The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 68: Fake Demons!

“Hai intenzione di ripulirti?” Marco asked Tyler as he took in more of his appearance. The blood had finally stopped flowing from his nose and lip and he could feel the injuries close. He could only imagine what his face looked like. He also needed to rinse Carter’s blood from his mouth.

“Yeah, eventually I clean up. Jus waitin till I can smell anythin other than blood” Tyler replied,

“I can’t believe you bit me,” Carter said, looking down at the bite mark Tyler left on his upper arm. His own face was starting to heal, though he still had a slight trickle of blood flowing from the cuts above his eye and cheek.

“You had me in a chokehold, what I posed to do, let you choke me out?” Tyler asked. “Uh uh!”

“Hai portato il tuo lupo in superficie!” Marco said to him.

“Yeah, you did. You use yur wolf to kick my ass” Tyler said to him,

“No one said I couldn’t. Your Alpha had my Luna” Carter defended.

“Yur’s had mine, an no one say I can’t bite you” Tyler fired back.

“Non mi metto in mezzo a questo” Marco shook his head and moved away from them.

“We ain’t gonna go at it, I break him, break him nex time,” Tyler said, laughing at Marco. Carter scoffed, then thought about it. No he was right, he probably would break him, break him if they were to go at it again.

“How did you take a kick to the head like that?” Carter asked,

“Saw it comin. Las minute I move my head. Still rang my bell but not as bad.” Tyler replied,

“How?” Carter asked,

“You don’t know much bout demon wolves do you?” Carter shook his head.

He was about to explain how he knew when he caught the scent. He froze in place drawing it into his lungs, there was something slightly off about it, but it was there. Demons! Bal howled, stirring to life in his head. You sure? There’s demons! Bal replied, his tail swished. Tyler looked over the yard, they were the only ones present. He looked back at Carter and Marco then looked around again. Then back at the two men. They watched him curiously then shared a look with each other. Tyler couldn’t figure out why he was smelling demons no one else was around them. He looked at his brother, who held a confused look as well. He watched as Jackson sniffed one man then the other a smile pulling across his face.

“Got two!” His brother’s deep raspy drawl caught everyone’s attention in the yard as he held up two fingers. Tyler turned back to Carter and Marco. One of them had to be the demon. It couldn’t have been Marco, they would have smelled it on him the first time they met. So Tyler sniffed Carter. Carter stumbled back and looked at him wide eyed.

“The hell, did you just smell me?” There’s another one! Came Bal again in his head. Tyler looked at Marco, the only other one present, and he breathed in deep. Tyler’s eyes widened when he looked at Marco. How did they miss him?

“Got two” Tyler raised his hand as well.

“The fuck is going on?” Damon asked as he watched on. Elijah arched an eyebrow then looked over at Damon.

“Don’t you fucking smell me” Damon pointed at him. A sly smile spread across Elijah’s face.

“Got one!” Elijah held up one hand and now stood on the other side of Damon.

“How did….the fancy fucking ninja just sniffed me. Someone please tell me they saw the fancy fucking ninja move” Damon said looking at all of them. Johnny tried not to laugh at the look on Damon’s face, but he broke at the last minute.

“Fuck you Johnny, you come talk to him, I wanna talk to that guy” Damon said as he moved across the yard away from Elijah.

“You weren’t even talking to him, Damon, you were just glaring at him.” Johnny said

“That’s cause he scares the fuck outta me, the guy can move without you seeing him, tell me that wouldn’t scare you.” Damon replied when he stopped beside Johnny looking over at Elijah.

Adonis watched his men, the utter confusion on Tyler’s face when he caught the scent on Marco had him baffled. They met Marco before, he hung out with them, how did they not smell it then? How did Tyler not smell it? Demons! Odin rang out in his head. I know Odin! No, there’s another one! Adonis looked around the yard, then he landed on Kane. His focus narrowed on him. Is The King hiding a secret Odin? I think he might be! Kane eyed him suspiciously, what the hell was he up to? Then he saw him draw a deep breath into his lungs. His eyes flashed the colour of fire, Ky coming to the surface immediately as azure blue shone in The King’s eyes.

