The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 69: Party For Royalty Part One!

Dressing For The Party!

Adonis sat stone faced in the chair he was using. He was waiting for his ranks to show up. When Kenzi was safe then and only then would he address the man that still referred to himself as his father. Ethan Bradshaw was trying to mask the fear he was feeling as The Devil’s penetrating gaze bore into him. Odin was unrelenting; he wanted Ethan to fear him. Any shift, any movement and he would release a growl. Not just any growl, one that held the promise of pain and torture. Kenzi was snuggled into his arms, resting comfortably with her head on his chest. He probably should have checked on her, but he didn’t want to take his eyes off the man sitting across from him.

“Seems she fell asleep” Ethan spoke as he looked upon the little girl wearing headphones in his son’s arms. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….

“Easy son” ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….

“Adonis, I would have thought Alpha Cameron taught you better than that” ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Adonis’s top lip curled back at that comment. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….

“She is quite beautiful, isn’t she Eric? I now understand why it took your brother so long to find his mate. Only someone truly special could be mated to him. And someone who can sleep through all the noise he is making is truly special” ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….

“Yes father, truly….special” Eric grumbled. He wasn’t happy about this. Adonis was never supposed to get his mate, true or chosen, she would wreck everything he had worked to build. Adonis was all his father ever spoke about. ’Adonis stormed another pack. Adonis has the council scared. Adonis has other packs terrified, we need him in our corner. With Adonis at our side we would become more powerful than The King. There is no end to his blood lust. He is truly powerful and only getting stronger, and with no connection to the werewolf community he is unstoppable.’ Like Eric didn’t know any of this, he too has been trying to keep tabs on his little brother. But he has the uncanny ability to just disappear and then reappear at will. How does a man his size do that? He was trying to get in his graces, but Adonis was stubborn and refused to listen to reason. Dealing with him was difficult on a good day, let alone when he was in a bad mood, and their father always put him in a bad mood. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. Eric snapped his attention to Adonis. A knowing look crossed his brother’s face as a sadistic smile flashed and was quickly gone. Eric swallowed hard, he had heard a few stories and he prayed they weren’t true, he prayed The Devil didn’t know what you were thinking.

“Now that Adonis has his mate….” Ethan continued,

“She’s just his chosen” Eric cut his father off there, bitterness edging into his voice. He was pretty sure she wasn’t even that. Just some bunny to keep his brother’s bed warm perhaps, what else would she be good for. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Now Eric, don’t be like that. Adonis has waited years to find someone he could call his mate. True or chosen that little one is his” Ethan said, ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“He hasn’t even marked her father, how serious can he be about her” Eric stated. Until he marks her she is nothing, and he needs to get her out of the way and away from Adonis. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….

“Eric, you are upsetting your brother. You forget Natasha is your chosen and not your true mate. If we were using that as a standard for success or failure, then you, my oldest, failed first.” Ethan snarled at him. “He will mark her in time, until then this is cause for celebration. All my sons finally have their mates” ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….

“I was….” Eric started to say, his father clearly forgets he was the reason Natasha was his chosen and not his true.

“We will throw a party, something fitting of a man of your brother’s stature” Ethan cut him off. “We can….”

“Ethan, the fuck are ya? I shock you still breathin” Jackson said when he came round the corner.

“Yeah, thought he be dead by now” Tyler agreed,

“Jackson, Tyler, always a pleasure to see you” Ethan said to them with a forced smile upon his face.

“That a fuckin lie. He ain’t ever happy to see us” Tyler retorted,

“That cause he don’t like us” Jackson replied,

“Why? The fuck we do?” Tyler asked, Jackson could only shrug. They had done so much to Ethan that it was hard to pinpoint the one thing that made him hate them.

“You sent daisies after my mother died” Eric replied,

“Well that was nice of us,” Jackson said, not understanding what the problem was.

“My mother hated daisies. And the daisies you sent were nothing more than weeds pulled out of a garden” Eric snapped, ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“You might wanna calm down there Eric, you settin the puppy off” Jackson warned, then broke out laughing when he heard Tyler losing control.

“Take her some place quiet” Adonis finally spoke, he placed a kiss on Kenzi’s forehead before he handed her off to Tyler. She stirred a bit but snuggled into Tyler’s chest.

