The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 62: Surprise….Are You Crying?

Ember had found her mountain diamond and they were heading back. Her and Kenzi searched for an hour till she found a black one with red stripes in it. Kenzi was a little bummed, she still didn’t find a pink one.

“Maybe next time,” Ember said as she drove back to Kenzi’s house. She had to get the birthday girl back there for her party.

“Yeah, maybe” Kenzi agreed, staring out the passenger window.

“I ask you somein?” Ember glanced over at her.

“Sure!” Kenzi looked at Ember waiting for the question.

“Do you want Adonis to whack down your cherry tree?” Ember looked over at Kenzi again and she could see the confusion crossing her face.

“Why would I want him to do that? Where would I get my cherries from?” Kenzi asked,

“Euphemisms aren’t your friend” Ember giggled,

“I don’t know what that means,” Kenzi replied, shaking her head.

“A euphemism is jus another way of saying somein. Like when some dies instead of saying they died, you can say they kicked the bucket, passed onto the next life, crossed the rainbow bridge” Ember said,

“I like rainbows!” Kenzi responded,

“I like rainbows too, jus don’t tell people you crossed a rainbow bridge” Ember told her.

“But, what I was asking was do you want Adonis to….take your virginity?” Ember asked, then glanced at her friend again.

“My brains not saying no” Kenzi replied,

“Your brain’s not saying no?” Ember asked,

“Yeah! Tyler said that when my brain stops saying no, that’s how I know I’m ready” Kenzi responded with a nod of her head.

“Oh…ok. Well that’s a good thing that your brain’s not saying no, but how do you feel?” Ember inquired,

“How do I feel?” Kenzi asked in return. Ember pulled over to the side of the road, this required a face to face conversation. While what Tyler said was true, there was more to it than just her brain not telling her no. Her body might be willing and her mind might be complying, but if she’s not there emotionally then she’s not ready to go all the way. Ember wasn’t one to cock block someone, but her little pixie friend was a doe-eyed bambi and in way over her pretty purple head.

“When you’re with Adonis how do you feel?” Ember asked when she turned to face her.

“Safe!” Kenzi replied,

“Well that’s good, safe is good. More specifically, how do you feel when you’re having kissy time?” Ember pushed

“Really good! Like really really really good” Ember’s jaw dropped then snapped shut as she shook her head.

“Not those feelings Kenzi. Like emotional feelings, happy, sad, angry, feelings” Ember clarified.

“Oh, um….maybe a little….really scar-ed. I’m really scar-ed! What if I’m not good? What if he doesint like it? What if I don’t like it? What if I do something wrong?” Kenzi replied. What if he leafs? The unspoken question has flitted through her head on more than one occasion. What if she wakes up and he’s gone? What if he doesn’t come back? What if she never sees him again?

“A little scared is ok, it’s a big decision and not one to be taken lightly. You’re not gonna be good and you’re gonna do things wrong, it’s your first time. It’s awkward an painful. You don’t know what you’re doing, but that’s ok he probably expects that. He doesn’t expect you to be porn star. You’re probably not gonna like your first time, like I said it hurts an it’s awkward. This is gonna sound bad, but the more sex you have the more you enjoy it. No one’s good at sex out the gate, it takes….practise.” Ember told her, she watched Kenzi’s face scrunch up.

“What’s a….”

“Someone that makes pornos….sex movies, really wild, crazy an unrealistic sex movies.” Ember tried to explain.

“Like a dirty movie?” Kenzi asked, she had no idea that’s what they were called. She watched one once peeking through her fingers the whole time, at least until they ended up naked and she had to close her eyes.

“How do you know what a dirty movie is?” Ember asked, looking at her wide eyed. Maybe she wasn’t as innocent as Adonis thought she was.

“I might of ass-cident-tally watch-ed one, once. I didint know what it was. It was aboud a jungle and I didint know why they keeped taking off their clothes. It was scary and I close-ed my eyes” Kenzi said. Nope, she’s innocent!

“Yeah, they can be a little scary sometimes.” Ember nodded, trying not to laugh at the look on Kenzi’s face. “But he doesn’t expect that, an he doesn’t strike me as the type that wants that either” Ember told her.

“But if you’re really scared that’s your mind’s way of saying no. You’re not emotionally there yet. You’re not ready an you shouldn’t push yourself to be ready before you are” Kenzi slumped into her seat, this sex thing was more complicated than she thought.

“I’m sorry Kenzi” Ember said as she looked at her.

“It’s ok. How did you know when you were ready?” Kenzi asked her.

