The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 76: Breakfast!

“How is the little pixie functioning?” Damon was grumbling with his head down. Hell froze over for them this morning.

“No fucking clue, but she is dancing around the kitchen like it was nothing” Johnny added next to him.

“You boys look like shit!” Jackson said as he joined them at their table in the dining room.

“We feel like shit! How come the little pixie doesn’t?” Damon asked, not raising his head.

“Soun advice….don’t do shots wit Kenzi her win ever time. Tyler an I learn that one the hard way too.” Jackson was grinning as he listened to them whimper and grumble.

“How?” Was all Kenneth could say, his mouth was dry and felt like cotton.

“She’s a special girl, and a few pack members have learned that one the hard way,” Elijah replied, placing something on the table in front of them.

“The fuck is that?” Johnny asked, staring at the weird foul smelling drink. His stomach rolled as queasiness etched into him.

“Hair of the dog! Smell like shit an taste like death but it fuckin work. Down the hatch boys.” Jackson said pushing the drinks towards them

“What about Marco?” Damon said as he got a wiff of the concoction turning his nose up immediately.

“He got his in the kitchen and so did Carter” Elijah answered. “It’s best not to smell it.”

Kenneth was watching Elijah. He knew the demons were testing them, pushing them to see how far they would go, but he saw no malicious intent over this even though they both held wicked looks in their eyes. This seemed to be genuine, they actually wanted to help them. With a shaky hand Kenneth lifted the drink. Damon and Johnny watching on.

“He hits the ground I ain’t touching it” Damon commented, Johnny just nodded.

“Take it in one sitting. You won’t want to go back for seconds” Elijah cautioned. Kenneth nodded and with a deep breath he put the glass to his lips. From the first sip he couldn’t fight the shudder that ripped through him but he drank every drop.

“You owe me $50” Elijah held his hand out to Jackson.

“Fuck!” Jackson huffed pulling his wallet and slipping the money into Elijah’s hand.

“What did you two bet?” Damon asked.

“Jackson figured either you or Johnny would down the drink first.” Elijah replied.

“Yeah that smells gross” Damon said as he smelled it again.

Johnny was watching Kenneth’s reaction to whatever it was he just drank.

“You should start to feel more clear headed soon” Elijah said. He had to give Kenneth credit, though he was apprehensive, he didn’t question the drink that was placed in front of him, or his intentions when he gave it to him.

“Pretty sure that is what death tastes like, but it definitely clears the head,” Kenneth said as another shudder passed through him. Johnny looked at the glass in front of him then picked it up.

“Are you serious right now?” Damon asked,

“Kenneth’s not on the floor dead and I feel like shit. Man up Gramma and put your big boy pants on.” Johnny shot back, he sniffed the drink again and recoiled at it but drank it down.

“Oh Goddess what the hell is in that?” Johnny asked when he put the empty glass down. His head shaking back and forth.

“You don’t want to know,” Elijah replied. Jackson was trying not to laugh at the look on Damon’s face. He picked his glass up swallowing hard and fighting the whimper that wanted out he took the plunge and drank. Grimacing the whole time. Fighting to get it down he really didn’t want to go back for seconds.

“What the hell is going on?” Kane asked as he watched Damon’s face at whatever it was he was drinking.

“Hangover cure,” Kenneth replied.

“Smells like death,” Kane said as he caught a wiff.

“Tastes like it too,” Johnny replied.

“Boys feeling a little rough this morning?” Kane asked.

“Did you give the pixie this as well?” Damon asked as he put the glass down, not even bothering to fight the shudder or the whimper that escaped him.

“I just came from the kitchen, she’s dancing around making breakfast with Tyler, Marco and Carter” Kane said. “So whatever that is seems to work.”

“Actually I didn’t have to give any to Kenzi,” Elijah said. They all turned to look at him. Jackson’s laughter getting louder at their looks.

“Why not?” Johnny asked exasperated. “Why didn’t she have to have the foul smelling drink of death?”

“She was perfectly fine this morning and didn’t need it.” Elijah responded.

“Fine? She’s fine? How the fuck is she fine? We all feel like hell. She drank more than any of us.” Damon asked, he was flabbergasted, how could she be fine?

“Her a special lil girl.” Was all Jackson could say, nodding to Adonis when he walked into the room. Kane watched him as well. He wondered how today would go for him, the promise he made to be nice was only for yesterday.

“Down puppy, don’t get excited. I’m here to collect your debt” Adonis spoke when he stopped in front of Kane with his hand out.

“Debt? What debt?” Johnny asked as he watched Kane hand over a huge wad of cash.

