The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 58: I Did This!

Two o’clock on the dot he felt the stir under him. No, no, no, not right now. Five more fucking minutes! His arms moved more around his tiny dancer as Adonis shifted himself to be more over top of her. He has given up not sleeping on top of her, it seemed to be where they both wanted him. Last day! Came Odin’s sleepy voice in his head. It was, it was the last day this would happen for a whole week. He still didn’t want to get out of bed though. He still didn’t want to get off his mate. He had spent most of the night last night with Kenzi in his lap, guarding her backside. It ultimately failed, Ember got her anyway. That resulted in a discussion between the two on how she got it so firm. His tiny dancer likes to dance. After that they headed to bed, though they didn’t go to sleep right away. Watching someone else grab his mate’s ass, put thoughts in his head about his own hands on her. Not that he needed help with those thoughts, they were already there swirling through his mind. Her taste still haunted his tongue and he couldn’t wait till he got to taste her again. Kenzi stirred again under him, her movements setting him a flame with sparks of desire coursing through him. She already told him today was going to be super busy in the kitchen, they wouldn’t have time for stolen kisses. But….

“It’s tine to get up.” Her little voice broke the silence of the morning.

“I know, but if I don’t get kissy time I’m going to be grumpy.” She giggled as he brushed feathery kisses across her neck.

“I thou-ght you only get grumpy when you’re hungry?” She asked,

“That was before kissy time,” he replied, running his teeth over her throat. She involuntarily arched hard into him, a smile spreading across his face. His tiny dancer liked that. When he did it again and her hips left the mattress he rocked hard against the warmth that was spreading between her legs. ….MMMMM…. Her scent in the air his primal side woke up. Raising her hips to meet his, he slowly rotated against her in calculating fluid motions. Stirring her into a puddle of pulsating, vibrating need she matched his rhythm. ….grRrrrRrr…. Her lips found his neck, between the light feathery kisses and the delicate scrapes of her teeth against his skin, his need brimmed over. Increasing the tempo he rocked into her harder and harder. Her moans against his flesh in time with his. She was unrelenting in her quest to drive him completely over the edge with that mouth. He fought with everything to not fully take her right there. His hands clutched her hips as she changed the tempo and the direction of the rotation. Her knees at his hips allowed him to delve deeper with each rhythmic push he made against her. ….grRrrrRrr…. Finding his throat, her tongue ran the length of it. He wanted to be slow and sensual this morning, but she was making it difficult and he was driven into a frenzy of need. Her hands on his chest, gliding over every inch they could. Touching, feeling, caressing. Her mouth kissing, tasting, sucking. This was demand, need and pure want, this was carnal urge. She was somehow in charge and the only thing he could do was go along and enjoy it.

His breath came in short uneven gasps while hers came in small whispered pants. She pushed into him as he pushed into her. Their bodies moved together, bucking, arching, colliding in perfect rhythm. Her moans getting louder, his going deeper. Spiraling, dancing, surging the electricity tore through them reaching their core. The feeling grew bigger, intensifying inside them propelling them to ecstasy. One final push, one final arch, their passion crested and they erupted in a simultaneous explosion of pleasure. He shuddered in breaths of gasping completion as he collapsed on top of her. She pulled in lungfuls of air as spasms of delight rocketed through her. Between his gasps for air he kissed her. He kissed her neck, her jaw, her lips.

“You’re so fucking beautiful” He breathed out against her neck inbetween gasped kisses. Where she fucking learned that he had no clue, but fuck he prayed she’d do that to him again. Her breathy giggles were music to him.

They needed to get a move on if they were going to get started in the bakery this morning. Cakes were not going to make and decorate themselves. With one last kiss he rolled off of her so she could get ready.

“Black or blue?” He asked, covering his eyes before she turned on the bedroom lamp. Her face went pink as her nose wrinkled and she shook her head at him.

“You better tell me, or I will keep you distracted in the bakery and there will be no cake for anyone.” The smile spread across his face when he heard her muffled squeak.