“Got one,” Adonis held up his hand. Something’s not right Odin! That’s not demon eyes, those are normals! What the hell is going on? I don’t know!

“What the fuck are you?” Adonis asked.

“What is going on, Alpha Adonis?” Kane returned,

“Hey, Eli got his firs” Tyler said, “We should celebrate. You think the waterhole still open?” Jackson nodded while Elijah shook his head, he was not stepping foot in that cesspool.

“Yeah he a sneaky fuckin ninja” Jackson said,

“Yeah I’ll say. He just poof and he’s there. Gamma Damon Benson” Damon held out his hand.

“Beta Jackson Monroe. You do realize he gonna torture the fuck outta you now right?” Jackson asked as he shook Damon’s hand.

“Why the fuck would he do that?” Damon asked,

“That what he do. He a torturer. An he know you scare of him” Jackson replied, cracking a grin when he saw the look of horror cross Damon’s face. Johnny and Kenneth broke out laughing as well.

“That’s Elijah Burns, Damon. The infamous torturer of Black Shadow Pack” Kenneth said. The colour drained from his face when he turned to face Elijah.

“You’re a real nice guy, no, no, no hard feelings….whatsoever” Damon called to him. Johnny and Kenneth tried stifling their laughter, but lost it when Jackson broke and howled.

“Got one” They all turned to face Adonis. He was looking oddly at Kane. Something wasn’t right though. Adonis stiffened.

“What the fuck are you?” They heard him ask,

“What is going on, Alpha Adonis?” The King returned instead of answering. Adonis just continued to stare at him, lost in conversation with his wolf. ….grrrr…. His top lip curled back and he released a huffed snarl as he walked past Kane instead of answering his question. Adonis hated surprises and this was a surprise.

“Are you sure?” He asked when he stopped beside Tyler.

“Yeah, they both smell,” Tyler replied. Adonis could hear the confusion in his voice.

“Why didn’t you smell him before?” Adonis asked,

“Cause he din’t smell before,” Tyler said. Adonis breathed in deep, the distinct smell of smoke and flame greeted him, but something was wrong with it. Demons? Odin questioned. I don’t know!

“Flash em boys” Tyler said. Both Milo and Alejandro came to the surface.

“The fuck?” Tyler said as he looked at both Carter and Marco. “The fuck they normal?”

“I don’t know” ….grrrrrr…. Adonis looked both men over his top lip curling as he released a displeased snarl. He then moved towards Jackson with Tyler and Elijah in tow.

“The fuck Adon?” Jackson asked. He was laughing at the jokes Ko and he were making in his head about royal demons until he saw the confusion on Tyler’s face. Adonis didn’t answer him, instead he breathed deep. Demons! Odin called again.

“Light em up boys” Jackson said. Johnny and Kenneth obliged but Damon could only stare up at Adonis. He’d never been that close to a wolf as big as him. When Adonis turned to Damon, he visibly swallowed. The flames in his eyes danced and flickered as Odin was getting pissed, these were supposed to be demons and they’re not. Adonis grabbed Damon by his jaw ….grrRRRrrr…. Titan came forward immediately. ….grrrrrr…. Again Adonis snarled as he pushed Damon away. He and his men moved further into the field away from the others.

“The fuck?” Jackson asked, again, displeasure and confusion mixing into his tone.

“The fuck they smell?” Tyler asked,

“I don’t know. I don’t know why the two of them smell now, and not when we first met. You’re sure you didn’t smell it on Marco before?” Adonis turned to Tyler who nodded his head. “I didn’t smell it on the lieutenant either”

“Maybe it’s a fate thing.” Elijah had been quiet up till then. He didn’t want to say anything, it was his first demon and it got fucked up. That’s not our fault! Still! Then Jackson and Tyler fucked up too, and they’ve been at it longer! Thank you, Asmo! You didn’t disappoint him! How do you know? Because if you did, he would have killed you! Encouraging Asmo! And I’m not even trying! It shows! Don’t be impudent Elijah! Sorry Asmodeus! He was really beginning to regret teaching Asmodeus that word.

