The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 61: Promise!

Sunday morning came fast and early….or late depending on how you looked at it. Adonis checked the time on his phone; it was just after five in the morning. He wasn’t sure what time he fell asleep, all he knew there was still giggling upstairs when he felt his eyes close. He missed waking up to his mate under him, but he told himself that listening to her giggle and enjoy herself was worth it. He did look at the red photo album like Ember suggested. Though it held photos in it when it came to her birthday it consisted of just her and a cupcake. His heart broke, as the years progressed, that one day a year appeared to cause her the most turmoil. Happiness had turned to tortured sadness and he’s never seen eyes so hollow and lifeless than those photos on that day. Who’s stupid idea was it to let her have a sleepover without us? Odin grumbled in his head. You woke up cranky, lucky me! Fuck you human! You saw how excited she was last night! She’s lucky she’s precious, but this doesn’t fucking happen again! Adonis lay in bed debating if he should get out and start breakfast. The house was quiet, and there were no signs anyone was getting up yet. Five more minutes! Fuck you human, I’m going back to sleep. Wake me when something needs to die!


The next time his eyes opened it was to the sound of clattering in the kitchen. He blinked a few times and checked his phone, it was after six. So much for five more minutes! Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he sat up and looked around the tastefully decorated room. Greens and yellows with subtle tones of orange and pops of red. The grey wood stained furniture that was in this room was in the other spare room and hers. His mate really knew what she was doing when it came to decorating, nothing was overdone or underdone. CLANK! Another clattering in the kitchen drew his attention to the door. Is she having a fight with something? Pulling himself from the bed he threw on his suit pants and proceeded to exit the bedroom. Kenzi was standing at the counter, her headphones were in and she was dancing along to whatever song was playing in her ears. She looks tired! Yes she does! Did she sleep? I don’t think she did! She’s going to be tired today! Adonis crossed the room and wrapped his arms around her.

….eeeeeep.... A startled yelp escaped from her as she spun to face him. He caught her wrist before she could connect the muffin tin she was holding with the side of his head. Rule number six: Don’t scare Kenzi in the kitchen! You’ll get hit!

“You scar-ed me!” She said as she took off the headphones and released the tin. At least I didint hit him! She got Elijah the other day with a frying pan. She didn’t know who was more shocked and her eyes were open when she did that.

“I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to,” he replied brushing the hair from her face as he put the tin on the counter. “You look tired, did you sleep?”

“I couldint. I tried. I really did. Ember even cuddl-ed with me, but I couldint fall asleep.” She answered.

Adonis scooped her into his arms and headed back to the bedroom, if she didn’t get any sleep she would be in no shape to have a birthday party today.

“Where are we going? I has to make breakfast” Kenzi protested being carted off from the kitchen.

“I think everyone can fend for themselves. You need your sleep, and I missed you,” he replied as he entered the spare room and kicked the door shut behind him.

“You miss-ed me?” Something danced across her face as she looked up at him.

“I did!” He placed her on the bed then slid in beside her. Her cheeks blushed and her nose wrinkled. She didn’t know why, but that gave her a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

“Come on sweetheart, lie down.” He held the covers up and when she slid under them he lowered them down across her and wrapped his arm to hold her.

….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. He released a small series of growls to help her relax and he felt her drifting against him.

“I miss-ed you too!” She whispered as she snuggled in more to him. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Kenzi’s breathing started to even out the more she relaxed into him, listening to the soothing sound he was producing. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrR….

“I love you!” She mumbled as she drifted off to sleep. His growl cutoff as he stared into the angelic face of his sleeping mate.

Something ignited inside of him the second those words fell upon his ears. Did she just….! Yeah! She just….! Yeah! She said….! Yeah! That was….! Yeah! Did you feel….! Yeah! Jackson’s right that’s irritating as fuck! Adonis didn’t reply, he could only watch his mate. He has waited his whole life for someone to say those words to him. He knew she did, he was there the day Tyler asked her if she did. He saw her nod. He just never expected her to say it, let alone the feeling that would spread through him when she did. The white hot flames of the fire burning in him warmed him from the inside out, he wrapped her more in his arms and held her tighter to him than possible.

“I love you too!” He whispered in her ear. “I will always love you, my little mate” placing a gentle kiss on the side of her head he snuggled in beside her listening to her rhythmic breathing.