“You can’t do that” she huffed,

“I can and I will. We both know I have control issues. And my need to know what tantalizing piece of fabric you are wearing under your pants tests it. Or don’t tell me and I will find out myself.” Six shades of red,

“You’ll do that anyway” she said to him, his deep chuckle rumbled through his chest.

“You’re right my tiny dancer, I will. I like knowing what you’re wearing. If you tell me, I might be able to keep my hands to myself” he replied. Kenzi bit the inside of her cheek as she thought about answering him. She stood in front of her dresser, weighing her options. Tell him and he won’t keep his hands to himself. Don’t tell him and he really won’t keep his hands to himself. No matter how she looked at it, he wasn’t keeping his hands to himself.

“Doesint mat..ter if I tell you or not, you won’t keep your hands to yourself,” she finally said, his smile got bigger.

“That’s because I don’t want to.” He replied. She turned away as she opened her top drawer. Pulling a pair she slipped them into the pile of clothes she held and turned back to face him. She again shook her head and disappeared into the bathroom. ….grRrrRrrRrr…. The deep growl he released had her giggling behind the closed door.

They made it to the bakery by 3:30 to get started on everything. It was now closing in on seven and even though she said there was no time for relentless flirting or stolen kisses, he flirted relentlessly and kissed anyway. Saying it was her fault for not telling him the colour she was wearing, and now she had to pay the price for the fantasies that flooded his mind.

“You need to stop,” Kenzi said as she was trying to decorate one of the festival cakes. Adonis kissed the back of her neck, while his hands caressed her flat abdomen.

“Do you really want me to?” He asked, if she said yes he would stop, he would be grumpy, but he would stop.

“N-n-no, but I can’t co….con....think with you doing that.” She breathed in a shaky breath. Her face was flush, her body shivered against him as he passed his hands over her. She didn’t want him to stop, but he needed to or there really would be no cake. She had already dumped one on the floor.

“Ok sweetheart. I will tone it down for now” One more brushed kiss across the back of her neck and he released her. Besides, she tasked him with frosting cupcakes and he only had three done.

At six thirty the bakery was stocked and Kenzi and Adonis were in the kitchen, she was pushing cakes out as fast as she could, while he was doing what he could with everything else.

“Morning honey child, morning Adonis” Maggie called as she pushed through the kitchen door.

“Morning Maggie!” Kenzi called as she got a few more cakes into the oven.

“Good morning Maggie!” Adonis was at one of the work tables filling turnovers.

“How’s it going this morning?” Maggie asked, Adonis glanced over at Kenzi, she was a flustered mess. She hasn’t really stopped moving since they got there. He tried to get her to sit down, but she kept saying they didn’t have time.

“She won’t stop!” Adonis told her.

“How many cakes have hit the ground?” Maggie asked,

“Five, and she threw three out” Maggie released a deep sigh as she muttered a few curses under her breath.

“What’s wrong?” Adonis looked concerned as he watched his mate.

“She’s spiralling. The more stressed she becomes, the more she’ll think she messed up the more she’ll second guess herself. Take her upstairs be….”


“Before that happens!” Maggie finished what she was about to say as they turned to the sound.

“No, no, no, no” Kenzi was on the floor next to a table that once held fifteen cakes waiting to be decorated. She was covered in frosting and cake batter as she stared horrified at the disaster that now covered the kitchen floor. No repeating on an endless loop from her mouth as she shook her head furiously.

Adonis pulled his phone immediately, this needed to stop right now. She was pushing herself too hard for a town that didn’t appreciate her.


“I need you to go to Kenzi’s and get a change of clothes for her”

“Have Ember do it” No way in hell Tyler is doing a panty raid on her!

“We need help at the bakery. Jackson and Elijah both and whoever else you can round up”

“The sooner the better and use the back door” Adonis disconnected and headed towards his chocolate covered mate.

“Come on sweetheart, let’s go get you cleaned up” Adonis said to her

“No, there’s no tine, the bakery has to open and there’s still more cake” She looked up at him.