“I stopped being scared” Ember replied,

“How did you stop being scare….red….scared?” Kenzi asked her,

“Truthfully, an this is gonna sound cliche, I didn’t know I was ready till I was. Not helpful I know, but the only one that can know when you’re ready is you. Everything is on the same page, your body, your mind and your emotions. My first time wasn’t under ideal conditions. I was 18 an sittin on the railin of a bridge in Harper’s Ferry. This big bozo pulls me off tellin me not to jump. I wasn’t gonna jump, I was sayin bye, I was leavin that night to start my journey to find somein. He seems a lil sad like the weight of the world crushin him an we got to talkin an walkin. Next thing this storm breaks out, an I get freaked. He pulls me into a barn to ride out the storm, but the thunder is loud an the lightning flashes were….scary. He tells me he can take my mind off it. I say bullshit, then he kisses me. Took my mind off it alright. He was a good kisser” Kenzi listened intently to the story Ember was telling of her first time.

“Anyway, we were sittin on some hay bales an we were really high up. I don’t remember who it was but one of us shifted wrong an down we went. He hit the ground an smacked his head, but he made sure I landed on top of him an was unharmed. Next thing this huge crack of thunder goes off over head an I curled into a ball on his chest. He held me to him tellin me it’s ok an he kissed me again. When it moved into the direction of other stuff I told him that I never, he said we didn’t have to an I said I wanted to but I was scared. He said we go slow an if I wanted to stop we would. We moved at a speed I was comfortable with. He didn’t rush me an I stopped being scared. My body said yes, my mind agreed, and I wasn’t scared.” Ember told her.

“Then what happend-ed? Did he leaf you?” Kenzi asked.

“No, I left him.” Kenzi’s eyes widened at her when she said that. “We cuddled afterwards, an I guess we fell asleep. When I woke up the sun was starting to rise. I hadn’t planned on stayin another night so I got my clothes back on an left him there sleepin on the barn floor.” Ember replied, it wasn’t her finest moment and something about him seemed and felt familiar, but she feared that if she woke him up he would ask her to stay. Harper’s Ferry wasn’t her home, just a place to hang her hat. It was the hardest decision she ever had to make. There was something about him that spoke to her, and she often found herself thinking about him.

“Is that why you’re afraid? You think he’ll leave you?” Ember asked her, when Kenzi didn’t answer her she knew she guessed right. “He’s not gonna leave you. He would never do that. He’s crazy bout you. He gave up kissy time last night so we could have a sleepover.”

“You think so?” Kenzi asked,

“I know so!” Ember replied. “Besides if he does, you can call me an I’ll beat him up. Then we’ll take this world by storm.” That had Kenzi giggling.

“Thanks Ember!”

“You’re welcome, us pixies have to stick together,” Ember replied, as she embraced Kenzi in a tight hug. “You’re a real good hugger”

“You too!” Kenzi replied as she held on a moment longer.

They were just finishing with the set up when Tyler was notified that they were ten minutes away.

“They gonna be here soon,” Tyler announced. They had vehicles blocking any sight from the road in either direction.

“This is your show Tyler,” Adonis informed him. He looked towards Maggie for guidance. He’s never thrown a surprise party before. Werewolves don’t generally have surprise parties, on the count that they can smell each other. This was a human thing.

“Everyone needs to hide” Maggie told him

“We gonna jump out at her? This gonna go over well. $50 say her land on her ass” Jackson interjected laughing.

“Shut up Jackass, it gonna be fine,” Tyler insisted. Right? I dunno! Some help, Bal! What you ask me for?

“Relax Tyler, it’ll be fine,” Adonis assured him. He would greet her at the jeep. Take her in between the trucks they would yell surprise and if they scared her he would be there to catch her.

“Jeep!” Someone yelled, and everyone hid.

Adonis moved to the other side of the barricade of vehicles and waited for the jeep to stop before he approached it. Ember took off as soon as she got out. She had to get her camera ready so she could snap pictures of the birthday girl’s face.

“Ember must of really had to use the bathroom. She left the door open” Kenzi exclaimed when Adonis opened the passenger door for her.

“Did she find her souvenir?” Adonis asked as he lifted her into his arms.

“Yeah, she finded a really pretty black mountain diamond with red stripes, I still didint finded a pink one though” Kenzi told him. “What’s with all the cars?” Kenzi asked,

“Some pack members showed up,” Adonis told her as he escorted her to the vehicles. Before they slipped through he did steal a kiss.

“I missed you all day.” He told her when they parted. Her cheeks blushed pink and her nose wrinkled.

