The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 59: The Sweetheart Festival!

“It’s almos five an we outta cake batter” Jackson informed Adonis when he passed him heading to the sink.

“Last cakes are in the oven” Adonis replied,

“Another twenty jus came out” Jackson added,

“Good!” Adonis nodded, she would be finished by five and he would send her out.

“How you gonna get her out the bakery?” Jackson asked as he looked over and watched Kenzi carefully pour chocolate over a cake and watch it drip down the sides. She had a smile on her face the whole day as she worked in the bakery, but even he could see today was taking its toll on her.

“Ember!” Adonis replied,

“Lil Spitfire? The fuck her gonna do?” Jackson asked.

“Maggie has already been talking to her about getting to the boutique before it closes to get a dress for the festival, she’s going to take Kenzi with her to help pick one out. Ember has her jeep when she gets her dress they’ll head back to Kenzi’s to get ready.” Adonis answered.

“Sneaky mother fucker!” Jackson said, nodding his head. That would get Kenzi out of the bakery.

“Besides I don’t think the sales associate at the boutique would appreciate getting hit if she touched Ember. Kenzi can touch her with no ramifications.” Adonis added.

“Yeah, the fuck that about? Her poke me the other day thinkin whatever goin on wit her is done an her damn near throttle me.” Jackson said. Adonis could only shake his head, he didn’t know why the little spitfire could touch his mate. Elijah had told him that aside from her Uncle Theo and Cousin James the only other person she could touch was Luna Dax and no one knew why.

At five Ember looked at the clock then at Adonis who nodded. Maggie stepped in to take over what Ember was doing and thanked her for all her hard work.

“I don’t know how you do it. How you work here all day every day with that lil girl’s baking? If I work here I’d be an oompa loompa by now.” Ember stated as she went to the sink to wash her hands.

“Some days it’s worse than others.” Maggie informed her with a smile.

“Glad today wasn’t one of them days, I don’t know how I’d fit into a dress if it was.”

“A dress?” Kenzi asked as she finished piping sweetheart on the last cake.

“Yeah, I have to go get one for the festival,” Ember declared.

“Oh, you should hurry up then the boutique closes at six” Kenzi informed her then turned back to her table to work on the next cake but was surprised when there wasn’t another one waiting for her.

“Outta cake!” Jackson informed her,

“What?” She looked at him then at the clean counters beside her. She was so wrapped up in the conversations she was having and the decorating she was doing that she didn’t notice. “There’s no more cake?”

“Nope!” Jackson said as he shook his head.

“Oh….how’d that happen?” She asked. Her face scrunching.

“You’re too damn good, that’s how that happened. But that’s great for me, now you can help me pick out a dress. Come on!” Ember exclaimed. Kenzi washed her hands and thanked everybody for their help and then Ember pulled her from the kitchen and bakery before she found something to do.

Adonis was in the living room waiting for his mate to come down the stairs. They were both upstairs when he got home and he heard giggling and laughing the whole time. He had changed into a black suit in the other room after he quickly showered. He was excited to see her in her dress….finally. Though after hearing Maggie describe some of the dresses the woman chose to wear to the festival he was wondering if the one he saw hanging in her closet would make her fade right into the background. She was born to stand out and not blend! Odin huffed in his head, he too was concerned that she would be invisible tonight, even on his arm. The goal of the night was to make her seen. The more he thought about it the more upset it was starting to make him. He liked the dress in the closet, and he imagined it looked amazing on her, but it was a simple dress, one designed with one goal in mind. And that was to not stand out. She would have worn it the night of the company party had it not accentuated her chest and made the bitch jealous. It’ll be fine, we’ll just have to work extra hard to make sure the town sees her! Oh they would see her especially after what he has planned. They would see exactly who she was. Jackson and Tyler were up for a little chaos and planned on taking over the ceremony. Elijah was going to chaperone them to make sure they didn’t get too carried away. Jonah would announce his mayoral candidacy and the speech he had planned placed Kenzi and Sweet Talk Bakery right in the limelight. It was too late to do anything about the dress now, he would have to focus on the other aspects of the evening.

Nervous! No! You sighed like four times and are wearing a whole in the floor with your pacing! Maybe he was a little nervous. She’s gonna look great! That’s not what’s bothering me! Oh….you’re scared she’s gonna look too good and you’ll whack her cherry tree down right here on the living room floor! Classy Odin! Am I wrong? No! Maybe have a drink! I’ve had four! Maybe have another one! Adonis looked towards the bottle of whisky on the counter. Maybe one more wouldn’t hurt! Before he could pour it, movement at the top of the stairs caught his attention. Lifting his eyes he saw Ember making her way down. She wore a simple sleeveless v-neck maxi dress in a bright vibrant red colour. The lace bodice glistened with hand sewn sequins and flowed into a chiffon skirt that when she walked down the stairs the split up the front exposed her left leg.