“Hey, there’s time, we’ll make time. We’ll find time. Right now you need to stop, clear your head and get cleaned up. You need a break” He urged her towards the stairs. “That door does not open till eight” Adonis said over his shoulder, Maggie could only smile and nod her head.

“But….but….but!” Kenzi protested, no, the door had to open, people needed their supplies.

“No!” He shook his head at her.

“No?” She looked over her shoulder at him.

“No1 You are done catering to the absurd whims of this town. The lack of appreciation and gratitude they show is overwhelming and they have done nothing to deserve you, your loyalty or this bakery. From now on, you come first, you are more important. If they don’t like it, that’s too fucking bad. Now let’s get you cleaned up.” The only thing she could do was stare back at him as he guided her up the stairs in the kitchen to the little room at the top. Maggie watched her go. About damn time! She thought to herself, and started cleaning the mess in the kitchen. Her honey child got herself a hell of a man.

“People are going to be so mad,” she said from the bathroom. Her sadness flooded into the small room and swirled around him at the thought of disappointing the town. BANG!

“Then let them be mad. You are not their servant Kenzi, their whipping girl. It will not be your fault, if there’s not enough cake. Mayor Winston has known how much cake was needed for a while. He’s still punishing you” Adonis told her. THUMP!

“Why would he do that?” She asked. THUMP!

“Because he is a sad, pathetic little man,” Adonis replied. BANG! “Do you need some help sweetheart?” He was standing in the bedroom, and couldn’t figure out what she was doing in there. But it didn’t sound very good with all the banging and thumping.

“The cake batter is slip….slip. I keep slip-ping.” she called back. THUD! “Ow!”

Adonis opened the door to the bathroom to see her sitting on the floor in the small shower. She was more covered than he thought. She had her shirt off, but her torso was coated in the chocolatey goodness. It smeared up the side of her neck and face and he didn’t really need confirmation to know she had it in her hair.

“Ok, let’s get you up.” She covered her chest as he helped her to her feet. He unbuttoned her pants and worked them down her hips. This was going to take every ounce of control he had. Visions were running through his head of several ways he could clean this off of her. All of them ended with her on that bed as he did the one thing he’s wanted to do, but has been fighting since he found her. Mark her!

“Grey!” He said when he uncovered her little secret. “Do they have bunnies?” He asked, she looked up at him, her eyes wide.

“They do! Odin likes bunnies and he said if you wore those in front of him, he was going to bite your bottom.” Her eyes widened as her face flushed a deep pink. He turned her slightly to see the pink tail of one bunny across her cheek.

“He….he….he….” she shook her head, not entirely certain how she felt about having a seven foot wolfie bite her bottom.

“He might!” Firmly cupping one round cheek he ran his thumb over the pink bunny. Adonis watched her flush deepen. Who would blame him for doing that? Her perky round honeydew was right there for him to see, to touch, to squeeze. He would be a damn fool not to take the opportunity to do it. And she was wearing bunnies on her butt, all the more reason. She gasped slightly and stepped towards him when he gave it a gentle squeeze. A slight caress here or there was not losing control, it was not giving into his true desire, his need driven urges. If anything it was keeping them tabled, for how long he didn’t know but he was enjoying it.

“Tyler should be here with your clothes soon, we need to get you cleaned up.” He reached into the shower to turn it on and she watched him eyes still wide. She was lost in the thought about a wolf biting her that she forgot about the man with the hands. His hand on her bottom crashed her back into reality though. And the thinking thoughts are back. Thoughts, thoughts, so many swirling, dancing, tantalizing thinking thoughts. Her flush darkened again as the thoughts ravaged her mind.

