“Yeah, I don’t think that what he say.” The man said as he watched Marco shake his head vigorously back and forth. “Reggie Bowers, Clan McCormick” The man extended his hand to Marco.

“Sono Marco Barone, Blood Howlers” Marco shook,

“Marco Barone? You The King’s Beta….second Beta” Reggie said and Marco nodded. “The fuck you hanging out with this riff raff for” He added as he shoved Tyler again.

“Non lo so, ma sta cercando di farmi prendere a calci in culo (I don’t know, but he’s trying to get my ass kicked)” Marco replied, shrugging his shoulders.

“Fuck you, am not….maybe a lil bit” Tyler replied laughing.

“Demons need to have fun, you watch him though, you be in a fight before long” Reggie warned, “The fuck Jackass?”

“The rin wit Eli” Tyler replied, they were heading back there now that Adonis was with Kenzi.

“Fuck yeah, Jasper let’s go, Jackass and Eli in the ring.” Reggie called to another one, after grabbing their drinks which consisted of two bottles of whisky, they followed Tyler and Marco as they headed that way.

“Damn, Kennedy went all out” Dylan said as they grabbed a bottle and headed for an open table.

“Haven’t been back here in three years” Adonis replied,

“I know, been lookin for….”

“Home!” Adonis cut him off as he glanced down at Kenzi. She was too busy in conversation with other members of the bear clan to pay attention to their conversation. But still, he didn’t want her to find out who she was because of a simple slip. He wanted to tell her and he wanted it to be when they were alone. Yeah, she’ll hit the roof! Dylan arched a brow at him. Adonis said nothing until Kenzi excused herself from the group. She had to ask Kennedy something, but said she’d be right back. But the two bears she was talking to tagged along anyway. Seemed anyone that met her was instantly enamoured with her.

“She is the….” Dylan went to ask another question

“Yeah she is” he replied again cutting off Dylan

“The fuck?” Dylan asked. “That the girl from the park, you look everwhere for her”

“Complications” Adonis answered,

“Everthin aight brother?” Dylan asked, growing concerned.

“It will be. She doesn’t know who she really is yet. She found out about our world a week ago.” Adonis said as he watched his little mate talk to Kennedy.

“A week ago? An she jus extendin hands….”

“To everyone she meets immediately. She’s relaxed in our world, and accepts everything without hesitation.” Adonis replied before he could finish his question.

“Then why the….”

“I told you there were complications” Adonis cut him off with a wave of his hand. He didn’t really want to tell Dylan that his mate put him in the friendzone, and now she thinks she’s pretending to be his mate in some ruse to prevent his family from being mean to him. It’s bad enough Jackson and Tyler know.

“Would you fuck off wit that?” Dylan grumbled at him. Adonis could only laugh.

“One of these day y….”

“Not today!” Adonis cut him off again, with a sly smirk on his face.

“Fuck you asshole!” Dylan barked then broke out laughing.

The Devil and the little pixie were the talk of the night. Everyone was excited, everyone wanted to meet her. Dax had been trying to talk to Kenzi all night, but she was never alone. She was either with Adonis on the dance floor or he was escorting her around the party meeting new people. And she couldn’t be certain but she thought he was trying to make sure she couldn’t talk to the little pixie. If she got to close he would move them in a different direction.

“I feel like I’m stalking prey” Dax huffed as she made her way back to Kane. “I thought I had her at the bar, but she was cleaning up mini monster, then bears converged on them. Their frickin huge” she added with another huff.

“Yes they are. I’m not having luck with Alpha Adonis either. I don’t think tonight is going to be the night to talk to them. Have you seen the others?” Kane said as he watched Adonis and the bear converse and laugh about something.

“Marco was with mini monster, and I think the others are at the ring with big monster and the ninja,” Dax replied.

“Of course they are. Wonder how much money they’ve lost?” Kane said, shaking his head.

“I wonder if any of them are brave enough to get into the ring?” Dax asked.

“We could always take a look. This is a party after all, let’s just enjoy it.” Kane entwined their fingers and headed in the direction of the ring. That is not what Dax wanted to do, she wanted to talk to the purple haired pixie, but clearly that was not going to happen.