“I went simple, cause I have to pack it, but they had some nice stuff. You lookin pretty handsome by the way” Ember said when she hit the bottom of the stairs.

“You look very nice Ember” Adonis replied,

“Thank you, but you haven’t seen anything yet.” A devilish smile crossed her face.

“I’ve seen her dress” Adonis said, as he continued to pour his drink.

“That blue one hangin in the closet….yeah….she not wearin it.” Ember shook her head, her eyes danced with mischievousness, and she took the drink he had just finished pouring himself.

“She’s not wearing it? What did you do?” Adonis asked her,

“Nope, it’s nice an all, but that dress is more for weddings, company parties you know places you need to blend a little more, not that she blends but you know what I’m sayin” Ember began,

“What did you do?” He repeated his question,

“This festival doesn’t sound like a blendy thing, and that girl is made to stand out and stand out she will. Besides….she didn’t get an education, which means she didn’t get a prom. So this is her prom. You can thank me later.” She skirted around his question, not really ignoring it, but not exactly telling him she talked Kenzi into buying a sexy little black dress. He arched his brow at her, questioning when he heard her speak of Kenzi’s education or lack thereof.

“Observant remember. I picked up on it at the bar, but watching the last little bit confirmed it.” Ember replied to his unasked question.


“You need to stop calling her ass that” Adonis shook his head, it was bad enough that he was starting to call her ass that.

“I know, but you will never look at a honeydew and not think of her booty now, you’re welcome for that too. You might want that drink now though” Ember nodded, encouraging him to get himself a drink. His heart rate picked up. He had no idea what he was in for.

Ember had left Kenzi in her bedroom after she had applied light makeup to most of her face, a simple lip gloss, some light highlights to accentuate her cheekbones and her button nose. Ember said she wanted her eyes to pop and when Kenzi looked in the mirror, pop they did, a smoky black cat eye and her silver orbs look almost luminescent. She looked at herself and didn’t recognize the girl that was staring back at her. Her hair lay loose around her shoulders. It was scrunched to better form the curls that gave her her naturally wavy hair. The dress isn’t something she would have ever picked out to actually wear but would have admired in the store and secretly envisioned herself wearing. This was not a blendy dress, this was a look at me dress. Her eyes travelled her body taking in every detail of the dress and how it sat against her golden skin. The deep plunging v-neck of the lace a-line bodice gave a small peek at what was underneath. Ember said that was good, it would make Adonis sit up and beg. The intricate silver beads brought attention and detail to the curves the bodice enhanced and displayed. Ember said that would make him drool. The asymmetrical chiffon mini skirt flowed out from her hips with the lowest points landing mere inches above her knees. Ember said that would make sure his eyes only stayed on her. Maybe this dress was a bit much. If he was gonna beg, drool and only watch her for the whole night that might not be a good thing. Kenzi bit her lip as she thought about it. Smoothing the invisible wrinkles out of the dress she didn’t know what to do. Maybe she should change into her other dress. Besides this one exposed the scar that ran up her right leg, and she wasn’t sure how people would feel about seeing it.

KENZI GET YOUR SEXY HONEYDEW BOOTY DOWN HERE” Looking towards her bedroom door, she didn’t think she had time to change now before Ember came up and got her.

“Ok, I’m wearing this dress. Sorry Adonis for the drool.” Kenzi nodded and looked at herself one more time, with a deep breath she headed out of her bedroom and towards the stairs.

Adonis had heeded Ember’s warning about taking that drink, he saw the devilish grin that crossed her face and when they heard movement upstairs her eyes lit up and danced with merriment. While he was looking towards the stairs, Ember was watching him. The first swish of black fabric caught his attention and he looked to the top as his mate came into view. His eyes widened as his breath was forced from his lungs. There she was, stunning, hauntingly beautiful, like nothing he has ever seen before.

