The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 60: Sweetest Of Them All!

Jackson and Tyler got the crowd settled down after Jonah left the stage.

“Aight, aight! Calm the fuck down, time to name the sweethearts” Jackson said. “When the name is called her and her esc….escort….” Jackson had paused there, a look crossing over his face.

“Escort?” Tyler looked at him questioning,

“Escort” Jackson repeated,

“Ain’t that a high price call girl?” Tyler asked,

“That what I thought. You built a festival around high priced call girls?” Jackson looked at the crowd.

“If the girls posed to be sweethearts then it overpriced man whores, not call girls” Tyler countered,

“I don’t think that any better, but ok, who we to judge?” Jackson replied.

“This town very progressive” Tyler agreed, though he couldn’t keep the smile off his face.

“Jackson!” Elijah was standing by the stage trying to get Jackson’s attention. He was shaking his head as they continued to talk of call girls and man whores.

“What?” Jackson asked when he finally looked at him. Elijah motioned for him to come over so he could talk to him.

Kenzi’s mouth had dropped open as soon as man whore left Tyler’s mouth. She wasn’t entirely certain what a call girl was but the way they were talking about her she sounded expensive.

“Shhh sweetheart!” Adonis was trying not to laugh at his little mate.

“What’s a call girl?” Kenzi asked him, his eyes widened as he tried to figure out the best way to tell her she was a high priced sex worker.

“Over priced prostitute” Came a little raspy drawl to his left.

“Thank you Ember!” Adonis glared at her

“Welcome!” She replied beaming brightly at him.

“Done working?” He asked,

“Nope, just taking a break while they debate whether it’s call girls or man whores.” Ember replied. “This is highly entertainin by the way, I might have to come back for next year’s festival”

“Oh, gotta go, Jonah needs to talk to me. Catch up with you guys later” And just like that she was gone again.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” Adonis asked Kenzi when he noticed she was quiet and lost.

“What’s a pro….prost….prosti-tute?” She asked, looking up at him. At this moment he was thankful the little spitfire wasn’t here to answer that.

“They’re somebody that gets paid for sex,” he replied, her eyes widened. Odin was howling with laughter in his head. Shut up!

“What Eli say?” Tyler asked his brother when he rejoined him.

“Ok, not a high priced call girl or over priced man whore….it a chaperone” Jackson said nodding.

“A chaperone?” Tyler asked,

“Yup. Back in the old days, men would act as chaperones an escort women to parties. They became known as escorts.” Jackson told him.

“Huh!” Tyler replied,

“Yup! Now that we clear it chaperones an not whores, let’s call the names an the girls wit their escorts can join us on stage.” Jackson said, trying not to laugh. Tyler just nodded. He sure it chaperones an not whores? Bal asked in his head. Eli told him! He know! Yup!

“Rory Cobb”

“Think you posed to name the whorescort….escort to” Jackson said, fighting back his laughter as he saw Elijah drop his head and start shaking it.

“Oh! Her whorescort is Wade Strong” Tyler added, then broke out laughing.

“Maybe we jus call em chaperones?” Jackson asked, Tyler could only nod as he gave the list of names to Jackson to continue.

“Angela Hyde an her chaperone Ricky Crawford,” Jackson called the next name.

“Kortney Smith an her chaperone Andrew Houston, Chelsey Armstrong an her chaperone Alexander Holden.”

Tyler finally had control of himself so he could help read some of the names as well.

“Car….Caryn Chambers an her chaperone Erica Berry, Jillian Foster an her chaperone Owen Kline” Tyler passed the list back to Jackson

“Helene Stafford an her chaperone Robbie Stanton, Hailey Scott an her chaperone Philip Cas….Cast the fuck is that name?” Jackson asked, showing it to Tyler.

“Cas….Cast….Cas-till-o….Castillo?” He guessed with a shoulder shrug.

“Hailey Scott an her chaperone Philip Castillo” Jackson repeated and handed the list back to Tyler.

“Maya Butler an her chaperone Archie Conner, Kaitlin Doyle an her chaperone Gary Riddle.” Tyler finished reading the names.

“The fuck? That it?” Jackson looked at his brother, his brows furrowing. They heard a few boos from the crowd.

