The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 75: Party For the Devil Part One!

Devil’s Joy and an Angel’s Fall!

“What kind of cake are you going to make?” Dax asked as she sat at the breakfast bar watching Kenzi move freely around the kitchen.

“It’s called Devil’s Joy. It’s Adonis’s fav-orite. ” Kenzi exclaimed, her smile getting bigger on her face, as she carried on gathering her ingredients. She had to make several big cakes, Kennedy told her there were going to be a lot of people tonight.

“What’s a Devil’s Joy?” Dax was going to comment on how she wasn’t surprised that Adonis liked that cake considering the name, but thought better of it. Yeah, that would be bitchy! Hush you! It would be! You’re not helping! He’s a monster, because he was made into one. No one gave him a chance, he was rejected, treated like evil incarnate and now everyone is stuck dealing with The Devil they created. No one gets to be shocked, surprised or offended! You think he would be different if he was treated differently? Would you have acted differently if you weren’t treated the way you were? Touche, Nyx! We’re the product of our raising just like he is! I guess you’re right! You still doubt it, but further proof is how he acts around the pixie!

Dax looked at Kenzi happily moving around the kitchen. Does she think he’s a monster? Does she know he’s a monster? She has to know the things he’s capable of doing. Then again maybe she’s never seen that side of him and she doesn’t know. We’ve seen the things boulder head’s capable of and we don’t think he’s a monster! Kane also isn’t referred to as The Devil! Touché! Kane also had a reason for doing those things! And mega monster didn’t? You think he just woke up and decided yup gonna be a monster? You heard what Carter said, you were sitting in the kitchen when Damon and Johnny told what they found out! He hung us by our throat! Boulder head wouldn’t give back the pixie! Would he not have done the same if roles were reversed? He pinned a man to the wall and threatened him! Because one savagely attacked the pixie for what reason? Because he couldn’t find a dress to fit and didn’t want to do his job? You’re being stubborn! You’re being a judgemental little girl! That was harsh! Truth is harsh! We don’t know his story; we weren’t there when his past was written. We only know what we’ve been told and what we’ve witnessed. You can’t judge someone when you don’t know their whole story, that’s not fair. Would you like it if someone did that to you? Would you like it if someone judged you based solely on how you’re acting at this moment? Dax fell quiet, no she wouldn’t like that at all. What if the pixie was like that? Would you still like her? Again Dax had nothing to say. Would she like the pixie if she was like that? From what she’s learned about her she has more than enough reason to be. He has every reason to be as well. We all choose to handle our roads differently! He’s still terrifying! Oh fuck yeah, I’m all for hiding when he comes into the room! That was the one thing they agreed upon, hiding was a good thing when Mega Monster was around.

“It’s a mirrored dark Mayan cayenne chocolate ganache, poured over a devil’s food cake, with a boozy bourbon salted caramel buttercream frosting and champagne sugar pearls.” Kenzi’s voice drew Dax out of her conversation with Nyx. She could feel her excitement growing as she described the cake she was going to make for Adonis.

“And you’re just gonna make that? Just whip that up?” Dax asked, wide eyed. That sounds fucking delicious, are you sure we can’t keep her? It’s becoming more and more tempting to pack her in our suitcase! She’s small enough she’d fit! How hard would it be to open a bakery in Howler’s Bay!

“Uh huh!” Kenzi nodded her head as she started on the batter for the cakes she needed to make.

“How did you meet Adonis?” Dax asked as she watched Kenzi mix the batter.

“He walked into the bakery for a cake tasting. He was pose to has a bus-is-ness meeting and it didint go well. She wasn’t very nice, and he getted mad and made her go away, but he stay-ed and talk-ed to me.” Kenzi replied.

“Was she not nice to you?” Dax asked. Kenzi went quiet as the memory of the mean girl in the bakery flooded her mind. The things she said to her, the way she made her feel.

“It’s ok, it’s not important,” she replied, biting back the sadness she felt, doing her best to stomp it down. This was supposed to be a happy day and she wouldn’t ruin it for Adonis. Her emotions got the best of her yesterday and earlier, but she won’t repeat that again. She will not wreck this night.

“A business meeting during a cake tasting?” Dax asked, concern clear on her face, the rush of sadness she felt for the briefest moment all but consumed her. How could anyone be mean to this girl?

“I think he was setted up on a date,” Kenzi stated, putting a smile back on her face. Well that answers that question! Nyx stated. That cleared it all up for Dax. The other girl was being territorial over a mate that didn’t belong to her.

“Was she a werewolf?” Dax asked,

“Um….I think so” Kenzi said, nodding. She had to have been one, she was at the BBQ.

“Then yeah, he was set up on a date. I’m going to assume it was an Alpha’s daughter, some of them do that. If the Alpha they are meeting is powerful, prominent and unmated. They will try and make arrangements for pack mergers and potential chosens and it’s all very underhanded.” Kenzi furrowed her brow, she didn’t know what any of that meant and looked to Dax for clarification.