“Breathe, wipe the drool and close your mouth” He clamped his jaw and took a deep ragged breath causing Ember to giggle. When she started down the stairs he watched entranced as the fabric of the skirt twirled and embraced her sleek, bare legs. The more she descended the more he travelled up her body taking in every feature he could. His eyes never left her. The plunging v-neck of the volumizing curves of the bodice. Teasing and tantalizing him to see the treasure that lay hidden underneath. Timber! Odin was drooling in his head over the look of his mate. Timber indeed! He thought he was in trouble with the other dress, with this one the thoughts running through his head should have him imprisoned. He met her at the bottom of the stairs, and when he couldn’t get his mouth to work, Ember started giggling again.

“The man that always knows what to say is stunned into silence. I think this dress is a winner. Hey Adonis, it’s later!” Ember laughed, clapping her hands together.

“Thank you Ember!” He looked up briefly from his mate to look at the little spitfire, but he didn’t keep his eyes away for long. No his eyes would not be leaving his mate the whole night.

“Ok, we need pictures,” Ember declared and grabbed her camera.

“Pitures?” Kenzi looked at her, confused as to why they would need those.

“Oh yes. This night needs to be remembered. I have a feeling it’s gonna be one for the record books.” Ember replied, positioning her camera to her eye. “Um….Adonis you need to look up” His head snapped up as he looked at Ember, she gave him a wink.

“Smile!” Instinctively his arms went around Kenzi and Ember’s smile got bigger. Oh yes, this night definitely needed to be remembered and commemorated.

“Ok, we have enough photos” Adonis said, though he was trying to be serious, the smile wouldn’t leave his face. His mate was ravishing and if Ember wasn’t standing right beside her he would do just that.

“You’re right, I’ll get more at the festival” Ember nodded as she packed her camera.

“At the feztisval?” Kenzi asked,

“Oh yeah, I’m working it.” Ember nodded cheerfully, she had no idea how many photos she had already taken since she got here but it was quite a few.

“You’re working the festival?” Adonis asked her.

“Yeah I’m a photographer….didn’t I tell you that?” She looked at him and he shook his head. “Oh, well I am an I was approached by someone to take photos tonight.”

“By who?” Adonis questioned,

“Um….Joel….John….Jones….somethin like that. I’m not that great with names really.” Ember replied as she made sure she had her spare batteries and memory cards.

“Jonah?” Adonis offered.

“Sounds right! He asked if I was Ember Sheppard an I said that be me. He said you’re a photographer an I said that be why I have a camera. He asked if I’d like a job, I was like what photographer wouldn’t. He was like are you saying yes an I’m like are you askin, he said he was an I said then I’m yessing. Then he called me an odd lil one….I get that a lot.” She continued to get ready as she spoke.

“Did he say why?” Adonis asked though he had a feeling he knew.

“He said he didn’t think the photographer the penguin hired was gonna take photos of the whole festival an he felt that the whole town should be showcased an not jus the richies. Sound like a good reason to me. An gives me a good excuse to take pictures of the hottest couple there.” Ember explained as she slung her camera bag over her shoulder.

“Who’s that?” Kenzi asked,

“You two!” Ember replied. The blush hit Kenzi’s face hard as her nose wrinkled. She buried her face in his chest and tried to suppress the giggles that were erupting for her.

“Still frickin adorable” Ember said as she headed out the door.

They had barely made the festival and they were attracting attention. Ember had broken off from them saying she would catch up with them later, she needed to find Jonah and start taking photos. Everywhere they went they caught the curious eyes of the town.

“Is that Kenzi?”

“What’s she wearing?”

“Why is she on the arm of Adonis Bradshaw?”

“Did they come together?”

“She might be on his arm right now, but she’s not the one that’ll be leaving with him” Oh, I think she will be! Odin replied smugly in his head. She will definitely be leaving with him.

“Look at her, she’s fucking hot”

“I’d bang her!” That comment had him moving her closer to him. No one is going to mess with his mate tonight.

Kenzi was caught up in the glitz and glam of the event and oblivious to the hushed and whispered conversations going on around her. The smile on her face never fell as she took it all in. She had only been to the festival once and she didn’t remember it looking anything like this. Twinkle lights adorned most of the trees in the park. The stage was erect and sitting off to one side with string lights all around it. The dance floor was placed in front with a DJ booth off to the side. There were tables of food and desserts. Women were dressed in elegant dresses, though some were a bit revealing. And the men wore fancy suits.

