The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 70: You Don’t Need To Know!

Adonis woke early the next morning to his mate stirring under him.

“No!” He croaked out, it was too early she was supposed to be resting, sleeping in, taking it easy. Yesterday was hard and not taking it easy, today they had plans. These plans did not include her waking up at….two in the morning. Are you fucking with me? No, it’s two! Make her go back to sleep! ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Kenzi stirred a little more under him, he wrapped his arms more securely around her and lowered the tone of his growl ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. He was going to get her to go back to sleep, she needed it. Her movements started to still as he kept releasing low growl after low growl. She snuggled into his chest, burying her face in his neck. He didn’t stop the growls until he heard her breath even out. Adonis shifted his position slightly, so he could get a better look at his mate. Her eyes were closed, but her brow furrowed slightly at his movements. If he wasn’t careful, he would have her up. Kissing the creases from her forehead he settled down over top of her and drifted off back to sleep.

A few hours later he felt the same movements under him, this time more persistent that it was time to get up.

“You wolfie magic growl-ed me!” Kenzi accused, her voice breaking the silence of the morning. Adonis couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face when she said that. Wolfie magic! Odin gushed in his head. His face was buried in her neck and he drew her scent into his lungs.

“Yes I did” his chuckle was deep and rumbled his chest and she couldn’t fight the slight shiver at the feel of it.

“You can’t wolfie magic growl me all the tine,” she said.

“I’m not sorry I did it. You needed your sleep sweetheart. You’re supposed to be on holiday, you do not need to be up at two in the morning” Adonis replied,

“That’s cheating,” she huffed, but held onto him tighter.

“I’m not above it, if it means you’ll sleep more.” His lips brushed her neck, ripples coursed through her as she shivered against him. He settled more into his position over her, her body pressed flush and tight to his as he continued his travels along her neck.

A giggle slipped past her lips when he started nibbling just under her ear. She gasped when his teeth grazed the ear lobe. Kenzi’s body was heating up more and more, the throbbing between her legs intensifying with each touch of his lips. Her body screaming yes to his touch, yes to his lips, yes to him, her mind not saying no. She looked at what she felt, pushed to find what she was feeling. She was scared, but with each gentle caress, each promised kiss the fear was disappearing. He would never leave her, he said he wouldn’t. Each kiss in view of others cementing more and more into her that yes he did in fact choose her. He picked her. Her legs spread allowing him to push more against her, her hips rose to meet his. ….mmMMMmm…. Escaped her when she felt his teeth graze the bare flesh of her shoulder. Her back arched when his fingers danced across her abdomen.

Adonis pushed the shirt she wore higher, exposing more of her tantalizing flesh to him. Pink and flush with arousal he couldn’t help but let his fingers trace and trail along her. He felt her body shiver beneath them. Listened as she took gasped breath after gasped breath. Made soft whimper after soft whimper. She pushed into him more and more, with each torturous pass he made. Hooking her leg around him he pushed harder and harder into her, rocking in a gentle rhythm. He was wanting, oh so wanting of her, his hands became demanding. More flesh, more moans, more whimpers, more cries of pleasure. He picked the rhythm up, moving faster and she matched him, her back arching more. His hand on her hip, flirting with the edge of her cotton panties. He got her to change them when they got back to the room last night, he really didn’t like the mesh. He wanted to feel her, taste her, but she was getting close, next time he told himself, next time he will go slower and worship her. His lips crashed onto hers as he felt the beginnings of the end of kissy time crash into him. She arched high and hard, whimpering against his lips as she reached her peak. His body shivered and convulsed as he reached his shattering release and he collapsed on top of her. Never pulling his mouth from hers they continued to ride out the waves that washed over them locked in a kiss.

It was another couple of hours before Adonis and Kenzi emerged from their bedroom to join the others for breakfast. She was a little apprehensive about it, and stayed hidden behind him as they walked towards the dining hall.

“No ones going to get mad at you for not making breakfast this morning,” he said, as he gently pulled her from behind his back. “It’s not your job to cook for them. In fact I’d rather you didn’t. Kennedy has already threatened to Kenzinap you and you, my tiny dancing treasure are small enough he can hide you anywhere.” Adonis watched as the pink blush spread across her cheeks, a grin broke across his face as her nose wrinkled and she produced her signature musical giggle while looking away from him. He lifted her chin and held her closer to him, supporting her as she rose onto the tips of her toes. His lips brushed across hers encouraging them to part, when they did he claimed what he wanted. A throat clearing interrupted them before they could get too carried away.

“If you join us for breakfas you might not be tryin to eat her face right now” Jackson drawled with a grin. Kenzi’s cheeks flushed deep pink as she buried herself into Adonis’s chest.

“Asshole!” Jackson could only laugh as he turned back into the dining hall.

“Call off the search party, foun em.” He laughed louder when he heard Adonis call him an asshole again.

“Now what were you two up to dear brother?” Kennedy called. Adonis could only shake his head.

“Simmer down Kennedy. Adon jus need a lil snack to tide him over till breakfas” Jackson replied, ….grrrRrrrr….