Making their way to the ring, Kane and Dax received more bows, and questions about their presence were whispered as speculations were thrown around. Though it appears that some were not happy with them being there. He assumed that had to do with whatever the council was up to. These members must have dropped the community to join the demons and were now holding grudges against it. He would deal with the council in the morning. Now was not the time to be pitting community against community. If the books had any accuracy to them at all, with only 700 demons Black Shadow could do some devastating damage to them.

“Well that answers that question” Dax said, pulling Kane from his thoughts. He looked to the ring and could only shake his head as he saw not only Damon but Carter in there.

“Come on there’s Johnny” Kane said, holding her closer to him as they headed in his direction.

“What are you doing?” Kane had to yell to be heard over the noise.

“Damon and Carter were challenged,” Johnny replied. “Kenneth just got out of the ring”

“I think you boys are having a little too much fun with this” Kane could only shake his head again as he watched Damon get tackled to the ground.

“You have no idea. Damon’s been in four times already, this is Carter’s first round” Johnny said grinning.

Kane could see Jackson standing on the ring side fence yelling for Carter to get in there and help. He had blood on his face and chest but no marks on his body, the only thing that said some of it was his was the distinct black colour. Tyler and Marco were on the far side cheering for Carter and Damon as well. They watched Carter block and avoid any hit laid on him, until he struck back. Damon used his sizable weight to his advantage while Carter used his senses, anticipating his opponents moves so he could counter them. Jackson and Tyler watched them carefully. Observing them and their movements. They would share a look between each other then look towards the stage where they saw Elijah watching as well. What are they doing? What are they looking for?

“Tyler Monroe and Royal Beta Marco Barone” A challenge was fired out when the last opponent hit the ground and bowed out. The crowd roared and Damon and Carter left the ring only for Marco and Tyler to enter.

“Kenzi gonna be piss her gotta clean you up again lil brother.” Jackson yelled from the fence.

“Nah her won’t an I still get cake” Tyler yelled back. The bell rang and they were charged. One of the challengers took a kick to the face as Tyler threw the other into Marco’s fist. Hollars and howls rose up as the four in the ring went at each other.

“I hope he doesn’t bite one,” Kane said as he watched Tyler and Marco move around the ring, seeming to be insync with each other.

“He’s not allowed” Johnny yelled.

“What?” Kane yelled back and moved closer to hear what Johnny was saying the noise from the crowd was drowning him out.

“He’s not allowed to bite. It was made a rule after his third battle when he took a bite out of somebody” Johnny replied laughing.

“They had to make that a rule?” Kane said, watching Marco hit the dirt only for Tyler to land both his fists into the back of the one that did it.

“That’s nothing, what we saw Tyler do to Carter was child’s play, compared to what I’ve seen. Don’t go up against a demon and they’re holding back. I don’t want to know what would happen if they let go.” Johnny was saying. The bell ringing ended the fight as they watched one of the challengers sail over the ring and the other hit the dirt hard. The crowd roared once more.

Alpha King Kane McKenna!” Someone called out.

Adonis was laughing about stories being told with the other bears, when he heard the challenge. Kenzi looked towards the ring then looked at Adonis wide eyed.

“This one I might actually want to see,” Adonis remarked as he helped Kenzi stand, then proceeded to get to his feet as well.

“Been meanin to ask what The Royals doin here?” Dylan asked as he too was curious to see what would happen in the ring.

“Alpha Kane is apparently looking for someone,” Adonis replied as he moved towards the stage. They’d get a better view from there.

“The fuck he lookin for an why?” Dylan asked,

“Don’t know, no one does. But he was talking to Eric and I’m curious to see if he’ll pop his head off” Adonis replied as they watched Kane enter the ring. The Queen was shaking her head trying to tell him no.

“No fuckin loss there” Dylan commented, then cracked up laughing. “Oh shit!” The laughter died with those two words, when he saw one of his boys in the ring as well.

“What the fuck Dylan? What the hell is your brother doing?” Adonis asked, when he saw the bear in the ring with Kane.

“Council hit us two day ago. Sayin we has to pick a side. Shifter community or demons.” Dylan said, shaking his head. “Some the boys took it….offensively is a polite way to say the way they took it in front of the lil lady” He added when he looked down and saw Kenzi standing there.

“Offensively!” Adonis nodded.

“Shifter council is making mistakes an some the boys, Bobby included, view The King as the council.” Dylan explained.

“I get the impression he doesn’t know what the council is doing.” Adonis said, they watched as Kane had to back up quickly to avoid being swiped repeatedly.