Minus the children and the elders almost the entire pack of Black Shadow was in attendance tonight. They came to support their Luna. Offering slight bows of acknowledgement towards Adonis and Kenzi as they passed them. She said hi to the ones whose names she remembered and introduced herself to the ones she didn’t. Though she had apparently met some of them already, they laughed in good fun with her when she apologized for forgetting. They understood, when she met them the first time it was a lot to take in and she met a lot of them in a really short amount of time. Adonis had led her to the dance floor in time for a slow song to start and he held her impossibly close to him. The thin material of her lethal dress allowed him to feel the curves of her body beneath his hands. This was going to be a trying night control wise for him. While on the floor he spotted Jackson and Tyler by the stage waiting for the right time to take over the ceremony. They both held wicked grins on their faces as they spoke to a few pack members. Things were moving into play as Jackson directed orders at them and they took off to complete their assignments. Chaos was something the Demon Brothers excelled at and with them in charge of that, he was completely free to enjoy his evening with his mate in his arms.

Four songs they had stayed on the dance floor for, dancing in full view of everyone. Four songs, his arms stayed around her. Four songs she was held in his embrace. Four songs and the hushed, whispered conversations began to grow louder. They were the talk of the festival so far and they could go nowhere where eyes weren’t watching them. Wondering, questioning, waiting for something to happen. Ember had caught up to them a few times to snap photos, then she’d flutter off somewhere never staying too long in one spot. The other photographer at the event only seemed to take photos of certain people. The Mayor was in every single one of them. When Adonis spotted the man in question heading their way, he debated on whether or not to take his mate and move in a different direction or face the man head on.

“Mr. Bradshaw, how are you this fine evening?” Mayor Winston greeted him.

“I am quite well” Adonis replied, his tone detached, void of all emotion.

“Good, that’s good. You’ve been so busy settling into the town that we haven’t had much of a chance to talk since our….introduction in the bakery” That was the point fuck nut! Odin grumbled in his head.

“There were some things that required my full attention,” Adonis said to him.

“Well now that you have some free time there are a few things I would like….”

“Except I am not available tonight. My intentions this evening are to enjoy myself with my beautiful date and not discuss business or politics.” Adonis cut him off, he looked over at Kenzi and a smile crossed his face. She had just finished her conversation with a pack member and she beamed a big smile at him.

“Hello Mayor Winston, how are you?” Kenzi asked when she realized he was standing there.

“Kenzi, I’m as well as can be expected.” He was slightly shocked to see her present tonight, bu what shocked him even more was that she was the date of Adonis Bradshaw. “I would be doing better had all the cakes needed tonight been made and everyone got to participate in the festivities.” The smile started to slip from her face. She knew she didn’t make enough, had she been given more notice she would have.

“2854 cakes in less than twenty four hours is still a remarkable accomplishment. Had she been given more notice she would have gotten them done.” Adonis spoke, his body was tensing with each growl Odin released in his head. Adonis guided Kenzi into his arms where he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. The wide eyed look that crossed Mayor Winston’s face did not go unnoticed. Was the fat man beginning to put things together? The fat man needs to waddle off now, before I bite him! Focus on our mate Odin! Tell the fat man to fuck off then! Lavender and green apples! Cheater! Our tiny dancer is our priority tonight, not the fat man!

“If you’ll excuse us, the dance floor is calling our name. Let’s go sweetheart!” Adonis laced his fingers with hers and led her back to the floor. He could still feel The Mayor’s eyes on him as he held Kenzi in his arms. He would bend down whispering something in her ear and her face would blush to whatever he said to her. His hands moved over her body eliciting giggles and he did not stop until she was all smiles again. He fought with himself repeatedly to not just capture those lips. He wanted to, but that would come later.

“You guys are the talk of the night” Ember said when Adonis ran into her at the bar. “And some of its not that good”

“I’ve heard a few things” Adonis told her,

“There is a shit ton of hella jealous women here, and holy horny men.” Ember spoke.

“Thank you Ember.” The last thing he wanted to worry about were all the horny men eyeing Kenzi like a piece of candy. It was a good thing that if she wasn’t with him she was with another pack member. Right now she was in the care of Cage, Gage, Sage and Xander and a few others. They were on the dance floor and he could see her clearly from where he was.

“Figured you’d be with her all night,” Ember said.

“I needed a….minute” Adonis told her,

“Oh I get it….you’re two steps away from whacking down her cherry tree.” Ember replied, a smile creeping onto her face.

“Classy Ember!” He shook his head, but couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. I like this girl! Of course you do, she sounds like you!

“I can be. I ran into Jackson, he say to tell you it jus bout time. For what I ain’t got a clue, but he said I should keep my camera ready.” Ember relayed the message she was given. Adonis nodded and a wry smile crossed his face. “That look says this is gonna be good.” He never spoke a word, just finished his drink and went to collect his mate off the dance floor.