Around eight, Adonis’s eyes opened again to another round of clattering in the kitchen. Fuck! He thought as he moved his arms but stopped when he felt a small body still snuggled in them. He looked down to see his precious little mate still sleeping blissfully through the clattering going on outside the bedroom door. Who the fuck is that? Odin asked sleepily in his head. I don’t know! Do they not know Sunday’s are a day of rest? Key word being fucking rest! Oh good, you’re still cranky! Fuck you! Debating his next move he lay there with his arms still around Kenzi. He didn’t want to leave the warmth he felt in the bed, but if whoever it was didn’t stop making noise they would have her awake. Sighing deeply, Adonis placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before he once more got out of bed and pulled on his pants. A quick look over his shoulder, Kenzi had moved into the warm spot he had vacated but still remained fast asleep. Opening the door as quietly as he could he stepped into her living room.

“Mornin!” The chipper drawl of Ember greeted him. Holding a finger to his lips to silence her he checked one more time on his mate. Again she had not moved as she slept away in the bed.

“Sorry!” Ember whispered and watched him gently close the door.

“I don’t think she slept last night at all. She tried though, but couldn’t. She told me you cuddle with her so I tried that but I don’t think it was the same. I slept like the dead though, which is strange cause I don’t generally sleep all that great. But the second her arms went around me it was like a blanket of peace and calm and I was out like a light, didn’t hear anything till my eyes popped open about 20 mins ago and I heard the birds singin.” Ember told him adding. “That is a special little girl and you better hold onto her.” Adonis just nodded, he had no intentions of ever letting her go.

“I wasn’t sure she’d sleep last night. She was in the kitchen around six this morning, so I brought her back to bed.” Adonis said in a hushed tone.

“Yeah, can’t have her tired for her birthday party!” Ember agreed,

“What are you doing?” He asked,

“Tryin to make breakfast” Ember replied, “But her stove is a little intimidatin”

“Yes it is! She can cook a whole thanksgiving dinner with it” Adonis agreed,

“I’m not a clutz in the kitchen but I have never used an eight burner stove with multiple oven doors an I’m not entirely certain which dial goes to what,” Ember said as she continued to stare at the cooking monster in front of her.

“So….you’re going to stare at it?” Adonis asked,

“I’m kinda hopin it’ll say this one stupid” Ember replied.

Adonis walked into the kitchen and twisted one of the dials to ignite one of the burners.

“Ok….let’s hope for small fires only” Ember said as she placed a pan on it pouring a little oil to get hashbrowns started. Adonis spread the bacon on a rack to be placed in the oven.

“The fuck Lil Kenzi Cakes?” Jackson asked only to be greeted with shhh’s from both Ember and Adonis as he and Tyler walked in the back door.

“She’s still sleepin,” Ember whispered, Jackson just nodded and began helping Tyler with breakfast preparations.

“The fuck Ella gonna say when her get here an fine out you can cook now?” Jackson asked his brother.

“Demand I cook all the meals” Tyler fired back. “The fuck you laughin at, you ain’t no slouch in the kitchen nomore”

“Yeah, Drea gonna be thrill” Jackson replied laughing.

“Who’s Ella?” Ember asked,

“Her my wife. Her in Alberta right now visitin her sister” Tyler replied,

“Huh! Who’s Drea?” Ember nodded. That shocked her a little bit. She could have sworn she felt a totally different vibe coming from Tyler, guess she was wrong.

“My wife. Her visitin family too” Jackson replied. Again Ember just nodded.

“Are you ok?” Adonis asked her when he saw a look cross her face.

“Yeah!” She replied a little too quickly.

“I can’t imagine it would be easy to hear someone speak of their significant other or see couples holding hands, given your current….state of being.” Adonis said to her.

“It’s not easy. Big stupid headed beasty thing jump out the woods an bites me an now I can’t touch people. Not much I can do bout it,” Ember replied, with a slight shrug of her shoulders.

“Cep diddle the skittles a lot!” Tyler blurted,

“Tyler!” Jackson looked at him, he couldn’t believe that just came out of his brother’s mouth.

“What? Her say it firs” Tyler defended himself,

“You don’t gotta repeat it” Jackson fired at him

“Girls got needs!” It was Ember’s reply that had them all howling with laughter.

“Have Elijah look at your neck” Adonis said when he finally had control of himself.

“Holy fuck ninja!” Ember blurted when she turned to find Elijah standing there. “Where the fuck you come from?” She asked, staring at him wide eyed.

“Yeah, he a fuckin sneaky ninja” Jackson chuckling as he continued stirring the sausage.