“Sneaky! It’s all very sneaky.” Dax said, when she saw the look on her face.

“Oh, he didint like the uther girl, she made him really angry” Kenzi shook her head, scrunching her nose up. I bet she did! Dax thought.

“Um….Kenzi….did you go to school?” Dax asked after a minute of watching her.

“No, I wasn’t a-a-all….they wouldint let me,” Kenzi shook her head, as she added more ingredients to her batter and mixed.

“They didn’t let you?” Dax didn’t know what to make of that, but a lot of things made sense now. We kinda figured she suffered in the education department! Didn’t think it was because they wouldn’t let her though!

“Nope, they said I would be too dis….dis….” Kenzi struggled with the word she wanted to say.

“Distracting?” Dax hazarded a guess, but when Kenzi nodded her heart broke for her. She was robbed of an education.

“They said I was not as important as the uthers. And the school said no. It’s ok, it’s not important.” Kenzi continued. That was the second time Dax heard her say something was ok and not important. How many times has she used that phrase? How many times has she been told she’s not important? None of what she heard was ok.

“You were important, as the others. Kenzi you had the right to an education and they denied you. That’s not ok” That was outrageous the more Dax thought about it the more upset she became. “Did you receive any sort of education? Did anyone teach you reading or writing or anything like that?”

“Um….after the orphanage clos-ed, Barbara teached me a little bit, and Maggie and Patrick,” Kenzi replied.

“You lived in an orphanage?” Dax asked,

“Yup! Nobody wanted me no more and I has to live there.” Kenzi said, as she poured bowl after bowl of batter into eight large cake pans. Dax’s eyes widened at her matter of fact response as to why she had to live at an orphanage.

“They did….wha….wh….ho….” So many questions firing in her head Dax couldn’t focus on one. Breathe! Nyx! I know, but breathe girl breathe!

“They said something was wrong with me and nobody wanted me. I did all the cooking and the cleaning. I like to cook, then it closed down, and I don’t member why but I went to live with my….but she….so I lived with Maggie and Patrick after they finded me at some cabins in the woods, then I moved above the bakery, then I getted a house” Dax watched her movements in the kitchen, as she paused a few times with what she was saying. Dax could see her trying to stomp down whatever she was feeling, but it swirled around her then it was gone when she spoke of Maggie.

“Who’s Maggie?” Dax asked. What the hell? I don’t know! That is one special little girl! How special is she? Special enough she can calm The Devil! We have to talk to Kane!

“Maggie’s my best friend, she works with me at the bakery. I lived with them for a year and Patrick teached me evry-thing he knowed aboud cooking.” Kenzi told her as she started placing the cake pans in the ovens. When that was finished she started on the buttercream frosting. As she worked Dax couldn’t help but look at the scars around her wrists. What has this little pixie gone through? From the looks of her a lot! Scars on her back, scars on her wrists, down her leg! We have scars too! Not like her! Ours are more mental! I think she has those as well! We were beaten and rejected by one person! She was rejected by everyone and I think more than one did that damage to her! Big shock she’s the mate to The Devil then! What? Both know rejection, so the Goddess paired them together. Pretty much guaranteed each other’s acceptance!

“Dax!” Kenzi called her name, she had a confused look on her face.

“Yes!” Dax just blinked. Did she say something? I don’t know!

“Are you ok?” Kenzi asked, concern washing over her.

“Yes, I’m fine!” Dax said, nodding. Nope, not fine! Nope, not at all!

They continued talking, Kenzi found out more about Dax. Dax tried to find out more about her past, but it was clear that Kenzi didn’t want to talk about it. She would hesitate and fight the emotions that would swirl around her and just shake her head. Dax sampled the buttercream….a few times and her stomach growled at the smell of the chocolate cake baking in the oven. Kenzi’s response was to giggle and tell her Jackson’s and Tyler’s do that all the time when they’re in the kitchen with her.

“They help you a lot?” Dax asked.

“All the tine. Tyler works at the bakery with me. We made a deal so he doesint eat the bakery. I make him breakfast in the morning and give him samples.” Kenzi said giggling as Dax’s stomach growled more.

“I don’t blame him, I’d make that deal as well” Dax said as she sampled the frosting again.

“I think you’ve had enough frosting don’t you?” Kane’s deep voice broke into their conversation as he watched his mate sample more.

“Are you kidding me? I’d eat bowls of it. This stuff is addicting, its light and airy, and sweet but not overly sweet. And I watched her use half a bottle of bourbon. And if you don’t fight in the kitchen you get all the samples you want” Dax said as she looked around him for the mega monster.

