The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 67: Meeting The Queen!

Dax and Carter had just left the house, an angry presence could be felt all over the territory. She could feel Kane’s anger, but this anger was deep, dark, terrifying and washed over everything.

“Who is Kane talking to?” Dax asked Carter,

“I don’t know, but he’s fucking huge” Carter replied as he looked upon the other man. Dax took off running across the field, something wasn’t right. Carter took off behind her, yelling for her to stop.

“Luna….Luna….you can’t….FUCK!

“Keep up Carter, something’s wrong,” she called over her shoulder at him.

Tyler tilted his head to the side as he picked up on something. Damon was watching him closely trying to figure out what it was he was doing. He watched him step back a few feet away from the others in preparation, something was about to happen. Then he heard it. He shot a look to Kane who looked behind Adonis, but not before he saw a sinister smile spread across the other Alpha’s face. Before anyone could utter a word, Tyler had thrown Dax to Adonis and had driven a fist into the left side of Carter’s face then threw him the other way towards Damon. Away from the Luna he was supposed to be protecting. For the longest time no one moved. Adonis now had Dax hanging several feet in the air. One hand gripped her throat while his other arm had her crushed to his torso.

“Let her go and I won’t pop this one’s head off” Adonis threatened.

“Don’t….” Kane stepped towards him

Make another move and I’ll do it for fun” Adonis warned, Dax’s eyes widened when she felt his grip constrict more around her throat.

“Don’t even think of it, little girl. I will do far more damage to you, then you could ever do to me” Adonis whispered in her ear when he felt her leg raise. “Your best course of action right now is to tell him to let my mate go.”

“You know who we are right?” The words barely out of her mouth and his grip tightened.

“I don’t care who you are. You are NOT my Queen! We DON’T answer to your kind” Dax looked at Kane, fear spiking through her. Adonis couldn’t help but breathe it in, letting it fill his lungs and feed his beast. Odin stirred more in his head.

“You might want to rein that in,” he told her.

“I’m about ready to pee myself, that is terrifying” Dax whispered,

“I’ve been told” Adonis replied,

“You do have a very rhythmic growl though, has anyone ever told you that?” Dax said. The slight twitch of his lip told her he already knew that.

“Just let her go,” Kane said, looking from Adonis to Dax, his body stiff.

Look who’s upset now. How does it feel knowing that if she dies it will be your fault? I will take her head and it will destroy you” Adonis tightened his grip on Dax’s neck.

“Don’t!” Kane said. Carter advanced only to be met with Tyler. A sadistic grin across his face.

“Hey pretty boy, let’s dance” And Tyler squared off. Carter looked from Tyler to his Luna and squared off against him.

“This jus got interestin” Jackson moved more to the side he wanted to see his brother take on a royal. “$50 on Tyler”

“I’ll take that bet” Johnny blurted before Damon or Kenneth could.

“Fuck!” Damon huffed.

“Cazzo!” Kenneth agreed

“You idiots” Kane glared at them all, but his eyes went back to his Queen.

“Just let her go, yours is unharmed” Kane said to him as he went to loosen his grip

“And she better stay that way. Should something happen to her, I will unleash hell on this world” Adonis growled out, gripping tighter to Dax.

Carter swung first, only to be blocked by Tyler who returned with a backhand across the face. He went at him again, Tyler spun around him and drove his elbow into his back and his knee into his chest. ….grrRrrr…. Released from Carter as he charged at Tyler again. Only to be thrown over his shoulder to the ground. Carter still didn’t stay down. His Luna was in danger and Tyler was in his way. He finally made a connection and didn’t stop. POP! ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Released from Tyler as he stumbled back holding his arm to his chest. Carter had dislocated his shoulder, but Tyler refused to go down. POP! ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Elijah who was on the opposite side of Adonis was now on the other side and Tyler was working the tension out of his previously injured shoulder.

“The fuck?” Damon blinked. “The hell did the fancy suit just do?”