Kane had watched with interest as Adonis moved from one group to the next. He was looking for something, but he didn’t seem to be finding it. The more he searched the more agitated he became. His agitation turned to anger when he grabbed Damon’s face and growled at him, bringing Titan to the surface.

“What happened?” He asked when Johnny and the others approached him.

“I don’t know, Jackson told us to light them up.” Johnny replied,

“Tyler said the same thing, then asked why they’re normal. They could smell something on Marco that they couldn’t smell before” Carter added.

“I don’t know what he was looking for, but he looked angry that he didn’t find it” Kenneth interjected.

“Arrabbiato, sembrava fottutamente incazzato!(Angry, he looked fucking pissed off!)” Marco said as he stared at Kenneth.

“Thank you Marco,” Kane said.

“I didn’t think another Alpha could pull your wolf,” Damon said, rubbing his jaw.

“Why didn’t you bring Titan forward when Jackson said” Johnny asked,

“I was standing next to a giant monster. Did you not see his eyes?” Damon shot back.

Adonis and his men continued talking amongst themselves. One or another would look towards The Royals, then turn back to the group.

“So we got normals that smell like demons?” Jackson asked, “That fucked up an bullshit” He shook his head.

“Maybe they smell like demons cause they royals?” Tyler asked,

“Fuck that, tell em get they own smell, that one’s ours” Jackson fired at him. “Make em smell like potpourri, or somein else foo fooey”

“Don’t get mad at me, I din’t make em smell like that” Tyler huffed back.

“Enough! You two can beat each other later” Adonis cut in. He was thinking and their bickering wasn’t helping.

“Does their Queen smell?” Elijah asked, looking toward Adonis.

“I don’t know. Sniffing for demons wasn’t on my mind when I was hanging her by the throat.” Adonis said.

“Out of any of ’em her be the one to smell” Jackson said, nodding. They smelled like demons but they also didn’t smell like demons. Adonis sniffed Tyler, catching him by surprise. Fire and smoke, that’s how a demon was supposed to smell. The Royals smelled more smoke than fire, and the fire smelled wrong.

“I shower dis mornin” Tyler said quickly, giving himself a sniff. He wasn’t springtime fresh after his tussle with Carter, but he didn’t stink either.

“What?” Jackson asked,

“There is something else mixed in with their scent. It’s smoke and fire, but the fire is not….pure” Adonis said. Jackson sniffed Elijah, trying to pinpoint what his Alpha was saying. There was something different about the way they smelled compared to the way The Royals smelled. The Royals smelled real, but not real, artificial.

“We smell like campfire” Elijah said as he too sniffed Tyler,

“An you can’t sniff Jackass?” Tyler asked him, Jackson cracked a grin.

“They smell….” Elijah started

“Fake!” Adonis finished. They all turned to look at The Royals. So they’re not demons? No, Odin! They’re fake demons? Yes, Odin! Why? I don’t know!

“I’ll look into it,” Elijah said.

“Let’s go find out if their Queen smells” Adonis turned and started walking towards the house, not giving a second look to Alpha Kane.

“Guess you’re done talking” Damon said as they watched the demons walk towards the house.

“Guess so!” Kane let out a rumbled sigh.

“We knew he was going to be the toughest one,” Johnny reminded him.

“Why do I think he’s going to make it impossible?” Kane grumbled.

“Perché lo renderà impossibile! (Because it will make it impossible!)” Marco replied, Johnny cracked a grin.

“Thank you Marco,” Kane gritted at him.

“Maybe don’t touch his mate next time.” Damon suggested.

“It wasn’t my intention” Kane snapped at Damon

“Yeah, I don’t think he cares brother,” Damon said, nodding.

“There’s something about her too” Johnny said,

“Si è rattristata….she sad, non mi ha reso felice….not happy” Marco said, pointing at himself.

“Yeah, what was that about?” Damon asked

“I didn’t smell her fear either, but I sure felt it” Kane said, touching his chest where he felt it spread through him

“That’s what set Jackson off. I thought they fed off it. I saw Alpha Adonis’s face when Dax was scared, he wanted more. But Jackson was pissed, when the little pixie was scared.” Johnny added.