Deep breath after deep breath, Adonis tested the water, maybe he shouldn’t have squeezed her honeydew. He guided her under it and watched as the batter was rinsed from her body. He took her hair down and watched the colour turn from a rich plum colour to a darker shade as the shower cascaded down on her. ….mMMMm…. He lightly massaged her temples and into the crown of her hair to the back of her head. The more he worked the more she moaned and purred at the feeling. Guiding her back out he put a quarter size amount of shampoo in his hands, lathered and massaged it into her hair. Her hands were around his wrists, squeezing slightly as she enjoyed the attention he was lavishing upon her. Moving to the body wash, he dropped the straps to her bra and turning her away from him he unhooked it, letting it fall to the shower floor. He ran his hands all over her washing off the cake batter and frosting. She would purr and moan from the caresses of his hands. He moved them lower and lower down her body, her breath sucked in as he circled the waistband of her grey panties. Control! Breathe! Control! Breathe! He told himself over and over as he began to lower them. Focus on her face, don’t push her, this is about taking care of her. Don’t think about that! Though that would take care of her….don’t think about that! That is not what this is about! Control! Breathe! He was finally going to get to see all of her, every naked inch would be available to his eyes and he was slightly excited about it. His hands moved lower and lower as her breathing hitched and her heart slammed harder into her chest.

“Sshhh sweetheart, I promised,” he whispered. Her silver eyes though they sparkled, displayed slivers of fear as she became more and more exposed to him. His eyes ventured down her body and his breath caught in his throat as he took her in. There was no nest of plum coloured curls between her thighs, like he had envisioned. She was completely bare. His core stirred to life and he fought harder with himself to keep his control. He wanted nothing more than to touch her, taste her, feel her from the inside. Was she as sweet as the outside? Breathe! Control! Breathe! Control! Letting her panties slide on their own the rest of the way down her legs, he held onto her hips so she could step out of them. His fingers gently caressing her backside. Forcing himself to do nothing more than just that, but a lingering promise that he would. Reaching once more for the body wash, he finished washing her not wanting to linger too long on the golden secret he exposed. Though the thought of lavishing attention on her ran rampant through his mind, he managed to maintain his control. Chasing the suds from her body he watched them swirl down the drain. ….mMMMm…. Once again escaping her, he cradled her head as he massaged the conditioner into her hair. Her eyes were closed, and he couldn’t help the smile growing on his face as he watched her enjoy the feel of his hands. Don’t think it! He scolded himself as soon as the first traces of the thought popped into his head about her really enjoying his hands. He’s been so good, he’s kept his control, he didn’t want to lose it now. Once more he moved her under the water, running his fingers through the tresses he rinsed her hair.

Shutting the water off, Adonis wrapped a towel around her blocking her perfect body from his view. Kenzi looked up at him. Her eyes sparkled and danced under the lights in the bathroom. She has never had someone shower her before. She couldn’t remember the last time someone took care of her like that. He was so gentle, so sensuous the way his hands moved across her body. When he slid her panties down, her fear spiked, but that word, that one word she had looked for was not present. Her body responded to him, to his touch, his scent and her mind was in full agreement. So why was she still afraid? He kept his promise, he didn’t push her, he didn’t touch her the way he did when they were alone in bed. This was all about taking care of her. Her heart swelled and her love for him deepend. She was in big, big trouble when they found his mate. Pushing that thought from her mind, she didn’t want to think about giving him up. Right now, he was hers even if it was only for a short amount of time. Maybe that’s why she was afraid. This was only for a short amount of time. She’s only known him a short amount of time and she’s already head over heels for him. How was she going to feel about him if they went further than what they had already done? Would she be able to put herself back together when she had to let go?

“Hey sweetheart, come back to me.” She looked up at him again, blinking.

He tightened the towel around her and moved her into the bedroom. Until Tyler got there with her clothes she was stuck up there. He laid down on the bed and pulled her on top of him. She snuggled in as the thoughts still circled like vultures ready to bomb her at any moment.

“Don’t get lost in your head. Stay with me.” Adonis ran his hand up and down her back and she clutched tighter to his shirt as she took one shaky breath after another. Tears welled in her eyes and as much as she begged them she felt them starting to brim over and spill.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He sat them up lifting her chin so she would face him. Kenzi shook her head, she didn’t want to tell him, she didn’t want to put that burden on him. Trap him into something because she wanted it. She wanted forever, not for now, she wanted happily ever after, not the end. But this was not what she promised him, she promised him his mate, she promised him his fairy tale ending and that was not her. He wrapped his arms more around her as her sadness crashed into him. What did you do? Nothing! You did something! I didn’t do anything! Fix her, Adonis! I’m trying, Odin! Try harder, human! Shut up mutt! You know what everybody else is going to say! Not her! Read her! I can’t! Make her happy again!