“Non l’ho nemmeno visto muoversi! Come un ninja!(I haven’t even seen him move! Like a ninja!)” Marco stared at Elijah wide eyed, he wanted to know how to do that.

This time Tyler advanced, he took two more hits before he connected with Carter’s abdomen, then brought his knee to his face. ….grrrr…. Grunts and growls were heard as the two men fought in the middle of the group. ….grrrrrr…. They threw each other to the ground, neither one relenting in their quest to take the other out. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

“Fuck, he bit me” Carter had Tyler in a chokehold until he bit down on Carter’s arm and was released. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. He stumbled back, and Tyler grinned at him, blood dripping from his mouth. ….grrrrrr….

“He can’t bite!” Johnny yelled,

“No rule sayin he can’t” Jackson countered back “Come on Tyler, kick his royal ass” ….grrrr…. The men went back at it again. ….grrrr…. The growls and snarls filled the air as the two men continued to battle on the lawn. Carter’s teeth elongated, Milo coming to the surface. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

“He can’t has his wolf” Jackson yelled,

“No rule saying he can’t,” Damon replied back. “Get em Milo, kick his demonic ass” ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Milo charged, attacking, growling, jaws snapping. ….grrrr…. One swipe and he missed, another and another, never slowing down till he finally made a connection with the side of Tyler’s head, then another and another. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. He kept hitting until Tyler fell to his hands and knees ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. SNAP! SNAP! Two of Tyler’s ribs went from the force Milo used after he kicked him in the side ….grrrr…. Tyler clutched his side, but refused to stay down ….grrrr…. ….grrrr…. He was pushing himself back up when Milo connected with the side of his head over and over again, then with one final kick to his face, Tyler rolled away. ….grrrr….

“Come on Tyler, come on” Jackson said watching, waiting for Tyler to give him the signal ….grrrr…. ….grrrr…. ….grrrr…. Tyler shook his head, then shook it again. Bal flashing and disappearing ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. And all fell quiet as everyone watched the two men.

Breathing heavily Carter thought he had won, Tyler was on his knees shaking his head from getting his bell rung the last round. His face was bleeding heavily from his lip and nose, but he started laughing.

“That cute, that real fuckin cute” Tyler said, spitting blood from his mouth. Carter gaped at him as he took in the appearance of his blood and the fact that he was getting back to his feet.

“The fuck is wrong with your blood?” Carter asked as he watched the black ooze from Tyler’s lip and nose. Tyler wiped and looked at it.

“Nuttin, the fuck wron wit yurs?” He fired back

“Nothing” Carter replied,

“Yeah they is” Tyler said

“What?” Carter asked,

“It ain’t gushin from yur body, but I fix that. It my turn ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….” The words were barely out of Tyler’s mouth and he was on him. Every block Carter tried to make Tyler countered and made a connection ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. The others watched on as one of their best fighters was being beaten ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Tyler was unrelenting in his mission to make Carter gush blood. Two fists to the left side of Carter’s face, a knee to the right ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. Tyler wouldn’t stop till his target was down or he was called off.

Damon went to make a move to help Carter when Elijah was suddenly in front of him and in one move blinding pain shot through him and he was knocked off his feet. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! THUD! Elijah stood there and gently tugged down the sleeves of his suit jacket and brushed an invisible spec of dust from the front. Fancy pants pfft….it’s a power suit, bitch! Classy Asmodeus! Right? Came up with it all by myself! It shows! Check the suit! The suit is fine! Make sure! Not even a speck of dirt! Respect the suit! Damon lay on the flat of his back, completely unsure of what the hell just happened. All he knew was he was having a hell of a time breathing after the fucking ninja in the fancy suit hit him. He didn’t even see him move till he was right in front of him.

“Damon?” Kane called, though he never took his eyes off Adonis or the ever tightening death grip he had on Dax’s neck. The discolouration was spreading and he was sure there would be distinct impressions where his fingers curled into her throat.

“Need a minute.” Damon gasped back, his voice hoarse displaying the pain he was feeling.