“Don’t drop her Tyler” Jackson teased,

“Shut up Jackass, I ain’t gonna drop her,” Tyler snapped back as he held her tighter to him. I might drop her! Her lil an light! Not helpin Bal! Jus move slow! Yeah, move slow! Tyler turned and walked away, making sure he knew where he was stepping. Last thing he wanted to do was drop his sister.

“You just give your….”

“It is not your business Eric” Adonis cut him off. “Who are you to say anything, when you are an Alpha whose daddy still clearly calls the shots” Jackson’s grin broke big across his face.

“Daddy lil bitch,” he choked out then broke out laughing.


“Please Ethan, try and parent me. It worked so well when I was younger and smaller. No, I do not want your pathetic party, there is no way you would be able to throw one for a man of my stature, especially when you know nothing about me. And hell would freeze before I celebrated any ceremony with this pack of repugnant mongrels. I would rather watch them burn” Adonis/Odin glowered at them. Both Ethan and Eric sat back from him.

Jackson and Elijah stood on either side of Adonis as he sat in the chair. He waited for either Eric or Ethan to say a word, but they both sat there quietly collecting themselves after he made it very clear whatever Ethan was trying to plan was not going to happen.

“The dinner for The King tonight. I ask that you all please be on your best behaviour, considering your first encounter didn’t go so well” Eric brought it back around to the topic he was trying to talk to him about before their father tried to control the conversation. That was one good thing about Adonis, Ethan had no say over him, he did whatever he wanted, said whatever he wanted and there was nothing Ethan could do or say to stop him. In that aspect Eric envied his brother, he had freedom.

“The fuck he need a dinner for?” Jackson asked,

“It’s to honour him for coming. It’s customary” Eric shot at him,

“That the stupidest fuckin thin I ever heard. Wait till Bal fine out. Tyler gonna throw a tantrum, specially if he has to wear another monkey suit” Jackson replied “We stayin for dinner? This could be fun.”

“Throwing a dinner for royalty takes months of preparations, it is not a last minute venture. I can see this failing” Elijah added,

“We haven’t really had any fun since we got to this miserable, foul excuse for a pack. And to watch Eric fail would be entertaining. Especially if their King gets offended and takes his head.” Adonis answered,

“That be fun to see right there on stage. Eric flappin his yap then BAM head be rollin” Jackson said, cracking up laughing one at the look on Eric’s face and two when he flinched.

“That would be entertaining actually” Elijah had to agree.

“Right! That not somein you see everday” Jackson replied

“Though I heard he is partial to ripping spines out” Elijah stated.

“That be fun too! Been awhile since we saw that happen” Jackson said, nodding.

“I’m convinced!” Adonis stood up. “I hope you screw up, to watch your King rip your spine out will be quite entertaining for us.” The sinister grin that spread across Adonis’s face when he looked his brother in the eye had Eric almost cowering in his seat, his breath catching in his throat.

“The t-t-tailor is in the office” Eric replied, swallowing hard as he stared up into the burning flames of his brother’s eyes, fighting and losing the battle with the shudder that was running down his back.

Adonis was moving back through the house. He let the waves of disgust roll off of him as the she-whores of this pack ogled him. He only wanted his mate looking at him like that. He curled his lip at a few that tried to speak to him, he growled at the ones that tried to touch him, and the ones that actually touched him were thrown to the side.

“Hi, Alpha Adonis!” This sultry purr sounded behind him.

“Fuck off!” He growled and kept walking, he had a mate to see. He knew the only place Tyler would take Kenzi was his old room. No one wanted it even after all these years. No one wanted to be in the room that once housed The Devil. It was like everyone was afraid of this room. He had to tell Kenzi they were not going back to Steve and Kennedy’s instead they were staying for Alpha Kane’s dinner and she would need to be fitted for a dress. He would have to make up for this day. They will spend the whole day together tomorrow. Bath sounds good! A smile played on Adonis’s lips as he thought about a bath with his little mate. She got excited when she saw the huge tub and all the bubble bath and oils in the bathroom yesterday.

His brothers Steve and Kennedy had gone above and beyond to make her feel welcome in their home. Upon first meeting her they treated her like family. Fussing and gushing over everything about her. Telling her she could cook in the kitchen whenever she wanted, in fact Kennedy highly encouraged it. If she made a mistake or said something, they would either laugh or tell her it was alright, and she said stuff. Any question she asked, they happily answered. That was not the reception she received here. She was glared at, sneered at, snarled at, she was bumped into, forcefully moved out of the way. They spoke about her, right in front of her and they held nothing back. Even with Tyler beside her. He would snap, snarl or shove them back, but they wouldn’t quit. She would tell him it was ok or fine, when it was clearly written across her face that it was neither fine or ok.