“We made a deal” Adonis replied, “For every one of you Kenzi drank under the table he owed me a grand. Seven of you at the table and seven of you hit the floor while my tiny dancer stayed standing,” he added as he counted the money.

“What would you have got if you won?” Damon asked, watching Adonis place the cash in his pocket. Elijah arched his eyebrow, what would his Alpha offer for Kane to agree to that much money.

“His time,” Kane replied. Johnny’s shoulders sagged a little. He couldn’t help the disappointment he felt at hearing that. Kane had been trying to talk to Adonis since they got here, and he couldn’t help but feel they blew his best shot.

“Did you guys know about the deal?” Damon asked, Jackson shook his head and so did Elijah.

“We jus know not to do shots wit Kenzi an expect to win,” Jackson replied.

“Breakfast should be ready soon” Adonis said as he turned away from them to go to their own table.

“Bless up for that. I fuckin starvin, an that lil girl killin me!” Jackson said getting up from his seat and following his Alpha with Elijah right behind them.

“Sorry!” Was all Johnny could say, when they were left alone.

“Don’t worry about it. Even if you knew about the deal, I doubt you all would have stayed standing.” Kane said, taking a seat.

“We might have tried harder,” Damon replied.

“You were at the table with her the longest. After you hit the ground and she downed her twenty fourth shot she asked for one more, and was pretty insistent.” Kane told him. “Alpha Adonis told her no”

“Yeah, I pushed myself through the last few and I think I wore the last one” Damon confessed.

“That might have been your best shot at getting him to listen to you,” Johnny said.

“I don’t think so. He cheated, he knew how much she could drink, which was why he was confident in making the deal.” Kane said.

“Of course he cheated. They’re demons they cheat. You heard Alpha Cameron, they cheat at everything” Damon huffed, now he didn’t feel so bad.

“So he set you up?” Johnny asked, glancing in the direction of the demons.

“I don’t think that is why he made the deal,” Kenneth said quietly. He could see the grins on Adonis and Jackson’s faces over Damon’s not so quiet outburst.

“Then why would he make the deal?” Johnny asked,

“They are testing us, studying us. Everything they do is a test. It’s why I never questioned the drink Elijah put down. I noticed last night when we were in the ring how they watched us. Gauge our reactions to things, they are deciding if they can trust us or not, and if we trust them” Kenneth went on to explain.

“How you figure that out?” Damon asked quieter this time.

“When I was in the library with Elijah. He would ask me questions and watch how I would react and answer them. I could have lied, but they know about us, they have done their research, how they found the information I do not know, but they have it. I offered to help him, and he started handing me books in languages he knows I don’t speak just to see what I would do” Kenneth replied.

Kane thought about that as well. Adonis never took his eyes off his mate when they were doing shots. Though he was relaxed he was watching her every move and was quick to tell her she was done even though she wasn’t ready to be done. Adonis also held his Delta off when Kennedy took Dax and the little pixie to the kitchen after dinner last night. The Devil watched what he was going to do. He tested him all night. Studied his reactions to things he said or did. Including when they were alone in the kitchen. Though Adonis never directly looked at him for long periods of time, Kane was pretty sure he was aware of his movements. He also asked about bitch face? Ky reminded him. This too supported them doing their research.

“Wait, Johnny didn’t get into the ring last night” Damon said,

“Him not getting into the ring told them something as well” Kenneth replied.

“Like what?” Johnny asked,

“I don’t know” Kenneth could only shake his head.

“So going forward, it’s best to just answer truthfully?” Johnny asked,

“Yes, it is safe to assume a few things, everything is a test, they will know when you’re lying, and they are studying you” Kenneth replied.

“That’s a little unnerving!” Damon said, as he shook his head.

“So he made the deal to test me” Kane commented,

“Si, I believe so. You want to talk to him and he knows it. If you had not taken the deal then he would deem whatever it was you wanted to talk to him about as unimportant and you would never get the chance.” Kenneth said, agreeing.

“And because I accepted his terms, it puts me in a more favourable light. He knows it’s important or I wouldn’t have accepted” Kane said, nodding. Sneaking Devil.

“He will continue to test you, until you prove he can trust you” Kenneth said. Kane had to admit that was a good way to prove if someone was trustworthy. Actions spoke louder than words.

“So how are you going to get him to talk to you?” Johnny asked,

“They like to make deals, but I notice they always initiate it. Maybe it’s time to come up with one that will work out in our favour.” Kane replied.

“He’s got that weird head thing, so won’t he be able to tell if you’re up to something?” Damon asked.

“It’s a chance we have to take.” Kane replied.