He passed a group of girls in their twenties and no surprise the conversation was centered around him and Kenzi. Ember was right when she said there were a lot of hella jealous women here. The tones of the voices were either shocked that Kenzi was him, or dripping with disdain and disgust over the same thing.

“No, I think they’re together, together. I overheard Bobby telling Sharon, he’s with her all the time in the bakery. Like, in the morning before it even opens.” The shocked tone came from a mousy brunette.

“Why would someone like him want to be with someone like her? Doesn’t he know that there are much better women out there for him? Doesn’t he know there’s something wrong with her? And what exactly does she have to offer?” Disdain from a bottle dyed overly made up blonde tart.

“You saw the dress she’s wearing, it’s not exactly hiding anything. Who knew she was that….and Adam was with her for a year.” The poorly tanned redhead was disgusted as she motioned towards her chest area when she referred to Kenzi’s.

“She must not be that good then. Adam was also with Susan, Jennifer and Becky” The bottled blonde.

“Wasn’t he also with Pam at one point and the library girl whatever her name is” Adonis had paused when he heard the name of the girl at the dinner. Was that why Pam was nice to her? She felt guilty for sleeping with Kenzi’s boyfriend.

“Yes and no. He tried with Pam, but as long as he was with Kenzi, Pam wouldn’t give him the time of day. They did hook up at the Spring Festival, but when she found out that he was still seeing Kenzi she walked away. From what I understood she threatened to tell, but I don’t know if she ever did. Not the library girl though. She’s snobby and wouldn’t even acknowledge him” The bottled blonde seemed to be the leader of this little social group. Or she thought she was, she seemed to have all the information.

“Pam probably did, Kenzi’s just too slow to understand what is said to her half the time” The orange coloured redhead cackled when she said that. This is bullshit! Yes it is! You better let me bite someone! It’s getting harder and harder to say no!

“She seems to be doing quite well for herself, considering you all think she’s slow and that there is something wrong with her.” Adonis interjected himself into the conversation.

“Oh….hi, didn’t see you standing there. Though I was wondering when you’d come find me to talk to me” The bottle blonde purred at him. Odin shuddered in his head. Yuck!

“I had no intentions of ever finding you, let alone talking to you” Adonis replied back. The sultry smile slipped from the blonde’s face as he spoke those words to her.

“You’re talking to me now” She fired back at him, an air of smug superiority about her.

Not because I want to, you’re attacking my date who I’m here with by choice. Your fake superiority and entitlement stems from two things. Jealousy and fear. Kenzi is far superior to you and with her present you fade into the background and become nonexistent. So you mock and ridicule her openly in hopes that others find her less appealing. You fear that should someone actually take a few minutes to talk to her and get to know her, they might actually like her and your sad pathetic existence can’t let that happen. Your fragile ego couldn’t handle being invisible” Adonis said, the blonde deflated slightly,


“Beat her because she wouldn’t sleep with him, then a bear ate him. I wonder what karma is going to do to you for being a spiteful bitch?” He replied, cutting her off. The redhead went wide eyed when she heard what he said about Adam beating her.

“Is that how she go….” She began to ask, motioning towards her leg.

“Her sister pushed her down an embankment when she was three and then left her there to die. The town turned it’s back on her and denied her the education she rightfully deserved and now you all believe a stupid rumour spread by a repulsize shrew and backed up by an insipid little weasel whose son viciously attack her when she was a ten year old little girl. I hope you’re all pleased with yourselves this far. You have successfully ostrisized the one person keeping this town a float, but should she say fuck it, you’re all screwed when the town goes under. Enjoy the rest of your night ladies, I know I will,” Adonis turned and left them all mouths open as he headed to get his mate.

“Hello sweetheart!” He wrapped his arms around her from behind and joined her for the final dance before Mayor Winston was to take the stage. Kenzi’s body was vibrating with excitement. She was thoroughly enjoying her evening. She only stopped dancing long enough to get a drink then she was back on the floor. Most of the time Adonis was with her, but Jackson had joined her a few times or Tyler. Even Elijah allowed himself to be talked into dancing with her.