“Are you ok?” Kane asked,

“The fancy suit wearing ninja tried to put my chest through my back, no I’m not fucking ok” Damon replied, he was still fighting to take deep breaths of air. Pain radiated through Damon’s chest, he was pretty sure a few ribs broke from the hit, and still had no idea how it happened.

“I barely touched him,” Elijah spoke as he looked over at Damon, a half smile playing on his face as he watched the struggle he was going through.

Johnny could only watch the chaos around him, Damon went down hard. The Black Shadow Delta was laying into Carter and it didn’t look promising. He side glanced at the other Beta and he held a wicked grin to his face then it vanished in an instant.

“Don’t even think it, I break you in two” He drawled without even looking at him. His focus was the other Delta.

“Fuck!” Was the last thing Carter said before he crashed into the ground. His body lay there spasming as he was ravished by pain.

“Fuck yeah! That my brother, you owe me $50, it red” The big guy beside him held out his hand for the payment, the smile back on his face.

“What?” Johnny replied, looking at the man beside him, bewilderment on his face. No one can take Carter down, or Damon for that matter.

“You owe me $50, it a red one,” he repeated.

“Right!” He pulled out his wallet opening it “Fucking monopoly money,” he muttered under his breath.

“Make it easy to fine the one you lookin for.” Jackson said, an amused look on his face as he looked down at Johnny.

“Easy?” Johnny asked, eyeing the colourful money in his wallet.

“Yeah, you need $5 pull a blue, $10 it purple, $20 is green, $50 a red and $100 is brown. You owe me $50, give me a red one” Jackson explained. “Beats yur borin ass money all the same colour. Gotta go through ever single fuckin bill fine the one you lookin for.” Johnny pulled the red one as he thought about that, and placed it in Jackson’s outstretched hand.

“That is easier actually,” he replied, putting his wallet away.

“I like you, be a shame if I has to kill you” Jackson said smacking Johnny hard on the back.

“Yeah, that would suck” Johnny puffed out when he felt the air forcefully expelled from his lungs after Jackson hit him.

Kenzi stared wide eyed at what was happening. Adonis had some girl clutched to his chest, his hand around her throat, his eyes were on fire and he looked mad, really, really mad. Tyler looked like he went a round with Harvey’s wood eater, and two guys were on their backs. One she saw Tyler beating up, but she doesn’t know what happened to the other tall guy. He was standing then he wasn’t standing and Elijah was standing there. The anger she felt in the air was taking everything in her to fight the trembles of fear that were threatening to take her. She removed her headphones and the growls and snarls she heard caused her fear to spike even more. They were so angry and ferocious. She’s never heard those ones before.

“Put those back on sweetheart and don’t take them off” Adonis said to her, she didn’t want to, but the look on his face told her not to argue. Doing as she was told she put her headphones back on. The music didn’t drown the sound of the vicious growls echoing in her mind. The visions of the fighting she witnessed weren’t cut by the darkness of closing her eyes. It was all unrelenting and scary.

“Let’s just end this now Alpha Adonis before anyone else gets hurt” Kane said,

Let. Her. GO!” Adonis fired back. Kane looked at Dax once more, her eyes now pleading with him to do as the monster holding her asked. Kane looked to the little pixie to his right, her body was beginning to tremble, and he could feel her fear spreading around him, as a dark coldness began to seep into him. It was never his intention to scare her, he didn’t mean for that to happen. He didn’t mean for any of this to happen.

….grrrRrrrr…. Slipped past Jackson. Johnny looked at him and backed up quickly. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

“Her terrified” Jackson said as he pressed a hand to his head trying to control a raging Ko. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. He wanted vengeance for his Luna. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Kane removed his hand from Kenzi and stepped away from her, things were getting out of hand. He had a pissed off devil, who had his mate by the throat, two of his best fighters were on the ground, the ninja could move with speed, the Delta didn’t know when to quit and looked like he was ready to go another round, and he didn’t want to know what would happen if the fear that was being felt overtook the Beta. Kenzi stood there with her eyes wide, she didn’t know what to do. She felt frozen in place, every thought in her head screaming at her to run, but she was too terrified to move. Jackson moved and had her scooped in his arms and away from the others before anyone could say anything.