Just then Marco and Carter joined them at the table, both looking fine.

“How are you two?” Kane asked,

“Elia ci ha dato qualcosa da bere, ha detto che ci avrebbe aiutato (Elijah gave us something to drink, said it would help)” Marco replied. He bit back the snarl when he heard Damon grumble under his breath about him using English. He spoke all morning in Italian and not once was he told to speak English. Even the little pixie accepted that it was difficult for him. She asked him a million questions and Tyler translated his answers.

“It tasted like hell, but it worked. Then Ms. Templeton put us to work in the kitchen” Carter added.

“She had you working in the kitchen?” Damon asked,

“Yeah, Marco was on pancakes until Luna ate all the chocolate chips and I was in charge of donuts” Carter said. Dax shot him a traitorous look when she came out for that part.

“I’m not surprised,” Kane mumbled.

“Non sapevo che le ciambelle fossero la colazione (I didn’t know donuts were breakfast)” Marco said, shrugging. Damon bit back his own snarl at Marco’s use of Italian. Those two were glaring at each other until they heard a small commotion at the entrance for the dining room.

“Tyler, no Tyler put me down. I’m not done. Tyler….but….but….Tyler” Tyler walked into the dining room shortly after with Kenzi thrown over his shoulder squirming to be let go. The room erupted into laughter when they saw him dump her in Adonis’s lap and he held her tight, stopping her from getting up again.

“It’s the only way they can get her out of the kitchen otherwise she won’t leave and they won’t get breakfast. They won’t eat without her” Dax said when she saw the questioning looks on their faces. “Mega monster trusts his pack to handle her, but the only one allowed to spank her is him. Kenzi says he’s not supposed to, but he does it anyway. She’s not even mad at him when he does it, and apparently he’s not gentle. She asked me if you ever did that to me and if that was an Alpha thing. I couldn’t exactly answer her. Then mini monster and Marco broke out laughing.” Dax said,

“Sei diventato rosso pomodoro, è stato difficile non farlo. (You went tomato red, it was hard not to)” Marco replied.

“English Marco!” Damon growled,

“Damon italiano!” Marco growled back. Both men glared at each other again.

“Enough!” Kane ordered.

“Tell the little asshole to speak English, I’m too tired to even try and figure out half the shit he said. He’s supposed to be practising anyway” Damon huffed.

“Di’ allo stronzo dalla testa grassa di imparare l’italiano, così non dovrebbe sforzarsi tanto per capirlo. (Tell the fat headed asshole to learn Italian, then he wouldn’t have to try so hard to understand it.)” Marco came back at him.

“The fuck did you just say to me?” Damon growled, getting up from the table. Johnny was on his feet pushing Damon away from Marco.

“Provaci testa grassa, ti spezzo in due (Just try it fathead, I’ll break you in two)” Marco too rose to his feet, Kenneth stepping his body in between the two, pushing Marco back.

The commotion at their table had caught the interest of Adonis and his men. They were sitting there watching what was happening waiting to see how it would play out.

“Maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to hang out with mini monster anymore, he ain’t doing you any favours” Damon fired back.

Damon!” Kane growled.

“The fuck Damon?” Johnny asked, pushing him back.

“Forse non dovresti essere autorizzato a bere, chiaramente non puoi gestire il tuo alcol e il giorno dopo sei uno stronzo più grande di quanto lo sei già. (Maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to drink, you clearly can’t handle your alcohol and are a bigger asshole the next day then you already are.)” Marco countered.

Marco!” Kane barked.

“Adesso basta, fratello. Abbastanza” Kenneth said to Marco pushing him back farther.

“Ha iniziato! (He started!)” Marco said pointing at Damon

“I know, but you know he is right. You’re supposed to be practising” Kenneth replied quietly.

“Facile da dire per te. Pratica, pratica, pratica. Io pratico. Non mi viene ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. (Easy for you to say. Practice, practice, practice. I practice. It doesn’t come to me.)” Marco huffed, releasing a low growl.

“Keep trying, you’ll get there,” Kenneth told him.

“Vaffanculo….fratello. Non voglio più esercitarmi. Non voglio sforzarmi di più. Non capisco ed è stupido. (Fuck I don’t want to practice anymore. I don’t want to try harder. I don’t understand and it’s stupid)” Marco pushed Kenneth away from him

“I know it’s hard….”

“Non sai nulla. Non capisci. È facile per te, non sei danneggiato. (You know nothing. You don’t understand. It’s easy for you, you’re not damaged.)” Marco cut him off then pushed him out of his way as he stormed out of the dining room. None of them understood what it was like. He practised all the time, but he couldn’t get the words to come from his head out of his mouth.