“What you mean?” Dylan was cringing as he watched on. His brother was not going to take it easy on The King.

“Why the hell would he be stupid enough to allow them to make these ultimatums against those allied and aligned with our kind? This will cause war and death. What did you say?” Adonis asked.

“I say fine fuck ya an suck my left nut, call the demon council while I still in the room wit em an pledge right there.” Dylan answered.

“Welcome to the demons!” Adonis said as he watched the two men circle each other in the ring. “Suck my left nut isn’t offensive to say in front of a lady?” Adonis asked. What the fuck would he consider offesive? Odin howled in his head.

“Coulda say worse” Dylan shrugged then winked at Kenzi. Her cheeks flaming red as she buried her face in Adonis’s chest. She didn’t want to see the fight, but she wanted to be cuddled in his arms. He didn’t want her to see the fight either considering what happened the last time, but he too wanted her cuddled in his arms, he’s missed her all day. He kept her turned in a different direction then covered her ears so she didn’t have to hear anything.

“That’s not somethin I thought I’d ever see” Dylan commented looking at Adonis.

“What?” Adonis was watching the ring, observing Kane’s movements

“The Devil locked in a cuddle” Dylan teased him.

“I’ve looked for her for three years and Kennedy kept playing keep away with her all day. And I do like to cuddle” A bad feeling crept into his gut, this was going to end badly. Kane took a nasty swipe up his left side and while he was dealing with that the bear struck and kicked him in the right. Dax was yelling for someone to end the fight and ring the damn bell, and Johnny was trying to stop her from getting into the ring. Someone better stop this fight! FUCK! Adonis wanted to see Alpha Kane get taken down a peg, but this would get him killed. There was a reason normals don’t go up against bears. The bell rang a few times, but the bear ignored it and continued his attack. They watched as Kane took more and more blows, it got to the point where the bear had him pinned down laying hit after hit on him. The King’s men yelled for the bear to get away from him. Kennedy was yelling for the bear to get away. They could see Jackson and Tyler trying to get the bear to back off. FUCK!

“Sweetheart stay with Dylan” Adonis was calm as he spoke to her, though his mind raced with the several different ways this could go bad,

“Don’t let her watch” He muttered low enough,

“That boy needa be takin down a peg, better brin hell wit you” Dylan nodded.

“Hey Lil Bear, how’s bout you an I put a twirl in that dress an hit the floor?” Kenzi nodded a smile lighting up her face and allowed the big bear to escort her away. Adonis lept from the stage, he had to get into the ring. The crowd roared louder and wilder.

“Jackson when I get the bear off, get Alpha Kane out of the ring”

Jackson nodded, grabbing both Damon and Tyler telling them the plan all men made themselves ready for what was to come next. Dax’s eyes went wide as she saw Adonis charge the bear, hitting him hard from the side and knocking him away from Kane. What shocked her even more was he put himself in between, standing guard over Kane.


Ripped from the bear’s chest, displeased that his fun was taken away.


Came the angry reply from Adonis, this was not how he wanted to spend his night. He would rather his mate be in his arms, than saving the royal pain in his ass.

“Rules McCormick! Bears can only challenge demons” Adonis growled.

“The fuck the fun in that?” The man growled back.

“I’ll show you!” ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. One more growl and Adonis was on him. Laying hit after hit, not once backing down. The bear got a few jabs in, but Adonis was unrelenting. Jackson and Damon jumped the ring fence and grabbed Kane, Tyler had the gate open waiting for them.

“Move yur asses!” He hollered. THUD!


Another rumble came from the bear as he was pulling himself up from the ground.

“Aight pretty boy, you wanna play. Let’s play” the bear snarled at him, amber flashing in his eyes then he charged.