“I missed you too.” Adonis smiled. Her pronunciation was definitely getting better. She was listening to the way they spoke and was learning how to correctly say the words they used. Though she still stumbled she was trying and he couldn’t be more proud of the effort she was putting in. Maybe that’s what happens when people actually speak to her! Adonis had to agree with Odin. Up until they entered her life only a few spoke to her, but now she is having conversations and realizing that some of the words she uses she had been mispronouncing and she’s trying to correct herself. Special Lil Button! Special indeed!

“Ember wouldn’t let me go to the grocery store, so we’re gonna has to has breakfast for dinner, but that’s ok I kind of wanted pancakes and waffles anyw….”



Kenzi’s eyes went wide and her words vanished as the scream left her mouth. She fell backwards into his arms hiding her face in her hands as she heard a chorus of happy birthday’s rang out.

“Happy Birthday Sweetheart!” Adonis said to her as she buried her hand covered face into his chest. He felt her body start to vibrate, but it was the shaking of her shoulders that confused him. When he heard the first hints of a sob he grew concerned. He didn’t feel sadness, so why was she crying?

“Are you crying?” He asked her.

“Her cryin?” Tyler asked when he saw her head nod. He ran his hands through his hair. That was not supposed to happen….was it? He looked towards Maggie for guidance.

“Well that’s a reaction!” Ember said as she nodded her head.

“That posed to happen?” Jackson asked, the others all looked at each other rather confused by the behaviour. Murmurs were whispered, heads were scratched and shoulders were shrugged, no one knew what to do.

Maggie and Patrick were trying to fight back their laughter, both figured this might happen. Kenzi has never had a birthday party, the one time they tried, Teagan told them not to bother because she was taking her sister to dinner. She bailed on her at the last minute leaving her sitting in the restaurant to eat by herself. They knew this would flood her with emotion, but her birthday deserved to be celebrated.

“Sweetheart, don’t be sad” Adonis said to her, she shook her head.

“No, you’re not sad?” She shook her head again,

“Then what’s wrong?” He was growing concerned,

“Ha-app-py!” She mumbled through her sobs and her hands into his chest.

“You’re happy? These are happy tears?” She nodded her head, but never came out from her hiding place. That would explain why none of them had the urge to kill something.

“I din’t mean to make her cry” Tyler said,

“Relax Tyler, these are happy tears. She just needs a minute” Adonis told him as he held her. Poor Lil Button! Relax Odin, she’s overwhelmed right now!

“It’s….it’s no-not my b-b-bir-th-day” She squeaked out, peeking up at him between her fingers.

“I know sweetheart. Birthdays are meant to be celebrated though and you never got one. Tyler decided you needed a do over” He looked down at her red blotchy face, her eyes still glistening with tears.

“A do….do o-o-ver?” She asked sniffling, he could feel her excitement starting to grow.

“Yes, a do over. Surrounded by people that care about you. Maggie, Patrick, Barabara, Joe, Frank and Gerty, Harvey and 750 pack members. Food, cake, and a lot of dancing. A real birthday party.” Her body vibrated more and more in his arms the more he told her about the party. Uh oh! She’s going to rocket!

“Like the wild rum-pus?” She asked,

“A real wild rumpus.” Adonis replied, he lowered his voice when he added “Then someone promised kissy time later”

“You did, you promised,” she whispered back, he smiled down at her again, pride swelling in him, his mate was truly a remarkable woman.

“It’s a promise I will keep.” You fucking better, I ain’t getting hit by a truck! “Are you ready to party with the wild things Ms. Templeton?” The smile broke across her face as she nodded her head.

With the party in full swing Kenzi and Adonis had made their way through the crowd saying hi and thank you to as many as they could. With her initial reaction to the surprise, a memory, the exhilaration in the air grew. It was everything he promised it would be, it was everything she ever wanted her birthday to be. She had received a few gifts which she opened immediately, her excitement not allowing her to wait till later. She threw her arms around Maggie and Patrick when she saw them, then became a little confused. Maggie had told her that they knew they were werewolves and that they had always known about their existence. They informed her that a few families in the town had known since it was founded over a hundred years ago it was just kept a secret. Ember stopped by and crashed a few conversations to take photos. She wanted Kenzi to remember this day for the rest of her life. Twenty one years old and she got her very first birthday party. Adonis and her had hit the dance floor a few times, before she was whisked off to talk to others.

They were back on the dance floor and Kenzi was wrapped in Adonis’s arms when Tyler finally found them.

“It cake time yet?” Tyler asked, she giggled but nodded her head. Adonis let her go and Tyler brought her to the front of the crowd where they could present her with the cake. Not knowing what kind her favourite was, there was a lot to present to her.