“Maybe it’s different when it’s their Luna” Kenneth suggested.

“None of this was in any book we read.” Damon said,

“There wasn’t much in any book the council had. They don’t like to be studied,” Kane replied. They had to figure out something else, some other way, he needed to talk to Alpha Adonis. At least there’s no time limit this time! That is a bonus! There’s always the threat of death though! Thank you, Ky!

“What about if we talked to the ranks? They seem open to communication. Jackson’s funny, and the small one took a liking to both Marco and Carter” Damon suggested,

“Elijah is interesting and I wouldn’t mind talking to him, but is that going to be enough?” Kenneth asked,

“I don’t think they’ll have sway with him, but the little pixie will. She’s his true mate, not his chosen one, but for whatever reason they are keeping it a secret.” Kane said. If they can get the little pixie on their side, maybe they can get The Devil.

“She’s with feisty pants right now” Damon said,

“Hopefully they’ll bond,” Kane replied. It was in Dax’s hands now. He prayed his queen could pull this off, this visit was their one shot, he didn’t think they would get a second chance with The Devil.

Dax and Kenzi were in the kitchen. When she told the cook about the ice cream that was hidden in the freezer, he seemed shocked and then angry that they knew about it. But when she said Adonis said they could have it, his anger disappeared only to be replaced by fear and with another yup and sure he ran off to get it for them. They were now sitting at the breakfast bar, with a bowl of ice cream each and a plate of brookies to share. The other type of cookies had been eaten, and she hoped at least the others got some first.

“How did your wolfie get break-ed?” Kenzi asked,

“She wasn’t broken, she was just sleeping” Dax snapped, slight agitation in her voice, but when she saw the look of regret cross Kenzi’s face, guilt spread through her.

“I’m sorry” Kenzi whispered, turning her eyes to her ice cream bowl, as a streak of sadness tore through her. It was not her intention to upset the little white haired girl, she just wanted to get to know her. She seemed friendly on the lawn, but now she wasn’t so sure. Dax didn’t mean to snap at the purple haired pixie, she did nothing wrong, she was the sweetest little thing. But she was still feeling slightly afraid after the scene with that monster.. This is all that monster’s fault, he’s a….a….mega monster! That was bitchy! Don’t start, Nyx! You made the little pixie sad and she did nothing wrong! Nyx! You heard boulder head, she found out a week ago and has been trying to understand it. She won’t understand that I was sleeping and it took, becoming a fated soul and essentially dying only to be woken up by the bite of my mate. And if you think about it, that sounds broken. You also seem to forget, this was us when we found out, and it wasn’t that long ago! Dax released a sigh, Nyx was right. It wasn’t that long ago that they found out about werewolves, and she kept asking for an instruction manual. Truth be told she was still hoping she could get her hands on one. Dax looked at Kenzi again. She was poking her ice cream in her bowl as she stared down into it. Her heart broke for the girl, she was trying to navigate the werewolf world with no instructions and a pack of ruthless monsters guiding her.

“I’m sorry!” Dax put her spoon down and turned to the little one beside her.

“It’s ok!” Kenzi put her spoon down as well, but didn’t look at Dax, instead she looked away, but not before Dax saw the slight quiver of her bottom lip. Good job! You made her cry….bully! Hush you! You better hope you can make her stop before the mega monster sees! Not helping! Compliment her brookies! Dax went to open her mouth then she heard the front door crash into the front hall. Uh oh! You’re in trouble now! Still not helping! I vote for hiding! The atmosphere in the kitchen took a drastic change, and when Dax looked up she saw him standing in the kitchen entrance. Flames engulfed his eyes as he looked upon the little one hiding her face beside her. Without saying a word he crossed the room, scooped her into his arms and carried her off. The other three however stayed behind. Two with eyes that swirled gold and one with glowing orange stood on the other side of the breakfast bar. None of them spoke aloud, instead they’re penetrating gaze bore holes deep into her soul. A silent conversation going on between them, she would periodically see one smile.

“Fuck you all!” Dax huffed getting down from the chair she was perched on and stormed out of the kitchen, listening to their maniacal laughter.