Ripped from Adonis as he met the bear head on. Snarls, growls sounded all around. Fists flew, legs kicked, they threw each other around the ring. Adonis took a swipe to his left side. While the bear took four punches and a knee to his face, still the men didn’t stop, they wouldn’t quit until one hit the dirt. CRACK! A hit to the bridge of the bear’s nose. CRACK! To Adonis’s ribs. SNAP! The bear’s arm. POP! Came from Adonis’s shoulder. Standing at separate ends, both breathing hard, both bleeding. Adonis’s shirt was a tattered torn mess on the ground as he continued to eye the bear, watching his weaknesses become more and more abundant. The big man was wavering on his legs, his shoulder kept dropping and he was favouring the left side. The knees! Odin hissed. The crowd was roaring, cheering, screaming. Bets were flying around the ring. Kennedy with the mic ready to call the challenges as soon as this fight was done. A shake of the head and the bear charged one more time. Using speed Adonis met him half way. Agility and he landed two elbows to the back. CRUNCH! Bringing his foot down on one of the bear’s knees, Adonis brought his other knee up and connected with his face twice. Two more hits then let him drop to the dirt beneath him. The bear laid there, blood pouring from his lip, nose and the slice across his cheek. Growls and snarls released from him as pain radiated from his knee.

This fight is done, Adonis is the victor. Challenges are over” Kennedy boomed through the mic. Cheers rose through the night.

“Wanna play with The Devil some more?” Adonis asked as he looked down at him. The bear could only laugh. Jasper and Reggie joined them in the ring to collect their fallen comrade and berate him at the same time.

“They’s a reason we stand at his side dumb dumb.” Reggie remarked, tapping the knee Adonis smashed. ….rrrrRrrrr…. Released from him as pain shot through him.

“Thanks for goin easy on him.” He added as he looked at Adonis.

“Easy on me! I should kick his toilet drinkin ass” the bear shot out,

“Shut up dummy! He walkin out this ring an we stuck draggin yur sorry fat ass” Jasper shot back. “Dyl fuckin piss by the way. You fuckin lucky right now he dancin wit Lil Bear. But the conversation you an him gonna have ain’t gonna be pretty” Jasper added as they hoisted the man to his feet half dragging, half walking him from the ring.

“He’s my brother!” The bear commented, the other two just laughed.

“Cause that make a lick of difference. He don’t care, yur in a heap of shit Bobby boy. The fuck you thinkin?” Jasper smacked him in the back of the head.

“Come on, we got firs aid, Eli waitin on ya.” Jackson said, meeting him at the ring fence. He took in the damage to his side and shook his head.

“How is he?” Adonis asked as he followed Jackson. He could only laugh.

“He got his bell rung by a piss off Kodiak. How you think he is?” Jackson choked out.

“Hmmm, wonder if he likes my party?” Adonis asked, trying not to laugh.

“Oh yeah, sure he lovin it,” Jackson replied, his grin getting bigger. “Might not of like it when I ask he big stupid for gettin in the ring wit a damn yogi though”

“No, I’m shocked he didn’t like being called big stupid” Adonis said.

“Could be cause that the second time I call him that. Queeny sure think it fittin though. Her fuckin piss by the way. Face red all the way to her pointy lil elf ears.” Jackson nodded.

“Enjoying my party?” Adonis asked, when they stopped in front of Kane.

“Immensely!” Kane groaned his reply. Holding the ribs on his right side as pain ripped through his body, that bear was hell bent on ending him.

“You look like shit” Adonis said as he sat in the chair opposite Kane so Elijah could set his shoulder. Kane could only stare at him. He imagined he did look like shit, he was beat on by a bear.

“What the hell….”

“Airing of grievances,” Adonis replied before Kane could finish asking what that was about. Kane could only look at him.

“The bear clan that’s here tonight was hit by the council two days ago and told to choose a side” Adonis answered the unasked question. POP! ….grrrRrrrr…. Slipped past Adonis as his shoulder was set back into place. Rotating his arm and stretching out his neck he let Elijah assess the rest of his injuries.

“I have….”

“I figured. I told him as much. You might be big stupid, but you’re not stupid enough to pit community against community. We might only be 700, but the damage we would do would be devastating, and I’m pretty sure your kind won’t recover from it. So you might want to get a handle on that, before people start dying.” Adonis warned him. Odin flashing in his eyes drove that warning home. The demons would not have an issue going to war with the normals.

“What about your….?” Kane was about to ask,

“I think we’ll fare just fine, we just got a bear clan and where there’s one bear clan, others will follow” Adonis replied.

“Lift your arm” Elijah said, when Adonis went to do it a sharp pain pierced into him and he couldn’t. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Elijah ignored the growl from his Alpha when he pressed into his ribs. ….grrrRRRrrrr….

“Three, these are going to need to be set! Jackson hold him, this might hurt a little” Elijah said.