“Alpha Adonis is not allowed in the kitchen. He was sent on a task and he’s not happy about it at all. He threatened to bury not only Alpha Kennedy, but Alpha Steve.” Kane informed her as he entered the kitchen. Kane was trying not to laugh, but he caught the partial grumbling from Adonis as he stormed out of the house. Something about a dress and not throwing a tantrum.

“Where’s Johnny and them?” Dax asked. She could only imagine how unhappy The Devil is. He’s been kept from his mate for the better part of the day. And any time he does get with her is limited and often interrupted. Kane would be having a fit right now.

“With Jackson and Tyler, except Kenneth, he’s with Elijah in the library, and Alpha Kennedy needed to borrow Marco and Carter” Kane replied, his mouth watering at the smell of the cake in the oven.

“If you think the cake smells good, you should try the frosting” Dax giggled sampling some more.

“If you keep eating the frosting there won’t be any to put on the cakes” Kenzi said giggling as she moved the bowl away from her.

“Might want to move that farther” Kane suggested and Kenzi giggled again and moved the frosting to the other counter.

“Traitor!” Dax huffed.

Kane watched the little pixie curiously, he couldn’t help but feel at peace everytime she giggled and he didn’t understand it. Ky was a purring content drooling mess in his head. How special is this girl? Kane thought. Timers rang out around them and they watched Kenzi move with ease as she pulled cake after cake. Eight sheets of cake were pulled from the ovens and were now cooling on the counter. Kenzi stared at them for a moment lost in thought. She looked at her frosting at least what was left of it after Dax “helped” her in the kitchen. She had enough to do two cakes for sure, but now she was rethinking the last two cakes. What cake would pair good with Devil’s Joy? Kenzi thought. It had to be something that went with a devil’s food cake. Moving back into the kitchen to finish the prep for the other cake, she continued to think about it. Lots of ideas came to her, but none seemed right, until one popped into her head.

Her smile lit up her face, she knew exactly the cake she was going to make. Kane and Dax watched her flurry of activity around the kitchen. Neither one wanted to get in her way or distract her from what she was doing.

“What is she doing?” Kane asked,

“Changing the cake I think” Dax replied as they watched on.

“From what?” Kane asked, he caught hints of vanilla and caramel. His eyes widened when he saw her dump the rest of the bourbon in a pot. Was the little pixie planning on getting everyone smashed at the party?

“She was supposed to make four Devil’s Joy cakes.” Dax explained.

“What is a Devil’s Joy?” Kane asked,

“I can’t even begin to describe it but it sounds delicious and it’s Alpha Adonis’s favourite” Dax replied, shaking her head when she saw the look cross his face. More aromas filled the kitchen and both of them were trying not to drool as they continued to watch her move about. Then a spoon was put in his hand.

“You’re supposed to sample it” Dax said, eagerly waiting for hers.

“Holy fuck, that’s good. What is it?” Kane asked when he ate his sample. Dax could only moan in agreement.

“The fuck you makin this time Lil Kenzi Cakes that Tyler droolin from the other side of the territory?” Jackson drawled as he walked into the kitchen with the others.

“An Angel’s Fall!” Kenzi replied, trying to suppress her delighted squeal when she saw the looks of ecstasy on Kane and Dax’s face. She gave everyone a sample of the frosting. Then moved one of the bowls away from Dax to stop her from sampling anymore.

“The fuck a Angel’s Fall?” Tyler asked as he took over, whisking the other bowl of frosting she was working on so she could check the cakes.

“It’s a mirrored white chocolate vanilla bourbon ganache poured over a devil’s food with chocolate, caramel, buttercream frosting and dark chocolate mini mocha cookie bites.” As Kenzi described the cake, eyes widened and whimpers were heard.

“Angel’s definitely fall for that cake,” Tyler said.

“It was pose to be four Devil’s Joy, but Dax eated halves the frosting,” Kenzi said as she and Jackson were working on removing the cakes from the pans so they could finish cooling.

“You ate enough frosting to frost two cakes?” Kane looked at his mate.

“Wouldn’t be the first time, and at least it wasn’t my supper this time.” Dax looked around her. “What? How can you blame me? It’s light and fluffy and you don’t really realize how much you eat.” Tyler cracked up laughing.

“Jackass ate a whole bowl once, he not allowed to the frost cakes no more” Tyler told her. While the others laughed at that, Dax was silently cursing the intrusion and hoping they would go away.

“Yeah, not sorry!” He called over his shoulder as he helped her carefully knock a cake from a pan. They still had a bit of cooling that needed to be done and she needed to start on the ganache. They all watched as Jackson and Tyler effortlessly helped her in the kitchen, both seeming to know what she wanted when she wanted it. They moved in harmony and with fluidity much like a dance.

“It’s like a weird dance” Damon commented, as he watched them move about.

“Pretty much what it is,” Jackson replied.

“Kitchen has a rhythm, jus fine her beat an move to the pace” Tyler added.