“What’s going on?” A small voice pulled them from all the activity in the kitchen. They all turned in her direction and they couldn’t help the grins that broke out on their faces. Kenzi stood there rubbing her eyes, wearing an oversized t-shirt. She just needed to be holding a teddy bear by its arm and she could be confused for a small child that was disturbed from her nap.

“Good morning sweetheart! How are you feeling now?” Adonis asked, it was almost nine now, she got a few hours of sleep and that was better than nothing. Is she even awake? I don’t know! Doesn’t really look awake!

“Good!” She replied as she watched Tyler, Jackson and Adonis move around her kitchen. She wasn’t sure if she was really awake or if this was a dream. Her face scrunched when she saw Elijah with Ember at her kitchen table though.

“A big stupid headed beasty thing bit my neck an Eli takin a look,” Ember assured her. Elijah smiled good morning at Kenzi and moved towards the kitchen, he had to talk to Adonis.

“Oh ok!” Kenzi nodded. I don’t think she’s awake!

“Why don’t you go get ready for breakfast?” Adonis suggested. Kenzi nodded again, a smile slipped onto her face and then disappeared as she shuffled towards the stairs. She couldn’t remember the last time someone cooked breakfast for her and she was going to be too tired to enjoy it.

“I need your blood!” Elijah spoke quietly to Adonis in the kitchen.

“Why?” Adonis asked,

“The mark may be on the wrong side but it is still a mark….” Elijah was telling him

“And as long as it stays intact, no one will be able to touch her, including the one that gave it to her. Not that they’ll be able to touch her anyway” Adonis finished. Jackson had stepped back to block the view as Adonis cut his palm. Making sure the blade was coated in his blood he handed it to Elijah after his whisper of acceptance.

“Say I accept,” Elijah told her when he stood behind her again.

“I accept,” Ember repeated, though she was slightly confused.

“Hold still!” Before she could react he made a cut to the bite on the side of her neck ensuring Adonis’s blood entered the wound. They had to sever the connection that was trying to establish between Ember and whoever did that to her.

“What the fuck Eli?” Ember yelped and jumped up from the chair she was sitting at.

“The big stupid headed beasty thing that bit you, gave you an infection. The wound has healed and with nowhere for the infection to go it will stay in your body. This way it will drain and leave your body completely and you will be fine in a month or two.” Elijah said to her as he passed her a towel to soak the blood up.

“Next time warn a girl when you’re gonna cut her neck open” Ember fired at him pressing the towel to her neck.

“So if I said Ember hold still while I cut your neck open you would have sat there and let me do it?” He asked,

“Fuck no you crazy-ass ninja” Ember replied slightly hissing as her new injury started to sting. When it started to burn she fought back the whimpers, but she held herself strong. After it all subsided she pulled the towel away and her eyes widened at the black stain she saw on it.

“Um….is this normal?” She asked, showing Elijah the towel.

“Yes, that would be the infection, your body is getting rid of it. Put the towel back on your neck,” he replied.

“You’re bossy!” Ember fired back but listened to him.

“You’re welcome!” Elijah countered. Jackson and Tyler were cracking in the kitchen, and lost it when she ended the conversation by sticking her tongue out at him.

Kenzi had finished in the shower and was standing in her bedroom wrapped in a towel. The smells of breakfast were wafting upstairs and her stomach was starting to rumble. She looked at herself in the mirror, the dark circles that called her under eye home this week were prominent. She bit back a yawn and chased the thought of going back to bed from her mind.

“Sweetheart” Adonis’s voice sounded through the door,

“I’m awake!” She replied, though she did try to fall asleep in the shower. It wouldn’t have been the first time she did that.

“Are you sure about that?” He asked,

“Uh huh!” Her sleepy reply came through the door.

“Maybe you should crawl back into bed?” Adonis suggested,

“But there’s breakfast!” She replied, her voice dropped at the end as she started to teeter and had to brace herself against the dresser.

“But you’re tired and if you go back to bed there will be less chance of you falling asleep at the table.” He countered. When she remained quiet he opened the door to make sure she didn’t fall asleep while she was standing there.

“Sweetheart, you can barely keep your eyes open.” Adonis spoke in a low tone as he crossed the room to her.

Kenzi collapsed against him as soon as his arms circled her. “Shhh!” She tried protesting some more as he guided her towards the bed. Placing her under the covers he tucked her in. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr….