“It ok Lil Kenzi Cakes, I got you.” He held her close to his chest hiding her face so she wouldn’t have to see anymore. She clung to him, the fabric of his shirt caught in her fists, she would stay buried like that until she could get to Adonis.

“Let her go,” Kane said. “LET HER GO!” A smile crossed Adonis’s face before he half pushed, half threw Dax away from him and into the field. Dax ran to Kane, throwing herself into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. She became invisible to everyone, but she never took her eyes off the flaming eyed monster with the demonic grin that once held her by her throat. He showed no remorse on his face for his actions, if anything he looked more excited by her fear of him. Jackson brought Kenzi to Adonis and she crumpled into his arms, to the safety she felt there. He held her close to him, breathing in her scent. Using it to calm down as her fear engulfed him. Is she ok? Check to make sure she’s ok! We should rip that son of a bitch to pieces for touching her! Make sure she’s ok! ODIN! WHAT? She’s ok! Are you sure? He had her, he tried to take her! She’s ok, just scared! Lil Button!

Both Kane and Adonis checked and double checked their mates over, each shooting glares at the other. Dax had very distinctive marks around her neck from where Adonis held her, Kane shot glares at Adonis because of it. The fuck is that guys problem! Ky surfacing a few times. Kenzi had a small red mark on her upper arm where Kane had a hold of her, but she held the horrors of what she saw in her eyes and for that Adonis was glaring at Kane, Odin flashing periodically in his eyes. He started this! Odin growled. Jackson would look from Kane to Adonis then back again. Watching how they both were acting, the fuss they were both making. He would share a look with his brother, grins breaking on both their faces.

“You think they realize they actin the same?” Jackson asked, when Johnny approached him again. Johnny too had been watching both the Alpha’s

“Nope!” Was all he could say, his own grin on his face.

“Beta Jackson Monroe” Jackson held his hand out

“Beta Johnny Masters,” Johnny replied, giving his proper last name as he accepted the outstretched hand.

….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. “I got you sweetheart” Adonis whispered to her over and over again holding her tighter to his chest. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Kenzi’s body shuddered against his, as the memories of what she witnessed continued to flood her mind. Her hands clutched the fabric of his shirt as she tried to bury herself and disappear. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. He continued releasing the small series of quiet growls to help calm her down. He will never touch her again! Odin vowed. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“What happened sweetheart?” He asked when she finally stopped shivering in his arms.

“I getted lost!” She snuggled deeper into his embrace.

“You got lost?” She nodded her head.

“Tyler was there and I stop-ped to look at something and then he wasn’t and I couldint finded him” She started explaining. “I thou-ght if I could finded the kitchen I would wait for him there, but I ended up outside and bump-ed into Kane instead.”

“You bumped into him?” Adonis asked.

“Like really hard, it was like hitting a wall” Kenzi looked up at him.

“You bumped into him, bumped into him? Did you have your music in?” Kenzi nodded and a small smile touched his lips.

“Why was ev-rybody angry and all grrr?” She asked, looking up at him. She has seen their wolves, she has heard them growl multiple times, she’s even heard them angry growl, but this was the first time she’s heard the really angry ones.

“He started it, I ended it and now he’s grumpy,” Adonis replied, glaring at Kane again.

“Maybe he’s grumpy, cause he’s hungry” Kenzi offered.

“He’s grumpy because he’s hungry?” Johnny choked back a laugh at that. “Is her solution to feed him?”

“Yeah!” Jackson nodded proudly. His Luna had it figured out from the start, if they were grumpy it was usually tied to them being hungry.

“He probably is hungry, he’s a growing boy” Johnny added, causing Jackson to laugh and Kane to glare at Johnny.

“Sometines Elijah getted like that, and I gives him a snack, then he doesint want to kill Jackson and Tyler no more.” Kenzi added, causing Johnny to break out laughing.