“Yeah that ten” Tyler clarified after he counted the girls on stage.

“Her din’t make the lis?” Jackson asked and Tyler shook his head.

“That fuckin bullshit!” He huffed. More boos went up through the crowd. There should have only been one name on the list, she was the list.

“The fuck we do now?” Tyler asked,

“We in fuckin charge an I think this year eleven can take the stage. The final name to be called for tonight’s title of Town Sweetheart is Kenzi Templeton her gonna be escorted by Adonis Bradshaw,” Jackson spoke.

Kenzi’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened when Jackson called her name to go up on stage.

“Come on sweetheart” Adonis said as he placed his hand on the small of her back to lead her towards the stage. She carried a big smile on her very red face as she heard people cheering for her. Tyler held his hand out for her so she could climb the stairs. Her nose wrinkled as she stood beside the other nominees and she vibrated with excitement. She didn’t care if she won, just getting to stand on the stage was thrilling.

“You’re going to vibrate across this stage if you don’t settle down” Adonis whispered in her ear.

“It’s jus so ass-citing” Kenzi replied,

“How am I supposed to hold onto you for the dance?” He asked,

“Oh right!” She nodded and tried to tone it down, but she couldn’t. He placed his hand gently on her hip and began tracing the curve of the bone as he wrapped his arm around her trying to keep her from bouncing off the stage. Help us all if she wins! I’m not sure I’d be able to catch her if she does! Yeah, she’ll explode! She’s just excited to be here and be a part of everything! The town finally sees her! Not fully, but they will!

“What’s nex?” Tyler asked,

“A dance!” Jackson answered as he looked at the speech cards they took from The Mayor.

“Aight, girls an yur whores to the dance floor” Tyler said, the crowd broke out laughing. Kenzi’s jaw dropped again,

“I know what that is,” she whispered. Adonis stood behind her trying his hardest not to laugh, but he was failing. We were just called a whore! They were told to cause chaos! They delivered! Yes they did!

“Escorts, stupid,” Jackson fired at him.

“That what I say” Tyler countered,

“No, you say whores” Jackson replied,

“Samethin!” Tyler could only shrug.

“Chaperones escort yur ladies to the dance floor, for the Sweetheart dance. This year the council has chosen the….the fuck is that?” Jackson showed Tyler and he looked equally confused by the name.

“The fuck a near touch?” Tyler asked.

“Tyler!” Elijah waved Tyler over, he was trying to keep his control but the maniacal hellbeast in his head found everything about tonight hysterical and wouldn’t stop laughing.

“It a dance?” Tyler looked at Elijah when he told him what it was.

“It a dance” He said to Jackson when he rejoined him.

“It a dance?” Jackson asked looking at Elijah who nodded.

“The fuck kinda fucked up dance is that? The near touch. Soun stupid! Enjoy yur stupid ass dance” Jackson threw the rest of the speech cards and shook his head while he headed off stage leaving Tyler on his own. Not knowing what to do he looked to Elijah for assistance.

“Tell them to vote!” Elijah came through the link

“Well they dancin, feel free to cast yur votes for the Town Sweetheart.”

“They have two hours to cast their votes”

“You have two hours to get yur votes in”

“Then they’ll be tallied and The Town Sweetheart will be crowned sweetest of them all”

“Hasn’t done it by then too fuckin bad. They gonna be tallied and The Town Sweetheart will be crowned sweetest of em all. Now fuck off an go vote” Tyler said as he too left the stage. Elijah let out a small sigh. Maybe we should take over! Nah, this is funny! Asmodeus howled back in his head.

“I don’t think there’s enough room on the dance floor,” Kenzi said as she looked at the others who were already there.

“We’re not going to the dance floor” Adonis told her,

“Where are we going then?” She asked, looking at him.

“We’re staying right here on the stage,” he replied, turning her to face him.

“Do you know how to do this dance?” She asked,

“I’m familiar with it,” Adonis replied. Ethan liked this dance, he felt it built anticipation, when all it really did was build annoyance with whoever had to dance it. It made him glad he was never allowed to attend celebrations and galas. The music started, pulling him from his thoughts and he stepped towards her placing his hand up and motioning for her to do the same. He had to stop her a few times from touching his hand as they began to move to the music.