“Bite this” Tyler shoved a stick into Adonis’s mouth. Kane watched as Elijah produced a knife making two quick slices one above and one below his eighth rib. He reached his fingers into the new wounds getting a hold of the bone. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Adonis struggled under Jackson’s hold, Tyler jumping into help immediately. SNAP! ….grrrRrrrr…. Adonis bit down harder on the stick as part of it snapped in his mouth. ….grrrRrrrr….

“Hold him tighter!” Elijah pulled his hand back sharply and heard the sickening snap of bone as it was moved back into place. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Johnny paled at the sound where Kane cringed. Damon could only stand there and shake his head.

“Simmer down puppy, two to go” Jackson said. Repeating the same motions as before two slices into the flesh above and below the sixth rib, Elijah grabbed the broken bone and set it. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“This one is going to hurt….a lot,” Elijah said.

“Be quick bout it. I don’t feel like dyin tonight” Jackson and Tyler tightened their grip pinning his arms as best they could. SNAP! No one saw Elijah move but they all heard the sound the bone made. ….grrrRRRrrRRRRRrrRRRrrrr…. Tore through the night air, Adonis struggled against Jackson and Tyler’s hold. Odin, angered by the turn in the evening, had to make his displeasure known. The brothers drew strength from the other to stop their Alpha from getting loose and snapping their necks. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. Slowly the growls dissipated and the brothers let go.

“Did it hurt a little?” Kane asked, giving a slight laugh that caused him to wince, when Adonis spit the stick out.

“You tell me, you’re next” Adonis returned.

“What?” Kane snapped his eyes to him

“Yeah, Queeny want Eli to take a look,” Jackson said, laughing at the expression on Kane’s face.

“Either this or wait for the doc to get to you. But he in triage right now, so who the fuck know how long that gonna be” Tyler added, grinning.

“Bite down” Johnny shoved a stick into Kane’s mouth then he and Damon started arguing over who was going to hold him down. Seems The King’s men didn’t want to deal with the beast in his head.

“Jackson, Tyler” Both men nodded, shoving the two bickering ones out of the way. Jackson pinned the upper body to the chair while Tyler got his arms. Kane was already struggling against the hold. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrrrr….

Displeased growls at being restrained slipping from him. The demons proceeded to ignore him and carry on what they were doing. Elijah assessed the injured ribs.

“Not bad, two and….” SNAP! ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Kane fought harder against Jackson and Tyler as Elijah snapped one of his vertebrates back into place.

“I don’t think he liked that Elijah” Adonis said as he watched Kane struggle to be free.

“He’ll like what has to happen next even less. At least one of them needs to be set,” Elijah replied, pressing harder against Kane’s side. ….grrrRrrrr….

“Maybe next time he’ll think twice about getting into the ring with a bear, like a big stupid” Adonis said. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. ….grrrRRRrrrr….

“Ooo, I think puppy’s gettin angry,” Jackson said, holding tighter against him. Tyler used more of his body to keep his arms pinned.

….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. The growls became louder the more Elijah assessed, but again he continued to ignore them. Not once flinching at the movements Kane was making. Johnny and Damon watched on.

“If he kicks me I’ll be angry” Elijah said when he watched Kane’s leg raise.

“You two stop staring and help” Adonis ordered Johnny and Damon snapping them to attention. They both nodded and each pinned a leg down.

“Hold him tight, he’s going to have a fit” Shredding what was left of Kane’s shirt Elijah made the same two cuts on his side. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Moving quickly he set the broken rib. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. ….grrrRRRrrrr….

“Puppy good an piss now.” Jackson said, getting ready to release him on Elijah’s word. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. ….grrrRRRrrrr….

“We could always set the second one, it’ll heal well enough without it, but setting it would heal faster” Elijah suggested. Kane furiously shook his head the stick dropping from his mouth. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr….

“I don’t think he likes that idea,” Adonis said as the growls kept coming from Kane. Ky flashing multiple times, his displeasure was definitely being heard. Johnny and Damon held tighter to his legs, neither one wanting to go another round with Ky.

“Fine” Elijah backed off. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr….

“If it’ll fix him, do it. He doesn’t get a say in anything” Dax interjected for the first time. She had been standing there quietly watching the whole thing. She cringed and grimaced after every snap and pop from the two men. Jackson was trying to fight his laughter, but Tyler’s snickering wasn’t helping him. Kane shot her a look, and she glared back at him.