“Her still sleepin” Tyler said, he hadn’t left his post at the door, though he looked like he was itching for some excitement.

“Did you drop her?” Adonis asked,

“Nope! And nobody came callin or even try,” Tyler replied, shaking his head. “We headin back to White Stone?”

“No, there is a dinner tonight honouring Alpha Kane and our best behaved presence is requested.” Adonis replied,

“Why?” Tyler didn’t want to stay for that,

“Because we are here. Think about it like this, it’ll be entertaining to watch Eric fail, and maybe Alpha Kane will rip his spine out on stage. Plus due to the deal we made, you’ll be the only one not getting fitted for a monkey suit.” Tyler nodded his head.

“When the las time we saw someone get they spine rip out?” He asked,

“It’s been awhile. Jackson and Elijah are in the office already, I will be there shortly.” Again Tyler nodded, he looked back at the door he was standing in front of then moved down the hall.

The Devil’s Room!

Is that supposed to welcome us home? No Odin, that was carved into the door when I was five! Who did it? Evan, it was the year after my changes! Idiot! It’s how he got the scar on the back of his hand! You stabbed him? The knife slipped and he cut himself, it was still blamed on me though! We should go see mate! I get to tell her we’re not leaving and now she has to be fitted for a dress! We could still leave, not like we promised to stay! We also didn’t promise to be on our best behaviour, it was just requested! Who says we have to comply? Who’s going to make us? Think King boy will rip bitch boy’s spine out? Where do you come up with this stuff? I listen….so will he? There’s alway hope! Adonis opened the bedroom door to see his little mate curled on the bed in his musty old room. Nothing had been touched, nothing had been moved. Let’s get her out of here, it’s depressing! It really was, and pathetic, to let four walls have this much power over everyone. Its just a fucking room! What were you expecting? I don’t know….something! Something fitting of The Devil? Yeah! I was a four year old boy first! In some aspects not much has changed! Asshole! Bigger asshole!

“Sweetheart, it’s time to wake up,” Adonis spoke softly as he brushed the hair that cascaded across her features. He was crouched down beside the bed looking at her angelic face, he wanted to just scoop her up and leave right then and there. Carry on with the plans they had been making.

“Sweetheart” He would crawl into the bed beside her, but there was no way this rickety old thing would support him. It would have her up when it crashed to the ground, but that was not the way he wanted to wake her up.

“Kenzi, sweetheart!” She shifted slightly, but didn’t open her eyes. Ethan bore her to death! Maybe, or maybe she’s pretending! He caught the slight turn of her lips.

“If you don’t get up my tiny little dancer I am going to be forced to do something drastic.” He threatened, trailing his fingers down the curve of her neck. She shifted again, trying to protect her neck but she kept her eyes closed. His fingers trailed lower and lower, over her shoulder, down her arm. She shifted again, trying to get away from the light brushes and tickling tingles.

“I know you’re not sleeping,” he whispered. He heard it then, tiny and quiet but he heard it, the faintest little giggle.

“Maybe you are sleeping, maybe if I brush….here.” He swept his fingers over the inside of her wrist and she pulled her hand away, her tiny giggles getting louder.

“Still not waking up, ok how about….here.” He brushed lightly against her side. She fought the squeal, but her body shivered against his touch.

“Deep sleeper….how about….” He slid his hand gently up the back of her thigh to her bottom, stopping briefly for a squeeze before he landed on her hip and trailed his fingers down to her midsection. She giggled and squirmed to get away, but it was too late he wrapped his arm around her pulling her into his lap to face him.

Kenzi’s eyes sparkled and danced with merriment as she sat straddling his waist. The smile was big on her face.

“Hello sweetheart” he said brushing his lips across hers.


“How was your nap?” Adonis asked,

“Good. Did evry-thing go ok?” She didn’t mean to fall asleep, but the growls were so rhythmatic, his embrace was so warm and safe, she knew nothing was going to get her. Her eyes felt heavy and before she could fight it she drifted off.

Everything went.” Was all Adonis could really say.

“Are we going back to Steve and Kennedy’s now?” He heard the hope in her voice, she didn’t want to be here any longer.