“But there’s breakfast,” she repeated her earlier argument as her eyes began to close. The comfort of the bed, the warmth of the covers, the sound of his growl all soothing, calming her, while his scent surrounded her ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. She began to drift deeper and deeper. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Oblivion was calling her name, beckoning her to join it in sweet utter nothingness. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. As the growls grew distant in her mind, fading into silence she obliged, taking oblivion by the hand she slipped into the darkness that welcomed her home.

Adonis had her asleep once more. The temptation to join her was rising as he watched her chest rise and fall with each breath she took. She was only wearing a towel, what if it slipped from her body? What if he was the reason it slipped from her body? Settle down bad man! Fuck off mutt! Don’t you mutt me, perv! Shut up! Get out of the bedroom! She’s ours! She doesn’t need to be taken advantage of because you can’t control yourself like some horny fucking teenager! That’s rich coming from you! The fuck that supposed to mean? You wanna bite her ass! I still want to bite her ass and one day I will! You are not biting her ass! Anymore than you’re gonna pull her towel? Fuck you! Mark my words that ass will get bit! Don’t do that! Good luck explaining! Fuck! Get the fuck outta the bedroom! He knew Odin was right, he had to leave. If he stayed that towel was as good as off and she was as good as his. Sweet, innocent and perfect he watched her for a few minutes more before placing a kiss above her brow and quietly left the room. She would sleep better in their bed, it was away from the noise of the others. Yeah, the diddle the skittles comment didn’t really help! No it didn’t!

It was almost one when Kenzi’s eyes fluttered open again. She shifted slightly blinking taking in her surroundings. Why am I in my room? Looking down at herself it all came back to her. Adonis Kenzinapped her this morning to get some sleep in the spare bedroom and she was woken up by laughter. Then she came to shower almost fell asleep while doing it and then Adonis put her back to sleep with his wolfie magic growls. She stretched out in the bed and checked the time on the clock. Holy crackers! Throwing the covers off she quickly got out of bed, she had slept the day away. Moving with a flurry of activity she threw clothes on and ran into the bathroom. It was so late and she had nothing done….what do I has to do? The town was closed down for the week and she stopped in her tracks. She had nowhere to go and nothing to do right now. She could pack for Ontario, she hasn’t done that yet and they were supposed to leave early tomorrow morning.

“Yeah, I should pack, and not forget my pj’s this tine,” she spoke out loud as she was exiting the bathroom.

“Do you always talk to yourself in the bathroom?”

….eeeep…. She released a startled yelp when Adonis stood in the middle of the room with a grin on his face.

“Sometines!” She breathed out. She could deny it, but on more than one occasion she has caught herself talking outloud in the bathroom.

“I would not be opposed if you forgot to pack your pj’s,” he said, his grin getting bigger when the flush spread across her cheeks.

“You would jus unpack my pj’s” Kenzi accused him,

“That is something I would do,” Adonis admitted. Her flush grew darker as the thinking thoughts started swirling in her head.

“You don’t really need to pack, we could always pick you up some clothes while we were down there” Adonis suggested as he crossed the room.

“Why? I has clothes.” She replied, melting into his arms as they circled her waist. He didn’t think she would go for that right from the start. It was a small hope she would, but he was only fooling himself.

“Maybe you need new clothes! When was the last time you bought yourself any?” He asked. She remained quiet for a moment, she didn’t really know the answer to that.

“When I need some?” Her answer came out more like a question, and when she looked at him the look he held told her that wasn’t the right answer.

“Sweetheart, with all your clothes combined you barely have enough to fill one drawer in that dresser. I think you need some” Adonis told her, while telling himself to keep his patience and don’t lose control of his temper that was beginning to rise.

“I has eight shirts and three pairs of pants I don’t need no more than that.” She replied looking at her dresser.

“Why don’t you need more than that?” He asked.

“Tea….becau….well….it wou….” She stumbled over what she was trying to say as the words that were spoken to her flooded her mind.

“What did Teagan say?” He asked, biting back the growl at the mention of the sister. Breath, control. She doesn’t respond to anger! Stay calm! The problem was he didn’t want to be calm, he wanted to get angry, he wanted to lose control, he wanted to rip the bitch’s heart out….again! Odin grumbling in his head wasn’t helping.

“It wou….it would be selfish. She said I didint need no more clothes than what I has and it would be selfish to buy what I don’t need” Kenzi replied.

Releasing a deep breath, he moved them to the end of the bed pulling her into his lap. He didn’t need to hear the answer to the next question he was going to ask, but he asked it anyway.

“What about what you want?”

“It’s selfish to want things I don’t need.” She was saying all the wrong things, she knew she was saying all the wrong things, his expression grew darker and darker the more she said them.