“You both help her a lot?” Johnny asked,

“You in the kitchen her put you to work. An after eatin half the thins that girl can cook, fuck yeah we in the kitchen” Jackson and Tyler bumped fists and went back to work. None of them could argue that, after eating the supper she helped make with Alpha Cameron, they completely understood and would be in the kitchen with her.

With the cakes cool enough they watched as she skillfully sliced the top off making them all flat. Placing the cut off in a bowl Jackson slid it across the counter to Tyler who started crumbling it and added crushed chocolate chip cookies, a bit of frosting and some melted butter. Mixing it and rolling it into balls he placed it on parchment paper and put it in the fridge, then he moved to continue stirring the ganache making sure it was cool enough to pour over the cakes. He might have sampled a few times as well. Starting with The Devil’s Joy cakes, Kenzi added a thick layer of bourbon frosting to one, and Jackson helped her carefully place the second layer on top. Making sure it was even on all sides then added more frosting to the top and sides of the cake smoothing as they went. They repeated the same process for the second cake.

“I call the bowl” Dax declared loudly and first. Damon bit back the growl that wanted out. Johnny was trying not to laugh at the look on Jackson’s face, Kenzi could only giggle. Jackson usually got the bowl when she was done frosting cakes.

“Sorry big guy, I called it first” Dax said as she took the bowl from him. If they weren’t going to leave then this could at least be her consolation prize.

“I get the nex bowl,” Jackson replied firmly. Again Damon bit the growl.

“I call the pot” he blurted, he wasn’t going to miss his chance at getting anything. Margie doesn’t let them do this, and she most certainly doesn’t give samples, she just smacks fingers and kicks them out of the kitchen.

“I get the other one,” Johnny called immediately, he wasn’t going to miss his opportunity either.

“Son bitch! Dammit!” Tyler huffed. Kane just stared at them all, and shook his head. I wanted something! Ky whined in his head. I did too! He couldn’t argue he did. Her baking was addictive and if he wasn’t careful he could find himself Kenzinapping the little pixie. She’s small enough to fit in a suitcase! Ky agreed. Wouldn’t be that hard to open a bakery!

When that was done Kenzi went to grab the chocolate ganache. They watched as she began to carefully pour it over the top of the cake. Mesmerized as it flowed over the edges and down the sides till the cake was completely covered. Then moved on to the next one and repeated the process. Both cakes sat there glistening in the lights of the kitchen and they couldn’t keep their eyes off them. Luckily she had placed some of the frosting into a piping bag before Dax got her hands on the bowl and she piped delicate swirls in the corner. As she did that Jackson added the sugar pearls. Then they stood back and looked at the cakes.

“That looks sinful,” Kane commented, no longer wondering why it’s called Devil’s Joy.

“Yes it does!” Johnny agreed nodding. Happy with how the cakes turned out she gave the pot and a spatula to Damon. Johnny and Kane broke out laughing when his face lit up.

“What? Margie doesn’t let us do this,” he said.

“At least you two didn’t fight over it this time,” Kane said, shaking his head.

“No fighting in the kitchen!” Kenzi stated firmly.

“Yeah, or nobody get nuttin an I get big mad,” Jackson added.

Jackson and Tyler moved both cakes onto carts so they could be stored until needed. And Kenzi moved onto the Angel’s Fall cake. A generous helping of frosting, then Jackson helped her place the second layer on each. More to cover the sides and top, smoothing as they went. A check to make sure they were looking ok then she put the bowl off to the side. Once more they watched as she carefully poured the white ganache over the cake. Mesmerized again at how it cascaded down the sides of the cake, transfixed by the way the chocolate flowed.

“Lil more in the back,” Jackson said. Then she moved onto the next cake and repeated the process with Jackson telling her it was fully covered. Putting the pot down they waited for it to settle, she always found white chocolate more temperamental, but this time it seemed to do what she wanted it to. Satisfied with the look she gave the pot to Johnny. She added more frosting to a piping bag decorating the tops of each cake, Jackson added the mocha bites sampling a few in the process. Then he and Tyler placed the cakes on another two carts. When she handed the frosting bowl to Jackson, he could only smile.

“Look like my bowl has more lil girl,” he commented to Dax.

“That’s bullshit!” She huffed. Maybe we shouldn’t have eaten so much! Maybe!

Kenzi could only giggle as she moved back into the kitchen to help Tyler with the cake balls he had made earlier. They melted more white, dark and milk chocolate, and began the process of dipping them and placing them on the parchment paper using the extra to add decorative detail. When that was done, Tyler got two of the pots. Damn it, be quicker. I want something! Ky huffed in his head, but shut up quickly when Kenzi handed the third pot to Kane. When Kennedy entered the kitchen his eyes widened.