“No sweetheart,” Kenzi’s shoulders slumped a little. “There is a dinner for Alpha Kane tonight, our presence has been requested.”

“Why? Is he someone important?” She asked,

“Only to normal wolves, he’s their king” Adonis replied,

“He’s not important to demons?” Kenzi asked,

“He doesn’t have power over demons. Aside from me, no one does” Adonis replied with a smile. He watched her absorb the information as she was nodding her head.

“You need to be fitted for a dress, apparently it’s a fancy dinner.” He held her closer to him. Running his hand up and down her back.

“Tomorrow I promise we’ll do something fun.” He added, as she leaned more into him.

“Like what?” She asked, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Shopping” Kenzi stiffened in his arms, that didn’t sound like fun.

“Shopping isn’t fun” She said, at least it wasn’t for her.

“Then we’ll make it fun and you promised,” he replied.

“I won’t break my promise” Kenzi cuddled in more to him

“I know sweetheart. Maybe a bath, steak and fries for dinner, with brookies and ice cream for dessert, that’s if the boys haven’t eaten them all” Kenzi could only giggle, the boys probably did eat them all, they were Tyler’s favourite.

“Maybe a campfire, dancing under the stars. The carnival Kennedy mentioned is on Friday” He felt the sparks of excitement entering her. When Kennedy mentioned the carnival to her, she looked at Adonis pleading with him to go. He didn’t outright say no, but he didn’t say yes. We were going! Shut up! Like you can say no to that face! Like you can? Oh, fuck no. Everything’s yes. If she asked if she could set me on fire….yes, yes you can Lil Button, wait here I’ll get the matches! Odin! I love her, and so do you, cause you wouldn’t say no either! I might at least think about it! No you wouldn’t! Who was he kidding? He wouldn’t think about it anymore than Odin would. He would just get the matches. Hell he’d probably do it for her so she wouldn’t get hurt.

“Really?” She looked back at him, her excitement filling up the room as her body began to vibrate.

“Really!” Hugging him tightly as she squealed with joy. She might be slightly excited! Only slightly!

Adonis had dropped Kenzi off on the second floor where she was to be fitted for a dress and he stepped into the office in time to see Elijah step away from the tailor.

“Fuck! I was hoping I missed this” Adonis grumbled

“Clearly, took you a while” Jackson grumbled back as he continued to stand there and get fitted. “The fuck don’t Tyler has to be fitted?”

“It the deal Adon an I work out” Tyler replied, as he stretched out on the couch.

“Deal? What deal?” Jackson asked looking at his brother,

“I only wear one monkey suit a year an when I done wit it, I can wreck it,” Tyler replied, with a grin on his face.

“Son bitch!” Jackson huffed, “Hey! Unless you gonna buy me dinner firs, careful what yur touchin. At leas when Drea touch it her give it a rub an a tug” The office broke out laughing, with Jackson’s statement.

“Y-y-your turn A-A-Alpha A-A-Adonis” the tailor stammered when he approached him.

“I want a black shirt,” He said as he stood there waiting for the tailor to do his job.

“W-w-we o-only h-have w-w-white” he stammered again

“Give me a white shirt, and I’ll stain it blood red” Adonis replied, the tailor went wide eyed as he looked towards the other one.

“We might have a couple” He said, getting up and looking through their selection pulling a few.

“I think you scare em” Jackson said laughing,

“Sounds like a them problem” Adonis replied, “Tyler go check on Kenzi. She’s on the second floor”

Kenzi was dragged down the hallway and all but thrown into a room full of dresses. She stood there wide eyed looking at them all.

“Ok let’s see what I’m wor….” The words hung in the air when the man in the room turned around and saw her standing there.

“Hi!” She greeted him with a big smile, but he only glowered at her.

“You have got to be kidding me. How am I supposed to dress someone that looks like you? You’re small, awkwardly proportioned, dishevelled, and where are your shoes?” The dress fitter asked, the smile dropped from her face.

“I don’t know,” Kenzi replied quietly, casting her eyes on her bare feet. She didn’t even remember if she remembered to wear shoes when they left White Stone. Instinctively she wrapped her arms around herself.

“You don’t know? You don’t know what you did with your shoes? What are you five? How do you not know where your shoes are? You’re a grown woman….sort of.” He snapped at her. “Doesn’t matter anyway, I’d probably have to change those as well, I mean look at the rest of you.” He moved closer to her and she backed away.