“Having fun?” Adonis asked,

“Oh yes, I’ve only been to one fezt-ival and has watch-ed the uthers from the roof of the bakery. This is soooo much better” She exclaimed, trying not to bounce in his arms. Sure she only gets to bake for the town! Don’t think about it Odin! They treat her like shit, like their fucking servant! We have a plan! Like she’s nothing! Pink blush, wrinkled nose! This town needs to burn! Ball of bouncing excitement in our arms! She deserves better! She’ll get better, but first we show them how bad they fucked up! He held her tighter to him, letting her excitement flood around him, her happiness bringing his demon calm. He breathed in her scent and stole a small taste of her when he tilted her head and brushed his lips across hers. The pink blush spread across the bridge of her nose and flooded into her cheeks, her sparkling silver eyes danced under the thousands of lights that adorned the park on this night. She would get the life she deserved, her fairy tale. He would make sure of it.

The music cut, and Mayor Winston took the stage, some cheered, some merely applauded, but it was the loud unrestrained boos that had Adonis and a few others laughing.

“Thank you, thank you.” The Mayor said as he raised his hands to quiet everyone down. He couldn’t hide the look of shock or the displeasure he felt at being booed, no matter how hard he tried.

“Thank you all for coming out tonight. The Sweetheart Festival has been a pride and joy of the town for the last few years. It was successful when it was introduced and continues to be successful every year it is held….” The Mayor continued to drone on about the success of the festival and Adonis found it very hard to pay attention to the long winded man standing on the stage. He looked to his left and had to fight back the laugh. Kenzi was trying to pay attention to what was being said, but the lack of interest on her face told him she wasn’t even hearing a quarter of the words exiting his mouth. If he didn’t think of something he would lose her completely to the abyss boredom.

“Black….or….blue” He whispered in her ear as he moved in behind her. His fingers trailing down her arms. She shivered against him and shook her head.

“No, so you’re inviting me to find out for myself.” When he reached her hips he pulled her in closer to him. A small squeak escaped her when she connected with the hard warm wall of his chest.

“I like that sound, tiny dancer, ….grRrrrRrr….” He growled slowly in her ear, forcing her breath to catch in her throat. “I think I’m going to make you do it all night” He slid one hand up from her hip to her waist gathering some of the skirt with it. Her eyes were wide as they darted around to all the people in attendance tonight. He really doesint care if people can see! She thought.

“I’ve had thoughts in my head all day, now this dress has me at my limits, and I warned you that I wasn’t going to hold back anymore, I wasn’t going to control myself.” His lips brushed lightly against her ear as he spoke.

“Thou-ghts?” She repeated, sucking in a deep breath. Oh dear! She had her own thoughts running through her head. Thoughts of hands, his lips and teeth. Thoughts she shouldn’t be having, thoughts she couldn’t control if she wanted to. Thoughts she didn’t want to control if she could. He said werewolves touch openly and he wasn’t lying. The fingertips of one strong hand blazing trails up the front of her as his other lightly traced the curve of her hip bone over and over.

“Yes, my tiny dancer, thoughts. Since I saw you this morning, all of you in your pure beautiful glory, you’re all I can think about.” His hand on her hip tightened as he picked up the scent of her. The urge to take her right here began growing deep inside and he fought to focus on something else. This was not his intention, he just wanted to alleviate her boredom, by playing a rousing game of what colour are you wearing. That backfired! Oops! You really are a bad, bad, man! I really am! The mayor, focus on the windbag on the stage! Adonis looked towards the stage, he fought with himself to keep his eyes trained on the pompous weasel and not his overly flushed, lusciously smelling mate.

“This town works on effort, hard work and participation. It was with that hard work, effort and participation that this festival was made possible this year. Though some failed to complete their obligations, I was assured they did the best they could….” Adonis held tighter to her. He knew exactly who The Mayor was referring to.

Images and thoughts, images and thoughts ….so many images, so many thoughts swarmed around in her head. They flashed like mini movies, her face flushing more as a heat spread through her body. She clenched her thighs together in hopes of warding off the dampness she felt between her legs. She had to figure out how she was going to diminish the carnal urges starting to rise up in her or she was going to be in big, big trouble. Listen to Mayor Winston! She told herself, looking towards the stage. Kenzi concentrated with everything she had on what the Mayor was saying.

“Sadly not everyone will get to give their sweetheart a cake this year, there was only so much to go around. Hopefully next year everyone will get a cake….” Maybe I don’t want to listen to him! She thought as every racy thought and scandalous image faded to black in her mind. The heat disappeared and all that was left was an icy cold empty feeling as she continued to listen to the Mayor express his disappointment that the bakery didn’t finish all the cakes.

“Let’s give applause to those that helped and succeeded in making this night a success” The Mayor started clapping and others began to join him. The 700 members of Black Shadow Pack that were in attendance did not. Displeasure at the open attack on their Luna ran through them. Adonis watched a few control the urges they were having to rush the stage and rip the fat man to pieces.