“Don’t you start with me. You should have thought of that before you stubbornly got in that fucking ring with that damn bear” She huffed.

“Guess we know who wears the pants” Jackson broke out laughing, his grip slipped slightly and Kane took the first opportunity to fight against him.

“Do you want me to put you down?” Adonis asked, standing. Kane stared at him. Though there was evidence of an altercation as black blood covered his chest and torso, there wasn’t a mark on him. Where he was still bleeding from the side swipe he took. That’s stupid, we should heal that fast! Ky grumbled in his head.

“Am I setting the rib or not?” Elijah asked.

“Yes!” Dax said,

“No!” Kane shook his head fighting to get up.

“Set the rib Eli” Jackson slammed Kane back into the chair and held him fast. Moving with speed, two slices and a sickening snap. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. Ripped from Kane’s chest. Damon and Johnny immediately released his legs and moved out of the way quickly.

“Hurt a little?” Adonis asked, when Kane looked at him he saw the wicked grin on his face. He could only nod, he deserved that, he asked the dick question first.

“Thank you!” Kane replied instead. Jackson and Tyler backed off sharing a look then they both looked towards Adonis, neither one knew what to say. Elijah arched his brow as he too looked towards his Alpha. Um….! Not even Odin knew how to reply. Adonis stiffened briefly, unsure of what his next move should be.

“How bout a drink?” Adonis offered his hand to pull Kane to his feet.

“How bout a drink!” Kane nodded, accepting. The fuck? Ky was thrown by that. I don’t think thank you are two words demons hear all that often!

Dax went to open her mouth, but Kane levelled her with a look.

“I’m mad at you!” Kane huffed at her.

“I wasn’t the idiot that got in the ring with the bear. And you and I both know you’re not mad at me,” she shot back.

“How bout two drinks?” Adonis couldn’t help but laugh.

“Make it three and you gotta deal” Kane grumbled.

“I’m all for three, I ain’t the one sharing a room with her” Adonis headed towards the bar. Dax could only scowl at both Kane and Adonis. Though Kane looked sheepish, Adonis was completely unaffected and carried a crooked grin.

“What about your little mate?” Kane asked, curious to see how she would react.

“Lil Kenzi Cakes prolly three sheets to the wind right now. Lef her alone wit the yogis, an they like to drink,” Jackson replied,

“Or their three sheets to the wind” Elijah added, causing Adonis to laugh again.

“Or they’re still on the dance floor” Adonis said as he watched the bear spin Kenzi. She had the biggest smile on her face as she twirled.

“The fuck on her face?” Jackson asked as he took in the sight of the red marks.

“That son of a bitch!” Adonis moved in the direction of his mate. Listening to Jackson and Tyler laugh behind him.

“Hello sweetheart!” Adonis said when Dylan released her last twirl and she landed safely in his arms. Kenzi’s eyes were bright and sparkling as she gazed up at him. “What is on your face?” He took in the double crimson swipes across her cheek bones, the three ticks on her forehead and the one on her chin.

“I’m a bear,” she replied. Excitement bubbling from her, she was having the best time ever. Adonis was trying to be mad but the more she giggled the more peace he felt.

“We initiated her!” Dylan replied,

“You made her a bear?” Adions asked,

“Honorary Lil Bear” Dylan replied. “Relax it lipstick, got it off some chick”

“Jackson and Tyler are waiting at the bar, why don’t you go join them I’ll be right there.” He said.

“Ok! Thanks for dancing with me” Kenzi said when she turned back to Dylan.

“Pleasures all mine Lil Bear” Dylan said, giving her a slight bow. They waited till she was out of ear shot.

“The fuck? Thata special lil girl. Bobby piss me off goin after The King, but the whole time I wit her, jus peace. That all I felt. She giggle an peace. Boris a snorin content mess.” Dylan said,

“I don’t know” Adonis replied, he didn’t know, they have come across nothing that explains her or the effect she has on them. Elijah has researched and searched every book he could get his hands on and nothing but frustration. Just like he can’t come up with anything that explains his change in smell, eye colour or growth, or why The Royal’s smell like fake demons.

“You hold onto her.” Dylan said. Cause we’d ever let go!

“I have no intentions of ever letting go,” Adonis replied.