“We din’t know” Was all Tyler could say.

“Make a wish sweetheart” Adonis told her when a cake was placed in front of her with twenty one lit birthday candles.

“I don’t has to. It already came true” She replied, then blew out the candles. The crowd roared to life and cheered.

“Let’s eat cake!” Tyler announced.

“That’s a lot of cake,” Kenzi said as she looked down at the table.

“It get eaten,” Tyler assured her.

“What doesn’t get eaten will get thrown at somebody” Adonis added.

“Member Xander’s las birthday?” Jackson asked as he too came up for cake.

“Yeah, he wore the whole cake” Tyler replied,

“That was because Cage pushed him into it,” Adonis said. Kenzi looked over just in time to see Xander shove one of the cakes into Cage’s face then laugh when he started cussing him out.

“Pay back’s a real bitch Cage” Xander spouted still laughing.

“I’ma kick yur ass Xander” And the two took off running.

As the night progressed, more food was served, more laughter was heard, more dancing was done. Ember found Kenzi on the dance floor, it was time for her to leave.

“It’s time for me to get on the road” Ember told her, a ping of sadness washed over her but she nodded her head. Blackwoods wasn’t home for Ember. They walked her to her jeep and Jackson and Tyler helped her load up her stuff.

“Don’t be sad lil girl, I’m sooo coming back for a visit.” Ember said as she hugged Kenzi. “You’re my best friend and I ain’t gonna do you dirty like that”

“You’ll call me?” Kenzi asked her

“All the time,” Ember assured her. They took one more photo on Kenzi’s phone and she sent it to Ember so she would have it as well.

“Be safe!” Kenzi told her as she watched her friend get in her jeep.

“Always! I got kindness wit me” Ember replied. “It was nice meetin you guys.”

“Take care yurself lil girl” Tyler said to her,

“I will Tyler!” Ember replied

“Nex time you come back we shoot the potato gun into the wood chipper” Jackson said to her.

“Lookin forward to it. Maybe we can try freezing the potatoes firs?” Ember said nodding,

“That could be fun!” Jackson agreed.

“That reminds me Kenzi say I can shoot you” Tyler interjected.

“Fuck! I hopin you forget” Jackson huffed, but nodded.

“Sorry Jackson!” Kenzi said again,

“You ever find yourself in trouble, kindness can’t get you out of, call us,” Adonis told her. I’m gonna miss the little spitfire! She’s something! You’re gonna miss her too! She’s hard not to actually like!

“I’ll do that. You take care of her. She’s made for big things” Ember replied. You have no idea, little spitfire! Adonis nodded as he looked down at Kenzi. She indeed was made for big things.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Ember,” Elijah said to her.

“Told you, you liked me Eli” Ember’s smile broke big on her face.

“Let’s not go that far.” Elijah replied.

“Fine, we’ll still keep it a secret” Ember said to him, he could only shake his head at her.

“Let’s go Jackass, time to get shot” Tyler punched his brother in the arm then took off running.

“Fuck! Jus….jus keep it bove the belt” Jackson replied but followed his brother.

“You guys are a riot!” Ember said, shaking her head. With one more round of byes Ember started her jeep and pulled onto the road. She waved once more out the window and took off down the road.

“I’m gonna miss her,” Kenzi said as she watched the tail lights of Ember’s blue jeep pull out of sight.

“I know sweetheart” Adonis pulled her into his chest, to help her ride out the wave of sadness she felt at saying goodbye to her friend.

“Something tells me we’ll see her again,” he told her. Kenzi nodded and snuggled in more to his embrace.


OW! FUCK TYLER! THAT MY NUT, YOU LIL ASSHOLE!” They heard Jackson yell, followed by Tyler howling with laughter. ….owooooo…. With the only one that didn’t know about werewolves gone, the wild things really came out to play. ….owooooo…. Howls rose up as the night progressed. ….owooooo…. Growls escaped as they fought each other for no reason other than entertainment. ….owooooooo…. ….grRrrrRrr…. Kenzi watched them throw each other around. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. She stared wide eyed as they shot each other with the potato gun. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. She watched others shift and take off into the woods. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. She heard splashes as they jumped off the dock into the lake, then again they might have also been thrown. ….owooooooo…. ….grRrrrRrr…. She found herself back in Adonis’s arms on the dance floor, numerous times throughout the rest of the night. ….grRrrrRrr…. Maggie and the others had left and the wild rumpus was beginning to wind down with the start of clean up. Pack members would come say their goodbyes to her and wish her another happy birthday and she thanked them all for coming and celebrating with her.

“Thank you Tyler!” She said when they were in the kitchen away from the others.