“I don’t think I’m very good at this” She whispered as she tried to watch what the other dancers were doing as well.

“It’s alright. You’re doing fine.” He assured her.

“The fuck?” Tyler asked Jackson when he found him by the bar.

“It a fuckin popularity contest” Jackson replied,

“Soun like it!” Tyler said.

“It is! It don’t matter that her the mos deservin, her don’t got the vote.” Jackson said then took a big pull from his drink.

“Look at her Jackass,” Tyler said, pointing towards the stage. “Her ain’t gonna care if her don’t win. Her spen her whole life in the shadows. Her jus happy to be here. Be a part of everthin.” He added when Jackson looked at Kenzi on the stage.

“It ain’t right though!” Jackson said as he watched her try and follow along with the dance.

“Yeah, I know. Then we crown her tomorrow.” Tyler stood beside his brother with his own drink in hand.

“What?” Jackson looked at him,

“We crown her tomorrow, Black Shadow’s very own sweetheart. When we celebrate her birthday, I been talkin to Maggie.” Tyler filled him in on what he and Maggie had been doing since he started helping at the bakery.

“Adon know?” Jackson asked, raising a quizzical brow at his brother.

“Um…..” Tyler looked down at the ground. “I might not of got roun to talkin to him bout it yet”

“Might wanna get roun to it!” Jackson replied, taking another drink.

“I think I’m doing it all wrong” Kenzi had looked over at the other dancers a few more times. Nope, not doing this dance right at all!

“Then let’s do it all wrong” Adonis said and pulled her into his arms instead. She gasped at the sudden movement and stared at him eyes wide when she found herself in the embrace of his arms. Suddenly the music changed and the beat picked up a bit but the sentimentality of the song type remained when Run 2 You by Josh Bogert started playing.

“It’s pose to be a near touch, not touch touch,” she said flustered as his hand found the small of her back.

“Overrated and I prefer touching” Adonis replied and he began to move them around the stage. He spun her and twirled her in time to the beat. The smile was bright on her face as she forgot about the crowd watching them. Each movement they made was in perfect harmony with each other. She enjoyed the feeling of his hands on her as he danced and spun her. The song was coming to an end and he knew he needed to make his move. She might not be crowned sweetest of them all tonight, but she was his sweetheart and it was time the town knew it too. One final twirl and when he brought her back to him, he captured her full pouty crimson lips right there on the stage in full view of everyone.

Gasps and whispers swirled around the festival as everyone took in the sight that was happening on the stage before them. Eyes widened, jaws dropped. Girls huffed, men grumbled. Whistles and howls rose up while disparaging remarks and curses were mumbled under sighed breaths. No one was expecting that, including Kenzi. The second his lips touched hers, her world stopped as it simultaneously exploded with surges of electricity. He held her close to him, supporting her as she rose to the tips of her toes to get closer. Wrapping more of his arms around her as her’s entwined around his neck. Adonis wanted to deepen the kiss, but knew full well he wouldn’t stop there. He had to force himself to keep it as just a kiss….for now. Later! He told himself, later he’ll be able to explore, taste, touch and do everything he wants to do….well almost. When they separated, he kept her in his arms, both fighting to control their breathing. Her face fully flushed as she stared into his eyes. She couldn’t fight the smile no matter how hard she tried, as the noise from the crowd finally reached her ears. Her nose wrinkled and she buried her face in his chest as small happy giggles escaped from her.

“You can’t hide sweetheart. I can still see your very red ears” He whispered, making her giggle louder.

Adonis and Kenzi had walked off the stage to his pack cheering louder than the grumbles he heard from a few people. Eyes followed them as they walked hand in hand fingers entwined towards the bar. The smile never left her face, no matter how hard she tried to make it disappear.

“You gonna be dealin wit a bouncin Kenzi all night” Tyler said as soon as Adonis hit the bar without her. She was stolen by Sage, Tiffany and Samantha for girl talk.

“I’m aware of that. She was excited just by being on the stage.” Adonis agreed as he kept an eye on his mate. Some of the townspeople were eyeing her and it was making him a little weary.