“Marco….Marco….” Kenneth called him,

“Happy Damon?” Johnny asked, shoving him into his seat.

“Fuck!” Damon huffed out a growled sigh. He rested his head on his arms, he really didn’t mean to push Marco that hard.

Jackson and Adonis watched the scene unfold at The Royals table. They watched how Johnny used his body to keep Damon at bay, they both shared a look thinking the exact same thing. If the Beta was a demon he’d be a berserker.

“The fuck that all bout?” Jackson asked,

“Marco an English.” Tyler replied.

“Is he supposed to be practising?” Adonis asked,

“Yeah, an he does, but then he get frustrated. He know what he wanna say, but he cant get the word out his mouth, at least not in English anyway. It why he speak mainly Italian.” Tyler said, he by far had the best relationship with him.

“Interesting! Can he read and write English?” Elijah asked,

“Yeah!” Tyler nodded

“He just can’t speak it?” Elijah inquired.

“He can, sort of, if he really tries, no not really. It like the word get stuck in his head. It why I don’t make him speak English. Sometime words come out, but not many.” Was all Tyler said as trays of food were served to their table.

“He suffered a brain injury didn’t he?” Elijah asked as he served food onto his plate.

“Yeah, Carter told me he got crush by a tombstone when he ten. Smack into his head an it bounce off the ground an he end up in a coma, but he don’t member it. All he know he woke up in the hospital an he couldn’t speak English.” Tyler replied, filling his own plate.

“Fuck? Crush by a tombstone?” Jackson said, shaking his head.

“Yeah, one of em really long pillar lookin ones. Now he terrified of em an for the life of him don’t know why” Tyler said

“Pretty fuckin reasonable, come face to face wit death, I be terrified too” Jackson nodded.

“He spoke Italian for six years, then his former Alpha demand he speak English, so he only spoke to Kenneth an his brother when he alive. Doctors tell him he practice an it come back to him, but he been at it for seven/eight year now. He lucky he can string a simple sentence together an that a struggle. Funny as fuck though, he got a thin for callin people bitches an whores. I don’t think that what he goin for though.” Tyler informed them. Jackson started chuckling at that. Even Adonis had to admit that would be funny.

“It won’t come back to him….ever. Whichever idiot doctor told him that should be strung up by….a specific part that I won’t mention” Elijah had to stop himself from saying what he wanted to say in front of Kenzi, but Tyler’s snickering told him they got the idea anyway.

“The fuck you mean it won’t come back?” Jackson asked after he swallowed a mouthful.

“He suffered a traumatic brain injury. From the sounds of it the obelisk struck his frontal lobe, his occipital lobe was impacted when his head struck the ground. Impacts to either area on their own would heal over time. But both areas were impacted at the same time causing a ripple effect in opposing directions that crashed into the parietal lobe. Which houses Wernicke’s area. The area of the brain that helps process spoken language.” Elijah explained. Kenzi scrunched her face then looked to Adonis to clarify what Elijah just said. He had nothing, he had no idea what Elijah just said let alone how to explain what Elijah said.

“Try that in English,” Jackson said, looking just as confused.

“The front and the back of his head were struck at the same time, causing damage to the middle of his brain. He reads, writes and understands in English, but he thinks in Italian. Due to improper medical treatment, the damage he sustained to his brain will not allow him to effectively communicate in English. It is something he will always struggle with and no amount of practice will ever make it better. What it will end up doing is causing frustration and strain on any relationship he has. The more they push him to speak a language he can’t, the more he’ll push away from them” Elijah said.

“Was that so hard?” Jackson asked.

“Why don’t you try reading a book?” Elijah snapped back,

“Don’t start you two,” Adonis said, putting a stop to their bickering right there.

“We ain’t startin. I can read all the books I want on….whatever he jus say, but none of it gonna make a lick of sense to me. I ain’t mated to a doctor.” Jackson said.

“Tell them!” Adonis said. Tyler and Jackson’s brows furrowed then they looked at Elijah.

“It has nothing to do with Kristi. I took medicine as well as law.” Elijah said.

“You gonna be a doctor?” Tyler asked

“It was a thought,” Elijah replied. He never made it past the residency.

“The fuck you not then?” Jackson asked. Elijah sighed, he didn’t know the best way to tell them that he would rather torture and watch things bleed then heal them. Asmodeus was laughing and he could see Adonis’s shoulders shaking beside him. Jackson caught on first.

“Yur pension for torture an makin thins bleed put a damper on you bein a doctor din’t it?” Jackson asked then broke out laughing when he saw the smile on Elijah’s face.