“Sweetheart, what happened?” He asked her again, and again she only shook her head.

“You are stuck in a towel and are not allowed to leave this room. I’m not leaving till you tell me what happened.” His fingers trailed through her hair as his hand continued to make passes up and down her back.

“I won’t trap you,” Kenzi choked out her reply as her tears continued to fall.

You idiot! This is your fault! It really was, he couldn’t deny it, this was his fault. She was confused and it was all his fault. He thought he was making it clear to her that he chose her. Fucking telling her will clear up any confusion! Odin huffed. He went to open his mouth when a knock came to the door. FUCK!

“Yeah!” He called,

“It’s Ember!” The voice from the other side called back. Ember? What’s the little spitfire doing here? I have no clue, that girl has her own drumline and they’re all playing different songs!

“We are not finished with this conversation.” He told Kenzi as he ushered her into the bathroom.

“The Glenda in the front said I better go upstairs an give these to you” Ember said when he opened the door.

“Who?” Adonis looked at her. What the fuck is a Glenda?

“The mama bear at the counter,” Ember said. “She reminds me of the lady that owns a diner in Howler’s Bay, you ever been there?” Adonis shook his head. He was supposed to go when they were to sign the treaty, but considering it was the other Alpha that wanted it he wasn’t going to cater to him and declined the visit.

“Anyway, her name’s Glenda an the lady at the front reminds me of her.” Ember replied,

“Her name is Maggie, she’s Kenzi’s best friend,” Adonis informed her. “What are you doing here, Ember?”

“You an I both know she a mama bear. Colour me curious when Tyler show up an say I had to do a panty raid on Kenzi.” She replied, but when she saw the look on his face, she sighed and continued.

“She din’t even hesitate to offer me a place to stay while I was in town. Tyler say she need help, an I’m here to help. Not sure how much help I’m gonna be cause that kitchen smells frickin delicious, but I’m gonna try.” Ember lifted her shoulders in a shrug.

“Thank you Ember. We’ll be right down” Adonis closed the door. Little spitfire likes our mate! It’s hard not to! Do we like the little spitfire? I think we actually might! We like the little spitfire!

“Sweetheart, I have some clothes for you” Adonis gently rapped on the bathroom door. When she opened it and she looked up at him, he could see she had collected herself.

“You are not trapping me sweetheart, and if you are it’s because I want to be.” Her eyes widened as she looked at him. “I meant what I said, we are not done with this conversation. We will discuss it later, because right now you need to put some clothes on. There is cake to make, I will meet you downstairs.” She nodded her head and took the clothes he offered.

Kenzi stood in the bathroom. More thoughts smashed into her now. He wants to be trapp-ed? He wants to be trapped by her?

“He wouldn’t say it unless it was true.” Adonis has never lied to her about anything. He wants to be trapped, and he wants to be trapped by her. She wanted to believe that more than anything, she wanted this to be her fairy tale, her happy ending, but there was lingering doubt.

“Until he bites somebody there’s hope.” She repeated to herself what she told Tyler the day after the BBQ. There’s hope, there’s always hope. And doubt, there’s doubt as well and evry-thing in between hope and doubt.

“Ok, I’m in trouble! I’m also talking to myself in the bathroom”

“Hope and doubt. Hope and doubt and evry-thing in between. And I’m still talking to myself in the bathroom.” Placing her clothes on the sink she searched for her panties. Her mouth dropped when she saw them.

“Oh boy!” She held up the black lace fabric. She didn’t even remember she had them. Jet black lace cheeky panties with the waist that sat along her hips.

“Oh dear!” What choice did she really have aside from going without them?

“Maybe jus try them on.” She nodded and slipped them on. When she looked at herself in the mirror her eyes widened. Turning to see the backside, her jaw dropped.