“What happened sweetheart?” Adonis asked. They were sitting in the chairs by the pool. Kenzi was tucked into his neck as she fought and failed to contain the streams of tears that slid down her cheeks.

“I-I-I k-k-keep scr-screwing up, I-I-I di-didint mean to upset her-her,” she sniffled.

“You upset her, how did you upset her?” He was running his hand up and down her back, it was a trying day for his little mate. She was trying her best, but it didn’t seem to be working out for her. No matter what she tried, someone from this miserable pack had a fault with it and would degrade her. There was no one here for her to talk to, until she ran into The Royals. Then shit went sideways and she got scared over what she witnessed, and he probably didn’t help matters. But that fucker was touching her, holding her away from us and wouldn’t give her back. It was mostly that pricks fault, the situation spiraled like that. Had he not touched her, things would have been fine. Had he just given her to Tyler, the altercation never would have happened. Had he given her back, there would have been no threat to pop their Queen’s head off! I thought we were supposed to be making her feel better? We are! Does she look better? Adonis looked down at his little mate with her face still buried in his neck, tears still rolling down her cheeks, her shaky gasped breaths catching in her throat. He moved his arms more around her. Pressing his lips to her head.

“How did you upset her?” He repeated,

“I as-ask-ed how her w-wo-olf-fie ge-get-ted bre-break-ed. I-I-I di-didint know they….they c-cou-ld be brea-break-ed. Sh-she get-ted m-ad” Kenzi replied. “I jus want-ed to-to know mo-mo-re aboud her but….but….but I m-ma-de her mad. I-I-I scr-screw-ed up!”

“Sweetheart, it’s not your fault. You didn’t screw up, you didn’t make her mad, I did. I scared her and she lashed out at you, but she shouldn’t be so sensitive. Her wolf was born asleep, essentially broken. She had a past much like yours, which made her too weak for her wolf to wake up. Do you remember what I told you about mates?” Kenzi nodded,

“I-I-If the m-ma-tes are both w-wol-fies, then each has their m-ma-ate. If only one is a wol-fie and the other is hh-hu-man, then the wolfie has to sh-sh-are them.” She said, clutching tighter to his shirt.

“Clever girl.” He placed a kiss on her head. “It took the bite from her wolf’s mate to wake her up.” Adonis finished explaining to her. Kenzi finally lifted her head and looked at him.

“There’s my beautiful sweetheart. But I still see tears, you’re not having any fun here.” Kenzi shook her head. She wasn’t having any fun. This pack was mean, and the only ones that spoke to her weren’t going to do that after what happened on the front lawn.

“Do you want to go back to Steve and Kennedy’s?” Adonis asked. Kenzi again nodded, at least there, they talked to her and not about her.

“Adonis, so glad I found you….with your….mate” Eric said as he approached. His eyes narrowed when he saw Kenzi.

“How’s your head, Eric?” Adonis asked, holding Kenzi tighter to him as his body stiffened. Truthfully if it wasn’t for his mate in his arms he would probably drown Eric in the pool right now.

“It’s fine. All is forgiven, I was assured it was an accident” Eric replied, glancing at Kenzi again. She shrank back further into Adonis’s arms.

“It was. I would have done it on purpose and would have broken the pot after I hit you repeatedly with it” Adonis snarled at him. Kenzi turned herself away from Eric. All was not forgiven, he was clearly still upset that she hit him with the pot.

“Brother, there is no need for such hostility” Eric said as he sat in one of the chairs across from Adonis. ….grrrRrrrr…. Slipped past Adonis’s lips at the word. Brother! What does this idiot know about being a brother?

“What do you want?” Adonis asked,

“Since you are here. I have a tailor waiting for you” Eric replied,

“Why?” Adonis asked,

“We are having a dinner tonight in The King’s honour and it is a formal affair” Eric answered, then looked at Kenzi, subtly curling his top lip. “And I suppose we could find something suitable for her to not drown in,” He added, eyeing her small body. Trust his brother to find one that was an inconvenience to everyone. Though even Eric had to admit, she had all the right curves in all the right places and he did enjoy being able to look down her shirt. His own mate was not endowed like the mangy little stray Adonis found.