“I was just coming to see how things were going, but they seem to be going well. You have quite the captive audience.” He said to her as he looked at them all. They were either eating out of bowls or out of pots. Kenzi nodded her head, her smile lighting up her face as she watched them all.

“Ok, well it’s almost time. People have started to show up and I do believe Brenda and Clara have something for you to wear.” Kennedy ushered her from the kitchen as some of the cooks entered reassuring her that the mess would be taken care of.

Adonis got back from the task he was sent to do. He had no idea why he was sent to get a dress. But the size they gave him to find, he assumed it was for his mate or a child. Either way he picked something he liked and thought would look good. Now he was laying on the bed in his room, after he was banished there. He tried to go to the kitchen again but he was blocked at every turn. The fuck? Odin growled in his head. I don’t know! I want our mate! We were assured we’d see her tonight! We better or I’m burying them all! I’m not arguing with you! We’ve been kept away from her all day! Not arguing! The first thing you better do is kiss her! Again not arguing, so you can stop yelling at me! I miss her! I do too! THEN HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU SO CALM? Thinking of all the places and ways to dispose of bodies! What do you have so far? The swamp, the woods, the garden, weigh them down and throw them in the lake, wood chipper! That makes me feel better! Me too! Why aren’t you thinking of mate? Makes me want her more! Adonis rolled over and looked to the spot beside him in the bed, the spot his mate should be laying. Tomorrow Odin, tomorrow she will be with us all day! Should we get ready for tonight? I suppose! Adonis pulled himself from the bed and dragged himself into the bathroom to shower. What would it be like to shower with her? Not much showering would get done! The image of the first and only time he saw all of her flashed through his eyes. He could feel himself stirring. Maybe a cold shower might be a better idea! Control Adonis! I’m tryin Odin! Might want to try harder! Shut up!

Kane stepped out of the White Stone packhouse, he needed to clear his head. After what he was told by Alpha Cameron, Alpha Adonis and what Dax just told him about the pixie he needed to think. He was going to go for a run when he spotted not only a stage constructed but a ring. What the fuck? There will be a fight ring! Ky sounded down right pleased when he saw it. Why the fuck is there a fight ring? Cause it’s a demon party! Why the fuck would they do that? Beats me, but you better hope The Devil doesn’t challenge you! He went to stand by Johnny who looked equally confused by the circle constructed off to the side.

“What the hell is that?” He asked,

“I think it’s the fight ring Alpha Kennedy told me about,” Kane replied.

“He was serious?” Johnny’s eyes widened.

“Appears so!” Kane responded.

“You better hope The Devil doesn’t challenge you” Johnny repeated what he just heard from Ky.

“Had to come see this for myself. These boys aren’t kidding” Damon said.

“Kane’s praying The Devil doesn’t challenge him” Johnny replied laughing.

“Horseshoes up his ass then, he can’t” Damon replied,

“What do you mean?” Johnny asked,

“It’s in the rules. Jackson said they can’t challenge, they get challenged. Members from their allied packs get to challenge whoever they want in the ring. That being said, it’s up to the demons if they hold back. Apparently Jackson and Tyler love the ring. They can fight as many as they want. And the other packs love to see if they can take out a demon. Alpha Adonis has never been beaten” Damon explained. “From what I understand this one is going to be interesting.”

“Why?” Kane looked at him

“These boys haven’t been home in three years so they’re going big. There’s a bear clan coming. Alpha Kennedy just got off the phone with the clan leader, telling him he could only bring mated bears.” Damon shrugged when he saw Johnny’s questioning look.

“Bears can smell virgins. They will lose control of their bear side and nothing will stop them from getting to whoever it is. I think the idea is for fun and not death.” Kane said.

“The doe-eyed pixie!” Johnny nodded. “She’s that innocent?”

“Yeah!” Kane nodded “They don’t advertise it. It’s why she doesn’t bear his mark”

“So the rumours about defiling virgins is a lie?” Damon asked,

“Appears to be a proven one” Kane replied. Now he was wondering what else was a lie. “After everything we’ve learned so far, it might be safer at this point to assume all the rumours are lies until they could be proved or The Devil himself tells us otherwise.” Kane proceeded to fill them in on not only what Alpha Cameron and him spoke about but what Alpha Adonis told him about what the council said to him.

“The council created The Devil?” Damon asked,

“Single handedly” Kane replied,

“The fuck did they think was going to happen?” Johnny asked,

“Clearly they weren’t thinking and they’re still not. They are pitting community against community and it’s going to end in bloodshed” Kane said.

“No wonder they prefer humans” Johnny said shaking his head,

“He actually doesn’t like the human species either. Unless their mates he has no use for them” Kane then told them what was said about humans being the only other species besides normals that are capable of degradation and rejection.