“When was the last time you bought yourself something you needed?” He asked

“Um….when I getted a new stand mixer,” she replied. Confusion crossed his face when he looked down at her. “I know I has five at the bakery, but I used to has six. It makes it easier when I’m doing dif-ferer-ent frostings and icings and batters and stuff. But I drop-ped one….those things are heavy….but I went to pick it up and it drop-ped to the ground and it breaked….sorry!” Her cheeks flushed a deep pink after she hit him when she was explaining what happened to the mixer. He offered her a simple smile letting her know it was ok. It was ok, she was an animated talker and getting hit was a risk you took when talking to her. It was a risk well worth taking.

“I went to Harvey’s to re-repl….get a new one….and I finded a green one. I was so ass-cited….I don’t has that colour so I got it….” She stopped telling her story right there. There’s no geen one in the bakery! Odin grumbled.

“What happened to it?” He asked,

“Teagan saw it and said I didint need it and was being selfish and lazy if I was letting a machine do the work for me. I bringed it back” She replied, looking at her hands she had clasped in her lap to stop herself from hitting him again. She really needed to learn to stop doing that. Lazy, lazy Odin, she’s fucking lazy? His control over his anger was failing, the fire inside him began burning hotter and hotter, with the rage that was boiling, threatening to consume him.

“When was this?” Fucking succubitch, I wanna kill her….again!

“Maybe a year ago” Kenzi could only shrug, it was so long ago she didn’t really remember. A year. The last time she bought herself anything was a year ago!

Holding her closer to him, he buried his face in her neck taking her scent deep into him. Kenzi tilted her head to the side and he buried in deeper, taking in all he could. Her scent, her feel, everything. He needed this, he was about to lose total control and something was going to die violently. This would satiate the beast in his head for now. He would get her and the spitfire out of the house, then he would escape to the woods and butcher something horribly.

“You are not selfish and you are not lazy.” Adonis whispered this to her over and over. Kenzi wrapped her arms around his neck and held tighter to him as his words swirled around her head.

“Do you understand me?” She nodded her head.

“No sweetheart, say it” He needed to hear her tell him she wasn’t selfish.

“I….I….I’m….I’m n-no-not….” Kenzi shook her head, she couldn’t finish what she was saying. Adonis ran his fingers through her hair. How was she supposed to say it when she thought it was true? If she did in her mind it would be a lie and she doesn’t lie. Holding her tighter against him, his mind swirling with thoughts. Most of them vicious and violent, he held onto one that wasn’t. He held onto her, his mate was anything but vicious and violent. She doesn’t have to be, we’re vicious and violent enough for both of us! Odin growled in his head. Years of conditioning at the hands of a true boogeyman did this. Years of being told, she was not important, undeserving, selfish, a burden. It was time to recondition her and show her none of it was true. This was going to take time, years did this. Hope we have the patience for this! He hoped so as well, what other choice did they have, this was not going to be undone in a matter of days.

“You are not packing anything for Ontario,” he said.

Kenzi stiffened in his arms. Did he not want her to go now? Was he going to leave her behind? She screwed up and said all the wrong stuff and now he’s angry. She made him angry because she’s stupid and can’t do anything right. Stupid mouth, stupid, stupid selfish mouth, stupid, stupid, stupid, selfish girl! She felt the tears brimming threatening to spill over at any moment. Her sadness flooded around him, fueling his anger and he held her even tighter.

“I-I-I’m s-s-sorry,” she sputtered out as the first tears began to slide down her cheeks.

“Shhh, no sweetheart.” He whispered,

“P-p-lease….p-p-lease….l-l-let me go-go too” Kenzi clung tighter to him, but no matter how hard she held on it still didn’t seem to be close enough. She could still feel a distance between them.

“What?” He went to pull away from her, he wasn’t sure he heard what she said. Does she think she doesn’t get to go?

“D-d-don’t leave me-me behind. I’ll be g-g-ood….I’ll b-b-be-haze.” She fought to stay where she was. She fought to keep herself wrapped tightly around him.

“I-I-I w-w-won’t say nomore b-b-ad th-th-things.” His heart broke when she spoke those words. She was fighting to hold on, and he was fighting to maintain control. He crushed her to him, burying his face back in her neck. How she could think he would leave her behind, he didn’t understand. She made you mad! No she didn’t! Her words did! They’re not her words! The sister’s words did! The sister got off easy, we should have done way worse!