“We are not staying, we are heading back to White Stone” Adonis informed him.

“Alpha’s Steve and Kennedy will be in attendance tonight” Eric replied, smugly.

“That’s all the more reason for us to leave. We could have the house to ourselves, whatever will we do” Adonis turned Kenzi’s face up to his as he brushed his lips across hers. The blush hit her face hard, as a little giggle escaped her.

“A bath!” She said, her lips curving more into a smile,

“We could start there, then steak and fries for dinner,” he added, still looking at her.

“Brookies and ice cream for dessert?” She asked, this was sounding better and better to her.

“Of course, whatever my tiny dancer wants. Campfire, dancing under the stars.” Adonis felt it then, a small spark of excitement, then it quickly vanished with the clearing of a throat.

“You’re still here? I thought you would have fucked off by now” Adonis said. Before Eric could reply, Adonis tensed right up. His eyes blackened then were engulfed by flames as Odin came to the surface. He held Kenzi closer to him, hiding her in his arms.

“Adonis, how nice to see you son” The man spoke to him. ….grrrRrrrr…. Released from him at the mention of the word he dared to use.

“Is that anyway to treat your father?” The man spoke, ….grrrRrrrr…. Another warning. Kenzi tensed in his arms clinging tightly to his shirt. Adonis slipped her headphones back on and hit play on her phone. She didn’t need to be frightened anymore today. This would frighten her. He warned her this would happen, if Ethan were to step foot in his presence. Odin didn’t just hate the man he loathed him, and Adonis promised he could vocalize it as much as he wanted. Kenzi said she understood, and that it would be bad juju if he broke that promise to Odin.

“….grrrRrrrr…. I don’t see my father present ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….” Adonis growled out. “I will not be held accountable for Odin’s reaction towards you, you have no one to blame but yourself for the loathing I feel

“Your words cut deep. I thought we passed this,” the man said.

“….grrrRrrrr…. What do you want Ethan? ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“I have not had the pleasure of meeting your little friend,” Ethan said, as he looked at Kenzi hiding in his arms.

“And you NEVER will” Adonis held her tighter to him, while Odin turned her away so Ethan couldn’t see her. He didn’t want her meeting any of them.



“Come get Kenzi, we’re by the pool, bring Jackson and Elijah”

“You got it!”

“What do you think this dinner is going to entail?” Johnny asked as he stood in the office getting fitted for a black tux.

“Considering the dress code I’m assuming something extravagant” Kane replied as he too was being fitted.

“If we ever visited demon territory what kind of party do you think they’d throw?” Damon asked as he waited his turn. They all just looked at each other. What kind of parties do demon’s throw? Would they throw us a party? Ky asked. Probably not, after what happened on the front lawn we’d be lucky if it wasn’t a linching!

“Feste scatenate!” Marco said, “Wild….ones. Tyler mi ha parlato della festa di compleanno che hanno organizzato per il piccola tesoro. Si sono sparati a vicenda con una pistola a patate.(Tyler told me about the birthday party they threw for the little darling. They shot each other with a potato gun.)”

“They shot a potato gun at each other….like on purpose?” Johnny asked looking at him, only to get huffed at by the tailor for moving.

“Si, hit….Jackson’s….nut” Damon flinched, they all flinched.

“È stato mite, rispetto a quello che hanno fatto….that was….shhh” Marco held his finger to his lips, he couldn’t get the word out in English and that seemed the best option “I Demoni hanno bisogno di divertirsi! Demoni….need fun!” Marco told them.

“Getting hit in the nut with a potato doesn’t sound like fun,” Damon commented.

“Guess it is in their world,” Kane replied. Yeah, no thank you. We don’t want a party!

“How do you think feisty pants is doing?” Damon asked.

“Not doing well” Dax replied as she walked into the office.

“What happened?” Kane asked,

“I made her cry,” she replied, nodding her head.

“You made her cry?” Johnny asked. He fought with himself to hide the disappointment at that. The little pixie was an absolute sweetheart, what could she have possibly done?

“Baby, how did you make her cry?” Kane asked,

“She asked how my wolf got broken and I snapped at her. Told her she wasn’t broken, she was just asleep.” Dax felt extremely guilty over the whole thing.