“Was he referring to him or the little pixie?” Damon asked,

“I think it was a small history into her past, but the remarks apply to both. Dax told me Kenzi grew up in an orphanage and was denied an education. She said her matter of fact response to the whole thing was alarming. They made her do all the cooking and cleaning.” Kane replied as they continued to watch the activity on the lawn.

“Why did she have to live there?” Johnny asked, his heart broke for the girl, she was treated like a slave.

“Because no one wanted her, they thought something was wrong with her.” Kane answered.

“There’s nothing wrong with that little girl!” Damon snapped. Neither Johnny nor Kane said anything to his outburst. It took everything in Kane not to do the same thing when Dax told him.

“The orphanage closed down, the little pixie doesn’t know why, nor does she remember the day it happened. But she was supposed to live with someone else and apparently that didn’t happen. She ended up living with her best friend who works with her at the bakery after she was discovered in some cabins of a run down camp.” Kane replied instead.

“Who was she supposed to live with and why didn’t that happen?” Johnny asked,

“Don’t know, Dax said an intense emotion flooded the room when she went to talk about it, but as fast as it was there it was gone. It was like she fought it all back, she wouldn’t allow herself to feel it.” Kane replied.

“How many times has she done that?” Damon asked

“I would put my money on her whole life” Kane said

“No wonder the Goddess paired those two together. Both know rejection well. This would guarantee acceptance” Johnny mused,

“Maybe!” Damon said, shrugging.

“You don’t think so?” Johnny looked at Damon

“What if….what if fate has its hand in this one too? One dark, one light. Let’s face it he’s a tornado in a hurricane in the middle of a fucking snowstorm, completely unpredictable. He’s a scary fucking monster. He’s the embodiment of darkness. But her, her past might be dark, but that girl radiates light. She’s fucking sunshine and rainbows and I don’t know about you, but I go anywhere near her and Titan’s a slobbering mess of contentment in my head. And it has nothing to do with her fucking cookie smell, that just makes me hungry.” Damon said. Johnny had to agree with that. “And if the demons all flock to her that should tell you something”

“The day I picked her up off the ground I was hit with a wave of peace” Johnny said.

“She giggles and it washes over you” Kane agreed.

“So just how special is this girl?” Damon asked,

“Maybe there’s something in the book about her” Johnny hazard a guess.

“Oh good, more fun with a book none of us can understand.” Damon grumbled.

“It’s the best we got,” Kane said. Now more than ever he needed to go for a run.

Adonis finally descended the stairs, the house was alive, with music, laughter and the sounds of howling. The fuck is going on? Odin was perked in his head. Apparently a party! Why weren’t we told? I don’t know! Are we crashing? I don’t know! She-wolves eyed him up and down like a piece of meat. They seductively called to him, beckoned him to come over. Adonis either outright ignored them or shook his head. He had a mate, she was the only one he wanted to be with, the only one he wanted touching him. He moved to find his brothers only to see Kennedy on the stage. Did we miss something? I think we did!

“And here he is, finally after three long years our not so little, little brother has finally returned home. Though it is just for a temporary visit, he is home nonetheless” Kennedy introduced Adonis to the large group, and the cheers and howls rose up through the night. I believe it is our party Odin! How the fuck did they pull this off? I don’t know! The cheers got louder and louder the closer he got to the stage. He recognized a lot of the people in attendance, they were different members from packs they had allied with. He was stopped multiple times on his way to the stage. His hand was shook, by higher ranks, his name was called by those welcoming him home. And she-wolves shamelessly threw themselves at him promising him a good time, only to be shrugged off and warned against touching him.

“The fuck Kennedy?” Adonis asked, when he finally made it to the stage.

“It’s a party brother!” Kennedy replied, getting him on the stage to stand next to Jackson

“You know about this?” Adonis asked,

“Lil bit!” Jackson replied, grinning.

“They a fight rin!” Tyler was ecstatic. Adonis looked at the ring and a smile crossed his face. He was partial to the ring himself.

“Now as you all know, demons like to party, and when you party with them, it is mandatory that you party like them. As you can see constructed to my right….I’ve had many and that might be left….is none other than the ring. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the fight ring is back for one night only” The crowd grew louder and louder.

“Rules apply, demons can not challenge, but it is up to them whether or not they hold back so make your challenges wisely.” Kennedy went on working the crowd into a frenzy.

“Jackson!” Someone shouted from the back.

“Oh….in the back, a challenge for Jackson. For those of you that don’t remember or challenged him last time and suffered brain damage looking at you Thompson. Jackson Monroe Black Shadow’s Beta falls into the berserker faction, are you sure you don’t want to bring back up boy? He stands at an impressive 6’10 and rock solid muscle at 287 lbs, a real beast in the ring.” Kennedy said.

“Elijah!” Another yelled.

“A challenge for the ninja. Elijah Burns Black Shadow’s Gamma, the shadow faction. Standing at 6’8 248 lbs, he is lightning fast and this challenge will be done seconds after that bell rings.” The crowd was worked up now and more challenges were coming forward.