“You’re going to die, Jackson!”

“Yeah, seem like it!”

“I’m too little to be a snack, he’d be hungry in five minutes.” Kenzi blurted. The dining hall erupted into laughter over that innocent little comment.

“Did I say something wrong?” She looked around at all the laughing people, then towards Adonis. She had no idea what they were talking about or why what she said seemed funny to them. He could only shake his head as he fought to control himself. Love that mouth! Odin was howling in his head.

“Come on, we on the other side,” Jackson choked out as he began to move towards Tyler and Elijah.

“Are you sure?” Kenzi whispered, she bit her lip as she looked once more around the room. “I think I’m screwing up!

“Shhh, no you’re not. You said nothing wrong sweetheart, nothing at all. You’re absolutely right, you’re too little to be a snack” Adonis moved her closer to his side and tucked her into him, when he felt her anxiety over the situation start to increase. She’s more sample size! You’re not biting her ass! Says you! Odin! I can’t hear you! Odin! Ignoring you! That’s not being a good boy! Don’t start human! Then be a good boy!

“Figure you wanna be far away from him. He still sportin the damage to his face. Did you hole back?” Jackson said low enough for only Adonis to hear as they took their seats at the table. A small grin spread across his face.

“I did” Adonis said back,

“He say what he want yet?” Jackson saw Kane walk back in the house after he went outside. He saw the split lip, and Tyler overheard his reply to his Beta when he asked what happened. Apparently he had a small run in with a mega monster in the woods.

“Not yet, just that we need to talk, I wanted to know if Steve and Kennedy were lobotomized first” Adonis had turned his head slightly as he spoke to Jackson. From the corner of his eye he could see Alpha Kane watching him carefully.

“What Steve an Kennedy say?” Jackson too was watching from the corner of his eye. They both stopped talking when breakfast started being served, only to pick back up when they were left alone again.

“They think he’s been lookin for me. They invited him here because they think it’ll make it easier for him to talk to me” Adonis replied,

“Maybe jus talk to him, I don’t think he gonna go away till you do.” Jackson said. Adonis looked towards Elijah and Tyler who were both nodding in his direction. Though they were in conversation with Kenzi and not part of the one with Adonis and Jackson, Ko was filling them in on what was being said.

“I’m undecided about him. But nothing is going to happen today” Adonis responded.

“The fuck not? Jackson asked. Adonis looked to his right, where Kenzi sat with a beautiful smile on her delicate face as she continued her conversation with Elijah and Tyler.

“Kenzi and I have plans today don’t we sweetheart?” Adonis said,

“Yup!” She popped the p as she let out a tiny huff.

“Her soun enthusiastic bout your plans,” Jackson couldn’t help but grin at the look on Kenzi’s face.

“You promised,” Adonis reminded her.

“I won’t break my promise, but I didint promise to be happy aboud it.” The table cracked up at the serious look on her face. She got you there! Yes she did! I love that mouth! I do too!

“And what’s so funny over here” Kennedy said as he joined them at the table.

“Kenzi a real comedian today. Givin Adon a hard time bout the plans they made.” Tyler said,

“Plans? What plans?” Kennedy asked slightly interested. Not that they mattered, they would need to be changed, he had his own plans and needed her help carrying them out.

“I’m taking her shopping today, she only packed enough for a day” Adonis replied,

“Why would you do that?” Kennedy asked as he turned to Kenzi,

“I tried to pack more, but he wreck-ed my clothes” Kenzi tattled on him,

“Why would you do that?” Kennedy looked perplexed as he turned to his brother. Why the hell would his brother do that?

“Long story!” Adonis said.

“Well, you’re going to have to change your plans,” Kennedy said quickly after he took a deep breath.

“Why?” Adonis raised a questioning brow at his brother.

“Because we need her, it’s of the utmost importance and you’re not allowed to know,” Kennedy told him. “So hurry up little one and eat your breakfast, and we’ll have to figure out something for you to wear. Looks like his shirt ate you.” He added when he turned back to Kenzi.

Adonis grumbled something under his breath, causing Jackson and Tyler to crack up laughing.

“Steve also wanted me to remind you dad is coming home today, and there is dinner at his house, and you two need to behave for longer than five minutes” Kennedy looked pointedly at Jackson and Tyler,

“We always behave!” Tyler huffed,

“Cows and a party for a king ring any bells” Kennedy said,

“We din’t tell em to crash the party” Tyler said, defending him and his brother. Jackson nodded in agreement, that was not what the cows were told to do.

“I don’t think you needed to,” Kennedy said as he started chuckling. “Don’t pout Adonis, there’s always tomorrow” he added when he saw the displeased look on his brother’s face.

“How long do you need her for?” Adonis asked, maybe they could salvage something of today, because clearly his plans weren’t going to happen.

“A while!” was all Kennedy would tell him.

“And you wonder why Brenda hits you with a broom” Adonis grumbled again.