“Is that so?” Both Jackson and Tyler turned to look at the man wearing the fancy suit.

“You two can be quite infuriating,” he responded.

“Cause you’s a real peach” Tyler fired back.

“You’ve never had to babysit the two of you” he countered,

“We’s delightful” Jackson defended,

“Sticking a fork in an electrical socket would be delightful,” the man replied,

“That be arrange” Tyler warned looking at him causing Jackson to snort.

“I think he’s hungry….Ow!” Damon called, trying not to cough. He had managed to get himself to a sitting position. Elijah looked over at the other Gamma, a smile crossing his face again.

“Damon?” Kane asked as he looked over at his Gamma.

“Their not healing” Damon replied, wincing in pain with every move he made.

“You broke yur toy” Tyler cracked up laughing.

“I think you killed yours. I barely touched mine,” Elijah motioned towards Carter who was still laying on the ground, as he walked over to Damon, who eyed him wearily. He extended his hand to help him up, again Damon just eyed him, before he hesitantly accepted. Groaning in pain as Elijah pulled him to his feet.

“Barely touched me? You broke my ribs” Damon said,

“They’re not broken” Elijah replied, as he went to touch Damon’s back

“The fuck are yo….OW!” Damon went to step away from him only to be greeted with a wave of pain.

“Stop being a baby, you’re supposed to be a Gamma” Elijah said

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Damon huffed at him. Johnny and Jackson were trying to contain their laughter as they watched Elijah try and help Damon.

“Hold still, or they won’t heal” Elijah ordered,

“Fuck you, you crazy suit wearing ninja. Don’t fucking touch me” Damon said moving away from him again, groaning in pain as he went.

“Quit torturing em an jus fix it” Jackson laughed out.

“Yeah Damon, hold still and let the suit-wearing ninja fix you,” Johnny laughed.

“Fuck you Johnny, he broke my ribs” Damon fired at him.

Elijah!” Adonis said as he watched the scene in front of him. A smile spread across Elijah’s face before he drove his fist into Damon’s back and down. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Damon’s eyes shot wide and he stumbled away from Elijah.

“The fuck you just do?” He asked.

“Fixed you,” Elijah replied,

“Fucking ninja!” Damon said touching his back, he took a few deep breaths and just stared at Elijah.

“You’re welcome” Elijah said then turned back to Adonis.

“You die?” Tyler asked as he kicked Carter in the foot. His reply was barely above a murmur “mine’s only slightly broken,” Tyler announced as he looked down at Carter.

“Come on, let’s get you up” Tyler helped Carter to a sitting position. “Don’t feel bad, mos can’t go a roun wit me. You went four”

“Your wolf is strong” Carter groaned and hissed with pain as Tyler got him to his feet.

“My wolf wasn’t on the surface,” Tyler said, looking at him.

“What? That was you? How?” Carter asked, staring at him.

“Demon wolf. Human side jus as strong as the wolf side. We twice as strong when we work together. Delta Tyler Monroe” Tyler explained as he introduced himself.

“Delta Carter Williams”

“Nice to meet ya. That a mean rounhouse kick you got” Tyler said

“Thanks! I misjudged your height though” Carter said, he was using Tyler’s shoulder to keep himself supported.

“Yeah, that happen. Bein small got advantages,” Tyler replied. “I let you go, you gonna stay standin?”

“Probably not,” Carter said, nodding. He felt like a truck hit him. It felt worse than the time he went a round with Kane on the training field.

Marco had cautiously approached to help support Carter as well.

“You look familiar?” Tyler said to him,

“Si, sono Marco” Marco replied,

“Hey, you the lil Italian dude, we met a few years back” Tyler said, a grin spreading across his face

“Si” Marco nodded,

“Hey Jackass, it the lil Italian dude,” Tyler called over his shoulder.

“Thought he look familiar, the fuck he ain’t come back for?” Jackson said,

“Non mi è stato permesso” Marco replied,

“He wasn’t allowed” Tyler replied,

“That bullshit, we had a lot of fun.” Jackson huffed,

“Yeah, that suck, but he here now. How long you here for?” Tyler asked,

“Non lo so” Marco replied, shrugging.