“The fuck?” Jackson came through the link

“That bullshit!” Tyler was livid

“I was in the bakery, Luna worked her ass off!”

“Fucking penguin!”

“Let’s see if penguins still waddle if you rip their feet off!”

NO!Adonis barked, “It’s time Jackson!”

“This be fun! Come on Tyler, time to play!” Jackson called his brother. Adonis could see him moving towards the stage.

“Fuck yeah!” Tyler was moving right behind him.

“It’s ok sweetheart.” Adonis held her, when he felt the cold feeling pass through her. She deflated against him, she wanted to go home now. She wanted to crawl into bed, throw the covers over her head and not come out for a week. She let everyone down. Adonis felt her draw the shaky breath into her lungs. She was fighting with herself to stay strong when what she wanted to do was crack. Turning her to face him, she buried her face in his chest and he held her, blocking her from others around them. Her sadness rolled off her in waves, Odin was growling for revenge in his head, the pack members in the vicinity were struggling with control. He needed to get her calm or someone was going to die. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Releasing a series of low growls in her ear, he felt her snuggle into him. He didn’t really know why he was helping save The Mayor’s life, would it really be a bad thing if the babbling idiot was brutally ripped limb from limb? ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. He didn’t think it would be. He deserved it for what he put his mate through. No, stick to the plan! Expose him for the incompetent idiot he is. He’ll lose respect and fall from grace! If that doesn’t work, then we can rip him to pieces! A wicked smile spread across his face at the thought.

….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. It was small but he heard it. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. Getting louder as she pressed her hands into his chest. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. It wasn’t just the sound she liked, but it was the feel of the growl rumbling through his chest that put the smile on her face ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr….

“I’m sorry sweetheart, I know that is cheating, but I want you to enjoy tonight. You deserve to be a part of the festivities like everyone else and not just watching them from the rooftop. You worked so hard, you should be proud of what you accomplished today. What the Mayor was asking was unfair and cruel. I don’t think anyone could have accomplished it in the time frame he gave” She snuggled in more to his embrace and he held her to him.

Jackson and Tyler made it to the bottom of the stairs for the stage. They took one last look into the audience and saw smiles spreading across pack member’s faces. It was time to have some fun. Climbing the stairs they crossed the stage. The Mayor stopped mid sentence and just watched the two men approach him.

“Can I help you gentlemen?” Mayor Winston asked,

“Yeah, you can get the fuck off the stage. We takin over” Jackson said.

“Excuse me!” Mayor Winston stared at the men wide eyed, Tyler took the mic from him and his speech cards while Jackson pushed him towards the edge.

“We takin over the festivities now.” Tyler said

“Penguins can fly right, they a bird?” Jackson asked his brother,

“Don’t think so!” Tyler replied, a look of deep thought crossing his face.

“Wanna fine out?” Jackson asked again, then smiled a sinister smile when he picked up the scent of The Mayor’s fear.

“$50 say he splat” Tyler fired out.

“You will not touch me” The Mayor ordered,

“Then get the fuck off the stage, before I throw you off it.” Jackson told him.

The town looked on most in shock by the events that were transpiring, but others found humour in watching The Mayor get pushed around. When he all but ran from the stage, snickers and chuckles broke out amongst the crowd.

“Good evenin, I’m Tyler Monroe and this is Jackson Monroe an we be takin over for Mayor Penguin. He a windbag an borin as fuck an it time to kick this up a notch” Tyler introduced him and his brother to the town and they were greeted with hoots and hollars as excitement started to rise.

“Why are Jackson and Tyler on stage?” Kenzi asked, she had turned when she heard Tyler’s voice and was utterly confused by what was going on.

“They’re taking over” Adonis replied,

“Oh!” She replied, nodding her head. Maybe that’s a good thing! She thought, The Mayor was boring and spoke a lot when he gave speeches.

Jackson was flipping through the speech cards, his face scrunching more and more as he read.

“How it lookin?” Tyler asked, Jackson glanced up at his brother and shook his head.

“Ok, guess Mayor Windbag a lil long winded so we gonna wing it tonight. What usually happens now?” The audience started laughing at the antics of Jackson and Tyler on the stage.

“He babble somein about the meanin of The Sweetheart Festival” Jackson replied,

“It got a meanin, I thought it jus a second chance cause you fuck up Valentine’s Day.” Tyler said looking confused.

“Apparently it gotta meanin,” Jackson said and gave him the card to read.