“Oh my! I really do has a honeydew booty,” she said. Her mind going back to the shower she just took, what would he do if he saw her in these? Her face began to flush as a few things flooded her mind. So many thinking thoughts!

“Ok put the clothes on” Kenzi nodded and scrambled into the rest of her clothes. These are def-fin-itely a secret!

Stepping into the kitchen at ten to eight Kenzi’s face flushed a deep shade of pink as soon as she saw Adonis.

“Are you ok sweetheart?” He asked,

“Uh huh!” She pressed her lips together and nodded her head. The flush deepened across her face, spreading down her neck. Adonis looked towards Ember and the wolfish grin spread across her face.

“What did you do?” He asked her,

“Nothing! Jus got her clothes cause you din’t want Tyler’s hand in the cookie jar,” she replied and then headed out of the kitchen. Adonis looked back at Kenzi again taking in more of her appearance. Her shirt seemed a little tighter and lower cut than she usually wears and he wasn’t entirely certain it was her shirt. I’m gonna go with no, she doesn’t strike me as the skull and snake type! Odin said. Her pants hugged her round bottom, putting it more on display. Grabbed clothes my ass! That sneaky little spitfire! Adonis could only shake his head. Ember had chosen her own clothes, they molded to Kenzi’s body like a second skin. How the fuck was he going to keep control when she looked like that? He had a hard enough time doing it when her clothes fit loosely on her.

“Maggie has a small army out front right now and they need direction.” He said as he came up behind her. His hands circled her waist. Her audible gulp had him fighting back a grin, what could possibly be going through her mind right now?

“Ok….why?” She breathed out.

“I called for reinforcements. You are going to push yourself too hard today and I don’t want that. If you are too tired, how are you going to enjoy the festival with me tonight?” He asked, she nodded her head, he needed his…. “As my date” ….wing woman….WHAT?

“What?” Her eyes wide as she turned in his arms to look up at him.

“You are going as my date, not my wing woman. I want to enjoy the night with you and only you.” He brushed back the few strands of her hair that didn’t get pulled back from her face.

“Date?” the word fell out of her mouth as a whisper as she continued to look up at him stunned. That was not what was supposed to happen.

“Yes, my date, my sweetheart. I just need my cake.” He replied.

“Mate?” A smile spread across his face, he apparently stunned her enough that she could only form one word replies.

“I doubt we’ll be able to find her at the festival tonight. I’m not sure we’ll be able to find her in this town. I want us to enjoy the rest of our time here and in Ontario. We can continue our search after we get back.” He already found his mate. Now you just need to stop being a baby and fucking tell her! I fucking hate you! Truth hurts! A throat clearing behind them interrupted their conversation.

“What is it Jackson?” Adonis asked but never turned to face him.

“Chief Lou here to talk to Kenzi,” he replied. “He say it important”

“Did he say what it was about?” Adonis finally turned to look at him, he had an idea what this was about. Jackson only shook his head but the look they shared told him they were thinking the same thing. They found what remained of Humpty Dumpty and put him back together again.

“Ok!” Adonis said, as he watched Jackson step to the side.

“Good morning Kenzi!” Chief Lou said to her as he stepped into the kitchen.

“Morning chief!” She replied, “Would you like a cookie?”

“Maybe later, I’d like to talk to you about something, I know you are busy with festival preparations so I won’t keep you long.” The chief said to her,

“Ok! But I didint do it.” She shook her head as she looked at him.

“Do what?” Chief Lou asked her,

“What-evr it is you think I did, I didint. I didint do nothing,” she could hear Jackson fighting to hold back his laugh.

“Ok, umm…. That is not what I would like to talk to you about, but you might want to sit down,” He said as he pulled a stool towards her.

“Ok! What do you want to talk to me aboud then?” Kenzi took the stool and perched herself on top of it.