“Yeah, I shock her din’t vibrate herself off it” Tyler nodded,

“Why do you think I was holding onto her?” Adonis replied, then looked towards his Beta. “Are you alright Jackson?”

“Yeah, fine….it a stupid popularity contest an it bullshit. This town stupid, but whatever at lease her gonna get 700 votes anyway. Tyler say we jus crown her Black Shadow’s sweetheart.” Jackson grumbled.

“Black Shadow’s sweetheart? And when would we do this?” Adonis asked, looking from Jackson to Tyler.

“When we….celebrate….her birthday….tomorrow” Tyler replied, looking down and kicking at imaginary rocks on the ground.

Adonis stared at him. He was unsure of what to say to that.

“Tomorrow? We’re celebrating her birthday tomorrow?” Adonis asked him, then looked towards Jackson when he started laughing.

“Yeah!” Tyler replied nodding, he still didn’t lift his head to look at his Alpha.

“And I’m just finding out now?” Adonis looked back at his Delta. He was trying to be mad at him, but he knew how important birthdays were to Tyler. They were to be celebrated no matter what.

“I been talkin to Maggie at the bakery an I meant to say somein, jus….” Tyler lifted his hands in the air. “Never seemed to be the right time. There was Ridgeview an Adam, then the sister, then….issues.” Tyler motioned to Adonis but didn’t finish what he was saying and Jackson broke out laughing. Him and Maggie ended up inadvertently planning the whole party.

“Maggie knows about this? Who else knows?” Adonis asked, looking at him.

“Everbody! Cep Kenzi” Tyler replied,

“Everybody, everybody knows about this? Except Kenzi….and me.” Adonis shook his head. How the fuck did they plan this?

“I jus foun out before you” Jackson replied,

“That cause you gotta big mouth an blab” Tyler fired at him,

“I do not!” Jackson fired back, both Tyler and Adonis looked at him.

“So I gotta spotty track record,” Jackson shrugged.

“Is that why the pack has been buying up the bakery the last few days?” Adonis asked,

“Yeah!” Tyler replied,

“How long have you two been planning this?”

“Since I start workin at the bakery” Tyler replied, “We was gonna do it the week everthin close but birthday girl not gonna be here”

“Alright then, guess we’re throwing a party tomorrow” Adonis couldn’t exactly say no.

“Um….we has one small problem” Tyler said,

“And what is that?” Adonis questioned

“Kenzi need to get out the house” Tyler answered

“Ok then, I’ll figure out a way to get her out of the house. For how long?” Adonis replied,

“Not long couple hours maybe” Tyler said,

“Where’s Ember?” He suddenly asked, he had an idea forming.

“Um….by the dessert table last I saw why?” Tyler asked,

“Maybe Ember can get her out of the house” Adonis replied as he branched off from his men.

“Hello little spitfire” Adonis greeted Ember when he found her by one of the trees changing out her battery.

“Holy pissed off women and men,” she greeted him back with a smile on her face. “That was fucking great by the way. I mean I said ask her, but there no way she could say no to that liplock”

“Asking is overrated and actions speak louder than words do they not?” Adonis replied,

“Man of action, got it.” Ember said, giving him a wink as she got her camera set up again.

“Aren’t you almost done?” Adonis asked her,

“I have a few more things to shoot and then take the photos for when the sweetheart gets crowned then I am finished. Why, you need somein?” Ember asked looking at him questioningly,

“Are you still planning on leaving tomorrow?” Adonis asked,

“Yeah why?” She replied furrowing her brows

“How about one more job before you go?” He said,

“What’s the job?” Ember asked, her curiosity was piqued,

“We have planned a birthday celebration for Kenzi. It’s to be a surprise. I’m sure she would like photos and for you to attend” Adonis told her.

“Her birthday’s tomorrow?” Ember asked,

“No, it was a few weeks ago but she never got a chance to celebrate it.” He replied.

“Huh! My birthday was a few weeks ago. How come she never got to celebrate it?” Ember said, narrowing her eyes.