“That stupid, what nex?” Tyler threw the card over his shoulder. The audience was laughing more and more.

“Announce the Sweethearts. I know who I votin for” Jackson said as he handed Tyler the names.

“Yeah, me too! But before we do that there someone yall need to meet. Wit an election comin up, they someone that wanna throw his hat into the ring. Wit the full support of Adonis Bradshaw I would like to welcome Jonah Mason to the stage” Tyler said, whistles and hollars were heard throughout the audience as others started clapping.

Adonis saw the wide eyed look on Mayor Winston’s face when he heard there was going to be another mayoral candidate. The man had banked on running unopposed again this year and winning, this did not bode well for him. Confused and questioning looks crossed the faces of the more upper class families when they heard that he was supporting this candidate. Why are they confused? Odin asked. I think Mayor Fathead was telling them he had my support! That was dumb! Yes it was!

“What’s Jonah doing on stage?” Kenzi asked, she did not understand what was going on at all.

“How do you know Jonah?” Adonis asked, he still had her wrapped in his embrace and she entwined the fingers on both their hands.

“He came by the bakery the other day and intr….intro….said hi,” she replied.

“He’s going to run for Mayor,” Adonis told her.

“I hope he wins, he’s very nice,” she said, nodding. Adonis smiled and held her tighter to him.

“The only way for Jonah to win is to get the votes” Adonis told her as he continued watching the spectacle on the stage. The Demon Brothers definitely had an air for chaos.

“I’ll vote for Jonah. I promise” Kenzi nodded again and his smile got bigger.

“Thank you ladies and gentlemen” Jonah started as soon as he stepped foot on the stage.

“I’m not going to keep you with a long winded speech, we’ve already had enough of that. My name is Jonah Mason and like my friend Tyler said I am running for Mayor of this fine town. I have noticed over the last few days that there are some things that need changing. Now I could go, the vote for me is a vote for change route but I am not going to, it’s boring and played out. Instead what I am going to do is give you some insight into something some of you may not be aware of. This festival. I can not deny the hard work this town has put into it, it does beg the question when did you all know you needed to do that hard work? How far in advance were you given notice? I have spoken to some and they said they knew weeks ahead of time what was required of them. Now what would you say if I told you there was one business that found out only yesterday what was required of them and not weeks like the others? What would you say if I told you that in just 12 hours this business worked tirelessly to pull off the unimaginable? What would you say if I told you this business is one of the most heavily relied on businesses this town has and this whole festival was designed around it?”

“What business?” Someone shouted from the crowd.

“I’m glad you asked friend, Sweet Talk Bakery” Jonah paused there and let the gasps and murmurs of the crowd go before he started up again.

“Did you know they were told only yesterday that they needed to make 5000 cakes for this festival?” Jonah asked the crowd, whispers and more gasps rose through from the audience members. Eyes were widened and jaws were dropped, they seemed to be having a hard time believing that. “I thought surely this must be some oversight, some mistake, but sadly it was not. The number of cakes needed was known for a month, but it was nothing more than vindictive pettiness that it was given to them at the last minute.” Heads turned in all directions as if they were searching for something, someone.

“They pulled off almost 2900 cakes in 12 hours, now I don’t know about you, but I would call that pure magic. That is commitment to this town, that is dedication and loyalty. Now imagine what they could have pulled off if they were told well in advance how many they were going to need. And it is the most delicious cake I have ever had. Kenzi Templeton is a true magician in the kitchen.” Jonah gushed openly over her. They heard whispered agreements amongst the towns folk while the wolves in the crowd cheered loudly for their Luna.

“Her undying loyalty to this town makes her a true inspiration to us all and this town owes Kenzi Templeton a huge debt of gratitude. Sweet Talk Bakery brings more tourists every year with all the delectable treats this amazing woman can bake and the town has done nothing but benefit from her hard work. I for one am truly in awe of this woman and appreciate the hard work and tireless effort she puts in. Thank you Kenzi Templeton!” Jonah handed the mic back to Tyler and started the round of applause.

Kenzi stood there wrapped in Adonis’s arms listening to every word Jonah had spoken about her. Her face grew redder and redder with each compliment he bestowed upon her. But it was when the loud cheering started that the smile broke across her face. Her body vibrated against his with excitement, unable to keep them contained she released happy squeal after happy squeal. Adonis held tighter to her, trying not to laugh at how excited she was.

YEAH KENZI!” People were yelling above the others to be heard

GOOD JOB KENZI” Whistles went out, a few howls went up, but became lost in all the noise.

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