“I would like to talk to you about Adam Walsh”

Adonis looked towards Jackson the second the name exited his mouth and he nodded. He stepped further inside the kitchen and they were soon joined by Elijah and Tyler. Her eyes widened as they darted around the kitchen looking for him. Her fear was spiking until Adonis stood behind her and placed his hands upon her shoulders. She grabbed one and squeezed it tight.

“I hasn’t seen Adam since last Thursday” Kenzi replied,

“You saw him last Thursday?” Chief Lou asked and she nodded her head. “When?”

“He came to the house, I was making supper….he was angry….and….and….” Adonis gently squeezed her hand back and she released the breath she was holding. “ I hid uner the bed, but he finded me. He hit me and I hit him with a lamp and hid uner the planter outside. That was the last tine I saw him” Kenzi explained, the words tumbling from her mouth. Chief Lou fought back his scowl, this was the first time Kenzi openly said Adam had hit her, and there was nothing he could do about it.

“So you don’t know what happened to him after that?” Kenzi shook her head.

“Kenzi called me. She sounded terrified and said Adam was in the house. I broke the door off to get in and discovered him standing in her living room with a gash down the left side of his face. I threw him outside and went to find Kenzi. She was jammed under a planter against the stone wall she has in her backyard. When I got her out from under it I brought her back to my place and called Dr. Martin. What happened to Adam I don’t know.” Adonis filled him in.

“We was at the door when Adonis threw him outside. We strongly suggested that he leave town. He was no longer welcome. He got in his truck an took off” Jackson added,

“None of you know what happened to him after his altercation with Kenzi?” The Chief asked, his brow arching.

“No. What is this about Chief?” Adonis asked. These boys weren’t going to tell him anything and he was ok with that. Even if they did do something, Adam Walsh was attacked by a bear and not by wolves.

“A hiker stumbled across….a body in a clearing 45 minutes from town on Wednesday. Due to the condition it took us a while to determine the identity. It was the body of Adam Walsh” Chief Lou began explaining. Kenzi’s eyes went wide and her hand gripped Adonis’s harder.

“Adam’s dead?” She asked,

“Yes Kenzi, he is. As best we can tell he was mauled by a bear. Due to the vicious nature of the attack we think it was a grizzly bear, an extremely large one. We found his truck and we think he heeded your warnings about getting out of town. We found messages on his phone he had sent to a few people saying as much. We think he was in the process of sending yours when he stumbled upon and angered the bear” The Chief explained.

Kenzi sat there absorbing everything that was said to her. Her mouth moved but nothing came out. So many thoughts flooded her mind and she was grasping trying to grab onto one of them.

“He was eated by a bear?” She finally asked, Jackson snorted and Tyler had to look away from the wide eyed look on her face.

“We don’t believe the bear actually ate any part of him, we believe he was just mauled to death.” The Chief informed her. He too was fighting back his laughter.

“Is the bear ok?” She asked, Jackson and Tyler were losing their battle even Elijah had to turn away.

Chief Lou remained quiet for a few minutes, as he collected himself.

“Yes Kenzi, we believe the bear remained unharmed” he finally replied.

“Are you sure?” She asked,

“There is no evidence to support the bear was injured during the attack” Chief Lou was losing his battle, his shoulders were slightly shaking and his face was about to break with the laughter he was holding in. It also didn’t help that he could hear the muffled snickers behind him coming from Jackson and Tyler.

“Shut up Jackson” Adonis fired through the link. He could see Jackson about to lose it.

“Knock it off Tyler” Tyler was fighting with everything he had to hold back.

“Tell Eli to stop” He thought looking at Elijah would help, but the man was about to completely lose it.

“I’m sorry!” Was all Elijah could say. But her concern over the bear was getting to him.

Her eyes went wider, as realization hit her, she asked for this. She asked for Adam to get eaten by a bear.

“I did do it!” She stated and all eyes turned to her. “I assked for him to be eated by a bear. I did this, I did this. I take it back, I didint mean it and I take it back.” The more she thought about it the more she truly believed it was her fault.

“You asked for him to be eaten by a bear? When did you ask for Adam to be eaten by a bear?” Adonis asked her.