“Tyler!” Three yelled in unison

“Oh….fantastic. Black Shadow’s Delta Tyler Monroe. The seeker faction. Stands at 6 feet tall but still 215 lbs of lean mean fighting machine.” Hollars and cheers went up, and Adonis and his men couldn’t help but laugh. Four more challenges for Jackson, three for Elijah, but it seemed Tyler was the favourite tonight with another seven challenging him. This was shaping up to be a fun night for his boys.

“What? Are my ears deceiving me? No one wants to challenge the champion, no one is brave enough….or stupid….to face the mack daddy himself. Are you not wolves? Are you not the fiercest in your packs? Did they send us chickens instead?” Kennedy called from the stage. “Sorry brother, looks like no one wants to face you in the ring. Though I am not surprised you look bigger. What are you seven feet three and a quarter now? Yup, definitely bigger”

“Darn, guess I’ll be spending the night with my mate,” Adonis said.

“That’s right you heard him, not only will the bastard keep his title after three long years, he got his mate. So put your panties back on ladies he ain’t interested.” Kennedy called and the crowd roared to life once more.

MATE….MATE….MATE….MATE” They chanted.

“I think they want to meet the little sweetheart that broke a million hearts brother. Let’s see if we can get her to the stage. Kenzi Templeton come on down” Heads turned in all directions trying to spy whoever it might be that was mated to The Devil. When a little girl with plum coloured hair and big silver eyes stepped out of the house, eyes widened and jaws dropped. Whispers spread through the crowd as they all watched her. Kenzi stood there unsure of her next move as she stared back at a sea of shocked faces.

“Out of the way animals” Kennedy laughed as he watched Jackson and Tyler leap from the stage to clear a path through the crowd. Adonis’s smile widened when he saw her. Spending the night with her in his arms sounded like a pretty damn good night to him. She looks….! Mesmerizing! Not a strong enough word! There isn’t one! There will never be one!

The dress he picked for her looked ravishing on her, visions entered his mind as he took in the sight of her standing there. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as they roamed up and down her. Bless the little black dress! Spaghetti strapped and shimmery the fabric clung to her curves until it flowed out around her hips, the hem falling mid thigh, exposing the rest of her perfectly tanned slender legs. Her hair done in a half up braid to the crown while the rest hung in loose curls to her shoulders. She wore light makeup, enough to enhance her natural features. But it was the smile she wore on her face that had him captivated and entranced. It was for him, and only him. As soon as she saw him her face lit up. Kenzi’s heart fluttered when she spotted him on the stage looking at her. The unease and nervousness she felt over having the scar on leg exposed completely vanished. Her butterflies worked into a frenzy when she saw his smile get bigger. Her skin warmed and glowed when he never took his eyes off of her, instead they roamed her body. She missed him, she had barely seen him all day and when she was told to stay in the house she didn’t think she was going to get to see him at all tonight.

Kane and the others watched the spectacle from a distance. Though they were in attendance, attention was never drawn to them. For that they were thankful. Everyone knew who they were and they were shown respect when they were bowed to, but tonight was about the demons, and the excitement over the party was thick in the air. Kennedy had the crowd worked into a frenzy. They were cheering and yelling, hollering and howling. When some heard Adonis had a mate they watched the smiles drop from the faces of many of the women in attendance. But the shock at the sight of the little pixie was what threw them all.

“Guess he wasn’t supposed to get a mate” Damon remarked as he took in all the disappointed faces.

“Guess not,” Kane agreed, as they watched the little pixie make her way to the stage with Tyler and Jackson escorting her. The smile on The Devil’s face only got bigger the closer she got to him until he couldn’t take it anymore and jumped from the stage to go get her. The crowd roared to life when Adonis pulled her into his arms and claimed her mouth in a show stopping kiss.

“Guess he couldn’t wait anymore” Johnny said trying not to laugh

“Clearly!” Kane shook his head. He would be shocked if she didn’t get marked after tonight. Adonis was kept away from her for the better part of the day.

Let’s turn this party up. Challengers to the ring” Kennedy yelled and the noise level skyrocketed.

Bells rang, growls rose, howls went up as the demons threw their opponents around the ring. More challenges were made throughout the evening and Johnny and Damon found themselves standing ring side watching what was going on. Gambling lots of gambling. They listened as dozens of bets were placed on the outcomes of various challenges.

“Maybe next time we should have a net” Kennedy exclaimed coming up behind them. They watched Jackson throw one of his opponents out of the ring and the bell rang signalling the end of the challenge.

“Glad to see their not holding back” Damon said,

“Oh no, they are. If Jackson wasn’t holding back he would have gone much further. I just hope Kenzi made enough food. Berserkers are always hungry.” Kennedy replied as they watched Tyler enter the ring again. “Are you boys curious to get a turn?”