“A vile bitch. And we didn’t know until after. Your birthday was a few weeks ago?” Adonis asked,

“Yeah! I turned 21 on Aug 27” Ember said, nodding her head. It was his turn to furrow his brows. “What?”

“Kenzi’s birthday is Aug 27” Adonis replied,

“No shit! That’s wild!” Ember’s eyes widened, “I only know of one other person who has her birthday that day.”

“Dax McKenna!” Adonis said before she could,

“Yeah! How do you know her?” Ember asked,

“I don’t know her personally, but I know of her. The circles we travel are similar.” Adonis answered.

“This is a small fuckin world” Ember replied nodding her head. “Anyway back to the job, it’s gonna cost ya!”

“How much?” He asked,

“I don’t know if you can pay the price,” she said, a sly smile crossing her face.

“How much?” He repeated,

“A sleepover! Not with you though, with Kenzi….tonight” Ember replied, her smile spreading more.

“A sleepover tonight?” He repeated, the little spitfire was right he wasn’t sure he could pay that price either.

“Yeah, I’m leaving tomorrow, so tonight’s the only day I can do it. I haven’t had a sleepover in years.” Ember said. Adonis stood there lost in thought. Could he pay that price, could he not spend one night with her. It hurt him to do it the first two times and he vowed to never do it again. The sound of Kenzi giggling caught his ear and as he listened to the musical notes she continued to produce he made up his mind.

“One condition. You get her out of the house tomorrow for a couple of hours so we can get set up” Adonis countered,

“I can do that.” Ember agreed,

“Take her shopping” Adonis told her,

“Yeah that girl ain’t got no clothes. I live outta suitcase and got more clothes than her. Guess it makes it easy to figure out what to wear everyday.” Ember nodded.

“Thank you Ember” Adonis went to walk away,

“You really do love her” Ember called,

“Excuse me!” Adonis turned back raising a quizzical eyebrow at the little spitfire

“There isn’t anything you wouldn’t give up for her, including kissy time.” His eyes widened when she said that. How does she know about kissy time? How much does she know? “Kenzi told me about it while we were dress shopping, that is a very truthful little girl. She’s not so innocent anymore, you dirty dog!” Ember answered the questions he clearly had written across his face. Safe to say she knows a lot about it! Yup!

“She’s still doe-eyed bambi,” he replied.

“You know, if you would have said no I would have done it anyway, that girl need good memories. She ever celebrate a birthday? Or any holiday for that matter?” Ember asked

“No, she has never celebrated her birthday and as for holidays I don’t know,” he answered.

“While you’re sleeping in a room solo tonight, there is a photo album I came across the other day when I was waiting for Jackson, you might want to take a look at it. It’s red” Ember said to him. He just nodded and walked away to find Kenzi. Has she celebrated holidays? I don’t know Odin! Probably not! Would be my guess as well! She’ll get to now! Yes she will! Demon wolves liked the holidays and celebrated as many of them as they could. He was pretty sure they invented holidays so they could celebrate.

Adonis wasn’t shocked when he found her on the dance, it was the first place he went to look for her.

“There you are my tiny dancer,” he greeted after he kissed her again. Her cheeks flushed and nose wrinkled as she looked up at him. Though he enjoys their private time, he didn’t realize how much he would enjoy kissing her out in the open anytime he wants. He did have permission after all.

“How are you doing?” She snuggled into his embrace as she rested her head on his chest.

“Good! How are you?” She asked,

“Much better now that you’re back in my arms,” he replied, causing a giggle to escape her.

Kenzi!” Adonis had to fight back the displeased growl Odin wanted to release when the fat penguin called his mates name. He was interrupting his cuddle time, if he wasn’t going to get any tonight then he wanted as much as he could get now.

“Mayor Winston!” Kenzi was shocked when she saw him standing there.

“May I have a word with you?” He asked,

“Ok!” She went to move away from Adonis but he held her tighter to him.

“You can have a word with Ms. Templeton, but she is staying right here,” Adonis replied. Like hell he was letting her go anywhere with the fat penguin, he had already tried to wreck her night once, he was not getting the opportunity to try again.

“This is really between Kenzi and I” The Mayor spoke to him, his tone was tight and laced slightly with contempt. Guess we’re not friends anymore! Boohoo, I’m crying! You sound grumpy, maybe you’re hungry? I could eat! Penguins are gross! I wasn’t even thinking about it!