“Yur welcome lil girl” Tyler replied and hugged her tightly.

“He takin this big brother thin seriously,” Jackson said as he and Adonis watched the two in the kitchen.

“Tyler’s always wanted to be a big brother. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when he jumped at the chance when she asked him.” Adonis replied,

“Yeah. Mama and daddy din’t want no more kids after Tyler. Guess they figure thirteen enough.” Jackson said.

“It’s also why I’m not over there snapping his neck right now,” Adonis added, when he saw Tyler hug her.

“Preciate that by the way” Jackson said, nodding.

A few hours later Adonis was laying in the bed waiting for Kenzi to finish getting ready. He looked over at his suitcase and a grin lifted the corners of his mouth. He wondered if she tried to pack more than one change of clothes. Are you really going to destroy them if she did? Odin asked. I told her I would, and I am a man of my word! His curiosity was getting the better of him and he got up. Lifting the suitcase he placed it on the foot of the bed and opened it. A smile spread across his face when he saw not only one shirt in there of hers but three. Sneaky Lil Button! Sneaky indeed! The little squeak behind him told him he wasn’t supposed to know about the extra clothes she had packed. His grin got bigger when he heard it, but he wiped it off his face when he turned to look at her holding the three shirts. Guilt written across her as she stared wide eyed at the evidence he held in his hands.

“What did I say?” He asked, raising a questioning brow at her.

“One change of clothes, but….but….but….I don’t ne….didint know when….we would….go shopping,” she replied, biting her bottom lip.

“That’s not what you were going to say,” he said, tilting his head to the side.

“I don’t need no more clothes.” She whispered, as she continued to stare at the shirts in his hand. She had enough shirts for everyday of the week and an extra one for when she did laundry. What did she need more clothes for? Adonis nodded, thinking hard about his next move.

“Pick one!” Was all he said.

“What?” She finally looked up at him, confusion crossing her face.

“Pick one!” He held the shirts out for her to see. She looked back at the shirts in his hand.

“Um….the blue one?” She replied, looking at him. He nodded his head, folded it back up and placed it back in the suitcase. Closing and zipping it up he placed it back on the ground. She went to take the shirts back to put in her drawer but her eyes widened when he tore the first one. Her jaw dropped when he shredded the second.

“Now you need more clothes,” he said as he held the tattered fabric in his hands.

“Why did you do that?” She asked, looking at what was left.

“I told you I would, and I’m a man of my word.” He replied, throwing the scraps of fabric in the garbage. She could only stare at him, she couldn’t form any words in that minute. He did say he would do that.

“That was mean!” Kenzi finally spoke, her brows furrowed and she scowled at him. It took everything in him not to laugh at the look on her adorable little scrunched up face. Mad doesn’t work for her! No it doesn’t!

“No, it wasn’t, I warned you” he replied,

“That was cheading!” She fired back at him. That he would give her, that was cheating on his part. With two less shirts she would now be forced to buy more. But he was not above cheating, he was The Devil after all.

“It was cheating, but you cheated first by sneaking the clothes in there.” He countered. She huffed at him. Walking past with her scowl still fixed in place, she closed her closet door, checking it twice then crawled into bed curling up on her side. Oh good, your first vacation together and she’s mad at you, good job dumbass! She’s not mad! She’s curled up in a ball on her own side of the bed! Doesn’t mean she’s mad! Doesn’t mean she’s happy either….make her happy!

“Are you mad at me?” He asked,

“I’m not happy with you,” she replied, turning her face more into her pillow, she didn’t want to look at him. Fair enough he thought as he got himself ready for bed. We’re not gonna get kissy time! We’ll get kissy time! If I get hit by a truck I’m gonna be fucking pissed! Shut up!

When Adonis came back out of the bathroom, her eyes were closed but he doubted she was asleep. Is she pretending? Did you make her pretend? She is pretending, but I didn’t make her do it! Then why is she pretending if this isn’t your fault? You are supposed to be a savage brutal beast from the bowels of hell. And here you are acting like a love sick bitch boy! Fuck you asshole, at least I know how to treat our mate! Low blow Odin! Maybe you should be quiet, if you had your way she’d have teeth marks on her ass by now! Not low enough, Adonis! Maybe you should sit back and let me handle this, I’m clearly doing a better job! Maybe you should stop trying to help! Maybe you should listen to my help! Maybe you should shut up! Maybe you should! That’s the best you could come up with. Left up to you we would be in a worse spot! How do you figure? You would have mated and marked her, forcing her to do something we both know she is not ready for. Exposing her to our enemies and putting her in danger, at least she’s safe! She would at least know who she is. Left in your hands and she’s utterly confused by your hot and cold behaviour, and on a mission she’s going to ultimately fail, thus breaking her promise and then how do you think she’ll feel? FUCK!/FUCK! ….grrrrrr/grrrrrr….! Both man and beast released displeased growls at each other. They both knew the other was right, and they both hated it. In truth neither one was doing a good job with their mate. For the most part they got along, worked well together. But when it came to Kenzi, each had their own idea on how to proceed and neither idea was working.

