The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 71: Better Understanding Part Three!

Tyler, Carter and Marco!

Tyler, Marco and Carter were wandering around outside, though the samples were plenty, they found themselves in need of a little break from all the delicious aromas Kenzi was cooking up in the kitchen. When Jackson showed up with Damon and Johnny they took the opportunity to make their exit.

“La piccola mi ucciderà con la sua cucina. Come fa a renderlo così buono? (Little one is going to kill me with her cooking. How does she make it taste so good?)” Marco said,

“That lil girl fuckin magic, that how her do that” Tyler replied, “Jackie don’t cook?”

“Non come il piccola tesoro (Not like the little darling)” Marco said, shaking his head.

“No one cook like Lil Kenzi Cakes,” Tyler said.

“Do you have a mate?” Carter asked. He thought he would feel like a third wheel while Tyler and Marco conversed, but it surprised him that Tyler made sure he was included in all conversations as well, even the ones they would have in Italian. What shocked him even more was when Tyler offered to teach him.

“Yeah, her name Ella, you don’t wanna taste her cookin. Love her to death, but that girl gonna fuckin kill me, her put me in a medical ward twice, bout you?” Tyler asked, Carter laughed a little at that. But it also surprised him that his mate was a female. He thought for sure Tyler was gay. How could he be off about that?

“Brandon” Carter waited for his reaction. Most acted shocked when they found out he was gay. Guess he didn’t act gay enough for them to be able to tell.

“He cook?” Tyler asked. Tyler’s reaction startled him a little bit. Not what he was used to at all.

“Yeah, though he makes me eat salad all the time” Carter said,

“Why, you a rabbit?” Tyler asked then broke out laughing at the look on Carter’s face.

“I fucking hate salad. Sometimes I just want the fucking steak” Carter huffed, causing Tyler to laugh more.

“Kenzi don’t make us eat salad, vegetables sure, but not salad, her don’t like it” Tyler said.

“Think she could talk to Brandon?” Carter asked slightly hopeful. Again Tyler could only laugh.

“Can I ask you something?” Carter asked,

“Sure” Tyler stopped walking to look at him. Carter hesitated, it wasn’t his place to question, but he wanted to know why they were all overly protective of Kenzi. As much as Tyler needed out of the kitchen he made sure Jackson was staying first before he left.

“The protectiveness over Ms. Templeton” Carter started, and Tyler just nodded.

“Aside from the fact that her Adon’s mate, my Luna. Her my sister, but….demons ain’t guaranteed to keep they mates. Sure we get them, but mos fine out what we are an they want nuttin to do wit us. An it end badly, very badly. The whole pack become deathly protective over the mate when we get one that accepts us.” Tyler started to explain,

“Being a demon is great for the most part, we faster, we stronger, our senses are better, but they a downside. Bein a demon mean a life of rejection….we get reject a lot. We get reject from jus bout everthin, families, packs, communities. Our mate….they posed to love us, but….we has a pack of 750, 700 demons an the res mates we don’t count the kids or the ones that chose to follow. Some of our members were cast out their packs and they family chose to follow ’em, we gave ’em a home. I’s lucky Ella a demon. But Jackass’s is normal an Eli’s is human.” Carter nodded his head. Humans can be a bit hard on werewolves when they find out.

“It not what yur thinkin, we actually prefer our mates to be human, if they can’t be demon. Humans not knowin of werewolves is a benefit to our kine, they has no opinions on demon wolves, they ain’t tainted like normals are. Yur kine taught to fear us, sure normals wanna bang a demon, but when we mate to one, they reject us….then we go bat shit crazy an rip em to pieces.” Carter’s jaw dropped as his eyes widened.

“Finisce malissimo? Finisce terribilmente! (Ends badly? It ends terribly!)” Marco spouted.

“Soun bad I know, but think of it this way, you get reject from yur pack, yur family, reject from the werewolf community, only to be reject by yur mate as well. That a lot an we can only take so much. We din’t know until it happen to a buddy of mine. Cause normals can’t smell us we go in pairs, one to explain, one to shift an show. Tommy foun his mate an he super excite, thinkin her gonna accept him. It was funny cause they had the same las name an we was razzin him bout it. So Jackass go wit him an show her the type of wolf we are and her was like, nope, no, no fuckin way I mate to a demon. An her reject him right there on the spot, went through the whole spiel an everthin. Tommy’s wolf, Bane, los it, an Tommy los complete control an before Jackass do anythin Bane had her rip to pieces. Then he calm the fuck down, an was like I’m hungry. Jackass made em clean up the mess an they went to eat. Tommy was fine, we ask em everday, an he was fine, like nuttin happen. Happen a few more time an the pack doc figure, our wolves couldn’t accept no more rejection an they lash out like a bline rage. So for about a week Adon wouldn’t let no one look for they mates, til we could figure out what the fuck. We figure out that they gonna reject us, they has to do it in front of Adon, he can order our wolf to accept the rejection. It pain us an it pain him to do it, but everone walks away still breathin. So it was made a law.”

“When Jackass met Drea, her was gonna reject him, her din’t wanna be mate of a demon. Adon was wit him at the time, an he jus got fed up wit our kine bein reject all the time. He told Drea that her owe Jackass a conversation if her gonna reject him. Her wasn’t gonna do it till Adon threaten her. He tell her either talk to him, or he’ll let Jackass rip her to pieces. Adon wasn’t gonna force him to accept it. Then he tell her he mail her pieces back to her pack an that be a warnin to all the normals bout rejectin demons. Drea took the warnin an had a conversation wit Jackass. He wooed the shit outta that girl. But Adon kep his word, he won’t force us to accept the rejection no more an abolish the law. They gonna reject us, they learn a lesson. Mos of the ones that has mated, are mated to chosens. We has allies, packs that support our kine, though we want our true mates, we don’t wanna hurt ’em. Adon send hundred of us out at a time, in teams of two to look for our mates all over, maybe one or two come back wit one. Most the time if they come back wit someone it a other demon. Normals may hold mates in high regard, but cause we ain’t guarantee to be accpet by ours we put ours on a pedestal. They has the protection of the whole pack, no one fuck wit the mates.” Tyler continued his explanation.

“What about the mate bond?” Carter asked,

“Don’t work the same for demons when we mate to a normal. The mate bond don’t take hold the same way cause of the fear you has an we feed off it.” Tyler replied,

“È brutale! (That’s brutal)” Marco said,

“Yeah it is! No one try to understan us, they jus try make us go away. Until Adon foun Kenzi,” Tyler said, then shrugged.

“Ms. Templeton….” Carter started to say.

“That a special lil girl. Her prolly the firs to ever accept us. Not one ounce of fear, we startle her an her fell off a dock but her was jus like ok, ask if unicorns exist an if we walk roun in people suits.” Marco started laughing, guess that would make sense.

“Why does she smell like cookies? Like all the time” Carter asked,

“Don’t know, but fuck it make you hungry” Tyler said shaking his head. Marco and Carter only nodded in agreement.

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