“Whipped. The Devil a whip boy. Good for that lil girl. Time to drink” Dylan smacked him on the back and pushed him towards the bar.

“What about Bobby?” Adonis asked as they moved,

“Don’t worry bout him, I take care of it.” Dylan assured him. “Thanks for goin easy on the big dummy.”

Kenzi had cleaned the boys up again and right now she was sitting on the counter in the kitchen cleaning the blood off of Adonis’s face. He was standing between her legs, truly appreciating the dress he had picked out for her. He couldn’t help himself as he lightly trailed his fingers up her exposed thighs. Feeling her shiver under his light touches, he felt himself stir. The flush spread across her nose as he continued the movements of his hands. Kenzi was trying to keep her focus on what she was doing, but the butterflies doing loop de loops and all the thinking thoughts were a bit distracting. Adonis slid her closer to him, pushing her legs further apart, letting his fingers dance and trail around the hem of the dress she wore. A slight gasp when he dared to brush under the fabric. Leaning more into her, her hands came to a rest on the flesh of his bare chest, feeling the warmth under her dainty fingers spread through him. She felt him shiver as she dared to venture her hands slightly lower.

When she looked up at him, Adonis claimed what he’s wanted all night. His lips drank from hers, taking her taste, her feel, his need mashing with hers. His want, his desire matching hers. Kenzi snaked her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. She needed to feel his body pressed against hers, she didn’t know why, but she wanted it. He wanted her pressed right to him, every inch he could get, he wanted her touching him. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. Slipped passed him when he felt her fingers trail down his chest taking in as much of his feel as she could. His demand taking hold of him, he hardened the kiss. Adonis could feel his control slipping through his fingers and his little mate was not helping as she kissed him back with the same ferocity. She was not holding back. Moving his hands higher under her dress, her legs raising to his hips, he relished in the opportunity to press more into her. What’s that?

Removing his hands as if she burnt him, he quickly fixed her dress. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Ripped from him, chilling the heat that was building between him and his mate in the kitchen. He glared towards the kitchen door and waited for the presence to occupy the empty space. What the fuck is he doing here? Odin growled deeply in his head. Kenzi tensed, but he gathered her protectively in his arms, hiding her flushed body against him.

“Am I interrupting something brother?” Eric asked, a slight grin on his face. It wasn’t hard to figure out what they were doing. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Holding his mate closer to him after he felt her shudder, Adonis slid her from the counter and placed her on the ground. She snuggled in his arms, hiding from the leering looks of Eric. It was something else she didn’t understand, he made her skin crawl when he looked at her.

“What do you want?” Adonis asked, his voice grave and menacing. Odin was fighting to be heard, but Adonis wanted to remain in control. He didn’t want anything to ruin this night. Eric was ruining this night.

“The fuck Adon? We want cake” Jackson pushed his way into the kitchen.

“There’s cake?” Kenzi giggled into his chest, at the quizzical note in his voice. She made a cake? What kind of cake? I don’t know, didn’t even know there was cake! I hope it’s the one with bacon! That one was good, but I know which one I hope it is!

“Fuck yeah they is an we want it. So hurry the fuck up. The fuck you want?” Jackson asked as he turned to Eric.

“I came to talk to Adonis,” Eric hissed.

“He fuckin busy tonight, so don’t start shit. I won’t hesitate to end you” Jackson huffed, then pushed Eric out of the kitchen.

“What kind of cake did you make, my tiny dancer?” Adonis asked, turning his attention back to the little one snuggled in his arms. They were alone in the kitchen and he was fighting the temptation to finish what they started and bring them to another dizzying high. Burying her face in his chest Kenzi giggled once more and shook her head. She would not tell him.

“Did you make my favourite?” He asked another question. Oh he hoped she did, but again she shook her head. She would not ruin the surprise.

“You’re not going to tell me?” Kenzi shook her head one more time.

“Then we better get out there, before I get the urge to skip cake and make you my dessert instead.” Sliding his hands down her body, till they landed where he wanted.

“You already tried.” She squeaked out when he squeezed her bottom, her face flushing a deep scarlet. His deep chuckle rumbled through his chest. She called him on that one. If he didn’t hear someone coming she would have been his dessert.

“We might have been interrupted tiny dancer, but the night is still young and I might find myself in need of something sweet later.” Before she could say anything he captured her mouth one more time and fought with himself to keep it as just a kiss.

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