The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 71: Better Understanding Part Two!

Elijah and Kenneth!

Kenneth found Elijah in the library, with a wide range of books spread out in front of him.

“Hello Kenneth!” Elijah spoke though he never turned to face him,

“Ciao Elijah!” Kenneth replied as he stood next to him. “What are you researching?”

“A few things” Elijah replied, “But I am not finding my answers.”

“Do you want some help?” Kenneth asked,

“Do you speak Russian?” Elijah asked holding a book towards him

“No!” Kenneth couldn’t fight the smile on his face.

“Polish?....Norwegian?....Slovakian?....German?....Dutch?....” Elijah kept listing the languages of all the books he was looking at.

“Clever. You know I am not much help with any language outside of English, latin and italian,” Kenneth replied chuckling.

“Forgive me Kenneth” Elijah said, a smile playing on his lips as he handed him a book in latin.

“Demoni need fun too!” Kenneth replied as he accepted it. “It would be helpful to know what I am researching”

“Aside from your mate, I am trying to figure out why one’s scent would change” Elijah told him without divulging anything.

“Has someone’s scent changed?” Kenneth asked.

“That is not information I am prepared to divulge at this time, I just want to know if it is possible” Elijah replied,

“Fair enough,” Kenneth said. He understood they were being treated like a rival pack until they could figure out if they could trust them. Until King Kane and Alpha Adonis sat down and had a conversation, they wouldn’t know if they could trust them.

“What else do you do for fun, besides proving you are the smartest man in the room?” Kenneth asked, that did earn him a laugh.

“I am not the smartest man in the room, just a well educated one” Elijah replied. “But….torture….is always fun”

“What is your favourite method?” Kenneth asked. Elijah paused what he was doing briefly. Kenneth’s response shocked him a little, it was not what he was used to. Most cringed and became afraid of him.

“Why have just one when they’re are many to choose from?” Elijah countered, he was pressing his luck, but he had a feeling about Kenneth. Maybe he was a kindred spirit.

“Very true. I like to break bones. I start with the fingers” Kenneth said, Elijah finally looked up from the book he was reading.

“Do you let them live after they tell you what you want to know?” Elijah asked, and went back to his book.

“Si….sometimes” Kenneth replied then added with a shrug.

“When I break bones I start with the toes, I don’t keep them alive afterwards. What do you use?” Elijah asked as he picked up another book.

“Depends on how painful I want it to be.” Kenneth replied.

“Commendable!” Elijah said as his lip slightly pulled up. “If I had to pick one, I suppose it would be to bleed them dry. It’s long and drawn out, and it offers many ways to do it.” He added, answering Kenneth’s earlier question.

“While we were at Primrose Pack getting a tour, I noticed in the dungeon Eric has a rack” Again Elijah looked up from the book he was reading.

“I’ve always wanted to use one of those”

“Me too!” Kenneth agreed, with a slight smile on his face as he went back to the book Elijah had given him.

When they got back to White Stone after the pack visits, Jackson and Elijah went to do they’re own thing. Adonis had seen two of Alpha Kane’s men with Jackson on the deck and he went to see if Elijah had found anything about why he was bigger and his scent, and Odin’s eye colour had changed and why The Royals smell like demons. Or if he discovered anything that explains the effect Kenzi had on them. But he discovered he was not alone and didn’t want to approach when he came across him and Kenneth in the library. Adonis stood in the doorway shaking his head as he listened to Kenneth and Elijah talk about torture. Bonding over torture techniques! What is Kingy up to? I don’t know, but he has his men talking to us! Why do I think they would have been talking to us regardless? They do seem genuinely curious about us! Maybe they want to be Allies? No, I think this has to do with something else! You do know you will have to talk to him! Eventually! How long are you going to hold out for? Haven’t decided! Waiting till we know if we can trust them? Something like that! We should check on our mate! She does have three of them in the kitchen with her! And there might be samples! As long as we don’t fight there’s always samples! He was hungry, but also curious to know what was so important that Kennedy had to Kenzinap her away from him this morning before she had a chance to finish her breakfast. Plus he hadn’t seen her all day and he was missing her. If she wasn’t done in the kitchen he decided she was going to be done in the kitchen.

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