“It’s ok, what-evr you has to say to me, you can say in front of Adon….Mr. Bradshaw,” Kenzi said, truthfully she didn’t want to leave his arms. She was warm and safe and she was getting tired. She also wasn’t sure why everyone was using last names but figured she should as well.

“Very well, it’s about earlier. I am sorry if my speech upset you. It was not my intention to single you or the bakery out for not completing the required amount of cakes….” Is she going to get a speech on how he’s not the bad guy? Sounds like it! He’s gonna put her to sleep! He’s going to put me to sleep! Maybe we should bite him? It would be entertaining! Adonis felt her lean more into him, she was getting tired and listening to the Mayor drone on about how he was not at fault for the mix up with the numbers was putting her to sleep.

“I know the effort you and Mrs. Wendall put in at the bakery. I am truly grateful for all that you do….” Fucking liar! Good thing he’s not Pinocchio! A fucking tree would be growing out of his face right now! You seemed to be hungry as well! I could eat! I heard penguins are gross! I wasn’t….! Don’t even try that! Fine, I thought about it a little bit!

“I hope you can understand that there was no malicious intent behind anything that happened, it was an accident, a simple mistake.” Mayor Winston concluded his mini forgiveness plea.

“He’s apologizing for everything that happened” Adonis said, when The Mayor was greeted with a blank eyed stare.

“Of course I am” The Mayor nodded, he looked back at Kenzi oddly. Adonis held her closer to him.

“It’s ok. I was pose to make a chocolate fudge cake once and made a devil’s food instead, mis-takes happen. I unerstand” Kenzi replied,

“Excellent! I hope I can count on your support at the polls” The Mayor said to her as he clasped his hands together. Kenzi scrunched her face and looked from him to Adonis.

“He wants you to vote for him,” Adonis told her.

“Oh….no!” She said as she turned back to The Mayor. The smile sunk from his face, as the one across Adonis’s widened.

“No? Why no?” He questioned her,

“I’m sorry Mayor Winston, but I can’t vote for you. I already promised I’d vote for Jonah. A promise is a promise and you can’t break a promise. It’s bad juju. Good luck though!” She said.

“All Sweethearts wit they whor-escor….chaperones back to the stage for the crownin” Jackson called from the stage.

“We gonna crown a whore!” Tyler howled out,

“They not whore’s stupid, they sweethearts, they jus dancin wit whore’s” Jackson fired back but he to broke out laughing.

“We crownin a whore!” Tyler returned straight faced, but cracked when he saw his brother nodding in agreement. They both knew well enough that Kenzi was not getting the crown tonight, it’s why they felt justified in making that comment.

“Excuse me Mayor Winston, I’m being call-ed back to the stage now. Enjoy the rest of your night.” Adonis entwined their fingers as he led her away from the fat penguin. He looked over his shoulder once to see the look of shock still on The Mayor’s face. This brought a wicked smile to him. Not a happy penguin! I think he realizes he’s about to lose his title! If he hasn’t already! True, Maggie did say the town votes for him because no one runs against him!

Once more standing on the stage, Kenzi was leaning into Adonis’s embrace and fighting the yawn that wanted to escape. She was tired and it had been a long and exciting day. His arms were wrapped around her in a tight warm cocoon and she could feel herself starting to drift off to sleep.

“Not yet sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear.

“I’m awake!” She replied, opening her eyes wider.

“The vote been tallied an the title of Town Sweetheart goes too….” Jackson had to pause there. “Tyler….Tyler….TYLER!” He yelled louder to get his brother’s attention.

“What?” He snapped at him. Tyler was bored now, he was done standing on the stage and his mind was wandering off.

“The fuck the Town Sweetheart?” Jackson asked,

“The fuck do I know?” Tyler asked him

“You has the envelope,” Jackson informed him. Tyler checked his pockets

“I thought you had it,” Tyler replied, shaking his head.

“The fuck I got it for? You went to get it from the lady” Jackson said to him.

“Mayor Penguin’s wife? No!” Tyler said, shaking his head again. The crowd was laughing.