“They thought it was because I couldn’t stand the sight of blood” Elijah said

“In reality you wanna make ’em bleed more” Jackson spouted only to howl when he saw Elijah nod.

“Eli the ripper” Tyler shot out then erupted into laughter.

“The fuck their problem wit him not speakin English anyway? Jus get the stupid app, that tell you what he say” Jackson huffed when the laughter died down.

“The app doesn’t work if he has to communicate through the mind link” Adonis said, he could understand it, but maybe they don’t know the full extent of his injury.

“Maybe he should get one of ’em brain scans done,” Jackson suggested.

“It would confirm it, but after all this time there is nothing that can be done to fix it. The accident was what fifteen/sixteen years ago? His brain no doubt has healed but it has made adaptations to his behaviour. This is the way he’ll always be” Elijah replied,

“That stupid!” Jackson huffed, even Tyler was scowling that didn’t sit right with either one of them. They liked Marco.

“Does his wolfie speak English? He should has the wolfie magic head thingy to….right?” Kenzi asked. Elijah started laughing.

“The fuck funny?” Jackson asked,

“I’m not laughing at her. But I think I know what she’s thinking and it’s rather clever. If his wolf speaks English he would be able to tell them what Marco can’t” Elijah said. Kenzi nodded, that was exactly what she was thinking. “It would require them to keep the link open so he could communicate with them, and he would need to be taught how to have both him and his wolf working together on the surface at the same time. It’s difficult, but it is doable and could possibly be their best option.” Elijah said.

“Thought normals couldn’t has they wolves on the surface the same time.” Tyler said.

“They can be on the surface together if they are a rank. But generally that’s all they can do, one or the other is in charge of everything. What this would be is Marco doing the hearing and processing and his wolf doing the communicating at the same time” Elijah said.

“Can they do the freaky wolf thin like Adon?” Tyler asked,

“No, no one can do the….freaky wolf thing like Adonis,” Elijah replied. He wasn’t entirely certain what to call what Adonis could do, but the freaky wolf thing worked.

“It’s not freaky!” Um….slightly offensive….it’s not freaky at all!

“It ain’t normal even for our kine. You don’t hear no one else doin that. It freaky!” Jackson replied, Tyler broke out laughing at the look on Adonis’s face.

“How would you know, have….you’ve tried it?” Adonis looked at Jackson.

“Fuck yeah I try it. It freaky, but fuckin cool. Ko soun like a stutterin idiot an din’t wanna do it nomore.” Jackson said, Tyler just nodded. When Adonis looked at Elijah he nodded his agreement.

“After he heard Ko, Asmodeus didn’t even want to attempt it”

“None of your wolves can speak like Odin can?” Adonis asked, they all shook their heads.

“He gotta a scary voice. That what make it freaky. First time I hear it damn near piss myself” Tyler confessed. Jackson broke out laughing.

“Lil too much information there Tyler” He choked out.

“Don’t start wit me, I was ten. I saw you shake too” Tyler shot back. Jackson’s reply to that was a grumbled growl.

Kenzi sat there eating breakfast listening to the men, she had no idea what they were talking about. She’s only ever heard Adonis speak, she’s never heard Odin. She didn’t even know that was a possibility.

“Maybe next time you and Kenneth are doing research in the library mention to him about trying the mind link with Marco” Adonis suggested, changing the subject. He didn’t know how to explain to them how he and Odin could talk at the same time or how Odin could speak openly. He thought it was something they all could do, but apparently not. Did you know that? Had no idea! Appears to be another fine talent of theirs.

“Still plannin on shoppin today?” Jackson asked, then chuckled when he saw the grimace cross Kenzi’s face.

“Yes, that is the plan.” Adonis replied, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. He also wanted to talk to her about her drunken confession last night. He wanted to know if she still felt that way now that she was sober.

“There is also an Alpha meeting at Primrose today, and our presence was requested.” Adonis informed Jackson.

“The fuck for?” This time Jackson grimaced,

“Some Alpha’s want to talk to me. At least they do according to Eric.” Adonis told him

“He lyin?” Tyler asked,

“Through his teeth. Now I want to know why” Adonis replied.

“Cause he big stupid” Tyler said.

“What are your plans?” Adonis asked,

“Tyler an I gonna help Kennedy wit the tear down of the stage an ring. Then I sure we fine somein to occupy our time.” Jackson responded with Tyler nodding.

“I have a theory I would like to test out, but I’ll need something from you before I can” Elijah said. Adonis only nodded.

“Meet me in the medical ward after breakfast”

“Yes Alpha!”

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