Adonis crawled into bed beside her. He lay there for a minute debating on what to do. He knew she wasn’t asleep. He could leave her pretending and then she really wouldn’t get any sleep and she would be tired tomorrow. Or….

....eeeeeep…. The startled scream left her mouth and when she opened her eyes she was trapped underneath him staring into his emerald orbs. Her eyes wide, the movement was unexpected and the blush crossed her face over her reaction to it.

“Did I wake you?” He asked, a smirk crossing his face. She knew he knew she wasn’t sleeping.

“No,” she replied,

“Good, we’re not done talking,” he said.

“I’m not happy with you.” She repeated her statement from earlier,

“I know. I’m not happy either” he came back at her,

“You cheat-ed!” She accused him again. Smart Lil Button! Odin gushed in his head, he was so proud of his mate.

“I did cheat. If you hadn’t put the shirts in the suitcase I wouldn’t have wrecked them, but I did tell you I was going to do that. I was secretly hoping you would, so I could destroy them. I am not above cheating, especially if it means you understand that you deserve the same things everyone else does. You work hard and deserve to have whatever your heart desires. So in that aspect I am not sorry I cheated and wrecked your shirts, which now requires the purchase of new ones. Nor would I be sorry if I wreck the rest of your clothes. The only thing I am sorry for is upsetting you.” He apologized.

“I’m sorry I put the shirts in the suitcase,” she said.

“That is not what is upsetting me,” he replied.

“Then what is up-set-ting you?” She questioned,

“You don’t believe you deserve to have those things, but that is not your fault. That is years of being told you don’t, and it is not something that is going to be solved in a night or one shopping trip. It will take time, and patience, something I lack….”

“I thou-ght that was control” she interrupted him.

“Hey now, my lack of control around you is entirely your fault. You are breathtakingly beautiful, and have the softest skin I have ever had the pleasure of touching. You are temptingly sweet and highly addictive and I don’t want to keep my hands off.” She had worked one of her legs out from under him and she raised it by his hip, bringing him closer to her.

“I can’t promise I won’t lose my patience, but I can promise that I will have more for you than I do for others.” She nodded her head. “Now promise me, you’ll let me take you shopping and you’ll try and find something you absolutely can not live without.” Kenzi bit her lip, she wasn’t sure she could do that.

“I’ll try,” she replied, nodding her head.

“That is all I’m asking. Now, are we done being upset?” He asked looking down at her, she furrowed her brows, confusion washing over her face.

“Someone promised kissy time,” he said, a sly smile crossing his features when he saw the pink blush spread across the bridge of her nose.

“No, I’m still upset,” she replied, shaking her head.

“Oh!” He dipped his head and brushed his lips across her neck.

“Why” another brush, moving across her neck.

“Are” her body shivered when she felt his teeth graze her.

“You” tasting her neck, moistening the skin.

“Still” she gasped when he blew a gentle breath across her moist skin.

“Upset?” His lips were barely touching hers when he finished asking his question. Trying to focus her mind on his words and not what he was doing to her, not the heat spreading through her body, the dampness she felt between her thighs. She grasped at the first thing that popped into her head.

“I want to be on top!” She blurted. He pulled back slightly and looked at her.

“You want to be on top?” He asked, his smile spreading more across his face when he saw her nod. She wants to be on top! Wrapping his arms around her he rolled onto his back so she was now on top.

Kenzi was stunned for a minute or two over what just happened. She was on the bottom now she sat straddling his waist, with no clue as to what her next move should be. She didn’t think this through when she blurted out she wanted to be in this position. What does one do when they find themselves on top? Apprehension started edging itself into her mind, maybe she made a mistake. Maybe this is not where she wanted to be. Maybe she’s not ready to be on top. The more she thought, the more the thoughts swirled in her head, the more she felt panic taking hold of her. No, she was definitely not ready for on top. Adonis watched her carefully, she was frozen in place unsure of what she was supposed to do now. A doe-eyed bambi caught in the headlights. Running his hands up her thighs, he drew her eyes to him.

“Shhh sweetheart!” He rose to a sitting position and held her to his chest.