“Stop that!” He snapped again, Kenzi flinched at the harshness of his tone holding tighter to herself. She fought back the urge to crack right there. It has been a day, and she just wanted to let go.

“Stand straight.” She obliged and stood as straight as she could.

“Short, you’re short. And your hair, and your eyes, and what is with your freaky little ears? What is wrong with you? And look at this, how am I supposed to dress this body? Seriously disproportionate.” He huffed and sighed. Mumbled and grumbled the more he saw. “Ugh! How am I supposed to hide those things? I mean look at them, you couldn’t do the world a favour and….” The tailor dropped what he was about to say right there as he took in the scars around the wrist of her arm he gripped tightly. Kenzi tried to pull her arm back, her breathing picking up, he was beginning to hurt her. His grip on her arm tightened as he took in the sight of the scars more. Kenzi could feel the bruise already forming. The discoloration under his hand became more and more pronounced the tighter he gripped.

Kenzi bit her lip to control the whimper that wanted out, fearing it would set him off more. He was already mad at her and she had no idea what she did to him. She didn’t want to be in the room anymore, she didn’t want to be in the house anymore, she didn’t want to be in Ottawa anymore. She just wanted to go home, back to Blackwoods where she belonged. She wanted to curl up in her bed and hide the rest of the week. She wanted Adonis.

“What the hell am I supposed to do with you?” The man snarled. “Inconvenient little burden” he mumbled under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose, but Kenzi caught it. Again she cast her eyes to the floor.

“Go behind the screen and get undressed. Hopefully I have something that won’t require a huge amount of alterations though I highly doubt it.” When Kenzi just stood there his eyes widened.

“….grRrRrRrr…. GO!” He growled loudly, amber flashing in his eyes ….eeeep…. She let out a startled yelp and scurried behind the screen. Her hands shook, her breath was shaky and her heart was thundering in her chest, but she did as she was asked.

Standing behind the screen in her bra and panties feeling exposed and vulnerable she had her arms wrapped tight around herself, trying to keep the scars on her wrists hidden as she held herself together.

“Maybe it wasn’t so bad, maybe you are not a total los….” Again his words hung in the air as he gazed upon her. He held four different dresses in his hand. His eyes wide as he took in the scars on her back.

“Look at you, not only are you an inconvenient burden, but you’re horribly disfigured. I don’t have anything to cover that grotesque body” Kenzi shook more, his words crashing in on her swirling around her. The first tear slipped down her cheek.

“And now you’re crying. Weak and pathetic, useless human.” Kenzi went to grab her phone, she needed to make it be quiet, she needed to shut it out.

“Who are you calling?” The man snatched her phone from her hand and smashed it to the floor. She would not be calling anybody. ….eeeeeep…. Another startled yelp escaped her lips at the movement and she stumbled backwards falling to the floor. Kenzi pushed herself away from him.

Tyler was heading down the hall, when overwhelming fear stole his breath as sadness swirled around him. KENZI! Bal growled out in his head and Tyler took off down the hall, pushing others out of his way. Stopping at the door with the most feeling he hesitated slightly, does he walk in or does he knock? Do somein, sister needs us! Bal howled. Tyler started pounding on the door. Come on Lil girl, open the door!

Kenzi!” He called, he could barely hear what was going on behind the thick oak door. A muffled voice and what sounded like soft cries.

Kenzi!” Tyler yelled again as he continued to pound on the door.

She’s not dressed” A voice yelled back.

KENZI!” Tyler called louder, something was wrong and he had to figure out how to get in there.

“Now do you see the mess you made?” The man snarled at her.

“I-I-I I’m sorry, I-I-I I didint mean too” Kenzi sobbed on the floor, she was pushed right back into the corner of the room as the man continued to hurl insults at her. She was trying to cover her ears, trying to drown out his voice, trying to hold onto whatever song she could, but his voice got through. All their voices got through. All the mean, hurtful, disparaging things anyone has ever said to her swirled around her filling her mind. The tears flowed down her cheeks. She wanted Adonis, she wanted to go home.

“Of course The Devil would find an inconvenient little play thing. He lives to make people’s lives hell” The man snarled

“I-I-I I’m sorry, I-I-I I’m sorry,” it was all she could say on a never ending repeat.