They sat like that for a while in silence, his mind swirling with all the different ways he wanted to kill her already dead sister. She gripped tightly to him and if she started to slip in the slightest she held on tighter. Emotions poured out of both of them, the madder he became the sadder she turned. This is not helping! Odin snapped in his head, he was right it wasn’t. We need to calm down! Again his wolf was right, but he didn’t know how to do that right now. Release the hate! What? Release the hate! Adonis drew a deep breath into his lungs and slowly began to release it as the words Alpha Cameron spoke circled him. ‘1....Release the hate 2….Release the fear 3….Release the anger’


Kenzi shivered in his arms as the growl started low and echoed throughout the room, but she refused to let go of him. The sound might have scared her, but it wasn’t meant for her, and she held even tighter to him.

“Shhh, shhh sweetheart shhh” Adonis cradled the back of her head as he held her to him.

“You’re coming to. I will not leave you behind, I would never leave you behind,” he whispered. Kissing her forehead. He began to move his hands up and down her back in soft gentle passes, hoping to soothe and calm her down.

“Y-y-ou….you….tol…told….me….not to….not to….to….to pa….pack….pack any….any….no-thing,” she sniffled.

“We’re going to buy you new clothes while we are down there. And before you protest or argue with me about it, it’s going to happen, you deserve it. You need more clothes than what you have. And if you try to pack anything I will destroy it and you will be naked.” The tiny squeak she emitted brought a smile to his face, it grew bigger when he felt her body heat up against his.

“You….you would….would do that any….any….any….way,” she accused, laying her head on his shoulder so her face was tucked into his neck.

“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t secretly hoping you will try and pack things.” Chuckling when he heard her small giggle.

“I’ll….I’ll be st-stuck in pla….plane clothes,” she sniffled.

“Alright one change of clothes, but no pj’s,” he agreed, never stopping the movements of his hands.

“Wh-what do I-I-I wear to bed?” She asked,

“Well, I am not opposed to naked.” Her squeak had him chuckling again, but it was the red tips of her ears that had him laughing. “Since I saw you in my shirt the other day. I liked how it looked.” He replied. If she was going to wear men’s clothes they were going to be his. And her’s are old and worn!

“Yo-you’re go-nna ne-ed mo-more shirts than,” she nodded her agreement to this.

“I do need more clothes as well. When Odin and I brought my house down, my wardrobe took a big hit,” he said nodding.

“As much as I would love to take you back to bed and cuddle, Ember needs you,” Adonis said after she was completely calm. He released a deep sigh. He didn’t want to let her go, he just wanted to continue holding her.

“Is she ok?” Kenzi lifted her head from its hiding spot, concerned that something bad happened while she was sleeping.

“She’s fine! Something about a souvenir though” Adonis replied, kissing the tip of her nose. He watched as the pink blush spread across her cheeks. It deepened when her stomach picked now to voice itself and its unhappiness at not being fed.

“And I think somebody might need something to eat before they get grumpy,” Adonis chuckled when a scowl slipped onto her face.

“I only get slightly grumpy,” she replied.

“Then let’s go feed you before you get slightly grumpy” Adonis suggested brushing his lips over hers. Her lips parted and when he didn’t press his to hers, she pressed hers to his, catching him by surprise.

They were soft, almost feathery as she moved them slowly under his, drawing out an intense sweet invasion. He fed from the drugging nectar she offered, taking everything she offered while giving her what she needed. Lost in the delicious feel of her mouth against his he missed the first attempt of her asking permission for entrance, but caught the second when her teeth grazed his bottom lip. He parted and her tongue slipped through teasing and tormenting him enough that he whimpered against her mouth. Before he could growl at her demanding what was his, what he wanted, the silky touch of her little pink tongue entwined with his. ….mmMMMmm…. Enticing a moan to slip past him. He had the urge to make the kiss more demanding, but the slow sensual torture she was putting him through was intoxicating and he wanted more. She brought them to a delirious high flirting with the line of his control, before changing the direction and bringing them back down. If she didn’t have somewhere to be he would be more than encouraging to see how far she would take this bold move. Later! He thought. Though she was inexperienced she was gaining confidence and he was curious to see what she would do if she took the reins during kissy time.

“Missed kissy tine!” Was all she said to excuse her behaviour when they finally parted and both could function enough to speak. A grin broke across his face, they missed two kissy times by his count.

“If you didn’t have someone waiting on you, I would throw you in this bed and make kissy time right now. But that is not going to happen, so we’ll have to make kissy time later,” he replied,

“Promise?” She looked up at him and he captured her swollen pout.