“Well, we jus gonna has to make it count then” Tyler replied, his grin getting bigger.

Kane was watching Adonis interact with Kenzi, again something didn’t sit right with him. Kenneth approached and he too watched the pair.

“Something isn’t sitting right” Kane said,

“No, its not” Kenneth agreed

“When was the last time you saw anyone act that protective over a chosen mate?” Kane asked, it wasn’t unheard of to be protective, but Alpha Adonis was extremely protective of her, his whole pack was. Maybe it was because you touched his toy! I don’t think she’s his toy, Ky! You know Alpha’s don’t like it when someone else touches what’s theirs!

“Maybe she’s not his chosen” Kenneth suggested,

“You think she’s his true mate?” Kane asked,

“It would explain the over protectiveness, from not only him, but his pack” Kenneth replied,

“Then why hasn’t he marked her?” Kane asked. Why wouldn’t an Alpha mark his mate? Duh, virgin remember? Shut up Ky!

“I don’t know, there could be any number of reasons. Maybe it wasn’t safe for him to do so? He probably has many enemies” Kenneth speculated.

“Who’s stupid enough to go up against him?” Kane asked, Kenneth could only look at Kane.

“I didn’t go up against him….it was a misunderstanding” Kane huffed. Looking once more at Adonis and his tiny little mate. How is he not going to crush her? I have no idea Ky! He is a big man and she’s a tiny little pixie! Maybe she’ll be on top? No, he strikes me as the type that likes to be on top. She’s gonna be a pancake! Classy Ky!

“Is that what I look like next to Dax?” Kane couldn’t help but ask, the more he saw the two, the more odd it looked. He was a monster compared to the tiny little woman snuggled, hidden in his arms. The only thing really visible were her little bare feet. Where are her shoes? Kane looked down at Dax and then back up at the other Alpha.

“No, you and Queen Dax look normal, compared to that. He is a monster, how is he not going to crush the tiny little sweetheart?” Kenneth asked as the thought too was running through his head.

Releasing a deep breath, Kane knew what he needed to do, he needed to actually attempt a conversation with Adonis. Though questions formed in his mind about how well that was going to go for him. Probably not well! Shut up Ky! He kept Dax tucked into his side as he slowly approached him. For a moment he didn’t think Adonis was going to even acknowledge his presence. He kept his focus on the little one in his arms. When he stood to his full height, he turned to face Kane guiding the little pixie behind him. His gaze shifted quickly to his ranks and his body visibly tensed. He was getting ready for something, Kane was pretty sure of it.

“I just want to talk” Kane said, he didn’t think that would put The Devil at ease, but it might make it so he would at least listen to him. He kept one arm behind his back, something for the little pixie to hold onto he mused.

“It was never my intention to scare her and I wouldn’t have hurt her,” Kane said. Adonis looked Dax over, Odin flashing in his eyes before he brought his attention back to Kane.

“I would have taken her head off,” Adonis replied. Dax clutched tighter to Kane’s shirt, hiding herself more into his arms.

“You’re a fucking asshole,” she blurted, a slight grin crossed his face as he looked back at Dax.

“I thought we were being honest, my mistake. Should have known I needed sugar coating for her highness” Adonis replied to her, the wicked grin she saw cross his face had her shrinking back further into Kane’s side.

Kenzi clenched Adonis’s hand tightly as he spoke to the other Alpha. Her other hand gripped the back of his shirt when she felt him tense. She looked at the others and they all seemed to be lost in their own conversations with those around them. Jackson was talking to Johnny and another tall man Chris….Kurt….Conrad she didn’t remember his name and Tyler was talking to the guy he beat up and some other guy she couldn’t remember his name either, but he didn’t speak English. Elijah was being glared at by the tall guy that was on the ground, but he did offer her a reassuring smile and she gave him a small wave in return. She was apprehensive about what was going to happen, but she couldn’t help but be curious about the little girl that was with Kane as well. She peeked her head out from behind Adonis a couple of times to look at her, but she was tucked into Kane’s arms, almost invisible. Is that what I look like when I hide in Adonis’s arms? She wondered as she poked her head out from behind him again to see the other little girl. She had the whitest hair she had ever seen and the prettiest eyes. When the girl looked at her she ducked behind Adonis again, only to peek back around his arm and stare directly into the pretty eyes of the little white haired girl.