“You’re sorry? You’re sorry? You should be sorry. You should just do everyone a favour and go curl up in a hole and stay put.” The man snarked. The hammering on the door wasn’t helping his mood, as he continued to go through the dresses, releasing low snarl after low snarl.

Dax was coming out of one of the rooms, and the commotion caught her attention. The little one with no shoes was pounding on a door yelling for the purple haired pixie and he sounded pissed off. What did the purple haired pixie do? Maybe we should go see! Are you sure? He looks angry! Maybe she’s in trouble! Why would she be in trouble? You heard what the others in this pack were saying about her! Dax did hear, they weren’t very nice. They all seemed to have an issue with her and for the life of her she couldn’t figure out why. Maybe they can’t find a dress for her! You think she’s coming to dinner? Would be why she’s on this floor! Maybe this dinner wasn’t going to be a total lost cause then. There would be someone there she actually wanted to talk to. First she had to apologize for being a bitch. She cautiously approached the little one when a feeling washed over her. Fear and sadness. I can’t smell it! What? The fear! Why? I don’t know, but I can’t!

KENZI! ….grrrRrrrr…. Open the door you asshole!” The little one yelled. “I get my fuckin hands on you, I’ma rip you apartThat’s not going to encourage anyone to open the door! Shhh! He can’t hear me!

“Mine yur own ….grrrRrrrr….” The little one growled at her. He’s a mini monster! Shhh! Still can’t hear me!

KENZI!” Tyler went back to banging on the door in hopes Kenzi would answer him. He was starting to feel the waves of panic crash into him and his pounding got louder and harder.

Come on Lil Girl open the door!” Dax could hear the door starting to protest under his continuous assault.

“I don’t think banging on the door is going to get her to open” Dax finally said to him. BANG! The sound his fist made when it connected with the door had Dax taking a few steps back from him.

“….grrrRrrrr….This don’t concern you. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….” Tyler snarled at her when he finally turned to face Dax. Gold swirling in his eyes. Bal was pissed, their Queen had done something to his sister and he didn’t like her.

Open up you asshole….grrrRrrrr….” Tyler went back to banging on the door. It was urgent he got in that room. His sister was in there and something happened to her, she needed him. What did the purple haired pixie do? I don’t think she did anything! Then why is the mini monster banging on the door? I think something happened to her! What are we gonna do? Help her! ….grrrRrrrr…. Slipped passed Tyler when Dax approached the door.

“Oh, growl yourself you mini monster. If she’s in there, she’s naked and you can’t go in. I can, now move” Dax shoved a wide eye Tyler out of the way and entered the room, slamming the door in his face. You go brave girl! I almost peed! Yeah, let’s not tell people that! Wasn’t planning on it! Why are they all so terrifying? They’re monsters!


“Sup, lil bro”

“Adon wit you?”


“I need him….now!”

“He on his way”

Dax thought what she felt on the outside of the door was bad. The second she entered the room, the emotion crashed down on her in relentless tidal waves of fear, sadness and panic. It ripped the breath from her lungs, as shivers tore through her. The little purple haired pixie was cowering in the corner on the floor. Her body shivered as those emotions poured from her. Her hands covering her ears, her mouth moving quickly but the only sound escaping past her lips were quiet quivering whimpers. What the hell happened in this room? She looked at the man standing on the other side, he was tense and on edge and the persistent pounding on the door was only furthering his agitated state. He was busy going through garments holding one up only to cast it aside with a shake of his head, this too was making him angry.

“What did you do to her?” Dax asked approaching him,

“Nothing,” he snarled back.

“Nothing? You call that nothing?” Dax motioned towards Kenzi who huddled herself further in the corner, her knees as tight as she could get them to her chest.

“That mangy mongrel is nothing but an inconvenient little burden. How am I supposed to find something for her to wear? She is awkwardly disproportionate, and her body is grotesquely disfigured. I am doing the best I can” He growled again, but never turned to face Dax. Grotesquely disfigured? Nyx couldn’t help but ask. It was then that Dax noticed the long scar up Kenzi’s right leg and the ones that wrapped around one of her tiny little wrists. her heart shattered, when she saw the bruise. Oh Dax! Oh Dax! Oh Dax! I know Nyx! That’s not right! I know Nyx! She is not disfigured! If she is then so are we!

LOOK AT ME!” Dax growled, he whirled around wide eyed when he came face to face with The Queen.