“We’ll be right wit you,” Jackson said to the crowd. “The fuck the envelope Tyler?” Jackson asked him,

“The fuck do I know Jackass?” Tyler hissed back. Both men were tired of being on stage. They were no longer finding this any fun.

“You was posed to grab it”

“The fuck couldn’t you?”

“You went to see penguin’s wife”

“No, I went to get a drink, I thought you went to see penguin’s wife?”

“The fuck would I do that?”

“The fuck would I? Big stupid!”

“Lil asshole!” The first hit came to the left side of Jackson’s jaw and the fight broke out on stage. The girls all screamed and ran while the men stood back and watched as Jackson and Tyler threw fists at each other.

“They’re jus hungry,” Kenzi said as she stood there in Adonis’s embrace watching Jackson and Tyler. She was the only one that didn’t run when the fight broke out. She has witnessed them do this a few times, it usually had to do with them being hungry.

“I think you might be right. Maybe after this we’ll head to the diner to grab something to eat then head home” Adonis suggested, Kenzi could only nod as she hid a yawn behind her hands. Elijah took the stage with the envelope in his hands shaking his head at the two men beating the shit out of each other. THUD! THUMP! One quick push and they both fell from the stage and landed in a heap on the ground below.

“The fuck Eli?” Jackson said as he looked up at him from the flat of his back.

“The title of Town Sweetheart this year belongs to….Angela Hyde. Please come forward so you can be crowned sweetest of them all” Elijah spoke into the mic. The crowd clapped and a few cheered as the crown was placed on Angela’s head. Adonis led her from the stage and they met Jackson and Tyler at the bottom of the stairs.

“We’re heading to the diner to get something to eat”

“I fuckin starvin” Tyler admitted, Jackson could only nod his head as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

“This festival a riot.” Came Ember’s voice behind them. “I really have to come back for next year.”

“Now that I don’t have to track you down, we’re heading to the diner.” Adonis told her.

“Oh sweet! I’m starving, been running around this festival all night” Ember replied, she had her camera bag thrown over her shoulder already.

Arriving back at the house, Adonis helped Kenzi from the truck. She snuggled into his arms, she was so ready to curl up in bed with him and fall asleep.

“Ready?” Ember asked, excitedly when she got out of the vehicle.

“Ready for what?” Kenzi returned confused,

“You’re going to have a sleepover with Ember tonight” Adonis replied, though now he was a little upset that he would miss sleeping with his mate, he did make the deal.

“A sleepover?” Kenzi asked, looking between the two.

“Yeah!” Ember replied, her excitement was becoming infectious and Adonis could see the smile tugging on Kenzi’s lips.

“I’m gonna has a sleepover? A real sleepover?” Kenzi all but squealed, Ember’s eyes went wide, she thought she was excited.

“She’s never really had one before,” Adonis explained.

“Then we gotta do it right, come on” Ember grabbed her hand and both girls ran towards the house, leaving a trail of excited squeals behind them.

When he got into the house he saw Ember heading up the stairs and his mate in the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” He asked as he came up behind her.

“We need snacks” She replied, “You’re pose to has snacks, and movies and drinks at a sleepover”

“Just remember to sleep at the sleepover.” He told her as he wrapped his arms around her.

“I will, I’ll sleep.” Kenzi nodded her head. He wasn’t so sure she would, having grown accustomed to having him with her. You mean on her! Shut up!

“I don’t want you to be tired tomorrow,” he said.

“I won’t be, I won’t be tired” she shook her head, but she was vibrating with excitement at her first real sleepover.

KENZI, GET YOUR HONEYDEW BOOTY UP HERE!” Ember yelled from upstairs. Kenzi squealed with excitement.

“She’s bossy!” Adonis stated. He wanted more cuddle time.

“She’s funny, I like her” Kenzi replied,

“Ok! One more thing before you go to your sleepover” Kenzi looked up at him and he captured her lips. Her face flushed as her lips moved under his.

“Goodnight Ms. Templeton! Sleep well,” he spoke when the kiss broke.

“You too, Mr. Bradshaw!” One more kiss and she headed up to her room with the rest of the snacks.

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