Dax was hidden in Kane’s side as he and the monster spoke. His wolf’s eyes were terrifying, the colour of burning flames, but when was the last time she saw plum and silver flames. What the hell? I thought our eyes were weird! They’re demons Nyx, they have weird eyes! What’s his problem? Kane had a hold of his mate! Probably shouldn’t have touched her! Nope! The monster didn’t like it! Do you think he would have taken our head? He’s pretty adamant he would have! Feeling someone looking at her, Dax looked around at the others. Johnny and Kenneth were talking to the other big guy and Marco and Carter were talking to the smallest one who wasn’t wearing shoes. Damon was glaring daggers at the ninja who put him down, but he caught her stare and gave her a reassuring nod. Who the hell was staring at her? She caught the slightest movement behind the monster and looked up to see a pair of silver eyes and plum coloured hair behind him. Her tiny little hand was on the monster’s arm and he seemed to visibly relax at the touch. When she noticed Dax was staring back she retreated behind him. Did you see her eyes? Are they silver? I’ve never seen silver eyes before! They glittered! Yes they did! Dax moved a little out from her hiding spot, keeping half an eye on the monster, she wanted a better look at the girl with the glittery silver eyes. She’s tiny! She’s smaller than us! We’re finally bigger than someone! Shhh! She can’t hear us! She’s pretty! She’s fucking gorgeous! How’s the monster not crushed her yet? Maybe she’s on top! Maybe, if she’s not she’s gonna be a pancake! Such a classy girl, no wonder he’s super proud! Dax watched the silver eyes peer back out from behind Adonis again and they held each other’s gaze. Dax offered her a smile. And the eyes lit up even more. She couldn’t see the return smile, but with how those eyes sparkled she knew she was. A sense of peace washed over the area and she saw the monster relax even more. Everyone relaxed. Interesting! She thought.

Kenzi peeked back at the white haired girl, maybe she should introduce herself. That would be the nice thing to do! She looked around at the others again and then up at Kane and Adonis. Both looked annoyed with each other. She didn’t know how well their conversation was going but if she were to judge by the looks they were giving each other not well would be her answer. She looked back at the white haired girl again. She seemed friendly, and wasn’t tower tall. But then the others were friendly then everyone went all grrr. She bit her lip, as she decided what to do. The white haired girl smiled at her, her eyes lighting up some and a wave of excitement rippled through her as she beamed back at her.

“Kenzi Templeton!” She extended her hand to the other girl, but didn’t fully come out from behind Adonis.

“Dax McKenna” Dax replied, shaking her hand. Kane and Adonis stopped to look down at the two.

“You has very pretty eyes” Kenzi said when she took her hand back and stepped more out from behind Adonis. He switched his hands so she could still hold onto one for security.

“You too, I’ve never seen silver” Dax replied as she too came more into the open. Though she would make side glances at Adonis. Kane kept his hand on her hip, so he could pull her back if Adonis were to try anything.

“You’re not as tall as the uthers, are you a wolfie too?” Kenzi asked,

“Yeah!” Dax replied, nodding her head. “They got all the damn height”

“They took it?” Kenzi asked, confused. Could wolfies do that? They can jus take that? Dax stared at her, not sure how to answer that question.

“No sweetheart, we didn’t take it. She just didn’t grow” Adonis said, Dax glared up at him.

“That’s not a wolfie magic power?” Kenzi asked as she looked up at him.

“No, that’s not a wolfie magic power,” Adonis replied, shaking his head. Kane looked down at the little pixie. Wolfie magic power? Ky asked. Whatever helps her understand our world!

