The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 75: Party For The Devil Part Three!

Deal With The Devil!

“Finally, the man of the night is present. Now as you all know my dear baby brother has found his beautiful tiny mate. But not many of you know who she is. The special little darling, brave enough to put up with a big ogre like Adonis is none other than the ultra talented, sinfully gorgeous, tasty baker of Sweet Talk Bakery. That’s right, the baker for the bakery that is written up in all those magazines. She single handedly put the menu together tonight, after I kidnapped her for the whole day….yes I was threatened with multiple burials….but I assure you the risk to my life and well being has definitely been worth it. She has baked up something magnificent that is truly fitting for the man that is my brother. Though a small change had to be made after a tiny frosting incident. So instead of one cake, the little genius came up with two separate cakes.” The more Kennedy went on the redder Kenzi’s face became. Her smile, big and bright on her face as she stood with Adonis in front of everyone. She fought and failed to suppress the giggles and squeals at the compliments, her nose seemingly stuck in a forever wrinkled position. The cakes were wheeled out and a smile spread across Adonis’s face when he recognized the first one. Devil’s Joy! Lucky bastard! Odin grinned. It is a cake for The Devil made with sin in mind! And who doesn’t love to sin? He couldn’t help but hold her tighter to him as he thought of all the sins he’d like to commit. Cool yourself, devil boy! Odin warned.

“What is that one?” Adonis looked at the cake coated in a white mirrored chocolate.

“Angel’s Fall” Kenzi replied. His mouth watered when she went on to describe the cake to him.

“I want both!” Was all he could reply.

Cake served and consumed fights broke out over which was better.

“I fight you for her,” Dylan said as he pushed his plate away.

“No! This little one stays with me” Adonis held her tighter to him.

“Maybe she wanna live wit the big bears” Jasper threw out scratching his chin.

“Her don’t!” Tyler fired,

“How you know, you ask her?” Reggie asked,

“Don’t need to! Kenzi stay wit the demons” Jackson interjected,

“Forse viene a vivere con i reali e vi fottete tutti! (Maybe she come live with The Royals and fuck you all!)” Marco shrugged, Tyler broke out laughing.

“Them soun like fightin words Barone” Tyler replied,

“No! Tu mordi! (No! You bite!)” He shot back, even Jackson broke out at that one.

“Brushin up on Italian,” he said when he caught the inquiring looks from a few of the others.

“Fine, hope you all get fat.” Dylan huffed,

“You need to stop cooking for everyone” Adonis kissed the top of her head.

“Lil Bear, he ever treat you bad you call me, I come get you. You come live wit the big bears,” Dylan turned to her. Kenzi’s cheeks were flushed red, and she fought to suppress her giggling but ultimately failed, all she could do was nod her head. “Aight, we gotta bounce. I got shit to do an a dummy to deal wit.” Kenzi thumped twice on her chest first.

“Hey, look at you, Lil Bear” Dylan said as he watched her say goodbye.

“What else did they teach you?” Adonis asked her, she could only giggle some more.

“Only the best stuff. What you teach her? How to growl?” Dylan fired back.

“Oh, they only growl when they’re grumpy, then I feed them and they’re not grumpy no more” Kenzi blurted, the table erupted into laughter.

“Fuckin cutest Lil Bear I ever saw. See you in B.C. brother!” With two thumps on their chests, the bears took their leave of the party.

“We need another bottle” Tyler said as he poured the remainder into his glass.

“We should do shots,” Kenzi exclaimed excitedly. Jackson and Tyler looked at each other, but before they could answer Damon did.

“I’m in, how much could the little pixie drink?” Elijah fought back the laugh that wanted out, but he heard Tyler and Jackson snickering to his right.

“Yeah alright, can’t be that bad” Johnny agreed. Kenneth too nodded and joined them at the table, Carter sat between Marco and Damon. Adonis could only share a look with Elijah who was fighting the grin on his face.