“Think we’re good,” Johnny said, trying not to laugh at Damon’s expressions. He was watching Tyler land hit after hit on the three men that challenged him first.

“Are you sure? We’re going to open it up to general challenges after Elijah’s final fight” Kennedy said.

“Yeah, we’re sure!” Damon nodded as he watched Tyler deliver the final blow to the last man standing.

“I missed you tiny dancer” Adonis had Kenzi in his arms. He didn’t want to let her go. They were on the dance floor and he held her close to him. Seemed to be the only place they got privacy. He introduced her to a lot of people and then they would hit the dance floor so she could process everything only to head back out into the crowd and meet more people.

“I missed you too” she snuggled in closer to his embrace. Though excitement rippled from her and her body vibrated against his, she was content to stay wrapped in his arms on the dance floor. Then the music cut and Kennedy’s voice came again.

“The final fight will be underway momentarily then it will be open for general challenges, and yes that still means you can challenge the demons, they encourage it. Less likely cows will stampede the party if you all keep them entertained.” Kennedy was saying.


Ripped through the air cutting off any more from him as all eyes turned to the back of the crowd as eight large men stood there.

“Adonis Bradshaw! Where is that son bitch?” A deep voice growled out. Adonis moved Kenzi to stand behind him. She clutched the back of his shirt as a wicked smile hit his face. The crowd parted to make room for the large men.

“Come out, come out lil puppy” the man said as he searched the faces for the one he was looking for. Adonis maneuvered Kenzi and him through the crowd, keeping them hidden. He had to get her to Jackson and Tyler who were both sporting huge grins at the appearance of the new faces.

“You know they comin?” Jackson asked when they found him.

“I didn’t know anything about tonight,” Adonis replied back.

“Have fun wit that,” Jackson said as he moved Kenzi in behind him. Oh he planned on it. Vanishing back into the crowd of faces.

“Steal any picnic baskets lately?” Adonis asked. The big man rumbled with laughter as he looked for the voice.

“Drink out of any toilets?” The man asked back, still scanning the crowd, the smile growing more on his face.

“Shouldn’t you be hibernating?”

“What’s the matter, the lil devil boy too afraid to get his bitch ass off the porch? Guess that be pretty hard when you still pee like a puppy” The man goaded,

“Now, now Boo Boo don’t get pissy with me, because Yogi won’t share”

“Fuck you toilet drinker, I ain’t no bitchass lil side kick” The man snarled.

“You should know by now to never turn your back on The Devil” Adonis’s voice rang and the man spun to find no one. When he turned back around he saw the same wide eyed stares.

“Boo!” Spinning once more he came face to fist as Adonis laid the first blow splitting his lip. Stumbling back, the man wiped the blood from his face.

“Cute, real fuckin cute. Anyone ever tell you, you hit like a lil girl?” The man came back.

“Anyone ever tell you, you move like one? Put any more swing in those hips and I can see how they’d make that mistake” Adonis countered. The man erupted into laughter then engulfed Adonis into a hug.

“Well now that’s been settled, general challenges are open” Kennedy called from the stage. The crowd roared to life as did the music.

“The fuck you been?” The man asked, smacking Adonis on the back.

“Well, you know me” Adonis replied,

“Yeah, I know you. They ain’t no rest for the wicked. You been causin all kinds of shit the las three years tearin cross Canada.” The man said.

“Fangirling so soon. I thought we’d at least get a few in before this started” Adonis fired back.

“You’s still a asshole!” The man laughed again. “The fuck you get bigger? You almost as big as me!”

“Couldn’t have that now could we” Adonis said, as they moved closer to the stage so he could collect his mate.

“Hell no! The fuck we goin? The bar the other way” The man said following him.

“Of course you know where the bar is. There’s someone I’d like you to meet first,” Adonis said to him.

“This be the reason I ain’t allow to brin unmated?” The man asked, stopping him, but Adonis could only smile and continue towards Jackson.

“Geezus puppy look at you. How you doin?” The man asked as they stopped in front of Jackson. He had blood around his nose, his lip, cheek and a cut above his eye were all in the process of healing.

“Not too bad, went a few rouns in the ring. ” Jackson replied,

“Any survivors?” The man arched his brow

“Yeah! Might have rung a bell or two, but went easy on em” Jackson said grinning

“Chuckin one out the ring was easy?” The man asked, a smile breaking across his face. They had stayed in the shadows watching things progress before they decided to join the festivities.

“Coulda threw him farther,” Jackson replied.

“Where is she?” Adonis asked,

“Cleanin Tyler up” Jackson replied “I need me a drink, Tyler meet us by he bar”

“Now yur talkin my language” The man released a whistle and motioned for his men to head towards the bar.

“Fucking bears!” Adonis shook his head.

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