“Baby….” Kane looked at her, he too was hiding the disappointment. The little pixie was trying her hardest to understand everything and didn’t deserve to be treated with the disrespect she was being shown by members of this pack. But to be shown it by his own mate slightly upset him.

“Don’t even start, Nyx already got me. It’s all that mega monster’s fault, if he hadn’t scared me I wouldn’t have snapped at her. That girl is the sweetest little thing and she was just trying to understand and I don’t think she’s having the greatest day to begin with. I tried to apologize, but she clammed right up, and before I knew it the mega monster was in the kitchen. And holy fuck was he pissed. He never said a word, just grabbed the little pixie and left. The others stayed behind though, and fuck that shit I was out. I ain’t hanging out with a bunch of insane psychotic fucking monsters.” Dax huffed as she paced the office. She had to get to the purple haired pixie and talk to her, apologize and explain her behaviour. She really didn’t mean to snap at her.

“Mega monster?” Damon asked, trying not to laugh

“What the fuck would you call him?” She asked, looking at her brother.

“Mega monster works” Damon had to agree with that. Adonis was a monster of a man.

“What’s going on here?” Dax asked,

“Tuxedo fitting. There is a formal dinner in our honour” Kane replied, a smile pulling at his lips.

“Oh for the love of….why? Who’s stupid fucking idea was that?” Dax asked.

“Eric’s!” And they all waited, knowing full well what was going to come next. Johnny was already fighting back his laughter.

“Does that guy need fucking medication? Is he stupid? Can we lobotomize him? Wasn’t he told that we didn’t want to make a big fucking deal out of our visit? This is going to make a big fucking deal. The stupid fucking….how could someone that stupid be running a fucking pack? There needs to be better fucking qualifications. An exam! You’re the fucking King, make them take an exam. Then stupid morons and mega monsters can’t be Alphas.” Dax fumed, her face red all the way to the tips of her pointy little ears. Kane had stepped away from his tailor to pull her into his arms. She was stressed over how things went with the little pixie, and was venting over something else hoping it would make her feel better.

“Feel better?” He asked,

“Eric’s a dick!” She said. Johnny and Damon erupted into a fit of laughter and it was only made worse when the tailor huffed at Johnny again.

“Yes he is” Kane replied, massaging the spot behind her ears that made her purr.

“That’s cheating” but she still leaned into it.

“You’ll figure it out, you always do. If she was having a bad day, she will understand that you were having one as well. But tread carefully” Kane said to her. He didn’t want to tell her that she was their only hope at getting to Adonis.

“Why aside from the giant monstrous reason, do I need to tread carefully?” Dax asked as she enjoyed the feel of his hands.

“There is something about the little pixie, and until we know more we need to be careful. The Devil is not the only reason, his demons are just as protective over her.” He replied.

“What are you not telling me?” Dax asked,

“Clever girl! When she introduced herself it was as Alpha Adonis’s chosen mate, but I don’t think she is” Kane replied,

“So he just picked her up off the street?” Dax asked,

“No, I think she’s his true mate and they are just keeping it a secret.” Kane said,

“Why?” Dax looked up at Kane.

“He is a mega monster, he’s probably made several enemies. Any of them would like to see him suffer. But I don’t think taking his mate would make him suffer.” Kane said

“Yeah, it would piss him the fuck off and he’ll throw open the gates of hell and destroy everything” Dax exclaimed,

“You my dear Queen are very accurate. Now you need to go be fitted for a dress” Kane kissed her head and ushered her towards the door.

“This day sucks!” Dax huffed “Choked by a mega monster, scare a pixie, now stand on a fucking stage and listen to an obnoxious moron who’s probably long winded give a stupid fucking ‘we’re honoured to have….’ speech. Dinner better be fucking worth it. I’m starving. Brookies only go so far” Dax stomped towards the door.

“How were they by the way?” Damon couldn’t help but ask, he was starving as well, and they never made it back to the kitchen.

“The most delicious thing I have ever had. Don’t tell Margie that” Dax replied as she walked out of the office.

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