“I don’t wanna be on top no more. I don’t know what to do” she snuggled into him, burying her red face. Nope, not ready for on top, on top is scary!

Adonis ran his hands up and down her back slowly, soothing her, calming her down. She was going to stay on top, he was just going to help her.

“What do you want to do?” He asked, he knew what he wanted, but he also wanted her to be comfortable taking the reins as well, like she did earlier when she kissed him. She made him whimper, and he wanted her to do it again.

“I don’t know, I don’t know what to do,” she replied to his question, hiding her flushed face in his chest. So many thoughts swirled and twirled in her mind, she had no idea where to start or which one to choose. What if she made the wrong move and wrecked kissy time? Ember said he would expect that, and he would be ok with it, but what if he wasn’t? What if he wouldn’t be ok if she did something wrong and wrecked kissy time?

Adonis wrapped his arms more around her, he felt her apprehension, her embarrassment and her fear. She asked for something and he gave it to her and she froze. His hands continued to make gentle passes up and down her back, working the muscles until he felt her starting to relax slightly into him. How was he going to help her? What was different now that wasn’t earlier when she kissed him? Earlier she was lost in the moment, she had no inhibitions, nothing holding her back. When else is she like that? When else does she feel that kind of freedom? He looked over and saw her phone. She has no inhibitions when she dances, she gets lost in the music and her body moves. An idea started forming in his mind. Holding her tight to him he reached for her phone.

“What are you doing?” She asked, gripping tighter to him.

“Do you trust me?” He asked,

“Yes” she replied, not even taking a moment to think about it. She trusted him completely.

“Then just listen and do what comes natural to you” he said as he set up a playlist for her and hit play.

Kenzi listened to the first song, closing her eyes and letting the music wash over her. Using it to drown out the thoughts and worries in her head. It filled her, stilled her, soothed her. Embraced her, entranced her and captivated her. The noise in her mind quieted with each musical note that was played till all that was left was the music, his embrace and her. Adonis watched her, he watched the music take hold, he watched it work its magic and quiet whatever was going on in her head. Her touch was light at first, feathery barely there but enough to cause a ripple of electricity to flow through him. Her hands moved up his chest, gliding over the contours of his muscles. They slid around his neck as she pulled herself closer to him, pushing into him with every move she made. This was either a really good idea, or he was in big trouble. The more she listened, the more she was consumed and the more she came alive in his arms. She rocked against him, matching her movements to the rhythm of the song, his arms tightened every time she did it. He felt the heat run deep through her as he pressed hard against her center. Raising her head she brushed her lips across his, light barely there, but the electricity could still be felt. She teased and toyed with him, until he was whimpering for just a taste of her mouth, just a small one. He was in trouble, she was in complete control. The more the music played, the more her confidence grew. The more her confidence grew the more she tortured him.

“Please!” He begged, he wanted just one taste of her mouth, he wanted her lips against his. The tip of her tongue flicked his bottom lip and he parted as another whimper escaped him, but she never gave him what he wanted. Her lips continued to brush past his ….grRrRrRrr…. He wanted her mouth and she was playing keep away. She nipped his bottom lip to punish him for growling at her and he whimpered, but he tried to capture her pout and she pulled away from him causing another whimper to escape him.

“Please!” Begging her again for just one taste of her, but she continued to deny him. She kissed down the line of his jaw to his neck. Her teeth grazed his skin as she went. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. Released from him when she hit the tender spot on the left side between his neck and shoulder. Her hands moved over his shoulders, taking in the feel, the contours. Her hips rotated in time to the music, moving against him in a fluid motion. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. She rocked into him harder. His hands moved to her hips tightening with each bit of torturous pleasure she put him through. When she pushed his hands away from her body he was caught off guard. He was in big big trouble. This was her show and she wasn’t going to let him touch. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. She kissed, tasted and nipped down his neck. Her hands touched, explored, blazing trails down his chest, eliciting growls and whimpers of pleasure from him.

Her confidence growing more and more, she became bolder. Listening to the sounds he was producing encouraged her to take her explorations lower down his body. He shivered as another whimper left him when he felt her feathery caress across the tightness of his abdomen. Her fingers traced each taut muscle of his abs. His skin burned as the fire blazed inside of him. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. Her tongue had swirled around one of his nipples and when he felt her teeth graze the hard bud, the growl slipped out. His arms shook as he tried to continue to support his weight while she ravaged his body with her seductive crimson lips. Her hips had never stopped moving, rotating, grinding, pushing into him. Her hands continued to move lower and lower and when she hit the waistband of his briefs, ….grRrRrRrr…. They slid past his lean hips and down his long, muscular thighs, tracing, committing each muscle to memory. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. She brushed over him, the contact was barely there, but enough that he jerked involuntarily and collapsed back on the bed.