“The only mangy mongrel in this room….is you.” Her fist connected with his throat. THUD! He produced incoherent gurgling sounds and hit the ground. “She is not disfigured!”

Adonis hit the second floor, his eyes engulfed in plum and silver flames. Odin was livid and this pack was going to burn. Wolves threw themselves out of his way and the ones that didn’t make it on time were thrown. The emotion he felt was overwhelming. Odin howled for vengeance. He could see Tyler hammering on the door to be let into the room that held his Luna.

“What happened?” He growled,

“I don’t know. That asshole won’t open the door an I can’t go in, her naked.” Tyler replied, about to bang on the door again, Adonis moved him to the side.

“I can!” He said as the door crashed into the room, from the force he used. The frame was splintered and cracks ran along the wall where it was moved. In order to enter the room, he had to not only duck but turn sideways. His mate, his beautiful mate, was huddled into the corner as far as she could get. Her eyes were shut and her ears covered and she was mouthing something but the only sound she emitted were small cries. Almost naked shivering as fear and sadness surrounded her, she was trying to fight it all back. The sobs, the cries, everything, but he could see the tear streaks on her face from the ones that betrayed her. The King’s mate was doing her best to offer comfort and assurances, but his mate couldn’t hear anything. Her body stiffened and tensed anytime she came in contact with her. She’d shake her head and push herself further into the wall to get away as her body trembled more. He saw the bruise on her arm and Odin roared with anger in his head. Deep breath after deep breath his body emanated anger and shook.

“Luna Dax in there too” Tyler said as he took in the damage to the door and wall.

“I didn’t do this….he did” Dax blurted the second he looked in her direction. Adonis looked over at the man on the ground holding his throat still gasping to take a controlled breath.

He was not his priority right now, he wasn’t going anywhere at the moment. And with Tyler in the hall he wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon. He crossed the room and sitting on the ground he had Kenzi in his lap and wrapped his arms around her little body, and like a magician he made her disappear. She crumpled into him and just cracked, sobs raked through her as the shivers continued to ravage her. Dax stepped back and found a blanket to wrap around her and he hid her from the world.

“Where is your phone sweetheart?” Adonis asked, his voice calm and soothing when he spoke to her.

“I think this might be it” Dax held up what looked like a piece of a broken phone.

“Headphones!” He barked as he pulled his phone from his pocket. Dax obliged and watched on as he plugged them into his phone and placed them over her ears. He turned something on and he held her more to him. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….Releasing a quiet series of rumbles he felt her push more into him. She might not be able to hear the growl but the feeling of them works as well. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Continuing the rumbles, he did his best to help her calm down. She gripped at his shirt, his coat any part of him she could as her fingers shook mercilessly. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“What happened?” They wanted to know, before any decision was made on how painful the man needed to die. Dax swallowed hard, his voice it was once soothing was now dark and menacing, she went to open her mouth. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“I….” ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“You do know!” He cut her off before she could say she didn’t

“I wa….” ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“You were here for something, or he wouldn’t be on the ground right now holding his throat” Adonis was beginning to lose his patience with her. Odin’s patience for her was already gone, he demanded to be heard. She looked at him wide eyed, then heard a small rumble from the door. Tyler wanted in, he wanted the man, he wanted to play with a new toy, he wanted to make it bleed. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“Did he call her an inconvenient burden?” ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“Awkwardly disproportionate” ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“Grotesquely disfigured” Adonis held his arms around her more, things she was told before, things that swirled around her mind. Things she had fought back. Now smashed into her. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“Tyler, come get your toy” Adonis ordered. Obliging his Alpha, with swirling golden eyes mini monster entered the room keeping his eyes averted from Kenzi hidden under the blanket. Tyler grabbed the man and was gone again. Dax could only watch, so many things swirling around her mind right now. Like how the fuck did he know what she was going to say? ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“I just do!” Again her eyes widened. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“I won’t answer any questions about it, so don’t bother. I don’t answer to you.” He snapped when he saw her open her mouth. He didn’t owe these people any answers, he owed them nothing. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Over and over he released the growls ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Letting the feel of his chest instil her with calm and peace. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“His toy?” Dax had to ask, she was curious.

“Tyler is going to play with it” Adonis replied,


“Until he breaks it” He cut her off


….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. “FUCK!” ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“That long” Adonis replied, when he heard the distant unhappy growls.