“Promise!” He breathed out when they parted. Like hell he was going to miss a third kissy time. Better hope you can keep that promise! To break it would be bad juju! I ain’t getting hit by a fucking truck! One more drawn out kiss and he released her, telling her if she didn’t leave the bedroom she wasn’t going to be leaving the bedroom at all. She hesitated at the door until Ember called for her to get her sexy little honeydew booty downstairs. She still hesitated there was something in the way she looked at him. Adonis gripped the bed, if he got up he was going to get her and take her back to the bed. She turned, paused then ran back into the room throwing her arms around him one more time and pressed her lips to his, hard and demanding.

KENZI, DON”T MAKE ME COME UP THERE!” Ember yelled again.

“You better go before she comes and gets you” Adonis whispered against her lips, though he didn’t want to let her go, it was for the best. The smile bright on her face, he watched his tiny dancer skip out of the room with a slight pause and a look back at the door.

FUCK!” He released a frustrated huff as he fell backwards on the bed. Why did today have to be her birthday party? Why couldn’t they pick a better day? Cause they knew she was gonna make you hot and bothered? He wanted more of what she did to him. His skin was hot as the fire raged inside of him. Every violent thought he had vanished and all that was left were images of her. Her taste lingered on his tongue, her feel burned into his skin. She made him whimper with her slow torturous kiss and he liked it. Down boy! There was something different about that last kiss, it held promise. You might want to have a shower….a long cold one!

The second Kenzi touched down on the main level, Ember descended on her.

“What were you doing upstairs?” She asked. Her smile went bigger and blush went darker.

“Oh! Ooh! Ooooh! We gotta go….” Ember grabbed her by the hand and ran towards the front door. “Girl talk!” She said to Jackson and Tyler as quizzical looks crossed their faces.

“But, but, but there’s food and I missed breakfast” Kenzi was pulled out the front door with the promise of hitting the diner for a quick bite. Tyler broke out laughing when he heard Kenzi ask for fries.

Ember had tried to ask what the hell happened upstairs several times in the diner, but they were never left alone for longer than a few minutes. Someone was constantly coming up to them and saying hi or asking how Kenzi was doing? Or what she was doing? Or what her plans were for when the town shut down? The overly polite and fake conversations were starting to get on Ember’s nerves. These people had no interest in talking to her before the spectacle Adonis made on stage, they shouldn’t get to talk to her now.

“I don’t know what’s going on. I’ve lived here my whole life and no one ever really speaks to me” Kenzi said at one point and before Ember could say anything they were interrupted by someone else.

“Kenzi, so nice to see you. You’re looking very….nice today” This overly friendly woman approached their table. She looked like she wanted to choke on her words when she said that.

“Um….thank you, Mrs. Barkley. You look very nice today too” Kenzi replied, she glanced up at her once then looked down at the table immediately.

“Yur makin her uncomfortable!” Ember said to the woman.

“Excuse me!” Mrs. Barkley turned to Ember, a disgusted look crossed her face when she saw her.

“Yur makin her uncomfortable, an we tryin to have a conversation” Ember fired back and shooed her away.

Kenzi had asked about the souvenir Ember wanted to buy, and if she knew what she was looking for.

“I only buy them when I can’t find one, I found one from every place I have ever lived or visited. Except Howler’s Bay, but it’s really cool, I bought it from an artist, she’s frickin amazing.” Ember replied. “You ever been to Howler’s Bay?” Kenzi shook her head.

“You finded all your sous-veneers?” Kenzi asked,

“Yeah, I like to find my sou-ven-irs, that way not only do I have one, I have a story to go with it.” Kenzi scrunched her face as she looked at Ember with confusion.

“I got this one when I was in Salem a few weeks back….you ever been?” Kenzi again shook her head, aside from Ottawa that one time, she had never been anywhere. “You should totally go. Anyway I was walking along the river in some park Fur….Furry something. I’m not good with names, but I was walking along the river and saw this rock in the water. I mean it’s a rock right, but this rock was red, like red red. An it was the only red rock in the river, I was like that’s pretty frickin cool so I pulled it out. Do you know what colour it was when it wasn’t in the water?” Kenzi shook her head again as she sat there enthralled in the story Ember was telling.

“Blue….it was blue, not just any blue, but blue, blue. Wild right?” Kenzi’s mouth dropped open as she nodded her head. “So I put it back in the water and it turned red, pulled it out and blue. Totally frickin wild and blew my mind. I have it on video cause people ain’t gonna believe it unless they see it. Here take a look” Ember thrust her phone into Kenzi’s hand.

