The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 71: Better Understanding Part One!

Jackson, Johnny and Damon!

“You boys ain’t thinkin of doin somein stupid now are you?” Jackson drawled. It was later in the day and he was sitting at a table on the deck drawing when Johnny and Damon joined him.

“No,” Damon said as he sat back a bit, showing his hands.

“Just want to talk” Johnny added,

“Wanna talk? Yur Alpha know yur here talkin?” Jackson asked as he too sat back from the table watching the two men carefully. “He sent you to talk,” he added, nodding his head, when they shared a look.

“He did say talk, but I actually wanted to talk to you” Damon said,

“Is that right?” Jackson asked, he wasn’t sure what to make of that, no one outside of their allies usually went out of their way to talk to them. He closed his sketchbook and dropped his pencil on top.

“We don’t know a lot about demons, and after the ninja told us the books might not be accurate, we realized we don’t know anything about them.” Damon replied, he was hoping to build a rapport with Jackson, but he seemed on edge and slightly guarded.

“The ninja? You mean Eli.” When he saw Johnny and Damon nod he proceeded. “Yeah, them books are slightly inaccurate, las I check demons can’t fly on the full moon and we don’t drink the blood of the sacrifice virgin, mostly cause it too fuckin hard to fine one” Jackson replied, then started laughing when he saw the looks cross Damon and Johnny’s face.

“You’re fucking with us?” Damon accused, though he couldn’t fight the small grin.

“Fuck yeah I is. The fuck you take a demon for? We might be savage, but that a lil fucked up, even for our kine. So what you wanna know?” Jackson asked.

“I thought demon’s didn’t like to be studied?” Johnny asked,

“We don’t, but we ain’t oppose to answerin questions. Contrary to popular belief, demons are actually very social. We like to talk to people, they jus seem to has a problem wit us. Granted, our ideas of social might be a lil different than yurs.” Jackson replied,

“Yeah, like shooting each other with potato guns.” Damon remarked and Jackson just laughed

“That was a good time though, nailed my brother from across the yard.” Jackson replied, grinning.

“How far out was he?” Johnny asked he was curious

“60 meters give or take.” It was a rough estimate, but was close enough.

“Holy shit!” That one had Johnny laughing

“Yeah, Tyler was a lil piss, but he got me back. Did you know it was the shitter council that start callin us demons?” Jackson replied,

“The shifter council” Damon replied, trying to fight back his laughter, but Johnny’s snickers weren’t helping

“You can call it that if you want to, I ain’t gonna judge, but I gonna stick wit what I say. They the shitter council” Jackson returned.

“So they called you demons first?” Johnny asked when he stopped laughing

“Yeah, we jus own it after they kick us out. They gonna treat us like demons an call us that, then fuck em we gonna act like it.” Jackson said.

“When did the shifter council refuse to recognize you?” Damon asked,

“Adon an I….sixteen, Tyler was fourteen. Still learnin thins bout ourselves. Like why we smell different, why normals can’t smell us, the big one was how to control our strength. Went through a shit ton of doors, an couldn’t train wit nobody but each other. We was call in front the council. They been watchin us for sometime an they din’t know how to classify us an that scare em. They try an use commands on us an got no response so they decide if they can’t control us, then we can’t be part the community. We got mad an they try to silver us only to realize that wasn’t gonna work, it had no effect. Din’t calm us, din’t hurt us, din’t do anythin to us. We stood there wearing silver shackles, till Adon had enough an broke em. The they hit em wit a dart of wolfbane and he jus look at it, pull it out an drop it on the groun. Silver don’t work, wolfbane don’t work, so they had nuttin, they call us demons an kick us out. Saying ain’t no demons in the werewolf community. So we start collectin those like us. You be surprise how many were kick out their packs an turn rogue. Shock you even more when you fine out how many in they pack dungeons cause the Alpha don’t know how to handle ’em. They was grateful they had somewhere to go, someone to accep ’em. The wolf in ’em know what Adon is an they pledge immediately.” Johnny could only imagine how many they collected as rogues, but was surprised when Jackson insinuated they found many in the dungeons of their own packs.

“You get to play sports at school? Participate in activities? Go to the fuckin dances? Walk the stage on graduation?” Jackson asked, looking between Johnny and Damon.

“Yeah, course you did. We din’t. After Tyler try to shift at the local school, they decide havin wolves wit humans might not be the bes idea. So they built one that was wolves only. The packs in the area all donate money to it, includin Alpha Cameron, he the biggest donator on the account that by then we had maybe 150 pack members. But they din’t let us participate in nuttin. No dances, no extras. They din’t want us playin sports, they din’t want us really part of nuttin at that school, so we sat in the back an everone lef us alone….for the mos part. Bang a demon an earn instant badass status.” Damon’s eyes widened when Jackson said that. “Eighteen come an graduation they hand us our diplomas an say get the fuck out. Tyler, he two years younger than Adon an I was forced to test out, they din’t want him there no more either, in fact they force all the demons to test out. No Alpha Adonis to keep ’em all in line we wasn’t welcome at the school no more, an no more was accepted. Adon would have graduate at the top. Not jus top the class, top the school, his thought was if he could prove ’em wron they’d take it back an accep us,” Jackson snorted, pausing there briefly and just shook his head.