“Why don’t you just….” That’s fucking irratating! Nyx grumbled.

“I usually do!” Dax’s only reply was to huff at him.

“Grumpy fucking mega monster!” She mumbled under her breath, but the arch of Adonis’s eyebrow told her he heard every word. Her cheeks flushed a deep red as she looked at him.

“Mega monster?” He asked her, his brow furrowing.

“Well you’re not a mini monster,” she snapped.

“Clearly, he just broke his new toy. I’m curious as to what you call Jackson?” Adonis stared directly at her, flames of yellow and orange danced in his eyes.

“Big monster….and Elijah’s the ninja….original” Adonis rolled his eyes as he spoke for her.

“Ok, that is freaky and irritating….” She said to him, her face scowling.

“And you don’t like it” he finished for her, mimicking a whiney voice.

“Stop it!” She stomped her foot, but all that accomplished was a slight raise at the corner of his mouth.

“Put him away!” Dax demanded. Does she think we’ll listen to her! Yes! Is she stupid! Yes! We don’t take orders from them! No we don’t! The only thing her demand accomplished was making Odin intensify his glare.

“Put her away,” Adonis shot back more force behind his voice. Dax didn’t even realize Nyx came forward. What the fuck are you doing? I wanted to see! He’s viewing it as a threat! No he’s not! How do you know? He would have had us by our throat again! That’s not comforting Nyx! I just wanted to see the mega monster….he’s big, he’s really, really fucking big! There you saw! Yup, all for hiding! Dax blinked as Nyx receded, but Odin didn’t, he too wanted a look at their supposed Queen. She’s little! Yup! Not little like our Lil Button! No one is little like our tiny dancer! No one is special like her either! Nope! Her wolf sits close! Yup! Do you smell that? Not a demon! Not even close! She would have been one! Why is she not then? I don’t know. Maybe Elijah is right and this is a fate thing! Stupid fate thing! Stupid indeed! Are we leaving now? I’m going to leave it up to Kenzi! This day sucks and we have a lot to make up for! Yes we do! Odin finally satisfied with his look too receded. His arms wrapped more around Kenzi, she was crushed to him, her face buried in his chest hidden under the blanket. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“Why are you here?” Adonis asked Dax.

“Are yo….” ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….

“Just answer the fucking question, before you piss me off more than you already have. And don’t think for one second your meagre hit to the throat would have any effect on me ….grrrr….” He snarled and Dax stiffened and backed away slightly. That really is freaky! Nyx whimpered in her head.

“I heard the commotion and got concerned for her” Dax replied,

“Why?” He asked

“Because she’s the sweetest little thing ever and I wanted to make sure she was ok” Dax answered,

“Bit hypocritical don’t you think, like every member of this pathetic pack you snapped at her as well” Adonis narrowed his eyes on her.

“That was your fault” she fired at him, his eyes narrowed focusing on her.

“Enlighten me how it was my fault….because I almost made you….pee” Adonis glowered,

“Yeah! If you hadn’t….” She was about to say

“Then your king shouldn’t have touched my mate. He should have kept his filthy paws to himself.” Adonis snapped Odin surfacing. Dax gasped slightly as the shiver ran through her. Mega monster wasn’t even trying to fight back his wolf from taking over. Another shiver raked through her when she saw the tips of his canines come into view.

“You’re right he should have. He should have known better. But it was a mistake, a misunderstanding” Dax replied, she wasn’t going to get anywhere with mega monster if she angered him further.

“A mistake that damn near cost you your life” Adonis growled,

“And I would have been mad at him” Dax fired back,

“You would have been dead,” he retorted,

“You better believe I would come back to haunt him,” she replied with a nod of her head. He looked at her, Odin had receded again and his face held nothing, not an ounce of emotion at the joke she attempted to make. That was more unsettling than him growling at her. Make him growl at us again! ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Nope, don’t make him do that either! Not helping Nyx!

“It wasn’t my intention to snap at her and for that I’m sorry. She really is the sweetest little thing, and she’s just trying to understand everything.” Dax said as she looked at the blanketed mound in his arms.

“With no instruction manual and a pack of ruthless monsters guiding her.” Adonis added.

“Ok, that really is irritating and freaky as fuck” Dax said to him, earning her a slight grumbled chuckle. Progress!

“Not really!” Adonis remarked, again she could only scowl at him. How the fuck did he know what she was thinking?

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