“Kenzi just found out about werewolves a week ago” Kane said to Dax, her eyes widened.

“Did you get scared?” Dax asked when she looked at her.

“No, I did say a bad word, and falled off the dock. It was a little….shock-ing” Kenzi replied. “Then I feeded them, but they’re not gremlins so it was ok.” Dax stared at the little purple haired pixie. What? I don’t know! They’re not gremlins? When she heard the deep laugh of Adonis, she couldn’t help but look up at him. Ok, they’re not gremlins….just monsters! Big scary, terrifying monsters! Nyx agreed.

“I was scared and said a lot of bad words and told him to sit and stay” Kenzi furrowed her brows at that.

“But….why….I thou….” She didn’t know how to finish the thought that was running through her head. She said she was a wolfie, why would seeing them scare her?

“It’s a long story. Short version, I thought I was human, I’m not, my wolf was just sleeping” Dax explained, Kenzi furrowed her brows not fully understanding what Dax was saying to her. And she looked to Adonis for clarification.

“She had a broken wolf” Adonis told her, Kenzi’s jaw dropped as her eyes widened. Again Dax glared at Adonis, until Odin made his presence known and she stepped back. Kane tightened his grip on her when he saw the flash of flame.

“You’re ok now, right?” Kenzi asked, concern laced her words

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Dax replied, nodding.

“Are you hungry? I made brookies and double chocolate chocolate chip cookies” Kenzi offered,

“You cooked in the kitchen?” Dax asked, that was unheard of. Visiting werewolves don’t cook in the host’s kitchen.

“Uh huh!” Dax was about to correct her and tell she wasn’t allowed to do that.

“Adonis said I could and the cook agree-ed, he said ‘yup, sure’” Kenzi added. Dax looked up at Adonis then back to Kenzi

“Yup, sure” Who was she to tell the little one she wasn’t allowed to do that. Kenzi giggled.

“He soun-ed jus like that,” Adonis chuckled at his mate’s little laugh. She has no idea why the chef said she could cook in the kitchen! No she doesn’t! She doesn’t look at us like we’re The Devil! No, I am Adonis Bradshaw her neighbour and you’re Odin her protector! Will she ever not see us that way? I don’t think so! We scared her! No, the situation scared her, the really angry growls scared her. We did not scare her! Are you sure? If we did, she wouldn’t have crumbled into our arms to find safety! Special little mate! Special indeed! Think we can make The King’s wolf whimper! It’ll be fun to try! Demon’s need fun too! We are The Devil Odin! The Devil really needs fun! Yes he does!

“What’s a brookie?” Dax asked instead, she was starving. And when she was in the house there was something that was driving her crazy, with its delicious aroma.

“It’s a brownie made into a cookie” Kenzi said, Dax’s eyes widened and Nyx perked in her head. Was that what that delicious smell was?

“You can do that?” She asked, then looked at Kane. “Can we get Margie to do that?” Uh oh! Ky said, snickering in Kane’s head.

“They don’t has any ice cream though, but Jackson said we can send a yuppie out to get some. But I don’t know what a yuppie is or where to finded one” Kenzi replied back. Adonis bit back the laugh, as he looked over at his Beta.

“Why don’t you take….your….new friend….and go inside, I’ll be in shortly. Eric usually hides a pint of double chocolate ice cream in the very bottom of the freezer. Tell the cook I said you can have it” Adonis said to her. Kenzi beamed brightly at him and excitement rippled from her. She reached her hand out to Dax. She hesitated slightly, looking back at Kane. He was apprehensive about letting her go, but he dropped his hand from her hip. Dax took hold of Kenzi’s hand and let the purple haired pixie pull her towards the house.

“What happens if they don’t get the ice cream?” Kane asked,

“She’ll get it, no one tells me no” Adonis replied,

“And if someone should?” Kane pushed,

“They won’t be someone for long,” Adonis replied, his muscles rippled across his chest and Odin flashed once, then disappeared.

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