“Now, now don’t be growly. I promise the reason I’m stealing her will be fun” Kennedy said, still trying to rush Kenzi through breakfast. “You know what? How about we just take this with us?” He grabbed her plate, grabbed her hand, before he could pull her from the table, Adonis got her in a kiss.

“Aww how sweet….now stop that” Kennedy cut in. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. The displeased growl left Adonis as he glared at Kennedy. Kenzi could only giggle as she kissed him one more time and let Kennedy pull her from the dining hall.

“They go yur plans” Jackson snorted,

“I’ll just change them. There are a few packs that require a visit, so I’ll visit them all today instead and just get that out of the way. What the hell else am I going to do?” Adonis grumbled some more. Elijah bit back his grin. The chains on his Alpha’s mood swing just snapped.

“Way to look on the bright side” Jackson fired and smacked him on the back.


Kane had been watching Adonis the second he stepped foot in the room. His jaw still hurt after the little introduction he had with his fist. He was still sporting the bruise but was relieved when the split in his lip was fully healed this morning. Though Adonis never looked directly at him, he knew he was being watched as well. The hushed conversation he was having with his Beta, the slight nods he saw from his other ranks, though they never spoke a word, told him they were hearing what was being said as well. He wasn’t sure how that was possible when the little pixie had them captivated in a conversation.

“Why is this pack more fond of her?” Johnny asked as he watched the reactions of the others in the room regarding her presence. They would wave or smile, say good morning, ask how she was doing, or did something that acknowledged she was there. They all seemed generally happy to see her.

“Maybe because of who he is” Kane replied,

“That would make sense, but then why wouldn’t Primrose give her the same reception? I overheard a few comments about how Alpha Eric was trying to get in Alpha Adonis’s good books, wouldn’t one think to get in good with his mate?” Damon asked,

“I don’t think Eric actually expects her to be his mate. He views her as a little play thing Alpha Adonis picked up on the side of the road” Kane replied. That was the comment he overheard directly from Eric when he was talking to his Beta.

“And Eric’s a dick!” Dax added, Damon broke out laughing at that.

“I liked it better when you mumbled under your breath, made it easier to pretend I didn’t hear some of the things you say” Kane shot at her. Dax could only shrug.

“Now where’s she going?” Dax asked as she watched a pantless giggling Kenzi be pulled from the dining room by Kennedy. Dax had hoped she could talk to her more.

“I don’t know, but mega monster doesn’t look happy about it” Damon replied as he watched her disappear out the door.

“Isn’t his party today?” Johnny asked,

“Maybe he doesn’t know” Kenneth suggested,

“Makes sense why they would need a baker then” Kane added,

“Screw this” Dax got up from the table abandoning her breakfast.

“Where are you going?” Kane asked as he placed a hand on Dax’s hip.

“I’m going to talk to the little purple haired pixie.” Dax said

“What about your breakfast?” Kane asked, the last thing he wanted was to deal with a hungry feisty pants.

“If I behave and don’t fight in the kitchen, she gives samples” Dax responded,

“Carter!” Kane looked at his Delta who had just finished shovelling the rest of his breakfast in his mouth before he stood up.

“That was classy brother,” Damon said laughing. Carter could only shrug, he didn’t want to miss breakfast. Kane looked back at Adonis, though this pack seemed non-threatening, The Devil already tried to pop her head off once. Dax may have spent time with him and the purple haired pixie yesterday Kane wasn’t interested in leaving his queen unattended so he could try again. Kane did notice a slight movement from the demon table, it seems they were watching as well. Adonis stiffened slightly and the Delta was on his feet moving out the door completely abandoning his breakfast. Guess Alpha Adonis had the same thought he did. Neither was too interested in leaving their queens unattended. Maybe they weren’t so different.

“So what’s the plan today?” Damon asked, drawing Kane’s attention from Adonis. He thought about that, he thought about that most of the night. Get the pixie, get The Devil running through his head. But he found himself wanting to know that man as well. He found himself wanting to show the man, prove to him that not all normals were the same.

“Talk to them” Kane replied,

“Great, I call the big guy” Damon said,

“You can’t call dibs Damon” Johnny spouted,

“Sorry Johnny baby, I just did” Damon fired back.

“Don’t call me that” Johnny snapped.

“Enough you two. Damon and Johnny can talk to the Beta. Kenneth you take the Gamma. Marco….where the fuck did Marco go?” Kane asked when he no longer saw him at the table.

“I think he left when Carter left, he’s probably in the kitchen scamming samples and he seems to get along with Black Shadows mini monster” Johnny said trying not to laugh.

“Maybe that’s why the Delta left as well, three of us are in there with the little pixie” Damon hazard a guess. “Let’s face it, she’s not much of a threat to us, but in their eyes we are to her”

“And after what happened at his brother’s pack, Alpha Adonis is not taking chances. He might trust this pack, but he does not trust us” Kenneth added.

“So how do we get him to trust us?” Kane asked,

“Now that’s a good question” Damon said, they all turned to face the table on the opposite side of the room. Kane had a feeling it all came back to the little purple haired pixie in the kitchen.

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