“Holy fuck!” he breathed out a hard ragged breath. Electricity tore through his body, with her unrelenting movements.

His moans, growls and whimpers were her guide. Her mouth and hands moved like they knew what they were doing, following a primal instinct, as her mind stayed lost to the music. She moved her body against his, feeling him under her, ready and wanting, straining against the confines of his briefs as he pressed hard into her. The soft, smooth flesh of his body was sinfully addictive, and she couldn’t help it, she wanted. Her lips kissed, her tongue tasted, his skin heated from touches then prickled as the cool air passed over him. She wanted to explore and touch. When she hit the waistband of his briefs he warned her with a growl that she was playing with fire which she didn’t heed and continued her quest. Her hand brushed past him, and when his arms gave out and he collapsed back onto the bed, she knew he was hers. She swept her hand slowly and lazily over the length of him again and again. Each pass caused a growl to be released. His body vibrated and clenched as she lavished attention on him. His breathing was hard and ragged, catching in his throat when she freed him. How she knew what she was doing, he didn’t know, but he didn’t care, he was hers completely. He gave in, he gave himself fully to her, she owned every inch of him. His breath again caught in his throat when he felt her run the full length of his aroused naked flesh. ….grRrrRrrRrr….. Base to tip and back down again. She moved slowly, methodically with purpose. Her rhythm was set by the beat of the music. Pushing him closer to his impending release. His chest rose and fell harder and harder the more she moved her hand. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. No fucking way! ….grRrrRrrRrr….

“Fuuuck!” He groaned out when he felt her soft lips on the tip. She took him into her mouth, her lips slipping past the ridge of his head, her tongue teasing, toying and dancing around the slit. He dug his fingers into the bed and clenched his hands around the fabric as he felt the wet warmth of her mouth. A musky masculine scent filled her as she tasted the sweet saltiness of him and a small moan escaped the back of her throat. She took as much as she could into her, before her hand moved around the remainder of his straining sex. Groan after groan escaped him, as she kept time to the rhythm. His body vibrated and shivered as she moved, bringing him deeper and deeper. Her tongue stroking and curling around him had him forgetting to breathe. Teasing, toying, tasting. Moaning, gasping, whimpering. Then she began to move back up his body. Exploring new trails setting fire to more of him. Tracing, trailing, burning into him. Slipping him back between her thighs to meet the damp, moist cleft of her center she began to rotate her hips again. Rocking harder and harder and faster and faster into him. Her back arched as his hips rose to meet hers. Her breathing became urgent gasps, the more he pushed into her. He knew what was hiding under her panties and he wanted it touching him even if it was just to rub against him. He rose to meet her and push the fabric to the side, giving them contact. Energy ravaged their bodies, as she continued to move over him. His hips responded to her rhythmic swaying motion. They began to move faster and faster. He was heaving with each desperate gasp at air he took. Her body vibrated as they moved towards their release. She’d rock, he’d push. Her wetness coated him in warmth as she slid against him. ….mmmmm…. Escaped her as they picked up the tempo.

“Please!” He begged her one more time, desperate to taste her lips, her mouth, to give into him. She tilted her face towards him and he claimed what he wanted, what was his. His taste lingered on her tongue mixing with hers. He drank from her, taking everything she offered. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. Her fingers splayed across his chest, her nails digging into his skin, the closer she got. The kiss broke as the need for oxygen rose, but he recaptured her full throbbing mouth within seconds. moving, rocking, pulsating, rotating, faster, harder, building higher and higher, till a frenzy of fiery explosions ripped through them. ….grRRrrrRrrrRRrr…. Their lips parted as the growl ripped from his chest as he lost control. She cried out his name as her release crested and collapsed into his chest, shuddering as waves of pleasure continued to wash over her.

Drawing laboured breath after laboured breath into their lungs still clinging tightly to one another. He looked down at her snuggled tightly into his chest as she fought to control her breathing. What the fuck was that? She brought him where no one has ever taken him before. Was that what that look was earlier? She can have the top anytime she wants! Odin purred in his head in complete and utter contentment. He wouldn’t argue with that. He kissed her head, her cheek, anywhere he could. She mumbled against him, her eyes closed, sleep pulling her under. His perfectly beautiful, innocent mate, with her addictively irresistible, filterless mouth. A smile slipped across his face as he lay them both down, holding her as close as possible. He belonged to her, heart, mind, body and soul and he couldn’t wait for the day she would belong to him.

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