“Think I’ll pass,” Adonis said. He knew how much the little pixie could drink. Eyes turned to Kane, he was about to say sure, but caught the death look from Dax and politely declined.

“She really does wear the pants.” Adonis said, trying not to laugh.

“I get the bottles,” Jackson said walking towards the bar.

“What’s going on over here?” Kennedy said as he and Steve showed up.

“Doin shots! Jackass went to get some bottles and glasses” Tyler replied, a cheshire grin on his face. He too had bowed out, he learned that lesson already.

“Shots? I’m game for that” Steve said taking a seat, Kennedy nodded he was in as well.

“We really need to talk, Alpha Adonis” Kane said quietly so as to not disturb the conversation going on with the others.

“Not tonight and tomorrow I’m busy” Adonis replied.

“Then when?” Kane asked, trying not to let his anger get the better of him.

“When I’m not busy,” Adonis answered. ….grrrrrr…. Released low from Kane, he was getting tired of chasing The Devil. Adonis could only arch a brow at him, then he looked back at the table, and an idea started to form.

“You wanna talk?” Adonis said,

“Yes I do, it’s important” Kane replied,

“Important to you, I doubt it would be to me. But how bout a deal?” Adonis said.

“A deal?” Kane asked.

“Yes, Alpha Kane, a deal. Aside from Kenzi there are seven others at the table. For everyone she drinks under the table you owe me $1000. For everyone that remains standing after she’s had her fill, I’ll give you five minutes of my time.” Adonis said. Kane sat back, he had to think about this.

“Don’t think too long the deals off the table with the first shot that’s poured” Adonis cautioned him.

“Thirty minutes,” Kane countered. Five minutes wasn’t enough time to discuss anything.

“Thirty minutes?” Adonis questioned,

“You give me thirty minutes of your time for everyone still standing,” Kane said.


“Twenty five!”

“Twenty, that’s more than generous, but I warn you now, you better not bore me.” Kane looked at his men who were laughing with the others. Then looked at his mate, who was shaking her head at him. This was the most interest The Devil had shown in talking to him. How much could the little pixie drink? She’s tiny, take the deal! Ky said, agreeing.

“What do you say, is The King willing to make a deal with The Devil? Or should I ask the one that wears the pants?” Adonis asked, holding out his hand. Kane saw Jackson walking back with a few bottles in his arms. Then he looked at the little pixie.

“Tick tock Alpha Kane” Adonis said as Jackson got closer to them.

“Deal!” Kane shook. Another deal for The Devil! I’m not even mad at that. This should be entertaining!

“Vodka?” Damon said as he looked at the bottles.

“Marco can’t has tequila,” Jackson said as he placed the glasses on the table as well.

“Jackie’s not gonna know,” Johnny said, trying not to laugh.

“That boy tell his mate everthin” Tyler said, Marco could only nod in agreement. Kane and Adonis sat back and watched, Dax too sat back shaking her head as she crossed her arms, this was stupid. Jackson and Tyler were acting as judges, at round eight Carter was faltering, at round nine he tried for the shot missed and hit the ground.

“He out” Tyler said,

“Couldn’t teach that boy to drink?” Johnny shot at Damon.

“Why didn’t you?” Damon shot back.

“Cause you’re better at it,” Johnny replied.

“It’s just one still six more at the table,” Kane said. eleven rounds and Kennedy went down followed by Steve at round twelve. Kane just watched on. Still four, four is not bad, still gives me over an hour of his time. How much more can she possibly drink? Who are you trying to convince me or you? Shut up Ky! Everytime one went down Kane’s hand would clench lightly.

“Nervous?” Adonis asked, he was relaxed leaning back in his chair, watching his mate take her fourteenth shot and move her body to the music playing.

“No!” Kane’s reply was tight as he watched Marco slump forward after round fifteen and the pixie was still going strong.