“Oh, I believe it.” Before she could say anymore Ember hit play on the video. Her eyes went wide as she watched the red, red rock submerged in the water and when it was pulled out it was the bluest blue she had ever seen.

“Witchy!” Kenzi whispered.

“Right! Some real witchyness right there” Ember agreed.

“I know where we can go,” Kenzi blurted, as she grabbed the basket of fries, Ember’s hand and pulled her from the diner.

“What? Where? For what?” Ember questioned as Kenzi pulled her all the way to her jeep.

“To get your sou-van-eer, I know where we can go,” Kenzi claimed as she climbed in the jeep.

The drive took thirty minutes, but they were standing at the base of a mountain.

“It’s a mountain, Kenzi!” Ember said, nodding at it, not understanding why her little friend brought her here.

“I know! This is Diamond Mountain. It’s the only mountain that makes mountain diamonds.” Kenzi replied as she started looking around the ground.

“Mountain diamonds? What are those?” Ember asked as she too started looking around the ground, though she had no idea what she was looking for. She watched Kenzi pick up rock after rock until she held one that was a translucent light blue.

“It’s a rock that looks like a diamond but it’s not. It’s a rock. They don’t know why it does it but it’s the only mountain that does it. I has blue, green, yellow, orange, red, black, grey, white almost all the colours but I don’t has a pink one. I keep hoping to finded one but I hasn’t yet. Becky Hall said she finded one once” Kenzi explained as she held the light blue translucent rock out to Ember to see.

“Wow! Who’s Becky Hall?” Ember asked as she took the rock, now she wanted to find one of her own.

“She’s a girl that lived at the orphanage with me when it was open. And she said she finded a pink one, but she wouldint show no one and she keeped promising she would but she never keeped it and then she was hit by a truck” Kenzi said. Ember stared at her wide eyed with her mouth slightly gaped.

“Well….let that be a lesson, don’t break promises.” Was the only thing Ember could think to say.

“Right! It’s bad juju!” Kenzi agreed.

The boys back at the house were in the process of getting everything set up for the party.

“Tommy say they los track of her in the town” Tyler said when he got off the phone.

“Ember ain’t answering either. Messages keep bouncin back sayin can’t be deliver” Jackson added when he tried again.

“So where the fuck are they?” Adonis asked, he didn’t like that his mate was out there somewhere and no one had eyes on her.

“A dead zone maybe?” Elijah suggested.

“Spread the word to the pack, I want her found.” Adonis barked as he went to set up another table and inadvertently broke it instead. Doesn’t mean anything! She’s missing Odin! She’s not missing, she just can’t be found! Not helping and I can hear the panic in your voice as well! She’s missing!

“Got her!” Tyler called,

Where is she?” Adonis asked, “Tyler!

“Hey, relax. They talkin right now. He know, you know!” Jackson pushed Adonis away from Tyler so he could communicate with the others.

“Some sparkly mountain” Tyler said “Xander has eyes on her right now”

“A sparkly mountain?” Adonis asked,

“Diamond Mountain” Maggie answered,

“Diamond Mountain? Theys a diamond mountain?” Jackson looked at her.

“It throws rocks that are translucent like diamonds, they don’t know why it does it. Kenzi goes there all the time. She’s trying to find a pink one, it’s the only colour she doesn’t have. If her little friend is looking for a souvenir then she’ll want one of those.” Maggie explained. Adonis released the breath he was holding and all the thoughts of her either being Kenzinapped or injured vanished from his head.

“Ain’t gonna lie, I kinda want one” Tyler replied.

“Relax! Nuttin gonna happen to her. Let the pack do they job” Jackson said after he pushed Adonis further away from everyone. He could only nod. “Black Shadow protect its Luna” Adonis nodded again.

“I thou….” Adonis started to say

“Yeah, I know what you thinkin. You head over heels for that girl. Don’t matter the enemies you made, no one that fuckin stupid to fuck wit The Devil. You jus freakin like fuck cause it took you so long to find her the firs time, then you loss her an you scare to lose her again” Jackson told him. Adonis looked at his Beta.

“That really is irritating.” He could deny what Jackson said but he was right. He was scared of losing her. To lose her would be to lose himself, and this world would burn if that happened, no one wanted that.

“Toll you!” Jackson grinned big at him. “Now let’s finish settin up. Tyler say they on their way back”

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