“Wednesday when we shooted Elijah’s suits into the wood….chi….chirp….eater thingy. My back hurt and I thou-ght Adam should get eated by a bear. I didint mean to think it and I take it back.” She explained. How much trouble do you get into for wishing people get eated by bears? How much trouble do you get into when they get eated by bears?

“You wished Adam got eaten by a bear this Wednesday?” Chief Lou asked her, he was fighting really hard to control the laughter when she just nodded at him. Jackson clamped his hand over his mouth to muffle the sound of his laughter. Tyler’s shoulders were shaking as he fought to control his. Elijah had to move further away from both of them. The look of concern on her face was killing him.

“Am I in trouble? I’ll never do it again,” she asked. Adonis was struggling behind her not to laugh. Odin was howling in his head. Does she really think she did this? I think she does! She is too precious for this world! She really is! His sweet innocent little mate, she really was too good for this world. That son of a bitch deserved what he got! He got off easy! Adam Walsh deserved so much worse than being ripped to pieces by a fucking polar bear.

“No Kenzi, you’re not going to get in trouble for wishing Adam was eaten by a bear. You didn’t cause this to happen. The coroner placed the time of death last Thursday night to Friday morning. He was dead….before you….made that wish” Chief Lou replied. He bowed his head looking at the floor, he could no longer hide the amusement he found in this conversation. “But….umm….it would be a good thing….to….not wish….people get eaten by bears in the future.”

“I won’t, I won’t, I won’t do that ever again,” Kenzi shook her head in agreement. She will never ever wish that upon anyone ever again.

Elijah was the first to break, followed closely by Tyler. They all but ran out of the kitchen leaving Jackson and Adonis behind. They could hear the laughter in the bakery carry into the kitchen. Kenzi looked at the swinging door and then at the amused look on Jackson’s face.

“Did I do something wrong? Did I say something….” She looked up at Adonis, he too was trying not to laugh. Concern flooded through her that maybe she didn’t react right.

“No Sweetheart, you didn’t say or do anything wrong. Your concern….for the bear….was touching” Adonis said to her, his voice breaking at the end as a deep rumble escaped him. He didn’t mean to laugh, but the whole conversation was quite humorous. Special Lil Button! Odin gushed in his head. She truly is one of a kind!

Long after Chief Lou had left and they all had collected themselves over the events of the morning the bakery was in full swing. Kenzi was shocked when she walked out of the kitchen this morning to see twelve others standing around waiting for orders. Adonis did say he called in reinforcements, and to see all these people willing to help her at a moment’s notice excited her. It could be felt throughout the bakery all day. Laughter and merriment were heard from everywhere and many many samples had been consumed. Tyler, Elijah, Samantha, Tiffany and 2 others were in the front end taking care of customers and stock. While the others were in the kitchen pumping out as many items as they could. Maggie had Ember and two others helping her with the items the bakery usually sold, while Kenzi had an assembly line going for the cakes. She changed the whole look of the cake from the size to the frosting to cover it. She had decided on a smaller molten centered cake, one made for two people to perfectly share and it would be covered in a mirrored chocolate. It was quicker to work with and she would script sweetheart across it with a white chocolate and then have boozy bourbon salted caramel buttercream rose buds placed around the edge. She had Jackson on the rose buds but he kept eating the buttercream and she had to move him to batter pouring.

“Shut up Charlie!” He barked at the guy she replaced him with when he started laughing at him.

“How many cakes did Tyler say we need?” Kenzi asked, she had been keeping track of how many she had made, but she never got the number of how many she needed.

“As many that could be made before the shop closes” Maggie answered.

“But that’s not a number” She countered,

“How many have been made sweetheart?” Adonis asked, she wasn’t being told for a reason. If she knew the idiot mayor said 5000 she would kill herself to do it.

“Ummm….that many” She replied pointing towards the board she was recording them on. Adonis looked at the board and nodded.

“Then I think we’re on track” He said as he counted the 2456 ticks on the board. It was three now and the bakery was too close at six, but he wanted her out by five the latest. If another three hundred got completed in that time it would be more than enough.

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