“They was never gonna. When we got back to White Stone, Alpha Cameron was piss. He was all dress up waitin to watch Adon walk the stage, but when we walk in the front door he knew. Adon was livid, tore apart his room an became The Devil they call him an we became his demons.” Jackson said.

“Then an there Adon decide we form our own council, council of demons, we make our own rules an laws an the shitter council can suck it an go fuck ’em selves. Council din’t like that an try to step in. Adon say you don’t want us part of yur community, you reject us, so we reject yur rules, they don’t apply. We our own community.” He continued.

“Was that when he snapped the council member’s neck?” Damon asked, Jackson started laughing.

“Snap his neck? That the sugar coatin they puttin on it? Well I guess he did sorta snap his neck, snap his head clean off his neck. One hit head went rollin. He tell ’em stay the fuck out his business cause he wont hesitate to take another head.” Jackson answered. Damon’s eyes widened when he heard the head came off. Talk about sugar coating indeed. Instinctively Damon touched his neck trying to fight off the shiver threatening to take him.

“What did Alpha Cameron say?” Johnny asked. He too touched his neck, he liked the sugar coated version better.

“What he gonna say? They ask for it, they gonna treat him like The Devil, then they can’t be so shock when he act like one,” Jackson replied. “You both might want to reign that in by the way. Fear a big thin for our kine, we smell it an we want more” Jackson warned as he fought to suppress Ko in his head.

“Demons are broken down into factions right?” Damon asked. He was watching Jackson closely; he was trying to heed Jackson’s warning about his fear, but he could only picture the council member’s head coming off and that wasn’t helping.

“Yeah, five.” Jackson answered “Berserker!” He added when he caught Damon’s look.

“Berserker?” Johnny asked,

“We the ones you don’t want knockin on the door. Doors can’t keep us out. Rule number five: Don’t keep a berserker out. We want in, we comin in” Jackson replied,

“Yeah we were there when you and Alpha Adonis “knocked” on Alpha Eric’s door” Damon replied, trying not to laugh.

“You see his face when we came crashin in?” Jackson said laughing.

“Yeah, it looked really good” Damon replied, laughing. Johnny missed it, he was around the corner with Kane.

“Fuck yeah, it did! He get that vein pulsy thin when he get big mad an his face get really red. It jus make it that much more entertainin” Jackson said.

“What about um….mini monster….Tyler?” Damon asked, the name slipping him for a minute.

“Mini monster….” Jackson snorted at the name. “That actually a really good name for that lil ankle biter. No, he not a berserker, he jus fight like one, but he a seeker, that why he heard Luna Dax comin before all yall did. Rule number four: Don’t hide from the seekers. They always fine you.” Jackson answered,

“What about the ninja, Elijah?” Johnny asked,

“Shadow! They lightnin quick. Rule number three: Don’t try to outrun a shadow. They catch you an really make it hurt. That why you din’t see him move when he put you down. Wisps the ones you wanna avoid. Rule number two: Don’t fuck wit em. They mess wit yur head, make you cry. I’ve seen ’em make people go crazy, they relentless. Sirens the first faction an the number one rule. Don’t make ’em cry. You never wanna hear a siren cry, if you set one off they a good chance you set ’em all off. That’s fuckin brutal! Tyler’s mate her a siren, her the reason for the rule. They soun like banshees when they wail, make yur ears bleed. Don’t say that to ’em though, they can be sensitive, very, very sensitive. Don’t say that to ’em either. Buddy of mine did it once. He couldn’t hear for four days, big stupid.” Jackson said, shaking his head.

“What about Alpha Adonis? Where does he fit?” Damon asked,

“He the mac daddy of it all. Perks of bein The Devil, he fit ever faction an then some. He the only one that does, the res of us only hit one. You don’t want his call directed at you though….outcome….not pretty” Jackson replied, his face twisting in disgust.

“He’s not gonna get mad that you’re telling us all this is he?” Damon had to ask. Especially after the last comment.

“Nah! He a good guy, jus stay off his bad side an you be aight. Demons don’t do nuttin unless they provoke, sure we might fuck wit you a lil bit, teach ya a lesson or two, but we ain’t gonna rip you to pieces jus cause we can.” Jackson said.

“How do you stay off his bad side?” Johnny asked, that’s what he really wanted to know. He saw the damage to Kane’s lip when he walked back in the house yesterday.

“Quite simple don’t fuck wit Lil Kenzi Cakes an don’t fuck wit his family” Jackson replied,

“We watched him take his brother’s head off a table yesterday” Damon said,

“That not his family, they stop bein his family when he four an couldn’t accep what happen to him. They fuckin blame him for the changes he went through. The fuck a four year old change his eye colour? No, Steve an Kennedy his family. Cameron that his family. Eli, Tyler, me. We his family. The 750 members of his pack, that his family. The demons we has yet to fine, they his family too. Don’t want the wrath of The Devil don’t fuck wit his family.” Jackson said.

“Why does the little pixie….Kenzi smell like cookies?” Damon asked,

“That a special lil girl. I don’t know why her smell like cookies, but fuck it make you hungry” Jackson replied laughing.

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