“Four down, three left. Are you sure about that?” Adonis asked after they watched Jackson call Marco. Kenneth was wavering, Damon was trying to clear his head and Johnny was trying to stay up right. The only one still fully standing at the table was his little mate. seventeen rounds and Kenneth was out. Johnny’s head was resting on the table after the eighteenth, Jackson and Tyler both watching him closely. Damon was sitting there, still trying to shake the fogginess from his head. The shots placed in front of them Kenzi downed hers immediately then went back to dancing. Damon stared at his and Johnny didn’t even move.

“He out” Tyler called as he pushed Johnny from the chair.

“Think this one might be gone too” Jackson said as he watched Damon. Damon shook his head one more time then grabbed the shot. Giving a slight whimper he took it, struggling to swallow it down.

“Last man standing….well sort of” Adonis said, he was trying not to laugh, but the look on Kane’s face was priceless.

“How?” Was all he could say. How the hell was this little pixie not on the floor right now? She drank her weight and was still going and she’s human! Another round placed down, and again Kenzi shot hers back, she stumbled a bit but managed to hold her ground. Damon took his, his hand shook slightly, closing his eyes he downed the shot and shook his head once more.

Three more rounds were gone and they were working on their twenty fourth. Adonis was sitting up more watching his little mate closely. She was wavering more and more. This would be the last one for her. He could sacrifice twenty minutes of his time. Shots placed down, Kenzi picked hers up and downed it. THUD!

“Ezer-ezer-ezerboodies gozz?” She said, when she only saw Jackson and Tyler after she had downed her shot.

“Under the table” Jackson replied, fighting back his laughter.

“Why?” She asked,

“They couldn’t keep up wit you” Tyler answered before he burst out laughing. Kenzi blinked at him, then proceeded to look under the table.

“Sno morez?” Both Jackson and Tyler shook their heads.

“Buzzterz!” Kenzi huffed. When she went to put the glass down she inadvertently threw it.

“Whoopsh!” Kenzi could only look at the glass rolling around the table top.

“Beat on by a bear, your men were out drunk by a little pixie and you lost seven grand, still enjoying my party?” Adonis asked.

“How?” Kane looked at his men on the ground then looked back at the little pixie. How the fuck is she still standing? She drank her weight in vodka! Beats me, but that’s impressive! She’s human!

“I’ll collect my debt tomorrow” Adonis replied standing. Jackson and Tyler broke out laughing again. Kane could only stare at the back of Adonis.

Kenzi stumbled again, and this time Adonis caught her.

“I-I-Iz Iz okz!” Though she held tight to his arm for support.

“I don’t think you are. I think it’s time for bed, my tiny dancer” Adonis said, trying not to laugh.

“Once morez?” Kenzi asked, looking up at him

“No more!” Adonis shook his head,

“Once morez?”

“No!” He said more firmly.

“Morez danzig?” She asked, hopeful.

“Not tonight!” He said,

“Buzzterz!” She huffed, stumbling into his chest. He held her tight to him as they made their way towards the house.

“I’m busy Eric” Adonis snarled when he saw him standing near the doorway for the house.

“I see that” He snapped back, sneering at the wobbling drunk one in his arms. Kenzi shrank back even more in his arms, a chill ran through her as her skin prickled at the presence of Eric. Her body shuddered against his and a small whimper escaped her.

“….grrrRrrrr…. What do you want?” Adonis snarled louder. He didn’t like his mate’s response at all. She’s never done that before! Odin was displeased by this as well. Something about Eric had set her off and in her drunken state she was more inclined to respond to it.

“There will be an Alpha meeting tomorrow at Primrose.” Eric told him.

“The hell do I care about some meeting?” Adonis said

“Your presence has been requested,” Eric told him.

“And who would be foolish enough to do that?” Adonis asked, his top lip curling back. Daring his brother to tell him the lie he was thinking.

“Some of the other Alpha’s heard you were in town, they are eager to talk to you” Eric said.

“Too fucking bad, I’m busy” Adonis replied,

“Can you stop being….”

“Careful Eric, I will not hesitate to send you back in pieces” Adonis warned.

“They want to talk to you, about what I don’t know, but you are an Alpha and they would like you present.” Eric informed him. Adonis narrowed his eyes on him, and he watched his brother shift uncomfortably under his gaze. They don’t want me there! Why is he lying? He wants me there! Why? I don’t know! Moron!

“The King will be present in these meetings, to hear any grievances we may have,” Eric added. Is that supposed to sway us? Eric’s an idiot! Our mate needs us, make him go away!

“Why do I care?” Adonis asked

“You seem to be on good terms with him” Eric stated,

“Because I haven’t snapped his neck yet you think I am on good terms with him?” Eric’s wide eyes snapped to him and he stood there, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

“Your King is the shitter council and the shitter council has no say in the demon community. Meaning your King has no say. So Alpha Kane being at your pathetic meeting to listen to a bunch of snivelling bitches is of no use to me. That being said, it’ll be entertaining to watch him get pissed off and destroy someone, if not everyone. I have yet to see that happen.” Adonis added as he moved further into the house.

“So you’ll attend?” Eric asked,

“I’ll give it half a thought” He called over his shoulder.

Navigating his uncoordinated mate through the packhouse at White Stone was a trial in itself. It ended with him scooping her up bridal style and carrying her the rest of the way to their room.

“You’ve had a little too much,” Adonis informed her.

“I-I-I dish snot” Kenzi protested

“Oh, I think you did. You might be slightly inebriated, my tiny dancer” Adonis countered.

“No, no, no, I-I-I….only sightly” She said, “I haz zo mush fuz dough, zo mush”

“I’m glad you had fun. Tomorrow will be fun to” Adonis told her as he opened the door to their room.

“Wash tozmorzow?” She asked, looking at him wide eyed.

“You can’t keep wearing my shirts during the day, we are running out. So tomorrow we are going shopping, and you need a new phone” Adonis said.

“Shoppy no fuz. I dozent swant to gozz” Kenzi pouted,

“You promised” Adonis placed her on the bed, and started working on getting her out of the dress. Uncoordinated and uncooperative!

“Tupi shoppy!” Kenzi huffed.

“Would you hold still, so I can get you out of this dress and into something more comfortable?” Adonis said, still struggling with her movements.

“Snakey’s comfy!” Um….what? He had know idea what to say to that. As much as he would love to have her naked next to him, he wanted her sober for that.

“Maybe tomorrow, we could try that,” Adonis finally replied, after he got the dress off. She scooted away from him and further up the bed wearing nothing but black cheeky panties and a matching black bra. Is she seriously going to make me chase her drunk naked ass around the bed?

“But Iz reddiez now” she looked up at him. What did she just say?

“You’re also inebriated and I’m not sure you know what you’re saying.” He was trying not to read too much into what she was saying. She was drunk and unfiltered, but it didn’t stop the want in him from rising. It didn’t stop his body from reacting to her words.

“Dooz zo. Iz reddiez now.” She huffed getting to her knees and facing him.

“Listen to me, tiny dancer. This is not going to happen tonight. I want you, but I want you sober.” He cupped her cheeks so she would look at him.

“But….but….but Iz reddiez. Iz swant youz be my firz.” His core stirring more and more with the words from her drunken confession.

“And that’s what I want too. I want to be your first, your last and your only. But I don’t want your first to be like this.” His mate was saying she was ready, she was blitzed out of her mind and had it not been for her liquid courage she might not have said anything. He was overjoyed at the thought of being able to finally mark his mate, but this was not the time to do it. She wouldn’t remember anything in the morning.

“Okz!” She settled down on the bed.

“Ok, stay put let me get something for you to wear” Adonis moved away from the bed quickly to grab a shirt for her, when he returned she was curled in a little ball fast asleep. Snakey works too! Odin was howling in his head.

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